
Defines functions rectwrap n.unique.rows unsqueeze squeeze getcumss lgp.fn plg.fn expit.fn logit.fn get.model.matrix primaryonly secondarysessions primarysessions last first var.in.model

Documented in primarysessions secondarysessions squeeze unsqueeze

# openCR
## 2018-04-18 openCR 1.2.0
## 2018-04-20 m.array removed to m.array.R
## 2018-04-20 JS.counts removed to JS.counts.R
## 2018-04-20 posterior.allocation removed to posterior.R
## 2018-11-22 n.unique.rows drop = FALSE 
## 2018-11-22 learnedresponses global vector
## 2020-11-02 PLB aliases
## 2020-12-07 CJSmte type experimental - to be added?
## 2020-12-08 primaryonly tweaked to give 3-D output (single NULL traps)
## 2020-12-12 mqsetup moved from prwisecr.R
## 2021-03-30 logmultinomial local version of function
## 2021-04-24 2.0.0 stratification
## 2021-07-23 get.model.matrix wrapper for calls to model.matrix
## 2021-07-31 new movement models, general tidy up
## 2021-09-21 tidy .openCRstuff$movementmodels, add .openCRstuff$kernelmodels
## 2021-10-12 stdmovement
## 2021-11-03 openCR 2.2.0 


.openCRstuff <- new.env()
.openCRstuff$packageType <- ' pre-release'
#.openCRstuff$packageType <- ''
.openCRstuff$iter <- 0
.openCRstuff$suspendedtypes <- c('JSSAfgCL', 'JSSAfg')

.openCRstuff$polydetectors <- c('polygon','transect','polygonX','transectX')

# location of 'sigma' in parameter vector
# zero-based, so take care to add 1 when used as index in R 2019-04-21
# moveargs (move.a etc) follow sigma
.openCRstuff$sigmai <- rep(3, 50)   ## default 3
.openCRstuff$sigmai[c(6,15)] <- 2
.openCRstuff$sigmai[c(7,12,13,24,31)] <- 4

.openCRstuff$detectionfunctions <- c('hazard halfnormal', 'hazard hazard rate', 
    'hazard exponential', 'hazard annular normal', 'hazard cumulative gamma', 
    'hazard variable power','hazard pixelar')

.openCRstuff$DFN <- c('HHN', 'HHR', 'HEX', 'HAN', 'HCG', 'HVP','HPX')

.openCRstuff$learnedresponses <- c('b','bk', 'B', 'bsession', 'k', 'ksession', 
    'Ksession', 'bksession', 'Bsession', 'Bksession')

.openCRstuff$traplearnedresponses <- c('bk', 'Bk', 'k', 'ksession', 'Ksession',
    'bksession', 'Bksession')

# recognised movement models, excluding static

.openCRstuff$stdmodels <- "BVN, BVE, BVC, BVT, RDE, RDG, RDL, UNI"

.openCRstuff$oldmodelcodes <- c(

.openCRstuff$kernelmodels <- c(
  'uniform', 'UNI',
  'frE', 'RDE',
  'frG', 'RDG',
  'frL', 'RDL',
  'uniformzi', 'UNIzi',
  'frEzi', 'RDEzi',
  'RDLS',   # log-sech Van Houtan et al 2010 etc.

.openCRstuff$movementmodels <- c(.openCRstuff$kernelmodels, 'IND', 'INDzi')

stdmovement <- function (movementmodel) {
  ## transition to standardized codes
  if (movementmodel %in% .openCRstuff$oldmodelcodes) {
    newcode <- switch(movementmodel, 
      normal      = 'BVN',
      exponential = 'BVE',
      t2D         = 'BVT',
      uniform     = 'UNI',
      frE         = 'RDE', 
      frG         = 'RDG', 
      frL         = 'RDL', 
      uniformzi   = 'UNIzi',
      frEzi       = 'RDEzi')
    warning('Movement model ', movementmodel, ' replaced with new code ', newcode)
    movementmodel <- newcode


typecode <- function (type) {
  type <- switch(type, 
    CJS = 1, CJSmte = 5,
    JSSAf = 4, JSSAl = 3, JSSAb = 2, JSSAg = 22, JSSAk = 28, 
    JSSAfCL = 15, JSSAlCL = 16, JSSAbCL = 17, JSSAgCL = 23, JSSAkCL = 29,
    JSSAB = 18, JSSAN = 19,
    CJSsecr = 6, 
    JSSAsecrfCL = 9, JSSAsecrlCL = 10, JSSAsecrbCL = 11, JSSAsecrgCL = 25, 
    JSSAsecrf = 7, JSSAsecrl = 12, JSSAsecrb = 13, JSSAsecrg = 24, 
    JSSAsecrB = 14, JSSAsecrD = 8,
    Pradel = 20, JSSARET = 21, Pradelg = 26, JSSAfgCL = 27,
    secrCL = 30, secrD = 31, 
    # added aliases 2020-11-01
    PLBf = 15, PLBl = 16, PLBb = 17, PLBg = 23, PLBk = 29,
    PLBsecrf = 9, PLBsecrl = 10, PLBsecrb = 11, PLBsecrg = 25, 

