## File Name: mice.impute.2l.pls2.R
## File Version: 3.341
mice.impute.2l.pls2 <- function(y, ry, x, type, pls.facs=NULL,
pls.impMethod="pmm", pls.print.progress=TRUE,
imputationWeights=rep( 1,length(y) ), pcamaxcols=1E9,
tricube.pmm.scale=NULL,, min.all.cor=0, N.largest=0,
pls.title=NULL, print.dims=TRUE, pls.maxcols=5000,
envir_pos=parent.frame(), ... )
time1 <- Sys.time()
n <- NULL
imputationWeights <- nrow(x) * imputationWeights / sum(imputationWeights)
imp.temp <- ma_exists_get(x='newstate', pos=envir_pos)
vname <- imp.temp$dep
# extract PLS factors
pls.facs <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments( micearg=pls.facs,
vname=vname, miceargdefault=20 )
# extract PLS imputation method
pls.impMethod <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments( micearg=pls.impMethod,
vname=vname, miceargdefault="pmm" )
# extract scaling factor for scaling factor in tricube weighted estimation
tricube.pmm.scale <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments(
vname=vname, miceargdefault=.2 )
# define minimal correlation for interactions <- mice_imputation_extract_list_arguments(,
vname=vname, miceargdefault=0 )
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat("\n-------------------PLS----------------------\n",vname )
cat(" 'mice.impute.2l.pls2'")
if (print.dims){
cat("\n.......... Dimensions .............")
cat("\n dim y ", length(y) )
cat("\n dim ry ", length(ry), " | sum(!ry)", sum(!ry) )
cat("\n dim x ", dim(x) )
cat("\n dim type", length(type) )
t1 <- table(type)
cat("\n table(type)\n" )
# include predictor variables with type !=0
nt <- names(type)[ type !=0 ]
nt <- intersect( nt, colnames(x) )
x10 <- x <- x[, nt]
use.ymat <- ( ! is.null( dim(y) ) )
x <- as.matrix(x)
# standardize x
if ( stats::sd(imputationWeights) > 0){ # with weights
iW <- outer( imputationWeights, rep(1,ncol(x) ) )
Mx <- colSums( iW * x ) / colSums( iW )
SDx <- sqrt( colSums( iW * x^2 ) / colSums(iW) - Mx^2 )
x0 <- x <- ( x - outer( rep(1,n), t(Mx) ) ) / outer( rep(1,n), t(SDx) )
} else { # without weights
x0 <- x <- ma.scale2( x=x )
#***** include cluster effect: group mean (eliminating the subject under study)
if ( sum(type==-2) ){
x1 <- cbind( y, x[, which( type==-2) ] )
type1 <- c( 1,-2)
ximp <- mice.impute.2l.groupmean.elim( y=y, ry=ry, x=x1, type=type1 )
x <- as.matrix( cbind( x, ximp ) )
colnames(x)[ ncol(x) ] <- "y_aggr"
x10 <- x0 <- x
type <- c( type, 1 )
N <- ncol(x)
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat(" Imputation: ", imp.temp$im, ", Iteration:", imp.temp$it )
if ( ! is.null(pls.title)){ cat("\n ",pls.title) }
cat( "\n\nImputation using Partial Least Squares Regression\n")
cat( substring(Sys.time(),1),"\n" )
cat( "\n", paste( ncol(x10), "Predictor Variables", names(y) ), "\n")
cat("Used Variables ", paste(colnames(x10),collapse=" "), "\n", sep="" )
# extract interactions and quadratic terms
pls.interactions <- names(type)[ type==4 ]
pls.quadratics <- names(type)[ type==5 ]
#--- create no interactions
if ( is.null(pls.interactions) ){
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat("\n", paste("Created no Interactions", substring( Sys.time(),1) ), "\n")
} else { # create some interactions <- intersect( colnames(x), pls.interactions )
N1 <- length(
