## Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen
## This file is part of the ordinal package for R (*ordinal*)
## *ordinal* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## *ordinal* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
## <> and/or
## <>.
## This file contains:
## An alternate (and older) implementation of CLMs in clm2(). The new
## and recommended implementation is available in clm(), cf. ./R/clm.R
clm2.control <-
function(method = c("ucminf", "Newton", "nlminb", "optim",
"model.frame"), ..., convTol = 1e-4,
trace = 0, maxIter = 100, gradTol = 1e-5,
maxLineIter = 10)
method <- match.arg(method)
ctrl <-
if(method == "Newton")
list(convTol=convTol, trace=trace, maxIter=maxIter,
gradTol=gradTol, maxLineIter=maxLineIter)
list(trace = abs(trace), ...)
if(!all(is.numeric(c(maxIter, gradTol, maxLineIter, convTol))))
stop("maxIter, gradTol, maxLineIter, convTol should all be numeric")
if(convTol <= 0)
stop("convTol should be > 0")
if(method == "ucminf" && !"grtol" %in% names(ctrl))
ctrl$grtol <- gradTol
## if(method == "ucminf" && convTol > ctrl$grtol)
## stop("convTol should be <= grtol/gradTol")
## if(method == "Newton" && convTol > gradTol)
## stop("convTol should be <= gradTol")
list(method = method, convTol = convTol, ctrl = ctrl)
newRho <- function(parent, XX, X, Z, y, weights, Loffset, Soffset, ## OK
link, lambda, theta, threshold, Hess, control)
### OPTION: Could we remove the theta argument?
rho <- new.env(parent = parent)
rho$X <- X
rho$dnX <- dimnames(X)
dimnames(rho$X) <- NULL
rho$Z <- Z
rho$dnZ <- dimnames(Z)
dimnames(rho$Z) <- NULL
rho$weights <- weights
rho$Loffset <- Loffset
rho$expSoffset <- rho$sigma <- exp(Soffset)
rho$Hess <- ifelse(Hess, 1L, 0L)
rho$method <- control$method
rho$convTol <- control$convTol
rho$ctrl <- control$ctrl
rho$pfun <- switch(link,
logistic = plogis,
probit = pnorm,
cloglog = function(x) pgumbel(x, max=FALSE),
cauchit = pcauchy,
loglog = pgumbel,
"Aranda-Ordaz" = function(x, lambda) pAO(x, lambda),
"log-gamma" = function(x, lambda) plgamma(x, lambda))
rho$dfun <- switch(link,
logistic = dlogis,
probit = dnorm,
cloglog = function(x) dgumbel(x, max=FALSE),
cauchit = dcauchy,
loglog = dgumbel,
"Aranda-Ordaz" = function(x, lambda) dAO(x, lambda),
"log-gamma" = function(x, lambda) dlgamma(x, lambda))
rho$gfun <- switch(link,
logistic = glogis,
probit = function(x) -x * dnorm(x),
cloglog = function(x) ggumbel(x, max=FALSE),
cloglog = ggumbel,
cauchit = gcauchy,
"Aranda-Ordaz" = function(x, lambda) gAO(x, lambda), ## shouldn't happen
"log-gamma" = function(x, lambda) glgamma(x, lambda)
rho$link <- link
rho$linkInt <- switch(link,
logistic = 1L,
probit = 2L,
cloglog = 3L,
loglog = 4L,
cauchit = 5L,
"Aranda-Ordaz" = 6L,
"log-gamma" = 7L)
rho$estimLambda <- ifelse(link %in% c("Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma") &&
is.null(lambda), 1L, 0L)
rho$nlambda <- 0L
rho$lambda <-
if(!is.null(lambda)) lambda
else 1
if(link %in% c("Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma"))
rho$nlambda <- 1L
if(rho$estimLambda > 0 & rho$link == "Aranda-Ordaz" &
rho$method != "nlminb"){
message("Changing to nlminb optimizer to accommodate optimization with bounds")
m <- match( names(rho$ctrl), "grtol", 0)
rho$ctrl <- rho$ctrl[!m]
rho$method <- "nlminb"
if(rho$method == "nlminb") {
rho$limitUp <- Inf
rho$limitLow <- -Inf
rho$n <- n <- length(y)
rho$p <- ifelse(missing(X), 0, ncol(X))
rho$k <- ifelse(missing(Z), 0, ncol(Z))
rho$y <- y
rho$threshold <- threshold
rho$ncolXX <- ncol(XX)
rho$dnXX <- dimnames(XX)
rho$lev <- levels(y)
rho$ntheta <- nlevels(y) - 1
rho$B2 <- 1 * (col(matrix(0, n, rho$ntheta + 1)) == c(unclass(y)))
### Setting elements of o[12] to [+-]Inf cause problems in
### getGnll and clmm-related functions because 1) 0*Inf = NaN, while
### 0*large.value = 0, so several computations have to be handled
### specially and 2) Inf-values are not by default allowed in .C calls
### and all specials would have to be handled separately.
## o1 <- B2[, rho$ntheta + 1, drop = TRUE]
## o1[o1 == 1] <- Inf
## rho$o1 <- o1 - rho$Loffset
## o2 <- B2[,1, drop = TRUE]
## o2[o2 == 1] <- -Inf
## rho$o2 <- o2 - rho$Loffset
inf.value <- 1e5
rho$o1 <- c(inf.value * rho$B2[, rho$ntheta + 1]) - rho$Loffset
rho$o2 <- c(-inf.value * rho$B2[,1]) - rho$Loffset
rho$B1 <- rho$B2[,-(rho$ntheta + 1), drop = FALSE]
rho$B2 <- rho$B2[,-1, drop = FALSE]
makeThresholds2(rho, threshold)
rho$B1 <- rho$B1 %*% rho$tJac
rho$B2 <- rho$B2 %*% rho$tJac
rho$xiNames <- rho$alphaNames
rho$nxi <- rho$nalpha * rho$ncolXX
if(rho$ncolXX > 1) { ## test actually not needed
rho$xiNames <- paste(rep(rho$alphaNames, rho$ncolXX), ".",
rep(colnames(XX), each=rho$nalpha), sep="")
LL1 <- lapply(1:rho$ncolXX, function(x) rho$B1 * XX[,x])
rho$B1 <-, LL1)
LL2 <- lapply(1:rho$ncolXX, function(x) rho$B2 * XX[,x])
rho$B2 <-, LL2)
if(rho$p > 0) {
rho$B1 <- cbind(rho$B1, -X)
rho$B2 <- cbind(rho$B2, -X)
dimnames(rho$B1) <- NULL
dimnames(rho$B2) <- NULL
} # populates the rho environment
setStart <- function(rho) ## Ok
{ ## set starting values in the rho environment
## try logistic/probit regression on 'middle' cut
q1 <- max(1, rho$ntheta %/% 2)
y1 <- (c(unclass(rho$y)) > q1)
x <- cbind(Intercept = rep(1, rho$n), rho$X)
fit <-
"logistic"=, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial(), offset = rho$Loffset),
"probit" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("probit"), offset = rho$Loffset),
## this is deliberate, a better starting point
"cloglog" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("probit"), offset = rho$Loffset),
"loglog" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("probit"), offset = rho$Loffset),
"cauchit" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("cauchit"), offset = rho$Loffset),
"Aranda-Ordaz" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("probit"), offset = rho$Loffset),
"log-gamma" =, y1, rho$weights, family = binomial("probit"), offset = rho$Loffset))
stop("attempt to find suitable starting values failed")
coefs <- fit$coefficients
if(any( {
warning("design appears to be rank-deficient, so dropping some coefs")
keep <- !