# detection function numbers 14-20 are subset of those used by 'secr'
detectionfunctionnumber <- function (detname) {
  dfn <- match (toupper(detname), .openCRstuff$DFN)
  if (is.na(dfn))
    dfn <- match (tolower(detname), .openCRstuff$detectionfunctions)
  if (is.na(dfn))
    stop ("detection function ", detname, " not recognised in openCR")

movecode <- function (movementmodel) {
  switch (movementmodel, 
    static         = 0, 
    IND            = 1, 
    BVN            = 2, 
    BVE            = 3, 
    user           = 4, 
    BVT            = 5,
    UNI            = 6, 
    annular        = 7, 
    annular2       = 8, 
    annularR       = 9, 
    RDE            = 10, 
    RDG            = 11, 
    RDL            = 12, 
    BVNzi          = 13,
    BVEzi          = 14,
    UNIzi          = 15,
    RDEzi          = 16,
    INDzi          = 17,
    BVN2           = 18,
    RDLS           = 19,
    BVC            = 20,
    BVCzi          = 21

nparmove <- function (movementmodel) {
    static         = 0, 
    uncorrelated   = 0, 
    IND            = 0, 
    normal         = 1, 
    BVN            = 1, 
    exponential    = 1, 
    BVE            = 1, 
    t2D            = 2, 
    BVT            = 2, 
    uniform        = 0, 
    UNI            = 0, 
    annular        = 1, 
    annular2       = 2, 
    annularR       = 2, 
    frE            = 1, 
    RDE            = 1, 
    frG            = 2, 
    RDG            = 2, 
    frL            = 2,
    RDL            = 2,
    BVNzi          = 2,
    BVEzi          = 2,
    uniformzi      = 1,
    UNIzi          = 1,
    frEzi          = 2,
    RDEzi          = 2,
    uncorrelatedzi = 1,
    INDzi          = 1,
    BVN2           = 2,  
    RDLS           = 2,
    BVC            = 1,
    BVCzi          = 2,

edgemethodcode <- function (edgemethod) {
  if (is.null(edgemethod)) edgemethod <- 'none' 
  if (!edgemethod %in% c('none','wrap','truncate')) {
    stop ("unrecognised edge method - should be 'none','wrap', or 'truncate'")
  switch (edgemethod, 
    none       = 0, 
    wrap       = 1,
    truncate   = 2, 

replacedefaults <- function (default, user) {
  replace(default, names(user), user)


discreteN <- function (n, N) {
  tN <- trunc(N)
  if (N != tN) tN + sample (x = c(1,0), prob = c(N-tN, 1-(N-tN)),
    replace = T, size = n)
  else rep(tN,n)

memo <- function (text, trace) {
  ## could use message(text), but does not immediately flush console
  if (trace) { cat (text, '\n')
    flush.console() }

pad1 <- function (x, n) {
  ## pad x to length n with dummy (first value)
  if (is.factor(x)) {
    xc <- as.character(x)
    xNA <- c(xc, rep(xc[1], n-length(xc)))
    out <- factor(xNA, levels=levels(x))
  else out <- c(x, rep(x[1], n-length(x)))

padarray <- function (x, dims) {
  temp <- array(dim=dims)
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if (length(dimx)<2 | length(dimx)>3)
    stop ("invalid array")
  if (length(dimx)>2) temp[1:dimx[1], 1:dimx[2], 1:dimx[3]] <- x
  else temp[1:dimx[1], 1:dimx[2]] <- x


## regularize a list of formulae
LHS <- function (form) {
  trms <- as.character (form)
  if (length(trms)==2) '' else trms[2]
RHS <- function (form) {
  trms <- as.character (form)
  ## if (length(trms)==3) as.formula(paste(trms[c(1,3)])) else form
  ## 2021-05-09 for compatibility with R 4.0
  if (length(trms)==3) as.formula(paste(trms[c(1,3)], collapse = " ")) else form
stdform <- function (flist) {
  lhs <- sapply(flist, LHS)
  temp <- lapply(flist, RHS)
  if (is.null(names(flist))) names(temp) <- lhs
  else names(temp) <- ifelse(names(flist) == '', lhs, names(flist))

stringsAsFactors <- function (DF) {
  # convert any character columns of a data.frame (or list) to factor
  if (is.list(DF) && length(DF)>0) {    ## bug fix 2020-08-14
    chr <- sapply(DF, is.character)
    DF[chr] <- lapply(DF[chr], as.factor)

## Start of miscellaneous functions

sine     <- function (x) asin (x*2-1)
invsine  <- function (y) (sin(y)+1) / 2
odds     <- function (x) x / (1-x)
invodds  <- function (y) y / (1+y)

lnbinomial <- function (x,size,prob) {
  lgamma (size+1) - lgamma (size-x+1) - lgamma (x+1) +
    x * log(prob) + (size-x) * log (1-prob)


var.in.model <- function(v,m) v %in% unlist(lapply(m, all.vars))

add.cl <- function (df, alpha, loginterval, lowerbound = 0) {
  ## add lognormal or standard Wald interval to dataframe with columns
  ## 'estimate' and 'SE.estimate'
  ## lowerbound added 2011-07-15
  z <- abs(qnorm(1-alpha/2))
  if (loginterval) {
    delta <- df$estimate - lowerbound
    df$lcl <- delta / exp(z * sqrt(log(1 + (df$SE.estimate /
        delta)^2))) + lowerbound
    df$ucl <- delta * exp(z * sqrt(log(1 + (df$SE.estimate /
        delta)^2))) + lowerbound
  else {
    df$lcl <- pmax(lowerbound, df$estimate - z * df$SE.estimate)
    df$ucl <- df$estimate + z * df$SE.estimate

model.string <- function (model, userDfn) {
  temp <- paste (names(model), as.character(model), collapse=' ', sep='')

fixed.string <- function (fixed) {
  # copied from 'secr'
  if (is.null(fixed) | length(fixed)==0) 'none'
  else paste (names(fixed), as.character(fixed), collapse=', ', sep=' = ')

