
Defines functions gvtrack.array.slice gvtrack.rm gvtrack.ls gvtrack.iterator.2d gvtrack.iterator gvtrack.info gvtrack.create .gvtrack.set .gvtrack.get .gvtrack

Documented in gvtrack.array.slice gvtrack.create gvtrack.info gvtrack.iterator gvtrack.iterator.2d gvtrack.ls gvtrack.rm

.gvtrack <- function(vtrack) {
    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gexpr2str, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())
    if (!is.character(vtrackstr) || length(vtrackstr) != 1) {
        stop(sprintf("Virtual track must be specified as a character string"), call. = FALSE)

    if (is.na(match(vtrackstr, gvtrack.ls()))) {
        stop(sprintf("Virtual track %s does not exist", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

.gvtrack.get <- function(vtrackstr) {
    if (is.na(match(vtrackstr, gvtrack.ls()))) {
        stop(sprintf("Virtual track %s does not exist", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

    gwd <- get("GWD", envir = .misha)
    get("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)[[gwd]][[vtrackstr]]

.gvtrack.set <- function(vtrackstr, var) {
    if (exists("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)) {
        gvtracks <- get("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)
    } else {
        gvtracks <- list()

    gwds <- names(gvtracks)
    if (!is.list(gvtracks) || (length(gvtracks) && !is.character(gwds)) || length(gvtracks) != length(gwds)) {
        stop("Invalid format of GVTRACKS variable.\nTo continue working with virtual tracks please remove this variable from the environment.", call. = FALSE)

    gwd <- get("GWD", envir = .misha)
    idx1 <- match(gwd, gwds)
    if (is.na(idx1)) {
        gwds <- c(gwds, gwd)
        idx1 <- length(gwds)
        gvtracks[[idx1]] <- list()

    vtracks <- gvtracks[[idx1]]
    names(gvtracks) <- gwds

    vtracknames <- names(vtracks)
    if (!is.list(vtracks) || (length(vtracks) && !is.character(vtracknames)) || length(vtracks) != length(vtracknames)) {
        stop("Invalid format of GVTRACKS variable.\nTo continue working with virtual tracks please remove this variable from the environment.", call. = FALSE)

    idx2 <- match(vtrackstr, vtracknames)
    if (is.na(idx2)) {
        if (!is.na(match(vtrackstr, get("GTRACKS", envir = .misha)))) {
            stop(sprintf("Track %s already exists", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

        if (!is.na(match(vtrackstr, get("GINTERVS", envir = .misha)))) {
            stop(sprintf("Interval %s already exists", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

        if (.ggetOption(".gautocompletion", FALSE) && exists(vtrackstr, envir = .misha)) {
            stop(sprintf("Variable \"%s\" shadows the name of identically named virtual track.\nPlease remove this variable from the environment or switch off autocompletion mode.", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

        vtracknames <- c(vtracknames, vtrackstr)
        idx2 <- length(vtracknames)

    gvtracks[[idx1]][[idx2]] <- var

    if (!is.null(var)) {
        names(gvtracks[[idx1]]) <- vtracknames

        envir <- .misha_env()
        assign("GVTRACKS", gvtracks, envir$.misha)
        .gcall("gcheck_vtrack", vtrackstr, envir)

    success <- FALSE
    old.gvtracks <- NULL
    if (exists("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)) {
        old.gvtracks <- get("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)

    success <- FALSE
        assign("GVTRACKS", gvtracks, envir = .misha)
        success <- TRUE

