#### Main functions pc(), fci(), fciPlus(), ...
#### ---- -----
### Auxiliaries --> ./Aaux.R
### Classes & Methods --> ./AllClasses.R
trueCov <- function(dag, back.compatible = FALSE)
## as(.,"matrix") now {for some versions of 'graph' pkg} is 0/1
## weightMatrix <- t(as(dag,"matrix"))
wm <- if(back.compatible) wgtMatrix.0(dag) else wgtMatrix(dag)
p <- length(dag@nodes)
## SS' where S = (I - W)^{-1} :
tcrossprod(solve(diag(p) - wm))
## buggy randomDAG:
## randomDAG <- function (n, prob, lB = 0.1, uB = 1, V = as.character(1:n))
## {
## stopifnot(n >= 2, is.numeric(prob), length(prob) == 1,
## 0 <= prob, prob <= 1,
## is.numeric(lB), is.numeric(uB), lB <= uB)
## edL <- vector("list", n)
## nmbEdges <- 0L
## for (i in seq_len(n - 2)) {
## listSize <- rbinom(1, n - i, prob)
## nmbEdges <- nmbEdges + listSize
## edgeList <- sample(seq(i + 1, n), size = listSize)
## weightList <- runif(length(edgeList), min = lB, max = uB)
## edL[[i]] <- list(edges = edgeList, weights = weightList)
## }
## if (nmbEdges > 0) {
## edL[[n-1]] <-
## if (rbinom(1, 1, prob) == 1)
## list(edges = n,
## weights = runif(1, min = lB, max = uB))
## else
## list(edges = integer(0), weights = numeric(0))
## edL[[n]] <- list(edges = integer(0), weights = numeric(0))
## names(edL) <- V
## new("graphNEL", nodes = V, edgeL = edL, edgemode = "directed")
## }
## else
## new("graphNEL", nodes = V, edgemode = "directed")
## }
randomDAG <- function (n, prob, lB = 0.1, uB = 1, V = as.character(1:n))
stopifnot(n >= 2, is.numeric(prob), length(prob) == 1,
0 <= prob, prob <= 1,
is.numeric(lB), is.numeric(uB), lB <= uB)
edL <- vector("list", n)
nmbEdges <- 0L
for (i in seq_len(n - 2)) {
listSize <- rbinom(1, n - i, prob)
nmbEdges <- nmbEdges + listSize
edgeList <- sample(seq(i + 1, n), size = listSize)
weightList <- runif(length(edgeList), min = lB, max = uB)
edL[[i]] <- list(edges = edgeList, weights = weightList)
## i=n-1 separately
## (because of sample(7,1) is actually sample(1:7,1) and not 7)
listSize <- rbinom(1, 1, prob)
if (listSize > 0) {
nmbEdges <- nmbEdges + 1
edgeList <- n
weightList <- runif(1, min = lB, max = uB)
} else {
edgeList <- integer(0)
weightList <- numeric(0)
edL[[n-1]] <- list(edges = edgeList, weights = weightList)
if (nmbEdges > 0) {
edL[[n]] <- list(edges = integer(0), weights = numeric(0))
names(edL) <- V
new("graphNEL", nodes = V, edgeL = edL, edgemode = "directed")
new("graphNEL", nodes = V, edgemode = "directed")
## A version of this is also in /u/maechler/R/MM/Pkg-ex/graph/weightmatrix.R
## another on in Matrix/R/sparseMatrix.R function graph.wgtMatrix() :
## No longer in use __apart__ for rmvDAG(..., back.compatible=TRUE)
wgtMatrix.0 <- function(g, transpose = TRUE)
## Purpose: work around "graph" package's as(g, "matrix") bug
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ACHTUNG: mat_[i,j]==1 iff j->i,
## whereas with as(g,"matrix") mat_[i,j]==1 iff i->j
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: g: an object inheriting from (S4) class "graph"
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, based on Seth Falcon's code; Date: 12 May 2006
## MM: another buglet for the case of "no edges":
if(numEdges(g) == 0) {
p <- length(nd <- nodes(g))
return( matrix(0, p,p, dimnames = list(nd, nd)) )
## Usual case, when there are edges:
if(!("weight" %in% names(edgeDataDefaults(g))))
edgeDataDefaults(g, "weight") <- 1L
w <- unlist(edgeData(g, attr = "weight"))
## we need the *transposed* matrix typically:
tm <- if(transpose) t(as(g, "matrix")) else as(g, "matrix")
## now is a 0/1 - matrix (instead of 0/wgts) with the 'graph' bug
if(any(w != 1)) ## fix it
tm[tm != 0] <- w
## tm_[i,j]==1 iff i->j
wgtMatrix <- function(g, transpose = TRUE) {
res <- as(g, "matrix") # from 'graph' package, now reliable (we hope)
if (transpose) ## default!
t(res) else res
rmvDAG <-
function(n, dag,
errDist = c("normal", "cauchy", "t4", "mix", "mixt3", "mixN100"),
mix = 0.1, errMat = NULL, back.compatible = FALSE,
use.node.names = !back.compatible)
## Purpose: Generate data according to a given DAG (with weights) and
## given node distribution (rows: number of samples; cols: node values in
## topological order)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - n : Number of samples
## - dag : Graph object containing the DAG and weights
## - errDist: "normal" or "mix" for pure standard normal node distribution
## or mixing with standard cauchy
## - mix : Percentage of points sampled from standard cauchy
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006; Martin Maechler
## check input & initialize variables
stopifnot(is(dag, "graph"),
(p <- length(nodes(dag))) >= 2)
## as(.,"matrix") now {for some versions of 'graph' pkg} is 0/1
## weightMatrix <- t(as(dag,"matrix"))
weightMatrix <- if(back.compatible) wgtMatrix.0(dag) else wgtMatrix(dag)
## check if top. sorted
nonZeros <- which(weightMatrix != 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(nonZeros) > 0) {
if (any(nonZeros[,1] - nonZeros[,2] < 0) || any(diag(weightMatrix) != 0))
stop("Input DAG must be topologically ordered!")
errDist <- match.arg(errDist)
if(grepl("^mix", errDist))
eMat <- function(outs) { # (n,p)
X <- c(rnorm(n*p - length(outs)), outs)
matrix(sample(X), nrow = n)
if(is.null(errMat)) {
## generate errors e_i
errMat <-
"normal" = matrix(rnorm (n*p), nrow = n),
"cauchy" = matrix(rcauchy(n*p), nrow = n),
"t4" = matrix(rt(n*p, df = 4), nrow = n),
"mix" = eMat(rcauchy(round(mix*n*p))),
"mixt3" = eMat( rt(round(mix*n*p), df = 3)),
"mixN100"= eMat( rnorm(round(mix*n*p), sd = 10)))
else { ## check & use 'errMat' argument:
stopifnot(!is.null(dim.eM <- dim(errMat)),
dim.eM == c(n,p), is.numeric(errMat))
colnames(errMat) <- nodes(dag) # == colnames(weightMatrix)
## compute X matrix X_i
if (sum(weightMatrix != 0) > 0) {
X <- errMat
for (j in 2:p) { ## uses X[*, 1:(j-1)] -- "recursively" !
ij <- 1:(j-1)
X[,j] <- X[,j] + X[, ij, drop = FALSE] %*% weightMatrix[j, ij]
pcSelect <- function(y, dm, alpha, corMethod = "standard",
verbose = FALSE, directed = FALSE)
## Purpose: Find columns in dm, that have nonzero parcor with y given
## any other set of columns in dm
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - y: Response Vector (length(y)=nrow(dm))
## - dm: Data matrix (rows: samples, cols: nodes)
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - corMethod: "standard" or "Qn" for standard or robust correlation
## estimation
## - verbose: 0-no output, 1-small output, 2-details
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value: List
## - G: boolean vector with connected nodes
## - zMin: Minimal z values
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 27.4.07
stopifnot((n <- nrow(dm)) >= 1,
(p <- ncol(dm)) >= 1)
vNms <- colnames(dm)
## cl <-
zMin <- c(0,,p))
C <- mcor(cbind(y,dm), method = corMethod)
cutoff <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
n.edgetests <- numeric(1)# final length = max { ord}
## G := complete graph :
G <- c(FALSE,,p))
seq_p <- seq_len(p+1L) # = 1:(p+1)
done <- FALSE
ord <- 0
while (!done && any(G)) {
n.edgetests[ord+1] <- 0
done <- TRUE
ind <- which(G)
remEdges <- length(ind)
if(verbose >= 1)
cat("Order=",ord,"; remaining edges:",remEdges,"\n", sep = '')
for (i in 1:remEdges) {
if(verbose && (verbose >= 2 || i%%100 == 0)) cat("|i=",i,"|iMax=",remEdges,"\n")
y <- 1
x <- ind[i]
if (G[x]) {
nbrsBool <- G
nbrsBool[x] <- FALSE
nbrs <- seq_p[nbrsBool]
## neighbors of y without itself and x
length_nbrs <- length(nbrs)
if (length_nbrs >= ord) {
if (length_nbrs > ord) done <- FALSE
S <- seq_len(ord)
## now includes special cases (ord == 0) or (length_nbrs == 1):
repeat {
n.edgetests[ord+1] <- n.edgetests[ord+1]+1
z <- zStat(x,y, nbrs[S], C,n)
if(abs(z) < zMin[x]) zMin[x] <- abs(z)
if (verbose >= 2)
cat(paste("x:",vNms[x-1],"y:",(ytmp <- round((p+1)/2)),"S:"),
c(ytmp,vNms)[nbrs[S]], paste("z:",z,"\n"))
if (abs(z) <= cutoff) {
G[x] <- FALSE
else {
nextSet <- getNextSet(length_nbrs, ord, S)
S <- nextSet$nextSet
} ## {repeat}
} ## end if( G )
} ## end for(i ..)
ord <- ord+1
} ## end while
## return
list(G = setNames(G[-1L], vNms),
zMin = zMin[-1])
}## pcSelect
zStat <- function(x,y, S, C, n)
## Purpose: Fisher's z-transform statistic of partial corr.(x,y | S)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x,y,S: Are x,y cond. indep. given S?
## - C: Correlation matrix among nodes
## - n: Samples used to estimate correlation matrix
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Martin Maechler, 22 May 2006; Markus Kalisch
## for C use:
## dyn.load("/u/kalisch/cCode/pcAlgo/")
## res <- 0
## if (length(S) < 4) {
r <- pcorOrder(x,y, S, C)
## } else {
## k <- solve(C[c(x,y,S),c(x,y,S)])
## r <- -k[1,2]/sqrt(k[1,1]*k[2,2])
## r <- .C("parcorC",as.double(res),as.integer(x-1),as.integer(y-1),as.integer(S-1),as.integer(length(S)),as.integer(dim(C)[1]),as.double(as.vector(C)))[[1]]
## }
res <- sqrt(n- length(S) - 3) * 0.5*logQ1pm(r)
if ( 0 else res
condIndFisherZ <- function(x,y,S,C,n, cutoff,
verbose = isTRUE(getOption("verbose.pcalg.condIFz")))
## Purpose: Return boolean result on conditional independence using
## Fisher's z-transform
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x,y,S: Are x,y cond. indep. given S?
## - C: Correlation matrix among nodes
## - n: Samples used to estimate correlation matrix
## - cutoff: Cutoff for significance level for individual
## partial correlation tests
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006, 17:32
## R Variante
r <- pcorOrder(x,y, S, C)
## C Variante
## C res <- 0
## C p <- dim(C)[1]
## C r <- .C("parcor",as.double(res),as.integer(x-1),as.integer(y-1),as.integer(S-1),as.integer(length(S)),as.integer(p),as.double(C))[[1]]
T <- sqrt(n-length(S)-3)* 0.5*logQ1pm(r)
## cat(" (",x,",",y,") | ",S," : T = ",T,"\n", sep='')
## MM: T is only NA when 'r' already is (r = +- 1 <==> T = +- Inf) -- better check there (FIXME?)
## <==> T <- 0 # if problem, delete edge: be conservative || abs(T) <= cutoff
pcorOrder <- function(i,j, k, C, = 0.9999999) {
## Purpose: Compute partial correlation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - i,j,k: Partial correlation of i and j given k
## - C: Correlation matrix among nodes
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006; Martin Maechler
if (length(k) == 0) {
r <- C[i,j]
} else if (length(k) == 1) {
r <- (C[i, j] - C[i, k] * C[j, k])/sqrt((1 - C[j, k]^2) * (1 - C[i, k]^2))
} else { ## length(k) >= 2
PM <- pseudoinverse(C[c(i,j,k), c(i,j,k)])
r <- -PM[1, 2]/sqrt(PM[1, 1] * PM[2, 2])
if( 0 else min(, max(, r))
compareGraphs <- function(gl,gt) {
## Purpose: Return TPR, FPR and TDR of comparison of two undirected graphs
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gl: Estimated graph (may be directed, but the direction will
## be dropped internally)
## - gt: True graph (may be directed, but the direction will
## be dropped internally)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006, 17:35
## When 'graph' returns the 'weight matrix' again:
## ml <- as(ugraph(gl), "matrix")
## mt <- as(ugraph(gt), "matrix")
## p <- dim(ml)[1]
ml <- wgtMatrix(ugraph(gl))
mt <- wgtMatrix(ugraph(gt))
p <- dim(ml)[2]
mt[mt != 0] <- rep(1,sum(mt != 0))
ml[ml != 0] <- rep(1,sum(ml != 0)) ## inserted to fix bug
## FPR := #{misplaced edges} / #{true gaps}
diffm <- ml-mt
nmbTrueGaps <- (sum(mt == 0)-p)/2
## print(list(p=p,sum=sum(mt==0),mt=mt,ml=ml,nmbTrueGaps=nmbTrueGaps,diffm=diffm))
fpr <- if (nmbTrueGaps == 0) 1 else (sum(diffm > 0)/2)/nmbTrueGaps
## TPR := #{correctly found edges} / #{true edges}
diffm2 <- mt-ml
nmbTrueEdges <- (sum(mt == 1)/2)
tpr <- if (nmbTrueEdges == 0) 0 else 1 - (sum(diffm2 > 0)/2)/nmbTrueEdges
## TDR := #{correctly found edges} / #{found edges}
trueEstEdges <- (nmbTrueEdges-sum(diffm2 > 0)/2) ## #{true edges} - #{not detected}
tdr <-
if (sum(ml == 1) == 0) { ## no edges detected
if (trueEstEdges == 0) 1 ## no edges in true graph
else 0
} else trueEstEdges/(sum(ml == 1)/2)
## return named vector:
c(tpr = tpr, fpr = fpr, tdr = tdr)
getNextSet <- function(n,k,set) {
## Purpose: Generate the next set in a list of all possible sets of size
## k out of 1:n;
## Also returns a boolean whether this set was the last in the list.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - n,k: Choose a set of size k out of numbers 1:n
## - set: previous set in list
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006, 17:37
## chInd := changing Index
chInd <- k - (zeros <- sum((seq(n-k+1,n)-set) == 0))
wasLast <- (chInd == 0)
if (!wasLast) {
set[chInd] <- <- set[chInd] + 1
if (chInd < k)
set[(chInd+1):k] <- seq( +1L, +zeros)
list(nextSet = set, wasLast = wasLast)
mcor <- function(dm, method = c("standard", "Qn", "QnStable",
"ogkScaleTau2", "ogkQn", "shrink"))
## Purpose: Compute correlation matrix (perhaps elementwise)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - dm: Data matrix; rows: samples, cols: variables
## - method: "Qn" or "standard" (default) envokes robust (based on Qn
## scale estimator) or standard correlation estimator, respectively.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 27 Jan 2006
p <- ncol(dm)
method <- match.arg(method)
"Qn" = {
res <- diag(nrow = p)
Qn. <- apply(dm, 2L, Qn)
for (i in seq_len(p-1)) {
for (j in i:p) {
qnSum <- Qn(dm[,i] + dm[,j])
qnDiff <- Qn(dm[,i] - dm[,j])
res[j,i] <- res[i,j] <-
min(1, (qnSum^2 - qnDiff^2) / (4*Qn.[i]*Qn.[j])))
"QnStable" = {
res <- diag(nrow = p)
