# Inputs:
## spike.counts: list of 5 objects: Acounts, Bcounts, ABcounts, bin.mids and bin.width.
#### Acounts is a matrix of spike counts, each column is a single A trial, each row is a bin.
#### Bcounts and ABcounts are defined similarly.
#### bin.mids gives mid points of the bins used for spike counting.
#### bin.width is a scalar giving the width of the bins. Time is measured in ms.
## lengthScale: a vector giving the length-scale values to consider for the GP prior
#### on the eta = log(alpha / (1 - alpha)) curves. Measured in ms.
#### Larger length-scale produces smoother/flatter curves,
#### whereas smaller length-scales produce wavy curves.
## lsPrior: a vector of positive number of the same length as lengthScale.
#### Gives the prior precision (= sum(lsPrior)) and prior expectation
#### (= lsPrior / sum(lsPrior)) for ls.probs which is the truplet's
#### unknown vector of weights on the length-scale to be inferred from data.
## (prec, w1, w2): the overall value of eta is modeled as a mixture of Gaussians,
#### whose behavior is governed by (perc, w1, w2). Higher prec gives
#### larger number of relatively important mixture components,
#### smaller prec gives one or two dominant components.
dapp <- function(spike.counts, lengthScale = NULL, lsPrior = NULL,
hyper = list(prec = c(1,1), sig0 = 1.87, w=c(1,1)),
burnIn = 1e3, nsamp = 1e3, thin = 4,
verbose = TRUE, remove.zeros = FALSE){
## Fill in missing values for model hyper-parameters
if(is.null(hyper$prec)) hyper$prec <- c(1,1)
if(is.null(hyper$sig0)) hyper$sig0 <- 1.87
if(is.null(hyper$w)) hyper$w <- c(1,1)
## binned spike counts data and binning info
x1 <- spike.counts$Acounts
x2 <- spike.counts$Bcounts
x3 <- spike.counts$ABcounts
bin.mids <- spike.counts$bin.mids
bin.width <- spike.counts$bin.width
## Default length-scale value set
resp.horiz <- length(bin.mids) * bin.width
lengthScale <- sort(0.16 * resp.horiz / c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.01))
lsPrior <- 1:length(lengthScale)
lsPrior <- 2 * lsPrior / sum(lsPrior)
if(is.null(lsPrior)) lsPrior <- rep(1, length(lengthScale))/length(lengthScale)
## Id requested, remove trials with total spike counts = 0
x1 <- x1[,colSums(x1) > 0, drop = FALSE]
x2 <- x2[,colSums(x2) > 0, drop = FALSE]
x3 <- x3[,colSums(x3) > 0, drop = FALSE]
sig0 <- hyper$sig0
sigSq0 <- sig0^2
prec.a <- hyper$prec[1]
prec.b <- hyper$prec[2]
prec <- rtruncgamma(1, shape = prec.a, rate = prec.b, low = 1e-8)
##### old #### w1 <- 1; w2 <- 0e-4 + prec
w1 <- hyper$w[1]; w2 <- hyper$w[2]
nbins <- length(bin.mids)
if(nrow(x3) != nbins) stop("dimension mismatch between spike counts and bins")
n1 <- ncol(x1)
n2 <- ncol(x2)
n3 <- ncol(x3)
## Smoothing spike counts to obtain conditional hyper-priors on
## A and B firing rate curves
x1.smu <- x1; x2.smu <- x2; x3.smu <- x3
if(nbins > 3){
x1.smu <- sapply(1:n1, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x1[,i]))
x2.smu <- sapply(1:n2, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x2[,i]))
x3.smu <- sapply(1:n3, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x3[,i]))
x.max <- max(max(x1.smu), max(x2.smu), max(x3.smu))
## am.1/bm.1 = m.1; am.1/bm.1^2 = s.1^2
## so bm.1 <- m.1/s.1^2; am.1 <- m.1^2/s.1^2
m.1 <- apply(x1.smu, 1, mean); s.1 <- apply(x1.smu, 1, sd)/sqrt(n1)
#am.1 <- n1 * m.1; bm.1 <- rep(n1, nbins); s.1 <- sqrt(am.1)/bm.1
am.1 <- m.1^2/s.1^2; bm.1 <- m.1/s.1^2
m.2 <- apply(x2.smu, 1, mean); s.2 <- apply(x2.smu, 1, sd)/sqrt(n2);
#am.2 <- n2 * m.2; bm.2 <- rep(n2, nbins); s.2 <- sqrt(am.2)/bm.2
am.2 <- m.2^2/s.2^2; bm.2 <- m.2/s.2^2
rA <- am.1; sA <- bm.1
rB <- am.2; sB <- bm.2
## Initialize MCMC by setting the A and B firing rate curve
lambda.A <- rgamma(nbins, shape = rA, rate = sA)
lambda.B <- rgamma(nbins, shape = rB, rate = sB)
L <- length(lengthScale) ## number of distinct length scale values
## Precompute Gaussian process matrices
#### covariance matrix of pinned GP eta
#### calculate cov matrix, its Cholesky factor and inverse for all length scales
K.mat = K.inv = K.chol = = Kinv.u = u.Kinv.u = list()
dist.sq <- as.matrix(dist(bin.mids))^2
for(l in 1:L){
K.full <- exp(-0.5 * dist.sq/(lengthScale[l]^2))[[l]] <- rep(sig0, nbins) <- K.full ## no pinning downs here
K.mat[[l]] <- sigSq0 * ( + diag(1e-10, nbins))
K.chol[[l]] <- chol(K.mat[[l]])
K.inv[[l]] <- chol2inv(K.chol[[l]])
Kinv.u[[l]] <- K.inv[[l]] %*%[[l]]
u.Kinv.u[[l]] <- sum(c(backsolve(K.chol[[l]],[[l]], transpose = TRUE))^2)
## Initialize length-scale values by choosing their indices from the support set
ls.index <- rep(L, n3)
x3.ave <- colMeans(x3)
x3.alpha <- pmin(0.99, pmax(0.01, (x3.ave - mean(m.2)) / (0.01 + mean(m.1 - m.2))))