## lifted from secr score.test

mapbeta <- function (parindx0, parindx1, beta0, betaindex)
  ## Extend beta vector from simple model (beta0) to a more complex (i.e. general)
  ## model, inserting neutral values (zero) as required.
  ## For each real parameter, a 1:1 match is assumed between
  ## beta values until all beta values from the simpler model are
  ## betaindex is a user-controlled alternative.
  ## list of zeroed vectors, one per real parameter
  beta1 <- lapply(parindx1, function (x) {x[]<-0; x})
  if (!is.null(betaindex)) {
    beta1 <- unlist(beta1)
    if (sum(betaindex>0) != length(beta0))
      stop ("invalid 'betaindex'")
    beta1[betaindex] <- beta0
  else {
    indx <- lapply(parindx0, function(x) x-x[1]+1)
    # if (!all(names(beta1) %in% names(beta0)))
    #     stop ("incompatible parameters in old model used for start")
    # for (j in 1:length(beta1))
    #     beta1[[j]][indx[[j]]] <- beta0[parindx0[[j]]]
    for (j in names(beta1)) {
      if (j %in% names(parindx0)) {
        newi <- indx[[j]]  ## 2017-11-21
        if (length(parindx1[[j]]) < length(newi))
          newi <- newi[1:length(parindx1[[j]])]   # clip tail
        beta1[[j]][newi] <- beta0[parindx0[[j]]][newi]
        beta1[[j]][] <- NA

first <- function(y) {
  indf <- min(which(y>0))
  y[] <- 0
  y[indf] <- 1

last <- function(y) {
  indl <- max(which(y>0))
  y[] <- 0
  y[indl] <- 1

primarysessions <- function(intervals) {
  primarysession <- cumsum(c(0,intervals))
  match(primarysession, unique(primarysession))

secondarysessions <- function(intervals) {
  primary <- primarysessions(intervals)
  unname(unlist(sapply(table(primary), seq_len)))  

primaryonly <- function(object) {
  intervals <- intervals(object)
  object <- unsqueeze(object)    ## 2018-02-06
  if (!is.null(intervals)) {
    if (any(intervals == 0)) {
      primarysession <- primarysessions(intervals)
      # reduce not ready for not for non-spatial
      # so use more elaborate alternative in primaryonly: 
      if (!is.null(traps(object))) {
        newocc <- split(1:ncol(object), primarysession)
        object <- suppressWarnings(reduce(object, newoccasions = newocc, verify = FALSE))
      else {
        lost <- which(apply(object,1,min, drop = FALSE)<0)
        twoD <- apply(abs(object), 1:2, sum)
        twoD <- t(apply(twoD, 1, function(x) tapply(x,primarysession,max)))  # in terms of primary sessions
        li <- apply(twoD, 1, function(x) max(which(x>0)))
        twoD[cbind(lost, li[lost])] <- -1
        dim(twoD) <- c(dim(twoD),1)   ## 2020-12-08
        class(twoD) <- 'capthist'
        object <- twoD

primaryintervals <- function (object, ...) {
  ## 2021-04-26 list, one vector per stratum
  ## for backward compatibility -
  out <- list(object$intervals)
  if (is.null(out[[1]])) {
    out <- object$primaryintervals 
  if (!is.list(out)) stop ("primarysessions should be stratum list")

##### constrain to 0 < sum(p) <= 1.0
invmlogit <- function (x, fillin = TRUE) {
  if (!any(is.na(x))) x[1] <- NA
  x2 <- sapply(x,exp) / (1 + sum(exp(x), na.rm=T))
  if (fillin) {
    x2[is.na(x)] <- 1-sum(x2, na.rm=T)

transform <- function (x, link) {
  switch (link,
    identity = x,
    log = log(x),
    log1 = log(x-1),
    neglog = log(-x),
    logit = logit(x),
    loglog = -log(-log(x)),
    # mlogit = x,
    mlogit = logit(x),   ## 2019-04-20
    odds = odds(x),
    sin = sine(x)

untransform <- function (beta, link) {
  switch (link,
    identity = beta,
    log = exp(beta),
    log1 = exp(beta) + 1,
    neglog = -exp(beta),
    logit = invlogit(beta),
    loglog = exp(-exp(-beta)),
    mlogit = beta,   ## delay
    odds = invodds(beta),
    sin = invsine(beta))

se.untransform <- function (beta, sebeta, link) {
  switch (link,
    identity = sebeta,
    log = exp(beta) * sqrt(exp(sebeta^2)-1),
    log1 =  exp(beta) * sqrt(exp(sebeta^2)-1),
    neglog = exp(beta) * sqrt(exp(sebeta^2)-1),
    logit = invlogit(beta) * (1-invlogit(beta)) * sebeta,
    loglog = -exp(-exp(-beta)) * sebeta * -exp(-beta),
    mlogit = NA,      ## don't know how
    sin = NA)         ####!!!!

