setGeneric("windowApply", function(x, FUN, SUMFUN, windowSize, ...) {
  "windowApply", signature(
    x = ".MoveTrackSingle", FUN = "function",
    SUMFUN = "function", windowSize = "numeric"
  function(x, FUN, SUMFUN, windowSize,
           segmentWise = T, cluster = NULL, ...) {
    if (n.locs(x) < windowSize) {
      stop("The window size can't be larger then the number of locations in move object")
    # windowSize is the number of segments a window is long+1
    RUNFUN <- function(x, windowSize, obj, WINFUN, segmentWise, ...) {
      # 		  message(x)# progress statement for debuging
      res <- cbind(s = x:(x + windowSize - 1), WINFUN(obj[x:(x + windowSize - 1), ], ...))
      if (segmentWise) {
        res[nrow(res), ] <- NA
    windowStarts <- 1:(n.locs(x) - windowSize + 1)
    if (any(class(cluster) == "cluster")) {
      res <- parLapply(cluster, as.list(windowStarts),
        FUN = RUNFUN, windowSize = windowSize,
        obj = x, WINFUN = FUN, segmentWise, ...
    } else {
      res <- lapply(as.list(windowStarts),
        FUN = RUNFUN, windowSize = windowSize,
        obj = x, WINFUN = FUN, segmentWise, ...
    res <- do.call("rbind", res)
    res <- res[!is.na(res[, 2]), ]
    val <- (aggregate(res[, -1], list(segNumber = res[, "s"]), SUMFUN))
    val$nEstim <- tapply(res[, "s"], res[, "s"], length)[as.character(val$segNumber)]

