
Defines functions generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols sizePassByMap sizeVoidPtr sizeRmultivarFirstArg sizeBinaryCwise sizeBinaryCwiseLogical setAsRowOrCol sizeSolveOp sizeMatrixMult sizeReturn sizeUnaryReduction sizeUnaryNonaryCwise sizeUnaryCwiseSquare sizeMatrixSquareReduction sizeBinaryReduction sizeUnaryCwise setReturnType getArgumentType sizeTranspose sizeColonOperator sizeSeq isIntegerEquivalent sizeIndexingBracket sizemvAccessBracket sizeBinaryUnaryCwise sizeUndefined sizeScalarRecurseAllowMaps sizeScalarRecurse sizeSimulate sizeScalarModelOp sizeScalar sizeasDoublePtr sizeNimbleUnconvert sizeNimbleConvert sizeReval sizePROTECT sizeAssignAfterRecursing sizeAssign detect_nfVar_info_aliasRisk find_nfVar_info detectNimbleAliasRisk sizeInsertIntermediate sizeFor sizeResizeNoPtr sizeSetSize nimbleGeneralParseDeparse sizeforceEigenize sizeOneEigenCommand assignmentTypeWarn identityAssert arithmeticOutputType recurseSetSizes sizeNimbleFunction sizeRCfunction sizeValues sizeChainedCall sizeDoubleBracket sizeCppPointerDereference sizeIntegrate checkDim sizeOptimDefaultControl sizeOptim sizeNimbleListReturningFunction sizeNimDerivsCalculate sizeNimDerivs sizeNFvar sizeAsRowOrCol sizeSwitch sizeGetBound sizeGetParam sizeRunTime sizeNimArrayGeneral sizemap sizeNewNimbleList sizeRep sizeConcatenate sizeRecyclingRuleBesselK sizeRecyclingRuleRfunction sizeRecyclingRule sizeWhich sizeDiagonal sizeDim addDIB multiMaxSizeExprs productSizeExprs sizeAsReturnSymbol sizeADbreak sizeProxyForDebugging exprClasses_setSizes sizeProc_storage_mode

sizeProc_storage_mode <- function(x) {
        if(storage.mode(x) == 'logical')
            return('double') ## promote logical NA to double for compiled code.
assignmentAsFirstArgFuns <- c('nimArr_rmnorm_chol',

setSizeNotNeededOperators <- c('setWhich',

operatorsAllowedBeforeIndexBracketsWithoutLifting <- c('map',

sizeCalls <- c(
    makeCallList(binaryOperators, 'sizeBinaryCwise'),
    makeCallList(binaryMidLogicalOperators, 'sizeBinaryCwiseLogical'),
    makeCallList(binaryOrUnaryOperators, 'sizeBinaryUnaryCwise'),
    makeCallList(unaryOperators, 'sizeUnaryCwise'), 
    makeCallList(unaryOrNonaryOperators, 'sizeUnaryNonaryCwise'),
    makeCallList(assignmentOperators, 'sizeAssign'), 
    makeCallList(reductionUnaryOperators, 'sizeUnaryReduction'), 
    makeCallList(matrixSquareReductionOperators, 'sizeMatrixSquareReduction'),
    makeCallList(reductionBinaryOperators, 'sizeBinaryReduction'),
    makeCallList(matrixMultOperators, 'sizeMatrixMult'), 
    makeCallList(matrixFlipOperators, 'sizeTranspose'),
    makeCallList(matrixSolveOperators, 'sizeSolveOp'), 
    makeCallList(matrixSquareOperators, 'sizeUnaryCwiseSquare'),
    makeCallList(nimbleListReturningOperators, 'sizeNimbleListReturningFunction'),
    nimOptim = 'sizeOptim',
    nimIntegrate = 'sizeIntegrate',
    nimOptimDefaultControl = 'sizeOptimDefaultControl',
    list('debugSizeProcessing' = 'sizeProxyForDebugging',
         diag = 'sizeDiagonal',
         dim = 'sizeDim',
         RRtest_add = 'sizeRecyclingRule',
         which = 'sizeWhich',
         nimC = 'sizeConcatenate',
         nimRep = 'sizeRep',
         nimSeqBy = 'sizeSeq',
         nimSeqLen = 'sizeSeq',
         nimSeqByLen = 'sizeSeq',
         'return' = 'sizeReturn',
         'asRow' = 'sizeAsRowOrCol',
         'asCol' = 'sizeAsRowOrCol',
         makeNewNimbleListObject = 'sizeNewNimbleList',
         getParam = 'sizeGetParam',
         getBound = 'sizeGetBound',
         nimSwitch = 'sizeSwitch',
         '[' = 'sizeIndexingBracket',
         '[[' = 'sizeDoubleBracket', ## for nimbleFunctionList, this will always  go through chainedCall(nfList[[i]], 'foo')(arg1, arg2)
         chainedCall = 'sizeChainedCall',
         nfVar = 'sizeNFvar',
         map = 'sizemap', 
         ':' = 'sizeColonOperator',
         'if' = 'recurseSetSizes', ##OK
         'while' = 'recurseSetSizes',
         'for' = 'sizeFor', 
         cppPointerDereference = 'sizeCppPointerDereference',
         values = 'sizeValues',
         '(' = 'sizeUnaryCwise',
         setSize = 'sizeSetSize', 
         resizeNoPtr = 'sizeResizeNoPtr', ## may not be used any more 
         nimArr_rcat = 'sizeScalarRecurse',
         nimArr_rinterval = 'sizeScalarRecurse',
         nimPrint = 'sizeforceEigenize',
         nimDerivs = 'sizeNimDerivs',
         nimDerivs_calculate = 'sizeNimDerivsCalculate',
         as.integer = 'sizeUnaryCwise', 
         as.numeric = 'sizeUnaryCwise',
         nimArrayGeneral = 'sizeNimArrayGeneral',
         setAll = 'sizeOneEigenCommand',
         voidPtr = 'sizeVoidPtr',
         run.time = 'sizeRunTime',
         bessel_k = 'sizeRecyclingRuleBesselK',
         PROTECT = 'sizePROTECT',
         NimArr_2_SEXP = 'sizePROTECT', 
         Reval = 'sizeReval',
         Rf_eval = 'sizeReval',
         nimbleConvert = 'sizeNimbleConvert',
         nimbleUnconvert = 'sizeNimbleUnconvert',
         asReturnSymbol = 'sizeAsReturnSymbol'),
    makeCallList(scalar_distribution_dFuns, 'sizeRecyclingRule'),
    makeCallList(scalar_distribution_pFuns, 'sizeRecyclingRule'),
    makeCallList(scalar_distribution_qFuns, 'sizeRecyclingRule'),
    makeCallList(scalar_distribution_rFuns, 'sizeRecyclingRuleRfunction'),
        !(distributionFuns %in% c(scalar_distribution_dFuns,
    ], 'sizeScalarRecurseAllowMaps'),
    ## R dist functions that are not used by NIMBLE but we allow in DSL
    makeCallList(paste0(c('d','q','p'), 't'), 'sizeRecyclingRule'),
    rt = 'sizeRecyclingRuleRfunction',
    makeCallList(paste0(c('d','q','p'), 'exp'), 'sizeRecyclingRule'),
    rexp = 'sizeRecyclingRuleRfunction',
    makeCallList(c('nimAnyNA','nimAnyNaN'), 'sizeScalarRecurse'),
                   'nimArr_ddirch'), 'sizeScalarRecurseAllowMaps'),
                   'nimArr_rdirch'), 'sizeRmultivarFirstArg'),
                   'endNimbleTimer'), 'sizeScalar'),
                   'getLogProb'), 'sizeScalarModelOp'),
    simulate = 'sizeSimulate',
                   'startNimbleTimer'), 'sizeUndefined'), ##'nimFunListAccess'
    passByMap = 'sizePassByMap',
    ADbreak = 'sizeADbreak')

scalarOutputTypes <- list(decide = 'logical',
                          size = 'integer',
                          nimAnyNA = 'logical',
                          nimAnyNaN = 'logical',
                          '!' = 'logical',
                          getNodeFunctionIndexedInfo = 'double',
                          endNimbleTimer = 'double')

## exprClasses_setSizes fills in the type information of exprClass code
## code is an exprClas object
## typeEnv is an environment returned by exprClasses_initSizes
## allowUnknown says whether it is ok to have unknown type. This will be true for LHS of assignments
## This returns a set of type assertions collected for each line of code
## This function operates recursively, so the type assertions returned from recursive calls are
## put into the exprClass object for which they were recursed.
## For example, if we have A2 <- mean(B + C)
## then typeEnv must have size expressions for B and C to get started.
## If these are matrices, the generic size expressions (for B) will be dim(B)[1] and dim(B)[2]
## Then the exprClass object for `+`(B, C) will generate assertions that dim(B)[1] == dim(C)[1] and dim(B[2]) == dim(C)[2]
## and it will copy the size expressions for B as its own size expressions
## Then the exprClass object for mean(`+`(B, C)) will create a size expression of 1 (with the same dimensions as B+C)
## Then the exprClass object for `<-`(A, mean(`+`(B, C))) will generate assertions that the size of A must be 1
## and it will set the size expressions for A and for itself to 1.
expressionSymbolTypeReplacements <- c('symbolNimbleListGenerator', 'symbolNimbleList', 'symbolNimbleFunction', 'symbolMemberFunction')

exprClasses_setSizes <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## input code is exprClass
  ## name:
  if(code$isName) {
    ## If it doesn't exist and must exist, stop
    if(code$name != "") { ## e.g. In A[i,], second index gives name==""
      if(!exists(code$name, envir = typeEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
        if(symTab$symbolExists(code$name, TRUE)) {
          thisSymbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$name, TRUE)
          code$type <- class(thisSymbolObject)[1]
          if(code$type %in% expressionSymbolTypeReplacements){
            code$type <- thisSymbolObject$type
            code$sizeExprs <- thisSymbolObject
        } else {
          code$type <- 'unknown'
          ## Add RCfunctions to neededRCfuns.
          if(typeEnv[['.allowFunctionAsArgument']]) {
            if(exists(code$name) && is.rcf(get(code$name))) {
              nfmObj <- environment(get(code$name))$nfMethodRCobject
              uniqueName <- nfmObj$uniqueName
              if (is.null(typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[uniqueName]])) {
                typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[uniqueName]] <- nfmObj
          } else if(!typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns)
            if(identical(code$name, 'pi')) { ## unique because it may be encountered anew on on RHS and be valid
                     exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = 0,
                                           type = 'double',
                                           sizeExprs = list()),
                     envir = typeEnv)
                       symbolBasic(name = 'pi',
                                   type = 'double',
                                   nDim = 0))
              code$nDim <- 0
              code$type <- 'double'
              code$sizeExprs <- list()
              code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
            } else {
              if(getNimbleOption('errorIfMissingNFVariable')) {
                stop("variable `",
                     "` is not available.",
              } else
                messageIfVerbose("  [Warning] Variable `", code$name, "` is not available.")
      } else {
        ## otherwise fill in type fields from typeEnv object
        info <- get(code$name, envir = typeEnv)
        if(inherits(info, 'exprTypeInfoClass')) {
          code$type <- info$type
          code$sizeExprs <- info$sizeExprs
          code$nDim <- info$nDim
          code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
      ## Note that generation of a symbol for LHS of an assignment is done in the sizeAssign function, which is the handler for assignments

  if(code$isCall) {
    if(code$name == '{') {
      ## recurse over lines
      for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
          newAsserts <-
            exprClasses_setSizes(code$args[[i]], symTab, typeEnv)
          code$args[[i]]$assertions <-
            if(is.null(newAsserts)) list() else newAsserts
    sizeCall <- sizeCalls[[code$name]]
    if(!is.null(sizeCall)) {
      if(.nimbleOptions$debugSizeProcessing) {
            list(XYZ = as.name(sizeCall))
      test0 <- eval(call(sizeCall, code, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(symTab$symbolExists(code$name, TRUE)) { ## could be a nimbleFunction object
      return(sizeNimbleFunction(code, symTab, typeEnv) )
    ## Finally, it could be an RCfunction (a nimbleFunction with no setup == a simple function) {

    if(exists(code$name)) {
      obj <- get(code$name)
      if(is.rcf(obj)) { ## it is an RC function
        nfmObj <- environment(obj)$nfMethodRCobject
        uniqueName <- nfmObj$uniqueName
              'In size processing: A no-setup nimbleFunction with no internal name is being called.'),
            call. = FALSE)
        ## new with nimbleLists: we need to initiate compilation here so we can get full returnType information, including of nimbleLists
        RCfunProc <-
                                              initialTypeInference = TRUE)

        if(is.null(typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[uniqueName]])) {
          if(!identical(RCfunProc$RCfun$uniqueName, typeEnv$.myUniqueName))
            typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[uniqueName]] <- nfmObj

        return(sizeRCfunction(code, symTab, typeEnv, nfmObj, RCfunProc))

sizeProxyForDebugging <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    origValue <- .nimbleOptions$debugSizeProcessing
    message('Entering into size processing debugging. You may need to do nimbleOptions(debugSizeProcessing = FALSE) if this exits in any non-standard way.')
    setNimbleOption('debugSizeProcessing', TRUE)
    ans <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    removeExprClassLayer(code$caller, 1)
    setNimbleOption('debugSizeProcessing', origValue)

sizeADbreak <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(length(code$args) != 1)
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('ADbreak must have exactly one argument.')), call. = FALSE)
    if(code$args[[1]]$nDim != 0)
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('The argument to ADbreak must be scalar.')), call. = FALSE)
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    return(if(is.null(asserts)) list() else asserts)

## This is used by nimbleExternalCall.
## When the external call is provided as foo, returning e.g. double(0),
## we end up needing a line of code RETURNVALUE <- foo(args).
## To get the type of RETURNVALUE, we wrap that as RETURNVALUE <- asReturnSymbol(foo(args), type, nDim)
sizeAsReturnSymbol <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    returnType <- code$args[[2]]
    returnNDim <- code$args[[3]]
    code$args <- list(code$args[[1]])
    code$args[[1]]$type <- returnType
    code$args[[1]]$nDim <- returnNDim
    code$args[[1]]$toEigenize <- 'no'
    code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs <- NULL
    removeExprClassLayer(code, 1)

productSizeExprs <- function(sizeExprs) {
    if(length(sizeExprs)==0) return(1)
    if(length(sizeExprs)==1) return(sizeExprs[[1]])
    ans <- substitute( (A), list(A = sizeExprs[[1]]))
    for(i in 2:length(sizeExprs)) {
        ans <- substitute(A * (B), list(A = ans, B = sizeExprs[[i]]))

multiMaxSizeExprs <- function(code, useArgs = rep(TRUE, length(code$args))) {
    if(length(code$args)==0) return(list()) ## probably something wrong
    codeArgsUsed <- code$args[useArgs]
    totalLengthExprs <- lapply(codeArgsUsed, function(x) if(inherits(x, 'exprClass')) productSizeExprs(x$sizeExprs) else 1)
    if(length(codeArgsUsed)==1) return(totalLengthExprs) ## a list of length 1
    numericTotalLengths <- unlist(lapply(totalLengthExprs, is.numeric))
    if(sum(numericTotalLengths) > 0) {
        maxKnownSize <- max(unlist(totalLengthExprs[numericTotalLengths]))
        if(sum(numericTotalLengths)==length(totalLengthExprs)) return(list(maxKnownSize))
        totalLengthExprs <- c(list(maxKnownSize), totalLengthExprs[-which(numericTotalLengths)])
    numArgs <- length(totalLengthExprs) ## must be > 1 or it would have returned two lines above
    if(numArgs == 1) return(totalLengthExprs[[1]]) ## but check anyway
    lastMax <- substitute(max(A, B), list(A = totalLengthExprs[[numArgs]], B = totalLengthExprs[[numArgs-1]]))
    if(numArgs > 2) {
        for(i in (numArgs-2):1) {
            lastMax <- substitute(max(A, B), list(A = totalLengthExprs[[i]], B = lastMax))

addDIB <- function(name, type) {
    paste0(name, switch(type, double = 'D', integer = 'I', logical = 'B'))

sizeDim <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(!inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Argument of dim is not valid')), call. = FALSE)
    if(code$args[[1]]$nDim == 0) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('dim() cannot take a scalar as its argument.')), call. = FALSE)
    if(code$caller$name != '[') code$name <- 'dimNimArr'
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$type <- 'integer'
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'
    code$sizeExprs <- list( code$args[[1]]$nDim )
    return(if(is.null(asserts)) list() else asserts)

sizeDiagonal <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## experimentalNewSizeProcessing: code$name change step stays here
    ## experimentalNewSizeProcessing: because the 3 cases are not implementation-specific
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    argIsExprClass <- inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')
    nDimArg <- if(argIsExprClass) code$args[[1]]$nDim else 0
    if(nDimArg == 0) {
        code$nDim <- 2
        code$type <- 'double'
        newSizeExpr <- parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
        code$sizeExprs <- list(newSizeExpr, newSizeExpr)
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
        code$name <- addDIB('nimDiagonal', code$type) ## These all go to double anyway
        return( if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts )
    if(nDimArg == 1) {
        code$nDim <- 2
        code$type <- 'double'
        newSizeExpr <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[1]]
        code$sizeExprs <- list(newSizeExpr, newSizeExpr)
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
        code$name <- addDIB('nimDiagonal', code$args[[1]]$type) ## double anyway
        return( if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts )

    if(nDimArg == 2) {
        code$nDim <- 1
        code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type
        code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute(min(X, Y), list(X = code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[1]], Y = code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[2]])))
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
        code$name <- 'diagonal'
        return( if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts )
    stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something is wrong with this usage of diag()')), call. = FALSE)

sizeWhich <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## which is a somewhat unique construction.
    ## It should only appear as
    ## answer <- which(boolExpr)
    ## and should be lifted to an intermediate if necessary
    ## The sizeExprs on "which" in the syntax tree will be NULL
    ## which will trigger sizeAssignAfterRecursing to make default size expressions on "answer"
    ## and then it will transform to
    ## setWhich(answer, boolExpr) for C++ output
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    code$type = 'integer'
    code$sizeExprs <- list(NULL)
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    code$name <- 'setWhich'

    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalSelfLiftStage')) {
        if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeRecyclingRule <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## also need an entry in eigenization.
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    ## for now this is entirely for d, p and q distribution functions, so we'll look up number of arguments for recycling
    numArgs <- length(code$args)
    if(numArgs == 0) return(asserts)

    recycleArgs <- rep(TRUE, numArgs)

    dFunName <- code$name
    substr(dFunName, 1, 1) <- 'd' 
    thisDist <- distributions$distObjects[[dFunName]]
    if(!is.null(thisDist)) {
        numReqdArgs <- length(thisDist$reqdArgs)
        recycleArgs[-(1:(numReqdArgs+1))] <- FALSE
    newSizeExprs <- multiMaxSizeExprs(code, recycleArgs)
            if(newSizeExprs[[1]] == 1)
                return(c(asserts, sizeScalarRecurse(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = FALSE))) ## ALSO NEED ALL ARGS TO HAVE nDim 0
    code$sizeExprs <- newSizeExprs
    code$type <- 'double' ## will need to look up from a list
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes' ## toEigen: N.B. This had TRUE

sizeRecyclingRuleRfunction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    ## for now this is entirely for r distribution functions, so we'll look up number of arguments for recycling
    numArgs <- length(code$args)
    if(numArgs == 0) return(asserts)

