
## package 'openCR'
## openCR.fit.R
## 2011-12-30, 2013-01-21
## 2013-01-21 modified to balance with terminal beta, tau
## 2015-01-30 removed make.lookup (see secr)
## 2015-01-30 moved miscellaneous functions to utility.r
## 2015-01-31 deleted utility functions not needed or can be called from secr
## 2015-02-06 reconciled this current version with forked 1.2.0
## 2015-02-06 removed pdot, esa, derived
## 2017-05-15 reconciled versions; revision in progress
## 2017-05-18 2.2.0 ditched old openCR.fit; renamed openCR.MCfit
## 2017-11-20 general revision 2.2.1
## 2017-11-20 refined start options
## 2017-11-20 method default Newton-Raphson
## 2018-01-20 remember compileAttributes('d:/open populations/openCR')
## 2018-01-25 single coerced to multi
## 2018-02-02 detectfn HHR etc.
## 2018-05-01 intermediate variable allbetanames to fix problem with fixedbeta
## 2018-10-29 CJSp1 argument for openCR.design
## 2018-11-20 dropped posterior (see classMembership method)
## 2019-04-07 check whether require autoini
## 2019-04-09 removed data$multi
## 2020-10-19 added agecov
## 2020-11-02 movemodel renamed movementcode
## 2020-12-07 CJSmte experimental - trial abandoned 2020-12-12
## 2021-02-24 movementmodel 'annular' implemented; 'annularR' pushed to back
## 2021-03-25 detectfn HPX
## 2021-04-19 marray removed from data
## 2021-04-20 2.0.0 stratified
## 2021-07-22 dummyvariablecoding
## 2021-08-09 iterlim 300 default for nlm (less frequent code 4)
## 2021-10-05 revamp of preferred aliases for movementmodel
## 2021-10-06 allow RDL
## 2021-11-30 completed settlement model

openCR.fit <- function (
  type          = "CJS", 
  model         = list(p~1, phi~1, sigma~1),
  distribution  = c("poisson", "binomial"), 
  mask          = NULL, 
  detectfn      = c('HHN','HHR','HEX','HAN','HCG','HVP', 'HPX'), 
  binomN        = 0, 
  movementmodel = c('static', 'BVN', 'BVE', 'BVT', 'RDE', 'RDG','RDL','IND', 
                    'UNI', 'BVNzi', 'BVEzi', 'RDEzi', 'INDzi', 'UNIzi'),
  edgemethod    = c('truncate', 'wrap', 'none'), 
  kernelradius  = 30,          # 10 until 2.2.0
  sparsekernel  = TRUE,        # FALSE until 2.2.0
  start         = NULL, 
  link          = list(), 
  fixed         = list(), 
  stratumcov    = NULL, 
  sessioncov    = NULL, 
  timecov       = NULL, 
  agecov        = NULL, 
  dframe        = NULL, 
  dframe0       = NULL, 
  details       = list(), 
  method        = 'Newton-Raphson', 
  trace         = NULL, 
  ncores        = NULL, 
  stratified    = FALSE, 
  # Fit open population capture recapture model
  # Some arguments:
  #  capthist   -  capture history object (includes traps object as an attribute)
  #  model      -  formulae for real parameters in terms of effects and covariates
  #  start      -  start values for maximization (numeric vector link scale);
  #  link       -  list of parameter-specific link function names 'log', 'logit', 'loglog',
  #                'identity', 'sin', 'neglog', 'mlogit', 'log1'
  #  fixed      -  list of fixed values for named parameters
  #  sessioncov -  dataframe of session-level covariates
  #  mask
  #  detectfn
  #  dframe     -  optional data frame of design data for detection model (tricky & untested)
  #  details    -  list with several additional settings, mostly of special interest
  #  method     -  optimization method (indirectly chooses
  #  trace      -  logical; if TRUE output each likelihood as it is calculated
  #  ...        -  other arguments passed to join()
  ## Use input 'details' to override various defaults
  defaultdetails <- list(
    autoini = NULL, 
    CJSp1 = FALSE, 
    contrasts = NULL, 
    control = if (method=='Newton-Raphson') list(iterlim=300) else list(),
    debug = 0, 
    grain = 1,
    hessian = 'auto', 
    ignoreusage = FALSE, 
    initialage = 0, 
    LLonly = FALSE,
    minimumage = 0, 
    maximumage = 1,
    multinom = FALSE,
    R = FALSE, 
    squeeze = TRUE, 
    trace = FALSE,
    initialstratum = 1,
    log = '',
    dummyvariablecoding = NULL,
    anchored = FALSE,
    r0 = 1/sqrt(pi),      # effective radius of zero cell in movement kernel
    settlemodel = FALSE   # TRUE if differential settlement to be modelled
  if (is.logical(details$hessian)) {
    details$hessian <- ifelse(details$hessian, 'auto', 'none')
  if (!is.null(details$kernelradius)) {