Qn. <- apply(dm, 2L, Qn) # Qn(.) for all columns
## xQn := each column divided by its Qn(.)
xQn <- dm / rep(Qn., each=nrow(dm))
for (i in seq_len(p-1)) {
xQn.i <- xQn[,i]
for (j in i:p) {
qnSum <- Qn(xQn.i + xQn[,j])
qnDiff <- Qn(xQn.i - xQn[,j])
res[j,i] <- res[i,j] <-
min(1, (qnSum^2 - qnDiff^2) / (qnSum^2 + qnDiff^2)))
"ogkScaleTau2" = {
cov2cor(covOGK(dm, n.iter = 2, sigmamu = scaleTau2,
weight.fn = hard.rejection)$cov)
"ogkQn" = {
cov2cor(covOGK(dm, n.iter = 2, sigmamu = s_Qn,
weight.fn = hard.rejection)$cov)
"standard" = cor(dm),
"shrink" = {
CM <- cor(dm)
n <- nrow(dm)
p <- ncol(dm)
S1 <- sum(CM[1,-1]^2)
S2 <- sum((1-CM[1,-1]^2)^2)
g <- S1 / (S1 + S2/n) # is in [0,1]
scor3 <- CM
for(i in 2:p) {
scor3[1,i] <- g*CM[1,i]
scor3[i,1] <- g*CM[i,1]
)# {switch}
pcSelect.presel <- function(y, dm, alpha, alphapre, corMethod = "standard",
verbose = 0, directed = FALSE)
## Purpose: Find columns in dm, that have nonzero parcor with y given
## any other set of columns in dm with use of some kind of preselection
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - y: Response Vector (length(y)=nrow(dm))
## - dm: Data matrix (rows: samples, cols: nodes)
## - alpha : Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - alphapre: Significance level in preselective use of pcSelect
## - corMethod: "standard" or "Qn" for standard or robust correlation
## estimation
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Philipp Ruetimann, Date: 5 Mar 2008
tmp <- pcSelect(y, dm, alpha=alphapre,
corMethod=corMethod, verbose=verbose, directed=directed)
pcs <- tmp$G
zmi <- tmp$zMin
ppcs <- which(pcs == 1L)
Xnew <- dm[, ppcs, drop=FALSE]
lang <- length(pcs)
tmp2 <- pcSelect(y, dm=Xnew, alpha=alpha,
corMethod=corMethod, verbose=verbose, directed=directed)
pcSnew <- tmp2$G
zminew <- tmp2$zMin
zmi[ppcs] <- zminew
## MM FIXME -- do without for() :
k <- 1
for (i in 1:lang) {
if(pcs[i] == 1) {
pcs[i] <- pcSnew[k]
k <- k+1
list(pcs = pcs, Xnew = Xnew, zMin = zmi)
corGraph <- function(dm, alpha = 0.05, Cmethod = "pearson")
## Purpose: Computes a correlation graph. Significant correlations are
## shown using the given correlation method.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - dm: Data matrix with rows as samples and cols as variables
## - alpha: Significance level for correlation test
## - Cmethod: a character string indicating which correlation coefficient
## is to be used for the test. One of '"pearson"',
## '"kendall"', or '"spearman"', can be abbreviated.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 30 Jan 2006; Martin Maechler (preserve cns)
stopifnot(is.numeric(p <- ncol(dm)), p >= 2)
if(is.null(cns <- colnames(dm))) cns <- as.character(1:p)
mat <- matrix(0, p,p)
for (i in 1:(p-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):p) {
mat[i,j] <- cor.test(dm[,i], dm[,j], alternative = "two.sided",
method = Cmethod)$p.value < alpha
mat <- mat + t(mat)
dimnames(mat) <- list(cns,cns)
as(mat, "graphNEL")
## dag2cpdag
dag2cpdag <- function(g)
## Purpose: Compute the (unique) completed partially directed graph (CPDAG)
## that corresponds to the input DAG; result is a graph object
## In the current implementation, this function is just a wrapper
## function for 'dag2essgraph'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - dag: input DAG (graph object)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Alain Hauser, Date: 14 Mar 2015
#dag2cpdag <- function(g)
# ## Purpose: Compute the (unique) completed partially directed graph (CPDAG)
# ## that corresponds to the input DAG; result is a graph object
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Arguments:
# ## - dag: input DAG (graph object)
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 10 Jun 2013, 11:06
# amat <- as(g, "matrix")
# amat[amat != 0] <- 1
# skel.amat <- amat + t(amat)
# skel.amat[skel.amat == 2] <- 1
# cpdag <- skel.amat
# ## search the v-structures in the DAG
# ind <- which((amat == 1 & t(amat) == 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
# tripleMatrix <- matrix(,0,3)
# ## Go through all edges
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) { ## MM(FIXME): growth of tripleMatrix
# x <- ind[i,1]
# y <- ind[i,2]
# indY <- setdiff(which((amat[,y] == 1 & amat[y,] == 0), arr.ind = TRUE),x) ## x-> y <- z
# if(length(newZ <- indY[amat[x,indY] == 0])) ## deparse.l.=0: no colnames
# tripleMatrix <- rbind(tripleMatrix, cbind(x, y, newZ, deparse.level=0),
# deparse.level=0)
# }
# if ((m <- nrow(tripleMatrix)) > 0) {
# deleteDupl <- logical(m)# all FALSE
# for (i in seq_len(m))
# if (tripleMatrix[i,1] > tripleMatrix[i,3])
# deleteDupl[i] <- TRUE
# if(any(deleteDupl))
# tripleMatrix <- tripleMatrix[!deleteDupl,, drop=FALSE]
# ## orient the v-structures in the CPDAG
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(tripleMatrix))) {
# x <- tripleMatrix[i,1]
# y <- tripleMatrix[i,2]
# z <- tripleMatrix[i,3]
# cpdag[x,y] <- cpdag[z,y] <- 1
# cpdag[y,x] <- cpdag[y,z] <- 0
# }
# }
# ## orient the edges with the 3 orientation rules
# repeat {
# old_cpdag <- cpdag
# ## Rule 1
# ind <- which((cpdag == 1 & t(cpdag) == 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# b <- ind[i, 2]
# isC <- ((cpdag[b, ] == 1 & cpdag[, b] == 1) &
# (cpdag[a, ] == 0 & cpdag[, a] == 0))
# if (any(isC)) {
# indC <- which(isC)
# cpdag[b, indC] <- 1
# cpdag[indC, b] <- 0
# }
# }
# ## Rule 2
# ind <- which((cpdag == 1 & t(cpdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# b <- ind[i, 2]
# isC <- ((cpdag[a, ] == 1 & cpdag[, a] == 0) &
# (cpdag[, b] == 1 & cpdag[b, ] == 0))
# if (any(isC)) {
# cpdag[a, b] <- 1
# cpdag[b, a] <- 0
# }
# }
# ## Rule 3
# ind <- which((cpdag == 1 & t(cpdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# b <- ind[i, 2]
# indC <- which((cpdag[a, ] == 1 & cpdag[, a] == 1) &
# (cpdag[, b] == 1 & cpdag[b, ] == 0))
# if (length(indC) >= 2) {
# cmb.C <- combn(indC, 2)
# cC1 <- cmb.C[1, ]
# cC2 <- cmb.C[2, ]
# for (j in seq_along(cC1)) {
# c1 <- cC1[j]
# c2 <- cC2[j]
# if (c1 != c2 && cpdag[c1, c2] == 0 && cpdag[c2,c1] == 0) {
# cpdag[a, b] <- 1
# cpdag[b, a] <- 0
# break
# }
# }
# }
# }
# if (all(cpdag == old_cpdag))
# break
# }
# as(cpdag,"graphNEL")
## dag2cpdag <- function(dag) {
## Purpose: Compute the (unique) completed partially directed graph (CPDAG)
## that corresponds to the input DAG; result is a graph object
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - dag: input DAG (graph object)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006, 15:30
## p <- numNodes(dag)
## ## transform DAG to adjacency matrix if any edges are present
## if (numEdges(dag)==0) {
## cpdag.res <- dag
## } else {
## dag <- as(dag,"matrix")
## dag[dag!=0] <- 1
## ## dag is adjacency matrix
## e.df <- labelEdges(dag)
## cpdag <- matrix(0, p,p)
## for (i in seq_len(nrow(e.df))) {
## if (e.df$label[i]) {
## cpdag[e.df$tail[i],e.df$head[i]] <- 1
## } else {
## cpdag[e.df$tail[i],e.df$head[i]] <- cpdag[e.df$head[i],e.df$tail[i]] <- 1
## }
## }
## rownames(cpdag) <- colnames(cpdag) <- as.character(seq(1,p))
## cpdag.res <- as(cpdag,"graphNEL")
## }
## cpdag.res
## make.edge.df <- function(amat) {
## Purpose: Generate a data frame describing some properties of a DAG
## (for extending to a CPDAG)
## The output contains xmin,xmax,head,tail,order (NA or number),
## type (1="d",0="u") in lexikographic order
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: Adjacency matrix of DAG [x_ij=1 means i->j]
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006, 15:43
## INPUT: Adjacency matrix
## stopifnot(sum(amat)>0)
## e <- which(amat==1,arr.ind=TRUE)
## e.dup <- duplicated(t(apply(e,1,sort)))
## nmb.edges <- sum(!e.dup)
## res <- data.frame(xmin=rep(NA,nmb.edges),xmax=rep(NA,nmb.edges),
## tail=rep(NA,nmb.edges),head=rep(NA,nmb.edges),
## order=rep(NA,nmb.edges),type=rep(1,nmb.edges))
## pure.edges <- e[!e.dup,]
## if(length(pure.edges)==2) dim(pure.edges) <- c(1,2)
## for (i in seq_len(nrow(pure.edges))) {
## if (all(amat[pure.edges[i,1],pure.edges[i,2]]==
## amat[pure.edges[i,2],pure.edges[i,1]])) {
## res$type[i] <- 0
## res$head[i] <- NA
## res$tail[i] <- NA
## } else {
## res$head[i] <- pure.edges[i,2]
## res$tail[i] <- pure.edges[i,1]
## }
## }
## s.pure.edges <- t(apply(pure.edges,1,sort))
## ii <- order(s.pure.edges[,1],s.pure.edges[,2])
## res <- res[ii,]
## res$xmin <- s.pure.edges[ii,1]
## res$xmax <- s.pure.edges[ii,2]
## res
## orderEdges <- function(amat) {
## Purpose: Order the edges of a DAG according to Chickering
## (for extension to CPDAG)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: Adjacency matrix of DAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006, 15:42