#if(plot) hist(x3.alpha, breaks = seq(0,1,.1), freq = FALSE, col = tcol(3, .2), border = "white", bty = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "density", main = "")
eta <- outer(rep(1, nbins), qlogis(x3.alpha))
j.eta.Kinv.eta <- rep(NA, n3)
j.eta.Kinv.u <- rep(NA, n3)
j.u.Kinv.u <- rep(NA, n3)
for(j in 1:n3){ <- ls.index[j]
j.eta.Kinv.eta[j] <- c(crossprod(eta[,j], K.inv[[]] %*% eta[,j]))
j.eta.Kinv.u[j] <- sum(eta[,j] * Kinv.u[[]])
j.u.Kinv.u[j] <- u.Kinv.u[[]]
gamma <- 1:n3
eta.clust <- split(1:n3, gamma)
nclust <- length(eta.clust)
eta.clust.size <- c(sapply(eta.clust, length), rep(0, n3 + 1 - nclust))
occupied.clusts <- which(eta.clust.size > 0)
clust.sum.eta.Kinv.eta <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.eta.Kinv.eta[eta.clust[[g]]]))
clust.sum.eta.Kinv.u <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.eta.Kinv.u[eta.clust[[g]]]))
clust.sum.u.Kinv.u <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.u.Kinv.u[eta.clust[[g]]]))
b.psi <- 1e-2
sdFn <- function(psi, U) return(sqrt(psi*(1-psi)/(psi + U*(1-psi))))
meanFn <- function(psi, U, UZ) return((1-psi)*UZ/(psi + U*(1-psi)))
lgFn <- function(psi, U, Z) return(dnorm(Z, 0, sqrt(psi/U + 1 - psi), log = TRUE) + dbeta(psi, w1 + 1, w2, log = TRUE) + b.psi * psi)
myTable <- function(x, x.targ) return(sapply(x.targ, function(val) sum(x == val)))
eta.psi <- rep(NA, n3+1); eta.phi <- rep(NA, n3+1); eta.pi <- matrix(NA, L, n3+1)
eta.psi[occupied.clusts] <- rtruncbeta(nclust, w1, w2, low = 1e-8, up = 1 - 1e-8)
eta.phi[occupied.clusts] <- rnorm(nclust, meanFn(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], clust.sum.u.Kinv.u, clust.sum.eta.Kinv.u), sdFn(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], clust.sum.u.Kinv.u))
eta.pi[,occupied.clusts] <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(this.clust) rDirichlet(1, lsPrior + myTable(ls.index[eta.clust[[this.clust]]], 1:L)))
# empty objects to store select parameter draws
LSPROB_POST <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = L)
dimnames(LSPROB_POST)[[2]] <- lengthScale
LAMBDA.A_POST <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = nbins)
LAMBDA.B_POST <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = nbins)
ALPHA <- array(dim = c(nsamp, nbins, n3))
A_POST <- array(dim = c(nsamp, nbins, n3))
ALPHA_PRED <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = nbins)
PSL_PRED <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = 3)
PREC <- rep(NA, nsamp)
######## MCMC Loop Begins #########
alpha <- plogis(eta) ## dim(alpha) = c(nbins, n3)
X <- x3 ## to be consistent with paper. dim(X) = dim(alpha) = c(nbins, n3)
nTot <- n3*nbins
nextra <- 20
samp.count <- 0
nacpt <- 0
niter <- 0
ticker <- (thin*nsamp + burnIn) / 10
ntick <- 0
for(iter in -burnIn:(nsamp*thin)){
niter <- niter + 1
# Block 1: (A, A_star, B, B_star | --)
rate.A <- alpha * lambda.A / (alpha * lambda.A + (1 - alpha) * lambda.B)
A <- matrix(rbinom(nTot, X, rate.A), nrow = nbins)
B <- X - A
A_star <- A + matrix(rpois(nTot, lambda.A * (1 - alpha)), nrow = nbins)
B_star <- B + matrix(rpois(nTot, lambda.B * alpha), nrow = nbins)
# Block 2: (lambda.A, lambda.B | --)
lambda.A <- rgamma(nbins, rA + rowSums(A_star), sA + n3)
lambda.B <- rgamma(nbins, rB + rowSums(B_star), sB + n3)
# Block 3: (Omega | --)
N <- A_star + B_star
N[N == 0] <- 1e-12
Omega <- matrix(sapply(1:nTot, function(jj) BayesLogit::rpg(num = 1, h = N[jj], z = eta[jj])), nrow = nbins)
Omega[Omega == 0] <- 1e-12
# Block 4: (eta | --)
kappa <- (A + B_star - B) - 0.5 * (A_star + B_star)
for(j in 1:n3){
Omega.j <- diag(Omega[,j], nbins)
Omega.j.inv <- diag(1/Omega[,j], nbins)
kappa.j <- kappa[,j]
z.j <- kappa.j / Omega[,j]
j.clust <- gamma[j]
## update length-scale
chol_C_plus_Omega.inv <- lapply(1:L, function(l) return(chol(eta.psi[j.clust] * K.mat[[l]] + Omega.j.inv))) <- sapply(1:L, function(l) return(-sum(log(diag(chol_C_plus_Omega.inv[[l]]))) - 0.5*sum(c(backsolve(chol_C_plus_Omega.inv[[l]], z.j - eta.phi[j.clust]*[[l]], transpose = TRUE))^2))) <- + log(eta.pi[,j.clust])
ls.index[j] <- <- sample(L, 1, prob = exp( - max(
## update eta[,j]
C.tilde.inv <- K.inv[[]] + eta.psi[j.clust] * Omega.j
R.tilde <- chol(C.tilde.inv)
m.tilde <- backsolve(R.tilde, backsolve(R.tilde, eta.psi[j.clust]*kappa.j + eta.phi[j.clust] * Kinv.u[[]], transpose = TRUE))
eta[,j] <- m.tilde + sqrt(eta.psi[j.clust]) * c(backsolve(R.tilde, rnorm(nbins)))
alpha <- plogis(eta)
# Block 5: (ls.probs | --)
occupied.clusts <- which(eta.clust.size > 0)
nclust <- length(occupied.clusts)