# vector version of transform()
Xtransform <- function (real, linkfn, varnames) {
  out <- real
  for (i in 1:length(real)) {
    vn <- varnames[i]
    out[i] <- switch (linkfn[[vn]],
      identity = real[i],
      log = log(real[i]),
      log1 = log(real[i]-1),
      neglog = log(-real[i]),
      logit = logit(real[i]),
      loglog = -log(-log(real[i])),
      mlogit = real[i],      ## delay
      odds = odds(real[i]),
      sin = sine(real[i]))

se.Xtransform <- function (real, sereal, linkfn, varnames) {
  out <- real
  for (i in 1:length(real)) {
    vn <- varnames[i]
    out[i] <- switch (linkfn[[vn]],
      identity = sereal[i],
      log = log((sereal[i]/real[i])^2 + 1)^0.5,
      log1 = log((sereal[i]/real[i])^2 + 1)^0.5,
      neglog = log((sereal[i]/-real[i])^2 + 1)^0.5,
      logit = sereal[i] / real[i] / (1 - real[i]),
      loglog = -real[i] * sereal[i] * log(real[i]),
      mlogit = NA,      ## don't know how
      sin = NA)

# vector version of untransform()
Xuntransform <- function (beta, linkfn, varnames) {
  out <- beta
  for (i in 1:length(beta)) {
    vn <- varnames[i]
    out[i] <- switch (linkfn[[vn]],
      identity = beta[i],
      log = exp(beta[i]),
      log1 = exp(beta[i]) + 1,
      neglog = -exp(beta[i]),
      logit = invlogit(beta[i]),
      loglog = exp(-exp(-beta[i])),
      mlogit = beta[i],   # delay
      odds = invodds(beta[i]),
      sin = invsine(beta[i]))

se.Xuntransform <- function (beta, sebeta, linkfn, varnames)
  # Approximate translation of SE to untransformed scale
  # Delta method cf Lebreton et al 1992 p 77
  out <- beta
  if (length(beta)!=length(sebeta))
    stop ("'beta' and 'sebeta' do not match")
  if (!all(varnames %in% names(linkfn)))
    stop ("'linkfn' component missing for at least one real variable")
  for (i in 1:length(beta)) {
    vn <- varnames[i]
    out[i] <- switch (linkfn[[vn]],
      identity = sebeta[i],
      log    = exp(beta[i]) * sqrt(exp(sebeta[i]^2)-1),
      log1   = exp(beta[i]) * sqrt(exp(sebeta[i]^2)-1),
      neglog = exp(beta[i]) * sqrt(exp(sebeta[i]^2)-1),
      logit = invlogit(beta[i]) * (1-invlogit(beta[i])) * sebeta[i],
      loglog = NA, 
      mlogit = NA,    ## don't know how
      sin = NA)         ####!!!!

adjustlevels <- function (field, dframe, validlevels ) {
  # This function overwrites primary session numbers for which a given 
  # parameter (field) cannot be estimated with the (dummy) session number of 
  # one where it can be estimated, thus keeping the PIA tidy.
  if (ms(validlevels)) {
    if (!is.factor(dframe$stratum)) stop ("stratum should be factor")
    if (!is.factor(dframe$session)) stop ("session should be factor")
    if (!is.null(dframe$t) && !is.factor(dframe$t)) stop ("t should be factor")
    for (i in 1:length(validlevels)) {
      stratum <- levels(dframe$stratum)[i]
      OK <- validlevels[[i]][field,]
      OKlevels <- levels(dframe$session)[OK]
      if (length(OKlevels)<1) {
        stop ("stratum ", i, " has no valid levels of ", field)
      notok <- dframe$stratum==stratum & !(dframe$session %in% OKlevels)
      if ('session' %in% names(dframe)) {
        dframe$session[notok] <- OKlevels[1]
      if ('t' %in% names(dframe)) {   ## synonym for 'session'
        dframe$t[notok] <- OKlevels[1]
  else {
    OK <- validlevels[field,]
    if ('session' %in% names(dframe)) {
      levels(dframe$session)[!OK] <- levels(dframe$session)[match(TRUE,OK)]
    if ('t' %in% names(dframe)) {   ## synonym for 'session'
      levels(dframe$t)[!OK] <- levels(dframe$t)[match(TRUE,OK)]

getvalidlevels <- function (type, parnames, J, CJSp1) {
  # flag impossible parameters by primary session
  validlevels <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = length(parnames), ncol = J)
  dimnames(validlevels) <- list(parnames, 1:J)
  # all types
  if ('phi' %in% parnames) {
    validlevels['phi',J] <- FALSE
  if ('move.a' %in% parnames) {
    validlevels['move.a',J] <- FALSE
  if ('move.b' %in% parnames) {
    validlevels['move.b',J] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('CJS', 'CJSmte')) {
    # if ('p' %in% parnames)
    # 2018-10-29
    if ('p' %in% parnames & !CJSp1)
      validlevels['p',1] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('JSSAf','JSSAfCL', 'JSSAsecrf','JSSAsecrfCL', 'PLBf', 'PLBsecrf')) {
    if ('f' %in% parnames)
      validlevels['f',J] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('JSSAg','JSSAgCL', 'JSSAsecrg','JSSAsecrgCL','Pradelg', 'PLBg', 'PLBsecrg')) {
    if ('gamma' %in% parnames)
      validlevels['gamma',1] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('JSSAk','JSSAkCL', 'PLBk')) {
    if ('kappa' %in% parnames)
      validlevels['kappa',1] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('JSSAl','JSSAlCL', 'JSSAsecrl','JSSAsecrlCL', 'PLBl', 'PLBsecrl',
    'Pradel')) {
    if ('lambda' %in% parnames)
      validlevels['lambda',J] <- FALSE
  if (type %in% c('JSSAb', 'JSSAbCL', 'JSSAsecrb','JSSAsecrbCL', 'PLBb', 'PLBsecrb')) {
    if ('b' %in% parnames)
      validlevels['b',1] <- FALSE  
  if (type %in% c('CJSsecr')) {
    if (!CJSp1) {              ## 2018-10-29
      if ('lambda0' %in% parnames)
        validlevels['lambda0',1] <- FALSE
      if ('sigma' %in% parnames)
        validlevels['sigma',1] <- FALSE
    # if ('move.a' %in% parnames)
    #     validlevels['move.a',1] <- FALSE
    # if ('move.b' %in% parnames)
    #     validlevels['move.b',1] <- FALSE