#' Creates a new virtual track
#' Creates a new virtual track.
#' This function creates a new virtual track named 'vtrack' with the given
#' source, function and parameters. 'src' can be either a track or intervals
#' (1D or 2D). Use the following table for a reference of all valid source,
#' function and parameters combinations:
#' \emph{src = [Track], func = "avg", params = NULL} \cr Average track value in
#' iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = [Track], func = "max", params = NULL} \cr Maximal track value in
#' iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = [Track], func = "min", params = NULL} \cr Minimal track value in
#' iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' / 'Sparse' / 'Array' track], func = "nearest", params =
#' NULL} \cr Mean track value in iterator interval. If there are no track
#' values covered by an iterator interator (can occur only in 'Sparse' track),
#' the nearest track value is returned.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' / 'Sparse' / 'Array' track], func = "stddev", params =
#' NULL} \cr Unbiased standard deviation of track values in iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' / 'Sparse' / 'Array' track], func = "sum", params =
#' NULL} \cr Sum of track values in iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' / 'Sparse' / 'Array' track], func = "quantile", params
#' = [Percentile in the range of [0, 1]]} \cr Quantile of track values in
#' iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' track], func = "global.percentile", params = NULL} \cr
#' Percentile of an average track value in iterator interval relatively to all
#' values of the track.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' track], func = "global.percentile.max", params = NULL}
#' \cr Percentile of a maximal track value in iterator interval relatively to
#' all values of the track.
#' \emph{src = ['Dense' track], func = "global.percentile.min", params = NULL}
#' \cr Percentile of a minimal track value in iterator interval relatively to
#' all values of the track.
#' \emph{src = [2D track], func = "area", params = NULL} \cr Area covered by
#' iterator interval.
#' \emph{src = [2D track], func = "weighted.sum", params = NULL} \cr Weighted
#' sum of values where each weight equals to the intersection area between the
#' iterator interval and the rectangle containing the value.
#' \emph{src = [1D intervals], func = "distance", params = [Minimal distance
#' from center (default: 0)]} \cr Given the center 'C' of the current iterator
#' interval returns 'DC * X/2', where 'DC' is the normalized distance to the
#' center of the interval that contains 'C', and 'X' is the value of the
#' parameter. If no interval contains 'C' the resulted value is 'D + XXX/2'
#' where 'D' is the distance between 'C' and the edge of the closest interval.
#' Distance can be positive or negative depending on the position of the
#' coordinate relative to the interval and the strand (-1 or 1) of the
#' interval. Distance is always positive if 'strand' is '0' or if 'strand'
#' column is missing. Distance is 'NA' if no intervals exist for the current
#' chromosome.
#' \emph{src = [1D intervals], func = "distance.center", params = NULL} \cr
#' Given the center 'C' of the current iterator interval returns 'NaN' if 'C'
#' is outside of the intervals, otherwise returns the distance between 'C' and
#' the center of the closest interval. Distance can be positive or negative
#' depending on the position of the coordinate relative to the interval and the
#' strand (-1 or 1) of the interval. Distance is always positive if 'strand' is
#' '0' or if 'strand' column is missing.
#' Once a virtual track is created one can modify its iterator behavior by
#' calling 'gvtrack.iterator' or 'gvtrack.iterator.2d'.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @param src source (track or intervals)
#' @param func,params see below
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.info}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.iterator}},
#' \code{\link{gvtrack.iterator.2d}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.array.slice}},
#' \code{\link{gvtrack.ls}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.rm}}
#' @keywords ~virtual
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "dense_track", "max")
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack2", "dense_track", "quantile", 0.5)
#' gextract("dense_track", "vtrack1", "vtrack2",
#'     gintervals(1, 0, 10000),
#'     iterator = 1000
#' )
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack3", "dense_track", "global.percentile")
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack4", "annotations", "distance")
#' gdist("vtrack3", seq(0, 1, l = 10), "vtrack4", seq(-500, 500, 200))
#' @export gvtrack.create
gvtrack.create <- function(vtrack = NULL, src = NULL, func = NULL, params = NULL) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack)) || is.null(substitute(src))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.create(vtrack, src, func = NULL, params = NULL)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gexpr2str, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())
    srcstr <- do.call(.gexpr2str, list(substitute(src)), envir = parent.frame())

    if (!is.na(match(vtrackstr, get("GTRACKS", envir = .misha)))) {
        stop(sprintf("Cannot create virtual track: regular track named %s already exists", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.na(match(vtrackstr, get("GINTERVS", envir = .misha)))) {
        stop(sprintf("Cannot create virtual track: intervals named %s already exists", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

    if (vtrackstr != make.names(vtrackstr)) {
        stop(sprintf("\"%s\" is not a syntactically valid name for a variable", vtrackstr), call. = FALSE)

    var <- list()
    if (is.character(srcstr) && !is.na(match(srcstr, get("GTRACKS", envir = .misha)))) {
        var$src <- srcstr
    } else {
        var$src <- src
    var$func <- func
    var$params <- params

    .gvtrack.set(vtrackstr, var)

    retv <- NULL

#' Returns the definition of a virtual track
#' Returns the definition of a virtual track.
#' This function returns the internal representation of a virtual track.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @return Internal representation of a virtual track.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.create}}
#' @keywords ~virtual
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "dense_track", "max")
#' gvtrack.info("vtrack1")
#' @export gvtrack.info
gvtrack.info <- function(vtrack = NULL) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.info(vtrack)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gvtrack, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())