    ## Size determined by first arg
    ## If scalar, that gives size
    ## If vector, size is length of first argument.
    ## Problem is vector of length 1, where size should be value of first element, not length of 1.
    ## toEigen: keep this lift here for now, since it sets up sizes.
    if(inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
        if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
        newSizeExprs <- list(substitute(rFunLength(X), list(X = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name))))
    } else {
        newSizeExprs <- list(code$args[[1]])
            if(newSizeExprs[[1]] == 1) {
                code$args[[1]] <- NULL ## strip the first argument, which should be a 1 if we are here
                for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
                    if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                        code$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- code$args[[i]]$callerArgID - 1
                return(c(asserts, sizeScalarRecurse(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = FALSE)))
    code$sizeExprs <- newSizeExprs
    code$type <- 'double' ## will need to look up from a list
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

sizeRecyclingRuleBesselK <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## also need an entry in eigenization.
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    numArgs <- length(code$args)

    # this is easily relaxed but not clear the functionality would ever be needed...
    if(!is.numeric(code$args[[3]]) && !identical(code$args[[3]]$nDim, 0))
        stop("In besselK, 'expon.scaled' must be a single value.")

    if(numArgs != 3) stop("Expecting two or three arguments for besselK function.")
    recycleArgs <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)

    newSizeExprs <- multiMaxSizeExprs(code, recycleArgs)
            if(newSizeExprs[[1]] == 1)
                return(c(asserts, sizeScalarRecurse(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = FALSE))) ## ALSO NEED ALL ARGS TO HAVE nDim 0
    code$sizeExprs <- newSizeExprs
    code$type <- 'double' ## will need to look up from a list
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

concatenateIntermLabelMaker <- labelFunctionCreator("ConcatenateInterm")

sizeConcatenate <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## This is two argument version
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    ## overall strategy is to separate runs of scaalrs and non-scalars
    ## also in C++ we don't take arbitrary arguments.  Instead we chain together calls in groups of 4
    ##     e.g. c(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) will become c( c(a1, a2, a3, a4), a5)
    ## first puzzle is with nimC(scalar1, scalar2, vector1, scalar3)
    ## we need to extract the runs of scalars like (scalar1, scalar2), so they can be packed up in an object together.
    isScalar <- unlist(lapply(code$args, function(x) if(inherits(x, 'exprClass')) x$nDim == 0 else TRUE))
    ## run length encoding: This native R function returns information about repeats, so we can figure out how long each run of scalars is
    argRLE <- rle(isScalar)
    ## How many arguments will we have after packing scalars together into single objects:
    newNumArgs <- sum(argRLE$values) + sum(argRLE$lengths[!argRLE$values]) ## number of scalar runs + sum of non-scalar runs * run-lengths
    newArgs <- vector(length(newNumArgs), mode = 'list')
    iInput <- 1
    iOutput <- 1
    for(i in seq_along(argRLE$values)) {
        thisLength <- argRLE$lengths[i]
        if(!(argRLE$values[i])) { ## it is a run of non-scalars, so pack them into the new argument list, newArgs
            newArgs[(iOutput-1) + (1:thisLength)] <- code$args[(iInput-1) + (1:thisLength)]
            iInput <- iInput + thisLength
            iOutput <- iOutput + thisLength
        } else { ## it is a run of scalars, so construct an object for them
            newTempFixedName <- concatenateIntermLabelMaker()
            newTempVecName <- concatenateIntermLabelMaker()
            ## Construct:
            ## concatenateTemp(ConcatenateInterm_1),
            ##   concatenateTemp is not output to C++. It is a placeholder
            newExpr <- exprClass$new(isName = FALSE, isCall = TRUE, isAssign = FALSE, name = "concatenateTemp", nDim = 1, sizeExprs = list(thisLength), type = 'double')
            setArg(newExpr, 1, exprClass$new(isName = TRUE, isCall = FALSE, isAssign = FALSE, name = newTempVecName, nDim = 1, sizeExprs = list(thisLength), type = 'double'))

            ## hardCodedVectorInitializer is a wrapper for the "contents1, contents2, ..." below 
            valuesExpr <- quote(hardCodedVectorInitializer())
            thisType <- 'logical'
            for(j in 1:thisLength) {
                thisArgIndex <- iInput - 1 + j
                if(inherits(code$args[[thisArgIndex]], 'exprClass')) {
                    if(!code$args[[thisArgIndex]]$isName) ## a little heavy-handed: lift any expression of any kind
                        ## to avoid dealing with eigen or other handling inside initialization values
                        ## This is necessary for cases like nimC(model[[node]][2], 1.2)
                        ## because model[[node]] is a map
                        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, thisArgIndex, symTab, typeEnv))
                    thisType <- arithmeticOutputType(thisType, code$args[[thisArgIndex]]$type)
                } else {
                    thisType <- sizeProc_storage_mode(code$args[[thisArgIndex]]) ##'double'
                ## Putting a map, or a values access, through parse(nimDeparse) won't work
                ## So we lift any expression element above.
                ## This could be done more cleanly with more coding work.
                  valuesExpr[[j+1]] <- parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[thisArgIndex]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
            newExpr$type <- thisType
            newExpr$args[[1]]$type <- thisType
            iInput <- iInput + thisLength
            if(thisType == 'integer') thisType <- 'int'
            if(thisType == 'logical') thisType <- 'bool'
            ## MAKE_FIXED_VECTOR("ConcatenateInterm_2", "ConcatenateInterm_1", numArgs, values, type, allowAD) goes through a customized output generator
            ##  to create something like
            ##    double ConcatenateIterm_1[] = {contents1, contents2}
            ##    std::vector<double> ConcatenateInterm_2(ConcatenateInterm_1, ConcatenateInterm_1 + length)
            ##  so there is one intermediate whose only purpose is to achieve initialization by value and a second intermediate copied from the first.
            ##     The second intermediate can later be used in the templated nimCd/nimCi/nimCb
            ## allowAD flags whether double should be changed to CppAD::AD<double> for _AD_ versions
            newAssert <- substitute(MAKE_FIXED_VECTOR(newTempVecName, newTempFixedName, thisLength, valuesExpr, thisType, allowAD),
                                    list(newTempVecName = newTempVecName, newTempFixedName = newTempFixedName,
                                         thisLength = as.numeric(thisLength),
                                         valuesExpr = valuesExpr,
                                         thisType = thisType,
                                         allowAD = !isTRUE(typeEnv$.avoidAD)))
            newAssert <- as.call(newAssert)
            asserts <- c(asserts, list(newAssert))
            newArgs[[iOutput]] <- newExpr
            iOutput <- iOutput + 1

    ## Next step: chain together multiple calls:
    maxArgsOneCall <- 4
    numArgGroups <- ceiling(newNumArgs / (maxArgsOneCall-1))
    splitArgIDs <- split(1:newNumArgs, rep(1:numArgGroups, each = maxArgsOneCall-1, length.out = newNumArgs))
    ## if last is a singleton it can be put with previous group
    if(length(splitArgIDs[[numArgGroups]]) == 1) {
        if(numArgGroups > 1) {
            splitArgIDs[[numArgGroups-1]] <- c(splitArgIDs[[numArgGroups-1]], splitArgIDs[[numArgGroups]])
            splitArgIDs[[numArgGroups]] <- NULL
            numArgGroups <- numArgGroups-1

    newExprList <- vector(numArgGroups, mode = 'list')
    for(i in seq_along(splitArgIDs)) {
        newExprList[[i]] <- exprClass$new(isName = FALSE, isCall = TRUE, isAssign = FALSE, name = 'nimC', nDim = 1, toEigenize = 'yes', type = 'double')
        for(j in seq_along(splitArgIDs[[i]])) setArg(newExprList[[i]], j, newArgs[[splitArgIDs[[i]][j]]])

    ## Last step is to set up nesting and make sizeExprs for each constructed argument
    for(i in seq_along(splitArgIDs)) {
        if(i != length(splitArgIDs)) {
            setArg(newExprList[[i]], maxArgsOneCall, newExprList[[i+1]])
    for(i in rev(seq_along(splitArgIDs))) {
        if(inherits(newExprList[[i]]$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
            thisSizeExpr <-productSizeExprs(newExprList[[i]]$args[[1]]$sizeExprs) 
            thisType <- newExprList[[i]]$args[[1]]$type
        } else {
            thisSizeExpr <- 1
            thisType <- 'double'
        for(j in seq_along(newExprList[[i]]$args)) {
            if(j == 1) next
            if(inherits(newExprList[[i]]$args[[j]], 'exprClass')) {
                thisSizeExpr <- substitute( (A) + (B),
                                           list(A = thisSizeExpr,
                                                B = productSizeExprs(newExprList[[i]]$args[[j]]$sizeExprs)
                thisType <- arithmeticOutputType(thisType, newExprList[[i]]$args[[j]]$type)
            } else {
                thisSizeExpr <- substitute( (A) + 1,
                                           list(A = thisSizeExpr
                thisType <- 'double'
        if(thisType == 'double') newExprList[[i]]$name <- 'nimCd' ## this change could get moved to genCpp_generateCpp 
        if(thisType == 'integer') newExprList[[i]]$name <- 'nimCi'
        if(thisType == 'logical') newExprList[[i]]$name <- 'nimCb'
        newExprList[[i]]$type <- thisType
        newExprList[[i]]$sizeExprs <- list(thisSizeExpr)
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newExprList[[1]])

sizeRep <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## if times is a vector: If length.out is provided, times is always ignored
    ## otherwise lift and use assignEigenToNIMBLE
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    xIsExpr <- inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')
    code$type <- if(xIsExpr) code$args[[1]]$type else 'double'

    includesLengthOut <- length(code$args) > 3
    if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) if(code$args[[2]]$nDim != 0 && !includesLengthOut) { ## times is a vector and length.out not provided
        if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        if(length(code$args) > 2) code$args[[3]] <- NULL
        code$name <- 'setRepVectorTimes'
        code$sizeExprs <- list(NULL)
        code$nDim <- 1
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    if(code$type == 'double') code$name <- 'nimRepd' ## this change could get moved to genCpp_generateCpp 
    if(code$type == 'integer') code$name <- 'nimRepi'
    if(code$type == 'logical') code$name <- 'nimRepb'

    ## requiring for now that times and each arguments are given as integers, not expressions
    ## Since these will go into sizeExprs, which are then processed as R expressions, then as exprClasses but not fully size processed,
  ## any expression should be lifted
  old_avoidAD <- typeEnv$.avoidAD
  typeEnv$.avoidAD <- TRUE  # The makes the lifted nodes for times and/or length.out be put on the ignore list for AD
  on.exit(typeEnv$.avoidAD <- old_avoidAD)
    if(includesLengthOut) { ## there is a "length.out" argument        ## need to lift length.out if it is more than a name or constant
        if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('times argument to rep() must be scalar is length.out is also provided.')), call. = FALSE)
        if(inherits(code$args[[3]], 'exprClass')) { ## if length.out is present, it is argument 3
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 3, symTab, typeEnv))
            if(code$args[[3]]$nDim > 0)
                code$sizeExprs <- list( parse(text = paste0(nimDeparse(code$args[[3]]),'[1]'), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]])
                code$sizeExprs <- list( parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[3]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]])
        } else {
            code$sizeExprs <- list(code$args[[3]])
    } else { ## length.out absent, so times is second and each is third
        for(i in 2:3) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass'))
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv))
        part2 <- nimDeparse(code$args[[2]])
        if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) part2 <- paste0(part2, '[1]')
        part3 <- nimDeparse(code$args[[3]])
        if(inherits(code$args[[3]], 'exprClass')) if(code$args[[3]]$nDim > 0) part3 <- paste0(part3, '[1]')

        thisSizeExpr <- substitute( (AAA_) * (BBB_) * (CCC_),
                                   list(AAA_ = if(xIsExpr) productSizeExprs(code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs) else 1,
                                        BBB_ = parse(text = part2, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]],
                                        CCC_ = parse(text = part3, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]] ))
        code$sizeExprs <- list(thisSizeExpr)
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

sizeNewNimbleList <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv){
    ## The code looks like: nimListDef$new(a = 10, b = 12).
    ## We want to change code$caller to :
    ## { nimList <- nimListDef$new()
    ## nimList$a <- 10
    ## nimList$b <- 12 }.
    ## We accomplish this by copying code, getting arguments (e.g. a = 10, b = 12) from copied code and turning them into assignment 
    ## exprs in code$caller, and setting first argument of code$caller to be nimList <- nimListDef$new().
    listDefName <- code$args[[1]]$name
    if(symTab$symbolExists(listDefName, inherits = TRUE)){
        listST <- symTab$getSymbolObject(listDefName, inherits = TRUE)
    } else {
        ## We need to establish the symbol and needed type.        
        nlDef <- get(listDefName)
        ## Need the nimbleProject!
        nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlDef, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
        className <- nl.getListDef(nlDef)$className
        if(is.null(typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[className]])) {
            newSym <- symbolNimbleList(name = listDefName, nlProc = nlp)
            typeEnv$neededRCfuns[[className]] <- newSym
        newDefSym <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = listDefName, nlProc = nlp)
        listST <- newDefSym
    code$type <- "nimbleList"
    code$sizeExprs <- listST
    code$toEigenize <- "maybe"
    code$nDim <- 0
    asserts <- list()
    asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(code$args)-1))))
    if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)){
        intermediateAsserts <- sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv)
        ## intermediateAsserts can potentially have size setting stuff from sizeAssignAfterRecursing.
        ## Not sure if that would ever happen in this context, but to be safe we'll use last element as the actual intermediate assignment.
        ## Embed the intermediate assignment in a '{' (so insertAssertions will recurse on it) and recurse on it.
        numIntermAsserts <- length(intermediateAsserts)
        bracketedIntermAssert <- newBracketExpr(intermediateAsserts[numIntermAsserts])
        exprClasses_setSizes(bracketedIntermAssert, symTab, typeEnv)
        intermediateAsserts[[numIntermAsserts]] <- bracketedIntermAssert
        asserts <- c(asserts, intermediateAsserts)
    if(length(code$args) <= 1) return(asserts)  ## There are no args to process.

    RnewExprs <- list()
    newExprs <- list()
    RnfVarExprs <- list()
    nfVarExprs <- list()
    exprCounter <- 1
    originalCode <- code 
    listElements <- listST$nlProc$symTab$getSymbolNames()
    RlistNameExpr <- nimbleGeneralParseDeparse(originalCode$caller$args[[1]])    
    for(i in seq_along(listElements)) {
        thisVarName <- listElements[i]
        if(!is.null(originalCode$args[[thisVarName]])) {
            ## Skip first arg, which will be name of nlDef, then check if value is "".
            if(!inherits(originalCode$args[[thisVarName]], 'exprClass') || (originalCode$args[[thisVarName]]$name != "")) {
                ## nfVar(A, 'x') for whichever element name it's on ('x')
                RnfVarExprs[[exprCounter]] <- substitute(nfVar(A, X), list(A = RlistNameExpr, X = thisVarName))
                ## nfVar(A, 'x') <- y or whatever code was provided (already recursed for size processing)
                RnewExprs[[exprCounter]] <- substitute(A <- B, list(A = RnfVarExprs[[exprCounter]],
                                                                    B = nimbleGeneralParseDeparse(originalCode$args[[thisVarName]])))
                exprCounter <- exprCounter + 1
    if(length(RnewExprs) == 0) return(asserts)  ## All args have already been specified.
    ## Embed RnewExprs in a '{' expression.
    RbracketNewExprs <- quote(after({}))
    RbracketNewExprs[[2]][2:(length(RnewExprs) + 1)] <- RnewExprs
    bracketNewExprs <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(RbracketNewExprs)
    ## Need to install assignment target in symTab if necessary so that it
    ## will be there for recursion in the following step.
    assignmentTarget <- code$caller$args[[1]]
    if(assignmentTarget$isName) {
        if(!symTab$symbolExists(assignmentTarget$name, TRUE)) {
            symTab$addSymbol(symbolNimbleList(name = assignmentTarget$name, type = code$type, nlProc = code$sizeExprs$nlProc))
    ## Recurse into element assignments.
    exprClasses_setSizes(bracketNewExprs$args[[1]], symTab, typeEnv)
    asserts <- c(asserts, list(bracketNewExprs))
    if(length(code$args) > 1) ## TODO Remove this conditional, since this should always be true if we make it this far.
        code$args <- code$args[1]

sizemap <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## This will only be called on a map generated from setup
    ## Maps created from indexing in nimble code don't go through this function
    sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]], TRUE)
    code$type <- sym$type
    code$nDim <- code$args[[2]]
    code$sizeExprs <- code$args[[4]]
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

## size handler for nimArrayGeneral()
## nimArrayGeneral(type(character), nDim, dim (c(sizeExpr1, ...)), value, init (logical), fillZeros, recycle, unpackNDim(optional))
## nimArrayGeneral(     arg1,       arg2,       arg3,              arg4,     arg5       ,    arg6  ,  arg7   ,    arg8            )
sizeNimArrayGeneral <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(!is.null(code$args[['unpackNDim']])) useArgs <- c(useArgs, TRUE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = useArgs)  ## recurse on initialValue and initialLogical only

    ## some checking
    if(inherits(code$args[['init']], 'exprClass'))
        if(!(code$args[['init']]$nDim == 0)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('init argument to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array must be scalar')), call. = FALSE)
    type <- code$args[['type']] 
    nDim <- code$args[['nDim']] 
    unpackNDim <- if(!is.null(code$args[['unpackNDim']])) code$args[['unpackNDim']] else FALSE ##if(length(code$args) > 5) code$args[[6]] else FALSE

    cSizeExprs <- code$args[['dim']] ## these are the size expressions encompassed by collectSizes(), needed for purposes of the C++ line to be generated
    if(!inherits(cSizeExprs, 'exprClass'))        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (i) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array')), call. = FALSE)
    if(cSizeExprs$name != 'collectSizes')         stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (ii) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array')), call. = FALSE)

    if(unpackNDim) { ## This means length of dim unknown at compile time but nDim explicitly provided, so we construct c(dim[1], dim[2]), etc.
        asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(cSizeExprs, symTab, typeEnv))
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(cSizeExprs, 1, symTab, typeEnv)) ## this intermediate goes a layer down the AST, but works
        if(length(cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$sizeExprs) == 0) { ## The argument expression evaluates to scalar
            if(nDim == -1) {
                nDim <- 1
                code$args[['nDim']] <- 1
            if(nDim == 1) unpackNDim <- FALSE             ## and that's ok because nDim given as 1
        if(unpackNDim) {
            if(length(cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$sizeExprs) != 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (ii) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array')), call. = FALSE)
            if(nDim == -1) {## code for nDim not given but dim given as expression
                if(!is.numeric(cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[1]])) stop()
                nDim <- cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[1]
                if(nDim < 1 | nDim > 4) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (iii) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array')), call. = FALSE)
                code$args[['nDim']] <- nDim
            varName <- as.name(cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$name)
            for(i in 1:nDim) {               
                newIndexedSizeExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses( substitute(X[I], list(X = varName, I = i) ) )
                setArg(cSizeExprs, i, newIndexedSizeExpr)
    } else {
        asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(cSizeExprs, symTab, typeEnv))
        nonScalarWhereNeeded <- FALSE
            if(inherits(cSizeExprs$args[[1]], 'exprClass'))
                if(cSizeExprs$args[[1]]$nDim != 0)
                    nonScalarWhereNeeded <- TRUE
        if(nDim == -1) {  ## nDim wasn't provided (to nimArray) and dim was an expression, so it ought to be a scalar
            if(nonScalarWhereNeeded) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (iv) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array.  It looks like dim argument was non-scalar but nDim was not provided.  If the dim argument to array (or nimArray) is a vector, you must also provide nDim argument to say how many dimensions will be used.')), call. = FALSE)
            nDim <- code$args[['nDim']] <- 1 
        } else { ## call was from numeric, integer or logical
            if(nonScalarWhereNeeded) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (v) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array.  It looks like length argument was non-scalar.')), call. = FALSE)
    ## if it is a call to matrix() and the value argument is non-scalar,
    ## we will generate it in C++ as nimNewMatrix
    useNewMatrix <- FALSE
    if(nDim == 2) {
        if(inherits(code$args[['value']], 'exprClass'))
            if(code$args[['value']]$nDim > 0)
                useNewMatrix <- TRUE  ## use eigen-compatible C++
     if(code$args[['nDim']] != length(cSizeExprs$args)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Something wrong (iii) with sizes or dim to numeric, logical, integer, matrix or array')), call. = FALSE)

    annotationSizeExprs <- lapply(cSizeExprs$args, nimbleGeneralParseDeparse) ## and this is for purposes of the sizeExprs in the AST exprClass object
    missingSizes <- unlist(lapply(cSizeExprs$args, function(x) identical(x, as.numeric(NA)) | identical(x, NA))) ## note is.na doesn't work b/c the argument can be an expression and is.na warns on that ##old: identical, as.numeric(NA)))
    ## only case where we do something useful with missingSizes is matrix(value = non-scalar, ...)
    if(any(missingSizes)) {
        ## modify sizes in generated C++ line
        if(useNewMatrix) cSizeExprs$args[missingSizes] <- -1
        else cSizeExprs$args[missingSizes] <- 1