setGeneric("deltaParaOrth", function(mu, directionPoint, point) {
setMethod("deltaParaOrth", signature(
  mu = "ANY", directionPoint = "numeric",
  point = "matrix"
), function(mu, directionPoint, point) {
  directionPoint <- matrix(directionPoint,
    ncol = ncol(point), nrow = nrow(point),
    byrow = T
setMethod("deltaParaOrth", signature(
  mu = "numeric", directionPoint = "matrix",
  point = "matrix"
), function(mu, directionPoint, point) {
  mu <- matrix(mu, ncol = ncol(point), nrow = nrow(point), byrow = T)
setMethod("deltaParaOrth", signature(
  mu = "matrix", directionPoint = "matrix",
  point = "matrix"
), function(mu, directionPoint, point) {
  C <- sqrt(rowSums((mu - directionPoint)^2))
  B <- sqrt(rowSums((point - directionPoint)^2))
  A <- sqrt(rowSums((point - mu)^2))
  tmp <- ((A^2 + C^2 - B^2) / (2 * A * C))
  sameLoc <- (rowSums(mu == point) == ncol(mu))
  sameLocDirection <- (rowSums(mu == directionPoint) == ncol(mu))
  tmp[sameLocDirection] <- sqrt(.5)
  if (any(sameLocDirection)) {
    warning("Brownian motion assumed, because no direction could be calculated")
  tmp[sameLoc] <- 0
  if (any(tmp > 1)) {
    tmp[tmp > 1] <- 1
  } # to prevent acosine from failing when above 1 due to float errors
  if (any(tmp < (-1))) {
    tmp[tmp < (-1)] <- (-1)
  } # to prevent acosine from failing when above 1 due to float errors
  theta1 <- acos(tmp)
  as.matrix(data.frame(deltaPara = A * cos(theta1), deltaOrth = A * sin(theta1)))
# used for non dynamic variance calculation
setGeneric("BGBvar", function(move, sdPara, sdOrth, locErr) {
setMethod("BGBvar", signature(
  move = ".MoveTrackSingle", sdPara = "numeric",
  sdOrth = "numeric", locErr = "numeric"
), function(move, sdPara, sdOrth, locErr) {
  if ((n.locs(move) %% 2) != 1) {
    stop("not an odd number of locations to BGBvar")
  g <- expand.grid(sdPara = sdPara, sdOrth = sdOrth)
  g$res <- NA
  t <- as.numeric(move@timestamps) / 60 # timestamps function
  if (length(locErr) == 1) {
    locErr <- rep(locErr, n.locs(move))
  is <- (1:n.locs(move))[(1:n.locs(move)) %% 2 == 0]
  alphas <- (t[is] - t[is - 1]) / (t[is + 1] - t[is - 1])
  mus <- coordinates(move)[is - 1, ] + alphas * (coordinates(move)[is + 1, ] -
    coordinates(move)[is - 1, ])
  paraOrth <- deltaParaOrth(mus, coordinates(move)[is + 1, ], coordinates(move)[is, ])
  for (ii in 1:nrow(g)) {
    sdPara <- g[ii, ]$sdPara
    sdOrth <- g[ii, ]$sdOrth
    sdParaTmp <- sqrt(alphas^2 * locErr[is + 1]^2 + (1 - alphas)^2 * locErr[is - 1]^2 + sdPara^2 *
      alphas * (1 - alphas) * (t[is + 1] - t[is - 1])) # check if sdPara needs to be squared
    sdOrthTmp <- sqrt(alphas^2 * locErr[is + 1]^2 + (1 - alphas)^2 * locErr[is - 1]^2 + sdOrth^2 *
      alphas * (1 - alphas) * (t[is + 1] - t[is - 1]))
    g[ii, ]$res <- .Call("llBGBvar", cbind(sdParaTmp, sdOrthTmp)^2, paraOrth)
setMethod("BGBvar", signature(
  move = ".MoveTrackSingle", sdPara = "missing",
  sdOrth = "missing", locErr = "numeric"
), function(move, sdPara, sdOrth, locErr) {
  tmp <- optim(c(1, 1), function(x, move, locErr) {
    -1 * BGBvar(move, x[1], x[2], locErr)$res
  }, move = move, locErr = locErr, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = 0, upper = 10^10)
  return(BGBvar(move, locErr = locErr, tmp$par[1], tmp$par[2]))
# comments function and call C method directly makes it an order of magnitude quicker
# setGeneric("llBGBvar", function(sigm, paraOrth) {
# 	   # sigm is a matrix of variance values
# 	   standardGeneric("llBGBvar")
# 	  })
# setMethod("llBGBvar",
# 	  signature(sigm = "matrix", paraOrth = "matrix"),
# 	  function(sigm, paraOrth) {
# 		  .Call('llBGBvar',sigm, paraOrth)
# 	  })
# setMethod('llBGBvar', signature(sigm = 'matrix', paraOrth = 'matrix'),
# function(sigm, paraOrth) { return(sum(unlist(lapply(1:nrow(sigm), function(i,
# sigm, paraOrth) { -log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * log(det(diag(2) * sigm[i, ])) - 0.5 *
# paraOrth[i, ] %*% solve(diag(2) * sigm[i, ]) %*% paraOrth[i, ] }, sigm =
# sigm, paraOrth = paraOrth)))) }) # this implementation is very slow about 20*
# slower than below there are float size differences between them but no idea
# what is better, differences are smaller than e-04