    warning ("kernelradius is now full argument of openCR.fit; value in details ignored")
  details <- replace (defaultdetails, names(details), details)
  if (!is.null(trace)) details$trace <- trace
  if (details$LLonly)  details$trace <- FALSE
  if (details$R) ncores <- 1    ## force 2018-11-12
  if (!is.null(ncores) && (ncores == 1)) details$grain <- -1
  anchored <- details$anchored
  # Dummy variable coding 2021-07-22
  # allow TRUE to mean 't' or 'session' predictors
  if (is.logical(details$dummyvariablecoding)) {
    if (details$dummyvariablecoding) 
      details$dummyvariablecoding <- c('t', 'session')
      details$dummyvariablecoding <- NULL
  ndvc <- length(details$dummyvariablecoding)
  if (ndvc>0) {
    ## override any other specified contrasts for these predictors
    if (length(details$contrasts)==0) details$contrasts <- NULL
  # and provide plausible starts for all beta coef, not just first
  distribution <- match.arg(distribution)
  distrib <- switch (distribution, poisson = 0, binomial = 1)
  # Multithread option 2018-04-11, 2020-11-02
  ncores <- secr::setNumThreads(ncores, stackSize = "auto")  # change to match secr 
  if (is.character(detectfn)) {
    detectfn <- match.arg(detectfn)
    detectfn <- detectionfunctionnumber(detectfn)
  if (is.character(dframe)) {
    dframename <- dframe; rm(dframe)
    dframe <- get(dframename, pos=-1)
  if (is.character(dframe0)) {
    dframename <- dframe0; rm(dframe0)
    dframe0 <- get(dframename, pos=-1)
  if (is.character(capthist)) {
    capthistname <- capthist; rm(capthist)
    capthist <- get(capthistname, pos=-1)
  ## Standard form for capthist
  HPXpoly <- detector(traps(capthist))[1] %in% c('polygon','polygonX') && 
    (detectfn == 20)
  capthist <- stdcapthist(capthist, type, details$nclone, details$squeeze, HPXpoly, stratified, ...)
  inputcapthist <- capthist  ## PROCESSED
  stratanames <- strata(capthist)
  nstrata <- length(stratanames)
  if (stratified && nstrata==1) stop ("stratified=TRUE but only one stratum") 
  ## check type argument
  if (type %in% .openCRstuff$suspendedtypes)
    stop (type, " not currently available")
  secr <- grepl('secr', type)
  if (secr) {
    if (is.null(mask))
      stop("requires valid mask")
    if (ms(mask)) {
      if (!stratified) {
        mask <- mask[[1]]
        warning("multi-session mask provided; using first")
    else {
      if (stratified) {
        warning("single-session mask provided for stratified analysis; duplicating")
        mask <- rep(list(mask), nstrata)
        class(mask) <- c('mask','list')
    if (is.character(mask)) {
      maskname <- mask; rm(mask)
      if (stratified) {
        mask <- lapply(maskname, get, pos = -1)
      else {
        mask <- get(maskname, pos=-1)  
    if (is.function (movementmodel)) {
      moveargs <- formalArgs(movementmodel)
      usermodel <- as.character(substitute(movementmodel))
      movementmodel <- "user"
    else {
      usermodel <- ""
      # specify 'choices' to extend permissable models to include 
      # 'annularR' while avoiding need to document it!
      movementmodel <- match.arg(movementmodel[1], 
        choices = c('static', .openCRstuff$movementmodels))
      movementmodel <- stdmovement(movementmodel)
      if (details$r0 <= 0 && movementmodel %in% c('RDG','RDL','RDLS','BVC','RDE')) {
          warning ("cannot use zero value for r0 with movement model ", movementmodel, 
              "; setting r0 to 1/sqrt(pi)");
          details$r0 <- 1/sqrt(pi)
    ## integer code for movement model
    movementcode <- movecode(movementmodel)
    edgemethod <- match.arg(edgemethod)
    edgecode <- edgemethodcode(edgemethod)  # 0 none, 1 wrap, 2 truncate
    if (!is.null(mask) && attr(mask, 'type') != 'traprect' && 
        movementcode > 1 && edgemethod == 'wrap') {
      stop("edgemethod = 'wrap' requires mask of type 'traprect'")        
    if (movementcode > 1 && edgemethod == 'none') {
      warning("specify edgemethod 'wrap' or 'truncate' to avoid ", 
        "bias in movement models")
    if (movementmodel %in% .openCRstuff$kernelmodels && kernelradius==10) {
      warning("kernelradius may be inadequate - try sparsekernel with larger radius")
  else {
    if (!is.null(mask)) warning("mask not used in non-spatial analysis")
    mask <- rep(NA, nstrata)
    movementmodel <- ""
    movementcode <- -1
