
Defines functions prepare_data check_pred_type_dots make_pred_call ensure_parsnip_format format_hazard format_linear_pred format_survival format_time format_classprobs format_class format_num check_pred_type predict.model_fit

Documented in format_class format_classprobs format_hazard format_linear_pred format_num format_survival format_time predict.model_fit prepare_data

#' Model predictions
#' Apply a model to create different types of predictions.
#'  `predict()` can be used for all types of models and uses the
#'  "type" argument for more specificity.
#' @param object An object of class `model_fit`.
#' @param new_data A rectangular data object, such as a data frame.
#' @param type A single character value or `NULL`. Possible values
#'   are `"numeric"`, `"class"`, `"prob"`, `"conf_int"`, `"pred_int"`,
#'   `"quantile"`, `"time"`, `"hazard"`, `"survival"`, or `"raw"`. When `NULL`,
#'  `predict()` will choose an appropriate value based on the model's mode.
#' @param opts A list of optional arguments to the underlying
#'  predict function that will be used when `type = "raw"`. The
#'  list should not include options for the model object or the
#'  new data being predicted.
#' @param ... Additional `parsnip`-related options, depending on the
#'  value of `type`. Arguments to the underlying model's prediction
#'  function cannot be passed here (use the `opts` argument instead).
#'  Possible arguments are:
#'  \itemize{
#'     \item `interval`: for `type` equal to `"survival"` or `"quantile"`, should
#'            interval estimates be added, if available? Options are `"none"`
#'            and `"confidence"`.
#'     \item `level`: for `type` equal to `"conf_int"`, `"pred_int"`, or `"survival"`,
#'            this is the parameter for the tail area of the intervals
#'            (e.g. confidence level for confidence intervals).
#'            Default value is `0.95`.
#'     \item `std_error`: for `type` equal to `"conf_int"` or `"pred_int"`, add
#'            the standard error of fit or prediction (on the scale of the
#'            linear predictors). Default value is `FALSE`.
#'     \item `quantile`: for `type` equal to `quantile`, the quantiles of the
#'            distribution. Default is `(1:9)/10`.
#'     \item `eval_time`: for `type` equal to `"survival"` or `"hazard"`, the
#'            time points at which the survival probability or hazard is estimated.
#'  }
#' @details For `type = NULL`, `predict()` uses
#'   * `type = "numeric"` for regression models,
#'   * `type = "class"` for classification, and
#'   * `type = "time"` for censored regression.
#'  ## Interval predictions
#'  When using `type = "conf_int"` and `type = "pred_int"`, the options
#'   `level` and `std_error` can be used. The latter is a logical for an
#'   extra column of standard error values (if available).
#'  ## Censored regression predictions
#' For censored regression, a numeric vector for `eval_time` is required when
#' survival or hazard probabilities are requested. The time values are required
#' to be unique, finite, non-missing, and non-negative. The `predict()`
#' functions will adjust the values to fit this specification by removing
#' offending points (with a warning).
#' `predict.model_fit()` does not require the outcome to be present. For
#' performance metrics on the predicted survival probability, inverse probability
#' of censoring weights (IPCW) are required (see the `tidymodels.org` reference
#' below). Those require the outcome and are thus not returned by `predict()`.
#' They can be added via [augment.model_fit()] if `new_data` contains a column
#' with the outcome as a `Surv` object.
#' Also, when `type = "linear_pred"`, censored regression models will by default
#' be formatted such that the linear predictor _increases_ with time. This may
#' have the opposite sign as what the underlying model's `predict()` method
#' produces. Set `increasing = FALSE` to suppress this behavior.
#' @return With the exception of `type = "raw"`, the result of
#'  `predict.model_fit()`
#'  * is a tibble
#'  * has as many rows as there are rows in `new_data`
#'  * has standardized column names, see below:
#' For `type = "numeric"`, the tibble has a `.pred` column for a single
#' outcome and `.pred_Yname` columns for a multivariate outcome.
#' For `type = "class"`, the tibble has a `.pred_class` column.
#' For `type = "prob"`, the tibble has `.pred_classlevel` columns.
#' For `type = "conf_int"` and `type = "pred_int"`, the tibble has
#' `.pred_lower` and `.pred_upper` columns with an attribute for
#' the confidence level. In the case where intervals can be
#' produces for class probabilities (or other non-scalar outputs),
#' the columns are named `.pred_lower_classlevel` and so on.
#' For `type = "quantile"`, the tibble has a `.pred` column, which is
#'  a list-column. Each list element contains a tibble with columns
#'  `.pred` and `.quantile` (and perhaps other columns).
#' For `type = "time"`, the tibble has a `.pred_time` column.
#' For `type = "survival"`, the tibble has a `.pred` column, which is
#'  a list-column. Each list element contains a tibble with columns
#'  `.eval_time` and `.pred_survival` (and perhaps other columns).
#' For `type = "hazard"`, the tibble has a `.pred` column, which is
#'  a list-column. Each list element contains a tibble with columns
#'  `.eval_time` and `.pred_hazard` (and perhaps other columns).
#' Using `type = "raw"` with `predict.model_fit()` will return
#'  the unadulterated results of the prediction function.
#' In the case of Spark-based models, since table columns cannot
#'  contain dots, the same convention is used except 1) no dots
#'  appear in names and 2) vectors are never returned but
#'  type-specific prediction functions.
#' When the model fit failed and the error was captured, the
#'  `predict()` function will return the same structure as above but
#'  filled with missing values. This does not currently work for
#'  multivariate models.
#' @references
#' \url{https://www.tidymodels.org/learn/statistics/survival-metrics/}
#' @examplesIf !parsnip:::is_cran_check()
#' library(dplyr)
#' lm_model <-
#'   linear_reg() %>%
#'   set_engine("lm") %>%
#'   fit(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars %>% dplyr::slice(11:32))
#' pred_cars <-
#'   mtcars %>%
#'   dplyr::slice(1:10) %>%
#'   dplyr::select(-mpg)
#' predict(lm_model, pred_cars)
#' predict(
#'   lm_model,
#'   pred_cars,
#'   type = "conf_int",
#'   level = 0.90
#' )
#' predict(
#'   lm_model,
#'   pred_cars,
#'   type = "raw",
#'   opts = list(type = "terms")
#' )
#' @method predict model_fit
#' @export predict.model_fit
#' @export
predict.model_fit <- function(object, new_data, type = NULL, opts = list(), ...) {
  if (inherits(object$fit, "try-error")) {
    rlang::warn("Model fit failed; cannot make predictions.")