## stopifnot(isAcyclic(amat))
## ordered.nodes <- topOrder(amat) ## parents before children
## edge.df <- make.edge.df(amat)
## eOrder <- 0
## while(any(unOrdered <-$order))) {
## counter <- 0
## find y
## y <- NA
## found <- FALSE
## while(!found) {
## counter <- counter+1
## node <- ordered.nodes[counter]
## which edges are incident to node?
## nbr.nodes <- which(amat[,node]==1)
## if(length(nbr.nodes)>0) {
## unlabeled <-, length(nbr.nodes))
## for(i in seq_along(nbr.nodes)) {
## x <- nbr.nodes[i]
## is edge edge x-y unlabeled?
## unlabeled[i] <- length(intersect(which(edge.df$xmin==min(node,x) &
## edge.df$xmax==max(node,x)),
## which(unOrdered))) > 0
## }
## choose unlabeled edge with highest order node
## if(any(unlabeled)) {
## nbr.unlab <- nbr.nodes[unlabeled] # nbrnodes w. unlabeled edges
## tmp <- ordered.nodes[ordered.nodes %in% nbr.unlab]
## y <- tmp[length(tmp)]
## y <- last(ordered.nodes[which(ordered.nodes %in% nbr.unlab)])
## edge.df$order[edge.df$xmin==min(node,y) &
## edge.df$xmax==max(node,y)] <- eOrder
## eOrder <- eOrder+1
## found <- TRUE
## }
## }
## } ## while !found
## } ## while any(unOrdered)
## edge.df
## labelEdges <- function(amat) {
## Purpose: Label the edges in a DAG with "compelled" and "reversible"
## (for extension to a CPDAG)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: Adjacency matrix of DAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006; prettified: MMaechler
## label=TRUE -> compelled
## label=FALSE -> reversible
## edge.df <- orderEdges(amat)
## lab <- rep(NA,dim(edge.df)[1])
## edge.df <- edge.df[order(edge.df$order),]
## Head <- edge.df$head
## Tail <- edge.df$tail
## while(any(ina <- {
## x.y <- which(ina)[1]
## x <- Tail[x.y]
## y <- Head[x.y]
## <- Head == y
## e1 <- which(Head == x & lab)
## for(ee in e1) {
## w <- Tail[ee]
## if (any(wt.yh <- w == Tail &
## lab[wt.yh] <- TRUE
## else {
## lab[] <- TRUE
## break
## }
## }
## edges going to y not starting from x
## cand <- which( & Tail != x)
## if (length(cand) > 0) {
## valid.cand <- rep(FALSE,length(cand))
## for (iz in seq_along(cand)) {
## z <- Tail[cand[iz]]
## if (!any(Tail==z & Head==x)) ## NOT.parent.of.x :
## valid.cand[iz] <- TRUE
## }
## cand <- cand[valid.cand]
## }
## lab[which( &] <- (length(cand) > 0)
## }
## edge.df$label <- lab
## edge.df
## pdag2dag
find.sink <- function(gm) {
## Purpose: Find sink of an adj matrix; return numeric(0) if there is none;
## a sink may have incident undirected edges, but no directed ones
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gm: Adjacency matrix (gm_i_j is edge from j to i)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006; speedup: Martin Maechler, Dec.2013
## treat undirected edges
gm[gm == t(gm) & gm == 1] <- 0
## treat directed edges
which(colSums(gm) == 0)
adj.check <- function(gm,x) {
## Purpose: Return "TRUE", if:
## For every vertex y, adj to x, with (x,y) undirected, y is adjacent to
## all the other vertices which are adjacent to x
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gm: adjacency matrix of graph
## - x: node number (number)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006;
## several smart speedups: Martin Maechler, Dec.2013
gm.1 <- (gm == 1)
xr <- gm.1[x,]
xc <- gm.1[,x]
nx <- which(xr | xc)
## undirected neighbors of x
un <- which(xr & xc)
for(y in un) {
adj.x <- setdiff(nx, y)
adj.y <- setdiff(which(gm.1[y,] | gm.1[,y]), x)
if(!all(adj.x %in% adj.y))
amat2dag <- function(amat) {
## Purpose: Transform the adjacency matrix of an PDAG to the adjacency
## matrix of a SOME DAG in the equiv. class
## Used in pdag2dag if extension is not possible
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: adjacency matrix; x -> y if amat[x,y]=1,amat[y,x]=0
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 31 Oct 2006, 15:23
p <- dim(amat)[1]
## amat to skel
skel <- amat+t(amat)
skel[which(skel > 1)] <- 1
## permute skel
ord <-
skel <- skel[ord,ord]
## skel to dag
for (i in 2:p) {
for (j in 1:(i-1)) {
if(skel[i,j] == 1) skel[i,j] <- 0
## inverse permutation
i.ord <- order(ord)
## udag2pdag
udag2pdag <- function(gInput, verbose = FALSE) {
## Purpose: Transform the Skeleton of a pcAlgo-object to a PDAG using
## the rules of Pearl. The output is again a pcAlgo-object.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gInput: pcAlgo object
## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: Sep 2006, 15:03
res <- gInput
if (numEdges(gInput@graph) > 0) {
g <- as(gInput@graph,"matrix") ## g_ij if i->j
p <- as.numeric(dim(g)[1])
pdag <- g
ind <- which(g == 1,arr.ind = TRUE)
## Create minimal pattern
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
x <- ind[i,1]
y <- ind[i,2]
allZ <- setdiff(which(g[y,] == 1),x) ## x-y-z
for (z in allZ) {
if (g[x,z] == 0 &&
!(y %in% gInput@sepset[[x]][[z]] ||
y %in% gInput@sepset[[z]][[x]])) {
if (verbose) {
pdag[x,y] <- pdag[z,y] <- 1
pdag[y,x] <- pdag[y,z] <- 0
## Test whether this pdag allows a consistent extension
res2 <- pdag2dag(as(pdag,"graphNEL"))
if (res2$success) {
## Convert to complete pattern: use rules by Pearl
old_pdag <- matrix(0, p,p)
while (!all(old_pdag == pdag)) {
old_pdag <- pdag
## rule 1
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 0), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[b,] == 1 & pdag[,b] == 1) & (pdag[a,] == 0 & pdag[,a] == 0))
if (length(indC) > 0) {
pdag[b,indC] <- 1
pdag[indC,b] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1:",a,"->",b," and ",b,"-",indC,
" where ",a," and ",indC," not connected: ",b,"->",indC,"\n")
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule1")
## rule 2
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,] == 1 & pdag[,a] == 0) & (pdag[,b] == 1 & pdag[b,] == 0))
if (length(indC) > 0) {
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 2: Kette ",a,"->",indC,"->",
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule2")
## rule 3
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a - b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,] == 1 & pdag[,a] == 1) & (pdag[,b] == 1 & pdag[b,] == 0))
if (length(indC) >= 2) {
## cat("R3: indC = ",indC,"\n")
g2 <- pdag[indC,indC]
## print(g2)
if (length(g2) <= 1) {
g2 <- 0
} else {
diag(g2) <- rep(1,length(indC)) ## no self reference
if (any(g2 == 0)) { ## if two nodes in g2 are not connected
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 3:",a,"->",b,"\n")
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule3")
## rule 4
##- ind <- which((pdag==1 & t(pdag)==1), arr.ind=TRUE) ## a - b
##- if (length(ind)>0) {
##- for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
##- a <- ind[i,1]
##- b <- ind[i,2]
##- indC <- which( (pdag[a,]==1 & pdag[,a]==1) & (pdag[,b]==0 & pdag[b,]==0))
##- l.indC <- length(indC)
##- if (l.indC>0) {
##- found <- FALSE
##- ic <- 0
##- while(!found & (ic < l.indC)) {
##- ic <- ic + 1
##- c <- indC[ic]
##- indD <- which( (pdag[c,]==1 & pdag[,c]==0) & (pdag[,b]==1 & pdag[b,]==0))
##- if (length(indD)>0) {
##- found <- TRUE
##- pdag[b,a] = 0
##- if (verbose) cat("Rule 4 applied \n")
##- }
##- }
##- }
##- }
##- }
res@graph <- as(pdag,"graphNEL")
} else {
## was not extendable; random DAG chosen
res@graph <- res2$graph
## convert to CPDAG
res@graph <- dag2cpdag(res@graph)
} ## udag2pdag
shd <- function(g1,g2)
## Purpose: Compute Structural Hamming Distance between graphs g1 and g2
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - g1, g2: Input graphs
## (graph objects;connectivity matrix where m[x,y]=1 iff x->1
## and m[x,y]=m[y,x]=1 iff x-y; pcAlgo-objects)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 1 Dec 2006, 17:21
## Idea: Transform g1 into g2
## Transform g1 and g2 into adjacency matrices
if (is(g1, "pcAlgo")) g1 <- g1@graph
if (is(g2, "pcAlgo")) g2 <- g2@graph
if (is(g1, "graphNEL")) {
m1 <- wgtMatrix(g1, transpose = FALSE)
m1[m1 != 0] <- 1
if (is(g2, "graphNEL")) {
m2 <- wgtMatrix(g2, transpose = FALSE)
m2[m2 != 0] <- 1
shd <- 0
## Remove superfluous edges from g1
s1 <- m1 + t(m1)
s2 <- m2 + t(m2)
s1[s1 == 2] <- 1
s2[s2 == 2] <- 1
ds <- s1 - s2
ind <- which(ds > 0)
m1[ind] <- 0
shd <- shd + length(ind)/2
## Add missing edges to g1
ind <- which(ds < 0)
m1[ind] <- m2[ind]
shd <- shd + length(ind)/2
## Compare Orientation
d <- abs(m1-m2)
## return
shd + sum((d + t(d)) > 0)/2
## New in V8 ; uses vcd package
ci.test <- function(x,y, S = NULL, dm.df) {
stopifnot(, ncol(dm.df) > 1)
tab <- table(dm.df[,c(x,y,S)])
if (any(dim(tab) < 2))
else if (length(S) == 0)
fisher.test(tab, simulate.p.value = TRUE)$p.value
flipEdges <- function(amat,ind) {
res <- amat
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
x <- ind[i,]
res[x[1],x[2]] <- amat[x[2],x[1]]
res[x[2],x[1]] <- amat[x[1],x[2]]
pdag2dag <- function(g, keepVstruct = TRUE) {
## Purpose: Generate a consistent extension of a PDAG to a DAG; if this
## is not possible, a random extension of the skeleton is returned and
## a warning is issued.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - g: PDAG (graph object)
## - keepVstruct: TRUE - vStructures are kept
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: Sep 2006; tweaks: Martin M
not.yet <- FALSE
if (numEdges(g) == 0) {
graph <- g
} else {
gm <- wgtMatrix(g) ## gm_i_j is edge from j to i
storage.mode(gm) <- "integer"
gm[which(gm > 0 & gm != 1)] <- 1L
a <- gm2 <- gm
cn2 <- colnames(gm2)
go.on <- TRUE
while(go.on && length(a) > 1 && sum(a) > 0) {
not.yet <- TRUE
sinks <- find.sink(a)
if (length(sinks) > 0) {
counter <- 1L
while(not.yet && counter <= length(sinks)) {
x <- sinks[counter]
if (!keepVstruct || adj.check(a,x)) {
not.yet <- FALSE
## orient edges <- which(a[,x] == 1L & a[x,] == 1L) ## undirected
if (length( > 0) {
## map var.names to col pos in orig adj matrix
## bug: <- as.numeric(rownames(a)[]) <- which(cn2 %in% rownames(a)[])
real.x <- which(cn2 %in% rownames(a)[x])
gm2[real.x,] <- 1L
gm2[, real.x] <- 0L
## remove x and all edges connected to it
a <- a[-x,-x]
counter <- counter + 1L
go.on <- !not.yet
}## { while }
graph <- if (not.yet) {
## warning("PDAG not extendible: Random DAG on skeleton drawn")
as(amat2dag(gm), "graphNEL")
} else ## success :
as(t(gm2), "graphNEL")
list(graph = graph, success = !not.yet)
udag2pdagSpecial <- function(gInput, verbose = FALSE, n.max = 100) {
## Purpose: Transform the Skeleton of a pcAlgo-object to a PDAG using
## the rules of Pearl. The output is again a pcAlgo-object. Ambiguous
## v-structures are reoriented until extendable or max number of tries
## is reached. If still not extendable, a DAG is produced starting from the
## current PDAG even if introducing new v-structures.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gInput: pcAlgo object
## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
## - n.max: Maximal number of tries to reorient v-strucutres
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values:
## - pcObj: Oriented pc-Object
## - evisit: Matrix counting the number of orientation attemps per edge
## - xtbl.orig: Is original graph with v-structure extendable
## - xtbl: Is final graph with v-structure extendable
## - amat0: Adj.matrix of original graph with v-structures
## - amat1: Adj.matrix of graph with v-structures after reorienting
## edges from double edge visits
## - status:
## 0: original try is extendable
## 1: reorienting double edge visits helps
## 2: orig. try is not extendable; reorienting double visits don't help;
## result is acyclic, has orig. v-structures, but perhaps
## additional v-structures
## - counter: Number of reorientation tries until success or max.tries
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: Sep 2006, 15:03
counter <- 0
res <- gInput
status <- 0
p <- length(nodes(res@graph))
evisit <- amat0 <- amat1 <- matrix(0,p,p)
xtbl <- xtbl.orig <- TRUE
if (numEdges(gInput@graph) > 0) {
g <- as(gInput@graph,"matrix") ## g_ij if i->j
p <- dim(g)[1]
pdag <- g
ind <- which(g == 1,arr.ind = TRUE)
## ind <- unique(t(apply(ind,1,sort)))
## Create minimal pattern
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
x <- ind[i,1]
y <- ind[i,2]
allZ <- setdiff(which(g[y,] == 1),x) ## x-y-z
for(z in allZ) {
if ((g[x,z] == 0) &&
!(y %in% gInput@sepset[[x]][[z]] ||
y %in% gInput@sepset[[z]][[x]])) {
if (verbose) {
## check if already in other direction directed
if (pdag[x,y] == 0 && pdag[y,x] == 1) {
evisit[x,y] <- evisit[x,y] + 1
evisit[y,x] <- evisit[y,x] + 1
if (pdag[z,y] == 0 && pdag[y,z] == 1) {
evisit[z,y] <- evisit[z,y] + 1
evisit[y,z] <- evisit[y,z] + 1
pdag[x,y] <- pdag[z,y] <- 1
pdag[y,x] <- pdag[y,z] <- 0
} ## if
} ## for
} ## for ( i )
amat0 <- pdag
## Test whether this pdag allows a consistent extension
res2 <- pdag2dag(as(pdag,"graphNEL"))
xtbl <- res2$success
xtbl.orig <- xtbl
if (!xtbl && (max(evisit) > 0)) {
tmp.ind2 <- unique(which(evisit > 0,arr.ind = TRUE))
ind2 <- unique(t(apply(tmp.ind2,1,sort)))
## print(ind2)
n <- nrow(ind2)
n.max <- min(2^n-1,n.max)
counter <- 0
## xtbl is FALSE because of if condition
while((counter < n.max) & !xtbl) {
## if (counter%%100 == 0) cat("\n counter=",counter,"\n")
counter <- counter + 1
dgBase <- digitsBase(counter)
dgBase <- dgBase[length(dgBase):1]
## print(dgBase)
indBase <- matrix(0,1,n)
indBase[1,seq_along(dgBase)] <- dgBase
## indTmp <- ind2[ss[[counter]],,drop=FALSE]
indTmp <- ind2[(indBase == 1),,drop = FALSE]
## print(indTmp)
pdagTmp <- flipEdges(pdag,indTmp)
resTmp <- pdag2dag(as(pdagTmp,"graphNEL"))
xtbl <- resTmp$success
pdag <- pdagTmp
status <- 1
amat1 <- pdag
if (xtbl) {
## Convert to complete pattern: use rules by Pearl
old_pdag <- matrix(0, p,p)
while (any(old_pdag != pdag)) {
old_pdag <- pdag
## rule 1
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 0), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[b,] == 1 & pdag[,b] == 1) & (pdag[a,] == 0 & pdag[,a] == 0))
if (length(indC) > 0) {
pdag[b,indC] <- 1
pdag[indC,b] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1:",a,"->",b," and ",b,"-",indC,
" where ",a," and ",indC," not connected: ",b,"->",indC,"\n")
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule1")
## rule 2
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,] == 1 & pdag[,a] == 0) & (pdag[,b] == 1 & pdag[b,] == 0))
if (length(indC) > 0) {
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 2: Kette ",a,"->",indC,"->",
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule2")
## rule 3
ind <- which((pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a - b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,] == 1 & pdag[,a] == 1) & (pdag[,b] == 1 & pdag[b,] == 0))
if (length(indC) >= 2) {
## cat("R3: indC = ",indC,"\n")
g2 <- pdag[indC,indC]
## print(g2)
if (length(g2) <= 1) {
g2 <- 0
} else {
diag(g2) <- rep(1,length(indC)) ## no self reference
if (any(g2 == 0)) { ## if two nodes in g2 are not connected
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 3:",a,"->",b,"\n")
res@graph <- as(pdag,"graphNEL")
} else {
res@graph <- dag2cpdag(pdag2dag(as(pdag,"graphNEL"),keepVstruct = FALSE)$graph)
status <- 2
## res@graph <- res2$graph
list(pcObj = res, evisit = evisit, xtbl = xtbl, xtbl.orig = xtbl.orig,
amat0 = amat0, amat1 = amat1, status = status, counter = counter)
udag2pdagRelaxed <- function(gInput, verbose = FALSE, unfVect = NULL, solve.confl = FALSE, orientCollider = TRUE, rules = rep(TRUE, 3))
## Internal functions
## replace 'else if' branch in 'if( !solve.confl )' statement
orientConflictCollider <- function(pdag, x, y, z) { ## x - y - z
## pdag: amat, pdag[x,y] = 1 and pdag[y,x] = 0 means x -> y
## x,y,z: colnumber of nodes in pdag
## only used if conflicts should be solved
## orient x - y
if (pdag[x,y] == 1) {
## x --- y, x --> y => x --> y
pdag[y,x] <- 0
} else {
## x <-- y, x <-> y => x <-> y
pdag[x,y] <- pdag[y,x] <- 2
## orient z - y
if (pdag[z,y] == 1) {
## z --- y, z --> y => z --> y
pdag[y,z] <- 0
} else {
## z <-- y, z <-> y => z <-> y
pdag[z,y] <- pdag[y,z] <- 2
## TODO: include correct VERBOSE statements
rule1 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE, unfVect = NULL) {
## Rule 1: a -> b - c goes to a -> b -> c
## Interpretation: No new collider is introduced
## Out: Updated pdag
search.pdag <- pdag
ind <- which(pdag == 1 & t(pdag) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
b <- ind[i, 2]
## find all undirected neighbours of b not adjacent to a
isC <- which(search.pdag[b, ] == 1 & search.pdag[, b] == 1 &
search.pdag[a, ] == 0 & search.pdag[, a] == 0)
if (length(isC) > 0) {
for (ii in seq_along(isC)) {
c <- isC[ii]