        ## modify annotation sizeExprs
        totalInputLengthExpr <- if(inherits(code$args[['value']], 'exprClass')) productSizeExprs(code$args[['value']]$sizeExprs) else 1 ## should always be exprClass in here anyway
        ## see newMatrixClass in nimbleEigen.h
        if(missingSizes[1]) { ## missing nrow
            if(missingSizes[2]) { ## missing both
                annotationSizeExprs[[1]] <- totalInputLengthExpr
                annotationSizeExprs[[2]] <- 1
            } else { ## ncol provided
                annotationSizeExprs[[1]] <- substitute(calcMissingMatrixSize(A, B), 
                                              list(A = totalInputLengthExpr,
                                                   B = annotationSizeExprs[[2]]))
        } else { ## nrow provided, ncol missing (is both provided, we wouldn't be in this code
                annotationSizeExprs[[2]] <- substitute(calcMissingMatrixSize(A, B), 
                                              list(A = totalInputLengthExpr,
                                                   B = annotationSizeExprs[[1]]))
    asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(cSizeExprs, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(!(type %in% c('double', 'integer', 'logical')))       stop('unknown type in nimArrayGeneral')
    ## Three possible calls can be emitted by choice of code$name: initialize (this becomes a NimArr member function call.  It is used if initialization is scalar, to be repeated); assignNimArrToNimArr (this becomes a call to assignNimArrToNimArr.  It is used if initialization is non-scalar and the object being created is not a matrix; nimNewMatrix[D|I|B] (this has the same name in C++.  It is used if initialization is non-scalar and the object being created is a matrix.  It creates an eigen-compatible object within an expression).
    code$name <- 'initialize' ## may be replaced below if useNewMatrix
    if(inherits(code$args[['value']], 'exprClass'))
        if(code$args[['value']]$nDim > 0)
            code$name <- 'assignNimArrToNimArr' ## could be replaced by nimNewMatrix[D|B|I] below

    ## rearrange arguments
    if(code$name == 'assignNimArrToNimArr')
            code$args <- c(code$args[4:7], cSizeExprs$args)  ##  args: initialize(value, init, fillZeros, recycle, sizeExpr1, sizeExpr2, etc...)
            code$args <- c(code$args[c(4,5,7)], cSizeExprs$args)  ##  fillZeros has no role in this case.  nimNewMatrix creates an eigen object that has to return something for each element, so it will use a zero anyway.
        code$args <- c(code$args[4:7], cSizeExprs$args) ## actually this turned out the same as for assignNimArrToNimArr.  

    ## fix code/caller relationships in AST
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            code$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- i
            code$args[[i]]$caller <- code
    code$type <- type
    code$nDim <- nDim
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'
        ## insert intermediate unless it will be newNimMatrix
    code$sizeExprs <- annotationSizeExprs

    ## check for nimNewMatrix case
    if(useNewMatrix) {
        suffix <- 'D'
        if(code$type == 'integer') suffix <- 'I'
        if(code$type == 'logical') suffix <- 'B'
        code$name <- paste0("nimNewMatrix", suffix)
        code$toEigenize <- "yes"
    } else {
        ## otherwise, lift values arg if necessary
        if(inherits(code$args[['value']], 'exprClass')) ## was re-ordered here
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))

    ## if(!useNewMatrix)
    ##     if(inherits(code$caller, 'exprClass'))
    ##         if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
    ##             if(!is.null(code$caller$name)) {
    ##                 asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
    ##             }
    ##         } else
    ##             typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE

      if(inherits(code$caller, 'exprClass')) {
        liftNewArr <- FALSE
        if(!is.null(code$caller$name)) {
          if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
            liftNewArr <- TRUE
          } else {
              liftNewArr <- TRUE
          asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
          typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE


sizeRunTime <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('run.time must take exactly 1 argument')), call. = FALSE)
    origCaller <- code$caller
    origCallerArgID <- code$callerArgID

    if(!code$caller$isAssign) { ## e.g. a + run.time({foo(y)}), should have already been lifted by buildIntermediates
        message('Problem in sizeRunTime: run.time is not in a simple assignment at this stage of processing.')

    ## this is the case ans <- run.time({foo(y)})
    lhsName <- code$caller$args[[1]]$name
    timerName <- IntermLabelMaker()
    newSym <- symbolNimbleTimer(name = timerName, type = 'symbolNimbleTimer')
    startTimerAssert <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(substitute(startNimbleTimer(TIMERNAME), list(TIMERNAME = as.name(timerName))))
    recurseAsserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) ## arg to run.time should be in {} so any nested asserts should be done by the time this finishes and this should return NULL
    if(!is.null(recurseAsserts)) {
        message('issue in sizeRunTime: recurseAsserts is not NULL')
    asserts <- list(startTimerAssert, code$args[[1]])
    newCode <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(substitute(endNimbleTimer(TIMERNAME), list(TIMERNAME = as.name(timerName))))
    newCode$type <- 'double'
    newCode$nDim <- 0
    newCode$sizeExprs <- list()
    newCode$toEigenize <- 'no'
    setArg(origCaller, origCallerArgID, newCode)

sizeGetParam <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 3) {
        asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-3)))
        for(i in 4:length(code$args)) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                if(code$args[[i]]$toEigenize=='yes') stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeGetParam: There is an expression beyond the third argument that cannot be handled.  If it involve vectorized math, you need to do it separately, not in this expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        asserts <- list()
    paramInfoSym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[3]]$name, inherits = TRUE)
    code$type <- paramInfoSym$paramInfo$type
    code$nDim <- paramInfoSym$paramInfo$nDim
    code$sizeExprs <- vector(mode = 'list', length = code$nDim)
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'

    if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
            if(!(code$caller$name == '{')) ## could be on its own line -- useless but possible
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    } else
        typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE

sizeGetBound <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 3) {
        asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-3)))
        for(i in 4:length(code$args)) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                if(code$args[[i]]$toEigenize=='yes') stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeGetParam: There is an expression beyond the third argument that cannot be handled.  If it involve vectorized math, you need to do it separately, not in this expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        asserts <- list()
    boundInfoSym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[3]]$name, inherits = TRUE)
    code$type <- boundInfoSym$boundInfo$type
    code$nDim <- boundInfoSym$boundInfo$nDim
    code$sizeExprs <- vector(mode = 'list', length = code$nDim)
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'

    if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)) {
            if(!(code$caller$name == '{')) ## could be on its own line -- useless but possible
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

sizeSwitch <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) <= 2) return(invisible(NULL))
    for(i in 3:length(code$args)) { ## just like the '{' clause of exprClasses_setSizes.  This treats each of the outcomes as if it was a new line or block of code
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            newAsserts <- exprClasses_setSizes(code$args[[i]], symTab, typeEnv)
            code$args[[i]]$assertions <- if(is.null(newAsserts)) list() else newAsserts

sizeAsRowOrCol <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(!inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeAsRowOrCol: Argument must be an expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(a1$nDim == 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeAsRowOrCol:  Argument cannot be scalar (could be fixed).'), call. = FALSE)
    code$type <- a1$type
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    if(!code$name %in% c('asRow', 'asCol')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Somehow the system got to sizeAsRowOrCol without a call to asRow or asCol.'), call. = FALSE)

    if(a1$nDim == 1) {
        if(code$name == 'asRow') {
            code$nDim <- 2
            code$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), a1$sizeExprs[[1]])
        } else {
            code$nDim <- 2
            code$sizeExprs <- c(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], list(1))

    warning(paste0(' asRow or asCol used on something with more than 1 dimension in ', nimDeparse(code)), call. = FALSE)


## a$b becomes nfVar(a, 'b')
sizeNFvar <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## toEigen: Is it correct that this does not mark toEigen?
    asserts <- list()
    if(!inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass'))
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Problem using $: no name on the right?'), call. = FALSE)
    if(length(code$args) != 2)
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Problem using $: wrong number of arguments?'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    if(code$args[[1]]$isName) {
        objectName <- code$args[[1]]$name
        symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(objectName, inherits = TRUE)
        objectType <- symbolObject$type
    } else { ## if there is nesting, A$B$C, figure out what to do
        objectType <- code$args[[1]]$type
        symbolObject <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs ## repurposed for this role

    isSymFunc <- objectType == 'nimbleFunction'   ## minor inconsistency in naming style here
    isSymList <- objectType == 'nimbleList'
    ## Cases to handle (nl for nimbleList, nf for nimbleFunction):
    ## nl$a <- x     ## NimArr assignment (not setSize needed)
    ## nl$a <- x + 1 ## eigen assignment  (setSize needed)
    ## nl1$nl2$ <- x or x + 1
    ## x <- foo(nl$a)
    ## x <- foo(nl1$nl2$b)
    ## same with nf instead of any nl, in any order
    ## nl$new()$a , which becomes makeNewNimbleListObject(nl1)$a
    ## nl in nlEigenReferenceList

    if(!(isSymFunc || isSymList))
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeNFvar: First argument is not a nimbleFunction or a nimbleList.\nList-like syntax with `[[` and `$` in nimbleFunction run code can only be done with a nimbleFunction or nimbleList.'), call. = FALSE)
    nfProc <- if(isSymFunc) symbolObject$nfProc else symbolObject$nlProc
    if(is.null(nfProc)) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In handling X$Y: Symbols for X have not been set up.'), call. = FALSE)
    memberName <- code$args[[2]]
    if(!is.character(memberName)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In handling X$Y: Something is wrong with Y.'), call. = FALSE)

    memberSymbolObject <- nfProc$getSymbolTable()$getSymbolObject(memberName)
    if(!is.null(memberSymbolObject)) code$type <- memberSymbolObject$type
    if(isSymList | isSymFunc) {
        ## nimbleList
        ## We need (*nl) in C++, represented by cppPointerDereference(nl)
        if(code$args[[1]]$name != 'cppPointerDereference') {
            a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'cppPointerDereference',
                                                type = code$args[[1]]$type,
                                                nDim = code$args[[1]]$nDim,
                                                sizeExprs = code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs)
    ## following checks are on type of A$B (isSymList and isSymFunc refer to type of A)
    if(code$type == 'nimbleList') {
        ## for a nimbleList, sizeExprs slot is used for symbol object
        ## of nlGenerator of member object
        code$sizeExprs <- memberSymbolObject
    } else if(code$type == 'nimbleFunction') {
        ## nimbleFunction
        code$sizeExprs <- memberSymbolObject
    } else if(code$type == 'nimbleFunctionList') {
        code$sizeExprs <- memberSymbolObject
    } else {
        ## a numeric etc. type
        code$nDim <- memberSymbolObject$nDim
        code$sizeExprs <- if(code$nDim > 0)
                                                  parse(text = nimDeparse(code))[[1]])

sizeNimDerivs <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv){
  code$name <- "nimDerivs_dummy"
  ## static <- code$args[['static']]
  ## code$args[['calcNodes']] <- NULL
  ## code$args[['static']] <- NULL ## Ok since these two are last arguments.  Otherwise we need to shift args.
  updateNodesName <- code$args[['updateNodesName']]
  code$args[['updateNodesName']] <- NULL

  ## next section is adapted from sizeNimbleListReturningFunction
  ## skip first argument, which is the call for which derivatives are requested.
  typeEnv$.avoidAD <- TRUE # tells sizeConcatenate to protect lifted vectors from AD. Also tells sizeInsertIntermediate to tag intermediates as non-AD
  on.exit({typeEnv$.avoidAD <- NULL})
  asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-1)))
  code$type <- 'nimbleList'
  nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
  nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
  className <- nlDef$className
  symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
  if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
    nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
    symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
  code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
  code$toEigenize <- "no"  # This is specialized for nimSvd and nimEigen.
  code$nDim <- 0
  ## asserts <- sizeNimbleListReturningFunction(code, symTab, typeEnv)
  ## lift wrt if needed.  I'm not sure why sizeNimbleListReturningFunction doesn't handle lifting
  if(inherits(code$args[['wrt']], 'exprClass')) {
    if(!code$args[['wrt']]$isName) {
      iWrt <- which(names(code$args) == 'wrt')
      if(length(iWrt) != 1) stop("problem working on wrt argument to nimDerivs")
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, iWrt, symTab, typeEnv) )
  if(inherits(code$args[['order']], 'exprClass')) {
    if(!code$args[['order']]$isName) {
      iOrder <- which(names(code$args) == 'order')
      if(length(iOrder) != 1) stop("problem working on order argument to nimDerivs")
      newAssert <- sizeInsertIntermediate(code, iOrder, symTab, typeEnv)
      for(iNewA in seq_along(newAssert)) {
          if(inherits(newAssert[[iNewA]], "exprClass")) {
                  newAssert[[iNewA]]$aux <- list()
              newAssert[[iNewA]]$aux$.avoidAD <- TRUE
      asserts <- c(asserts, newAssert)
      ## asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, iOrder, symTab, typeEnv) )
  insertExprClassLayer(code, which(names(code$args)=='wrt'), 'make_vector_if_necessary',
                       type = 'double',
                       nDim = 1,
                       sizeExprs = list())
  a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, which(names(code$args)=='order'), 'make_vector_if_necessary',
                             type = 'double',
                             nDim = 1,
                             sizeExprs = list())
  newADinfoName <- ADinfoLabel()
##  symTab$addSymbol(symbolADinfo$new(name = newADinfoName))
    code$aux <- list()

  code$aux[['ADinfoName']] <- newADinfoName
    code$aux[['updateNodesName']] <- updateNodesName
  ADinfoNames <- 'ADinfoNames'
  ##  ADinfoNames <- if(isTRUE(static)) 'ADstaticInfoNames' else 'ADinfoNames'
  if(is.null(typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]])) {
    typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]] <- newADinfoName
  } else {
    typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]] <- c(typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]],
  if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalSelfLiftStage')) {
    if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators))
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
  if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeNimDerivsCalculate <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv){
  ## this contains some logic from sizeNimbleListReturningFunction,
  ## and some from sizeScalarModelOp.  For now, simplest to make a new size processor.
  nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
  nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
  className <- nlDef$className
  symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
  if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
    nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
    symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
  newADinfoName <- ADinfoLabel()
    code$aux <- list()

  code$aux[['ADinfoName']] <- newADinfoName
  ADinfoNames <- 'ADinfoNames_calculate'
  if(is.null(typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]])) {
    typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]] <- newADinfoName
  } else {
    typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]] <- c(typeEnv[[ADinfoNames]],

  ## if(is.null(typeEnv[['numNimDerivsCalculate']])) { ## running count of nimDerivs_calculate calls in the nimbleFunction
  ##   typeEnv[['numNimDerivsCalculate']] <- 1
  ## } else {
  ##   typeEnv[['numNimDerivsCalculate']] <- typeEnv[['numNimDerivsCalculate']] + 1
  ## }
  code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
  code$type <- 'nimbleList'
  code$nDim <- 0
  code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
  asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) # useArgs = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, code$args)))
  for(i in 2:length(code$args)) {
    if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv))
  if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass') && names(code$args)[2] != 'orderVector') { ## There is an index expression that may be non-scalar
    if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) { ## It is non-scalar so we need to set a logical argument about whether is it a logical or numeric vector
      code$args[[ length(code$args)+1 ]] <- as.integer(code$args[[2]]$type == 'logical')
  insertExprClassLayer(code, which(names(code$args)=='orderVector'), 'make_vector_if_necessary',
                       type = 'double',
                       nDim = 1,
                       sizeExprs = list())  
  if(code$args[[1]]$toEigenize == 'yes') { ## not sure when this would be TRUE
    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
  if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalSelfLiftStage')) {
    if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators))
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
  if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeNimbleListReturningFunction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
  asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
  code$type <- 'nimbleList'
  nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
  nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
  className <- nlDef$className
  symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
  if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
      nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
      symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
  code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
  code$toEigenize <- "yes"  # This is specialized for nimSvd and nimEigen.
  if(code$name == 'getDerivs_wrapper'){
      code$toEigenize <- 'no'  ## Temp. solution to ensure that derivsOrders argument is a nimArray and not an eigen type.
  code$nDim <- 0
  if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalSelfLiftStage')) {
      if(!(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators))
          asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
  if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

## sizeOptimModel <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
##     ## No call to recurseSetSizes.
##     code$type <- 'nimbleList'
##     nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
##     nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
##     className <- nlDef$className
##     symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
##     if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
##         nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
##         symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
##         symTab$addSymbol(symbolObject)
##     }
##     code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
##     code$toEigenize <- "no"
##     code$nDim <- 0
##     list()
## }

sizeOptim <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    typeEnv$.allowFunctionAsArgument <- TRUE
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    typeEnv$.allowFunctionAsArgument <- FALSE
    code$type <- 'nimbleList'
    nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
    nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
    className <- nlDef$className
    symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
    if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
        nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
        symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
    code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
    code$toEigenize <- "no"
    code$nDim <- 0

    if(inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
    fnCode <- code$args$fn
    if(!inherits(fnCode, 'exprClass')) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, '`fn` argument to `optim` is not valid.'), call. = FALSE)
    if (fnCode$name == 'nfMethod') {
        # This is handled in cppOutputNFmethod.
    } else if(identical(fnCode$type, 'Ronly') & identical(class(fnCode$sizeExprs)[1], 'symbolMemberFunction')) {
        fnCode$name <- fnCode$sizeExprs$RCfunProc$name
        newCode <- substitute(nfMethod(this, FUN), list(FUN = fnCode$name))
        newExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
        newExpr$args[[1]]$type <- symTab$getSymbolObject(".self", TRUE)$baseType
        setArg(code, 2, newExpr)
    } else if(exists(fnCode$name) && is.rcf(get(fnCode$name))) {
        fnCode$name <- environment(get(fnCode$name))$nfMethodRCobject$uniqueName
    } else {
        stop('in `optim`, the `fn` argument, `', fnCode$name, '`, is not available or is not a nimbleFunction or nimbleFunction method.')