  function(paraBreak, orthBreak, ...) {
  signature(paraBreak = "missing", orthBreak = "missing"),
  function(paraBreak, orthBreak, paraBefore,
           orthBefore, paraOrth, errs, sdMul) {
    sdOrthTmp <- errs + orthBefore^2 * sdMul
    sdParaTmp <- errs + paraBefore^2 * sdMul
    return(.Call("llBGBvar", cbind(sdParaTmp, sdOrthTmp), paraOrth))
    paraBreak = "numeric", orthBreak = "missing"
  function(paraBreak, orthBreak, paraBefore, orthBefore, paraAfter,
           paraOrth, errs, sdMul) {
    para <- c(rep(paraBefore, paraBreak), rep(paraAfter, length(errs) - paraBreak))
    sdOrthTmp <- errs + orthBefore^2 * sdMul
    sdParaTmp <- errs + para^2 * sdMul
    return(.Call("llBGBvar", cbind(sdParaTmp, sdOrthTmp), paraOrth))
  signature(paraBreak = "numeric", orthBreak = "numeric"),
  function(paraBreak, orthBreak, paraBefore, orthBefore, paraAfter, orthAfter,
           paraOrth, errs, sdMul) {
    para <- c(rep(paraBefore, paraBreak), rep(paraAfter, length(errs) - paraBreak))
    orth <- c(rep(orthBefore, orthBreak), rep(orthAfter, length(errs) - orthBreak))
    sdOrthTmp <- errs + orth^2 * sdMul
    sdParaTmp <- errs + para^2 * sdMul
    return(.Call("llBGBvar", cbind(sdParaTmp, sdOrthTmp), paraOrth))
    paraBreak = "missing", orthBreak = "numeric"
  function(paraBreak, orthBreak, paraBefore, orthBefore, orthAfter, paraOrth, errs, sdMul) {
    orth <- c(rep(orthBefore, orthBreak), rep(orthAfter, length(errs) - orthBreak))
    sdOrthTmp <- errs + orth^2 * sdMul
    sdParaTmp <- errs + paraBefore^2 * sdMul
    return(.Call("llBGBvar", cbind(sdParaTmp, sdOrthTmp), paraOrth))
# used for dynamic variance calculation
  function(move, locErr, margin, paraBreaks, orthBreaks, ...) {
    move = ".MoveTrackSingle", locErr = "numeric",
    margin = "missing", paraBreaks = "numeric", orthBreaks = "numeric"
  function(move, locErr, margin, paraBreaks, orthBreaks, ...) {
    breaks <- expand.grid(paraBreaks = paraBreaks, orthBreaks = orthBreaks)
    t <- as.numeric(move@timestamps) / 60
    if (length(locErr) == 1) {
      locErr <- rep(locErr, n.locs(move))
    is <- (1:n.locs(move))[(1:n.locs(move)) %% 2 == 0]
    alphas <- (t[is] - t[is - 1]) / (t[is + 1] - t[is - 1])
    mus <- coordinates(move)[is - 1, ] + alphas * (coordinates(move)[is + 1, ] -
      coordinates(move)[is - 1, ])
    paraOrth <- deltaParaOrth(
      coordinates(move)[is + 1, ],
      coordinates(move)[is, ]
    breaks$res <- NA
    errs <- alphas^2 * locErr[is + 1]^2 + (1 - alphas)^2 * locErr[is - 1]^2
    sdMul <- alphas * (1 - alphas) * (t[is + 1] - t[is - 1])
    optims <- list()
    # loop over all possible breaks
    for (i in 1:nrow(breaks)) {
      paraBreak <- breaks[i, "paraBreaks"]
      orthBreak <- breaks[i, "orthBreaks"]
      init <- c(paraBefore = 100, orthBefore = 100)
      otherArgs <- list(errs = errs, sdMul = sdMul, paraOrth = paraOrth)
      s <- c(paraBreak = "missing", orthBreak = "missing")
      if (!is.na(paraBreak)) {
        init <- c(init, paraAfter = 100)
        otherArgs <- c(otherArgs, list(paraBreak = floor(paraBreak / 2)))
        s["paraBreak"] <- "numeric"
      if (!is.na(orthBreak)) {
        init <- c(init, orthAfter = 100)
        otherArgs <- c(otherArgs, list(orthBreak = floor(orthBreak / 2)))
        s["orthBreak"] <- "numeric"
      # see if maybe it is a lot quicker to first find a method and then optimize so not every call needs to go through the standard generic
      breaks[i, "res"] <- (tmp <- optim(init, function(x, otherArgs, ...) {
        do.call(..., c(x, otherArgs))
      method = "L-BFGS-B",
      control = list(fnscale = -1),
      lower = 0,
      upper = 10^10,
      otherArgs = otherArgs, what = getMethod("llBGBvarbreak", s)
      optims[[i]] <- tmp
    breaks$BIC <- -2 * breaks$res +
      (2 + rowSums(!is.na(breaks[, c("paraBreaks", "orthBreaks")]))) * log(n.locs(move))
    brk <- breaks[which.min(breaks$BIC), ]
    opt <- optims[[which.min(breaks$BIC)]]
    if (any(opt$par == 0)) {
      warning("Optimized to zero")
    res <- cbind(paraSd = rep(opt$par["paraBefore"], n.locs(move)), orthSd = rep(
    if (!is.na(brk$paraBreak)) {
      res[1:nrow(res) >= brk$paraBreak, "paraSd"] <- opt$par["paraAfter"]
    if (!is.na(brk$orthBreak)) {
      res[1:nrow(res) >= brk$orthBreak, "orthSd"] <- opt$par["orthAfter"]
    res[1:nrow(res) < min(c(paraBreaks, orthBreaks), na.rm = T), ] <- NA
    res[1:nrow(res) >= max(c(paraBreaks, orthBreaks), na.rm = T), ] <- NA
    rownames(res) <- NULL