# 2021-07-23
# wrapper for call to model.matrix that is used in openCR.design, lpredictor etc.

get.model.matrix <- function(formula, field, dframe, validlevels, contrasts, ...) {
  # adjust for unidentifiable parameters
  dframe <- adjustlevels(field, dframe, validlevels)
  # avoid contrasts error 2021-04-26
  if (length(levels(dframe$stratum))==1) {
    dframe$stratum <- rep(1, nrow(dframe))
  # drop contrasts not relevant to this formula
  localcontrasts <- contrasts[names(contrasts) %in% all.vars(formula)]
  if (length(localcontrasts)==0) localcontrasts <- NULL
  model.matrix(formula, data = dframe, contrasts.arg = localcontrasts, ...)

lpredictor <- function (model, newdata, indx, beta, field, beta.vcv=NULL, 
  validlevels, contrasts = NULL) {
  vars <- all.vars(model)
  if (any(!(vars %in% names(newdata)))) {
    stop ("one or more model covariates not found in 'newdata'")
  newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
  lpred <- matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = nrow(newdata),dimnames=list(NULL,c('estimate','se')))
  # adjust for CJS nonidentifiable parameters
  # see also make.designmatrix in openCR.design.R
  # notOK is vector of length equal to rows of newdata
  # validity is dependent on newdata$stratum
  # clunky - must be better way!
  if (ms(validlevels)) {
    nstrata <- length(validlevels)
    nsessions <- sapply(validlevels, ncol)
    valid <- lapply(validlevels, '[', field,)
    validmat <- matrix(FALSE, ncol = max(nsessions), nrow = nstrata)
    for (i in 1:nstrata) validmat[i,1:nsessions[i]] <- valid[[i]]
    if (!is.null(newdata$session))
      notOK <- !validmat[cbind(newdata$stratum, newdata$session)]
      notOK <- !validmat[cbind(newdata$stratum, newdata$t)]
  else {
    if (!is.null(newdata$session))
      notOK <- !validlevels[field,newdata$session]   ## BEFORE adjust levels
      notOK <- !validlevels[field,newdata$t]   ## BEFORE adjust levels
  # new wrapper function 2021-07-23
  mat <- get.model.matrix (model, field, newdata, validlevels, contrasts)
  # if (field=='b') browser()  
  ## drop pmix beta0 column from design matrix (always zero)
  if (field == 'pmix') {
    mat <- mat[,-1,drop=FALSE]
  lpred[,1] <- mat %*% beta[indx]
  if ('session' %in% names(newdata) | 't' %in% names(newdata))
    lpred[notOK,1] <- NA
  if (is.null(beta.vcv)) return ( cbind(newdata,lpred) )
  else {
    vcv <- beta.vcv[indx,indx]    ## OR maybe all betas?
    nrw <- nrow(mat)
    vcv <- apply(expand.grid(1:nrw, 1:nrw), 1, function(ij) {
      mat[ij[1],, drop=F] %*% vcv %*% t(mat[ij[2],, drop=F])
    })  # link scale
    vcv <- matrix (vcv, nrow = nrw)
    lpred[,2] <- diag(vcv)^0.5
    temp <- cbind(newdata,lpred)
    attr(temp, 'vcv') <- vcv


makerealparameters <- function (design, beta, parindx, link, fixed) {
  modelfn <- function(i) {
    ## linear predictor for real parameter i
    Yp <- design$designMatrices[[i]] %*% beta[parindx[[i]]]
    # delay untransform until inside C code
    if (i == "b") {
      link[["b"]] <- "identity"
    if (i == "pmix") {
      Yp <- invmlogit(Yp)
    else {
      Yp <- untransform(Yp, link[[i]])
    Yp[design$parameterTable[,i]]   ## replicate as required
  ## turnover and detection parameters only
  design$designMatrices$settle <- NULL
  parindx$settle <- NULL 
  link$settle    <- NULL 
  ## construct matrix of parameter values
  nrealpar  <- length(design$designMatrices)
  pnames <- names(link)  ## should be complete!
  if (length(fixed)>0)
    for (a in names(fixed))     ## bug fixed by adding this line 2011-09-28
      link[[a]] <- NULL
  if (length(link) != nrealpar)
    stop ("number of links does not match design matrices")
  temp <- sapply (names(parindx), modelfn)
  if (nrow(design$parameterTable)==1) temp <- t(temp)
  nrw <- nrow(temp)
  ## make new matrix and insert columns in right place
  if (is.null(nrw)) stop ("bug in makerealparameters")
  temp2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow = nrw, ncol = length(parindx)))
  names(temp2) <- names(parindx)
  temp2[ , names(design$designMatrices)] <- temp       ## modelled
  if (!is.null(fixed) & length(fixed)>0)
    temp2[ , names(fixed)] <- sapply(fixed, rep, nrw)    ## fixed
  as.matrix(temp2[,pnames])   ## pnames to get order right 2011-12-13
## End of miscellaneous functions