coefs <- coefs[keep]
rho$X <- rho$X[, keep[-1], drop = FALSE]
rho$dnX[[2]] <- rho$dnX[[2]][keep[-1]]
rho$B1 <- rho$B1[, c(rep(TRUE, rho$nxi), keep[-1]), drop = FALSE]
rho$B2 <- rho$B2[, c(rep(TRUE, rho$nxi), keep[-1]), drop = FALSE]
rho$p <- ncol(rho$X)
## Intercepts:
spacing <- qlogis((1:rho$ntheta)/(rho$ntheta+1)) # just a guess
if(rho$link != "logit") spacing <- spacing/1.7
## if(rho$threshold == "flexible") # default
alphas <- -coefs[1] + spacing - spacing[q1]
if(rho$threshold == "symmetric" && rho$ntheta %% 2) ## ntheta odd
alphas <- c(alphas[q1+1],cumsum(rep(spacing[q1+2], rho$nalpha-1)))
if(rho$threshold == "symmetric" && !rho$ntheta %% 2) ## ntheta even
alphas <- c(alphas[q1:(q1+1)], cumsum(rep(spacing[q1+1], rho$nalpha-2)))
if(rho$threshold == "symmetric2" && rho$ntheta %% 2) ## ntheta odd
alphas <- cumsum(rep(spacing[q1+2], rho$nalpha-1))
if(rho$threshold == "symmetric2" && !rho$ntheta %% 2) ## ntheta even
alphas <- cumsum(rep(spacing[q1+1], rho$nalpha-2))
if(rho$threshold == "equidistant")
alphas <- c(alphas[1], mean(diff(spacing)))
## initialize nominal effects to zero:
if(rho$ncolXX > 1) {
xi <- c(alphas, rep(rep(0, rho$nalpha), rho$ncolXX-1))
stopifnot(length(xi) == rho$nalpha * rho$ncolXX)}
else xi <- alphas
if(rho$estimLambda > 0){
rho$lambda <- 1
names(rho$lambda) <- "lambda"
start <- c(xi, coefs[-1], rep(0, rho$k), rep(1, rho$estimLambda))
names(start) <- NULL
rho$start <- rho$par <- start
getPar <- function(rho) rho$par ## OK
getNll <- function(rho, par) { ## ok
rho$par <- par
with(rho, {
if(estimLambda > 0)
lambda <- par[nxi + p + k + 1:estimLambda]
sigma <-
if(k > 0) expSoffset * exp(drop(Z %*% par[nxi+p + 1:k]))
else expSoffset
eta1 <- (drop(B1 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o1)/sigma
eta2 <- (drop(B2 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o2)/sigma
pr <-
if(nlambda) pfun(eta1, lambda) - pfun(eta2, lambda)
else pfun(eta1) - pfun(eta2)
if(all(is.finite(pr)) && all(pr > 0)) -sum(weights * log(pr))
else Inf
getGnll <- function(rho, par) { ## ok
rho$par <- par
with(rho, {
if(estimLambda > 0)
lambda <- par[nxi + p + k + 1:estimLambda]
sigma <-
if(k > 0) expSoffset * exp(drop(Z %*% par[nxi+p + 1:k]))
else expSoffset
eta1 <- (drop(B1 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o1)/sigma
eta2 <- (drop(B2 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o2)/sigma
if(nlambda) {
pr <- pfun(eta1, lambda) - pfun(eta2, lambda)
p1 <- dfun(eta1, lambda)
p2 <- dfun(eta2, lambda)
else {
pr <- pfun(eta1) - pfun(eta2)
p1 <- dfun(eta1)
p2 <- dfun(eta2)
prSig <- pr * sigma
## eta1 * p1 is complicated because in theory eta1 contains
## Inf(-Inf) where p1 contains 0 and 0 * Inf = NaN...
## eta.p1 <- ifelse(p1 == 0, 0, eta1 * p1)
## eta.p2 <- ifelse(p2 == 0, 0, eta2 * p2)
gradSigma <-
## if(k > 0) crossprod(Z, weights * (eta.p1 - eta.p2)/pr)
if(k > 0) crossprod(Z, weights * (eta1 * p1 - eta2 * p2)/pr)
else numeric(0)
gradThetaBeta <-
if(nxi > 0) -crossprod((B1*p1 - B2*p2), weights/prSig)
else -crossprod((X * (p2 - p1)), weights/prSig)
grad <-
## if (all(is.finite(pr)) && all(pr > 0))
## c(gradThetaBeta, gradSigma)
## else rep(Inf, nxi + p + k)
c(gradThetaBeta, gradSigma)
if(rho$estimLambda > 0)
c(rho$grad, grad.lambda(rho, rho$lambda, rho$link))
getHnll <- function(rho, par) { ## ok
rho$par <- par
with(rho, {
eta1 <- drop(B1 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o1
eta2 <- drop(B2 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o2
pr <- pfun(eta1) - pfun(eta2)
p1 <- dfun(eta1)
p2 <- dfun(eta2)
g1 <- gfun(eta1)
g2 <- gfun(eta2)
wtpr <- weights/pr
dS.psi <- -crossprod(B1 * g1*wtpr, B1) +
crossprod(B2 * g2*wtpr, B2)
dpi.psi <- B1 * p1 - B2 * p2
### dS.pi <- dpi.psi * wtpr/pr
if (all(pr > 0))
dS.psi + crossprod(dpi.psi, (dpi.psi * wtpr/pr))
else array(NA, dim = c(nxi + p, nxi + p))
.negLogLik <- function(rho) { ## negative log-likelihood ## OK
with(rho, {
eta1 <- drop(B1 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o1
eta2 <- drop(B2 %*% par[1:(nxi + p)]) + o2
pr <- pfun(eta1) - pfun(eta2)
if (all(pr > 0))
-sum(weights * log(pr))
else Inf
.grad <- function(rho) { ## gradient of the negative log-likelihood ## OK
with(rho, {
p1 <- dfun(eta1)
p2 <- dfun(eta2)
wtpr <- weights/pr
if (all(pr > 0))
-crossprod((B1 * p1 - B2 * p2), wtpr)
else rep(NA, nalpha + p)
.hessian <- function(rho) { ## hessian of the negative log-likelihood ## OK
with(rho, {
dS.psi <- crossprod(B1 * gfun(eta1)*wtpr, B1) -
crossprod(B2 * gfun(eta2)*wtpr, B2)
dpi.psi <- B1 * p1 - B2 * p2
if (all(pr > 0))
-dS.psi + crossprod(dpi.psi, (dpi.psi * wtpr/pr))
else array(NA, dim = c(nxi+p, nxi+p))
fitNR <- function(rho) ## OK
ctrl <- rho$ctrl
stepFactor <- 1
innerIter <- 0
conv <- 1 ## Convergence flag
message <- "iteration limit reached"
rho$negLogLik <- .negLogLik(rho)
if(rho$negLogLik == Inf)
stop("Non-finite log-likelihood at starting value")
rho$gradient <- .grad(rho)
maxGrad <- max(abs(rho$gradient))
if(ctrl$trace > 0)
Trace(iter=0, stepFactor, rho$negLogLik, maxGrad, rho$par, first=TRUE)
## Newton-Raphson algorithm:
for(i in 1:ctrl$maxIter) {