## if the edge between b and c has not been oriented previously,
## orient it using normal R1
if (!solve.confl | (pdag[b,c] == 1 & pdag[c,b] == 1) ) { ## no conflict
## !! before, we checked search.pdag, not pdag !!
if (!is.null(unfVect)) { ## deal with unfaithful triples
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b, c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
## if unfaithful triple, don't orient
pdag[b, c] <- 1
pdag[c, b] <- 0
} else {
## don't care about unfaithful triples -> just orient
pdag[b, c] <- 1
pdag[c, b] <- 0
## cat("Rule 1\n")
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, " and ",
b, "-", c, " where ", a, " and ", c,
" not connected and ", a, b, c, " faithful triple: ",
b, "->", c, "\n")
} else if (pdag[b,c] == 0 & pdag[c,b] == 1) {
## conflict that must be solved
## solve conflict: if the edge is b <- c because of a previous
## orientation within for loop then output <->
if (!is.null(unfVect)) { ## deal with unfaithful triples
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b, c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
pdag[b, c] <- 2
pdag[c, b] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, "<-",
c, " but ", b, "->", c, "also possible and",
a, b, c, " faithful triple: ", a,"->", b, "<->", c,"\n")
} else {
## don't care about unfaithful triples -> just orient
pdag[b, c] <- 2
pdag[c, b] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1':", a, "->", b, "<-",
c, " but ", b, "->", c, "also possible and",
a, b, c, " faithful triple: ", a,"->", b, "<->", c,"\n")
} ## unfVect: if else
} ## conflict: if else
} ## for c
} ## if length(isC)
if (!solve.confl) search.pdag <- pdag
} ## for ind
rule2 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE) {
## Rule 2: a -> c -> b with a - b: a -> b
## Interpretation: Avoid cycle
## normal version = conservative version
search.pdag <- pdag
ind <- which(search.pdag == 1 & t(search.pdag) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
b <- ind[i, 2]
isC <- which(search.pdag[a, ] == 1 & search.pdag[, a] == 0 &
search.pdag[, b] == 1 & search.pdag[b, ] == 0)
for (ii in seq_along(isC)) {
c <- isC[ii]
## if the edge has not been oriented yet, orient it with R2
## always do this if you don't care about conflicts
if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 & pdag[b, a] == 1) ) {
pdag[a, b] <- 1
pdag[b, a] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 2: Chain ", a, "->", c,
"->", b, ":", a, "->", b, "\n")
## else if the edge has been oriented as a <- b by a previous R2
else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] == 1) {
pdag[a, b] <- 2
pdag[b, a] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 2: Chain ", a, "->", c,
"->", b, ":", a, "<->", b, "\n")
if (!solve.confl) search.pdag <- pdag
rule3 <- function(pdag, solve.confl = FALSE, unfVect = NULL) {
## Rule 3: a-b, a-c1, a-c2, c1->b, c2->b but c1 and c2 not connected;
## then a-b => a -> b
search.pdag <- pdag
ind <- which(search.pdag == 1 & t(search.pdag) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
b <- ind[i, 2]
c <- which(search.pdag[a, ] == 1 & search.pdag[, a] == 1 &
search.pdag[, b] == 1 & search.pdag[b, ] == 0)
if (length(c) >= 2) {
cmb.C <- combn(c, 2)
cC1 <- cmb.C[1, ]
cC2 <- cmb.C[2, ]
for (j in seq_along(cC1)) {
c1 <- cC1[j]
c2 <- cC2[j]
if (search.pdag[c1, c2] == 0 && search.pdag[c2,c1] == 0) {
if (!is.null(unfVect)) {
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c1, a, c2), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c2, a, c1), na.rm = TRUE)) {
## if the edge has not been oriented yet, orient it with R3
if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 & pdag[b, a] == 1) ) {
pdag[a, b] <- 1
pdag[b, a] <- 0
if (!solve.confl) search.pdag <- pdag
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
a, "->", b, "\n")
## else if: we care about conflicts and the edge has been oriented as a <- b by a previous R3
else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] == 1) {
pdag[a, b] <- pdag[b, a] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
a, "<->", b, "\n")
} ## if solve conflict
} ## if unf. triple found
} else { ## if care about unf. triples; else don't care
if (!solve.confl | (pdag[a, b] == 1 & pdag[b, a] == 1) ) {
pdag[a, b] <- 1
pdag[b, a] <- 0
if (!solve.confl) search.pdag <- pdag
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
a, "->", b, "\n")
## else if: we care about conflicts and the edge has been oriented as a <- b by a previous R3
else if (pdag[a, b] == 0 & pdag[b, a] == 1) {
pdag[a, b] <- pdag[b, a] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3':", a, c1, c2, "faithful triple: ",
a, "<->", b, "\n")
} ## if solve conflict
} ## if care about unf. triples
} ## if c1 and c2 are not adjecent
} ## for all pairs of c's
} ## if at least two c's are found
} ## for all undirected edges
## Main
## prepare adjacency matrix of skeleton
if (numEdges(gInput@graph) == 0)
g <- as(gInput@graph, "matrix")
p <- nrow(g)
pdag <- g
## orient collider
if (orientCollider) {
ind <- which(g == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
x <- ind[i, 1]
y <- ind[i, 2]
allZ <- setdiff(which(g[y, ] == 1), x) ## x - y - z
for (z in allZ) {
## check collider condition
if (g[x, z] == 0 &&
!((y %in% gInput@sepset[[x]][[z]]) ||
(y %in% gInput@sepset[[z]][[x]]))) {
if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## no unfaithful triples
if (!solve.confl) { ## don't solve conflicts
pdag[x, y] <- pdag[z, y] <- 1
pdag[y, x] <- pdag[y, z] <- 0
} else { ## solve conflicts
pdag <- orientConflictCollider(pdag, x, y, z)
} else { ## unfaithful triples are present
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, x, y, z), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, z, y, x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (!solve.confl) { ## don't solve conflicts
pdag[x, y] <- pdag[z, y] <- 1
pdag[y, x] <- pdag[y, z] <- 0
} else { ## solve conflicts
pdag <- orientConflictCollider(pdag, x, y, z)
} ## for z
} ## for i
} ## end: Orient collider
## Rules 1 - 3
repeat {
old_pdag <- pdag
if (rules[1]) {
pdag <- rule1(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl, unfVect = unfVect)
if (rules[2]) {
pdag <- rule2(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl)
if (rules[3]) {
pdag <- rule3(pdag, solve.confl = solve.confl, unfVect = unfVect)
if (all(pdag == old_pdag))
} ## repeat
gInput@graph <- as(pdag, "graphNEL")
##' @title
##' @param C covariance matrix
##' @param y column of response
##' @param x columns of expl. vars
##' @return
lm.cov <- function (C, y, x) {
solve(C[x, x], C[x, y, drop = FALSE])[1, ]
causalEffect <- function(g,y,x) {
## Compute true causal effect of x on y in g
wmat <- wgtMatrix(g)
p <- ncol(wmat)
vec <- matrix(0,p,1)
vec[x] <- 1
## compute and return beta_{true} :
if(y-x > 1) {
for (i in (x+1):y) vec[i] <- wmat[i,]%*%vec
} else {
} <- function(amat,amatSkel, x, pa1, pa2.t, pa2.f) {
## Check if undirected edges that are pointed to x create a new v-structure
## Additionally check, if edges that are pointed away from x create
## new v-structure; i.e. x -> pa <- papa would be problematic
## pa1 are definit parents of x
## pa2 are undirected "parents" of x
## pa2.t are the nodes in pa2 that are directed towards pa2
## pa2.f are the nodes in pa2 that are directed away from pa2
## Value is TRUE, if new collider is introduced
res <- FALSE
if (length(pa2.t) > 0 && !all( {
## check whether all pa1 and all pa2.t are connected;
## if no, there is a new collider
if (length(pa1) > 0 && !all( {
res <- min(amatSkel[pa1, pa2.t]) == 0 ## TRUE if new collider
## in addition, all pa2.t have to be connected
if (!res && length(pa2.t) > 1) {
A2 <- amatSkel[pa2.t,pa2.t]
diag(A2) <- 1
res <- min(A2) == 0 ## TRUE if new collider
if (!res && length(pa2.f) > 0 && !all( {
## consider here only the DIRECTED Parents of pa2.f
## remove undirected edges
A <- amat-t(amat)
A[A < 0] <- 0
## find parents of pa2.f
cA <- colSums(A[pa2.f,,drop = FALSE])
papa <- setdiff(which(cA != 0), x)
## if any node in papa is not directly connected to x, there is a new
## collider
if (length(papa) > 0)
res <- min(amatSkel[x,papa]) == 0 ## TRUE if new collider
pcAlgo.Perfect <- function(C, cutoff = 1e-8, corMethod = "standard", verbose = 0,
directed = FALSE, u2pd = "rand", psepset = FALSE) {
## Purpose: Perform PC-Algorithm, i.e., estimate skeleton of DAG given data
## Output is an unoriented graph object
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - C: True Correlation matrix
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - corMethod: "standard" or "Qn" for standard or robust correlation
## estimation
## - verbose: 0-no output, 1-small output, 2-details
## - u2pd: Function for converting udag to pdag
## "rand": udag2pdag
## "relaxed": udag2pdagRelaxed
## "retry": udag2pdagSpecial
## - psepset: Also check possible sep sets.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006; Martin Maechler
## Modification: Diego Colombo, Sept 2009
## backward compatibility
stopifnot((p <- nrow(C)) >= 2)
cl <-
seq_p <- seq_len(p)# 1:p
pcMin <- matrix(Inf, p,p)
diag(pcMin) <- 0
sepset <- pl <- vector("list",p)
for (i in seq_p) sepset[[i]] <- pl
n.edgetests <- numeric(1)# final length = max { ord}
## G := complete graph :
G <- matrix(TRUE, p,p)
diag(G) <- FALSE
done <- FALSE
ord <- 0L
while (!done && any(G)) {
n.edgetests[ord+1] <- 0
done <- TRUE
ind <- which(G, arr.ind = TRUE)
## For comparison with C++ sort according to first row
ind <- ind[order(ind[,1]), ]
remEdges <- nrow(ind)
if(verbose >= 1)
cat("Order=",ord,"; remaining edges:",remEdges,"\n", sep = '')
for (i in 1:remEdges) {
if(verbose && (verbose >= 2 || i%%100 == 0)) cat("|i=",i,"|iMax=",remEdges,"\n")
x <- ind[i,1]
y <- ind[i,2]
## done <- !G[y,x] # i.e. (x,y) was not already deleted in its (y,x) "version"
## if(!done) {
if (G[y,x]) {
nbrsBool <- G[,x]
nbrsBool[y] <- FALSE
nbrs <- seq_p[nbrsBool]
length_nbrs <- length(nbrs)
## if(verbose)
## done <- length_nbrs < ord
## if (!done) {
if (length_nbrs >= ord) {
if (length_nbrs > ord) done <- FALSE
S <- seq_len(ord)
## now includes special cases (ord == 0) or (length_nbrs == 1):
repeat { ## condition all nbrs[S] of size 'ord' :
## if (condIndFisherZ(x,y, nbrs[S], C,n, cutoff,verbose)) {
## MM: want to use this: --- but it changes the result in some cases!!
## cat("X=",x,"|Y=",y,"|ord=",ord,"|nbrs=",nbrs[S],"|iMax=",remEdges,"\n")
n.edgetests[ord+1] <- n.edgetests[ord+1]+1
pc.val <- pcorOrder(x,y,nbrs[S],C)
if (abs(pc.val) < pcMin[x,y]) pcMin[x,y] <- abs(pc.val)
if (verbose >= 2) cat(paste("x:",x,"y:",y,"S:"),nbrs[S],paste("pc:",pc.val,"\n"))
if (abs(pc.val) <= cutoff) {
## ## pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE) is the p-value
G[x,y] <- G[y,x] <- FALSE
sepset[[x]][[y]] <- nbrs[S]
else {
nextSet <- getNextSet(length_nbrs, ord, S)
S <- nextSet$nextSet
} } ## end if(!done)
} ## end for(i ..)