# standardize x
cx <- colMeans( x )
xs <- x - outer( rep(1,nrow(x)), cx )
if (N1 > 0){
# search for interaction variables in predictorMatrix x? <- sort( which( colnames(x) %in% ) )
dfr0 <- NULL
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat("\nCreate Interactions")
cat("\n", "Minimal Absolute Correlation for Interactions of",, "\n\n")
N1t <- 0 ; N2t <- 0
# which interactions should not be created? <- which( colnames(x) %in% ( names(type)[ type==6 ] ) )
# create design matrix
cols <- setdiff( seq( 1,ncol(x) ), )
dfr <- cbind( rep(, each=length(cols) ),
rep(cols, length( ) )
dfr <- dfr[ dfr[, 1 ] !=dfr[,2], ]
ind <- intersect( which(dfr[, 1] %in%, which(dfr[,2] %in% ))
dfr1 <- dfr[ ind, ]
dfr <- rbind( dfr[ setdiff( seq(1,nrow(dfr)),ind), ],
dfr1[ dfr1[,1]< dfr1[,2], ])
dfr <- dfr[ order( dfr[,1] ), ]
# create interactions
res <- create_interactions( y_=y[ry], xobs_=as.matrix( x[ry,] ),
xall_=as.matrix(x),index_int_=as.matrix(dfr),, maxcols_=min(nrow(dfr),pls.maxcols) )
r1 <- res$allcorrs
r1[ r1[,1] ), 1] <- 0
res$allcorrs <- r1
# total number of interactions
N1t <- nrow(res$index_int)
# retained number of interactions
N2t <- ncol( res$xint )
hx <- res$xint
index_int2 <- res$index_int
index_int2 <- index_int2[ res$allcorrs[,2]==1,, drop=FALSE]
if ( N2t > 0 ){
colnames(hx) <- paste0( "X", index_int2[,1], ".", index_int2[,2] )
x <- cbind( x, hx )
if (N2t==0 ){
res$allcorrs <- 0 *$allcorrs )
N1t <- rowsum( 1+0*res$allcorrs[,1], res$index_int[,1] )
N1h <- rowsum( res$allcorrs[,2], res$index_int[,1] )
if (pls.print.progress){
cat(" ")
cat(paste( seq( 1, nrow(N1t)), colnames(x[,]),
"Created", N1t[,1], "Interactions | Kept", N1h[,1],
"Interactions ", "\n") )
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat(paste("Created", sum(N1t[,1]), "Interactions in Total | ",
substring( Sys.time(),1) ), "\n")
cat("Interactions with ", paste(,collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
cat("Kept ", N2t, " Interactions in Total \n", sep="")
cat(" Minimal Absolute Correlation for Interactions of",, "\n")
#---- create quadratic terms
pls.quadratics <- union( pls.quadratics, pls.interactions )
use.quad <- unique( intersect( colnames(x0), pls.quadratics ) )
# exclude variables from constructing quadratic terms if they only possess 2 values
if ( length(use.quad)>0 ){
h1 <- apply( as.matrix(x0[,use.quad]), 2, FUN=function(tt){ length( table(tt))})
pls.quadratics <- intersect( pls.quadratics, use.quad[ h1 > 2 ] )
if ( length( pls.quadratics ) > 0 ){
use.quad <- unique( intersect( colnames(x0), pls.quadratics ) )
# use standardized variables for creating quadratic terms
x <- cbind( x, xs[, use.quad ] * xs[, use.quad ] )
colnames(x) <- paste("x", 1:(ncol(x)), sep="")
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat("\n", paste("Created", length(use.quad),"Quadratic Terms",
substring( Sys.time(),1) ), "\n") ; flush.console()
cat("Quadratic terms of ", paste(use.quad,collapse=" "), "\n", sep="")
#--- look for minimal absolute correlations for all variables
if ( ! use.ymat ){
c1 <- stats::cor( y[ry], x[ry,] )
} else {
# look for correlations of all the dummy variables
c1 <- stats::cor( y[ry,], x[ry,] )
c1 <- apply( abs(c1), 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE )
elim.ind <- which( abs(c1) < min.all.cor )