eta.pi[,occupied.clusts] <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(this.clust) rDirichlet(1, lsPrior + myTable(ls.index[eta.clust[[this.clust]]], 1:L)))
##ls.clusters <- lapply(1:L, function(l) which(ls.index == l))
##ls.clust.sizes <- sapply(ls.clusters, length)
##ls.probs <- rDirichlet(1, lsPrior + ls.clust.sizes)
# Block 6: (gamma, eta.clust, eta.phi, eta.psi, eta.pi | --)
for(j in 1:n3){ <- ls.index[j]
psi.extra <- rtruncbeta(nextra, w1, w2, low = 1e-8, up = 1 - 1e-8)
if(verbose & any((1 - psi.extra) < 1e-8)) cat("j =", j, "w1 =", w1, "w2 =", w2, "1 - psi.extra =", 1 - psi.extra, "\n")
phi.extra <- rnorm(nextra, 0, sqrt(1 - psi.extra))
pi.extra <- t(rDirichlet(nextra, lsPrior))
## remove j from its current cluster gamma[j]
eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] <- eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] - 1
eta.clust[[gamma[j]]] <- drop.item(eta.clust[[gamma[j]]], j)
if(eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] == 0){
phi.extra[1] <- eta.phi[gamma[j]]
psi.extra[1] <- eta.psi[gamma[j]]
pi.extra[,1] <- eta.pi[,gamma[j]]
occupied.clusts.j <- which(eta.clust.size > 0)
nclust.j <- length(occupied.clusts.j) <- min(which(eta.clust.size == 0))
phi.all <- c(eta.phi[occupied.clusts.j], phi.extra)
psi.all <- c(eta.psi[occupied.clusts.j], psi.extra)
pi.all <- c(eta.pi[, occupied.clusts.j], pi.extra[,])
size.all <- c(eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts.j], rep(prec / nextra, nextra))
j.eta.Kinv.eta[j] <- c(crossprod(eta[,j], K.inv[[]] %*% eta[,j]))
j.eta.Kinv.u[j] <- sum(eta[,j] * Kinv.u[[]])
j.u.Kinv.u[j] <- u.Kinv.u[[]]
log.prob <- log(size.all) - 0.5*nbins*log(psi.all) - 0.5 * (j.eta.Kinv.eta[j] - 2*phi.all*j.eta.Kinv.u[j] + phi.all^2*j.u.Kinv.u[j])/ psi.all + log(pi.all)
pick <- sample(length(log.prob), 1, prob = exp(log.prob - max(log.prob)))
if(pick > nclust.j){ ## new cluster
gamma[j] <-
eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] <- 1
eta.clust[[gamma[j]]] <- j
eta.psi[gamma[j]] <- psi.extra[pick - nclust.j]
eta.phi[gamma[j]] <- phi.extra[pick - nclust.j]
eta.pi[,gamma[j]] <- pi.extra[,pick - nclust.j]
} else { ## add to existing cluster
gamma[j] <- occupied.clusts.j[pick]
eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] <- eta.clust.size[gamma[j]] + 1
eta.clust[[gamma[j]]] <- c(eta.clust[[gamma[j]]], j)
## Recolate clusters
occupied.clusts <- which(eta.clust.size > 0)
nclust <- length(occupied.clusts)
## update pi
eta.pi[,occupied.clusts] <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(this.clust) rDirichlet(1, lsPrior + myTable(ls.index[eta.clust[[this.clust]]], 1:L)))
## update psi for clusters with size > 1
clust.sum.eta.Kinv.eta <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.eta.Kinv.eta[eta.clust[[g]]]))
clust.sum.eta.Kinv.u <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.eta.Kinv.u[eta.clust[[g]]]))
clust.sum.u.Kinv.u <- sapply(occupied.clusts, function(g) sum(j.u.Kinv.u[eta.clust[[g]]]))
high.occu <- which(eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts] > 1)
n.high <- length(high.occu)
if(n.high > 0){
clust.U <- clust.sum.u.Kinv.u[high.occu]
clust.Z <- clust.sum.eta.Kinv.u[high.occu] / clust.U
clust.V <- pmax(0, clust.sum.eta.Kinv.eta[high.occu] - clust.U * clust.Z^2) <- (eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts[high.occu]]*nbins - 1)/2 <- clust.V/2 + b.psi <- 1/( <- rtruncgamma(n.high, low = 1 + 1e-6, up = 1e6, shape =, rate =
##cat(signif(, 4), "\n")
if(verbose & any({
cat("psi[c(", paste(which(, ","),")] are NA\n")
cat("shape: "); print(
cat("rate: "); print(
if(verbose & any(1 - < 1e-6)){
cat("psi[c(", paste(which(1 - < 1e-6), ","),")] are > 1 - 1e-6\n")
cat("shape: "); print(
cat("rate: "); print(
l1 <- lgFn(, clust.U, clust.Z)
l2 <- lgFn(eta.psi[occupied.clusts[high.occu]], clust.U, clust.Z) <- exp(l1 - l2)
if(verbose & any({
cat(" =", signif(, 4), "\n")
cat("1 - eta.psi[high.occu] =", signif(1 - eta.psi[occupied.clusts[high.occu]], 4), "\n")
cat("1 - =", signif(1 -, 4), "\n")
cat("(prec, w1, w2) = ", signif(c(prec, w1, w2), 4), "\n")
to.acpt <- (runif(n.high) <
eta.psi[occupied.clusts[high.occu]][to.acpt] <-[to.acpt]
nacpt <- nacpt + 1
#cat("1 - eta.psi[occupied] =", signif(1 - eta.psi[occupied.clusts], 4), "\n")
## update phi for all occupied clusters
eta.phi[occupied.clusts] <- rnorm(nclust, meanFn(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], clust.sum.u.Kinv.u, clust.sum.eta.Kinv.u), sdFn(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], clust.sum.u.Kinv.u))