ord <- ord+1L
## n.edgetests[ord] <- remEdges
if (psepset) {
amat <- G
ind <- which(G, arr.ind = TRUE)
storage.mode(amat) <- "integer" # (TRUE, FALSE) --> (1, 0)
## Orient colliders
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
x <- ind[i,1]
y <- ind[i,2]
allZ <- setdiff(which(amat[y,] == 1L),x) ## x-y-z
if (length(allZ) > 0) {
for (j in seq_along(allZ)) {
z <- allZ[j]
if ((amat[x,z] == 0L) && !((y %in% sepset[[x]][[z]]) | (y %in% sepset[[z]][[x]]))) {
if (verbose == 2) {
## x o-> y <-o z
amat[x,y] <- amat[z,y] <- 2L
} ## if
} ## for
} ## if
} ## for
## Compute poss. sepsets
for (x in 1:p) {
attr(x,'class') <- 'possibledsep'
if (any(amat[x,] != 0L)) {
tf1 <- setdiff(reach(x,-1,-1,amat),x)
for (y in seq_p[amat[x,] != 0L]) {
## tf = possible_d_sep(amat,x,y)
tf <- setdiff(tf1,y)
## test
if (length(tf) > 0) {
pc.val <- pcorOrder(x,y,tf,C)
if (abs(pc.val) < pcMin[x,y]) {
pcMin[x,y] <- abs(pc.val)
if (abs(pc.val) <= cutoff) {
## delete x-y
amat[x,y] <- amat[y,x] <- 0L
## save pos d-sepset in sepset
sepset[[x]][[y]] <- tf
if (verbose == 2) {
cat("Delete edge",x,"-",y,"\n")
if (verbose == 2) {
cat("Possible-D-Sep of", x, "and", y, "is", tf, " - pc = ",pc.val,"\n")
G[amat == 0L] <- FALSE
G[amat == 1L] <- TRUE
} ## end if(psepset)
if(verbose >= 1) { cat("Final graph adjacency matrix:\n"); print(symnum(G)) }
## transform matrix to graph object :
if (sum(G) == 0) {
Gobject <- new("graphNEL", nodes = as.character(seq_p))
else {
colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- as.character(seq_p)
Gobject <- as(G,"graphNEL")
for (i in 1:(p-1)) {
for (j in 2:p) {
pcMin[i,j] <- pcMin[j,i] <- min(pcMin[i,j],pcMin[j,i])
res <- new("pcAlgo",
graph = Gobject,
call = cl, n = as.integer(1), max.ord = as.integer(ord-1),
n.edgetests = n.edgetests, sepset = sepset,
zMin = pcMin)
if (directed)
"rand" = udag2pdag(res),
"retry" = udag2pdagSpecial(res)$pcObj,
"relaxed" = udag2pdagRelaxed(res))
}## pcAlgo.Perfect
### reach(): currently only called from pcAlgo() and pcAlgo.Perfect()
### ------- and only in "possibledsep" version
## Function that computes the Possible d-sepset, done by Spirtes
reach <- function(a,b,c,adjacency)
## reachable set of vertices;
## edgeslist array[1..maxvertex] of list of edges
## numvertex integer
## labeled array (by depth) of list of edges that have been labeled
makeedge <- function(x,y) list(list(x,y))
legal.pdsep <- function(r,s) {
## Modifying global 'edgeslist'
if ((adjacency[r[[1]],r[[2]]] == 2 &&
adjacency[s, r[[2]]] == 2 && r[[1]] != s) ||
(adjacency[r[[1]],s] != 0 && r[[1]] != s)) {
edgeslist[[r[[2]]]] <<- setdiff(edgeslist[[r[[2]]]],s)
initialize.pdsep <- function(x,y) mapply(makeedge, x = x, y = y)
labeled <- list()
numvertex <- dim(adjacency)[1]
edgeslist <- list()
for (i in 1:numvertex)
edgeslist <- c(edgeslist,list(which(adjacency[,i] != 0)))
labeled[[1]] <- initialize.pdsep(a, edgeslist[[a]])
edgeslist[[a]] <- list()
depth <- 2
repeat {
labeled[[depth]] <- list()
for (i in seq_along(labeled[[depth-1]])) {
lab.i <- labeled[[depth-1]][[i]]
edgestemp <- edgeslist[[lab.i[[2]]]]
if (length(edgestemp) == 0) break
for (j in seq_along(edgestemp))
labeled[[depth]] <- union(legal.pdsep(lab.i, edgestemp[[j]]),
if (length(labeled[[depth]]) == 0)
## else :
depth <- depth + 1
skeleton <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p,
method = c("stable", "original", ""), m.max = Inf,
fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL,
NAdelete = TRUE, numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Perform undirected part of PC-Algorithm, i.e.,
## estimate skeleton of DAG given data
## Order-independent version! NEU
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - suffStat: List containing all necessary elements for the conditional
## independence decisions in the function "indepTest".
## - indepTest: predefined function for testing conditional independence
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - fixedGaps: the adjacency matrix of the graph from which the algorithm
## should start (logical); gaps fixed here are not changed
## - fixedEdges: Edges marked here are not changed (logical)
## - NAdelete: delete edge if pval=NA (for discrete data)
## - m.max: maximal size of conditioning set
## - numCores: number of cores to be used for calculation if
## method = ""
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - G, sepset, pMax, ord, n.edgetests
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 09.12.2009
## Modification: Diego Colombo; Martin Maechler; Alain Hauser
## x,y,S konstruieren
##- tst <- try(indepTest(x,y,S, obj))
##- if(inherits(tst, "try-error"))
##- stop("the 'indepTest' function does not work correctly with 'obj'")
cl <-
if(!missing(p)) stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p <- as.integer(p)) == 1, p >= 2)
if(missing(labels)) {
if(missing(p)) stop("need to specify 'labels' or 'p'")
labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
} else { ## use labels ==> p from it
p <- length(labels)
else if(p != length(labels))
stop("'p' is not needed when 'labels' is specified, and must match length(labels)")
## Don't want message, in case this is called e.g. from fciPlus():
## else
## message("No need to specify 'p', when 'labels' is given")
seq_p <- seq_len(p)
method <- match.arg(method)
## C++ version still has problems under Windows; will have to check why
## if (method == "" && .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
## method <- "stable"
## warning("Method '' is not available under Windows; using 'stable' instead.")
## }
## G := !fixedGaps, i.e. G[i,j] is true iff i--j will be investigated
if (is.null(fixedGaps)) {
G <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = p, ncol = p)
else if (!identical(dim(fixedGaps), c(p, p)))
stop("Dimensions of the dataset and fixedGaps do not agree.")
else if (!identical(fixedGaps, t(fixedGaps)) )
stop("fixedGaps must be symmetric")
G <- !fixedGaps
diag(G) <- FALSE
if (any(is.null(fixedEdges))) { ## MM: could be sparse
fixedEdges <- matrix(rep(FALSE, p * p), nrow = p, ncol = p)
else if (!identical(dim(fixedEdges), c(p, p)))
stop("Dimensions of the dataset and fixedEdges do not agree.")
else if (!identical(fixedEdges, t(fixedEdges)) )
stop("fixedEdges must be symmetric")
## Check number of cores
stopifnot((is.integer(numCores) || is.numeric(numCores)) && numCores > 0)
if (numCores > 1 && method != "") {
warning("Argument numCores ignored: parallelization only available for method = ''")
if (method == "") {
## Do calculation in C++...
if (identical(indepTest, gaussCItest))
indepTestName <- "gauss"
indepTestName <- "rfun"
options <- list(
verbose = as.integer(verbose),
m.max = as.integer(ifelse(is.infinite(m.max), p, m.max)),
NAdelete = NAdelete,
numCores = numCores)
res <- .Call(estimateSkeleton,
G, suffStat, indepTestName, indepTest, alpha, fixedEdges, options)
G <- res$amat
## sepset <- res$sepset
sepset <- lapply(seq_p, function(i) c(
lapply(res$sepset[[i]], function(v) if(identical(v, as.integer(-1))) NULL else v),
vector("list", p - length(res$sepset[[i]])))) # TODO change convention: make sepset triangular
pMax <- res$pMax
n.edgetests <- res$n.edgetests
ord <- length(n.edgetests) - 1L
else {
## Original R version
pval <- NULL
sepset <- lapply(seq_p, function(.) vector("list",p))# a list of lists [p x p]
## save maximal p value
pMax <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = p, ncol = p)
diag(pMax) <- 1
done <- FALSE
ord <- 0L
n.edgetests <- numeric(1)# final length = max { ord}
while (!done && any(G) && ord <= m.max) {
n.edgetests[ord1 <- ord+1L] <- 0
done <- TRUE
ind <- which(G, arr.ind = TRUE)
## For comparison with C++ sort according to first row
ind <- ind[order(ind[, 1]), ]
remEdges <- nrow(ind)
if (verbose)
cat("Order=", ord, "; remaining edges:", remEdges,"\n",sep = "")
if(method == "stable") {
## Order-independent version: Compute the adjacency sets for any vertex
## Then don't update when edges are deleted
G.l <- split(G, gl(p,p))
for (i in 1:remEdges) {
if(verbose && (verbose >= 2 || i%%100 == 0)) cat("|i=", i, "|iMax=", remEdges, "\n")
x <- ind[i, 1]
y <- ind[i, 2]
if (G[y, x] && !fixedEdges[y, x]) {
nbrsBool <- if(method == "stable") G.l[[x]] else G[,x]
nbrsBool[y] <- FALSE
nbrs <- seq_p[nbrsBool]
length_nbrs <- length(nbrs)
if (length_nbrs >= ord) {
if (length_nbrs > ord)
done <- FALSE
S <- seq_len(ord)
repeat { ## condition all nbrs[S] of size 'ord'
n.edgetests[ord1] <- n.edgetests[ord1] + 1
pval <- indepTest(x, y, nbrs[S], suffStat)
if (verbose)
cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " S=", nbrs[S], ": pval =", pval, "\n")
pval <- as.numeric(NAdelete) ## = if(NAdelete) 1 else 0
if (pMax[x, y] < pval)
pMax[x, y] <- pval
if(pval >= alpha) { # independent
G[x, y] <- G[y, x] <- FALSE
sepset[[x]][[y]] <- nbrs[S]
else {
nextSet <- getNextSet(length_nbrs, ord, S)
if (nextSet$wasLast)
S <- nextSet$nextSet
} ## repeat
}# for( i )
ord <- ord + 1L
} ## while()
for (i in 1:(p - 1)) {
for (j in 2:p)
pMax[i, j] <- pMax[j, i] <- max(pMax[i, j], pMax[j,i])
## transform matrix to graph object :
Gobject <-
if (sum(G) == 0) {
new("graphNEL", nodes = labels)
} else {
colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- labels
## final object
new("pcAlgo", graph = Gobject, call = cl, n = integer(0),
max.ord = as.integer(ord - 1), n.edgetests = n.edgetests,
sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, zMin = matrix(NA, 1, 1))
}## end{ skeleton }
pc <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p,
fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL, NAdelete = TRUE, m.max = Inf,
u2pd = c("relaxed", "rand", "retry"),
skel.method = c("stable", "original", ""),
conservative = FALSE, maj.rule = FALSE,
solve.confl = FALSE, numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Perform PC-Algorithm, i.e., estimate skeleton of DAG given data
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - dm: Data matrix (rows: samples, cols: nodes)
## - C: correlation matrix (only for continuous)
## - n: sample size
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - corMethod: "standard" or "Qn" for standard or robust correlation
## estimation
## - G: the adjacency matrix of the graph from which the algorithm
## should start (logical)
## - datatype: distinguish between discrete and continuous data
## - NAdelete: delete edge if pval=NA (for discrete data)
## - m.max: maximal size of conditioning set
## - u2pd: Function for converting udag to pdag
## "rand": udag2pdag
## "relaxed": udag2pdagRelaxed
## "retry": udag2pdagSpecial
## - gTrue: Graph suffStatect of true DAG
## - conservative: If TRUE, conservative PC is done
## - numCores: handed to skeleton(), used for parallelization
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 26 Jan 2006; Martin Maechler
## Modifications: Sarah Gerster, Diego Colombo, Markus Kalisch
## Initial Checks
cl <-
if(!missing(p)) stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p <- as.integer(p)) == 1, p >= 2)
if(missing(labels)) {
if(missing(p)) stop("need to specify 'labels' or 'p'")
labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
} else { ## use labels ==> p from it
if(missing(p)) {
p <- length(labels)
} else if(p != length(labels))
stop("'p' is not needed when 'labels' is specified, and must match length(labels)")
message("No need to specify 'p', when 'labels' is given")
u2pd <- match.arg(u2pd)
skel.method <- match.arg(skel.method)
if(u2pd != "relaxed") {
if (conservative || maj.rule)
stop("Conservative PC and majority rule PC can only be run with 'u2pd = relaxed'")
if (solve.confl)
stop("Versions of PC using lists for the orientation rules (and possibly bi-directed edges)\n can only be run with 'u2pd = relaxed'")
if (conservative && maj.rule) stop("Choose either conservative PC or majority rule PC!")
## Skeleton
skel <- skeleton(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels = labels, method = skel.method,
fixedGaps = fixedGaps, fixedEdges = fixedEdges,
NAdelete=NAdelete, m.max=m.max, numCores=numCores, verbose=verbose)
skel@call <- cl # so that makes it into result
## Orient edges
if (!conservative && !maj.rule) {
switch (u2pd,
"rand" = udag2pdag(skel),
"retry" = udag2pdagSpecial(skel)$pcObj,
"relaxed" = udag2pdagRelaxed(skel, verbose = verbose, solve.confl = solve.confl))
else { ## u2pd "relaxed" : conservative _or_ maj.rule
## version.unf defined per default
## Tetrad CPC works with version.unf=c(2,1)
## see comment on pc.cons.intern for description of version.unf
pc. <- pc.cons.intern(skel, suffStat, indepTest, alpha,
version.unf = c(2,1), maj.rule = maj.rule, verbose = verbose)
udag2pdagRelaxed(pc.$sk, verbose = verbose,
unfVect = pc.$unfTripl, solve.confl = solve.confl)
} ## {pc}
gSquareBin <- function(x, y, S, dm, adaptDF = FALSE, n.min = 10*df,
verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: G^2 statistic to test for (conditional) independence
## of *binary* variables X and Y given S --> ../man/binCItest.Rd
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x,y,S: Are x,y conditionally independent given S (S can be NULL)?