    edgecode <- -1
    usermodel <- ""
  ## Remember start time and call
  ptm  <- proc.time()
  starttime <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S %d %b %Y")
  cl   <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  ## Use input formula to override defaults
  if ('formula' %in% class(model)) model <- list(model)
  model <- stdform (model)  ## named, no LHS; see utility.R
  defaultmodel <- list(p = ~1, lambda0 = ~1, phi = ~1, b = ~1, f = ~1, lambda = ~1, g = ~1,
    gamma = ~1, kappa = ~1, BN = ~1, BD = ~1, N=~1, D = ~1, superN = ~1,
    superD = ~1, sigma = ~1, z = ~1, move.a = ~1, move.b = ~1, tau = ~1, settle = ~1)
  model <- replace (defaultmodel, names(model), model)
  pnames <- switch (type,
    CJS = c('p', 'phi'),                                      # 1
    CJSmte = c('p', 'phi', 'move.a', 'move.b'),               # 5
    JSSAb = c('p', 'phi','b','superN'),                       # 2
    JSSAl = c('p', 'phi','lambda','superN'),                  # 3
    JSSAf = c('p', 'phi','f','superN'),                       # 4
    JSSAg = c('p', 'phi','gamma','superN'),                   # 22
    JSSAk = c('p', 'phi','kappa','superN'),                   # 28
    JSSAfCL = c('p', 'phi','f'),                              # 15
    JSSAlCL = c('p', 'phi','lambda'),                         # 16
    JSSAbCL = c('p', 'phi','b'),                              # 17
    JSSAgCL = c('p', 'phi','gamma'),                          # 23
    JSSAkCL = c('p', 'phi','kappa'),                          # 29
    PLBf = c('p', 'phi','f'),                                 # 15
    PLBl = c('p', 'phi','lambda'),                            # 16
    PLBb = c('p', 'phi','b'),                                 # 17
    PLBg = c('p', 'phi','gamma'),                             # 23
    PLBk = c('p', 'phi','kappa'),                             # 29
    JSSAB = c('p', 'phi','BN'),                               # 18
    JSSAN = c('p', 'phi','N'),                                # 19
    Pradel = c('p', 'phi','lambda'),                          # 20
    Pradelg = c('p', 'phi','gamma'),                          # 26
    JSSARET = c('p', 'phi','b','superN','tau'),               # 21
    JSSAfgCL = c('p', 'phi','f','g'),                         # 27    # experimental temporary emigration
    CJSsecr = c('lambda0', 'phi','sigma'),                    # 6
    JSSAsecrfCL = c('lambda0', 'phi','f','sigma'),            # 9
    JSSAsecrlCL = c('lambda0', 'phi','lambda','sigma'),       # 10
    JSSAsecrbCL = c('lambda0', 'phi','b','sigma'),            # 11
    JSSAsecrgCL = c('lambda0', 'phi','gamma','sigma'),        # 25
    PLBsecrf = c('lambda0', 'phi','f','sigma'),               # 9
    PLBsecrl = c('lambda0', 'phi','lambda','sigma'),          # 10
    PLBsecrb = c('lambda0', 'phi','b','sigma'),               # 11
    PLBsecrg = c('lambda0', 'phi','gamma','sigma'),           # 25
    JSSAsecrf = c('lambda0', 'phi','f','superD','sigma'),       # 7
    JSSAsecrl = c('lambda0', 'phi','lambda','superD','sigma'),  # 12
    JSSAsecrb = c('lambda0', 'phi','b','superD','sigma'),       # 13
    JSSAsecrg = c('lambda0', 'phi','gamma','superD','sigma'),   # 24
    JSSAsecrB = c('lambda0', 'phi','BD','sigma'),               # 14
    JSSAsecrD = c('lambda0', 'phi','D','sigma'),                # 8
    secrCL = c('lambda0', 'phi', 'b','sigma'),                # 30
    secrD = c('lambda0', 'phi', 'b', 'superD', 'sigma'),      # 31
    "unrecognised type")
  moveargsi <- c(-2,-2)
  if (secr) {
    if (movementmodel %in% c('RDE', 'BVN', 'BVE', 'BVC', 'INDzi', 'UNIzi')) {
      pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.a')
      moveargsi[1] <- .openCRstuff$sigmai[typecode(type)] + 1 + (detectfn %in% c(15,17,18,19))
    else if (movementmodel %in% c('RDG','RDL','BVT','BVNzi','BVEzi','RDEzi','BVN2', 'RDLS')) {
      pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.a', 'move.b')
      moveargsi[1] <- .openCRstuff$sigmai[typecode(type)] + 1 + (detectfn %in% c(15,17,18,19))
      moveargsi[2] <- moveargsi[1]+1
    else if (movementmodel == 'user') {
      if (! ("r" == moveargs[1]))
        stop ("user-supplied movement model must have r as first argument")
      if ("a" %in% moveargs) {
        pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.a')
