
Defines functions read.ctd.itp

Documented in read.ctd.itp

# vim:textwidth=80:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4

#' Read a ctd File in ITP Format
#' @template readCtdTemplate
#' @template encodingTemplate
#' @author Dan Kelley
#' [read.ctd.itp()] reads ice-tethered-profiler data that are stored
#' in a format files used by WHOI servers as of 2016-2017. Lacking
#' documentation on the format, the author constructed this function
#' to work with some files that were on-hand. Whether the function will
#' prove robust is an open question.
#' @references
#' Information about ice-tethered profile data is provided at
#' \code{https://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=23096}, which also provides a link for
#' downloading data.  Note that the present version only handles data in
#' profiler-mode, not fixed-depth mode.
#' @family functions that read ctd data
#' @author Dan Kelley
read.ctd.itp <- function(
    file, columns = NULL,
    station = NULL, missingValue, deploymentType = "unknown",
    encoding = "latin1",
    monitor = FALSE, debug = getOption("oceDebug"), processingLog, ...) {
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("must supply 'file'")
    if (is.character(file)) {
        if (!file.exists(file)) {
            stop("cannot find file \"", file, "\"")
        if (0L == file.info(file)$size) {
            stop("empty file \"", file, "\"")
    oceDebug(debug, "read.ctd.itp() {\n", unindent = 1)
    if (is.character(file)) {
        filename <- fullFilename(file)
        file <- file(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
    } else {
        filename <- ""
    if (!inherits(file, "connection")) {
        stop("argument `file' must be a character string or connection")
    if (!isOpen(file)) {
        open(file, "r", encoding = encoding)
    lines <- readLines(file)
    nlines <- length(lines)
    oceDebug(debug, "read ", nlines, " lines\n")
    if ("%endofdat" == substr(lines[nlines], 1, 9)) {
        lines <- lines[1:(nlines - 1)]
        nlines <- nlines - 1
    if (nlines < 2) {
        stop("file is too short; must have more than 2 lines")
    isProfile <- "%" != substr(lines[2], 1, 1)
    # see e.g. https://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=125516
    if (isProfile) {
        # %ITP 59, profile 2: year day longitude(E+) latitude(N+) ndepths
        # 2013  247.25002   156.2163  80.3189  371
        # %year day pressure(dbar) temperature(C) salinity oxygen(umol/kg)
        # 2013  247.25036   18   -1.6548   30.5816  366.5573
        # 2013  247.25043   20   -1.6523   30.7274  365.4786
        # 2013  247.25052   22   -1.6537   31.1021  362.6732
        station <- gsub(":.*", "", gsub(".*profile[ ]*", "", lines[1]))
        d <- scan(text = lines[2], quiet = TRUE)
        year <- d[1]
        yearday <- d[2]
        longitude <- d[3]
        if (longitude < 0) {
            longitude <- 360 + longitude
        latitude <- d[4]
        oceDebug(debug, "station '", station, "' at ", latitude, "N, ", longitude, "E\n", sep = "")
        namesLine <- grep("^%year day", lines[1:10])
        if (1 == length(namesLine)) {
            oceDebug(debug, "length(namesLine)==1\n")
            hline <- gsub("%", "", lines[namesLine])
            tokens <- strsplit(hline, " ")[[1]]
            names <- gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", tokens)
            # unitGiven <- grep("\\(", tokens)
            units <- list()
            for (i in seq_along(names)) {
                if (names[i] == "temperature") {
                    units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = expression(degree * C), scale = "ITS-90")
                } else if (names[i] == "salinity") {
                    units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = expression(), scale = "PSS-78")
                } else if (names[i] == "pressure") {
                    units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = expression(dbar), scale = "")
                } else if (names[i] == "oxygen") {
                    unit <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\)", "\\2", tokens[i])
                    if (unit == "umol/kg") {
                        units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = expression(mu * mol / kg), scale = "")
                    } else {
                        units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = expression(unit), scale = "")
                } else if (names[i] != "year" && names[i] != "day") {
                    unit <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\)", "\\2", tokens[i])
                    units[[names[i]]] <- list(unit = as.expression(unit), scale = "")
            d <- read.table(text = lines[-seq.int(1, namesLine)], col.names = names, encoding = encoding)
            pressure <- d$pressure
            salinity <- d$salinity
            temperature <- d$temperature
            oxygen <- d$oxygen
        } else {
            oceDebug(debug, "length(namesLine)!=1\n")
            d <- read.table(text = lines[4:nlines], encoding = encoding)
            items <- scan(text = lines[3], what = "character", quiet = TRUE)
            pcol <- grep("pressure", items)[1]
            Scol <- grep("salinity", items)[1]
            Tcol <- grep("temperature", items)[1]
            Ocol <- grep("oxygen", items)[1]
            pressure <- d[, pcol]
            temperature <- d[, Tcol]
            salinity <- d[, Scol]
            oxygen <- d[, Ocol]
        # replace any missingValue with NA
        if (!missing(missingValue) && !is.null(missingValue)) {
            pressure <- ifelse(pressure == missingValue, NA, pressure)
            temperature <- ifelse(temperature == missingValue, NA, temperature)
            salinity <- ifelse(salinity == missingValue, NA, salinity)
            oxygen <- ifelse(oxygen == missingValue, NA, oxygen)
        startTime <- as.POSIXct(paste(year, floor(yearday)),
            format = "%Y %j", tz = "UTC"
        ) + (yearday - floor(yearday)) * 86400.
        res <- as.ctd(salinity, temperature, pressure,
            longitude = longitude, latitude = latitude,
            startTime = startTime,
            deploymentType = deploymentType,
            station = station
        res <- oceSetData(res, name = "oxygen", value = oxygen, unit = units$oxygen, originalName = "oxygen")
        res <- oceSetMetadata(res, "filename", filename)
        res <- oceSetMetadata(
            res, "dataNamesOriginal",
            list(temperature = "temperature", salinity = "salinity", oxygen = "oxygen", pressure = "pressure")
        res <- oceSetData(res, "year", year, originalName = "year")
        res <- oceSetData(res, "yearday", yearday, originalName = "yearday")
    } else {
        stop("can only handle 'profile' data type, not (presumably) SAMI type")
    oceDebug(debug, "} # read.ctd.itp()\n", unindent = 1)

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oce documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:48 a.m.