if(maxGrad < ctrl$gradTol) {
message <- "max|gradient| < tol, so current iterate is probably solution"
if(ctrl$trace > 0)
cat("\nOptimizer converged! ", "max|grad|:",
maxGrad, message, fill = TRUE)
conv <- 0
rho$Hessian <- .hessian(rho)
## step <- .Call("La_dgesv", rho$Hessian, rho$gradient, .Machine$double.eps,
## PACKAGE = "base") ## solve H*step = g for 'step'
step <- as.vector(solve(rho$Hessian, rho$gradient))
rho$par <- rho$par - stepFactor * step
negLogLikTry <- .negLogLik(rho)
lineIter <- 0
## simple line search, i.e. step halfing:
while(negLogLikTry > rho$negLogLik) {
stepFactor <- stepFactor/2
rho$par <- rho$par + stepFactor * step
negLogLikTry <- .negLogLik(rho)
lineIter <- lineIter + 1
if(ctrl$trace > 0)
Trace(i+innerIter, stepFactor, rho$negLogLik, maxGrad,
rho$par, first=FALSE)
if(lineIter > ctrl$maxLineIter){
message <- "step factor reduced below minimum"
conv <- 2
innerIter <- innerIter + 1
rho$negLogLik <- negLogLikTry
rho$gradient <- .grad(rho)
maxGrad <- max(abs(rho$gradient))
if(ctrl$trace > 0)
Trace(iter=i+innerIter, stepFactor, rho$negLogLik,
maxGrad, rho$par, first=FALSE)
stepFactor <- min(1, 2 * stepFactor)
if(conv > 0)
if(ctrl$trace > 0) cat(message, fill = TRUE)
## Save info
rho$optRes$niter <- c(outer = i, inner = innerIter)
rho$logLik <- -rho$negLogLik
rho$maxGradient <- maxGrad
rho$gradient <- as.vector(rho$gradient)
rho$Hessian <- .hessian(rho)
rho$optRes$message <- message
rho$optRes$convergence <- conv
fitCLM <- function(rho) { ## OK
if(rho$method == "Newton") {
if(rho$k != 0)
stop("Newton scheme not implemented for models with scale")
if(rho$ncolXX > 1)
stop("Newton scheme not implemented for models with nominal effects")
if(rho$link %in% c("Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma"))
stop("Newton scheme not implemented for models with",
rho$link, "link function")
optRes <- switch(rho$method,
"nlminb" = nlminb(getPar(rho), function(par)
getNll(rho, par), function(par) getGnll(rho, par),
control=rho$ctrl, lower = rho$limitLow,
upper = rho$limitUp),
"ucminf" = ucminf(getPar(rho), function(par)
getNll(rho, par), function(par) getGnll(rho, par),
"optim" = optim(getPar(rho), function(par)
getNll(rho, par), function(par) getGnll(rho, par),
method="BFGS", control=rho$ctrl),
rho$par <- optRes[[1]]
rho$logLik <- - getNll(rho, optRes[[1]])
rho$optRes <- optRes
rho$gradient <- c(getGnll(rho))
rho$maxGradient <- max(abs(rho$gradient))
if(rho$maxGradient > rho$convTol)
warning("clm2 may not have converged:\n optimizer ", rho$method,
" terminated with max|gradient|: ", rho$maxGradient,
finalizeRho <- function(rho) { ## OK
if(rho$method != "Newton") {
rho$gradient <- c(getGnll(rho))
rho$maxGradient <- max(abs(rho$gradient))
rho$par <- rho$optRes[[1]]
if(rho$Hess) {
if(rho$k > 0 || rho$threshold != "flexible" ||
rho$ncolXX > 1 || rho$nlambda > 0) {
if(rho$link == "Aranda-Ordaz" &&
rho$estimLambda > 0 && rho$lambda < 1e-3)
message("Cannot get Hessian because lambda = ",rho$lambda
," is too close to boundary.\n",
" Fit model with link == 'logistic' to get Hessian")
else {
rho$Hessian <- myhess(function(par) getNll(rho, par),
getNll(rho, rho$optRes[[1]]) # to reset the variables:
# (par, pr)
rho$Hessian <- getHnll(rho, rho$optRes[[1]])
rho$convergence <-
ifelse(rho$maxGradient > rho$convTol, FALSE, TRUE)
with(rho, {
if(nxi > 0) {
xi <- par[seq_len(nxi)]
names(xi) <- xiNames
thetaNames <- paste(lev[-length(lev)], lev[-1], sep="|")
Alpha <- Theta <- matrix(par[1:nxi], nrow=ncolXX, byrow=TRUE)
Theta <- t(apply(Theta, 1, function(x) c(tJac %*% x)))
if(ncolXX > 1){
dimnames(Theta) <- list(dnXX[[2]], thetaNames)
dimnames(Alpha) <- list(dnXX[[2]], alphaNames)
else {
Theta <- c(Theta)
Alpha <- c(Alpha)
names(Theta) <- thetaNames
names(Alpha) <- alphaNames
coefficients <- xi
else coefficients <- numeric(0)
if(p > 0) {
beta <- par[nxi + 1:p]
names(beta) <- dnX[[2]]
coefficients <- c(coefficients, beta)
if(k > 0) {
zeta <- par[nxi+p + 1:k]
names(zeta) <- dnZ[[2]]
coefficients <- c(coefficients, zeta)
if(estimLambda > 0) {
names(lambda) <- "lambda"
coefficients <- c(coefficients, lambda)
names(gradient) <- names(coefficients)
edf <- p + nxi + k + estimLambda
nobs <- sum(weights)
fitted.values <- pr
df.residual <- nobs - edf
if(exists("Hessian", inherits=FALSE)) {
dimnames(Hessian) <- list(names(coefficients),
res <- as.list(rho)
keepNames <-
c("df.residual", "fitted.values", "edf", "start",
"beta", "coefficients", "zeta", "Alpha", "Theta",
"xi", "lambda", "convergence", "Hessian", "convTol",
"gradient", "optRes", "logLik", "call",
"scale", "location", "nominal", "method", "y", "lev",
"nobs", "threshold", "estimLambda", "link",
"contrasts", "na.action")
m <- match(keepNames, names(res), 0)
res <- res[m]
clm2 <- ## OK
function(location, scale, nominal, data, weights, start, subset,
na.action, contrasts, Hess = TRUE, model = TRUE,
link = c("logistic", "probit", "cloglog", "loglog",
"cauchit", "Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma"), lambda,
doFit = TRUE, control,
threshold = c("flexible", "symmetric", "equidistant"), ...)