# from Shirley P
# see d:/density users/will rayment

# Logit function:
# ---------------

# Convert a vector to logits:

logit.fn <- function(invec)
  y <- log(invec/(1-invec))
  y[invec<=0] <- -10
  y[invec>=1] <- 10

# Expit function:
# ---------------

# Inverse of logit:

expit.fn <- function(invec)

# PLG function:
# -------------

# Convert probs (summing to 1) to logit function of conditional probs.
# (one fewer element). e.g. (a1,a2,a3,a4) goes to
# (logit(a1),logit(a2/(1-a1)),logit(a3/(1-a1-a2)))

plg.fn <- function(invect)
  len <- length(invect)
  if (len==2) newvect <- invect[1]
  if (len>2)
    # Cumulative sum:
    csin <- cumsum(invect)
    # Ratio vector:
    newvect <- invect[1:(len-1)]/(1-c(0,csin[1:(len-2)]))
  # return logit:

# LGP function:
# -------------

# Inverse of plg.fn.
# Logit ratios to probs (sum to 1) function, one more element.

lgp.fn <- function(invect)
  len <- length(invect)
  if (len==1) p.v <- expit.fn(invect)
  if (len>1)
    # Get ratios vector:
    ratvec <- expit.fn(invect)
    # Convert to beta vector: need cum product of 1-ratios
    cp <- cumprod(1-ratvec)
    # Return probability vector:
    p.v <- ratvec[1:len]*c(1,cp[1:(len-1)])

## vector of cumulative number in each primary session
getcumss <- function(capthist) {
  intervals <- intervals(capthist)
  if (is.null(intervals)) intervals <- rep(1, ncol(capthist)-1)
  primarysession <- primarysessions(intervals)
  cumsum(c(0,table(primarysession)))  ## secondary sessions per primary session

fillpmix2 <- function (nc, nmix, PIA, realparval) {
  pmix <- matrix(1, nrow = nc, ncol = nmix) 
  if (nmix>1) {        
    c <- as.numeric(PIA[1,,1,1,])     # PIA stratum selected previously
    pmix[] <- realparval[c, 'pmix']   # assumes dim 2 of realparval has name

age.matrix <- function (capthist, initialage = 0, minimumage = 0, maximumage = 1, collapse = FALSE) 
  makeage <- function (n) {
    ch <- capthist[n,,,drop=FALSE]
    temp0 <- apply(abs(ch), 1:2,sum)  ## sum over traps
    first <- match(TRUE, cumsum(temp0)>0)
    firstsession <- primarysession[first]
    age <- (primarysession - firstsession) + initialage[n]
    # age <- rep(initialage[n], S)
    # recruited <- primarysession>=firstsession
    # age[recruited] <- initialage[n] + cumsum(c(0, intervals[recruited[-S]]))
    age <- pmax(age, minimumage)
    age <- pmin(age, maximumage)
  if (ms(capthist)) stop("age.matrix requires single-session capthist")
  n <- nrow(capthist)
  S <- ncol(capthist)
  primarysession <- primarysessions(intervals(capthist))
  if (is.character(initialage)) {
    if (!initialage %in% names(covariates(capthist)))
      stop ("initialage covariate ", initialage, " not found")
    initialage <- covariates(capthist)[[initialage]]
  else {
    initialage <- rep(initialage, length.out = n)
  out <- t(sapply(1:n, makeage))
  dimnames(out) <- dimnames(capthist)[1:2]
  if (collapse)
    out <- as.matrix(apply(out,1,paste,collapse=''))

squeeze <- function(x) {
  if (ms(x)) {
    out <- lapply(x, squeeze)
    names(out) <- names(x)
    intervals(out) <- intervals(x)
    sessionlabels(out) <- sessionlabels(x)
    class(out) <- c('capthist','list')
  else {
    freq <- covariates(x)$freq
    if (is.null(freq) | length(unique(freq))==1) {
      dim <- dim(x)
      SK <- prod(dim[2:3])
      df <- as.data.frame(matrix(x, nrow = nrow(x)))
      if (!is.null(covariates(x)))
        if (nrow(covariates(x))>0)
          df <- cbind(df, covariates(x))
      df <- plyr::count(df)
      ch <- array(unlist(df[,1:SK]), dim=c(nrow(df), dim[2:3]))
      class(ch) <- 'capthist'
      if (!is.null(traps(x)))
        traps(ch) <- traps(x)
      rownames(ch) <- 1:nrow(ch)
      intervals(ch) <- intervals(x)
      sessionlabels(ch) <- sessionlabels(x)
      timevaryingcov(ch) <- timevaryingcov(x)
      covariates(ch) <- df[, (SK+1):ncol(df), drop = FALSE]
      if (!is.null(freq))
        covariates(ch)$freq <- covariates(ch)$freq * freq[1]
    else {
      # warning("capthist already has variable freq covariate; not squeezed")