## - dm: data matrix (rows: samples, columns: variables) with binary entries
## - verbose: if TRUE, some additional info is outputted during the
## computations
## - adaptDF: lower the degrees of freedom by one for each zero count.
## The value for the DF cannot go below 1.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot((n <- nrow(dm)) >= 1) # nr of samples
if(!all(as.logical(dm) == dm))
stop("'dm' must be binary, i.e. with values in {0,1}")
if(verbose) cat('Edge ',x,'--',y, ' with subset S =', S,'\n')
lenS <- length(S)
## degrees of freedom assuming no structural zeros
df <- 2^lenS
if (n < n.min) { ## not enough samples to perform the test:
"n=%d is too small (n < n.min = %d ) for G^2 test (=> treated as independence)",
n, n.min), domain = NA)
return( 1 )
## else -- enough data to perform the test
d.x1 <- dm[,x] + 1L
d.y1 <- dm[,y] + 1L
if(lenS <= 5) { # bei gSquareDis lenS <= 4
n12 <- 1:2
switch(lenS+1L, {
## lenS == 0 ----------------------------------
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2)) # really 'nij', but 'nijk' is "global" name
for (i in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for (j in n12)
nijk[i,j] <- sum(d.x.i & d.y1 == j)
## marginal counts
## compute G^2
t.log <- n*(nijk / tcrossprod(rowSums(nijk), colSums(nijk)))
} ,
{ ## lenS == 1 ----------------------------------
## a.pos <- sort(c(x,y,S))
dmS.1 <- dm[,S] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,2))
for(i in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for(j in n12) {
d.x.i.y.j <- d.x.i & d.y1 == j
for(k in n12)
nijk[i,j,k] <- sum(d.x.i.y.j & dmS.1 == k)
alt <- c(x,y,S)
c <- which(alt == S)
nik <- apply(nijk,c,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,c,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0,c(2,2,2))
if(c == 3) {
for (k in n12)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} else if(c == 1) {
for (k in n12)
t.log[k,,] <- nijk[k,,]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} else { ## c == 2 (?)
for (k in n12)
t.log[,k,] <- nijk[,k,]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} ,
{ ## lenS == 2 ----------------------------------
## a.pos <- sort(c(x,y,S))
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
nijk2 <- array(0L, c(2,2,2,2))
for(i in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for(j in n12) {
d.x.i.y.j <- d.x.i & d.y1 == j
for(k in n12) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.i.y.j & dmS1.1 == k
for(l in n12)
nijk2[i,j,k,l] <- sum(d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == l)
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,4))
for(i in n12) {
for(j in n12)
nijk[,,2*(i-1)+j] <- nijk2[,,i,j]
nik <- apply(nijk,3,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,3,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0,c(2,2,4))
for (k in 1:4)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} ,
{ ## lenS == 3 ----------------------------------
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
dmS3.1 <- dm[,S[3]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,8))
for(i1 in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i1
for(i2 in n12) {
d.x.y.i12 <- d.x.i & d.y1 == i2
for(i3 in n12) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.y.i12 & dmS1.1 == i3
for(i4 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2 <- d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == i4
for(i5 in n12)
nijk[i1,i2,4*(i3-1)+2*(i4-1)+i5] <-
sum(d.xy.S1S2 & dmS3.1 == i5)
nik <- apply(nijk, 3, rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk, 3, colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0,c(2,2,8))
for (k in 1:8)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} ,
{ ## lenS == 4 ----------------------------------
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
dmS3.1 <- dm[,S[3]] + 1L
dmS4.1 <- dm[,S[4]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,16))
for(i1 in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i1
for(i2 in n12) {
d.x.y.i12 <- d.x.i & d.y1 == i2
for(i3 in n12) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.y.i12 & dmS1.1 == i3
for(i4 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2 <- d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == i4
for(i5 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2S3 <- d.xy.S1S2 & dmS3.1 == i5
for(i6 in n12)
nijk[i1,i2,8*(i3-1)+4*(i4-1)+2*(i5-1)+i6] <-
sum(d.xy.S1S2S3 & dmS4.1 == i6)
nik <- apply(nijk,3,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,3,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(2,2,16))
for (k in 1:16)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
} ,
{ ## lenS == 5 ----------------------------------
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
dmS3.1 <- dm[,S[3]] + 1L
dmS4.1 <- dm[,S[4]] + 1L
dmS5.1 <- dm[,S[5]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,32))
for(i1 in n12) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i1
for(i2 in n12) {
d.x.y.i12 <- d.x.i & d.y1 == i2
for(i3 in n12) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.y.i12 & dmS1.1 == i3
for(i4 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2 <- d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == i4
for(i5 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2S3 <- d.xy.S1S2 & dmS3.1 == i5
for(i6 in n12) {
d.xy.S1S2S3S4 <- d.xy.S1S2S3 & dmS4.1 == i6
for(i7 in n12)
nijk[i1,i2,16*(i3-1)+8*(i4-1)+4*(i5-1)+2*(i6-1)+i7] <-
sum(d.xy.S1S2S3S4 & dmS5.1 == i7)
nik <- apply(nijk,3,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,3,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0,c(2,2,32))
for (k in 1:32)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k], njk[,k]))
})# end {lenS = 5}, end{switch}
else { # --- |S| >= 6 -------------------------------------------------
nijk <- array(0L, c(2,2,1))
## first sample 'by hand' to avoid if/else in the for-loop
i <- d.x1[1]
j <- d.y1[1]
## create directly a list of all k's -- MM{FIXME}: there must be a better way
k <- NULL
lapply(as.list(S), function(x) { k <<- cbind(k,dm[,x]+1); NULL })
## first set of subset values
parents.count <- 1L ## counter variable corresponding to the number
## of value combinations for the subset varibales
## observed in the data
parents.val <- t(k[1,])
nijk[i,j,parents.count] <- 1L # cell counts
## Do the same for all other samples. If there is already a table
## for the subset values of the sample, increase the corresponding
## cell count. If not, create a new table and set the corresponding
## cell count to 1.
for (it.sample in 2:n) {
new.p <- TRUE
i <- d.x1[it.sample]
j <- d.y1[it.sample]
## comparing the current values of the subset variables to all
## already existing combinations of subset variables values
t.comp <- t(parents.val[1:parents.count,]) == k[it.sample,]
## Have to be careful here. When giving dimension to a list,
## R fills column after column, and NOT row after row.
dim(t.comp) <- c(lenS,parents.count)
for (it.parents in 1:parents.count) {
## check if the present combination of value alreay exists
if(all(t.comp[,it.parents])) {
## if yes, increase the corresponding cell count
nijk[i,j,it.parents] <- nijk[i,j,it.parents] + 1L
new.p <- FALSE
## if the combination of subset values is new...
if (new.p) {
## ...increase the number of subset 'types'
parents.count <- parents.count + 1L
if (verbose >= 2)
cat(sprintf(' adding new parents (count = %d) at sample %d\n',
parents.count, it.sample))
## ...add the new subset to the others
parents.val <- rbind(parents.val, k[it.sample,])
## ...update the cell counts (add new array)
nijk <- abind(nijk, array(0,c(2,2,1)))
nijk[i,j,parents.count] <- 1L
}## if(new.p)
}## end for(it.sample ..)
nik <- apply(nijk,3,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,3,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(2,2,parents.count))
for (k in 1:parents.count)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k] * (nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
} ## |S| >= 6
G2 <- sum(2 * nijk * log(t.log), na.rm = TRUE)
if (adaptDF && lenS > 0) {
## lower the degrees of freedom according to the amount of zero
## counts; add zero counts corresponding to the number of parents
## combinations that are missing
zero.counts <- sum(nijk == 0L) + 4*(2^lenS-dim(nijk)[3])
ndf <- max(1, df-zero.counts)
if(verbose) cat("adaptDF: (df=",df,", zero.counts=",zero.counts,
") ==> new df = ", ndf, "\n", sep = "")
df <- ndf
pchisq(G2, df, lower.tail = FALSE)# i.e. == 1 - P(..)
}## gSquareBin()
gSquareDis <- function(x, y, S, dm, nlev, adaptDF = FALSE, n.min = 10*df,
verbose = FALSE) {
## Purpose: G^2 statistic to test for (conditional) independence of
## __discrete__ X and Y given S --> ../man/disCItest.Rd
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x,y,S: Are x,y conditionally independent given S (S can be NULL)?
## - dm: data matrix (rows: samples, columns: variables) with
## discrete entries
## - nlev: vector with numbers of levels for each variable
## - verbose: if TRUE, some additional info is outputted during the
## computations
## - adaptDF: lower the degrees of freedom by one for each zero count.
## The value for the DF cannot go below 1.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
stopifnot((n <- nrow(dm)) >= 1, # nr of samples
(p <- ncol(dm)) >= 2) # nr of variables or nodes
if(!all(1 <= c(x,y,S) & c(x,y,S) <= p))
stop("x, y, and S must all be in {1,..,p}, p=",p)
if(any(as.integer(dm) != dm))
stop("'dm' must be discrete, with values in {0,1,..}")
if(!any(dm == 0))
stop("'dm' must have values in {0,1,..} with at least one '0' value")
if(verbose) cat('Edge ', x,'--',y, ' with subset S =', S,'\n')
lenS <- length(S)
if(missing(nlev) || is.null(nlev))
nlev <- vapply(seq_len(p),
function(j) length(levels(factor(dm[,j]))), 1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(nlev), length(nlev) == p, !
if(!all(nlev >= 2))
stop("Each variable, i.e., column of 'dm', must have at least two different values")
nl.x <- nlev[x]
nl.y <- nlev[y]
nl.S <- nlev[S]
## degrees of freedom assuming no structural zeros
df <- (nl.x-1)*(nl.y-1)*prod(nl.S)
if (n < n.min) { ## not enough samples to perform the test:
"n=%d is too small (n < n.min = %d ) for G^2 test (=> treated as independence)",
n, n.min), domain = NA)
return( 1 ) ## gerster prob=0
## else -- enough data to perform the test
i.ny <- seq_len(nl.y) # = 1:nl.y
lenS <- length(S)
d.x1 <- dm[,x] + 1L
d.y1 <- dm[,y] + 1L
if(lenS <= 4) { # bei gSquareBin lenS <= 5
switch(lenS+1L, { ## lenS == 0 -------------------
nij <- array(0L, c(nl.x,nl.y))
for (i in 1:nl.x) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for (j in i.ny)
nij[i,j] <- sum(d.x.i & d.y1 == j)
## marginal counts
t.X <- rowSums(nij)
t.Y <- colSums(nij)
## compute G^2
t.log <- n*(nij/ tcrossprod(t.X, t.Y))
t.G2 <- 2*nij * log(t.log)
t.G2[is.nan(t.G2)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
} ,
{ ## lenS == 1 ----------------------------------
in.S <- seq_len(nl.S)
dmS.1 <- dm[,S] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(nl.x,nl.y,nl.S))
for(i in 1:nl.x) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for(j in i.ny) {
d.x.i.y.j <- d.x.i & d.y1 == j
for(k in in.S)
nijk[i,j,k] <- sum(d.x.i.y.j & dmS.1 == k)
nik <- apply(nijk, 3, rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk, 3, colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(nl.x,nl.y,prod(nl.S)))
for (k in 1:prod(nl.S))
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
t.G2 <- 2 * nijk * log(t.log)
t.G2[is.nan(t.G2)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
} ,
{ ## lenS == 2 ----------------------------------
in.S1 <- seq_len(nl.S1 <- nl.S[1])
in.S2 <- seq_len(nl.S2 <- nl.S[2])
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(nl.x,nl.y,nl.S1*nl.S2))
for(i in 1:nl.x) {
d.x.i <- d.x1 == i
for(j in i.ny) {
d.x.i.y.j <- d.x.i & d.y1 == j
for(k in in.S1) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.i.y.j & dmS1.1 == k
for(l in in.S2)
nijk[i,j,nl.S2*(k-1)+l] <- sum(d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == l)
nik <- apply(nijk, 3, rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk, 3, colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(nl.x,nl.y,prod(nl.S)))
for (k in 1:prod(nl.S))
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
t.G2 <- 2 * nijk * log(t.log)
t.G2[is.nan(t.G2)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
} ,
{ ## lenS == 3 ----------------------------------
in.S1 <- seq_len(nl.S1 <- nl.S[1])
in.S2 <- seq_len(nl.S2 <- nl.S[2])
in.S3 <- seq_len(nl.S3 <- nl.S[3])
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
dmS3.1 <- dm[,S[3]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(nl.x,nl.y,prod(nl.S)))
for(i1 in 1:nl.x) {
d.x.i1 <- d.x1 == i1
for(i2 in i.ny) {
d.x.i1.y.i2 <- d.x.i1 & d.y1 == i2
for(i3 in in.S1) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.i1.y.i2 & dmS1.1 == i3
for(i4 in in.S2) {
d.x.y.S1.2 <- d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == i4
for(i5 in in.S3)
nijk[i1,i2, nl.S3*nl.S2*(i3-1)+nl.S3*(i4-1)+i5] <-
sum(d.x.y.S1.2 & dmS3.1 == i5)
nik <- apply(nijk, 3, rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk, 3, colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(nl.x,nl.y,prod(nl.S)))
for (k in 1:prod(nl.S))
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
t.G2 <- 2 * nijk * log(t.log)
t.G2[which(is.nan(t.G2),arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
} ,
{ ## lenS == 4 ----------------------------------
in.S1 <- seq_len(nl.S1 <- nl.S[1])
in.S2 <- seq_len(nl.S2 <- nl.S[2])
in.S3 <- seq_len(nl.S3 <- nl.S[3])
in.S4 <- seq_len(nl.S4 <- nl.S[4])
dmS1.1 <- dm[,S[1]] + 1L
dmS2.1 <- dm[,S[2]] + 1L
dmS3.1 <- dm[,S[3]] + 1L
dmS4.1 <- dm[,S[4]] + 1L
nijk <- array(0L, c(nl.x, nl.y, prod(nl.S)))
for(i1 in 1:nl.x) {
d.x.i1 <- d.x1 == i1
for(i2 in i.ny) {
d.x.i1.y.i2 <- d.x.i1 & d.y1 == i2
for(i3 in in.S1) {
d.x.y.S1 <- d.x.i1.y.i2 & dmS1.1 == i3
for(i4 in in.S2) {
d.x.y.S1.2 <- d.x.y.S1 & dmS2.1 == i4
for(i5 in in.S3) {
d.x.y.S1.2.3 <- d.x.y.S1.2 & dmS3.1 == i5
for(i6 in in.S4)
nijk[i1,i2, nl.S4*nl.S3*nl.S2*(i3-1) +
nl.S4*(i5-1)+i6] <- sum(d.x.y.S1.2.3 & dmS4.1 == i6)
nik <- apply(nijk, 3, rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk, 3, colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0, c(nl.x,nl.y,prod(nl.S)))
for (k in 1:prod(nl.S))
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
t.G2 <- 2 * nijk * log(t.log)
t.G2[is.nan(t.G2)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
}) # end lens == 4, end{switch}
else { # |S| = lenS >= 5 (gSquareBin: lenS >= 6)
nijk <- array(0L, c(nl.x, nl.y, 1L))
## first sample 'by hand' to avoid if/else in the for-loop
i <- d.x1[1]
j <- d.y1[1]
## create directly a list of all k's -- MM{FIXME}: there must be a better way
k <- NULL
lapply(as.list(S), function(x) { k <<- cbind(k,d.x1); NULL })
## first set of subset values
parents.count <- 1L ## counter variable corresponding to the number
## of value combinations for the subset varibales
## observed in the data
parents.val <- t(k[1,])
nijk[i,j,parents.count] <- 1L # cell counts
## Do the same for all other samples. If there is already a table
## for the subset values of the sample, increase the corresponding
## cell count. If not, create a new table and set the corresponding
## cell count to 1.
for (it.sample in 2:n) {
flag <- 0
i <- d.x1[it.sample]
j <- d.y1[it.sample]
## comparing the current values of the subset variables to all
## already existing combinations of subset variables values
t.comp <- t(parents.val[1:parents.count,]) == k[it.sample,]
## Have to be careful here. When giving dimension to a list,
## R fills column after column, and NOT row after row.
dim(t.comp) <- c(lenS,parents.count)
for (it.parents in 1:parents.count) {
## check if the present combination of value alreay exists
if(all(t.comp[,it.parents])) {
## if yes, increase the corresponding cell count
nijk[i,j,it.parents] <- nijk[i,j,it.parents] + 1L
flag <- 1
}# end for(it.parents...)