L <- = FALSE)
stop("Model needs a specification of the location")
if(missing(lambda)) lambda <- NULL
if(missing(contrasts)) contrasts <- NULL
link <- match.arg(link)
if(!(link %in% c("Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma")) & !is.null(lambda)){
warning("lambda ignored with link ", link)
lambda <- NULL
if(!is.null(lambda) & length(lambda) > 1) {
lambda <- lambda[1]
warning("lambda is ", length(lambda),
" long. Only the first element ", lambda[1], " is used")
if(!is.null(lambda) & link == "Aranda-Ordaz")
if(lambda < 1e-6)
stop("lambda has to be positive and lambda < 1e-6 not allowed for numerical reasons. lambda = ",
lambda, " was supplied.")
if (missing(control)) control <- clm2.control(...)
if(!setequal(names(control), c("method", "convTol", "ctrl")))
stop("specify 'control' via clm2.control()")
if (missing(data)) L$data <- environment(location)
if (is.matrix(eval.parent(L$data)))
L$data <-$data)
### Collect variables in location, scale and nominal formulae in a
### single formula, evaluate the model.frame and get index of row
### names for the rows to keep in the individual model.frames:
m <- match(c("location", "scale", "nominal"), names(L), 0)
F <- lapply(as.list(L[m]), eval.parent) ## evaluate in parent
## frame to allow 'f <- formula(sureness ~ prod); clm2(f, ...)'
varNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(F, all.vars)))
longFormula <-
eval(parse(text = paste("~", paste(varNames, collapse = "+")))[1])
m <- match(c("location", "data", "subset", "weights",
"na.action"), names(L), 0)
L0 <- L[c(1, m)]
if(!missing(scale) || !missing(nominal))
L0$location <- longFormula
L0$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
L0[[1]] <-"model.frame")
names(L0)[names(L0) == "location"] <- "formula"
L0 <- eval.parent(L0)
m <- match(c("location", "scale", "nominal", "data", "subset",
"weights", "na.action"), names(L), 0)
L <- L[c(1, m)]
L$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
L[[1]] <-"model.frame")
S <- L ## L: Location, S: Scale
L$scale <- L$nominal <- NULL
names(L)[names(L) == "location"] <- "formula"
L <- eval.parent(L)
keep <- match(rownames(L0), rownames(L))
L <- L[keep, , drop = FALSE]
TermsL <- attr(L, "terms")
### format response:
y <- model.response(L)
stop("response needs to be a factor")
### format thresholds:
threshold <- match.arg(threshold)
### format location:
X <- model.matrix(TermsL, L, contrasts)
Xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch = 0)
if (Xint > 0) X <- X[, -Xint, drop = FALSE]
else warning("an intercept is needed and assumed in the location")
n <- nrow(X)
if(is.null(wt <- model.weights(L))) wt <- rep(1, n)
if(is.null(Loffset <- model.offset(L))) Loffset <- rep(0, n)
### Format nominal:
if(!missing(nominal)) {
Nom <- S
Nom$location <- Nom$scale <- NULL
names(Nom)[names(Nom) == "nominal"] <- "formula"
Nom <- eval.parent(Nom)
Nom <- Nom[match(rownames(L0), rownames(Nom)), ,drop=FALSE]
TermsNom <- attr(Nom, "terms")
XX <- model.matrix(TermsNom, Nom)## , contrasts)
### Not allowing other than treatment contrasts in nominal
if(is.null(Noffset <- model.offset(Nom))) Noffset <- rep(0, n)
Nint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(XX), nomatch = 0)
if(Nint != 1)
stop("An intercept is needed in the nominal formula")
### Are there any requirements about the presence of an
### intercept in the nominal formula?
XX <- array(1, dim=c(n, 1))
### format scale:
if(!missing(scale)) {
S$location <- S$nominal <- NULL
names(S)[names(S) == "scale"] <- "formula"
S <- eval.parent(S)
S <- S[match(rownames(L0), rownames(S)), ,drop=FALSE]
TermsS <- attr(S, "terms")
### Should contrasts be allowed for the scale?
Z <- model.matrix(TermsS, S, contrasts)
Zint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(Z), nomatch = 0)
if(Zint > 0) Z <- Z[, -Zint, drop = FALSE]
else warning("an intercept is needed and assumed in the scale")
if(is.null(Soffset <- model.offset(S))) Soffset <- rep(0, n)
if(ncol(Z) > 0 && n != nrow(Z)) # This shouldn't happen
stop("Model needs same dataset in location and scale")
} else if(missing(scale) && !is.factor(y)){
Z <- array(1, dim = c(n, 1))
Soffset <- rep(0, n)
} else {
Z <- array(dim = c(n, 0))
Soffset <- rep(0, n)
### return model.frame?
if(control$method == "model.frame") {
mf <- list(location = L)
if(!missing(scale)) mf$scale <- S
if(!missing(nominal)) mf$nominal <- Nom
### initialize and populate rho environment:
rho <- newRho(parent.frame(), XX = XX, X=X, Z=Z, y=y, weights=wt,
Loffset=Loffset, Soffset=Soffset, link=link,
lambda = lambda, threshold=threshold,
Hess = Hess, control = control)
### get starting values:
rho$start <- rho$par <- start
if(rho$estimLambda > 0 & rho$link == "Aranda-Ordaz")
rho$limitLow <- c(rep(-Inf, length(rho$par)-1), 1e-5)
if(length(rho$start) != with(rho, nxi + p + k + estimLambda))
stop("'start' is not of the correct length")
### OPTION: Could consider better check of increasing thresholds when
### ncol(XX) > 0
if(ncol(XX) == 0) {
if(!all(diff(c(rho$tJac %*% rho$start[1:rho$nalpha])) > 0))
stop("Threshold starting values are not of increasing size")
if(!getNll(rho) < Inf)
stop("Non-finite log-likelihood at starting values")
if(model) {
rho$location <- L
if(!missing(scale)) rho$scale <- S
if(!missing(nominal)) rho$nominal <- Nom
### fit the model:
res <- finalizeRho(rho)
### add to output:
res$call <-
res$na.action <- attr(L0, "na.action")
res$contrasts <- contrasts
class(res) <- "clm2"
print.clm2 <- function(x, ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
dput(cl, control=NULL)
if(length(x$beta)) {
cat("\nLocation coefficients:\n")
print(x$beta, ...)