#' Defines modification rules for a one-dimensional iterator in a virtual track
#' Defines modification rules for a one-dimensional iterator in a virtual
#' track.
#' This function defines modification rules for one-dimensional iterator
#' intervals in a virtual track.
#' 'dim' converts a 2D iterator interval (chrom1, start1, end1, chrom2, start2,
#' end2) to a 1D interval. If 'dim' is '1' the interval is converted to
#' (chrom1, start1, end1). If 'dim' is '2' the interval is converted to
#' (chrom2, start2, end2). If 1D iterator is used 'dim' must be set to 'NULL'
#' or '0' (meaning: no conversion is made).
#' Iterator interval's 'start' coordinate is modified by adding 'sshift'.
#' Similarly 'end' coordinate is altered by adding 'eshift'.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @param dim use 'NULL' or '0' for 1D iterators. '1' converts 2D iterator to
#' (chrom1, start1, end1) , '2' converts 2D iterator to (chrom2, start2, end2)
#' @param sshift shift of 'start' coordinate
#' @param eshift shift of 'end' coordinate
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.create}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.iterator.2d}}
#' @keywords ~virtual
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "dense_track")
#' gvtrack.iterator("vtrack1", sshift = 200, eshift = 200)
#' gextract("dense_track", "vtrack1", gintervals(1, 0, 500))
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack2", "dense_track")
#' gvtrack.iterator("vtrack2", dim = 1)
#' gextract("vtrack2", gintervals.2d(1, 0, 1000, 1, 0, -1),
#'     iterator = "rects_track"
#' )
#' @export gvtrack.iterator
gvtrack.iterator <- function(vtrack = NULL, dim = NULL, sshift = 0, eshift = 0) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.iterator(vtrack, dim = NULL, sshift = 0, eshift = 0)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gvtrack, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())

    var <- .gvtrack.get(vtrackstr)
    itr <- list()
    itr$type <- "1d"
    itr$dim <- dim
    itr$sshift <- sshift
    itr$eshift <- eshift
    var$itr <- itr
    .gvtrack.set(vtrackstr, var)
    retv <- NULL

#' Defines modification rules for a two-dimensional iterator in a virtual track
#' Defines modification rules for a two-dimensional iterator in a virtual
#' track.
#' This function defines modification rules for one-dimensional iterator
#' intervals in a virtual track.
#' Iterator interval's 'start1' coordinate is modified by adding 'sshift1'.
#' Similarly 'end1', 'start2', 'end2' coordinates are altered by adding
#' 'eshift1', 'sshift2' and 'eshift2' accordingly.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @param sshift1 shift of 'start1' coordinate
#' @param eshift1 shift of 'end1' coordinate
#' @param sshift2 shift of 'start2' coordinate
#' @param eshift2 shift of 'end2' coordinate
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.create}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.iterator}}
#' @keywords ~virtual
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "rects_track")
#' gvtrack.iterator.2d("vtrack1", sshift1 = 1000, eshift1 = 2000)
#' gextract(
#'     "rects_track", "vtrack1",
#'     gintervals.2d(1, 0, 5000, 2, 0, 5000)
#' )
#' @export gvtrack.iterator.2d
gvtrack.iterator.2d <- function(vtrack = NULL, sshift1 = 0, eshift1 = 0, sshift2 = 0, eshift2 = 0) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.iterator.2d(vtrack, sshift1 = 0, eshift1 = 0, sshift2 = 0, eshift2 = 0)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gvtrack, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())

    var <- .gvtrack.get(vtrackstr)
    itr <- list()
    itr$type <- "2d"
    itr$sshift1 <- sshift1
    itr$eshift1 <- eshift1
    itr$sshift2 <- sshift2
    itr$eshift2 <- eshift2
    var$itr <- itr
    .gvtrack.set(vtrackstr, var)
    retv <- NULL

#' Returns a list of virtual track names
#' Returns a list of virtual track names.
#' This function returns a list of virtual tracks that exist in current R
#' environment that match the pattern (see 'grep'). If called without any
#' arguments all virtual tracks are returned.
#' @param pattern,ignore.case,perl,fixed,useBytes see 'grep'
#' @return An array that contains the names of virtual tracks.
#' @seealso \code{\link{grep}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.create}},
#' \code{\link{gvtrack.rm}}
#' @keywords ~virtual ~ls
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "dense_track", "max")
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack2", "dense_track", "quantile", 0.5)
#' gvtrack.ls()
#' gvtrack.ls(pattern = "*2")
#' @export gvtrack.ls
gvtrack.ls <- function(pattern = "", ignore.case = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE) {