## if the combination of subset values is new...
if (flag == 0) {
## ...increase the number of subset 'types'
parents.count <- parents.count + 1L
if (verbose >= 2)
cat(sprintf(' adding new parents (count = %d) at sample %d\n',
parents.count, it.sample))
## ...add the new subset to the others
parents.val <- rbind(parents.val,k[it.sample,])
## ...update the cell counts (add new array)
nijk <- abind(nijk, array(0L, c(nl.x,nl.y,1)))
nijk[i,j,parents.count] <- 1L
} # end if(flag==0)
} ## for(it in 2:n)
if (verbose && verbose < 2)
cat(sprintf(" added a total of %d new parents\n", parents.count))
nik <- apply(nijk,3,rowSums)
njk <- apply(nijk,3,colSums)
nk <- colSums(njk)
## compute G^2
t.log <- array(0,c(nl.x,nl.y,parents.count))
for (k in 1:parents.count)
t.log[,,k] <- nijk[,,k]*(nk[k] / tcrossprod(nik[,k],njk[,k]))
t.G2 <- 2 * nijk * log(t.log)
t.G2[which(is.nan(t.G2),arr.ind = TRUE)] <- 0
G2 <- sum(t.G2)
if (adaptDF && lenS > 0) {
## lower the degrees of freedom according to the amount of
## zero counts
zero.counts <-
if(lenS == 0)
length(which(nij == 0))
length(which(nijk == 0)) + 4*(2^lenS - dim(nijk)[3])
## add zero counts corresponding to the number of parents
## combinations that are missing
df <- max((df-zero.counts),1)
} # end adaptDF
pchisq(G2, df, lower.tail = FALSE)# i.e. == 1 - P(..)
}## gSquareDis()
gaussCItest <- function(x,y,S,suffStat) {
## suffStat$C: correlation matrix
## suffStat$n: sample size
z <- zStat(x,y,S, C = suffStat$C, n = suffStat$n)
2*pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail = FALSE)
dsep <- function(a,b, S = NULL, g, john.pairs = NULL)
## Purpose: Are the set a and the set b d-separeted given the set S?
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - a,b,S: vectors of node names
## - g: graphNEL object
## - john.pairs: matrix from johnson.all.pairs.sp
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## Boolean decision
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch
## Check that g is a DAG
amatTmp <- wgtMatrix(g) ## i->j if amatTmp[j,i]!=0
amatTmp[amatTmp != 0] <- 1
if (max(amatTmp+t(amatTmp)) > 1) stop("dsep: Undirected edge in input graph!")
p <- numNodes(g)
## build node union of a,b,S
if(is.null(john.pairs)) john.pairs <- johnson.all.pairs.sp(g)
nodeUnion <- if(length(S) > 0) c(a,b,S) else c(a,b)
my.nodes <- nodes(g)
## find ancestor graph of nodeUnion
anc.set <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(p)) {
desc.nodes <- my.nodes[which(john.pairs[i,] < Inf)]
if (any(desc.nodes %in% nodeUnion)) anc.set <- c(anc.set,my.nodes[i])
} ## for (i in 1:p)
gS <- subGraph(anc.set,g)
## Moralize in amatM
## !!! in the following line:
## i->j if amat[i,j], i.e. different than default coding !!!
## (*)
amat <- wgtMatrix(gS, transpose = FALSE)
if(all(a0 <- amat == 0))
## if no edge in graph, nodes are d-separated
return( TRUE )
## else :
amat[!a0] <- 1
amatM <- amat
ind <- which(amat == 1,arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
## input is guaranteed to be directed
x <- ind[i,1]
y <- ind[i,2] ## x -> y
## using different coding, see (*) -> OK
allZ <- setdiff(which(amat[y,] == 0 & amat[,y] == 1), x) ## x -> y <- z
for (z in allZ)
if (amat[x,z] == 0 && amat[z,x] == 0)
amatM[x,z] <- 1 ## moralize
} ## for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind)))
## make undirected graph
## (up to now, there is NO undirected edge -> just add t(amat))
gSM <- as(amatM+t(amatM),"graphNEL")
if (length(S) > 0) { ## check separation
} else {
b %nin% (if(is.list(bfs. <- bfs(gSM,a))) bfs.[[1]] else bfs.)
} ## {dsep}
## Orakel:
dsepTest <- function(x,y, S = NULL, suffStat) {
## suffStat$ g: True graph (graphNEL suffStatect)
## suffStat$jp: johnson all pairs
## Returns "p-value" P =
## 0: keep edge / d-connected
## 1: drop edge / d-separated
if( x == y || x %in% S || y %in% S) {
} else {
stopifnot(is(g <- suffStat$g, "graph"))
jp <- suffStat$jp
V <- nodes(g)
## return 0 / 1
as.numeric(dsep(a = V[x], b = V[y], S = V[S], g = g, john.pairs = jp))
} ## {dsepTest}
disCItest <- function(x,y,S,suffStat) {
if( <- suffStat$dm)) dm <- data.matrix(dm)
else stopifnot(is.matrix(dm))
nlev <- suffStat$nlev
adaptDF <- suffStat$adaptDF
## p-value:
gSquareDis(x = x, y = y, S = S, dm = dm, nlev = nlev, adaptDF = adaptDF,
verbose = FALSE)
binCItest <- function(x,y,S,suffStat) {
if( <- suffStat$dm)) dm <- data.matrix(dm)
else stopifnot(is.matrix(dm))
adaptDF <- suffStat$adaptDF
## p-value:
gSquareBin(x = x, y = y, S = S, dm = dm, adaptDF = adaptDF, verbose = FALSE)
hasExtension <- function(amat, amatSkel, x, pa1, pa2.t, pa2.f, type, nl) {
## nl are colnames of amat
## x, pa1, pa2.x: col positions (NULL if not existing)
## type is in c("pdag", "cpdag")
## VALUE: TRUE if amat has extension
if (type == "pdag") {
xNL <- nl[x]
fromXNL <- rep(xNL, length(pa2.f))
toXNL <- rep(xNL, length(pa2.t))
pa2.fNL <- nl[pa2.f]
pa2.tNL <- nl[pa2.t]
tmp <- addBgKnowledge(gInput = amat, x = c(fromXNL, pa2.tNL),
y = c(pa2.fNL, toXNL))
res <- !is.null(tmp) ## TRUE if amat is extendable
} else {
res <- !, amatSkel, x, pa1, pa2.t, pa2.f)
revealEdge <- function(c,d,s) { ## cpdag, dag, selected edges to reveal
if (all(! { ## something to reveal
for (i in 1:nrow(s)) {
c[s[i,1], s[i,2]] <- d[s[i,1], s[i,2]]
c[s[i,2], s[i,1]] <- d[s[i,2], s[i,1]]
ida <- function (x.pos, y.pos, mcov, graphEst, method = c("local", "optimal","global"),
y.notparent = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, all.dags = NA,
type = c("cpdag", "pdag"))
method <- match.arg(method)
x <- as.integer(x.pos)
y <- as.integer(y.pos)
if(length(x) >= 2){
cat("The methods \"global\" and \"local\" are only implemented for singleton X.")
stopifnot(x.pos == x,
y.pos == y,
length(x) == 1,
# length(y) == 1,
type %in% c("pdag", "cpdag"))
} else{
if(y.notparent) {cat("The option y.notparent is not implemented for the optimal method.")}
stopifnot(x.pos == (x <- as.vector(x.pos)),
y.pos == (y <- as.vector(y.pos)),
type %in% c("pdag", "cpdag"),
nx <- length(x.pos)
ny <- length(y.pos)
type <- match.arg(type)
amat <- ad.g <- wgtMatrix(graphEst)
amat[which(amat != 0)] <- 1 ## coding: amat.cpdag
## test if valid input amat
if (!isValidGraph(amat = amat, type = type)) {
message("The input graph is not a valid ",type,". See function isValidGraph() for details.\n")
if (length(y.pos) > 1 && method!="optimal") { ## call myself for each y in y.pos :
beta.hat <- lapply(y.pos, function(y) ida(x.pos, y, mcov=mcov,
graphEst, method=method, type=type,verbose=verbose))
if(y.notparent) amat[x, y] <- FALSE
# if (is.element(y.pos, x.pos)) matrix(0, nrow = nx, ncol = length(all.pasets))
## return joint.effects
if(ny==1) {beta.hat <- matrix(unlist(optimal.est(x.pos,y.pos,amat,mcov,verbose)),nrow=nx)}
results <- list()
beta.hat <- list()
result <- optimal.est(x.pos,y.pos,amat,mcov,verbose)
if(is.matrix(result)) {
nsibs <- 1
if(nx==1 && nrow(result)==1){
result <- t(result)
for(i in 1:ny){
beta.hat[[i]] <- matrix(unname(result[i,]))
} else{
nsibs <- length(lengths(result))
for(k in 1:nsibs){
result[[k]] <- t(result[[k]])}
for(i in 1:ny){
beta.hat[[i]] <- matrix(,nrow=nx,ncol=nsibs)
for(j in 1:nsibs){
beta.hat[[i]][,j] <- result[[j]][i,]
nl <- colnames(amat)
amatSkel <- amat + t(amat)
amatSkel[amatSkel != 0] <- 1
if (method == "local") {
wgt.est <- (ad.g != 0)
if (y.notparent) {
wgt.est[x, y] <- FALSE
tmp <- wgt.est - t(wgt.est)
tmp[which(tmp < 0)] <- 0
wgt.unique <- tmp
pa1 <- which(wgt.unique[x, ] != 0)
if (y %in% pa1) {
beta.hat <- 0
else {
wgt.ambig <- wgt.est - wgt.unique
pa2 <- which(wgt.ambig[x, ] != 0)
if (verbose)
cat("\n\nx=", x, "y=", y, "\npa1=", pa1, "\npa2=",
pa2, "\n")
if (length(pa2) == 0) {
beta.hat <- lm.cov(mcov, y, c(x, pa1))
if (verbose)
cat("Fit - y:", y, "x:", c(x, pa1), "|b.hat=",
beta.hat, "\n")
else {
beta.hat <- NA
ii <- 0
pa2.f <- pa2
pa2.t <- NULL
if (hasExtension(amat, amatSkel, x, pa1, pa2.t,
pa2.f, type, nl)) {
ii <- ii + 1
beta.hat[ii] <- lm.cov(mcov, y, c(x, pa1))
if (verbose)
cat("Fit - y:", y, "x:", c(x, pa1), "|b.hat=",
beta.hat[ii], "\n")
for (i2 in seq_along(pa2)) {
pa2.f <- pa2[-i2]
pa2.t <- pa2[i2]
if (hasExtension(amat, amatSkel, x, pa1, pa2.t,
pa2.f, type, nl)) {
ii <- ii + 1
if (y %in% pa2.t) {
beta.hat[ii] <- 0
else {
beta.hat[ii] <- lm.cov(mcov, y, c(x, pa1,
if (verbose)
cat("Fit - y:", y, "x:", c(x, pa1, pa2[i2]),
"|b.hat=", beta.hat[ii], "\n")
if (length(pa2) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(pa2)) {
pa.tmp <- combn(pa2, i, simplify = TRUE)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(pa.tmp))) {
pa2.t <- pa.tmp[, j]
pa2.f <- setdiff(pa2, pa2.t)
if (hasExtension(amat, amatSkel, x, pa1,
pa2.t, pa2.f, type, nl)) {
ii <- ii + 1
if (y %in% pa2.t) {
beta.hat[ii] <- 0
else {
beta.hat[ii] <- lm.cov(mcov, y, c(x,
pa1, pa2.t))
if (verbose)
cat("Fit - y:", y, "x:", c(x, pa1,
pa2.t), "|b.hat=", beta.hat[ii],
##method global
##should stay the same for pdags
if (method=="global") {
p <- numNodes(graphEst)
am.pdag <- ad.g
am.pdag[am.pdag != 0] <- 1
if (y.notparent) {
am.pdag[x, y] <- 0
if ( {
ad <- pdag2allDags(am.pdag)$dags
else {
ad <- all.dags
n.dags <- nrow(ad)
beta.hat <- rep(NA, n.dags)
for (i in 1:n.dags) {
wgt.unique <- t(matrix(ad[i, ], p, p))
pa1 <- which(wgt.unique[x, ] != 0)
if (y %in% pa1) {
beta.hat[i] <- 0
else {
beta.hat[i] <- lm.cov(mcov, y, c(x, pa1))
if (verbose)
cat("Fit - y:", y, "x:", c(x, pa1), "|b.hat=",
beta.hat[i], "\n")
optimal.est <- function (x.pos,y.pos, amat.cpdag, mcov,verbose)
## if not working with amat.cpdag type then:
## amat.cpdag <- t(amat.cpdag)
nx <- length(x.pos)
ny <- length(y.pos)
amat.cpdag[which(amat.cpdag != 0)] <- 1 ##just in case make all the non-zero's 1
amat.undir <- amat.cpdag * t(amat.cpdag) ## amat.undir - all undirected edges
## the undirected edge i - j has amat[i,j] = amat[j,i] =1
amat.dir <- amat.cpdag - amat.undir ## amat.dir - all directed edges
pasets.dir <- lapply(x.pos, function(x) which(amat.dir[x,] != 0)) ## find all parents of x.pos in the PDAG
## sibs will be a vector containing all undirected edges connected with x.pos
## if for example: i is in x.pos and i-j is in G
## then add j;i to sibs
sibs <- c()
for (i in 1:nx)
tmp.sib <- which(amat.undir[x.pos[i],]!=0) ## tmp.sib contains all siblings of x.pos[i]
if (length(tmp.sib)!=0){ ## if x.pos[i] has a sibling, then add all those sibling edges to sibs
for (j in 1:length(tmp.sib))
sibs <- c(sibs,paste(tmp.sib[j],x.pos[i], sep = ";")) ## sibs is a vector of type a;b c;d
## where b and d are in x.pos and b-a d-c are in G
## note that if a,b are in x.pos and a-b is in G
## then both a;b and b;a are in sibs
## if there are no undirected edges connected to x.pos, that is
## if sibs is empty, so return pasets.dir as the only parent set
if (length(sibs)==0){
check <- checkVAS(amat.cpdag,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat <- matrix(numeric(ny*nx),nrow=ny)
rownames(beta.hat) <- y.pos
colnames(beta.hat) <- x.pos
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[check[[2]]] <- NA
} else{beta.hat[check[[2]],] <- NA}
if(length(check[[1]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\nWith no added edge orientations:")
cat("\ny =",y.pos[check[[1]]], "is not a descendant of x =",
x.pos,"and hence the partial total effects estimates are",0,"\nWe continue with y =",y.pos[-check[[1]]],".\n")
if(length(check[[2]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\nWith no added edge orientations:")
cat("\nNo valid adjustment set exists relative to x =", x.pos," and y =",
y.pos[check[[2]]], " and we continue with y =",y.pos[-check[[3]]], "\n")
if(length(check[[3]]) < ny){
y.pruned <- y.pos[-check[[3]]]
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.cpdag,x.pos,y.pruned)
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[-check[[3]]] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))
} else{beta.hat[-check[[3]],] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))}