} else {
cat("\nNo location coefficients\n")
if(length(x$zeta)) {
cat("\nScale coefficients:\n")
print(x$zeta, ...)
} else {
cat("\nNo Scale coefficients\n")
if(x$estimLambda > 0) {
cat("\nLink coefficient:\n")
if(length(x$xi) > 0) {
cat("\nThreshold coefficients:\n")
print(x$Alpha, ...)
if(x$threshold != "flexible") {
print(x$Theta, ...)
cat("\nlog-likelihood:", format(x$logLik, nsmall=2), "\n")
cat("AIC:", format(-2*x$logLik + 2*x$edf, nsmall=2), "\n")
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) cat("(", mess, ")\n", sep="")
vcov.clm2 <- function(object, ...)
if(is.null(object$Hessian)) {
message("\nRe-fitting to get Hessian\n")
object <- update(object, Hess=TRUE, start=object$coefficients)
dn <- names(object$coefficients)
H <- object$Hessian
## To handle NaNs in the Hessian resulting from parameter
## unidentifiability:
if(any( <- !is.finite(H))) {
H[] <- 0
VCOV <- ginv(H)
VCOV[] <- NaN
VCOV <- ginv(H)
structure(VCOV, dimnames = list(dn, dn))
summary.clm2 <- function(object, digits = max(3, .Options$digits - 3),
correlation = FALSE, ...)
stop("Model needs to be fitted with Hess = TRUE")
coef <- matrix(0, object$edf, 4,
dimnames = list(names(object$coefficients),
c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")))
coef[, 1] <- object$coefficients
vc <- try(vcov(object), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(vc, "try-error")) {
warning("Variance-covariance matrix of the parameters is not defined")
coef[, 2:4] <- NaN
if(correlation) warning("Correlation matrix is unavailable")
object$condHess <- NaN
else {
coef[, 2] <- sd <- sqrt(diag(vc))
## Cond is Inf if Hessian contains NaNs:
object$condHess <-
if(any($Hessian))) Inf
else with(eigen(object$Hessian, only.values = TRUE),
abs(max(values) / min(values)))
coef[, 3] <- coef[, 1]/coef[, 2]
coef[, 4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(coef[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
object$correlation <- (vc/sd)/rep(sd, rep(object$edf, object$edf))
object$coefficients <- coef
object$digits <- digits
class(object) <- "summary.clm2"
print.summary.clm2 <- function(x, digits = x$digits, signif.stars =
getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) {
dput(cl, control=NULL)
coef <- format(round(x$coefficients, digits=digits))
coef[,4] <- format.pval(x$coefficients[, 4])
p <- length(x$beta); nxi <- length(x$xi)
k <- length(x$zeta); u <- x$estimLambda
if(p > 0) {
cat("\nLocation coefficients:\n")
print(coef[nxi + 1:p, , drop=FALSE],
quote = FALSE, ...)
} else {
cat("\nNo location coefficients\n")
if(k > 0) {
cat("\nScale coefficients:\n")
print(coef[(nxi+p+1):(nxi+p+k), , drop=FALSE],
quote = FALSE, ...)
} else {
cat("\nNo scale coefficients\n")
if(x$estimLambda > 0) {
cat("\nLink coefficients:\n")
print(coef[(nxi+p+k+1):(nxi+p+k+u), , drop=FALSE],
quote = FALSE, ...)
if(nxi > 0) {
cat("\nThreshold coefficients:\n")
print(coef[seq_len(nxi), -4, drop=FALSE], quote = FALSE, ...)
cat("\nlog-likelihood:", format(x$logLik, nsmall=2), "\n")
cat("AIC:", format(-2*x$logLik + 2*x$edf, nsmall=2), "\n")
cat("Condition number of Hessian:", format(x$condHess, nsmall=2), "\n")
if(nzchar(mess <- naprint(x$na.action))) cat("(", mess, ")\n", sep="")
if(!is.null(correl <- x$correlation)) {
cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients:\n")
ll <- lower.tri(correl)
correl[ll] <- format(round(correl[ll], digits))
correl[!ll] <- ""
print(correl[-1, -ncol(correl)], quote = FALSE, ...)
anova.clm2 <- function (object, ..., test = c("Chisq", "none"))
test <- match.arg(test)
dots <- list(...)
if (length(dots) == 0)
stop('anova is not implemented for a single "clm2" object')
mlist <- list(object, ...)