    if (!exists("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)) {

    gvtracks <- get("GVTRACKS", envir = .misha)
    gwds <- names(gvtracks)
    if (!is.list(gvtracks) || (length(gvtracks) && !is.character(gwds)) || length(gvtracks) != length(gwds)) {
        stop("Invalid format of GVTRACKS variable.\nTo continue working with virtual tracks please remove this variable from the environment.", call. = FALSE)

    gwd <- get("GWD", envir = .misha)
    idx <- match(gwd, gwds)
    if (is.na(idx)) {

    vtracks <- gvtracks[[idx]]
    vtracknames <- names(vtracks)
    if (!is.list(vtracks) || (length(vtracks) && !is.character(vtracknames)) || length(vtracks) != length(vtracknames)) {
        stop("Invalid format of GVTRACKS variable.\nTo continue working with virtual tracks please remove this variable from the environment.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!length(vtracks)) {

    if (pattern != "") {
        grep(pattern, vtracknames, value = TRUE, ignore.case = ignore.case, perl = perl, fixed = fixed, useBytes = useBytes)
    } else {

#' Deletes a virtual track
#' Deletes a virtual track.
#' This function deletes a virtual track from current R environment.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.create}}, \code{\link{gvtrack.ls}}
#' @keywords ~virtual
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "dense_track", "max")
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack2", "dense_track", "quantile", 0.5)
#' gvtrack.ls()
#' gvtrack.rm("vtrack1")
#' gvtrack.ls()
#' @export gvtrack.rm
gvtrack.rm <- function(vtrack = NULL) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.rm(vtrack)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gvtrack, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())
    .gvtrack.set(vtrackstr, NULL)
    retv <- NULL

#' Defines rules for a single value calculation of a virtual 'Array' track
#' Defines how a single value within an interval is achieved for a virtual
#' track based on 'Array' track.
#' A track (regular or virtual) used in a track expression is expected to
#' return one value for each track interval. 'Array' tracks store multiple
#' values per interval (one for each 'column') and hence if used in a track
#' expression one must define the way of how a single value should be deduced
#' from several ones.
#' By default if an 'Array' track is used in a track expressions, its interval
#' value would be the average of all column values that are not NaN.
#' 'gvtrack.array.slice' allows to select specific columns and to specify the
#' function applied to their values.
#' 'slice' parameter allows to choose the columns. Columns can be indicated by
#' their names or their indices. If 'slice' is 'NULL' the non-NaN values of all
#' track columns are used.
#' 'func' parameter determines the function applied to the columns' values. Use
#' the following table for a reference of all valid functions and parameters
#' combinations:
#' \emph{func = "avg", params = NULL} \cr Average of columns' values.
#' \emph{func = "max", params = NULL} \cr Maximum of columns' values.
#' \emph{func = "min", params = NULL} \cr Minimum of columns' values.
#' \emph{func = "stdev", params = NULL} \cr Unbiased standard deviation of
#' columns' values.
#' \emph{func = "sum", params = NULL} \cr Sum of columns' values.
#' \emph{func = "quantile", params = [Percentile in the range of [0, 1]]} \cr
#' Quantile of columns' values.
#' @param vtrack virtual track name
#' @param slice a vector of column names or column indices or 'NULL'
#' @param func,params see below
#' @return None.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gvtrack.create}},
#' \code{\link{gtrack.array.get_colnames}}, \code{\link{gtrack.array.extract}}
#' @keywords ~virtual ~array
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' options(gmax.processes = 2)
#' }
#' gdb.init_examples()
#' gvtrack.create("vtrack1", "array_track")
#' gvtrack.array.slice("vtrack1", c("col2", "col4"), "max")
#' gextract("vtrack1", gintervals(1, 0, 1000))
#' @export gvtrack.array.slice
gvtrack.array.slice <- function(vtrack = NULL, slice = NULL, func = "avg", params = NULL) {
    if (is.null(substitute(vtrack))) {
        stop("Usage: gvtrack.array.slice(vtrack, slice = NULL, func = \"avg\", params = NULL)", call. = FALSE)

    vtrackstr <- do.call(.gvtrack, list(substitute(vtrack)), envir = parent.frame())

    var <- .gvtrack.get(vtrackstr)
    .slice <- list()
    .slice$slice <- .gslice(var$src, slice)$slice
    .slice$func <- func
    .slice$params <- params
    var$slice <- .slice
    .gvtrack.set(vtrackstr, var)

    retv <- NULL

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misha documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.