        moveargsi[1] <- .openCRstuff$sigmai[typecode(type)] + 1 + (detectfn %in% c(15,17,18,19))
        if ("b" %in% moveargs) {
          pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.b')
          moveargsi[2] <- moveargsi[1] + 1
    else if (movementmodel %in% c('UNI')) {
      ## no parameters, no action needed
    else if (movementmodel == 'annular') {
      pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.a')
      moveargsi[1] <- .openCRstuff$sigmai[typecode(type)] + 1 + (detectfn %in% c(15,17,18,19))
    else if (movementmodel %in% c('annular2','annularR')) {
      pnames <- c(pnames, 'move.a', 'move.b')
      moveargsi[1] <- .openCRstuff$sigmai[typecode(type)] + 1 + (detectfn %in% c(15,17,18,19))
      moveargsi[2] <- moveargsi[1] + 1
    if (type %in% c("secrCL","secrD")) {
      ## closed population
      ## fix survival and recruitment
      fixed <- replace(list(phi = 1.0, b = 1.0), names(fixed), fixed)
    if (details$settlemodel && !(movementmodel %in% c('static','IND','INDzi')) ) {
      pnames <- c(pnames, 'settle')
  if (any(pnames == 'unrecognised type'))
    stop ("'type' not recognised")
  if (detectfn %in% c(15,17:19)) pnames <- c(pnames, 'z')
  # Finite mixtures
  nmix <- get.nmix(model)
  if ((nmix>1) & (nmix<4)) {
    if (type %in% c('Pradel', 'Pradelg')) stop ("Mixture models not implemented for Pradel models")
    model$pmix <- as.formula(paste('~h', nmix, sep=''))
    if (!all(all.vars(model$pmix) %in% c('session','g','h2','h3')))
      stop ("formula for pmix may include only 'session', 'g' or '1'")
    pnames <- c(pnames, 'pmix')
  details$nmix <- nmix
  if (type == 'CJSmte') {
    moveargsi[1] <- 1 + nmix
    moveargsi[2] <- moveargsi[1] + 1
  # Link functions (model-specific)
  defaultlink <- list(p = 'logit', lambda0 = 'log', phi = 'logit', b = 'mlogit', f = 'log',
    gamma = 'logit', kappa = 'log', g = 'logit',
    lambda = 'log', BN = 'log', BD = 'log', D = 'log', N = 'log',
    settle = 'log',
    superN = 'log', superD = 'log', sigma = 'log', z = 'log', pmix='mlogit',
    move.a =  if (movementmodel %in% c('INDzi', 'UNIzi')) 'logit' else 'log', 
    move.b = if (movementmodel %in% c('BVNzi','BVEzi', 'RDEzi')) 'logit' else 'log',
    tau = 'mlogit')
  link <- replace (defaultlink, names(link), link)
  link[!(names(link) %in% pnames)] <- NULL
  if (details$nmix==1) link$pmix <- NULL
  pnamesR <- pnames[!(pnames %in% names(fixed))]
  model[!(names(model) %in% pnamesR)] <- NULL
  if ((length(model) == 0) & (length(fixed)>0))
    stop ("all parameters fixed")   ## assume want only LL
  vars <-  unlist(lapply(model, all.vars))
  # Prepare detection design matrices and lookup
  memo ('Preparing design matrices', details$trace)
  if (ndvc>0) {   # 2021-07-22
    for (i in 1:length(model)) {
      # remove intercept from models with dummy variable coding
      if (any(details$dummyvariablecoding %in% all.vars(model[[i]]))) {
        model[[i]] <- update(model[[i]], ~.-1)
  design <- openCR.design (
    capthist   = capthist, 
    models     = model, 
    type       = type  ,
    timecov    = timecov,
    sessioncov = sessioncov,
    stratumcov = stratumcov,
    agecov     = agecov,
    dframe     = dframe,
    naive      = FALSE,
    contrasts  = details$contrasts,
    initialage = details$initialage,
    minimumage = details$minimumage,
    maximumage = details$maximumage,
    CJSp1      = details$CJSp1
  allvars <- unlist(lapply(model, all.vars))
  learnedresponse <- any(.openCRstuff$learnedresponses %in% allvars) || !is.null(dframe)
  mixturemodel <- "h2" %in% allvars | "h3" %in% allvars
  design0 <- if (learnedresponse) {
    if (is.null(dframe0)) dframe0 <- dframe
    openCR.design (
      capthist   = capthist, 
      models     = model, 
      type       = type,
      timecov    = timecov,
      sessioncov = sessioncov,
      stratumcov = stratumcov,
      agecov     = agecov,
      dframe     = dframe0,
      naive      = TRUE,
      contrasts  = details$contrasts,
      initialage = details$initialage,
      minimumage = details$minimumage,
      maximumage = details$maximumage,
      CJSp1      = details$CJSp1)
  else {
  # mask-level parameters
  if (secr && 
      details$settlemodel &&  
      !(movementmodel %in% c('static','IND','INDzi')) ) {
    warning ("settlemodel is experimental in openCR 2.2.2")
    nsession <- dim(design$PIAJ)[3]