nt <- length(mlist)
dflis <- sapply(mlist, function(x) x$df.residual)
s <- order(dflis, decreasing = TRUE)
mlist <- mlist[s]
if (any(!sapply(mlist, inherits, "clm2")))
stop('not all objects are of class "clm2"')
ns <- sapply(mlist, function(x) length(x$fitted.values))
if(any(ns != ns[1]))
stop("models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset")
rsp <- unique(sapply(mlist, function(x) {
tmp <- attr(x$location, "terms")
class(tmp) <- "formula"
paste(tmp[2]) } ))
mds <- sapply(mlist, function(x) {
tmp1 <- attr(x$location, "terms")
class(tmp1) <- "formula"
if(!is.null(x$scale)) {
tmp2 <- attr(x$scale, "terms")
class(tmp2) <- "formula"
tmp2 <- tmp2[2]
else tmp2 <- ""
if(!is.null(x$nominal)) {
tmp3 <- attr(x$nominal, "terms")
class(tmp3) <- "formula"
tmp3 <- tmp3[2]
else tmp3 <- ""
paste(tmp1[3], "|", tmp2, "|", tmp3) } )
dfs <- dflis[s]
lls <- sapply(mlist, function(x) -2*x$logLik)
tss <- c("", paste(1:(nt - 1), 2:nt, sep = " vs "))
df <- c(NA, -diff(dfs))
x2 <- c(NA, -diff(lls))
pr <- c(NA, 1 - pchisq(x2[-1], df[-1]))
out <- data.frame(Model = mds, Resid.df = dfs, '-2logLik' = lls,
Test = tss, Df = df, LRtest = x2, Prob = pr)
names(out) <- c("Model", "Resid. df", "-2logLik", "Test",
" Df", "LR stat.", "Pr(Chi)")
if (test == "none") out <- out[, 1:6]
class(out) <- c("Anova", "data.frame")
attr(out, "heading") <-
c("Likelihood ratio tests of cumulative link models\n",
paste("Response:", rsp))
predict.clm2 <- function(object, newdata, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "clm2")) stop("not a \"clm2\" object")
if(missing(newdata)) pr <- object$fitted
else {
newdata <-
Terms <- attr(object$location, "terms")
m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = function(x) x)#,
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, m)
X <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(X), nomatch=0)
if(xint > 0) X <- X[, -xint, drop=FALSE]
n <- nrow(X)
y <- m[,names(cl)[attr(Terms, "response")]]
if(length(object$zeta) > 0) {
Terms <- attr(object$scale, "terms")
m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = function(x) x)#,
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, m)
Z <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
zint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(Z), nomatch=0)
if(zint > 0) Z <- Z[, -zint, drop=FALSE]
if(!is.null(object$nominal)) {
Terms <- attr(object$nominal, "terms")
m <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = function(x) x)#,
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
.checkMFClasses(cl, m)
XX <- model.matrix(Terms, m, contrasts = object$contrasts)
namC <- colnames(XX)
B2 <- 1 * (col(matrix(0, n, nlevels(y))) == unclass(y))
o1 <- c(100 * B2[, nlevels(y)])
o2 <- c(-100 * B2[,1])
B1 <- B2[,-nlevels(y), drop=FALSE]
B2 <- B2[,-1, drop=FALSE]
locationPar <- c(t(object$Theta))
if(!is.null(object$nominal)) {
ncolXX <- ncol(XX)
LL1 <- lapply(1:ncolXX, function(x) B1 * XX[,x])
B1 <-, LL1)
LL2 <- lapply(1:ncolXX, function(x) B2 * XX[,x])
B2 <-, LL2)
if(ncol(X) > 0) {
B1 <- cbind(B1, -X)
B2 <- cbind(B2, -X)
locationPar <- c(locationPar, object$beta)
pfun <- switch(object$link,
logistic = plogis,
probit = pnorm,
cloglog = function(x) pgumbel(x, max=FALSE),
## cloglog = pgumbel,
cauchit = pcauchy,
loglog = pgumbel,
"Aranda-Ordaz" = function(x, lambda) pAO(x, lambda),
"log-gamma" = function(x, lambda) plgamma(x, lambda))
sigma <- 1
if(length(object$zeta) > 0)
sigma <- sigma * exp(drop(Z %*% object$zeta))
eta1 <- (drop(B1 %*% locationPar) + o1) / sigma
eta2 <- (drop(B2 %*% locationPar) + o2) / sigma
if(object$link %in% c("Aranda-Ordaz", "log-gamma"))
pr <- pfun(eta1, object$lambda) - pfun(eta2, object$lambda)
pr <- pfun(eta1) - pfun(eta2)
if(missing(newdata) && !is.null(object$na.action))
pr <- napredict(object$na.action, pr)
profile.clm2 <- function(fitted, whichL = seq_len(p),
whichS = seq_len(k), lambda = TRUE, alpha = 0.01,
maxSteps = 50, delta = LrootMax/10, trace = 0,
stepWarn = 8, ...)
rho <- update(fitted, doFit=FALSE)
if(rho$estimLambda > 0 & rho$link == "Aranda-Ordaz")
rho$limitLow <- c(rep(-Inf, length(rho$par)-2), 1e-5)
nxi <- rho$nxi; k <- rho$k; p <- rho$p; X <- rho$X; Z <- rho$Z
B1 <- rho$B1; B2 <- rho$B2
sO <- rho$expSoffset; O1 <- rho$o1; O2 <- rho$o2
beta0 <- with(fitted, coefficients[nxi + seq_len(p+k)])
Lnames <- names(beta0[seq_len(p)])
Snames <- names(beta0[p + seq_len(k)])
Pnames <- c(Lnames, Snames)
if(is.character(whichL)) whichL <- match(whichL, Lnames)
if(is.character(whichS)) whichS <- match(whichS, Snames)
nL <- length(whichL); nS <- length(whichS)
summ <- summary(fitted)
std.err <- summ$coefficients[nxi + seq_len(p+k), "Std. Error"]
if(trace < 0) rho$ctrl$trace <- trace <- 1
origLogLik <- fitted$logLik
LrootMax <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
prof <- vector("list", length = nL + nS)
names(prof) <-
c(paste("loc", Lnames[whichL], sep=".")[seq_len(nL)],
paste("scale", Snames[whichS], sep=".")[seq_len(nS)])
for(where in c("loc", "scale")[c(nL>0, nS>0)]) {
if(where == "loc") {
rho$p <- max(0, p - 1)
which <- whichL }
if(where == "scale") {
which <- whichS
rho$o1 <- O1
rho$o2 <- O2
rho$p <- p
rho$k <- max(0, k - 1)
rho$X <- X
if(rho$nxi > 0) {
rho$B1 <- B1
rho$B2 <- B2 } }
for(i in which) {
if(where == "loc") {
rho$X <- X[, -i, drop=FALSE]
if(nxi > 0) {
rho$B1 <- B1[, -(nxi+i), drop=FALSE]
rho$B2 <- B2[, -(nxi+i), drop=FALSE] } }
else {
rho$Z <- Z[, -i, drop=FALSE]
i <- i + p }
res.i <- c(0, beta0[i])
for(sgn in c(-1, 1)) {
if(trace) {
message("\nParameter: ", where, ".", c(Lnames, Snames)[i],
c(" down", " up")[(sgn + 1)/2 + 1])
utils::flush.console() }
rho$par <- fitted$coefficients[-(nxi+i)]
step <- 0; Lroot <- 0
while((step <- step + 1) < maxSteps && abs(Lroot) < LrootMax) {
beta.i <- beta0[i] + sgn * step * delta * std.err[i]
if(where=="loc") {
rho$o1 <- O1 - X[, i] * beta.i
rho$o2 <- O2 - X[, i] * beta.i }
else rho$expSoffset <- exp(sO + Z[, (i - p)] * beta.i)
Lroot <- sgn * sqrt(2*(-rho$logLik + origLogLik))
res.i <- rbind(res.i, c(Lroot, beta.i)) }
if(step - 1 < stepWarn)
warning("profile may be unreliable for ",
where, ".", c(Lnames, Snames)[i],
" because only ", step - 1, "\n steps were taken ",
c("downwards", "upwards")[(sgn + 1)/2 + 1])
rownames(res.i) <- NULL
prof[[paste(where, c(Lnames, Snames)[i], sep=".")]] <- # -p+nL
names = c("Lroot", c(Lnames, Snames)[i]))
if(!all(diff(prof[[length(prof)]][,2]) > 0))
warning("likelihood is not monotonically decreasing from maximum,\n",
" so profile may be unreliable for ",
if(lambda & rho$nlambda)
prof$lambda <- profileLambda(fitted, trace = trace, ...)