  load_libs(object$spec, quiet = TRUE)

  type <- check_pred_type(object, type)
  if (type != "raw" && length(opts) > 0) {
    rlang::warn("`opts` is only used with `type = 'raw'` and was ignored.")
  check_pred_type_dots(object, type, ...)

  res <- switch(
    numeric     = predict_numeric(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    class       = predict_class(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    prob        = predict_classprob(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    conf_int    = predict_confint(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    pred_int    = predict_predint(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    quantile    = predict_quantile(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    time        = predict_time(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    survival    = predict_survival(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    linear_pred = predict_linear_pred(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    hazard      = predict_hazard(object = object, new_data = new_data, ...),
    raw         = predict_raw(object = object, new_data = new_data, opts = opts, ...),
    rlang::abort(glue::glue("I don't know about type = '{type}'"))
  if (!inherits(res, "tbl_spark")) {
    res <- switch(
      numeric     = format_num(res),
      class       = format_class(res),
      prob        = format_classprobs(res),
      time        = format_time(res),
      survival    = format_survival(res),
      hazard      = format_hazard(res),
      linear_pred = format_linear_pred(res),

check_pred_type <- function(object, type, ...) {
  if (is.null(type)) {
    type <-
             regression = "numeric",
             classification = "class",
             "censored regression" = "time",
             rlang::abort("`type` should be 'regression', 'censored regression', or 'classification'."))
  if (!(type %in% pred_types))
        "`type` should be one of: ",
        glue_collapse(pred_types, sep = ", ", last = " and ")

    "numeric" = if (object$spec$mode != "regression") {
      rlang::abort("For numeric predictions, the object should be a regression model.")
    "class" = if (object$spec$mode != "classification") {
      rlang::abort("For class predictions, the object should be a classification model.")
    "prob" = if (object$spec$mode != "classification") {
      rlang::abort("For probability predictions, the object should be a classification model.")
    "time" = if (object$spec$mode != "censored regression") {
      rlang::abort("For event time predictions, the object should be a censored regression.")
    "survival" = if (object$spec$mode != "censored regression") {
      rlang::abort("For survival probability predictions, the object should be a censored regression.")
    "hazard" = if (object$spec$mode != "censored regression") {
      rlang::abort("For hazard predictions, the object should be a censored regression.")
    "linear_pred" = if (object$spec$mode != "censored regression") {
      rlang::abort("For the linear predictor, the object should be a censored regression.")