    move = ".MoveTrackSingle", locErr = "numeric",
    margin = "numeric", paraBreaks = "missing", orthBreaks = "missing"
  ), function(move,
              locErr, margin, paraBreaks, orthBreaks, ...) {
    potentialBreaks <- 2:(n.locs(move) - 1)
    marginUnevenPotentialBreaks <- potentialBreaks[potentialBreaks >= margin & potentialBreaks <=
      (1 + n.locs(move) - margin) & (potentialBreaks %% 2) == 1]
    orthBreaks <- c(NA, marginUnevenPotentialBreaks)
    paraBreaks <- c(NA, marginUnevenPotentialBreaks)
      move = move, locErr = locErr, paraBreaks = paraBreaks, orthBreaks = orthBreaks,
# setGeneric("BGB", function(move, raster, locErr) {
# 	   standardGeneric("BGB")
# 	  })
# setMethod("BGB",
# 	  signature(move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "numeric", locErr = "numeric"),
# 	  function(move, raster, locErr) {
# 		  xRange <- range(coordinates(move)[, 1])
# 		  yRange <- range(coordinates(move)[, 2])
# 		  # make the range a bit larger
# 		  xRange <- xRange + c(-0.2, 0.2) * diff(xRange)
# 		  yRange <- yRange + c(-0.2, 0.2) * diff(yRange)
# 		  # make the range fit the raster cells
# 		  xRange <- xRange + c(-0.5, 0.5) * (raster - diff(xRange)%%raster)
# 		  yRange <- yRange + c(-0.5, 0.5) * (raster - diff(yRange)%%raster)
# 		  ex <- extent(c(xRange, yRange))
# 		  raster <- raster(ncols = diff(xRange)%/%raster, nrows = diff(yRange)%/%raster,
# 				   crs = proj4string(move), ex)
# 		  callGeneric()
# 	  })
# setMethod("BGB",
# 	  signature(move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "RasterLayer", locErr = "numeric"),
# 	  function(move, raster, locErr) {
# 		  time.step <- min(timeLag(move, units="mins"))/15.123
# 		  x <- coordinates(move)[, 1]
# 		  y <- coordinates(move)[, 2]
# 		  location.error <- rep(locErr, length(x))
# 		  t <- as.numeric(move@timestamps)/60
# 		  tm <- t[1] + time.step/2
# 		  g <- BGBvar(move, locErr = locErr)
# 		  sigmaSeg_orth <- rep(g$sdOrth, length(x))
# 		  sigmaSeg_para <- rep(g$sdPara, length(x))
# 		  int <- 0
# 		  for (i in 1:(length(x) - 1)) {
# 			  # tm <- 0 #
# 			  while (tm <= t[i + 1]) {
# 				  alpha <- (tm - t[i])/(t[i + 1] - t[i])
# 				  mu.x <- x[i] + alpha * (x[i + 1] - x[i])
# 				  mu.y <- y[i] + alpha * (y[i + 1] - y[i])
# 				  paraOrth <- deltaParaOrth(c(mu.x, mu.y), c(x[i + 1], y[i + 1]), coordinates(raster))
# 				  sigma_para <- sqrt((t[i + 1] - t[i]) * alpha * (1 - alpha) * (sigmaSeg_para[i])^2 +
# 						     ((1 - alpha)^2) * (location.error[i]^2) + (alpha^2) * (location.error[i +
# 													    1]^2))
# 		sigma_orth <- sqrt((t[i + 1] - t[i]) * alpha * (1 - alpha) * (sigmaSeg_orth[i])^2 +
# 				   ((1 - alpha)^2) * (location.error[i]^2) + (alpha^2) * (location.error[i +
# 											  1]^2))
# 		if (any(is.nan(c(sigma_orth, sigma_para))))
# 			browser()
# 		out = (1/(2 * pi * sigma_para * sigma_orth)) * exp(-0.5 * ((paraOrth$para^2/sigma_para^2) +
# 									   (paraOrth$orth^2/sigma_orth^2)))
# 		if (any(is.nan(out)))
# 			stop('NAN in output')
# 		int <- int + out/sum(out)
# 		if (any(is.nan(int)))
# 			stop('NAN in output')
# 		tm <- tm + time.step
# 			  }
# 		  }
# 		  # Scaling probabilities so they sum to 1.0
# 		  values(raster) <- int/sum(int)
# 		  return(raster)
# 	  })