    grCode <- code$args$gr
    if (identical(grCode, "NULL")) {
        # We simply emit "NULL".
    } else if (grCode$name == 'nfMethod') {
        # This is handled in cppOutputNFmethod.
    } else if(identical(grCode$type, 'Ronly') & identical(class(grCode$sizeExprs)[1], 'symbolMemberFunction')) {
        grCode$name <- grCode$sizeExprs$RCfunProc$name
        newCode <- substitute(nfMethod(this, FUN), list(FUN = grCode$name))
        newExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
        newExpr$args[[1]]$type <- symTab$getSymbolObject(".self", TRUE)$baseType
        setArg(code, 3, newExpr)
    } else if(exists(grCode$name) && is.rcf(get(grCode$name))) {
        # Handle gr arguments that are RCfunctions.
        grCode$name <- environment(get(grCode$name))$nfMethodRCobject$uniqueName
    } else {
        stop(paste0('unsupported gr argument in optim(par, gr = ', grCode$name, '); try an RCfunction or nfMethod instead'))

    heCode <- code$args$he
    if (identical(heCode, "NULL")) {
        # We simply emit "NULL".
    } else if (heCode$name == 'nfMethod') {
        # This is handled in cppOutputNFmethod.
    } else if(identical(heCode$type, 'Ronly') & identical(class(heCode$sizeExprs)[1], 'symbolMemberFunction')) {
        heCode$name <- heCode$sizeExprs$RCfunProc$name
        newCode <- substitute(nfMethod(this, FUN), list(FUN = heCode$name))
        newExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
        newExpr$args[[1]]$type <- symTab$getSymbolObject(".self", TRUE)$baseType
        setArg(code, 3, newExpr)
    } else if(exists(heCode$name) && is.rcf(get(heCode$name))) {
        # Handle he arguments that are RCfunctions.
        heCode$name <- environment(get(heCode$name))$nfMethodRCobject$uniqueName
    } else {
        stop(paste0('unsupported he argument in optim(par, he = ', heCode$name, '); try an RCfunction or nfMethod instead'))

    for(arg in c(code$args$lower, code$args$upper)) {
        if(inherits(arg, 'exprClass') && arg$toEigenize=='yes') {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, arg$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))

    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeOptimDefaultControl <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    code$type <- 'nimbleList'
    nlGen <- nimbleListReturningFunctionList[[code$name]]$nlGen
    nlDef <- nl.getListDef(nlGen)
    className <- nlDef$className
    symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(className, inherits = TRUE)
    if(is.null(symbolObject)) {
        nlp <- typeEnv$.nimbleProject$compileNimbleList(nlGen, initialTypeInference = TRUE)
        symbolObject <- symbolNimbleListGenerator(name = className, nlProc = nlp)
    code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
    code$toEigenize <- "no"
    code$nDim <- 0

    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

checkDim <- function(code, symTab) {
        return(as.numeric(length(code) > 1))
    if(inherits(code, 'exprClass')) {
        if(symTab$symbolExists(code$name)) {  # a variable
        } else return(code$nDim)  # an expression
    stop("Unexpected input to `checkDim` in `nimIntegrate` size processing.")

sizeIntegrate <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
  typeEnv$.allowFunctionAsArgument <- TRUE
  asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
  typeEnv$.allowFunctionAsArgument <- FALSE

  if(!"param" %in% names(code$args))
      stop("`param` argument must be provided to `nimIntegrate`, even if unused in integrand")

  iParam <-  which(names(code$args)=='param') # This should always be 4

  ## lift param argument if it is an expressions
  if(inherits(code$args[[iParam]], 'exprClass')) {
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, iParam, symTab, typeEnv))

  if(checkDim(code$args[[iParam]], symTab) > 1)
      stop("`param` argument to `nimIntegrate` must be a one-dimensional array or scalar.")
  if(checkDim(code$args$lower, symTab) != 0 || checkDim(code$args$upper, symTab) != 0)
      stop("`lower` and `upper` arguments to `nimIntegrate` must be scalars")

  code$sizeExprs <- list(3)
  code$toEigenize <- "no"
  code$nDim <- 1
  code$type <- 'double'
  fnCode <- code$args$f

  if(!inherits(fnCode, 'exprClass')) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, '`f` argument to `integrate` (or `nimIntegrate`) is not valid.'), call. = FALSE)
  if (fnCode$name == 'nfMethod') {
    ## This is handled in cppOutputNFmethod.
  } else if(identical(fnCode$type, 'Ronly') & identical(class(fnCode$sizeExprs)[1], 'symbolMemberFunction')) {
    fnCode$name <- fnCode$sizeExprs$RCfunProc$name
    newCode <- substitute(nfMethod(this, FUN), list(FUN = fnCode$name))
    newExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
    newExpr$args[[1]]$type <- symTab$getSymbolObject(".self", TRUE)$baseType
    setArg(code, 1, newExpr)
  } else if(exists(fnCode$name) && is.rcf(get(fnCode$name))) {
    fnCode$name <- environment(get(fnCode$name))$nfMethodRCobject$uniqueName
  } else {
    stop('in `integrate` (or `nimIntegrate`), the `f` argument, `', fnCode$name, '`, is not available or is not a nimbleFunction or nimbleFunction method.')

  for(arg in c(code$args$lower, code$args$upper, code$args$subdivisions,
               code$args$rel.tol, code$args$abs.tol, code$args$stop.on.error)) {
    if(inherits(arg, 'exprClass') && arg$toEigenize=='yes') {
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, arg$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))

  if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeCppPointerDereference <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
  asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
  code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type
  code$sizeExprs <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs
  code$toEigenize <- code$args[[1]]$toEigenize
  code$nDim <- code$args[[1]]$nDim
  if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeDoubleBracket <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {

    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(code$args[[1]]$isName) {
        objectName <- code$args[[1]]$name
        symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(objectName, inherits = TRUE)
        objectType <- symbolObject$type
    } else { ## if there is nesting, A$B$C, figure out what to do
        objectType <- code$args[[1]]$type
        symbolObject <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs ## repurposed for this role
    isSymFuncList <- objectType == 'nimbleFunctionList'
    if(!isSymFuncList) stop('nfList[[i]] must use a nimbleFunctionList')
    code$sizeExprs <- symbolObject
    code$type <- objectType
    return(if(is.null(asserts)) list() else asserts)

sizeChainedCall <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## options include nfMethod(nf, 'foo')(a), or nfMethod(nf[[i]], 'foo')(a) [which arises from nf[[i]]$foo(a), where nf is a local nflist, where nf could need recursion, in which case it will be wrapped in nfVar
    ## In other places we generate chainedCalls for static_cast<int>(a), but those shouldn't be seen here
    a1 <- code$args[[1]] 
    if(!inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeChainedCall.  First arg is not an expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    nfMethodRCobj <- NULL

    if(a1$name != 'nfMethod') stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Some problem processing a chained call.'), call. = FALSE)

    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(a1, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(a1$args)-1)))

    a11 <- a1$args[[1]]
    methodName <- a1$args[[2]]

    if(a1$args[[1]]$isName) {
        objectName <- a1$args[[1]]$name
        symbolObject <- symTab$getSymbolObject(objectName, inherits = TRUE)
        objectType <- symbolObject$type
    } else { ## if there is nesting, A$B$C, figure out what to do
        objectType <- a1$args[[1]]$type
        symbolObject <- a1$args[[1]]$sizeExprs ## repurposed for this role

    isSymFun <- objectType == 'nimbleFunction'
    isSymFunList <- objectType == 'nimbleFunctionList'
    if(! (isSymFun | isSymFunList)) stop('Problem processing what looks like a member function call.')

    if(!is.character(methodName)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In handling X$Y: Something is wrong with Y.'), call. = FALSE)

    nfProc <- symbolObject$nfProc
    if(is.null(nfProc)) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In handling X$Y(): Symbols for X have not been set up.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(isSymFun) {
        if(a1$args[[1]]$name != 'cppPointerDereference') {
            insertExprClassLayer(a1, 1, 'cppPointerDereference') ## not annotated, but not needed


    if(isSymFun) {
        returnSymbol <- nfProc$compileInfos[[methodName]]$returnSymbol
        argSymTab <- nfProc$compileInfos[[methodName]]$origLocalSymTab
    if(isSymFunList) {
        returnSymbol <- nfProc$compileInfos[[methodName]]$returnSymbol
        argSymTab <- nfProc$compileInfos[[methodName]]$origLocalSymTab
    if(!is.null(returnSymbol)) {
        asserts <- generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols(code, symTab, typeEnv, returnSymbol, argSymTab, chainedCall = TRUE)
    writeLines('Warning: no return type determined from a chained call such as nimbleFunction call.')

sizeValues <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$type <- 'double'
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'
    sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$name, TRUE)
    indexRangeCase <- FALSE
    if(length(code$args) == 1) {  # full vector of nodes
        code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute(cppMemberFunction(getTotalLength(ACCESSNAME)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name))))
        asserts <- list()
    } else {  # there must be index on the node
        asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-1)))
        if(is.numeric(code$args[[2]])) {
            code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute(cppMemberFunction(getNodeLength(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = code$args[[2]])))
        } else {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))

            if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) {
                code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute(getNodesLength_Indices(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = as.name(code$args[[2]]$name))))
                indexRangeCase <- TRUE
            } else {
                code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute(cppMemberFunction(getNodeLength(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = as.name(code$args[[2]]$name))))
    if(code$caller$name == "[" & code$caller$callerArgID == 1) # values(...)[.] <-
        if(typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns) ## a surrogate for being on LHS of an assignment. values(...)[] should work on RHS
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeValues: indexing of values() on left-hand size of an assignment is not allowed.'), call. = FALSE)
     if(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators) {
         if(code$callerArgID == 2) { ## ans <- values(...)
            code$name <- if(!indexRangeCase) 'getValues' else 'getValuesIndexRange'                
            LHS <- code$caller$args[[1]]
            if(LHS$isName) { ## It is a little awkward to insert setSize here, but this is different from other cases in sizeAssignAfterRecursing
                assertSS <- list(substitute(setSize(LHS), list(LHS = as.name(LHS$name))))
                if(length(code$args) == 1) {  # full vector of nodes
                    assertSS[[1]][[3]] <- substitute(cppMemberFunction(getTotalLength(ACCESSNAME)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name)))
                } else {  # there must be index on the node
                    if(is.numeric(code$args[[2]])) {
                        assertSS[[1]][[3]] <- substitute(cppMemberFunction(getNodeLength(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = code$args[[2]]))
                    } else {
                        if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) {
                            assertSS[[1]][[3]] <- substitute(getNodesLength_Indices(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = as.name(code$args[[2]]$name))) ## intermediate has already been inserted above, if needed
                        } else {
                            assertSS[[1]][[3]] <- substitute(cppMemberFunction(getNodeLength(ACCESSNAME, ACCESSINDEX)), list(ACCESSNAME = as.name(code$args[[1]]$name), ACCESSINDEX = as.name(code$args[[2]]$name)))

                asserts <- c(asserts, assertSS)
            } else
                typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE
         } else {   # values(...) <- P, don't change it
             if(indexRangeCase) code$name <- 'valuesIndexRange'
    } else { ## values(...) embedded in a RHS expression
        code$name <- if(!indexRangeCase) 'getValues' else 'getValuesIndexRange'
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes' ## This tricks sizeAssignAfterRecursing to generate the setSize in asserts, in getValues case (getValuesIndexRange is in set of names to skip for that)
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        code$toEigenize <- 'no'
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

sizeRCfunction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, nfmObj, RCfunProc) {
    returnType <- nfmObj$returnType
    ## argInfo <- nfmObj$argInfo
    ## Insert buildDerivs label into code$aux
    thisBuildDerivs <- is.list(nfmObj$buildDerivs)

      code$aux <- list(buildDerivs = thisBuildDerivs)
      code$aux[['buildDerivs']] <- thisBuildDerivs

    code$name <- nfmObj$uniqueName
    returnSymbol <- RCfunProc$compileInfo$returnSymbol
    argSymTab <- RCfunProc$compileInfo$origLocalSymTab
    asserts <- generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols(code, symTab, typeEnv, returnSymbol, argSymTab)

sizeNimbleFunction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## This will handle other nimbleFunction run calls or other methods of this nimbleFunction
    sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$name, TRUE)
    ok <- FALSE
    if(inherits(sym, 'symbolNimbleFunction')) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeNimbleFunction: A nimbleFunction method should not be processed here.'), call. = FALSE)
        ## HANDLING OF myNF$run() HERE IS DEFUNCT.  ALL SHOULD GO THROUGH sizeChainedCall now (chainedCall(nfMethod(myNF,'run'), arg1, arg2).
    if(inherits(sym, 'symbolMemberFunction')) {
        memberRCfunProc <- sym$RCfunProc
        returnSymbol <- memberRCfunProc$compileInfo$returnSymbol
        argSymTab <- memberRCfunProc$compileInfo$origLocalSymTab
        ok <- TRUE
    if(ok) {
        asserts <- generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols(code, symTab, typeEnv, returnSymbol, argSymTab)
    stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeNimbleFunction: The function name is not known and is not a nimbleFunction or a member function.'), call. = FALSE)

recurseSetSizes <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = rep(TRUE, length(code$args))) {
    ## won't be here unless code is a call.  It will not be a {
    asserts <- list()
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(useArgs[i]) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                asserts <- c(asserts, exprClasses_setSizes(code$args[[i]], symTab, typeEnv))
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

## promote numeric output to most information-rich type, double > integer > logical
## Note this will not be correct for logical operators, where output type should be logical
arithmeticOutputType <- function(t1, t2) {
    if(t1 == 'double') return('double')
    if(t2 == 'double') return('double')
    if(t1 == 'integer') return('integer')
    if(t2 == 'integer') return('integer')

## Generate R code for an equality assertion
identityAssert <- function(lhs, rhs, msg = "") {
    if(identical(lhs, rhs)) return(NULL)
    msg <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", msg)
    printOrStop <- if(isTRUE(getNimbleOption("stopOnSizeErrors"))) quote(nimStop) else quote(nimPrint)
    substitute(if(lhs != rhs) PRINTORSTOP(msg), list(PRINTORSTOP = printOrStop, lhs = lhs, rhs = rhs, msg = msg))

## Determine if LHS is less information-rich that RHS and issue a warning.
## e.g. if LHS is int but RHS is double.
assignmentTypeWarn <- function(LHS, RHS) {
    if(LHS == 'int' & RHS == 'double') return(TRUE)
    if(LHS == 'logical' & RHS != 'logical') return(TRUE)

## used for setAll
## toEigen: N.B. This may be deprecated.
sizeOneEigenCommand <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeOneEigenCommand:  First arg should be a name.'), call. = FALSE)
    recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(code$args[[1]]$nDim != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeOneEigenCommand:  At the moment only works for 2D objects.'), call. = FALSE)
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

## This is used for nimPrint 
## If anything has toEigenize == "maybe", the whole expression gets "yes"
## That way cout<<X;  will use an eigen map for X
sizeforceEigenize <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    toEigs <- lapply(code$args, function(x) {
        if(inherits(x, 'exprClass')) x$toEigenize else 'unknown'
    toLift <- lapply(code$args, function(x) {
        if(inherits(x, 'exprClass')) (identical(x$type, 'logical') & !x$isName) else FALSE
    for(i in seq_along(toLift)) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv)) 
    code$toEigenize <- if(any( unlist(toEigs) %in% c('maybe', 'yes'))) 'yes' else 'no'
    code$type <- 'unknown'
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

## This is for when the programmer has directly written "resize(Z, 3, dim(A)[1])".
## When the resize is automatically generated, it skips size inference

nimbleGeneralParseDeparse <- function(code) {
        parse(text = nimDeparse(code), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

sizeSetSize <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    #go inside nfVar call if resizing nimbleList element
    if(code$args[[1]]$name == 'nfVar'){
      useArg1 <- TRUE
      sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$args[[1]]$name)
      if(sym$type == 'nimbleList'){
        sym <- sym$nlProc$symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$args[[2]])
    } else {
      sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$name, inherits = TRUE)
      useArg1 <- FALSE
    asserts <- list()
    if(!inherits(sym, 'symbolNumericList')) {
        if(sym$nDim == 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSetSize: Resizing a scalar does not make sense.'), call. = FALSE)
        firstSizeExpr <- code$args[[2]]

        ## first two arguments are variable to be resized and new sizes
        ## extra arguments would be fillZeros and recycle
        ## need to determine if any extra arguments were provided in order to repack arguments correctly below
        if(length(code$args) > 2)
            nExtraArgs <- length(code$args)-2
            nExtraArgs <- 0

        if(nExtraArgs > 0)
            asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, c(rep(FALSE, 2), rep(TRUE, nExtraArgs))))

        if(inherits(firstSizeExpr, 'exprClass')) {
            if(firstSizeExpr$name == 'nimC') { ## handle syntax of resize(Z, c(3, dim(A)[1]))
                if(length(firstSizeExpr$args) != sym$nDim) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSetSize: Problem with number of dimensions provided in resize.'), call. = FALSE)
                asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(firstSizeExpr, symTab, typeEnv)) ## may set intermediates if needed
                if(nExtraArgs > 0) {
                    origExtraArgs <- code$args[3:length(code$args)] ## preserve extra arguments
                    code$args <- code$args[1:2]
                for(i in 1:length(firstSizeExpr$args)) {
                    code$args[[i+1]] <- firstSizeExpr$args[[i]]
                    if(inherits(firstSizeExpr$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                        firstSizeExpr$args[[i]]$caller <- code
                        firstSizeExpr$args[[i]]$callerArgID <- i+1
                if(nExtraArgs > 0) { ## reinsert extra arguments on end.
                    for(i in 1:nExtraArgs) {
                        setArg(code, length(code$args) + 1, origExtraArgs[[i]])
                return(if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts)

        useArgs <- c(useArg1, TRUE )
        if(nExtraArgs > 0) useArgs <- c(useArgs, rep(FALSE, nExtraArgs))
        asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs) )

        if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) {
                 if(!(code$args[[2]]$isName)) asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
                code$name <- 'setSizeNimArrToNimArr'

        ## We used to update typeEnv here with the new sizes, but it is not safe to do so because the setSize might appear inside a conditional (if-then)
        ## and hence one can't know until run-time if the size will actually be changed as given.  Thus typeEnv sizeExprs are set when a variable first appears
        ## and should be either constants (and not ever setSized again, which we should check for but don't) or remain generic (dim(x)[1], etc)
        ## assign(code$args[[1]]$name, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = sym$nDim, sizeExprs = lapply(code$args[-1], nimbleGeneralParseDeparse), type = sym$type), envir = typeEnv)
        return(if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts)
    if(inherits(sym, 'symbolNumericList') ) { ## these are deprecated
    	if(length(code$args) != 2 + sym$nDim) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSetSize: Problem with number of dimensions provided in resize.'), call. = FALSE)