N11 <- ncol(x)
Nelim <- length(elim.ind)
if ( ( N11 - Nelim <=1 ) & (N11>2) ){
elim.ind <- elim.ind[ -c(1:2) ]
if ( length(elim.ind) > 0){
x <- x[, - elim.ind, drop=FALSE]
N12 <- ncol(x)
if ( pls.print.progress){
cat("\n", paste( N11, " Predictor Variables", sep="") )
cat("\n", "Minimal Absolute Correlation of min.all.cor=", min.all.cor, "\n")
cat( " Kept", paste( N12, "Predictor Variables", names(y) ), "\n")
# look for largest correlations
if ( ! use.ymat ){
c1 <- stats::cor( y[ry], x[ry,] )
} else {
# look for correlations of all the dummy variables
c1 <- stats::cor( y[ry,], x[ry,] )
c1 <- apply( abs(c1), 2, mean, na.rm=T )
if (N.largest>0){ # begin N.largest
dfr1 <- data.frame( "index"=seq( 1, ncol(x) ), "abs.cor"=abs(as.vector(c1)) )
dfr1 <- dfr1[ order( dfr1$abs.cor, decreasing=TRUE), ]
x <- x[, dfr1[ 1:N.largest, "index" ] ]
# look if some columns do have complete missing entries or SD of zero
cmna1 <- which( colMeans( )
cmna2 <- which( apply( x, 2, stats::sd )==0 )
cmna <- unique( sort( c( cmna1, cmna2 ) ) )
if ( length(cmna) > 0 ){
x <- x[, - cmna ]
N.largest <- ncol(x)
if ( pls.print.progress){
cat("\n", paste( N12, " Predictor Variables", sep="") )
cat("\n", "Select Predictors with", N.largest, "Largest Correlations\n")
} # end N.largest
if ( is.vector(x) ){
x <- cbind( x, x10[,1:2] )
dim_x <- dim(x)
dim_x10 <- dim(x10)
if (is.null(dim_x10)){ dim_x10 <- c(length(y),0) }
if ( ( dim_x[2]==0 ) & ( dim_x10[2]>=2) ){
x <- x10[,1:2]
eps <- 1e-20
x[,1] <- x[,1] + stats::rnorm( dim(x)[1], sd=eps )
x[,2] <- x[,2] + stats::rnorm( dim(x)[1], sd=eps )
if ( ncol(x) > pcamaxcols ){
a0 <- Sys.time()
xdims <- min( pcamaxcols, nrow(x)-2 )
cat("\nDimension reduction with Principal Components Analysis\n")
if (pcamaxcols > 1){
cat("Dimension of X:", ncol(x), " -> Dimension reduction to ",
xdims, "dimensions\n")
if (pcamaxcols < 1){
cat("Dimension of X:", ncol(x), " -> Dimension reduction to ",
100 * pcamaxcols, "% of total variance\n")
xpca <- pca.covridge(x=as.matrix(x))
varexpl <- xpca$sdev^2
varexpl <- cumsum( varexpl / sum( varexpl) * 100 )
xdims <- which( varexpl > 100*pcamaxcols )[1]
cat( " ->", xdims, "extracted dimensions\n")
cat("Explained variance:", round( varexpl[ xdims], 2 ), " % " )
x <- xpca$scores[, 1:xdims, drop=FALSE]
a1 <- Sys.time()
cat("\nTime needed:", a1-a0, "\n")
x10 <- x # copy data set of predictors
#--- calculate partial least squares regression
nfac <- min(pls.facs,ncol(x))
yobs <- y[ ry ]
if (use.ymat){
yobs <- y[ry,]
# center y obs
weight.obs <- imputationWeights[ ry ]
weight.obs <- length(weight.obs) / sum(weight.obs) * weight.obs
yobs <- yobs - stats::weighted.mean( x=yobs, w=weight.obs )
xobs <- x[ ry, ]
if( stats::sd(weight.obs) > 0){
yobs <- weight.obs * yobs
xobs <- outer( weight.obs, rep(1,ncol(xobs) ) ) * xobs
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat( "\n", paste( ncol(xobs), " Dimensions", sep="") )
cat( "\n", paste( nfac, " PLS factors are used", sep="") )
if ( pls.facs==0){
cat( "\n", "All", ncol(x),
"predictors are used (no PLS dimension reduction)")
cat("\n\n" )
if (pls.facs > 0){
if ( ! use.ymat ){
VV <- ncol(xobs)
} else {
VV <- ncol(xobs)
mod <- kernelpls.fit2( X=as.matrix(xobs), Y=matrix(yobs,ncol=1),ncomp=nfac)
if( pls.print.progress ){