    if (link$settle == 'log') {
      model$settle <- update (model$settle, ~.+0)   # drop intercept
    dframe <- mask.designdata(
      mask          = mask, 
      maskmodel     = model$settle, 
      stratumlevels = session(capthist), 
      sessionlevels = 1:nsession, 
    # here assume for now that settle is the only mask parm
    # and mask.designdata returns only one dataframe.
    # Including settle design in 'design' streamlines
    design$designMatrices$settle <- model.matrix(
      object = model$settle, 
      data = dframe,
      contrasts.arg = details$contrasts)
    # try to append valid levels (shouldn't this be stratum-dependent?)
    validlevels <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = 1, ncol = nsession, dimnames=list('settle',NULL))
    design$validlevels <- rbind(design$validlevels, validlevels)
    attr(design$designMatrices$settle, 'dimmaskdesign') <- attr(dframe, 'dimmaskdesign')

  # Parameter mapping (general)
  np <- sapply(design$designMatrices, ncol)
  if (any(np==0)) {  ## 2021-11-30
    if (!is.na(np['settle']) && np['settle']==0) {
      message ("use settlemodel = FALSE for uniform settlement")
    stop ("model must have at least one beta parameter for each real parameter")
  NP <- sum(np)
  parindx <- split(1:NP, rep(1:length(np), np))
  names(parindx) <- names(np)
  # Movement kernel
  mqarray <- 0
  if (secr && !(movementmodel %in% c('static','IND','INDzi'))) {
    ## 2021-02-19 add annular option
    ## movement kernel
    k2 <- kernelradius
    kernel <- expand.grid(x = -k2:k2, y = -k2:k2)
    r <- sqrt(kernel$x^2 + kernel$y^2) 
    kernel <- kernel[r <= (k2+0.5), ]  ## always clip
    ## 2021-02-19 add annular option
    ## 2021-02-23 bypassed for annularR
    if (movementmodel == 'annular') {
      r <- sqrt(kernel$x^2 + kernel$y^2) 
      kernel <- kernel[(r >= (k2-0.5)) | (r==0), ]
    if (movementmodel == 'annular2') {
      r <- sqrt(kernel$x^2 + kernel$y^2) 
      origin <- r==0
      ring1 <- (r >= (k2/2-0.5)) & (r<(k2/2+0.5))
      ring2 <- r >= (k2-0.5)
      kernel <- kernel[origin | ring1 | ring2, ]
    if (sparsekernel) {
      tol <- 1e-8
      ok <- 
        abs(kernel$x) < tol |
        abs(kernel$y) < tol |
        abs(kernel$x - kernel$y) < tol | 
        abs(kernel$x + kernel$y) < tol
      kernel <- kernel[ok,]
  else {
    kernel <- mqarray <- matrix(0,1,2)  ## default
  # Choose likelihood function 
  if (secr)
    loglikefn <- open.secr.loglikfn  # see logliksecr.R
    loglikefn <- open.loglikfn       # see loglik.R
  # Variable names (general)
  allbetanames <- unlist(sapply(design$designMatrices, colnames))
  names(allbetanames) <- NULL
  realnames <- names(model)
  allbetanames <- sub('..(Intercept))','',allbetanames)
  ## allow for fixed beta parameters 
  if (!is.null(details$fixedbeta))
    betanames <- allbetanames[is.na(details$fixedbeta)]
    betanames <- allbetanames
  betaw <- max(c(nchar(betanames),8))  # for 'trace' formatting
  # Option to generate start values from previous fit
  if (inherits(start, 'secr') | inherits(start, 'openCR')) {
    start <- mapbeta(start$parindx, parindx, coef(start)$beta, NULL)
  else if (is.list(start) & (inherits(start[[1]], 'secr') | inherits(start[[1]], 'openCR')) ) {
    start2 <- if (length(start)>1) mapbeta(start[[2]]$parindx, parindx, coef(start[[2]])$beta, NULL) else NULL
    start <- mapbeta(start[[1]]$parindx, parindx, coef(start[[1]])$beta, NULL)
    if (!is.null(start2)) {
      start[is.na(start)] <- start2[is.na(start)]  ## use second as needed
  else if (is.numeric(start) & !is.null(names(start))) {
    ## optionally reorder and subset beta values by name
    OK <- allbetanames %in% names(start)
    if (!all(OK))
      stop ("beta names not in start : ", paste(allbetanames[!OK], collapse=', '))
    start <- start[allbetanames]
  # Start values (model-specific)
  if (is.null(start)) start <- rep(NA, NP)
  # for multiple strata use one
  ch1 <- if (stratified) capthist[[details$initialstratum]] else capthist
  J <- sum(intervals(ch1)>0)+1
  msk1 <- if (stratified) mask[[details$initialstratum]] else mask
  freq <- covariates(ch1)$freq
  marea <- if (is.null(msk1)) NA else maskarea(msk1)
  ncf <- if (!is.null(freq)) sum(freq) else nrow(ch1)
  if (any(is.na(start)) | is.list(start)) {
    rpsv <- if(secr) RPSV(ch1, CC = TRUE) else NA
    ## assemble start vector
    default <- list(
      p = 0.6,
      lambda0 = 0.6,
      phi = 0.7,
      gamma = 0.7,
      kappa = 2,
      b = 0.1,
      f = 0.3,
      lambda = 1.0,
      g = 0.2,   # random temporary emigration parameter