## This was redundant and we should eventually be able to remove it
## toEigen: N.B. omitting this
sizeResizeNoPtr <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv){
    sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$name, inherits = TRUE)
    if(length(code$args[[2]]) != 1)  stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeResizeNoPtr: Problem with number of dimensions provided in resize.'), call. = FALSE)
    ## no longer modify typeEnv
    ## assign(code$name, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = 1, sizeExprs = lapply(code$args[-1], nimDeparse), type = sym$type), envir = typeEnv)

## Handler for for-loops: a fairly special case
## e.g. for(i in 1:10) {do(i)}
sizeFor <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 3) stop('Error in sizeFor: expected 3 arguments to a for-loop', call. = FALSE)
    ## first handle type of the indexing variable
    if(!inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeFor: expected the index range to be an expression (exprClass).'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- exprClasses_setSizes(code$args[[2]], symTab, typeEnv)
    code$args[[1]]$nDim <- 0
    code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$args[[1]]$type <- code$args[[2]]$type
    code$args[[1]]$toEigenize <- 'no'
    ## if index is unknown, create it in typeEnv and in the symTab
    if(!exists(code$args[[1]]$name, envir = typeEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
        assign(code$args[[1]]$name, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = 0, type = code$args[[1]]$type), envir = typeEnv)
        symTab$addSymbol(symbolBasic(name = code$args[[1]]$name, nDim = 0, type = code$args[[1]]$type))
    typeEnv[[code$args[[1]]$name]]$sizeExprs <- list()

    ## Now the 3rd arg, the body of the loop, can be processed
    asserts <- c(asserts, exprClasses_setSizes(code$args[[3]], symTab, typeEnv))
    ## I think there shouldn't be any asserts returned since the body should be a bracket expression.
    return(if(length(asserts) == 0) invisible(NULL) else asserts)

sizeInsertIntermediate <- function(code, argID, symTab, typeEnv, forceAssign = FALSE,
                                   forceType = NULL) { ## only used by sizeColonOperator to force lifted range ends to be integer
    newName <- IntermLabelMaker()
    ## I think it is valid and general to catch maps here.
    ## For most variables, creating an intermediate involves interN <- expression being lifted
    ## But for map, which will be using a NimArr if it is lifted here, what we need to generate is setMap call
    mapcase <- if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]])) FALSE else (code$args[[argID]]$name == 'map' & !forceAssign) 
    if(mapcase) {
        ans <- nimArrMapExpr(code$args[[argID]], symTab, typeEnv, newName)
        ## That should create the symTab entry
        ans <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(ans)
        newArgExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(as.name(newName))
        newArgExpr$type <- code$args[[argID]]$type
        newArgExpr$sizeExprs <- code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing')) {
            newArgExpr$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
        newArgExpr$nDim <- code$args[[argID]]$nDim
    } else {

        ## One may wonder where the new variable is added to the
        ## symbolTable.  That happens when we do
        ## sizeAssignAfterRecursing, which identifies unknown LHS and
        ## creates the symTab entry.
        newExpr <- newAssignmentExpression()
        setArg(newExpr, 1, RparseTree2ExprClasses(as.name(newName))) 
        setArg(newExpr, 2, code$args[[argID]]) ## The setArg function should set code$caller (to newExpr) and code$callerArgID (to 3)
            newExpr$args[[2]]$type <- forceType
        ans <- c(sizeAssignAfterRecursing(newExpr, symTab, typeEnv, NoEigenizeMap = TRUE), list(newExpr))

        newArgExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(as.name(newName))
        newArgExpr$type <- newExpr$args[[1]]$type
        newArgExpr$sizeExprs <- newExpr$args[[1]]$sizeExprs
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing')) {
            newArgExpr$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
        newArgExpr$nDim <- newExpr$args[[1]]$nDim
    setArg(code, argID, newArgExpr)
    if( isTRUE(typeEnv$.avoidAD) ) {
        typeEnv$.new_ignore <- c(typeEnv$.new_ignore, newName)
    return(ans) ## This is to be inserted in a list of asserts, even though it is really core code, not just an a test or assertion

nimbleAliasRiskFxns <- c("t", "[", "eigenBlock", ## all "[" will be replaced by eigenBlock anyway
                         names(nimble:::sizeCalls)[ grepl("RecyclingRule", unlist(nimble:::sizeCalls) ) ],
                         "nimRep", "nimRepd", "nimRepi", "nimRepb", "nimC", "nimCd", "nimCi", "nimCb")

detectNimbleAliasRisk <- function(code, LHSname, insideRiskFxn = FALSE) {
    if(!inherits(code, "exprClass")) return(FALSE)
    if(!insideRiskFxn) {
        if(code$name %in% nimbleAliasRiskFxns)
            insideRiskFxn <- TRUE
        if(code$name == LHSname)
    if(length(code$args) > 0) {
        for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
            if(detectNimbleAliasRisk(code$args[[i]], LHSname, insideRiskFxn))

# Inspect an expression to extract any nfVar(A, x), meaning A$x
# This passes over '[' at the top level, so that A$x[i] goes to A$x
find_nfVar_info <- function(code) {
  if(!inherits(code, 'exprClass')) return(NULL)
  if(code$name == "[") return(find_nfVar_info(code$args[[1]]))
  if(code$name == "nfVar") { # using A$x which is nfVar(A, x)
    A <- code$args[[1]]$name
    x <- code$args[[2]]
    if(is.character(x)) {
      inner <- x
    } else {
      if(!(x$name == "nfVar"))
        return(list(var = NULL, objs = NULL))
      x <- find_nfVar_info(x)
      A <- c(A, x$objs)
      inner <- x$var
    result <- list(var = inner,
                   objs = A )

detect_nfVar_info_aliasRisk <- function(code, LHS_nfVar_info) {
  if(!inherits(code, "exprClass")) return(FALSE)
  if(code$name == "nfVar") {
    this_nfVar_info <- find_nfVar_info(code)
    if(identical(this_nfVar_info$var, LHS_nfVar_info$var))
  if(length(code$args) > 0) {
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
      if(detect_nfVar_info_aliasRisk(code$args[[i]], LHS_nfVar_info))

sizeAssign <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns <- FALSE
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns <- TRUE
    if(length(code$args) > 2){
      asserts <- c(asserts, exprClasses_setSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv))
      asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(TRUE, FALSE)))
      typeEnv[['.ensureNimbleBlocks']] <- FALSE ## may have been true from RHS of rmnorm etc.
      LHS <- code$args[[1]]
      RHS <- code$args[[2]]
      if(inherits(LHS, 'exprClass')) {
          if(LHS$isName) {
              if(detectNimbleAliasRisk(RHS, LHS$name)) {
                  asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
          } else {
            LHS_nfVar_info <- find_nfVar_info(LHS)
            if(!is.null(LHS_nfVar_info)) {
              if(detect_nfVar_info_aliasRisk(RHS, LHS_nfVar_info)) {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
      asserts <- c(asserts, sizeAssignAfterRecursing(code, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

## Handler for assignment
sizeAssignAfterRecursing <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, NoEigenizeMap = FALSE) {
    LHS <- code$args[[1]]
    RHS <- code$args[[2]]
    if(inherits(RHS, 'exprClass')) {
        RHSname <- RHS$name
        RHSnDim <- RHS$nDim
        RHStype <- RHS$type
        RHSsizeExprs <- RHS$sizeExprs
    } else {
        if(is.numeric(RHS) || is.logical(RHS)) {
            RHSname = ''
            RHSnDim <- 0
            RHStype <- sizeProc_storage_mode(RHS)
            RHSsizeExprs <- list() 
        else if(is.character(RHS)){
          RHSname = ''
          RHSnDim <- 0
          RHStype <- 'character'
          RHSsizeExprs <- list() 
        else {
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, "In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: don't know what to do with a provided expression."), call. = FALSE)
    if(is.null(RHStype) || length(RHStype)==0) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0("In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: '", RHSname, "' is not available or its output type is unknown.")), call. = FALSE)
    if(LHS$isName) {
        if(!exists(LHS$name, envir = typeEnv, inherits = FALSE)) { ## not in typeEnv
            ## If LHS unknown, create it in typeEnv
            if(!symTab$symbolExists(LHS$name, TRUE)) { ## not in symTab
                if(RHStype %in% c('double','integer', 'logical')) {  ## valid type to create here
                    ## We used to delay creating sizeExprs until below, but now it always generic
                    assign(LHS$name, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = RHSnDim, type = RHStype, sizeExprs = makeSizeExpressions(rep(NA, RHSnDim), LHS$name)), envir = typeEnv)
                    symTab$addSymbol(symbolBasic(name = LHS$name, nDim = RHSnDim, type = RHStype))
                } else { ## not valid type to create here
                    if(RHStype == 'voidPtr') {
                        ## This should be ok without sizeExprs content
                        assign(LHS$name, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = RHSnDim, type = RHStype), envir = typeEnv)
                        symTab$addSymbol(symbolVoidPtr(name = LHS$name, type = RHStype))
                    ## a path for arbitrary symbols
                    else if(RHStype == "custom") {                        
                        ConlySym <- RHS$sizeExprs$copy() ## trick to put a symbol object here. use a copy in case this expr is from simple assignment, not creation
                        ConlySym$name <- LHS$name

                        code$type <- "custom"
                        code$sizeExprs <- ConlySym ## in case there is chained assignment

                    else if(RHStype == "nimbleList") {
                      ## I think we have the nlProc in the RHS sizeExprs in some cases?
                      LHSnlProc <- symTab$getSymbolObject(RHS$name)$nlProc
                      if(is.null(LHSnlProc)) LHSnlProc <- RHS$sizeExprs$nlProc
                      if(is.null(LHSnlProc)) LHSnlProc <- symTab$getSymbolObject(RHS$name, inherits = TRUE)$nlProc
                      symTab$addSymbol(symbolNimbleList(name = LHS$name, type = RHStype, nlProc = LHSnlProc))
                    else if(symTab$symbolExists(RHStype, TRUE)){  ## this is TRUE if a nested nimbleFunction returns a nimbleList - the type of
                                                                  ## the returned nimbleList will be a symbolNimbleListGenerator that exists
                                                                  ## in the parent ST.
                      LHSnlProc <- symTab$getSymbolObject(RHStype, TRUE)$nlProc
                      symTab$addSymbol(symbolNimbleList(name = LHS$name, nlProc = LHSnlProc))
                        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: LHS is not in typeEnv or symTab and cannot be added now.')), call. = FALSE)
            } else { ## yes in symTab
                ## this is another path for arbitrary symbols, but not sure it's used.
                ## This case is ok.  It is in the symbol table but not the typeEnv.  So it is something like ptr <- getPtr(A)
                 if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing')) {
                code$toEigenize <- 'no'
                 } ##experimentalNewSizeProcessing
                code$nDim <- 0
                code$type <- 'unknown'
                code$sizeExprs <- list()
        } else { ## yes in typeEnv.  must be symTab too.
            ## If LHS known, check if nDim matches RHS
            if(length(LHS$nDim) == 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: nDim for LHS not set.')), call. = FALSE)
            if(length(RHSnDim) == 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: nDim for RHS not set.')), call. = FALSE)
            if(LHS$nDim != RHSnDim) {
                stop('Mismatched dimensions in assignment: ', nimDeparse(code), '.', call. = FALSE )
            ## and warn if type issue e.g. int <- double
            if(assignmentTypeWarn(LHS$type, RHStype)) {
                message(paste0('Warning, RHS numeric type is losing information in assignment to LHS in line:\n', nimDeparse(code)))
    ## update size info in typeEnv
    assert <- NULL

    if((LHS$name == 'values' || LHS$name == 'valuesIndexRange') && length(LHS$args) %in% c(1,2)) { ## It is values(model_values_accessor[, index]) <- STUFF
        # triggered when we have simple assignment into values() without indexing of values()
        if(is.numeric(RHS)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: Cannot assign into values() from numeric.')), call. = FALSE)
        code$name <- if(LHS$name == 'values') 'setValues' else 'setValuesIndexRange' 
        code$args <- list(1 + length(LHS$args))
        setArg(code, 1, RHS)
        setArg(code, 2, LHS$args[[1]])
        if(length(LHS$args) == 2) setArg(code, 3, LHS$args[[2]])  # for indexed of form values(model, nodes[i])
        if(!(RHS$isName)) assert <- c(assert, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv) )
        return( if(length(assert) == 0) NULL else assert )

    ## Note this can use LHS$name for RHSsizeExprs when returning from a nimbleFunction on RHS.  But this is probably not needed any more.
    if(any(unlist(lapply(RHSsizeExprs, is.null)))) RHSsizeExprs <- makeSizeExpressions(rep(NA, RHSnDim), LHS$name) ## reset sizeExprs for the LHS var. re-using RHSsizeExprs for LHS.  This would only be valid if it is a nimbleFunction returning something on the RHS.  For assignment to be executed in Eigen, the RHS sizes MUST be known

     if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing')) {
    if(LHS$toEigenize == 'yes') {
        code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
##        message('Warning from sizeAssign: not expecting LHS to have toEigenize == yes')
    } else {
        code$toEigenize <-if(inherits(RHS, 'exprClass')) {
            if(RHS$toEigenize == 'no') 'no' else {
                if(RHS$toEigenize == 'unknown') 'no' else {
                    if(RHS$toEigenize != 'yes' && (!(LHS$name %in% c('eigenBlock', 'diagonal', 'coeffSetter'))) && (RHS$isName || RHS$nDim == 0 || (RHS$name == 'map' && NoEigenizeMap))) 'no' ## if it is scalar or is just a name or a map, we will do it via NimArr operator= .  Used to have "| RHS$name == 'map'", but this allowed X[1:3] <- X[2:4], which requires eigen, with eval triggered, to get right
                    else 'yes' ## if it is 'maybe' and non-scalar and not just a name, default to 'yes'
        } else {
                if(LHS$nDim > 0) 'yes' ## This is for cases like out[1:4] <- scalar
                else 'no'
            else 'no'
    if(code$toEigenize == 'yes') { ## this would make more sense in eigenize_assign
    ## generate setSize(LHS, ...) where ... are dimension expressions
        if(length(RHSnDim) == 0) {
            message("confused about trying to eigenize something with nDim = 0")
        if(RHSnDim > 0) {
            if(!(RHS$name %in% setSizeNotNeededOperators)) {
                if(LHS$isName || LHS$name == "nfVar") {
                    assert <- substitute(setSize(LHS), list(LHS = nimbleGeneralParseDeparse(LHS)))
                    for(i in seq_along(RHSsizeExprs)) {
                        test <- try(assert[[i + 2]] <- RHS$sizeExprs[[i]])
                        if(inherits(test, 'try-error')) stop(paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: Error in assert[[i + 2]] <- RHS$sizeExprs[[i]] for i = ', i), call. = FALSE)
                    assert[[ length(assert) + 1]] <- 0 ## copyValues = false
                    assert[[ length(assert) + 1]] <- 0 ## fillZeros  = false
                    assert <- list(assert)
                } else { ## We have an indexed LHS of an eigenizable expression
                    ## need special handling if it is a row assignment like x[i,] <- ...
                    ## also need to generate size assertions                    
                    if(LHS$nDim == 1) {
                        if(RHS$nDim == 2) {
                            if(is.numeric(RHS$sizeExprs[[1]])) {
                                if(RHS$sizeExprs[[1]] == 1) {
                                    newExpr <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'asRow', type = LHS$type)
                                    newExpr$sizeExprs <- RHS$sizeExprs 
                                    newExpr$type <- LHS$type
                                    newExpr$nDim <- RHS$nDim
                                    if(!is.numeric(LHS$sizeExprs[[1]]) || !is.numeric(RHS$sizeExprs[[2]])) {
                                        assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(LHS$sizeExprs[[1]]), " == ", deparse(RHS$sizeExprs[[2]]))
                                        thisAssert <- identityAssert(LHS$sizeExprs[[1]], RHS$sizeExprs[[2]], assertMessage)
                                        if(!is.null(thisAssert)) assert[[length(assert) + 1]] <- thisAssert 
                                    } else {
                                        if(LHS$sizeExprs[[1]] != RHS$sizeExprs[[2]]) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeAssignAfterRecursing: Fixed size mismatch.')), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        if(inherits(RHS, 'exprClass')) {
            ## If we have A <- map(B, ...), we need to generate a setMap for the RHS, which will be done by sizeInsertIntermediate 
            if(RHS$name == 'map') assert <- c(assert, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv) )
        if(inherits(LHS, 'exprClass')) {
            # ditto
            if(LHS$name == 'map') assert <- c(assert, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv) )
     } ##experimentalNewSizeProcessing
    if(!(LHS$name %in% c('eigenBlock', 'diagonal', 'coeffSetter', 'nimNonseqIndexedd', 'nimNonseqIndexedi','nimNonseqIndexedb'))) {
        ## should already be annotated if it is an indexed assignment.
        ## It should be harmless to re-annotated EXCEPT in case like out[1:5] <- scalar
        code$nDim <- code$args[[1]]$nDim <- RHSnDim
        code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type <- RHStype
        code$sizeExprs <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs <- RHSsizeExprs
    if(RHSname %in% assignmentAsFirstArgFuns) {
        code$name <- RHS$name
        oldArgs <- RHS$args
        LHS <- code$args[[1]] ## could have been reset by LHS$name == 'map' situation above
        code$args <- list(length(oldArgs) + 1)
        for(i in seq_along(oldArgs)) {
            setArg(code, i+1, oldArgs[[i]])
        setArg(code, 1, LHS)

sizePROTECT <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## Do not recurse.
    code$type <- "custom"
    code$sizeExprs <- symbolSEXP(type = 'custom') ## trick to put a symbol object into sizeExprs for later use

sizeReval <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    code$name <- 'Rf_eval'
    return(sizePROTECT(code, symTab, typeEnv))

sizeNimbleConvert <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) ## should not normally have an expression other than variable name as the argument, but do this for safety
    nDim <- code$args[[1]]$nDim
    type <- code$args[[1]]$type
    if(!code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'nimbleConvert can only be used in simple assignment.'), call. = FALSE)

    targetString <- nimDeparse(code$args[[1]])
    targetName <- Rname2CppName(targetString)
    targetExpr <- parse(text = targetString, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
    copyName <- paste0(targetName, '_nimbleContigCopy')
    subList <- list(var = targetExpr, copy = as.name(copyName))
    newCode <- substitute( nimArrPtr_copyIfNeeded(var, copy),
                             subList )
    ## only necessary if the result is needed
    if(!symTab$symbolExists( copyName )) {
        symTab$addSymbol(  symbolBasic(name = copyName, type = type, nDim = nDim) )
        assign(copyName, exprTypeInfoClass$new(nDim = nDim, type = type), envir = typeEnv)
    newCode <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
    newCode$type <- "custom"
    newCode$sizeExprs <- symbolPtr(type = type) ## trick to put a symbol object into sizeExprs for later use
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newCode)

sizeNimbleUnconvert <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ptrString <- nimDeparse(code$args[[1]])
    ptrName <- Rname2CppName(ptrString)
    ptrExpr <- parse(text = ptrString, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

    targetString <- nimDeparse(code$args[[2]])
    targetName <- Rname2CppName(targetString)
    targetExpr <- parse(text = targetString, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

    copyName <- paste0(targetName, '_nimbleContigCopy')
    subList <- list(ptr = ptrExpr, var = targetExpr, copy = as.name(copyName))
    newCode <- substitute( nimArrPtr_copyBackIfNeeded(ptr, var, copy),
                             subList )

    newCode <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(newCode)
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newCode)

sizeasDoublePtr <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## This could also handle copies from ints to doubles, which would ALWAYS require a copy
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    nDim <- code$args[[1]]$nDim
    targetString <- nimDeparse(code$args[[1]])
    targetName <- Rname2CppName(targetString)
    targetExpr <- parse(text = targetString, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
    ptrName <- paste0(targetName, '_DoublePtr')
    copyName <- paste0(targetName, '_contigCopy')
    subList <- list(var = targetExpr, copy = as.name(copyName), ptr = as.name(ptrName))
    codeBefore <- substitute( if(isMap(var) ) { copy <- var; ptr <- getPtr(copy)} else {ptr <- getPtr(var)},
                             subList )
    codeAfter <- substitute( after( if(isMap(var)) { mapCopy(var, copy) } ),  ## after() tags the assertion to go after the code line
                            subList )

    if(!symTab$symbolExists( ptrName ))
        symTab$addSymbol( symbolPtr(name =  ptrName, type = 'double') )
    if(!symTab$symbolExists( copyName )) {
        symTab$addSymbol( symbolBasic(name = copyName, type = 'double', nDim = nDim) )
    codeBefore <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(codeBefore)
    exprClasses_initSizes(codeBefore, symTab, NULL, typeEnv)
    asserts <- c(asserts, exprClasses_setSizes(codeBefore, symTab, typeEnv))

    codeAfter <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(codeAfter)
    asserts <- c(asserts, exprClasses_setSizes(codeAfter, symTab, typeEnv))
    newArgExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses( substitute( ptr, subList) )
    setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newArgExpr)
    c(asserts, list(codeBefore, codeAfter))

sizeScalar <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## use something different for distributionFuns