setMethod("[", "dBGBvariance", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
  x@paraSd <- x@paraSd[i]
  x@orthSd <- x@orthSd[i]
  x@nEstim <- x@nEstim[i]
  x@segInterest <- x@segInterest[i]

  function(move, locErr, margin, windowSize, ...) {
setMethod("dynBGBvariance", signature(
  move = ".MoveTrackSingle", locErr = "numeric",
  margin = "numeric", windowSize = "numeric"
), function(move, locErr, margin, windowSize,
            ...) {
  vars <- windowApply(move, BGBvarbreak, function(x) {
  locErr = locErr, windowSize = windowSize, # sum to average variances
  ..., margin = margin
  tmp <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = n.locs(move)))

  tmp[vars$segNumber, ] <- (vars[, 2:4])
  names(tmp) <- names(vars[, 2:4])
    margin = margin,
    windowSize = windowSize,
    paraSd = tmp$para,
    orthSd = tmp$orth,
    nEstim = tmp$nEstim,
    segInterest = !(tmp$nEstim != max(tmp$nEstim, na.rm = T) | is.na(tmp$nEstim))
  function(move, raster, locErr, ...) {
  "dynBGB", signature(
    move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "RasterLayer",
    locErr = "numeric"
  function(move, raster, locErr, margin, windowSize, ...) {
    move <- dynBGBvariance(move = move, locErr = locErr, margin = margin, windowSize = windowSize, ...)
    callGeneric(move = move, raster = raster, locErr = locErr, ...)

  "dynBGB", signature(
    move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "ANY",
    locErr = "character"
  function(move, raster, locErr, ...) {
    locErr <- do.call("$", list(move, locErr))
    if (is.null(locErr)) {
      stop("column indicated for locErr probably does not exist")
    callGeneric(move = move, raster = raster, locErr = locErr, ...)

setMethod("dynBGB", signature(move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "numeric", locErr = "ANY"), function(move, raster,
                                                                                                       locErr, ext, ...) {
  r <- raster
  raster <- raster(extent(.extcalc(obj = move, ext = ext)))
  res(raster) <- r
  proj4string(raster) <- proj4string(move)
  callGeneric(move = move, raster = raster, locErr = locErr, ...)