      # tau = 1/(details$M+1),
      BN = 20,
      BD = (ncf + 1) / marea,
      D = (ncf + 1) / marea,
      N = ncf + 1,
      superN = ncf*(1-distrib) + 20,   ## use N-n for binomial 2018-03-12
      superD = (ncf + 20) / marea,
      sigma =  rpsv,
      z = 2,
      move.a = if (secr) (if (movementmodel %in% c('annular', 'UNIzi','INDzi', 'UNIzi')) 0.4 else rpsv) else 0.6,    # increased rpsv/2 to rpsv 2021-04-11
      move.b = if (secr) (if (movementmodel %in% c('annular2','annularR','BVNzi','BVEzi','RDEzi')) 0.4 else 
        if (movementmodel %in% c('BVN2')) rpsv*2 else 1.5) else 0.2,
      pmix = 0.25,
      settle = 1      ## relative probability of settlement at mask point
    getdefault <- function (par) transform (default[[par]], link[[par]])
    defaultstart <- rep(0, NP)
    startindx <- parindx
    if (ndvc==0) {
      startindx <- lapply(startindx, '[', 1)   ## only first
    else {
      for (i in 1:length(startindx)) {
        if (!any(details$dummyvariablecoding %in% all.vars(model[[i]])) ) {
          startindx[[i]] <- startindx[[i]][1]
    for ( i in 1:length(startindx) ) {
      defaultstart[startindx[[i]]] <- getdefault (names(model)[i])
    if(details$nmix>1) {
      ## scaled by mlogit.untransform
      defaultstart[parindx[['pmix']]] <- (2:details$nmix)/(details$nmix+1)
    if('b' %in% names(parindx)) {
      ## scaled by mlogit.untransform
      defaultstart[parindx[['b']]] <- 1/J
    # if('tau' %in% names(parindx))
    #     ## scaled by mlogit.untransform
    #     defaultstart[parindx[['tau']]] <- 1/(details$M+1)
    if (secr & !(type %in% c('CJSsecr'))) {
      requireautoini <- (is.null(start) | !all(names(parindx) %in% names(start)))   
      if (requireautoini) {   ## condition added 2019-04-07
        if (!is.null(details$autoini)) {
          primarysession <- primarysessions(intervals(ch1))
          start3 <- autoini (subset(ch1, occasions = primarysession 
            == details$autoini), msk1)
          start3 <- autoini (ch1, msk1)
        if (any(is.na(unlist(start3))))
          warning ("initial values not found")
        defaultstart[startindx[['lambda0']]] <- transform (-log(1-start3[['g0']]), link[['lambda0']])
        defaultstart[startindx[['sigma']]] <- transform (start3[['sigma']], link[['sigma']])
        if (type == 'JSSAsecrD')
          defaultstart[startindx[['D']]] <- transform (start3[['D']], link[['D']])
        else if (type == 'JSSAsecrB')
          defaultstart[startindx[['BD']]] <- transform (start3[['D']]/J, link[['BD']])
        else if (type %in% c('JSSAsecrf','JSSAsecrl','JSSAsecrb', 'JSSAsecrg'))
          defaultstart[startindx[['superD']]] <- transform (start3[['D']], link[['superD']])
      # CL types do not need density
  tmp <- start
  if (is.null(start) | is.list(start)) start <- rep(NA, NP)
  if (any(is.na(start))) {
    start[is.na(start)] <- defaultstart[is.na(start)]
  if (is.list(tmp)) {
    # 2020-10-31 protect against bad start list
    ok <- names(tmp) %in% names(link)
    if (any(!ok)) {
      warning("ignoring parameter(s) in start not in model: ", 
        paste(names(tmp)[!ok], collapse = ', '))
      tmp <- tmp[ok]
    for (i in names(tmp)) {
      if (i == 'b') {
        start[startindx[[i]]] <- tmp[[i]]
      else {
        start[startindx[[i]]] <- transform (tmp[[i]], link[[i]])
  # Fixed beta parameters
  fb <- details$fixedbeta
  if (!is.null(fb)) {
    if (!(length(fb)== NP))
      stop ("invalid fixed beta - require NP-vector")
    if (sum(is.na(fb))==0)
      stop ("cannot fix all beta parameters")
    start <- start[is.na(fb)]  ## drop unwanted betas; remember later to adjust parameter count
  # capthist statistics
  # prepare CH, distmat, usge, fi, li, JScounts
  onestratum <- function (capthist, mask, stratumi) {
    sessnames <- sessionlabels(capthist)
    if (type %in% c("secrCL","secrD")) {
      intervals(capthist) <- rep(0, ncol(capthist)-1)
    cumss <- getcumss(capthist)                  ## cumulative secondary sessions per primary session
    if (is.null(sessnames))
      sessnames <- 1:(length(cumss)-1)
    nc <- nrow(capthist)
    if (nc == 0) warning ("no detection histories in stratum ")
    J <- length(cumss)-1                         ## number of primary sessions
    k <- nrow(traps(capthist))                   ## number of detectors (secr only)
    m <- if (is.null(mask)) 0 else nrow(mask)
    primaryintervals <- intervals(capthist)[intervals(capthist)>0]  
    lost <- which(apply(capthist,1,min, drop = FALSE)<0)
    twoD <- apply(abs(capthist), 1:2, sum, drop = FALSE)