    ## length(model[[node]]) wasn't working because we were not doing recurseSetSize here
    ## However I am not sure if that is because there are cases where size expects a special argument we don't want to process (a modelValues?)
    ## So I'm going to wrap it in a try() and suppress messages
    asserts <- try(recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(asserts, 'try-error')) asserts <- list()
    if(code$args[[1]]$toEigenize == 'yes') {
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
    code$nDim <- 0
    outputType <- scalarOutputTypes[[code$name]]
    if(is.null(outputType)) code$type <- 'double'
    else code$type <- outputType
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe' ## a scalar can be eigenized or not

sizeScalarModelOp <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 1) {
        asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-1)))
        for(i in 2:length(code$args)) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv))
        if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) { ## There is an index expression that may be non-scalar
            if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) { ## It is non-scalar so we need to set a logical argument about whether is it a logical or numeric vector
                code$args[[ length(code$args)+1 ]] <- as.integer(code$args[[2]]$type == 'logical')
    } else {
        asserts <- list()
    if(code$args[[1]]$toEigenize == 'yes') { ## not sure when this would be TRUE
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
    code$nDim <- 0
    outputType <- scalarOutputTypes[[code$name]]
    if(is.null(outputType)) code$type <- 'double'
    else code$type <- outputType
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

sizeSimulate <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 1) {
        asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, rep(TRUE, length(code$args)-1)))
        for(i in 2:length(code$args)) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv))##toEigenize <- 'yes'

        if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) { ## There is an index expression that may be non-scalar
            if(code$args[[2]]$nDim > 0) { ## It is non-scalar so we need to set a logical argument about whether is it a logical or numeric vector
                code$args[[ length(code$args)+1 ]] <- as.integer(code$args[[2]]$type == 'logical')
    } else {
        asserts <- list()

    code$nDim <- 0
    code$type <- as.character(NA)
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

sizeScalarRecurse <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = TRUE) {
    ## use something different for distributionFuns
    asserts <- if(recurse) recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) else list()
    ## This just forces any argument expression to be lifted.  Can we lift only things to be eigenized?
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv) )
    code$nDim <- 0
    outputType <- scalarOutputTypes[[code$name]]
    if(is.null(outputType)) code$type <- 'double'
    else code$type <- outputType
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe' ## a scalar can be eigenized or not
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

sizeScalarRecurseAllowMaps <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = TRUE) {
    ## use something different for distributionFuns

    ## Ensure that simple maps being passed will be passed without extra
    ## copy that would occur from lifting an Eigen expression.
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        ## check if each argument is purely of the form x[...]
        ## (note that x[...][...] might also be valid for passByMap
        ## but it is not handled that way currently.
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(code$args[[i]]$name == "[") {
                            'exprClass')) { ## must be true, but I'm being defensive
                    if(code$args[[i]]$args[[1]]$isName) {
                        insertExprClassLayer(code, i, 'passByMap')

    asserts <- if(recurse) recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) else list()
    ## This just forces any argument expression to be lifted.  Can we lift only things to be eigenized?
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv) )
    code$nDim <- 0
    outputType <- scalarOutputTypes[[code$name]]
    if(is.null(outputType)) code$type <- 'double'
    else code$type <- outputType
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe' ## a scalar can be eigenized or not
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

sizeUndefined <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$type <- as.character(NA)
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

sizeBinaryUnaryCwise <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) == 1) return(sizeUnaryCwise(code, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(length(code$args) == 2) return(sizeBinaryCwise(code, symTab, typeEnv))
    stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeBinaryUnarycWise: Length of arguments is not 1 or 2.')), call. = FALSE)

sizemvAccessBracket <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## this gets called from sizeIndexingBracket, so recurse has already been done
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    if(length(code$args) != 2) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizemvAccessBracket:  Wrong number of indices provided.')), call. = FALSE)
    if(inherits(code$args[[2]], 'exprClass')) {
        if(code$args[[2]]$nDim != 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizemvAccessBracket:  Index is not a scalar.')), call. = FALSE)
    sym <- symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$name, TRUE) ## This is the symbolVecNimArrPtr
    code$type = sym$type
    code$nDim = sym$nDim
    code$sizeExprs <- as.list(sym$size)
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    code$name <- 'mvAccessRow'
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

sizeIndexingBracket <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## This is for X[i, j], viewed as `[`(X, i, j), where there may be different numbers of indices, and they may be scalars, sequences defined by `:`, or arbitrary (nonSequence) vectors of integers or logicals.
    ## X itself could be Y[k, l] (or the result of processing it) or map(Y, k, l), which is created if Y is a model variable and we know we need a map into but at the point it is created there is no processing of how it should be represented, so it is just represented as an abstract map.

    ## recurse into arguments
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    ## Check two special cases
    ## This is from modelValues:
    if(code$args[[1]]$type == 'symbolVecNimArrPtr') return(c(asserts, sizemvAccessBracket(code, symTab, typeEnv)))
    ## This is deprecated:
    if(code$args[[1]]$type == 'symbolNumericList') return(c(asserts, sizemvAccessBracket(code, symTab, typeEnv)))

    ## Iterate over arguments,  lifting any logical indices into which()
    ## e.g. X[i, bool] becomes X[i, Interm1], with Interm1 <- which(bool) as an assert.
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(i == 1) next
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(code$args[[i]]$name != "")
                if(code$args[[i]]$type == 'logical') {
                    ## first insert which, then lift to intermediate
                    newExpr <- insertExprClassLayer(code, i, 'which')
                    useBool <- rep(FALSE, length(code$args))
                    useBool[i] <- TRUE
                    asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useBool))                    

    ## Collect information about the number of dimensions and value of a drop argument if provided

    ## nDimVar is nDim of X
    nDimVar <- code$args[[1]]$nDim
    dropBool <- TRUE
    dropArgProvided <- FALSE
        if('drop' %in% names(code$args)) {
            dropArgProvided <- TRUE
            iDropArg <- which(names(code$args) == 'drop')

        stop(paste0("Error in '", nimDeparse(code), "'; has '", nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), "' been created?"))
    if(nDimVar != length(code$args) - 1 - dropArgProvided) { ## check if number of indices is correct
        ## only valid case with fewer index arguments than source dimensions is matrix[indices], where matrix can be treated as a vector
        if(!( (nDimVar == 2) & (length(code$args) - dropArgProvided) == 1)) {
            msg <- paste0('Error, wrong number of indices provided for ', nimDeparse(code),'.')
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, msg), call. = FALSE)

    ## pick out the drop argument and check if it is logical
    if(dropArgProvided) {
        dropBool <- code$args[[iDropArg]]
        if(!is.logical(dropBool)) {
            msg <- paste0(msg, "(A drop argument must be hard-coded as TRUE or FALSE, not given as a variable.)")
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, msg), call. = FALSE)
    ## These initial annotations may change later
    code$nDim <- nDimVar
    code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type
    ## Initialize sizeExprs
    code$sizeExprs <- vector('list', length = nDimVar)
    ## (We could generate asserts here to ensure sub-indexing is within bounds)

    ## needMap will become TRUE below unless all indices are scalars
    needMap <- FALSE

    ## Track whether if all index ranges are defined by `:` or by scalar
    ## simpleBlockOK will be TRUE if all index vectors and sequential, defined by `:`
    simpleBlockOK <- TRUE
    iSizes <- 1
    ## Iternate over dimensions of X and see which dimensions will be dropped from X[i,j,k] due to scalar indices, if drop = TRUE
    for(i in 1:nDimVar) {
        dropThisDim <- FALSE

        ## If the index is numeric, drop this dimension
        if(is.numeric(code$args[[i+1]])) dropThisDim <- TRUE
        ## If the index is not numeric but it is not a blank and its sizeExprs reveal it is a scalar-equivalent, drop this dimension
        else if((code$args[[i+1]]$name != "") & (length(dropSingleSizes(code$args[[i+1]]$sizeExprs)$sizeExprs) == 0)) dropThisDim <- TRUE

        ## Is this indices an expression?
        isExprClass <- inherits(code$args[[i+1]], 'exprClass') ## 

        if(dropThisDim) { ## The index is a scalar
            if(getNimbleOption('indexDrop') & dropBool) {  ## And flags allow dropping
                code$sizeExprs[[iSizes]] <- NULL        ## Remove that sizeExpr element
                code$nDim <- code$nDim - 1              ## reduce dimensions of result by 1
            } else { 
                code$sizeExprs[[iSizes]] <- 1; iSizes <- iSizes + 1  ## If we are not droping dimensions, set sizeExpr to 1
        } else {        ## not dropping a dimension, so the index is non-scalar
            if(isExprClass) ## If it is an expression that is not `:` or blank, then a simple block is not allowed
                if((code$args[[i+1]]$name != ':') && (code$args[[i+1]]$name != "")) simpleBlockOK <- FALSE
        needMap <- TRUE ## If the "next" in if(dropThisDim) {} is always hit, then needMap will never be set to TRUE

        ## Update sizeExprs
        if(isExprClass) {
            if(code$args[[i+1]]$name != "") {
                ## An entry that is a variable possibly with a length
                code$sizeExprs[[iSizes]] <- code$args[[i+1]]$sizeExprs[[1]]
            } else {
                ## blank entry (e.g. A[,i]) is an exprClass with isName = TRUE and name = ""
                code$sizeExprs[[iSizes]] <- code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[i]]
                ## also at this point we will fill in a `:` expression for the indices,
                ## so now we have e.g. A[ 1:dim(A)[1], i ]
                newIndexExpr <- RparseTree2ExprClasses(substitute(1:N, list(N = code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs[[i]])))
                setArg(code, i+1, newIndexExpr)
                useArgs <- rep(FALSE, length(code$args))
                useArgs[i+1] <- TRUE
                asserts <- c(asserts, recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs))
            iSizes <- iSizes + 1

    ## did all dims get dropped?
    if(length(code$sizeExprs)==0) {
        code$sizeExprs <- list() ## it was a named, list.  this creates consistency. maybe unnecessary
        ##needMap will be FALSE if we are in this clause

        ## We need to check whether X is an expression that needs to be lifted, say (A + B)[2, 3]
        ## We could do better for these cases 
        if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) ## It's not a name
            if(!(code$args[[1]]$name %in% operatorsAllowedBeforeIndexBracketsWithoutLifting)) {## e.g. 'mvAccessRow'
                ## At this point we have decided to lift, and the next two if()s determine if that is weird due to being on LHS of assignment
                if(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators)
                    if(code$callerArgID == 1)
                        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'There is a problem on the left-hand side of an assignment'), call. = FALSE)
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    if(needMap) {
        ## If this is a map on an *expression* that is not a map, we used to always lift it
        ## e.g. (A + B)[1:4] must become (Interm <- A + B; Interm[1:4])
        ## Now we only need to lift it if the map will not be impemented via eigenBlock

        ## for nested blocking, we have (nonseq | eigenBlock | map) x (nonseq | eigenBlock | map)
        ##      [ coeffSetter is a version of nonseq ]
        ## where nonseq means non-sequential indices, eigenBlock means sequential indices, and map means a model or modelValues variable marked abstractly for a map
        ## (map) x (eigenBlock | map) is already handled
        ## (map) x (nonseq)           is already handled
        ## (eigenBlock) x (eigenBlock) is already handled
        ## check whether to nest the indexing directly

        ## nestIndexing TRUE means we will convert X[i, j][k, l] into X[ i[k], j[l] ] (while we are working on `[`(X[i, j], k, l)
        ## We do this for nested indexing except (eigenBlock) x (eigenBlock), which means all indices are sequential
        ## Then we just generate .block(..).block(..)
        nestIndexing <- FALSE

        ## code$args[[1]] is the X[i, j]
        if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) { ## In X[i], X is an expression
            ## X is an indexing expression of some kind (other than a map, which is already a new object)
            ## It can't be coeffSetter at this point in processing flow, because the nestedness implies its caller was not <-
            if(code$args[[1]]$name %in% c('eigenBlock', 'nimNonseqIndexedd' ,'nimNonseqIndexedi' ,'nimNonseqIndexedb' )) {
                ## if it is not (eigenBlock) x (eigenBlock)
                if(!( (code$args[[1]]$name == 'eigenBlock') & (simpleBlockOK)))
                    nestIndexing <- TRUE

        ## implement nestIndexing
        if(nestIndexing) {
            ## We have something like `[`( eigenBlock(X, i, j), k, l) or `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j), k, l)
            ## We will gradually take over the first argument to construct something that will end up like nimNonseqIndexedd(X, nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k), nimNonseqIndexedi(j, l))
            ## The first one was an eigenBlock (all sequential integer indices defined by `:` or blank imputed with `:`)
            if(code$args[[1]]$name == 'eigenBlock') {
                ## We have `[`( eigenBlock(X, i, j), k, l)
                ## reach down to X and rename it
                ## put `:`(start, finish) back together.
                ## If we are in  `[`( eigenBlock(X, i, j), k, l) <- Z,
                ## convert to  `[`( coeffSetter(X, i, j), k, l) <- Z,
                if(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators & code$callerArgID == 1) {
                    code$args[[1]]$name <- 'coeffSetter'
                } else {
                    ## otherwise, convert  `[`( eigenBlock(X, i, j), k, l) to `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j), k, l), e.g.
                    if(code$type == 'double') code$args[[1]]$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedd'
                    if(code$type == 'integer') code$args[[1]]$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedi'
                    if(code$type == 'logical') code$args[[1]]$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedb'
            } else { ## The first one was a nonSeq
                ## it was already nonseq, but it might need to become coeffSetter
                ## If we are in `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j), k, l) <- Z,
                ## convert to `[`( coeffSetter(X, i, j), k, l) <- Z,
                if(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators & code$callerArgID == 1) {
                    code$args[[1]]$name <- 'coeffSetter'
            ## Now construct the nesting i[k], j[l], etc.
            nestedNinds <- length(code$args[[1]]$args)-1
            nestedNdim <- code$args[[1]]$nDim
            nestedDropBool <- TRUE
            nestedDropArgProvided <- FALSE
            if(!is.null(names(code$args[[1]]$args))) ## does nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j) or coeffSetter(X, i, j) have named arguments?
                if("drop" %in% names(code$args[[1]]$args)) { ## is drop among the names?
                    nestedDropArgProvided <- TRUE
                    nestedDropBool <- code$args[[1]]$args[[ which(names(code$args[[1]]$args) == 'drop') ]]
                    nestedNinds <- nestedNinds - 1
            nestedBlockBool <- rep(TRUE, nestedNinds)    ## is it preserved as a block (can still be scalar if nestedDropBool is FALSE)
            nestedScalarIndex <- rep(FALSE, nestedNinds) 

            ## Of the indices of nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j) or coeffSetter(X, i, j)
            ## which are scalars, and which are blocks
            ## If we have  nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j, drop = FALSE) or coeffSetter(X, i, j, drop = FALSE),
            ##    then we treat all dimensions as blocks, even if scalar indices
            for(iInd in 1:nestedNinds) {
                if(is(code$args[[1]]$args[[iInd+1]], 'exprClass'))  {
                    if(code$args[[1]]$args[[iInd+1]]$nDim == 0) {
                        nestedScalarIndex[iInd] <- TRUE
                        if(nestedDropBool) nestedBlockBool[iInd] <- FALSE
                } else {
                    nestedScalarIndex[iInd] <- TRUE
                    if(nestedDropBool) nestedBlockBool[iInd] <- FALSE

            ## Re-annotate first arg
            code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs <- code$sizeExprs
            code$args[[1]]$nDim <- code$nDim
            code$args[[1]]$type <- code$type
            numIndices <- length(code$args) - 1 - dropArgProvided

            ## Do we need to set drop carefully?
            ## NEED TO SKIP SCALARS IF dropBool = TRUE for nested case.
            nestedInds <- which(nestedBlockBool)
            if(length(nestedInds) != numIndices) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Wrong number of nested indices.'), call.=FALSE)
            ## iterate over indices, constructing i[j] if necessary
            for(iInd in 1:numIndices) {
                nestedIind <- nestedInds[iInd]
                nestedIndexIsScalar <- if(inherits(code$args[[1]]$args[[nestedIind + 1]], 'exprClass')) code$args[[1]]$args[[nestedIind + 1]]$nDim == 0 else TRUE
                if(nestedIndexIsScalar) {
                    ## check:
                    ## In X[i, j][k, l], if i is scalar, k should also be scalar (can't check its value now, but should be 1 at run-time)
                    indexIsScalar <- if(inherits(code$args[[iInd+1]], 'exprClass')) code$args[[iInd+1]]$nDim == 0 else TRUE
                    if(!indexIsScalar) warning("There is nested indexing with drop=FALSE where an index must be scalar but isn't")
                } else {
                    ## construct i[k], which is really nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k)
                    newExpr <- exprClass$new(name = 'nimNonseqIndexedi', isName = FALSE, isCall = TRUE, isAssign = FALSE)
                    newExpr$type <- 'integer'
                    indexIsScalar <- if(inherits(code$args[[iInd+1]], 'exprClass')) code$args[[iInd+1]]$nDim == 0 else TRUE
                    newExpr$sizeExprs <- if(!indexIsScalar) c(code$args[[iInd + 1]]$sizeExprs) else list(1)
                    newExpr$nDim <- 1
                    newExpr$toEigenize <- 'yes'
                    setArg(newExpr, 1, code$args[[1]]$args[[nestedIind + 1]])
                    setArg(newExpr, 2, code$args[[iInd + 1]])
                    setArg(newExpr, 3, 1)
                    setArg(code$args[[1]], nestedIind + 1, newExpr)
            ## The only remaining use of a drop argument is during eigenization to determine if 1xn needs a transpose to become nx1
            ## For that purpose, the drop arg of X[ i[k], j[l] ] should be from the outer part of `[`(X[i, j, drop = TRUE|FALSE], k, l, drop = [TRUE|FALSE]), not from the X[i,j]
            code$args[[1]]$args[['drop']] <- if(dropArgProvided) dropBool else TRUE
            ## clear remaining indices
            ## i.e. turn `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k), nimNonseqIndexedi(j, l)), k, l)
            ## into `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k), nimNonseqIndexedi(j, l)))
            code$args[1+(1:numIndices)] <- NULL
            codeCaller <- code$caller
            codeCallerArgID <- code$callerArgID
            ## remove the `[` layer of the current processing
            ## i.e. turn `[`( nimNonseqIndexedd(X, nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k), nimNonseqIndexedi(j, l))) into
            ## imNonseqIndexedd(X, nimNonseqIndexedi(i, k), nimNonseqIndexedi(j, l))
            code <- codeCaller$args[[codeCallerArgID]]
            return(if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts)