setMethod("dynBGB", signature(move = ".MoveTrackSingle", raster = "missing", locErr = "ANY"), function(move, raster,
                                                                                                       locErr, dimSize, ext, ...) {
  raster <- raster::raster(extent(.extcalc(obj = move, ext = ext)))
  res(raster) <- max(diff(t(bbox(raster)))) / dimSize
  proj4string(raster) <- proj4string(move)
  callGeneric(move = move, raster = raster, locErr = locErr, ...)

    move = "dBGBvariance", raster = "RasterLayer",
    locErr = "numeric"
  function(move, raster, locErr, timeStep, ...) {
    if (isLonLat(move)) stop("You can not use longitude latitude projection for this function. To transform your coordinates use the spTransform function. \n")
    if (!equalProj(list(raster, move))) { # check equal projection of raster and Move
      stop(paste("The projection of the raster and the Move object are not equal. \n raster:", proj4string(raster), "\n object:", proj4string(move), "\n"))
    pointsInterest <- move@segInterest | rev(move@segInterest)
    t <- as.numeric(move@timestamps) / 60
    if (missing(timeStep)) {
      timeStep <- min(diff(t)) / 20.1
    # dyn.load("bbmm.so")
    values(raster) <- .Call(
      coordinates(move)[pointsInterest, 1],
      coordinates(move)[pointsInterest, 2],
      rep(locErr, sum(pointsInterest)),
      unique(coordinates(raster)[, 1]),
      sort(unique(coordinates(raster)[, 2])),
      5 # number of sd intergration distance
    raster <- raster / cellStats(raster, sum)
    res <- new("dynBGB", raster, var = move, method = "dynBGB")
# setGeneric("BGBUD", function(move, raster, locErr, maxInt) {
# 	   standardGeneric("BGBUD")
# 	  })
# setMethod("BGBUD", signature(move = "dBGBvariance", raster = "numeric",
# 			     locErr = "numeric", maxInt = "numeric"), function(move, raster, locErr, maxInt) {
# 	xRange <- range(coordinates(move)[, 1])
# 	yRange <- range(coordinates(move)[, 2])
# 	# make the range a bit larger
# 	xRange <- xRange + c(-1.9, 1.9) * diff(xRange)
# 	yRange <- yRange + c(-1.9, 1.9) * diff(yRange)
# 	# make the range fit the raster cells
# 	xRange <- xRange + c(-0.5, 0.5) * (raster - diff(xRange)%%raster)
# 	yRange <- yRange + c(-0.5, 0.5) * (raster - diff(yRange)%%raster)
# 	ex <- extent(c(xRange, yRange))
# 	raster <- raster(ncols = diff(xRange)%/%raster, nrows = diff(yRange)%/%raster,
# 			 crs = proj4string(move), ex)
# 	callGeneric()
# 	  })
# setMethod("BGBUD", signature(move = "dBGBvariance", raster = "RasterLayer",
# 			     locErr = "numeric", maxInt = "numeric"), function(move, raster, locErr, maxInt) {
# 	dyn.load("bbmm.so")
# 	pointsInterest <- move@segInterest | rev(move@segInterest)
# 	t <- as.numeric(move@timestamps)/60
# 	values(raster) <- .Call("bgb", coordinates(move)[pointsInterest, 1], coordinates(move)[pointsInterest,
# 				2], move@paraSd[pointsInterest], move@orthSd[pointsInterest], t, rep(locErr,
# 												     sum(pointsInterest)), unique(coordinates(raster)[, 1]), sort(unique(coordinates(raster)[,
# 																					 2])), min(diff(t))/90.1, maxInt,4)
#    return(raster)
# 	  })
setAs("dBGBvariance", "data.frame", function(from) {
  return(data.frame(as(as(from, ".MoveTrack"), "data.frame"), paraSd = from@paraSd, orthSd = from@orthSd, margin = from@margin, windowSize = from@windowSize))

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move documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:09 p.m.