print( round( 100*mod$R2, 2 ))
dfr2 <- x
pmod <- predict.kernelpls.fit2( mod, X=as.matrix(x) )
x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(pmod))
x11a <- x
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat( "\nPLS estimation finished ", substring(Sys.time(),1),"\n" )
if ( pls.facs==0){
x <- cbind( 1, x )
#--- estimate linear regression
if (pls.impMethod !="xplsfacs" ){
if ( stats::sd( imputationWeights) > 0 ){
# if there exists a real sample weight vector
x <- cbind(1, as.matrix(x))
xobs <- x[ry,]
yobs <- y[ry]
weights.obs <- imputationWeights[ ry ]
weights.obs <- length(weights.obs) * weights.obs / sum( weights.obs )
parm <- mice_imputation_weighted_norm_draw( yobs=yobs, xobs=xobs,
ry=ry, y=y, x=x, weights.obs=weights.obs, ... )
} else {
parm <- mice_imputation_norm_draw( y=y, ry=ry, x=x )
#--- do Imputation
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat( "\n", paste( "Imputation Method ", pls.impMethod, sep=""), "\n" )
if( pls.impMethod=="tricube.pmm" ){
cat( paste( " scaling factor", tricube.pmm.scale, "\n"))
#*** imputation method 'norm' (mice package)
if (pls.impMethod=="norm" ){
x1 <- x[ ! ry, ] %*% parm$beta + rnorm(sum(!ry)) * parm$sigma
#*** imputation method 'pmm' (mice package)
if (pls.impMethod=="pmm" ){
yhatobs <- x[ry, ] %*% parm$coef
yhatmis <- x[!ry, ] %*% parm$beta
x1 <- apply(as.array(yhatmis), 1, mice::.pmm.match, yhat=yhatobs, y=y[ry], ... )
#*** imputation method 'pmm5' (miceadds package)
if (pls.impMethod=="pmm5" ){
x1 <- mice.impute.pmm5( y=y, ry=ry, x=x, ...)
#*** imputation method 'tricube.pmm'
if (pls.impMethod=="tricube.pmm" ){
x1 <- mice.impute.tricube.pmm(y=y, ry=ry, x=x,
tricube.pmm.scale=tricube.pmm.scale )
if (pls.impMethod=="xplsfacs" ){
x1 <- x
time2 <- Sys.time()
if( pls.print.progress ){
cat( "\nMissing Data Draws finished ", substring(Sys.time(),1),"\n" )
cat( "Time elapsed:", print(time2 - time1 ), "|", time1, "|", time2 )
cat( "\n...................PLS....................................\n")
#---- auxiliary function for PLS imputation
.aux.pls.imputation <- function( newstate, vname, pls.impMethod, x, y, ry,
imputationWeights=rep( 1, length(y)),
interactions, quadratics, pls.facs, ... )
# interactions and quadratic terms
interactions <- .extract.list.arguments( micearg=interactions,
vname=vname, miceargdefault=NULL )
interactions <- intersect( interactions, colnames(x))
quadratics <- .extract.list.arguments( micearg=quadratics,
vname=vname, miceargdefault=NULL )
quadratics <- setdiff( intersect( quadratics, colnames(x)), interactions )
if ( is.vector(x) ){ x <- matrix( x, ncol=1 ) }
# define variable type
type <- rep( 1, ncol(x) )
names(type) <- colnames(x)
pls.use <- FALSE
if ( length(interactions)>0 ){
type[ interactions ] <- 4
pls.use <- TRUE
if ( length(quadratics)>0 ){
type[ quadratics ] <- 5
pls.use <- TRUE
if ( pls.use & is.null(pls.facs) ){ pls.facs <- 10000 }
#-- PLS imputation if specified
pls.facs <- .extract.list.arguments( micearg=pls.facs,
vname=vname, miceargdefault=NULL )
if ( ! is.null(pls.facs) ){
yimp <- mice.impute.2l.pls(y=y, ry=ry, x=x, type=type, pls.facs=pls.facs,
imputationWeights=imputationWeights, ... )
} else {
yimp <- NULL
res <- list( yimp=yimp, pls.facs=pls.facs )
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