    CH <- twoD
    primarysession <- primarysessions(intervals(capthist))
    if (J==1)
      twoD <- as.matrix(apply(twoD, 1, function(x) tapply(x,primarysession,max)))
      twoD <- t(apply(twoD, 1, function(x) tapply(x,primarysession,max)))  # in terms of primary sessions
    fi <- apply(twoD, 1, function(x) min(which(x>0)))
    li <- apply(twoD, 1, function(x) max(which(x>0)))
    twoD[cbind(lost, li[lost])] <- -1
    li[lost] <- -li[lost]
    covariates(CH) <- covariates(capthist)
    covariates(twoD) <- covariates(capthist)
    JScounts <- unlist(JS.counts(twoD))
    mqarray <- c(0,1)
    if (secr) {
      usge <- usage(traps(capthist))
      if (is.null(usge) | details$ignoreusage) 
        usge <- matrix(1, nrow=k, ncol= cumss[J+1])  # in terms of secondary sessions
      CH <- capthist
      if (detector(traps(capthist))[1] == "multi") {
        CH <- abs(capthist)
        CH <- apply(CH,1:2, which.max) *  (apply(CH,1:2, max)>0)
        lost <- apply(capthist,1:2, min)<0
        CH[lost] <- -CH[lost]
        class (CH) <- 'capthist'
        traps(CH) <- traps(capthist)
      distmat <- getdistmat (traps(CH), mask, detectfn == 20)
      cellsize <- attr(mask,'area')^0.5 * 100   ## metres, equal mask cellsize
      if (!(movementmodel %in% c('static','IND','INDzi'))) {
        mqarray <- mqsetup (mask, kernel, cellsize, edgecode)  
    else {
      usge <- NULL
      distmat <- numeric(0)
      cellsize <- 0
      i                = stratumi,  
      capthist         = CH, 
      sessnames        = sessnames,
      mask             = mask,
      distmat          = distmat, 
      usge             = usge, 
      fi               = fi,
      li               = li, 
      JScounts         = JScounts, 
      primaryintervals = primaryintervals,
      nc               = nc, 
      J                = J, 
      cumss            = cumss, 
      m                = m,
      k                = k,
      mqarray          = mqarray,
      cellsize         = cellsize)
  if (stratified) {
    stratumdata <- mapply(onestratum, capthist, mask, 1:nstrata, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  else {
    stratumdata <- list(onestratum(capthist, mask, 1))
  logmult <- logmultinom(capthist, stratified)
  data <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  assign("type",      type,     pos = data)
  assign("detectfn",  detectfn, pos = data)
  assign("distrib",   distrib,  pos = data)
  assign("binomN",    binomN,   pos = data)
  assign("link",      link,     pos = data)
  assign("fixed",     fixed,    pos = data)
  assign("details",   details,  pos = data)
  assign("ncores",    ncores,   pos = data)
  assign("design",    design,   pos = data)
  assign("design0",   design0,  pos = data)
  assign("parindx",   parindx,  pos = data)
  assign("moveargsi",       moveargsi,       pos = data)
  assign("movementcode",    movementcode,    pos = data)
  assign("sparsekernel",    sparsekernel,    pos = data)
  assign("anchored",        anchored,        pos = data)
  assign("edgecode",        edgecode,        pos = data)
  assign("usermodel",       usermodel,       pos = data)
  assign("kernel",          kernel,          pos = data)
  assign("learnedresponse", learnedresponse, pos = data)
  assign("mixturemodel",    mixturemodel,    pos = data)
  assign("betaw",           betaw,           pos = data)
  assign("logmult",         logmult,         pos = data)
  assign("stratumdata",     stratumdata,     pos = data)
  # Single evaluation option
  .openCRstuff$iter <- 0
  if (details$LLonly) {
    if (is.null(start))
      stop ("provide transformed parameter values in 'start'")
    args <- list(beta = start,
      oneeval = TRUE,
      data = data)
    LL <- do.call(loglikefn, args)
    names(LL) <- c('logLik', betanames)
    attr(LL, 'parindx') <- parindx
  # Maximize likelihood
  ## modified 2017-05-16 to assume most data are in the environment, not needing to be passed
  memo('Maximizing likelihood...', details$trace)
  header <- paste0('Eval       Loglik ', paste(str_pad(betanames, width = betaw), collapse = ' '))
  if (details$trace) {
  logfilename <- details$log
  if (logfilename != "" && is.character(logfilename)) {
    cat(header, file = logfilename, sep = "\n", append = FALSE)
  if (tolower(method) %in% c('newton-raphson', 'nr')) {
    args <- list (p        = start,
      f        = loglikefn,
      data     = data,   # environment(),
      betaw    = betaw,
      hessian  = tolower(details$hessian)=='auto')