## Block 7: (prec | --)
##### old #### <- prec.a + 2 * nclust
##### old #### <- prec.b - sum(log1p(-eta.psi[occupied.clusts]))
##### old #### prec.w <- rtruncbeta(1, prec, n3, low = 1e-8, up = 1 - 1e-8)
##### old #### prec <- rtruncgamma(1, shape =, rate = - log(prec.w), low = 1e-8)
##### old #### w2 <- 0e-4 + prec <- prec.a + nclust <- prec.b
prec.w <- rtruncbeta(1, prec, n3, low=1e-8, up=1-1e-8)
prec <- rtruncgamma(1,, - log(prec.w), low=1e-8)
#if(prec < 1e-8){
# cat(" = ", signif(, 4), " = ", signif(, 4), "prec.w = ", signif(prec.w, 4), "eta.psi =", signif(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], 4), "\n")
# cat("clust size = ", eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts], "\n")
if((iter %% ticker) == 0){
ntick <- ntick + 1
if(verbose) cat("iter =", iter, "prec =", round(prec, 4), " : ", paste("(", eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts], "|", round(eta.phi[occupied.clusts], 2), "|", round(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], 2), ")", sep = "", collapse = " + "), "\n")
# alpha1.grid <- seq(0.01,0.99,.01)
# dens.alpha1 <- sapply(alpha1.grid, function(z) return(sum(c(eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts], prec) * dnorm(qlogis(z), c(eta.phi[occupied.clusts], 0), sqrt(c(eta.psi[occupied.clusts], 1))) / (z*(1-z))))) / (n3 + prec)
# lines(alpha1.grid, dens.alpha1, ty = "l", col = tcol(4, min(1, ntick/15)))
## Storage after burn-in
if(iter > 0 & (iter %% thin) == 0){
samp.count <- samp.count + 1
## Key model parameters
##LSPROB_POST[samp.count, ] <- ls.probs
LAMBDA.A_POST[samp.count, ] <- lambda.A
LAMBDA.B_POST[samp.count, ] <- lambda.B
ALPHA[samp.count, , ] <- alpha
A_POST[samp.count, , ] <- A
PREC[samp.count] <- prec
## Posterior predictive
occupied.clusts <- which(eta.clust.size > 0)
nclust <- length(occupied.clusts)
new.clust <- sample(nclust + 1, 1, prob = c(eta.clust.size[occupied.clusts], prec))
if(new.clust > nclust){
new.psi <- rtruncbeta(1, w1, w2, low = 1e-8, up = 1 - 1e-8)
new.phi <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(1 - new.psi))
new.pi <- rDirichlet(1, lsPrior)
} else {
new.psi <- eta.psi[occupied.clusts[new.clust]]
new.phi <- eta.phi[occupied.clusts[new.clust]]
new.pi <- eta.pi[,occupied.clusts[new.clust]]
LSPROB_POST[samp.count,] <- new.pi
new.l <- sample(L, 1, prob = new.pi)
PSL_PRED[samp.count,] <- c(new.phi, new.psi, lengthScale[new.l])
new.eta <- new.phi *[[new.l]] + sqrt(new.psi) * c(crossprod(K.chol[[new.l]], rnorm(nbins)))
ALPHA_PRED[samp.count, ] <- plogis(new.eta)
################### End of MCMC loop ########################
OUT <- list(lsprob = LSPROB_POST, lambda.A = LAMBDA.A_POST, lambda.B = LAMBDA.B_POST, alpha = ALPHA, A = A_POST, prec = PREC, alpha.pred = ALPHA_PRED, psl.pred = PSL_PRED, details = c(niter = niter, nsamp = nsamp, burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, acpt = nacpt/niter), hyper = hyper, lengthScale = lengthScale, lsPrior = lsPrior, bin.mids = bin.mids, bin.width = bin.width, mcmc = c(burnIn = burnIn, thin = thin, nsamp = nsamp))
class(OUT) <- "dapp"
predict.dapp <- function(object, tilt.prior = FALSE, mesh.tilt = 0.1, nprior = object$mcmc["nsamp"], ...){
nsamp <- object$mcmc["nsamp"] <- object$alpha.pred <- apply(, 1, function(a) diff(range(a))) <- rowMeans(
alpha.trial <- object$alpha
ntrial <- dim(alpha.trial)[3]
range.trial <- apply(alpha.trial, c(1,3), function(a) diff(range(a)))
ave.trial <- apply(alpha.trial, c(1,3), mean)
sim.prior <- dapp.simulate(length(object$bin.mids) * object$bin.width, object$bin.width, lengthScale = object$lengthScale, lsPrior = object$lsPrio, hyper = object$hyper, nsamp = nprior)
alpha.prior.pred <- sim.prior$alpha.pred
range.prior.pred <- apply(alpha.prior.pred, 1, function(a) diff(range(a)))
ave.prior.pred <- rowMeans(alpha.prior.pred)
dmm.prior.inv <- 1/(1e-10 + hist(range.prior.pred, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), plot = FALSE)$counts)
tilt.wt.prior <- dmm.prior.inv[cut(range.prior.pred, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), include = TRUE, labels = FALSE)]
tilt.wt.prior <- nprior * tilt.wt.prior / sum(tilt.wt.prior) ## preserve total weight at nprior <- dmm.prior.inv[cut(, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), include = TRUE, labels = FALSE)] <- nsamp * / sum( ## preserve total weight at nsamp
} else {
tilt.wt.prior <- rep(1, nprior) <- rep(1, nsamp)
pd <- list(post.pred = data.frame(range =, ave =, weight =,
prior.pred = data.frame(range = range.prior.pred, ave = ave.prior.pred, weight = tilt.wt.prior),
trial.est = data.frame(trial=rep(1:ntrial,each=nsamp), range = c(range.trial), ave = c(ave.trial), weight=rep(, ntrial)))
attr(pd, "tilted") <- tilt.prior
summary.dapp <- function(object, flat.cut = 0.15, wavy.cut = 0.85,
extreme.cut = 0.25, ...){
pp <- predict(object, ...)