val <- structure(prof, = fitted, summary = summ)
class(val) <- c("profile.clm2", "profile")
profileLambda <-
function(fitted, link = fitted$link, range,
nSteps = 20, trace = 0, ...)
if(link == "log-gamma" & missing(range))
range <- c(-4, 4)
if(link == "Aranda-Ordaz" & missing(range))
range <- c(1e-4, 4)
if(!link %in% c("log-gamma", "Aranda-Ordaz"))
stop("link needs to be 'log-gamma' or 'Aranda-Ordaz';", link,
"not recognized")
if(link == "Aranda-Ordaz" & min(range) <= 0)
stop("range should be > 0 for the 'Aranda-Ordaz' link")
if(fitted$estimLambda == 0)
fitted <- update(fitted, Hess = FALSE, link = link,
lambda = NULL)
MLogLik <- fitted$logLik
MLlambda <- fitted$lambda
logLik <- numeric(nSteps)
rho <- update(fitted, Hess = FALSE, link = link,
lambda = min(range))
logLik[1] <- rho$logLik
rho <- update(rho, doFit = FALSE)
lambdaSeq <- seq(min(range), max(range), length.out = nSteps)
if(trace) message("\nNow profiling lambda with ", nSteps - 1,
" steps: i =")
for(i in 2:nSteps){
if(trace) cat(i-1, " ")
rho$lambda <- lambdaSeq[i]
logLik[i] <- rho$logLik
if(trace) cat("\n\n")
if(any(logLik > fitted$logLik))
warning("Profiling found a better optimum,",
" so original fit had not converged")
sgn <- 2*(lambdaSeq > MLlambda) -1
Lroot <- sgn * sqrt(2) * sqrt(-logLik + MLogLik)
res <- data.frame("Lroot" = c(0, Lroot),
"lambda" = c(MLlambda, lambdaSeq))
res <- res[order(res[,1]),]
if(!all(diff(res[,2]) > 0))
warning("likelihood is not monotonically decreasing from maximum,\n",
" so profile may be unreliable for lambda")
confint.clm2 <-
function(object, parm, level = 0.95, whichL = seq_len(p),
whichS = seq_len(k), lambda = TRUE, trace = 0, ...)
p <- length(object$beta); k <- length(object$zeta)
if(trace) {
message("Waiting for profiling to be done...")
utils::flush.console() }
object <- profile(object, whichL = whichL, whichS = whichS,
alpha = (1. - level)/4., lambda = lambda,
trace = trace)
confint(object, level=level, ...)
confint.profile.clm2 <-
function(object, parm = seq_along(Pnames), level = 0.95, ...)
of <- attr(object, "")
Pnames <- names(object)
if(is.character(parm)) parm <- match(parm, Pnames, nomatch = 0)
a <- (1-level)/2
a <- c(a, 1-a)
pct <- paste(round(100*a, 1), "%")
ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2),
dimnames = list(Pnames[parm], pct))
cutoff <- qnorm(a)
for(pm in parm) {
pro <- object[[ Pnames[pm] ]]
sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1])
ci[Pnames[pm], ] <- approx(sp$y, sp$x, xout = cutoff)$y
plot.profile.clm2 <-
function(x, parm = seq_along(Pnames), level = c(0.95, 0.99),
Log = FALSE, relative = TRUE, fig = TRUE, n = 1e3, ...,
ylim = NULL)
### Should this function have a 'root' argument to display the
### likelihood root statistic (approximate straight line)?
Pnames <- names(x)
ML <- attr(x, "")$logLik
for(pm in parm) {
lim <- sapply(level, function(x)
exp(-qchisq(x, df=1)/2) )
pro <- x[[ Pnames[pm] ]]
sp <- spline(x = pro[, 2], y = pro[, 1], n=n)
sp$y <- -sp$y^2/2
if(relative & !Log) {
sp$y <- exp(sp$y)
ylab <- "Relative likelihood"
dots <- list(...)
ylim <- c(0, 1)
if(relative & Log) {
ylab <- "Relative log-likelihood"
lim <- log(lim)
if(!relative & Log) {
sp$y <- sp$y + ML
ylab <- "Log-likelihood"
lim <- ML + log(lim)
if(!relative & !Log) {
stop("Not supported: at least one of 'Log' and 'relative' ",
"have to be TRUE")
sp$y <- exp(sp$y + ML)
ylab <- "Likelihood"
lim <- exp(ML + log(lim))
x[[ Pnames[pm] ]] <- sp
if(fig) {
plot(sp$x, sp$y, type = "l", ylim = ylim,
xlab = Pnames[pm], ylab = ylab, ...)
abline(h = lim)
attr(x, "limits") <- lim
logLik.clm2 <- function(object, ...)
structure(object$logLik, df = object$edf, class = "logLik")
extractAIC.clm2 <- function(fit, scale = 0, k = 2, ...)
edf <- fit$edf
c(edf, -2*fit$logLik + k * edf)
update.clm2 <-
function(object, formula., location, scale, nominal, ..., evaluate = TRUE)
### This method makes it possible to use the update.formula features
### for location and scale formulas in clm2 objects. This includes the
### possibility of using e.g.
### update(obj, loc = ~ . - var1, sca = ~ . + var2)
call <- object$call
if (is.null(call))
stop("need an object with call component")
extras <- = FALSE)$...
if (!missing(location))
call$location <-
update.formula(formula(attr(object$location, "terms")),
if (!missing(scale))
call$scale <-
update.formula(formula(attr(object$scale, "terms")), scale)
if (!missing(nominal))
call$nominal <-
update.formula(formula(attr(object$nominal, "terms")), nominal)
if (length(extras)) {
existing <- !, names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if (any(!existing)) {
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
call <-
if (evaluate)
eval(call, parent.frame())
else call
dropterm.clm2 <-
function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq"),
k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE,
which = c("location", "scale"), ...)
### Most of this is lifted from MASS::dropterm.default, but adapted to
### the two formulas (location and scale) in the model.
which <- match.arg(which)
Terms <-
if(which == "location") attr(object$location, "terms")
else attr(object$scale, "terms")
tl <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
if(missing(scope)) scope <- drop.scope(Terms)
else {
scope <- attr(terms(update.formula(Terms, scope)),
if(!all(match(scope, tl, FALSE)))
stop("scope is not a subset of term labels")
ns <- length(scope)
ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("<none>", scope), c("df", "AIC")))
ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
n0 <- length(object$fitted)
for(i in seq(ns)) {
tt <- scope[i]
if(trace) {
message("trying -", tt)
Call <- as.list(object$call)
Call[[which]] <-
update.formula(Terms, as.formula(paste("~ . -", tt)))
nfit <- eval.parent(
ans[i+1, ] <- extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
if(length(nfit$fitted) != n0)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
dfs <- ans[1,1] - ans[,1]
dfs[1] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
o <- if(sorted) order(aod$AIC) else seq_along(aod$AIC)
test <- match.arg(test)
if(test == "Chisq") {
dev <- ans[, 2] - k*ans[, 1]
dev <- dev - dev[1] ; dev[1] <- NA
nas <- !