        ## Now we are in the case where there is no nested indexing, or if there is X[i, j][k, l], it can be chained eigen blocks
        ## Replace with a map expression if needed
        if(!simpleBlockOK) {
            if(typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks) {
                stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, "LHS indexing for a multivariate random draw can only use sequential blocks (via ':')."), call. = FALSE)
            ## If this is part of X[i, j] <- Z, convert to coeffSetter(X, i, j) <- Z
            if(code$caller$name %in% assignmentOperators & code$callerArgID == 1) {
                code$name <- 'coeffSetter'
            } else {
                ## otherwise convert `[`(X, i, j) to e.g. nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, j)
                if(code$type == 'double') code$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedd' ## this change could get moved to genCpp_generateCpp 
                if(code$type == 'integer') code$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedi'
                if(code$type == 'logical') code$name <- 'nimNonseqIndexedb'
            ## If we have nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i), make it nimNonseqIndexedd(X, i, 1) for Eigen
            if(length(code$args) - 1 - dropArgProvided == 1) ## only 1 index
                code$args[[3]] <- 1 ## fill in extra 1 for a second dimension.  ## should the index depend on dropArgProvided?
        else { ## a simpleBlock is ok
            if(code$args[[1]]$nDim > 2 | typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks) { ## old-style blocking from >2D down to 2D or 1D, or this is LHS for something like rmnorm, requiring a non-eigen map on LHS.
                ## We have X[i, j, k] where X has dimension > 2
                if(dropArgProvided) code$args[[iDropArg]] <- NULL
                newExpr <- makeMapExprFromBrackets(code, dropBool)
                newExpr$sizeExprs <- code$sizeExprs
                newExpr$type <- code$type
                newExpr$nDim <- code$nDim
                newExpr$toEigenize <- code$toEigenize
                setArg(code$caller, code$callerArgID, newExpr)
            else { ## blocking via Eigen
                ## ## note that any expressions like sum(A) in 1:sum(A) should have already been lifted
                code$name <- 'eigenBlock'
                code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts

isIntegerEquivalent <- function(code) {
    if(inherits(code, 'exprClass')) {
        if(code$type == 'integer') return(TRUE)
    if(is.logical(code)) return(FALSE)
    if(storage.mode(code) == 'integer') return(TRUE)
    code == floor(code) ## storage.mode must be 'double' so check if it's equivalent to an integer 

sizeSeq <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = TRUE) {
    asserts <- if(recurse) recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) else list()
    byProvided <- code$name == 'nimSeqBy' | code$name == 'nimSeqByLen'
    lengthProvided <- code$name == 'nimSeqLen' | code$name == 'nimSeqByLen'
    integerFrom <- isIntegerEquivalent(code$args[[1]])
    integerTo <- isIntegerEquivalent(code$args[[2]])
    liftExprRanges <- TRUE
    if(integerFrom && integerTo) {
        if((!byProvided && !lengthProvided) ||
           (byProvided && !lengthProvided && is.numeric(code$args[[3]]) && code$args[[3]] == 1)) {
            code$name = ':'
            if(length(code$args) > 2) {
                for(i in length(code$args):3)
                    setArg(code, i, NULL)
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeColonOperator(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = FALSE))
            return(if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts)
    if(!byProvided && !lengthProvided) {
      code$args[[3]] <- 1
      byProvided <- TRUE
    if(byProvided) {
      code$name <- 'nimSeqByD'
      ## lift any expression arguments
      for(i in 1:2) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
          if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv) )
      if(lengthProvided) {
        code$name <- 'nimSeqByLenD'
        thisSizeExpr <- parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[4]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
      } else {
        thisSizeExpr <- substitute(calcSeqLength(FROM_, TO_, BY_),##1 + floor((TO_ - FROM_) / BY_),
                                   list(FROM_ = parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]],
                                        TO_ = parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[2]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]],
                                        BY_ = parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[3]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]))
    } else { ## must be lengthProvided
      code$name <- 'nimSeqLenD'
      thisSizeExpr <- parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[4]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]

    code$type <- 'double' ## only remaining case to catch here is -1 integer sequences, which we don't move to `:`
    code$sizeExprs <- list(thisSizeExpr)
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    code$nDim <- 1
    return(if(length(asserts)==0) NULL else asserts)

sizeColonOperator <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, recurse = TRUE) {
    asserts <- if(recurse) recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv) else list()
    if(length(code$args) != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeColonOperator: Problem determining size for : without two arguments.'), call. = FALSE)

    for(i in 1:2) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
              if(! (code$args[[i]]$name == '[' &&
                    (code$args[[i]]$args[[1]]$name == 'dim' &&
                     (code$args[[i]]$args[[1]]$args[[1]]$isName ||
                      code$args[[i]]$args[[1]]$args[[1]]$name == 'nfVar')))){
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv, forceType = "integer") )
    code$type <- 'double'
    code$nDim <- 1
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe' 
    ## could generate an assertion that second arg is >= first arg
    if(is.numeric(code$args[[1]]) & is.numeric(code$args[[2]])) {
        if(code$args[[1]] > code$args[[2]])
            stop("sizeColonOperator: negative indexing cannot be compiled.")
        code$sizeExprs <- list(code$args[[2]] - code$args[[1]] + 1)
    } else { ## at least one part is an expression
        ## This is an awkward case:
        ## sizeExprs are R parse trees, not exprClasses
        ## But in this case, we want the expression from an exprClass.
        ## so we need to nimDeparse and then parse them
        code$sizeExprs <- list(substitute( A - B + 1, list(A = parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[2]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]],
                                                           B = parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[1]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]] ) ) )

sizeTranspose <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1) warning(paste0('More than one argument to transpose in ', nimDeparse(code), '.'), call. = FALSE)
    ans <- sizeUnaryCwise(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(is.numeric(code$args[[1]])) {
        warning(paste0('Confused by transpose of a numeric scalar in ', nimDeparse(code), '.  Will remove transpose.'), call. = FALSE)
        removeExprClassLayer(code$caller, 1)
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    code$type <- code$args[[1]]$type
    if(length(code$sizeExprs) == 2) {
        if(code$nDim != 2) warning(paste0('In sizeTranspose, there are 2 sizeExprs but nDim != 2'), call. = FALSE)
        code$sizeExprs <- c(code$sizeExprs[2], code$sizeExprs[1])
    } else if(length(code$sizeExprs) == 1) {
        if(code$nDim != 1) warning(paste0('In sizeTranspose, there is 1 sizeExpr but nDim != 1'), call. = FALSE)
        code$name <- 'asRow'
        code$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), code$sizeExprs[[1]])
        code$nDim <- 2

getArgumentType <- function(expr) {
    if(inherits(expr, 'exprClass')) {
    } else

setReturnType <- function(keyword, argType) {
    handling <- returnTypeHandling[[keyword]]
    if(is.null(handling)) return('double')
           'double', ##1
           'integer', ##2
           'logical', ##3
           argType, ##4
           if(argType == 'logical') 'integer' else argType ##5

## Handler for unary functions that operate component-wise
sizeUnaryCwise <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1){
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryCwise called with argument length != 1.'), call. = FALSE)

    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    ## lift intermediates
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) {
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
            if(a1$nDim == 0) {
                ## Argument is scalar.
                ## If it results from vector operation (e.g. inprod)
                ## lift that to an intermediate
                if(a1$toEigenize == 'yes') {
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
                    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
            } else {
                ## Argument is non-scalar.  In this case, the
                ## expression will be eigenized, so we must lift the
                ## argument to an intermediate if it *can't* be
                ## eigenized.
                if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
                    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
        code$nDim <- a1$nDim
        code$sizeExprs <- a1$sizeExprs
    } else {
        code$nDim <- 0
        code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, getArgumentType(a1))
    if(length(code$nDim) != 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeUnaryCwise: nDim is not set.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- if(code$nDim > 0) 'yes' else 'maybe'

## currently only inprod(v1, v2)
sizeBinaryReduction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryReduction: argument length != 2'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]] 
    a2 <- code$args[[2]]

    ok <- TRUE
    if(inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) {
        if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
            a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    } else {
        ok <- FALSE
    if(inherits(a2, 'exprClass')) {
        if(a2$toEigenize == 'no') {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
            a2 <- code$args[[2]]
    } else {
        ok <- FALSE
    if(!ok) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Cannot call inprod or other binary reduction operator with constant argument.'), call. = FALSE)
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$type <- 'double'
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

## things like trace, det, logdet
sizeMatrixSquareReduction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1){
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeMatrixSquareReduction called with argument length != 1.'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(!inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeMatrixSquareReduction called with argument that is not an expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
        a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(a1$nDim != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeMatrixSquareReduction called with argument that is not a matrix.'), call. = FALSE)
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$type <- if(code$name == 'trace') code$args[[1]]$type else 'double'
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

    if(!(code$caller$name %in% c('{','<-','<<-','='))) {
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

sizeUnaryCwiseSquare <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1){
    	stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryCwiseSquare called with argument length != 1.'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(!inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryCwiseSquare called with argument that is not an expression.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
        asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
        a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    if(a1$nDim != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryCwiseSquare called with argument that is not a matrix.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(!identical(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a1$sizeExprs[[2]])) {
        asserts <- c(asserts, identityAssert(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a1$sizeExprs[[2]], paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", nimDeparse(a1), " to be square.") ))
        if(is.integer(a1$sizeExprs[[1]])) {
            newSize <- a1$sizeExprs[[1]]
        } else {
            if(is.integer(a1$sizeExprs[[2]])) {
                newSize <- a1$sizeExprs[[2]]
            } else {
                newSize <- a1$sizeExprs[[1]]
    } else {
        newSize <- a1$sizeExprs[[1]]
    code$nDim <- 2
    code$sizeExprs <- list(newSize, newSize)
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, a1$type)
    code$toEigenize <- if(code$nDim > 0) 'yes' else 'maybe'

sizeUnaryNonaryCwise <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryNonaryCwise called with argument length > 1'), call. = FALSE) 
    if(length(code$args) == 1) return(sizeUnaryCwise(code, symTab, typeEnv))
    ## default behavior for a nonary (no-argument) function:
    code$type <- 'double'
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'

## things like min, max, mean, sum
sizeUnaryReduction <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeUnaryReduction called with argument length != 1.'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    if(inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
        ## Kludgy catch of var case here.  Can't do var(matrix) because in R that is interpreted as cov(data.frame)
        if(code$args[[1]]$nDim >= 2) {
            if(code$name == 'var') {
                stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'NIMBLE compiler does not support var with a matrix (or higher dimensional) argument.'), call. = FALSE) 
        if(code$args[[1]]$nDim == 0) 
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'NIMBLE compiler does not support reduction operations on scalar arguments.'), call. = FALSE)
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
            if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) {
                if(code$args[[1]]$toEigenize == 'no') {
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))

    code$nDim <- 0
    code$sizeExprs <- list()
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, code$args[[1]]$type)
    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- 'yes'

    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
        if(!(code$caller$name %in% c('{','<-','<<-','='))) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))

    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

## There's no real point in annotating return.  Just need to recurse and lift 
sizeReturn <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) > 1) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'return has argument length > 1.'), call. = FALSE)
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'
    if(!exists('return', envir = typeEnv)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'There was no returnType declaration and the default is missing.'), call. = FALSE)

    if(length(code$args) == 0) {
        if(!identical(typeEnv$return$type, 'void'))
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'return() with no argument can only be used with returnType(void()), which is the default if there is no returnType() statement.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(identical(typeEnv$return$type, 'void'))
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'returnType was declared void() (default) (or something invalid), which is not consistent with the object you are trying to return.'), call. = FALSE)
    typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns <- FALSE  # Issue 1356.
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    typeEnv$.AllowUnknowns <- TRUE
    if(inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
        if(typeEnv$return$type == 'nimbleList' || isTRUE(code$args[[1]]$type == 'nimbleList')) {
            if(typeEnv$return$type != 'nimbleList') stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('return() argument is a nimbleList but returnType() statement gives a different type')), call. = FALSE)
            if(code$args[[1]]$type != 'nimbleList') stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('returnType statement gives a nimbleList type but return() argument is not the right type')), call. = FALSE)
            ## equivalent to symTab$getSymbolObject(code$args[[1]]$name)$nlProc, if it is a name
            if(!identical(code$args[[1]]$sizeExprs$nlProc, typeEnv$return$sizeExprs$nlProc)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('nimbleList given in return() argument does not match nimbleList type declared in returnType()')), call. = FALSE)
        } else { ## check numeric types and nDim
            fail <- FALSE
            if(is.null(code$args[[1]]$type)) {  # Issue 1364
                failMsg <- paste0(code$args[[1]]$name, " is not available or its output type is unknown.")
                fail <- TRUE
            } else {
                if(!identical(code$args[[1]]$type, typeEnv$return$type)) {
                    if(typeEnv$return$nDim > 0) { ## allow scalar casting of returns without error
                        failMsg <- paste0('Type ', code$args[[1]]$type, ' of the return() argument does not match type ',  typeEnv$return$type, ' given in the returnType() statement (void is default).')
                        fail <- TRUE
                if(!isTRUE(all.equal(code$args[[1]]$nDim, typeEnv$return$nDim))) {
                    failMsg <- paste0( if(exists("failMsg", inherits = FALSE)) paste0(failMsg,' ') else character(),
                                      paste0('Number of dimensions ', code$args[[1]]$nDim, ' of the return() argument does not match number ',  typeEnv$return$nDim, ' given in the returnType() statement.'))
                    fail <- TRUE
                stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, failMsg), call. = FALSE)
        if(!code$args[[1]]$isName) {
            liftArg <- FALSE
            if(code$args[[1]]$toEigenize == 'yes')
                liftArg <- TRUE
            else if(anyNonScalar(code$args[[1]]))
                liftArg <- TRUE
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv, forceAssign = TRUE))

sizeMatrixMult <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeMatrixMult called with argument length != 2.'), call. = FALSE)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    a2 <- code$args[[2]]

    if(!(inherits(a1, 'exprClass') & inherits(a2, 'exprClass'))) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeMatrixMult: expecting both arguments to be expressions.'), call. = FALSE)

    ## need promotion from vectors to matrices with asRow or asCol
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    a2 <- code$args[[2]]
    if(a1$nDim == 0 | a2$nDim == 0) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeMatrixMult: Cannot do matrix multiplication with a scalar.'), call. = FALSE) 
    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
        if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
            a1 <- code$args[[1]]
        if(a2$toEigenize == 'no') {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
            a2 <- code$args[[2]]
    ## Note that we could insert RUN-TIME adaptation of mat %*% vec and vec %*% mat
    ## but to do so we would need to generate trickier sizeExprs
    ## For now, a vector on the right will be turned into a column
    ## and a vector on the left will be turned into a row
    ## The programmer can always use asRow or asCol to control it explicitly

    if(a1$nDim == 1 & a2$nDim == 1) {
        origSizeExprs <- a1$sizeExprs[[1]]
        a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'asRow', type = a1$type, nDim = 2)
        a1$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), origSizeExprs)
        origSizeExprs <- a2$sizeExprs[[1]]
        a2 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 2, 'asCol', type = a2$type, nDim = 2)
        a2$sizeExprs <- c(origSizeExprs, list(1))
    } else {
        if(a1$nDim == 1) {
            if(a2$nDim != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeMatrixMult: First arg has nDim = 1 and 2nd arg has nDim = ', a2$nDim, '.')), call. = FALSE)
            origSizeExprs <- a1$sizeExprs[[1]]
            ## For first argument, default to asRow unless second argument has only one row, in which case make first asCol
            if(identical(a2$sizeExprs[[1]], 1)) {
                a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'asCol', type = a1$type, nDim = 2)
                a1$sizeExprs <- c(origSizeExprs, list(1))
            else {
                a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, 'asRow', type = a1$type, nDim = 2)
                a1$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), origSizeExprs)
        } else if(a2$nDim == 1) {
            origSizeExprs <- a2$sizeExprs[[1]]
            if(a1$nDim != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('In sizeMatrixMult: Second arg has nDim = 1 and 1st arg has nDim = ', a1$nDim, '.')), call. = FALSE)
            if(identical(a1$sizeExprs[[2]], 1)) {
                a2 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 2, 'asRow', type = a2$type, nDim = 2)
                a2$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), origSizeExprs)
            else { 
                a2 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 2, 'asCol', type = a2$type, nDim = 2)
                a2$sizeExprs <- c(origSizeExprs, list(1))
    code$nDim <- 2
    code$sizeExprs <- list(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a2$sizeExprs[[2]])
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, arithmeticOutputType(a1$type, a2$type))
    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1$sizeExprs[[2]]), " == ", deparse(a2$sizeExprs[[1]]))
    newAssert <- identityAssert(a1$sizeExprs[[2]], a2$sizeExprs[[1]], assertMessage)
        return(c(asserts, list(newAssert)))

sizeSolveOp <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) { ## this is for solve(A, b) or forwardsolve(A, b). For inverse, use inverse(A), not solve(A)
    if(length(code$args) != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeSolveOp called with argument length != 2.'), call. = FALSE)
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    a1 <- code$args[[1]]
    a2 <- code$args[[2]]
    if(!(inherits(a1, 'exprClass') & inherits(a2, 'exprClass'))) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSolveOp: expecting both arguments to be exprClasses.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(a1$nDim != 2)  stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSolveOp: first argument to a matrix solver must be a matrix.'), call. = FALSE)
    if(!any(a2$nDim == 1:2)) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeSolveOp: second argument to a matrix solver must be a vector or matrix.'), call. = FALSE)
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, 'double')
    code$nDim <- a2$nDim  ## keep the same dimension as the 2nd argument
    if(code$nDim == 1) { code$sizeExprs <- c(a1$sizeExprs[[1]])
                     } else { code$sizeExprs <- c(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a2$sizeExprs[[2]]) }
    code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1$sizeExprs[[1]]), " == ", deparse(a1$sizeExprs[[2]]))
    assert1 <- identityAssert(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a1$sizeExprs[[2]], assertMessage)
    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1$sizeExprs[[1]]), " == ", deparse(a2$sizeExprs[[1]]))
    assert2 <- identityAssert(a1$sizeExprs[[1]], a2$sizeExprs[[1]], assertMessage)
    asserts <- c(asserts, assert1, assert2)