dd <- pp$prior.pred
nd <- nrow(dd)
dd.flat <- subset(dd, range < flat.cut)
prior.tags <- c(flat = with(dd.flat, c(A = sum(weight[ave > 1-extreme.cut]),
B = sum(weight[ave < extreme.cut]),
mid = sum(weight[ave > extreme.cut & ave < 1-extreme.cut]))),
wavy = with(dd, sum(weight[range > wavy.cut])),
others = with(dd, sum(weight[range > flat.cut & range < wavy.cut]))) / nd
dd.trial <- split(pp$trial.est, pp$trial.est$trial)
ntrial <- length(dd.trial)
est.tags <- data.frame(flat.A=NA,flat.B=NA,flat.mid=NA,wavy=NA,others=NA)
for(i in 1:ntrial){
dd <- dd.trial[[i]]
nd <- nrow(dd)
dd.flat <- subset(dd, range < flat.cut)
est.tags[i,] <- c(flat = with(dd.flat, c(A = sum(weight[ave > 1-extreme.cut]),
B = sum(weight[ave < extreme.cut]),
mid = sum(weight[ave > extreme.cut & ave < 1-extreme.cut]))),
wavy = with(dd, sum(weight[range > wavy.cut])),
others = with(dd, sum(weight[range > flat.cut & range < wavy.cut]))) / nd
est.tags$tag <- names(est.tags)[apply(est.tags, 1, which.max)]
dd <- pp$post.pred
nd <- nrow(dd)
dd.flat <- subset(dd, range < flat.cut)
post.tags <- c(flat = with(dd.flat, c(A = sum(weight[ave > 1-extreme.cut]),
B = sum(weight[ave < extreme.cut]),
mid = sum(weight[ave > extreme.cut & ave < 1-extreme.cut]))),
wavy = with(dd, sum(weight[range > wavy.cut])),
others = with(dd, sum(weight[range > flat.cut & range < wavy.cut]))) / nd
tab <- rbind(round(prior.tags, 2),
round(bin.counter(apply(est.tags[,1:5],1,which.max), -.5+1:6)/ntrial, 2),
round(post.tags, 2))
dimnames(tab)[[1]] <- c("Prior Predictive", "Posterior Estiamtes", "Posterior Predictive")
cat("Propensity of various modes of 2nd order stochastic variation\n")
etag <- split(rownames(est.tags), factor(est.tags$tag, levels=c("flat.A", "flat.B", "flat.mid", "wavy", "others")))
etag2 <- sapply(etag, paste, collapse=".")
cat("\nMost probable mode of variation for recorded AB trials:\n")
cat(paste(names(etag2), etag2, sep=" \t:"), sep="\n")
plot.dapp <- function(x, tilt.prior = FALSE, mesh.tilt = 0.1,
nprior = x$mcmc["nsamp"], ncurves = 10,
simple.layout=FALSE, ...){
object <- x
bin.mids <- object$bin.mids
bin.width <- object$bin.width
nbins <- length(bin.mids)
nsamp <- object$mcmc["nsamp"]
sim.prior <- dapp.simulate(length(bin.mids)*bin.width, bin.width, lengthScale = object$lengthScale, lsPrior = object$lsPrior, hyper = object$hyper, nsamp = nprior)
lsprob.prior <- sim.prior$lsprob
alpha.prior.pred <- sim.prior$alpha.pred
range.prior.pred <- apply(alpha.prior.pred, 1, function(a) diff(range(a))) <- object$lsprob <- object$alpha <- object$alpha.pred <- apply(, 1, function(a) diff(range(a)))
dmm.prior.inv <- 1/(1e-10 + hist(range.prior.pred, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), plot = FALSE)$counts)
tilt.wt.prior <- dmm.prior.inv[cut(range.prior.pred, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), include = TRUE, labels = FALSE)]
tilt.wt.prior <- nprior * tilt.wt.prior / sum(tilt.wt.prior) ## preserve total weight at nprior <- dmm.prior.inv[cut(, seq(0,1,mesh.tilt), include = TRUE, labels = FALSE)] <- nsamp * / sum( ## preserve total weight at nsamp
resamp.prior <- sample(nprior, nprior, prob = tilt.wt.prior, replace = TRUE) <- sample(nsamp, nsamp, prob =, replace = TRUE)
lsprob.prior <- lsprob.prior[resamp.prior,]
alpha.prior.pred <- alpha.prior.pred[resamp.prior,]
range.prior.pred <- range.prior.pred[resamp.prior] <-[,] <-[, , ] <-[,] <-[]
## Estimated alpha <- apply(, c(2,3), mean)
dt.1 <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, %>%
gather(Trial, Value, -Time)
p1 <- ggplot(dt.1, aes(x=Time, y=Value, col=Trial)) +
xlab("Time (ms)") +
ylim(c(0,1)) +
geom_line(show.legend=FALSE, alpha=0.6) +
geom_point(show.legend=FALSE, alpha=0.6, size=1) +
theme_minimal() +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
ggtitle(expression(paste("Estimated ", alpha(t)))) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12))
## Posterior predictive draws for alpha
ss <- sample(nsamp, ncurves)
dt.2 <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, t([ss,])) %>%
gather(Trial, Value,-Time) %>%
mutate(wavy=rep([ss], each=length(bin.mids)))
p2 <- ggplot(dt.2, aes(x=Time, y=Value, group=Trial)) +
geom_line(aes(col=wavy), show.legend=FALSE, alpha=0.6) +
geom_point(aes(col=wavy), show.legend=FALSE, alpha=0.6) +
theme_minimal() +
ylim(c(0,1)) +
scale_color_viridis_c(option="cividis") +
xlab("Time (ms)") +
ggtitle(expression(paste(alpha(t), ": predictive draws"))) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12))
## lambda.A and lambda.B estimates <- 1000 / bin.width
m.1 <- colMeans(object$lambda.A); s.1 <- apply(object$lambda.A, 2, sd)
m.2 <- colMeans(object$lambda.B); s.2 <- apply(object$lambda.B, 2, sd)
A.rates <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, Signal="A",*m.1,*(m.1-2*s.1),*(m.1+2*s.1))