P <- dev
P[nas] <- pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail = FALSE)
aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
aod <- aod[o, ]
Call <- as.list(object$call)
Call <- Call[names(Call) %in% c("location", "scale")]
head <- c("Single term deletions", "\nModel:",
paste(names(Call), ":", Call))
if(scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
addterm.clm2 <-
function(object, scope, scale = 0, test = c("none", "Chisq"),
k = 2, sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE,
which = c("location", "scale"), ...)
### Most of this is lifted from MASS::addterm.default, but adapted to
### the two formulas (location and scale) in the model.
which <- match.arg(which)
if (which == "location")
Terms <- attr(object$location, "terms")
else if(!is.null(object$scale))
Terms <- attr(object$scale, "terms")
Terms <- as.formula(" ~ 1")
if(missing(scope) || is.null(scope)) stop("no terms in scope")
scope <- add.scope(Terms, update.formula(Terms, scope))
stop("no terms in scope for adding to object")
ns <- length(scope)
ans <- matrix(nrow = ns + 1, ncol = 2,
dimnames = list(c("<none>", scope), c("df", "AIC")))
ans[1, ] <- extractAIC(object, scale, k = k, ...)
n0 <- length(object$fitted)
for(i in seq(ns)) {
tt <- scope[i]
if(trace) {
message("trying +", tt)
Call <- as.list(object$call)
Call[[which]] <-
update.formula(Terms, as.formula(paste("~ . +", tt)))
nfit <- eval.parent(
ans[i+1, ] <- extractAIC(nfit, scale, k = k, ...)
if(length(nfit$fitted) != n0)
stop("number of rows in use has changed: remove missing values?")
dfs <- ans[,1] - ans[1,1]
dfs[1] <- NA
aod <- data.frame(Df = dfs, AIC = ans[,2])
o <- if(sorted) order(aod$AIC) else seq_along(aod$AIC)
test <- match.arg(test)
if(test == "Chisq") {
dev <- ans[,2] - k*ans[, 1]
dev <- dev[1] - dev; dev[1] <- NA
nas <- !
P <- dev
P[nas] <- pchisq(dev[nas], dfs[nas], lower.tail=FALSE)
aod[, c("LRT", "Pr(Chi)")] <- list(dev, P)
aod <- aod[o, ]
Call <- as.list(object$call)
Call <- Call[names(Call) %in% c("location", "scale")]
head <- c("Single term additions", "\nModel:",
paste(names(Call), ":", Call))
if(scale > 0)
head <- c(head, paste("\nscale: ", format(scale), "\n"))
class(aod) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
attr(aod, "heading") <- head
## addterm <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("addterm")
## dropterm <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("dropterm")
## Additional utility functions:
grad.lambda <- function(rho, lambda, link, delta = 1e-6) {
ll <- lambda + c(-delta, delta)
if(link == "Aranda-Ordaz") ll[ll < 0] <- 0
par <- rho$par
f <- sapply(ll, function(x) getNll(rho, c(par[-length(par)], x)))
rho$lambda <- lambda
rho$par <- par
diff(f) / diff(ll)
TraceR <- function(iter, stepFactor, val, maxGrad, par, first=FALSE) {
t1 <- sprintf(" %3d: %.2e: %.3f: %1.3e: ",
iter, stepFactor, val, maxGrad)
t2 <- formatC(par)
cat("iter: step factor: Value: max|grad|: Parameters:\n")
cat(t1, t2, "\n")
print.Anova <- function (x, ...)
## Lifted from package MASS:
heading <- attr(x, "heading")
if (!is.null(heading))
cat(heading, sep = "\n")
attr(x, "heading") <- NULL
res <-, ...)
nas <-
res[] <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(res)), function(i) {
x <- as.character(res[[i]])
x[nas[, i]] <- ""
fixed <- function(theta, eps = 1e-3) {
res <- vector("list")
res$name <- "fixed"
if(!missing(theta) && length(theta) > 1) {
if(length(theta) < 3)
stop("'length(theta) = ", length(theta),
", but has to be 1 or >= 3")
res$eps <- NULL
res$theta <- theta
res$getTheta <- function(y, theta, eps) theta
else if(!missing(theta) && length(theta) == 1) {
if(as.integer(theta) < 3)
stop("'as.integer(theta)' was ", as.integer(theta),
", but has to be > 2")
res$eps <- NULL
res$theta <- theta
res$getTheta <- function(y, theta, eps) {
eps <- diff(range(y)) / (theta - 1)
seq(min(y) - eps/2, max(y) + eps/2, len = theta + 1)
else if(missing(theta) && length(eps) == 1) {
res$eps <- eps
res$theta <- NULL
res$getTheta <- function(y, theta, eps) {
J <- diff(range(y))/eps + 1
seq(min(y) - eps/2, max(y) + eps/2, len = J)
stop("inappropriate arguments")
class(res) <- "threshold"
makeThresholds2 <- function(rho, threshold, ...) {
if(threshold == "flexible") {
rho$tJac <- diag(rho$ntheta)
rho$nalpha <- rho$ntheta
rho$alphaNames <-
paste(rho$lev[-length(rho$lev)], rho$lev[-1], sep="|")
if(threshold == "symmetric") {
if(!rho$ntheta >=2)
stop("symmetric thresholds are only meaningful for responses with 3 or more levels")
if(rho$ntheta %% 2) { ## ntheta is odd
rho$nalpha <- (rho$ntheta + 1)/2 ## No. threshold parameters
rho$tJac <- t(cbind(diag(-1, rho$nalpha)[rho$nalpha:1, 1:(rho$nalpha-1)],
rho$tJac[,1] <- 1
rho$alphaNames <-
c("central", paste("spacing.", 1:(rho$nalpha-1), sep=""))
else { ## ntheta is even
rho$nalpha <- (rho$ntheta + 2)/2
rho$tJac <- cbind(rep(1:0, each=rho$ntheta/2),
rbind(diag(-1, rho$ntheta/2)[(rho$ntheta/2):1,],
rho$tJac[,2] <- rep(0:1, each=rho$ntheta/2)
rho$alphaNames <- c("central.1", "central.2",
paste("spacing.", 1:(rho$nalpha-2), sep=""))
if(threshold == "equidistant") {
if(!rho$ntheta >=2)
stop("symmetric thresholds are only meaningful for responses with 3 or more levels")
rho$tJac <- cbind(1, 0:(rho$ntheta-1))
rho$nalpha <- 2
rho$alphaNames <- c("threshold.1", "spacing")
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