## deprecated and will be removed
setAsRowOrCol <- function(code, argID, rowOrCol, type ) {
    recurse <- TRUE
    if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]])) return(NULL)
    if(code$args[[argID]]$isName) {
        recurse <- FALSE
    } else {
        if(code$args[[argID]]$name == 'map') recurse <- FALSE
    if(!recurse) {
        if(code$args[[argID]]$nDim == 2) {
            if(rowOrCol == 'asRow') {
                if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]])) {
                    if(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]] == 1) {
                        return(invisible(NULL)) ## it is already a row
                rowOK <- if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[2]])) {  ## only ok if a1 2nd size is 1
                    if(code$sizeExprs[[2]] == 1) TRUE else FALSE
                } else FALSE
                if(!rowOK) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In setAsRowOrCol: Cannot convert to row.'), call. = FALSE)
                lengthExpr <- code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]]
                insertExprClassLayer(code$caller, code$callerArgID, 'transpose', type = type)
                code$nDim <- 2
                code$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), lengthExpr)
            } else {
                if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]])) {
                    if(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[2]] == 1) {
                        return(invisible(NULL)) ## it is already a col
                colOK <- if(is.numeric(code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]])) {  ## only ok if a1 1st size is 1
                    if(code$sizeExprs[[1]] == 1) TRUE else FALSE
                } else FALSE
                if(!colOK) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In setAsRowOrCol: Cannot convert to col.'), call. = FALSE)
                lengthExpr <- code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs[[1]]
                insertExprClassLayer(code$caller, code$callerArgID, 'transpose', type = type)
                code$nDim <- 2
                code$sizeExprs <- c(lengthExpr, list(1))
        } else if(code$args[[argID]]$nDim == 1) {        
            oldSizeExprs <- code$args[[argID]]$sizeExprs
            insertExprClassLayer(code, argID, rowOrCol, type = type)
            if(rowOrCol == 'asRow') {
                code$sizeExprs <- c(list(1), oldSizeExprs)
            } else {
                code$sizeExprs <- c(oldSizeExprs, list(1))
            code$nDim <- 2
            code$type <- type
            ans <- code$args[[argID]]
    } else {
        for(i in seq_along(code$args[[argID]]$args)) {
            setAsRowOrCol(code$args[[argID]], i, rowOrCol, type)
        ans <- code$args[[argID]]

sizeBinaryCwiseLogical <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ans <- sizeBinaryCwise(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    code$type <- 'logical'

## Handler for binary component-wise operators
sizeBinaryCwise <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    if(length(code$args) != 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'sizeBinaryCwise called with argument length != 2.'), call. = FALSE)

    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    ## sizes of arguments must have already been set

    ## pull out the two arguments
    a1 <- code$args[[1]] 
    a2 <- code$args[[2]]
    ## pull out aXDropNdim, aXnDim, aXsizeExprs, and aXtype (X = 1 or 2)
    if(inherits(a1, 'exprClass')) {
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
            if(a1$toEigenize == 'no') {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv))
                a1 <- code$args[[1]]
        a1Drop <- dropSingleSizes(a1$sizeExprs)
        a1DropNdim <- length(a1Drop$sizeExprs)
        a1nDim <- a1$nDim
        a1sizeExprs <- a1$sizeExprs
        a1type <- a1$type
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) a1toEigenize <- a1$toEigenize
    } else {
        a1DropNdim <- 0
        a1nDim <- 0
        a1sizeExprs <- list()
        a1type <- sizeProc_storage_mode(a1)
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) a1toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    if(inherits(a2, 'exprClass')) {
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
            if(a2$toEigenize == 'no') {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 2, symTab, typeEnv))
                a2 <- code$args[[2]]
        a2Drop <- dropSingleSizes(a2$sizeExprs)
        a2DropNdim <- length(a2Drop$sizeExprs)
        a2nDim <- a2$nDim
        a2sizeExprs <- a2$sizeExprs
        a2type <- a2$type
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') )  a2toEigenize <- a2$toEigenize
    } else {
        a2DropNdim <- 0
        a2nDim <- 0
        a2sizeExprs <- list()
        a2type <- sizeProc_storage_mode(a2)
        if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') )  a2toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    ## Choose the output type by type promotion
    if(length(a1type) == 0) {stop('Problem with type of arg1 in sizeBinaryCwise', call. = FALSE)}
    if(length(a2type) == 0) {stop('Problem with type of arg2 in sizeBinaryCwise', call. = FALSE)}
    code$type <- setReturnType(code$name, arithmeticOutputType(a1type, a2type))

    if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) {
        forceYesEigenize <- identical(a1toEigenize, 'yes') | identical(a2toEigenize, 'yes')
        code$toEigenize <- if(a1DropNdim == 0 & a2DropNdim == 0)
                           else 'yes'
    ## Catch the case that there is at least one scalar-equivalent (all lengths == 1)
    ## experimentalNewSizeProcessing: The 3 'code$toEigenize <- ' should be redundant with above and could be removed during refactor
    if(a1DropNdim == 0 | a2DropNdim == 0) { 
        ## Here we will process effective scalar additions
        ## and not do any other type of size promotion/dropping
        if(a1DropNdim == 0) { ## a1 is scalar-equiv
            if(a2DropNdim == 0) { ##both are scalar-equiv
                code$nDim <- max(a1nDim, a2nDim) ## use the larger nDims
                code$sizeExprs <- rep(list(1), code$nDim) ## set sizeExprs to all 1
                if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- if(forceYesEigenize) 'yes' else 'maybe'
            } else {
                ## a2 is not scalar equiv, so take nDim and sizeExprs from it
                code$nDim <- a2nDim
                code$sizeExprs <- a2sizeExprs
                if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
        } else { ## a2 is scalar-equiv, and a1 is not
            code$nDim <- a1nDim
            code$sizeExprs <- a1sizeExprs
            if(!getNimbleOption('experimentalNewSizeProcessing') ) code$toEigenize <- 'yes'
        return(if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts)
    if(is.null(asserts)) asserts <- list()
    ## Catch the case that the number of dimensions is not equal.
    ## This case doesn't arise as much as it used to because [ (sizeIndexingBracket) now drops single dimensions
    if(a1nDim != a2nDim) {
        ## Catch the case that one is 2D and the other is 1D-equivalent.
        ## This allows e.g. X[1,1:5] + Y[1,1,1:5].  First arg is 2D. 2nd arg is 1D-equivalent. An assertion will check that dim(X)[1] == 1  
        ## If so, wrap the 1D in asRow or asCol to orient it later for Eigen
        if(a1DropNdim == 1 & a2DropNdim == 1) {

            ## Hey, I think this is wrong: I think we should check the aXDropNdims
            if(a1nDim > 2 | a2nDim > 2) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryCwise: Dimensions do not match and/or NIMBLE will not handle Array + Vector for dim(Array) > 2.'), call. = FALSE) 

            ## a1 is 2D and a2 is 1D
            if(a1nDim == 2 & a2nDim == 1) {
                a1IsCol <- identical(a1sizeExprs[[2]], 1)
                asFun <- if(a1IsCol) 'asCol' else 'asRow'
                a2 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 2, asFun, type = a2type)
                a2$sizeExprs <- a1sizeExprs
                a2$nDim <- a1nDim
                a1ind <- if(a1IsCol) 1 else 2
                if(!is.numeric(a1sizeExprs[[a1ind]]) | !is.numeric(a2sizeExprs[[1]])) { ## Really do want original a2sizeExprs
                    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1sizeExprs[[a1ind]]), " == ", deparse(a2sizeExprs[[1]]))
                    thisAssert <- identityAssert(a1sizeExprs[[a1ind]], a2sizeExprs[[1]], assertMessage)
                    if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert
                } else {
                    if(a1sizeExprs[[a1ind]] != a2sizeExprs[[1]]) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryCwise: Fixed size mismatch.'), call. = FALSE)
                code$nDim <- a1nDim
                code$sizeExprs <- a1sizeExprs
            } else {
                a2IsCol <- identical(a2sizeExprs[[2]], 1)
                asFun <- if(a2IsCol) 'asCol' else 'asRow'
                a1 <- insertExprClassLayer(code, 1, asFun, type = a1type)
                a1$sizeExprs <- a2sizeExprs
                a1$type <- a1type
                a1$nDim <- a1nDim <- a2nDim
                a2ind <- if(a2IsCol) 1 else 2
                if(!is.numeric(a1sizeExprs[[1]]) | !is.numeric(a2sizeExprs[[a2ind]])) { ## Really do want the original a1sizeExprs[[1]], not the modified one.
                    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1sizeExprs[[1]]), " == ", deparse(a2sizeExprs[[a2ind]]))
                    thisAssert <- identityAssert(a1sizeExprs[[1]], a2sizeExprs[[a2ind]], assertMessage)
                    if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert 
                } else {
                    if(a1sizeExprs[[1]] != a2sizeExprs[[a2ind]]) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryCwise: Fixed size mismatch.'), call. = FALSE)
                code$nDim <- a2nDim
                code$sizeExprs <- a2sizeExprs
        } else {
            ## If at least one arg is a known scalar-equivalent, that case was handled above
            ## (But it's still not complete)
            ## Here is the case that nDims aren't equal and dropNdims aren't equal
            ## either.  We used to rely on typeEnv to keep track of when a size resulting from an operation is known to be 1 but realized that isn't safe if that operation is only conditionally executed at run time.
            ## Hence what will do now is assume the user has written valid code
            ## but add run-time size checks of which dimension must match
            ## This is currently limited in what it will handle
            ## Specifically, it assumes things should be columns
            assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1sizeExprs[[1]]), " == ", deparse(a2sizeExprs[[1]]))
                thisAssert <- identityAssert(a1sizeExprs[[1]], a2sizeExprs[[1]], assertMessage)
                if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert

            if(a1nDim == 1 & a2nDim == 2) {
                assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a2sizeExprs[[2]]), " == ", 1)
                thisAssert <- identityAssert(a2sizeExprs[[2]], 1, assertMessage)
                if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert                
                code$sizeExprs <- if(!isTRUE(getNimbleOption('useOldcWiseRule'))) list(a1sizeExprs[[1]], 1) else a2sizeExprs
            } else {
                if(a1nDim == 2 & a2nDim == 1) {
                    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1sizeExprs[[2]]), " == ", 1)
                    thisAssert <- identityAssert(a1sizeExprs[[2]], 1, assertMessage)
                    if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert
                    code$sizeExprs <- if(!isTRUE(getNimbleOption('useOldcWiseRule'))) list(a2sizeExprs[[1]], 1) else a1sizeExprs
                } else {
                    stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryCwise: Dimensions do not matchin a way that can be handled.'), call. = FALSE)
            code$nDim <- 2
    } else {
        ## dimensions match at the outset
        nDim <- a1nDim
        if(nDim > 0) {
            for(i in 1:nDim) {
                if(!is.numeric(a1sizeExprs[[i]]) | !is.numeric(a2sizeExprs[[i]])) {
                    assertMessage <- paste0("Run-time size error: expected ", deparse(a1sizeExprs[[i]]), " == ", deparse(a2sizeExprs[[i]]))
                    thisAssert <- identityAssert(a1sizeExprs[[i]], a2sizeExprs[[i]], assertMessage)
                    if(!is.null(thisAssert)) asserts[[length(asserts) + 1]] <- thisAssert 
                } else {
                    if(a1sizeExprs[[i]] != a2sizeExprs[[i]]) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In sizeBinaryCwise: Fixed size mismatch.'), call. = FALSE)
        code$nDim <- a1$nDim
        code$sizeExprs <- vector('list', code$nDim)
        for(i in seq_along(code$sizeExprs)) code$sizeExprs[[i]] <- if(is.numeric(a1sizeExprs[[i]])) a1sizeExprs[[i]] else a2sizeExprs[[i]]
    if(length(asserts) == 0) NULL else asserts

mvFirstArgCheckLists <- list(nimArr_rmnorm_chol = list(c(1, 2, 0), ## dimensionality of ordered arguments AFTER the first, which is for the return value.  e.g. mean (1D), chol(2D), prec_param(scalar)
                                 1, 'double'), ## 1 = argument from which to take answer size, double = answer type
                             nimArr_rmvt_chol = list(c(1, 2, 0, 0), ## dimensionality of ordered arguments AFTER the first, which is for the return value.  e.g. mean (1D), chol(2D), df(scalar), prec_param(scalar)
                                                       1, 'double'), ## 1 = argument from which to take answer size, double = answer type
                             nimArr_rlkj_corr_cholesky = list(c(0, 0), ## eta, p
                                                              function(code) {
                                                                  ## example
                                                                  ## Rcode <- quote(nimArr_rlkj_corr_cholesky(eta = k * rho, p = k + a) )
                                                                  ## code <- nimble:::RparseTree2ExprClasses(Rcode)
                                                                  dimCode <- parse(text = nimDeparse(code$args[[2]]), keep.source = FALSE)[[1]]
                                                                  sizeExprs <- list(dimCode, dimCode)
                                                                  ## dimCode should be quote( k + a )
                                                                  list(nDim = 2,
                                                                       sizeExprs = sizeExprs)
                                                              'double'),  # '1' won't work here; problem is that no matrices are input but matrix is output
                             nimArr_rwish_chol = list(c(2, 0, 0, 0), ## chol, df, prec_param, overwrite_inputs
                                 1, 'double'),
                             nimArr_rinvwish_chol = list(c(2, 0, 0), ## chol, df, prec_param
                                 1, 'double'),
			     nimArr_rcar_normal = list(c(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), 3, 'double'), ## adj, wgts, num, tau, c, zero_mean, answer size comes from num
			     nimArr_rcar_proper = list(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), 1, 'double'), ## mu, C, adj, num, M, tau, gamma, evs, answer size comes from mu
                             nimArr_rmulti = list(c(0, 1), ## size, probs
                                 2, 'double'), ## We treat integer rv's as doubles
                             nimArr_rdirch = list(c(1), 1, 'double')) 

sizeRmultivarFirstArg <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    notOK <- FALSE
    checkList <- mvFirstArgCheckLists[[code$name]]
    if(!is.null(checkList)) {
        if(length(code$args) < length(checkList[[1]])) stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Not enough arguments provided.'), call. = FALSE)
        for(i in seq_along(checkList[[1]])) {
            notOK <- if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) code$args[[i]]$nDim != checkList[[1]][i] else notOK            
        returnSizeArgID <- checkList[[2]]
        returnType <- checkList[[3]]
    } else {
        returnSizeArgID <- 1
        returnType <- 'double'

    if(notOK) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'Some argument(s) have the wrong dimension.'), call. = FALSE) 

        if(!inherits(code$args[[returnSizeArgID]], 'exprClass'))
            stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, paste0('Expected ', nimDeparse(code$args[[returnSizeArgID]]) ,' to be an expression or function.')), call. = FALSE) 

    code$type <- returnType
    code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
    if(!is.function(returnSizeArgID)) {
        code$nDim <- code$args[[returnSizeArgID]]$nDim
        code$sizeExprs <- code$args[[returnSizeArgID]]$sizeExprs
    } else {
        sizeInfo <- returnSizeArgID(code)
        code$nDim <- sizeInfo$nDim
        code$sizeExprs <- sizeInfo$sizeExprs
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
                asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv) )
    if(code$nDim > 0) {
        if(!(code$caller$name %in% c('{','<-','<<-','='))) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        } else
            typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE ## for purposes of sizeAssign, which recurses on assignment target after RHS

sizeVoidPtr <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ## lift any argument that is an expression or scalar.  
    ## We expect only one argument
    ## Lift it if it is an expression, a numeric, or a scalar
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)

    lift <- TRUE
    if(inherits(code$args[[1]], 'exprClass')) {
    	if(code$args[[1]]$type == 'nimbleFunction') lift <- FALSE
        else if(code$args[[1]]$isName & code$args[[1]]$nDim > 0) lift <- FALSE ## will already be a pointer
    if(lift) {
         asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, 1, symTab, typeEnv) )
    code$type <- 'voidPtr'
    code$nDim <- 0
    code$toEigenize <- 'no'

sizePassByMap <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv) {
    ensureNimbleBlocks <- typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks
    typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE
    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv)
    code <- removeExprClassLayer(code, 1)
    typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- ensureNimbleBlocks

generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols <- function(code, symTab, typeEnv, returnSymbol, argSymTab, chainedCall = FALSE) {
    ## symbols should be in order
    useArgs <- unlist(lapply(argSymTab$symbols, function(x) {
            as.character(x$type) %in% c('double', 'integer', 'logical')
    if(chainedCall) useArgs <- c(FALSE, useArgs)
    if(length(code$args) != length(useArgs)) {
        stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols: Wrong number of arguments.'), call. = FALSE)
    ## Note this is NOT checking the dimensions of each arg. useArgs just means it will recurse on that and lift or do as needed

    ## Ensure that simple maps being passed will be passed without extra
    ## copy that would occur from lifting an Eigen expression.
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        ## check if each argument is purely of the form x[...]
        ## (note that x[...][...] might also be valid for passByMap
        ## but it is not handled that way currently.
        if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
            if(code$args[[i]]$name == "[") {
                            'exprClass')) { ## must be true, but I'm being defensive
                    if(code$args[[i]]$args[[1]]$isName) {
                        insertExprClassLayer(code, i, 'passByMap')

    asserts <- recurseSetSizes(code, symTab, typeEnv, useArgs)

    ## lift any argument that is an expression
    for(i in seq_along(code$args)) {
        if(useArgs[i]) {
            if(inherits(code$args[[i]], 'exprClass')) {
                if(!code$args[[i]]$isName) {
                    forceType <- NULL
                    iSym <- i - chainedCall
                    if(argSymTab$symbols[[iSym]]$nDim == 0) ## We're only here if useArgs[i] is TRUE, which means nDim and type should be set
                        forceType <- argSymTab$symbols[[iSym]]$type
                    asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code, i, symTab, typeEnv, forceType = forceType) )
    if(inherits(returnSymbol, 'symbolNimbleList')) {
        code$type <- 'nimbleList'
        code$sizeExprs <- returnSymbol
        code$toEigenize <- 'maybe'
        code$nDim <- 0
        liftIfAmidExpression <- TRUE
    } else {
        returnSymbolBasic <- inherits(returnSymbol, 'symbolBasic')
        returnTypeLabel <- if(returnSymbolBasic)
                           else {
                               stop(exprClassProcessingErrorMsg(code, 'In generalFunSizeHandlerFromSymbols: Problem with return type.'), call. = FALSE)
        if(returnTypeLabel == 'void') {
            code$type <- returnTypeLabel
            code$toEigenize <- 'unknown'
        returnNDim <- if(returnSymbolBasic) returnSymbol$nDim
                      else if(length(returnType) > 1) as.numeric(returnType[[2]]) else 0
        returnSizeExprs <- vector('list', returnNDim) ## This stays blank (NULLs), so if assigned as a RHS, the LHS will get default sizes
        code$type <- returnTypeLabel
        code$nDim <- returnNDim
        code$sizeExprs <- returnSizeExprs
        code$toEigenize <- if(code$nDim == 0) 'maybe' else 'no'
        liftIfAmidExpression <- code$nDim > 0
    if(liftIfAmidExpression) {
        if(!(code$caller$name %in% c('{','<-','<<-','='))) {
            asserts <- c(asserts, sizeInsertIntermediate(code$caller, code$callerArgID, symTab, typeEnv))
        } else
            typeEnv$.ensureNimbleBlocks <- TRUE

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nimble documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:49 a.m.