B.rates <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, Signal="B",*m.2,*(m.2-2*s.2),*(m.2+2*s.2))
single.rates <- rbind(A.rates, B.rates)
AB.palette <- c("#E69F0088", "#56B4E9CC", '#1F968BCC')
p3 <- ggplot(data=single.rates, aes(x=Time, y=Rate, col=Signal)) +
geom_line() +
xlab("Time (ms)") + ylab("Firing rate (Hz)") +
theme_minimal() +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=lo, ymax=hi, col=Signal, fill=Signal)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=AB.palette) +
scale_color_manual(values=AB.palette) +
ggtitle("Single stimulus rates") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
legend.justification = c("right", "top"), = "right",
legend.margin = margin(2, 2, 2, 2),
#legend.direction = "horizontal",
legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.key.size = unit(0.25, 'cm'))
## Predictive distribution of features
#upcross.means <- 0.16 * resp.horiz / object$lengthScale <- length(upcross.means)
prior.dt <- data.frame(Range=range.prior.pred,
post.dt <- data.frame(,
bayes.palette <- c('#BBBBBB','#0061A1')
dt.4 <- rbind(prior.dt, post.dt)
p4 <- ggplot(dt.4, aes(x=Range, fill=factor(Set, levels=c("Prior", "Posterior")))) +
geom_density(alpha=0.6, show.legend=FALSE, col=gray(0.4)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=bayes.palette) +
theme_minimal() +
ylab("Density") +
xlab("Sampled values") +
ggtitle(expression(paste(alpha(t), ": predicted range"))) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12))
## Average alpha.pred
dt.5 <- rbind(data.frame(Average=rowMeans(alpha.prior.pred), Draws="Prior"),
data.frame(Average=rowMeans(, Draws="Posterior"))
p5 <- ggplot(dt.5, aes(x=Average, fill=factor(Draws, levels=c("Prior", "Posterior")))) +
geom_density(alpha=0.6, show.legend=FALSE, col=gray(0.4)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=bayes.palette) +
theme_minimal() +
xlab("Sampled values") +
ylab("Density") +
xlab("Sampled values") +
ggtitle(expression(paste(alpha(t), ": predicted average"))) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12))
## Length-scale
lsprobs <- rbind(colMeans(, colMeans(lsprob.prior))
resp.horiz <- bin.width * nbins
E.swing <- 0.16 * resp.horiz / object$lengthScale
swing.ix <- order(E.swing)
dt.6 <- data.frame(Eupcross=E.swing, Prior=colMeans(lsprob.prior), Posterior=colMeans( %>%
gather(Set, Prob, -Eupcross)
dt.6$Set <- factor(dt.6$Set, levels=c("Prior", "Posterior"))
yy.max <- max(dt.6$Prob)
p6 <- ggplot(dt.6, aes(x=factor(Eupcross), y=Prob, fill=Set)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge(), alpha=0.6, col=gray(0.3), width=0.7) +
theme_minimal() +
ylim(0, yy.max*1.1) +
scale_fill_manual(values=bayes.palette) +
xlab("E(#up-crossing)") +
ylab("Probability") +
ggtitle(expression(paste(alpha(t), ": predicted waviness"))) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
legend.justification = c("right", "top"), = "right",
legend.margin = margin(2, 2, 2, 2),
legend.direction = "horizontal",
legend.title = element_text(size = 8),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.key.size = unit(0.25, 'cm'))
grid.arrange(p2, p5, p4, p6, nrow=1, ...)
} else {
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, nrow=2, ...)
mplex.preprocess <- function(spiketimes, start.time=0, end.time=1e3, bw=50,
remove.zeros=FALSE, visualize=TRUE, ...){
total.time <- end.time - start.time
if(total.time <= 0) stop("start time is later than end time")
bw <- min(bw, total.time)
is.whole.trial <- (bw == total.time)
labels <- c("A", "B", "AB")
breaks <- seq(start.time, end.time, bw)
Acounts <- sapply(spiketimes[[labels[1]]], bin.counter, b = breaks)
Bcounts <- sapply(spiketimes[[labels[2]]], bin.counter, b = breaks)
ABcounts <- sapply(spiketimes[[labels[3]]], bin.counter, b = breaks)
bin.mids <- breaks[-1] - mean(diff(breaks))/2
bin.width <- diff(breaks)[1]
nbins <- length(bin.mids)
nA <- ncol(Acounts)
nB <- ncol(Bcounts)
nAB <- ncol(ABcounts)
x1 <- matrix(Acounts, nrow=nbins)
x2 <- matrix(Bcounts, nrow=nbins)
x3 <- matrix(ABcounts, nrow=nbins)
x1 <- x1[,colSums(x1) > 0, drop = FALSE]
x2 <- x2[,colSums(x2) > 0, drop = FALSE]
x3 <- x3[,colSums(x3) > 0, drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(x3) != nbins) stop("dimension mismatch between spike counts and bins")
n1 <- ncol(x1)
n2 <- ncol(x2)
n3 <- ncol(x3)
AB.palette <- c("#E69F0088", "#56B4E9CC", '#1F968BCC')
x1 <- c(x1); x2 <- c(x2); x3 <- c(x3)
total.counts <- list(A=x1, B=x2, AB=x3)
names(total.counts) <- labels
x.means <- sapply(total.counts, mean)
tot.df <- bind_rows(lapply(total.counts, function(z) data.frame(Counts=z)), .id = 'Condition')
tot.df$Condition <- factor(tot.df$Condition, levels=labels)
g <- ggplot(tot.df, aes(x=Counts, fill=Condition)) +
geom_density(col=0) +
scale_fill_manual(values=AB.palette) +
theme_minimal() +
grid.arrange(g, ...)