unsqueeze <- function(x) {
  if (ms(x)) {
    out <- lapply(x, unsqueeze)
    names(out) <- names(x)
    intervals(out) <- intervals(x)
    sessionlabels(out) <- sessionlabels(out)
    class(out) <- class(x)
  else {
    freq <- covariates(x)$freq
    n <- nrow(x)
    if (!is.null(freq) | (length(freq)==n)) {
      i <- rep(1:n, freq)
      if (length(dim(x))==2)
        ch <- x[i,, drop = FALSE]
      else if (length(dim(x))==3)
        ch <- x[i,,, drop = FALSE]
      class(ch) <- class(x)
      if (!is.null(traps(x)))
        traps(ch) <- traps(x)
      rownames(ch) <- 1:nrow(ch)
      intervals(ch) <- intervals(x)
      sessionlabels(ch) <- sessionlabels(x)
      timevaryingcov(ch) <- timevaryingcov(x)
      covariates(ch) <- covariates(x)[i,, drop = FALSE]
      covariates(ch)$freq[] <- 1
    else {
      # warning("capthist has no freq covariate; not unsqueezed")

## code used in openCR.fit to put capthist object in a standard form
## 2018-02-11
## modified 2021-04-18 for stratified input

stdcapthist <- function (capthist, type, nclone, squ, HPXpoly, stratified, ...) {
  if (!inherits(capthist, 'capthist'))
    stop ("requires 'capthist' object")
  if (stratified) {
    # check multiple occasions etc.
    # form into list of ch
    if (!ms(capthist)) stop("stratification requires multisession capthist")
    if (type %in% c('secrCL','secrD')) {
      for (i in 1:length(capthist)) 
        intervals(capthist[[i]]) <- rep(0, ncol(capthist[[i]])-1)
    out <- lapply(capthist, stdcapthist, type, nclone, squ, HPXpoly, stratified = FALSE, ...)
    class(out) <- c("capthist","list")
  else {
    if (!ms(capthist) & is.null(intervals(capthist))) {
      # warning ("intervals for single-session capthist set to 1")
      intervals(capthist) <- rep(1, ncol(capthist)-1)
    if (ms(capthist)) {    ## collapse ms to single
      capthist <- join(capthist, drop.sites = !grepl('secr',type), ...)
    interv <- intervals(capthist)
    sessnames <- sessionlabels(capthist)
    timevarcov <- timevaryingcov(capthist)
    if (grepl('secr', type)) {
      if (detector(traps(capthist))[1] == 'single') {
        capthist <- reduce(capthist, output = 'multi', dropunused = FALSE)
        warning ("capthist coerced to 'multi' detector type")
      else if (HPXpoly) {
      else if (!(detector(traps(capthist))[1] %in% c('proximity','count','multi'))) {
        capthist <- reduce(capthist, output = 'proximity', dropunused = FALSE)
        warning ("capthist coerced to 'proximity' detector type")
    intervals(capthist) <- interv   ## restore if reduce.capthist has lost them
    sessionlabels(capthist) <- sessnames
    timevaryingcov(capthist) <- timevarcov
    # no cloning multiplier
    if (all(nclone == 1)) {
      if (squ) capthist <- squeeze(capthist)
    # cloning multiplier
    else {   
      if (is.null(covariates(capthist)$freq)) {
        if (is.null(covariates(capthist))) {
          covariates(capthist) <- data.frame(freq = rep(1,nrow(capthist)))
        else {
          covariates(capthist)$freq <- rep(1,nrow(capthist))
      covariates(capthist)$freq <- covariates(capthist)$freq * nclone


complete.beta <- function (object) {
  fb <- object$details$fixedbeta
  if (!is.null(fb)) {
    names(fb) <- unlist(sapply(object$design$designMatrices, colnames))
    fb[is.na(fb)] <- object$fit$par
    beta <- fb
  else {
    beta <- object$fit$par

complete.beta.vcv <- function (object) {
  fb <- object$details$fixedbeta
  if (!is.null(fb)) {
    names(fb) <- unlist(sapply(object$design$designMatrices, colnames))
    nbeta <- length(fb)
    beta.vcv <- matrix(0, nrow = nbeta, ncol = nbeta, 
      dimnames = list(names(fb), names(fb)))
    if (!is.null(object$beta.vcv)) {
      beta.vcv[is.na(fb[row(beta.vcv)]) & is.na(fb[col(beta.vcv)])] <- 
  else {
    beta.vcv <- object$beta.vcv

## Based on Charles C. Berry on R-help 2008-01-13
n.unique.rows <- function(x) {
  order.x <- do.call(order, as.data.frame(x))
  equal.to.previous <- rowSums(
    x[tail(order.x,-1),,drop = FALSE] != 
      x[head(order.x,-1),,drop = FALSE]
  ) == 0 
  1 + sum(!equal.to.previous)

individualcovariates <- function (PIA) {
  pia <- aperm(PIA, c(2,1,3,4,5))
  pia <- matrix(pia, nrow = nrow(pia))
  n.unique.rows(pia) > 1

# moved from prwisecr.R 2020-12-12

# The mqarray is a lookup array giving the pixel in the output mask
# that corresponds to a particular m in the input mask and q in the
# kernel [q * mm + m].
# Destinations that lie outside the mask receive a value of -1.
# mqsetup() initialises mqarray for a particular mask and kernel.