    if (!is.null(details$control) && is.list(details$control)) args <- c(args, details$control)
    this.fit <- do.call (nlm, args)
    this.fit$par <- this.fit$estimate     # copy for uniformity
    this.fit$value <- this.fit$minimum    # copy for uniformity
    if (this.fit$code > 2)
      warning ("possible maximization error: nlm returned code ",
        this.fit$code, ". See ?nlm")
  else if (tolower(method) %in% c('none')) {
    # Hessian-only
    memo ('Computing Hessian with fdHess in nlme', details$trace)
    loglikfn <- function (beta) {
      ## args <- list(beta = beta, data = data, cluster = cluster)
      args <- list(beta = beta, data = data)
      do.call(loglikefn, args)
    grad.Hess <- nlme::fdHess(start, fun = loglikfn, .relStep = 0.001, minAbsPar=0.1)
    this.fit <- list (value = loglikfn(start), par = start,
      gradient = grad.Hess$gradient,
      hessian = grad.Hess$Hessian)
  else {
    args <- list(par     = start,
      fn      = loglikefn,
      data    = data,
      hessian = tolower(details$hessian)=='auto',
      control = details$control,
      method  = method)
    # cluster = cluster)
    this.fit <- do.call (optim, args)
    # default method = 'BFGS', control=list(parscale=c(1,0.1,5))
    if (this.fit$convergence != 0)
      warning ("probable maximization error: optim returned convergence ",
        this.fit$convergence, ". See ?optim")
  this.fit$method <- method         ## remember what method we used...
  covar <- NULL
  if (this.fit$value > 1e9) {     ## failed
    this.fit$beta[] <- NA
    eigH <- NA
  else {
    # Variance-covariance matrix
    if (tolower(details$hessian)=='fdhess') {
      memo ('Computing Hessian with fdHess in nlme', details$trace)
      loglikfn <- function (beta) {
        args <- list (beta    = beta,
          parindx    = parindx,
          env     = data) # environment(),
        ## cluster = cluster)
        -do.call(loglikefn, args)
      grad.Hess <- nlme::fdHess(this.fit$par, fun = loglikfn, .relStep = 0.001, minAbsPar=0.1)
      this.fit$hessian <- -grad.Hess$Hessian
    hess <- this.fit$hessian
    eigH <- NA
    NP <- length(betanames)
    covar <- matrix(nrow = NP, ncol = NP)
    if (!is.null(hess) && !any(is.na(this.fit$hessian))) {   # 2021-08-07 additional check 
      eigH <- eigen(this.fit$hessian)$values
      ## eigH <- eigH/max(eigH)
      eigH <- abs(eigH)/max(abs(eigH))   ## 2020-05-28
      covar <- try(MASS::ginv(hess))
      if (inherits(covar, "try-error")) {
        warning ("could not invert Hessian to compute ",
          "variance-covariance matrix")
        covar <- matrix(nrow = NP, ncol = NP)
      else if (any(diag(covar)<0)) {
        warning ("variance calculation failed for ",
          "some beta parameters; confounding likely")
    dimnames(covar) <- list(betanames, betanames)
  desc <- packageDescription("openCR")  ## for version number
  if (secr && !(movementmodel %in% c('static','IND','INDzi'))) 
    kernel <- kernel * spacing(mask)
    kernel <- NULL
  primaryintervals <- lapply(stratumdata, '[[', 'primaryintervals')
  sessionlabels <- lapply(stratumdata, '[[', 'sessnames')
  temp <- list (call = cl,
    capthist = inputcapthist,
    type = type,
    model = model,
    stratified = stratified,
    distribution = distribution,
    mask = mask,
    detectfn = detectfn,
    binomN = binomN,
    movementmodel = movementmodel,
    edgemethod = edgemethod,
    kernelradius = kernelradius,
    sparsekernel = sparsekernel,
    usermodel = usermodel,
    moveargsi = moveargsi,
    kernel =  kernel,
    start = start,
    link = link,
    fixed = fixed,
    timecov = timecov,
    sessioncov = sessioncov,
    stratumcov = stratumcov,
    agecov = agecov,
    dframe = dframe,
    dframe0 = dframe0,
    details = details,
    method = method,
    ncores = ncores,
    design = design,
    design0 = design0,
    parindx = parindx,
    primaryintervals = primaryintervals,
    vars = vars,
    betanames = betanames,
    realnames = realnames,
    sessionlabels = sessionlabels,
    fit = this.fit,
    beta.vcv = covar,
    eigH = eigH,
    version = desc$Version,
    starttime = starttime,
    proctime = proc.time()[3] - ptm[3]
  if (secr) temp <- c(temp, list(mask=mask))
  attr (temp, 'class') <- 'openCR'
  ## if (!is.null(cluster)) stopCluster(cluster)
  memo(paste('Completed in ', round(temp$proctime,2), ' seconds at ',
    format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S %d %b %Y"),
    sep=''), details$trace)


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openCR documentation built on Sept. 25, 2022, 5:06 p.m.