} else { <- 1000/bw
x1.smu <- x1; x2.smu <- x2; x3.smu <- x3
if(nbins > 3){
x1.smu <- sapply(1:n1, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x1[,i]))
x2.smu <- sapply(1:n2, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x2[,i]))
x3.smu <- sapply(1:n3, function(i) smoother(bin.mids, x3[,i]))
x.max <- max(max(x1.smu), max(x2.smu), max(x3.smu))
x.min <- min(min(x1.smu), min(x2.smu), min(x3.smu))
m.1 <- apply(x1.smu, 1, mean); s.1 <- apply(x1.smu, 1, sd)/sqrt(n1)
m.2 <- apply(x2.smu, 1, mean); s.2 <- apply(x2.smu, 1, sd)/sqrt(n2)
resp.type <- rep(0, n3)
p1 <- rep(0, n3)
A.rates <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, Signal="A",*m.1,*(m.1-2*s.1),*(m.1+2*s.1))
B.rates <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids, Signal="B",*m.2,*(m.2-2*s.2),*(m.2+2*s.2))
single.rates <- rbind(A.rates, B.rates)
b <- ggplot(data=NULL) +
xlab("Time (ms)") + ylab("Firing rate (Hz)") +
geom_line(data=single.rates, aes(x=Time, y=Rate, col=Signal)) +
theme_minimal() +
geom_ribbon(data=single.rates, aes(x=Time, ymin=lo, ymax=hi, col=Signal, fill=Signal)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=AB.palette) +
A.trials <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids,*x1.smu) %>% gather(Trial, Rate, -Time) %>% mutate(Experiment="Stimulus A")
B.trials <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids,*x2.smu) %>% gather(Trial, Rate, -Time) %>% mutate(Experiment="Stimulus B")
AB.trials <- data.frame(Time=bin.mids,*x3.smu) %>% gather(Trial, Rate, -Time) %>% mutate(Experiment="Stimuli A+B")
all.trials <- bind_rows(list(A.trials, B.trials, AB.trials))
p <- b +
geom_line(data=all.trials, aes(x=Time, y=Rate, group=Trial), size=0.5, alpha=0.6) +
facet_wrap(~factor(Experiment, levels = c("Stimulus A","Stimulus B","Stimuli A+B"))) +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size=12))
invisible(list(Acounts=x1, Bcounts=x2, ABcounts=x3,
bin.mids=bin.mids, bin.width=bin.width,
time.horizon=c(start.time, end.time)))
dapp.simulate <- function(horizon = 1000, bin.width = 25, lengthScale,
lsPrior = rep(1/length(lengthScale),length(lengthScale)),
hyper = list(prec = c(1,1), sig0 = 1.87, w=c(1,1)), nsamp = 1e3){
horizon <- bin.width * (horizon %/% bin.width)
bin.mids <- seq(bin.width/2, horizon, bin.width)
sig0 <- hyper$sig0
sigSq0 <- sig0^2
prec.a <- hyper$prec[1]
prec.b <- hyper$prec[2]
w1 <- hyper$w[1]
w2 <- hyper$w[2]
nbins <- length(bin.mids)
if(missing(lengthScale)) lengthScale <- sort(0.16 * horizon / c(4, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.01))
L <- length(lengthScale) ## number of distinct length scale values
# covariance matrix of pinned GP eta
# calculate cov matrix, its Cholesky factor and inverse for all length scales
K.mat = K.inv = K.chol = = Kinv.u = u.Kinv.u = list()
dist.sq <- as.matrix(dist(bin.mids))^2
for(l in 1:L){
K.full <- exp(-0.5 * dist.sq/(lengthScale[l]^2))[[l]] <- K.full[,1] / K.full[1,1] <- K.full - tcrossprod(K.full[,1]) / K.full[1,1][[l]] <- rep(sig0, nbins) <- K.full ## no pinning downs here
K.mat[[l]] <- sigSq0 * ( + diag(1e-10, nbins))
K.chol[[l]] <- chol(K.mat[[l]])
K.inv[[l]] <- chol2inv(K.chol[[l]])
Kinv.u[[l]] <- K.inv[[l]] %*%[[l]]
u.Kinv.u[[l]] <- sum(c(backsolve(K.chol[[l]],[[l]], transpose = TRUE))^2)
ALPHA_PRED <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = nbins)
LSPROB <- matrix(nrow = nsamp, ncol = L)
dimnames(LSPROB)[[2]] <- lengthScale
PREC <- rep(NA, nsamp)
for(samp.count in 1:nsamp){
PREC[samp.count] <- prec <- rtruncgamma(1, shape = prec.a, rate = prec.b, low = 1e-8)
##### old #### w1 <- 1; w2 <- 0e-4 + prec
LSPROB[samp.count,] <- ls.probs <- rDirichlet(1, lsPrior)
psi <- rtruncbeta(1, w1, w2, low = 1e-8, up = 1 - 1e-8)
phi <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(1 - psi))
l <- sample(L, 1, prob = ls.probs)
eta <- phi *[[l]] + sqrt(psi) * c(crossprod(K.chol[[l]], rnorm(nbins)))
ALPHA_PRED[samp.count, ] <- plogis(eta)
return(list(lsprob = LSPROB, alpha.pred = ALPHA_PRED, prec = PREC))
rPoiProc <- function(lambda, time.bins = 0:1000){
## time measured in milliseconds. lambda is a vector of values of
## a rate function (in Hz) recorded at the mid-points of time.bins
bin.widths <- diff(time.bins)
nbins <- length(bin.widths)
nspikes.bins <- rpois(nbins, bin.widths * lambda / 1e3)
bins.with.spikes <- rep(1:nbins, nspikes.bins)
return(runif(sum(nspikes.bins), time.bins[bins.with.spikes], time.bins[1+bins.with.spikes]))
flatFn <- function(intervals = list(c(0,1)), wts = 1, time.pts = 1:1e3 - .5){
k <- sample(length(wts), 1, prob = wts)
return(rep(runif(1, intervals[[k]][1], intervals[[k]][2]), length(time.pts)))
sineFn <- function(span = c(0, 1), period.range = c(400, 1000), time.pts = 1:1e3 - 0.5){
period <- runif(1, period.range[1], period.range[2])
jit <- runif(1, 0, period)
return(span[1] + diff(span) * (1 + sin(2 * pi * (jit + time.pts) / period)) / 2)
## synthetic triplet data (A, B, AB) generation
###### INPUT #####
## ntrials: 3-vector giving nubers of trials for each condition
## time.bins: a fine grid of time points (in ms) to measure spike times
## lambda.A: flat average intensity of A trials
## lambda.B: flat average intensity of B trials
## pr.flat: probability with which an AB trial is flat
## intervals, wts: flat AB trial intensities are generated according to a mixture of uniform distributions on the segments specified by the list 'intervals' according to the weights given by wts. For example, one could specify intervals = list(c(0, 0.25)), wts = 1 to get flat AB trials that are close to B. One could also do intervals = list(c(0, 0.25), c(0.75, 1)), wts = c(2/3, 1/3) will get flat intensities for AB trials uniformly from the two intervals in a 2:1 ratio
## span, period.range: Non-flat AB trials are generated from according to sine curves restricted to the range specified by 'span' and with periods uniformly generated from period.range. These curves are given random phase shifts uniformly generated from (0, period).