rectwrap <- function(oldx, oldy, newx, newy, concat = TRUE) {
  # improved wrapping 2020-10-29
  # assumes integer coordinates
  # rbind(-5:5, -5:5 %% 3)
  #      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11]
  # [1,]   -5   -4   -3   -2   -1    0    1    2    3     4     5
  # [2,]    1    2    0    1    2    0    1    2    0     1     2
  xmin <- min(oldx)
  ymin <- min(oldy)
  xmax <- max(oldx)
  ymax <- max(oldy)
  newx <- newx %% (xmax-xmin+1)
  newy <- newy %% (ymax-ymin+1)
  if (concat) 
    paste(newx, newy)
    list(newx=newx, newy=newy)

mqsetup <- function (
  mask,      ## x,y points on mask (first x, then y)
  kernel,    ## list of integer dx,dy points on kernel with p(move|dx,dy) mask (first x, then y)
  cellsize,   ## side of grid cell (m) for each mask point
  if (ms(mask)) {
    lapply(mask, mqsetup, kernel, cellsize, edgecode)
  else {
    ## assuming cells of mask and kernel are same size
    ## and kernel takes integer values centred on current mask point
    oldx <- round((mask$x-min(mask$x))/cellsize)
    oldy <- round((mask$y-min(mask$y))/cellsize)
    newx <- as.integer(outer(oldx, kernel$x, "+"))
    newy <- as.integer(outer(oldy, kernel$y, "+"))
    # mqarray shared with C++ so indices are zero-based
    if (edgecode == 1)    # "wrap"
      newxy <- rectwrap(oldx,oldy,newx,newy)
    else                  # "truncate", "none"
      newxy <- paste(newx, newy)
    i <- match(newxy, paste(oldx,oldy)) - 1
    i[is.na(i)] <- -1
    matrix(i, nrow = nrow(mask), ncol = nrow(kernel))

## local logmultinomial 2021-03-30, 2021-04-19
logmultinom <- function (capthist, stratified = FALSE) {
  if (stratified) {
    sapply(capthist, logmultinom, stratified = FALSE)
  else {
    nr <- nrow(capthist)
    ch <- matrix(capthist, nrow = nr)
    freq <- covariates(capthist)$freq
    if (is.null(freq)) freq <- rep(1, nr)
    fr <- table(rep(make.lookup(ch)$index, freq))
    lgamma(sum(fr) + 1) - sum(lgamma(fr + 1))    

xydist <- function (xy1, xy2) {
  nr <- nrow(xy1)
  nc <- nrow(xy2)
  x1 <- matrix(xy1[,1], nr, nc)
  x2 <- matrix(xy2[,1], nr, nc, byrow=T)
  y1 <- matrix(xy1[,2], nr, nc)
  y2 <- matrix(xy2[,2], nr, nc, byrow=T)
  max(abs(x1-x2), abs(y1-y2))

getdistmat <- function (traps, mask, HPX = FALSE) {
  ## Static distance matrix
  if (HPX) {
    if (any(detector(traps) %in% .openCRstuff$polydetectors)) {
      trps <- split(traps, polyID(traps))
      inside <- t(sapply(trps, pointsInPolygon, xy = mask))
      d <- 1-inside   # 0 inside, 1 outside
      d[d>0] <- 1e10  # 0 inside, 1e10 outside
    else {
      # maximum of squared distance in x- or y- directions
      xydist(traps, mask)
  else {
    if (any(detector(traps) %in% .openCRstuff$polydetectors)) {
      ## do not use result if detector is one of
      ## polygonX, polygon, transectX, transect, telemetry
      stop("polygon detectors can only be used with detectfn = 'HPX' in openCR")
    else {
      # Euclidean distance
      edist(traps, mask)

# function to ensure covariates are in standard form (stratum list of dataframes)
stdcovlist <- function (cov, covname, nstrata, expected = NULL) {
  vector.as.df <- function (vect) {
    df <- data.frame(vect)
    names(df) <- covname
  if (is.null(cov)) {
  else {
    if (is.data.frame(cov)) {
      dflist <- rep(list(cov), nstrata)
    else {
      if (is.list(cov)) {
        if (length(cov) != nstrata) {
          stop ("length of covariate list does not equal number of strata")
        if (is.data.frame(cov[[1]])) {
          dflist <- cov
        else {
          dflist <- lapply(cov, vector.as.df)
      else {
        df <- vector.as.df(cov)
        dflist <- rep(list(df), nstrata)
    # force common factor levels
    # fails if names differ across strata? as it should
    # use 'secr' function shareFactorLevels that works on covariates attribute       
    tmp <- mapply('covariates<-' , dflist, dflist, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    dflist <- covariates(shareFactorLevels(tmp))
    # check number of components per stratum
    if (!is.null(expected) && any(sapply(dflist, nrow) != expected)) {
      stop ("number of covariate values differs from expected in one or more strata")
    if (nstrata == 1)

get.nmix <- function (model) {
  # simplified local version of 'secr' function get.nmix
  model$D <- NULL  ## ignore density model
  model$pmix <- NULL ## pmix alone cannot make this a mixture model
  nmix <- 1
  if (any(var.in.model('h2', model))) {
    nmix <- 2
    if (any(var.in.model('h3', model)))
      stop ("do not combine h2 and h3")
  if (any(var.in.model('h3', model))) {
    nmix <- 3

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