  # TODO check for ... options when not the correct type

#' Internal functions that format predictions
#' These are used to ensure that we have appropriate column names inside of
#' tibbles.
#' @param x A data frame or vector (depending on the context and function).
#' @return A tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @name format-internals
#' @export

format_num <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "tbl_spark")) {
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred", overwrite = FALSE)

#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_class <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "tbl_spark")) {
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred_class")

#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_classprobs <- function(x) {
  if (!any(grepl("^\\.pred_", names(x)))) {
    names(x) <- paste0(".pred_", names(x))
  if (!tibble::is_tibble(x)) {
    x <- as_tibble(x)

  for (i in seq_along(x)) {
    names(x[[i]]) <- NULL


#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_time <- function(x) {
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred_time", overwrite = FALSE)

#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_survival <- function(x) {
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred")

#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_linear_pred <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "tbl_spark")){
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred_linear_pred")

#' @rdname format-internals
#' @export
format_hazard <- function(x) {
  ensure_parsnip_format(x, ".pred")

ensure_parsnip_format <- function(x, col_name, overwrite = TRUE) {
  if (isTRUE(ncol(x) > 1) | is.data.frame(x)) {
    x <- tibble::new_tibble(x)
    if (!any(grepl(paste0("^\\", col_name), names(x)))) {
      if (overwrite) {
        names(x) <- col_name
      } else {
        names(x) <- paste(col_name, names(x), sep = "_")
  } else {
    x <- tibble::new_tibble(vctrs::df_list(unname(x), .name_repair = "minimal"),
                            nrow = length(x))
    names(x) <- col_name

make_pred_call <- function(x) {
  if ("pkg" %in% names(x$func))
    cl <-
      call2(x$func["fun"],!!!x$args, .ns = x$func["pkg"])
    cl <-   call2(x$func["fun"],!!!x$args)


check_pred_type_dots <- function(object, type, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  the_dots <- list(...)
  nms <- names(the_dots)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  check_for_newdata(..., call = call)

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  other_args <- c("interval", "level", "std_error", "quantile",
                  "time", "eval_time", "increasing")
  is_pred_arg <- names(the_dots) %in% other_args
  if (any(!is_pred_arg)) {
    bad_args <- names(the_dots)[!is_pred_arg]
    bad_args <- paste0("`", bad_args, "`", collapse = ", ")
        "The ellipses are not used to pass args to the model function's ",
        "predict function. These arguments cannot be used: {bad_args}",

  # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # places where eval_time should not be given
  if (any(nms == "eval_time") & !type %in% c("survival", "hazard")) {
        "`eval_time` should only be passed to `predict()` when `type` is one of:",
        paste0("'", c("survival", "hazard"), "'", collapse = ", ")
  if (any(nms == "time") & !type %in% c("survival", "hazard")) {
        "'time' should only be passed to `predict()` when 'type' is one of:",
        paste0("'", c("survival", "hazard"), "'", collapse = ", ")
  # when eval_time should be passed
  if (!any(nms %in% c("eval_time", "time")) & type %in% c("survival", "hazard")) {
        "When using `type` values of 'survival' or 'hazard',",
        "a numeric vector `eval_time` should also be given."

  # `increasing` only applies to linear_pred for censored regression
  if (any(nms == "increasing") &
      !(type == "linear_pred" &
        object$spec$mode == "censored regression")) {
        "The 'increasing' argument only applies to predictions of",
        "type 'linear_pred' for the mode censored regression."


#' Prepare data based on parsnip encoding information
#' @param object A parsnip model object
#' @param new_data A data frame
#' @return A data frame or matrix
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
prepare_data <- function(object, new_data) {
  preproc_names <- names(object$preproc)
  translate_from_formula_to_xy <- any(preproc_names == "terms", na.rm = TRUE)
  translate_from_xy_to_formula <- any(preproc_names == "x_var", na.rm = TRUE)

  if (translate_from_formula_to_xy) {
    new_data <- .convert_form_to_xy_new(object$preproc, new_data)$x
  } else if (translate_from_xy_to_formula) {
    new_data <- .convert_xy_to_form_new(object$preproc, new_data)

  encodings <- get_encoding(class(object$spec)[1])
  remove_intercept <-
      encodings$mode == object$spec$mode &
        encodings$engine == object$spec$engine

  if (remove_intercept & any(grepl("Intercept", names(new_data)))) {
    new_data <- new_data[, colnames(new_data) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]

  if (allow_sparse(object) && inherits(new_data, "dgCMatrix")) {

  fit_interface <- object$spec$method$fit$interface
    none = new_data,
    data.frame = as.data.frame(new_data),
    matrix = as.matrix(new_data),

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parsnip documentation built on Aug. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.