####### OUTPUT #####
## returns a list containing
## spiketimes: a list containing 3 sublists, one for each of A, B and AB conditions. Each sublist containts a further sublist of vectors of spike times
## alphas: alpha curves for the AB trials
## lambdas: the corresponding lambda.AB intensity functions
## time.pts: the time points (mid points of the bins in time.bins) at which alphas and lambdas are evaluated
synthesis.dapp <- function(ntrials = c(10, 10, 10), time.bins = 0:1000, lambda.A = 400, lambda.B = 100, pr.flat = 0.5, intervals = list(c(0,1)), wts = 1, span = c(0,1), period.range = c(400, 1000)){
spiketimes <- list()
spiketimes$A <- replicate(ntrials[1], rPoiProc(lambda.A, time.bins))
spiketimes$B <- replicate(ntrials[2], rPoiProc(lambda.B, time.bins))
nflat <- rbinom(1, size = ntrials[3], prob = pr.flat)
alphas.flat <- numeric(0); alphas.sine <- numeric(0)
time.pts <- time.bins[-1] - diff(time.bins)/2
if(nflat > 0) alphas.flat <- replicate(nflat, flatFn(intervals, wts, time.pts))
if(nflat < ntrials[3]) alphas.sine <- replicate(ntrials[3] - nflat, sineFn(span, period.range, time.pts))
alphas <- cbind(alphas.flat, alphas.sine)[,sample(ntrials[3])]
lambdas <- apply(alphas, 2, function(alpha) return(lambda.A * alpha + lambda.B * (1 - alpha)))
spiketimes$AB <- lapply(1:ntrials[3], function(j) rPoiProc(lambdas[,j], time.bins = time.bins))
return(list(spiketimes = spiketimes, alphas = alphas, lambdas = lambdas, time.pts = time.pts))
## auxiliary functions
## already defined in poisson_analysis.R
## bin.counter <- function(x, b) return(diff(sapply(b, function(a) sum(x <= a))))
## already defined in poisson_analysis.R
## logsum <- function(lx) return(max(lx) + log(sum(exp(lx - max(lx)))))
rDirichlet <- function(n, alpha){
l <- length(alpha)
x <- matrix(rgamma(l * n, alpha), ncol = l, byrow = TRUE)
sm <- rowSums(x)
rinvgamma <-function(n,shape, scale = 1) return(1/rgamma(n = n, shape = shape, rate = scale))
rtruncgamma <- function(n, low = 0, up = Inf, ...){
unifs <- runif(n)
if(length(low) < n) low <- rep(low, ceiling(n / length(low)))[1:n]
if(length(up) < n) up <- rep(up, ceiling(n / length(up)))[1:n]
if(any(low > up)) stop("lower truncation point is larger than the upper truncation point")
plo <- pgamma(low, ...)
pup <- pgamma(up, ...)
vals <- qgamma(plo + unifs * (pup - plo), ...)
if(any( | (vals == Inf) | (vals == 0))){
pos1 <- pgamma(up, ...) < 0.5
pos2 <- pgamma(low, ...) > 0.5
## those with pos1 = TRUE
lplo <- pgamma(low, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)
lpup <- pgamma(up, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)
lp <- apply(cbind(lplo, log(unifs) + lpup + log1p(-exp(lplo - lpup))), 1, logsum)
vals[pos1] <- qgamma(lp, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)[pos1]
## now those with pos2 = TRUE
lplo <- pgamma(low, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)
lpup <- pgamma(up, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)
lp <- lplo + log1p(unifs * expm1(lpup - lplo))
lp <- apply(cbind(lplo, log(unifs) + lplo + log1p(-exp(lpup - lplo))), 1, logsum)
vals[pos2] <- qgamma(lp, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)[pos2]
rtruncbeta <- function(n, low = 0, up = Inf, ...){
unifs <- runif(n)
vals <- rep(NA, n)
pos <- (pbeta(low, ...) < 0.5)
## those with pos = TRUE
lplo <- pbeta(low, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)
lpup <- pbeta(up, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)
lp <- lplo + log1p(unifs * expm1(lpup - lplo))
vals[pos] <- qbeta(lp, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)[pos]
## now those with pos = FALSE
lplo <- pbeta(low, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)
lpup <- pbeta(up, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)
lp <- lplo + log1p(unifs * expm1(lpup - lplo))
vals[!pos] <- qbeta(lp, ..., log.p = TRUE, lower.tail = FALSE)[!pos]
drop.item <- function(x, j) return(x[-match(j, x, nomatch = length(x) + 1)])
#tcol <- Vectorize(function(col, alpha = 1) {x <- col2rgb(col)/255; return(rgb(x[1],x[2],x[3],alpha = alpha))}, "col")
extract <- function(listname, varname) return(listname[[varname]])
smoother <- function(x, y) return(predict(smooth.spline(x, sqrt(0.5+y), lambda=5e-4))$y^2)
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