} else{
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.cpdag,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pos,x.pos,opt.set))
if (verbose){
if(length(check[[3]]) == ny){opt.set <- numeric()}
cat("\n\nWith no added edge orientations:")
cat("\nThe estimated total effect of y=", y.pos, "on x=",
x.pos,"is thus beta=",beta.hat, "\n")
cat("\n with O=", opt.set,"\n")
} else { ## if sibs is not empty, find all possible joint parent sets
beta.hat <- list() ## this is the object we return, containing a list of all possible total effect estimates
count <- 1 ## this counter will contain the current number (+1) of valid joint parent sets
## first check the no additional parents option
## meaning that it is possible to orient all sibling edges out of x.pos
toAdd <- makeBgKnowledge(sibs)
## require that no two nodes in x.pos are siblings
if (length(intersect(x.pos,toAdd$x))==0){
## try to orient everything out of x.pos
amat.amenable <- addBgKnowledge(amat.cpdag,x=toAdd$y,y=toAdd$x,checkInput = FALSE)
if (!is.null(amat.amenable)){
## if it is possible to orient everyting out of x.pos add the corresponding optimal set to valid optimal sets
check <- checkVAS(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat[[count]] <- matrix(numeric(ny*nx),nrow=ny)
rownames(beta.hat[[count]]) <- y.pos
colnames(beta.hat[[count]]) <- x.pos
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[[count]][check[[2]]] <- NA
} else{beta.hat[[count]][check[[2]],] <- NA}
if(length(check[[1]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\n With added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\ny =",y.pos[check[[1]]], "is not a descendant of x =",
x.pos,"and hence the respective partial joint total effect estimates are",0,".\n")
if(length(check[[2]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\n With added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\nNo valid adjustment set exists relative to x =", x.pos," and y =",
if(length(check[[3]]) < ny){
y.pruned <- y.pos[-check[[3]]]
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pruned)
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[[count]][-check[[3]]] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))
} else{beta.hat[[count]][-check[[3]],] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))}
} else{
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat[[count]] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pos,x.pos,opt.set))
if (verbose){
if(length(check[[3]]) == ny){opt.set <- numeric()}
cat("\n\nWith added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\nThe estimated total effect of y=", y.pos, "on x=",
x.pos,"is beta=",beta.hat[[count]], "\n")
cat("\n with O=", opt.set,"\n")
count <- count + 1
## now for all subsets of possible parents hat is
## all possible subsets of sibs union pasets.dir
## check if they work
size <- length(sibs)
for (k in 1:size)
possPa <- combn(sibs,k) ## form all combinations of sibs of size k
for (r in 1:length(possPa[1,]))
s <- possPa[,r] ## get one subset of sibs which we will try to orient into x.pos
toAdd1 <- makeBgKnowledge(s) ## transform it from sibs format: a;b c;d into bgKnowledge format that is
## into a data.frame with x=c(a,c) y=c(b,d) so that a -> b, c-> d is bgKnowledge
sbar <- setdiff(sibs,s) ## the complement of our subset s should be oriented out of x.pos
toAdd2 <- makeBgKnowledge(sbar)
## the following 2 lines define the bg Knowledge that we try to add
addFromThis <- c(toAdd1$x,toAdd2$y)
addToThis <- c(toAdd1$y,toAdd2$x)
## only try to add this bg knowledge if its consistent within itself
## meaning if it does not contain contradictory edges
## for example addFromThis =c(1,2) addToThis = c(2,1)
check2 <- FALSE ## if check is true it will indicate that the background knowledge contradicts itself
for (i in 1: length(addFromThis)){
if (addToThis[i] %in% addFromThis[which(addToThis == addFromThis[i])]){# %in% addToThis)]){
check2 <- TRUE
if (!check2){ ##only try to add background knowledge that does not contradict itself
amat.amenable <- addBgKnowledge(amat.cpdag,x=addFromThis,y=addToThis)
if (!is.null(amat.amenable)){
check <- checkVAS(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat[[count]] <- matrix(numeric(ny*nx),nrow=ny)
rownames(beta.hat[[count]]) <- y.pos
colnames(beta.hat[[count]]) <- x.pos
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[[count]][check[[2]]] <- NA
} else{beta.hat[[count]][check[[2]],] <- NA}
if(length(check[[1]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\n With added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\ny =",y.pos[check[[1]]], "is not a descendant of x =",
x.pos,"and hence the partial total effects estimates are",0,".\n")
if(length(check[[2]])!=0 && verbose){
cat("\n\n With added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\nNo valid adjustment set exists relative to x =", x.pos," and y =",
y.pos[check[[2]]], ".\n")
if(length(check[[3]]) < ny){
y.pruned <- y.pos[-check[[3]]]
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pruned)
if(ny==1 && nx==1){
beta.hat[[count]][-check[[3]]] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))
} else{beta.hat[[count]][-check[[3]],] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pruned,x.pos,opt.set))}
} else{
opt.set <- optAdjSet(amat.amenable,x.pos,y.pos)
beta.hat[[count]] <- t(gen.lm.cov(mcov,y.pos,x.pos,opt.set))
if (verbose){
if(length(check[[3]]) == ny){opt.set <- numeric()}
cat("\n\nWith added edge orientations: \n")
cat("\nThe estimated total effect of x=", x.pos, "on y=",
y.pos,"is beta=",beta.hat[[count]], "\n")
cat("with O=", opt.set,"\n")
count <- count + 1
## the following functions takes character vector s of type s=c("1;2","3;4")
## and transforms it into a data frame containing vectors x=c(1,3) and y=c(2,4)
## so that one can add x -> y (that is 1 -> 2, 3 -> 4) as bg knowledge easier
makeBgKnowledge <- function(s)
x <- y <- c()
if (length(s)==0){ ## if s is empty, return empty vectors <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
} else { ## otherwise transform the charactor vector s into a
## bg knowledge data frame
for (i in 1:length(s))
addFromTo <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x = s[i],split = ";")))
x <- c(x,addFromTo[1])
y <- c(y,addFromTo[2])
} <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
checkVAS <- function(m,x.pos,y.pos){
possDeX <- unlist(lapply(x.pos,possDe,m=m,y=c(),type="pdag"))
noDescY <- unlist(lapply(y.pos, function(y) length(intersect(y,possDeX))))
a <- which(noDescY==0)
y.pruned <- y.pos[-a]
} else{y.pruned <- y.pos}
noVAS <- unlist(lapply(y.pruned, function(y) length(intersect(x.pos,forb(m,x.pos,y)))))
b <- which(noDescY!=0)[which(noVAS!=0)]
c <- union(a,b)
forb <- function(m, x, y){
possDeX <- unlist(lapply(x,possDe,m=m,y=c(),type="pdag"))
possAnY <- unlist(lapply(y,possAn,m=m,
cn <- intersect(possAnY,possDeX)
forb <- unlist(lapply(cn,possDe,m=m,y=c(),type="pdag"))
# generalization of lmvoc to make usable for non-singleton X
gen.lm.cov <- function(C,y,x,z=NULL){
w <- union(x,z)
solve(C[w, w], C[w, y, drop = FALSE])[1:length(x), ]
idaFast <- function(x.pos, y.pos.set, mcov, graphEst)
## Purpose: Estimate the causal effect of x on each element in the
## set y using the local method; graphEst and correlation matrix
## have to be precomputed; orient
## undirected edges at x in a way so that no new collider is
## introduced; if there is an undirected edge between x and y, both directions are considered;
## i.e., y might be partent of x in which case the effect is 0.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x.pos, y.pos: Column of x and y in d.mat
## - mcov: Covariance matrix that was used to estimate graphEst
## - graphEst: Fit of PC Algorithm (semidirected)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value: list of causal values; one list element for each element of
## y.pos.set
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 7 Jan 2010, 11:18
## prepare adjMatrix and skeleton
amat <- ad.g <- wgtMatrix(graphEst)
amat[which(amat != 0)] <- 1 ## i->j if amat[j,i]==1
amatSkel <- amat + t(amat)
amatSkel[amatSkel != 0] <- 1
## find unique and ambiguous parents of x
wgt.est <- (ad.g != 0)
tmp <- wgt.est-t(wgt.est)
tmp[which(tmp < 0)] <- 0
wgt.unique <- tmp
wgt.ambig <- wgt.est-wgt.unique
pa1 <- which(wgt.unique[x.pos,] != 0)
pa2 <- which(wgt.ambig[x.pos,] != 0)
## estimate beta
if (length(pa2) == 0) {
beta.tmp <- lm.cov(mcov,y.pos.set,c(x.pos,pa1)) ####
beta.tmp[y.pos.set %in% pa1] <- 0
beta.hat <- cbind(beta.tmp)
} else { ## at least one undirected parent
## no member of pa2
pa2.f <- pa2
pa2.t <- NA
beta.hat <-
if (!,amatSkel,x.pos,pa1,pa2.t,pa2.f)) {
beta.tmp <- lm.cov(mcov,y.pos.set,c(x.pos,pa1)) ####
beta.tmp[y.pos.set %in% pa1] <- 0
} # else NULL
## exactly one member of pa2
for (i2 in seq_along(pa2)) {
pa2.f <- pa2[-i2]
pa2.t <- pa2[i2]
if (!,amatSkel,x.pos,pa1,pa2.t,pa2.f)) {
beta.tmp <- lm.cov(mcov,y.pos.set,c(x.pos,pa1,pa2.t)) ####
beta.tmp[y.pos.set %in% c(pa1,pa2.t)] <- 0
beta.hat <- cbind(beta.hat, beta.tmp)
} ## for (i2 in seq_along(pa2))
## higher order subsets of pa2
if (length(pa2) > 1)
for (i in 2:length(pa2)) {
pa.tmp <- combn(pa2,i,simplify = TRUE)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(pa.tmp))) {
pa2.t <- pa.tmp[,j]
pa2.f <- setdiff(pa2, pa2.t)
if (!,amatSkel,x.pos,pa1,pa2.t,pa2.f)) {
beta.tmp <- lm.cov(mcov,y.pos.set,c(x.pos,pa1,pa2.t)) ####
beta.tmp[y.pos.set %in% c(pa1,pa2.t)] <- 0
beta.hat <- cbind(beta.hat, beta.tmp)
} ## for (j )
} ## for (i )
} ## if .. else length(pa2) > 0)
## MM: for now, maybe in the future get sensible column names:
colnames(beta.hat) <- NULL
if (nrow(beta.hat) > 0) rownames(beta.hat) <- as.character(y.pos.set)
## -> ../man/legal.path.Rd
## only called in qreach() with only 'c' varying
legal.path <- function(a,b,c, amat)
## Purpose: Is path a-b-c legal (either collider in b or a,b,c is triangle)
## !! a-b-c must be in a path !! this is not checked !!
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - a, b, c: nodes
## - amat: adj matrix (coding 0,1,2 for no edge, circle, arrowhead)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 29 Oct 2009; Martin Maechler
if(a == c || (a.b <- amat[a,b]) == 0 || amat[b,c] == 0)
## else a != c and amat[a,b] != 0 and amat[b,c] != 0
## return TRUE iff
(amat[a,c] != 0 || ## triangle
## need not check [c,a], since there must be SOME edgemark !=0 at [a,c], if
## edge is present
(a.b == 2 && amat[c,b] == 2)) ## a collider
##' Plot a subgraph for a specified starting node and a given graph
##' @param graphObj Graph object
##' @param y Starting node
##' @param dist Distance of nodes included in subgraph from starting node y
##' @param amat Adjacency matrix of skeleton graph (optional)
##' @param directed should the plotted subgraph be directed?
##' @param main
##' --------------- see ../man/plotSG.Rd
plotSG <- function(graphObj, y, dist, amat = NA, directed = TRUE,
plot = requireNamespace("Rgraphviz"),
main = paste("Subgraph of", deparse(substitute(graphObj)),
"from ", y, " with dist <=", dist),
cex.main = 1.25, font.main = par("font.main"), col.main=par("col.main"),
## Author: Daniel Stekhoven, Date: 26 Jan 2010; MM: tweaks
stopifnot(dist >= 1)
## Extract adjacency matrix (if necessary)
if (any(
amat <- wgtMatrix(graphObj)
## Diagonalise (has no effect if already diagonal)
amat[amat != 0] <- 1
amat <- amat + t(amat)
diag(amat) <- 0 # can that happen anyway??
amat[amat == 2] <- 1
## Find connected nodes hierarchically
nh <- which( amat[y,] == 1 )
rel.nodes <- c( y, nh )
for (i in seq_len(dist-1L)) {
nh <-
if ( length(nh) == 1 )
which( amat[nh,] == 1 )
else if (length(nh) != 0)
which(amat[nh,] == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[,"col"]
## else NULL
rel.nodes <- unique( c( rel.nodes, nh ) )
## Name nodes
if(is(graphObj, "graphNEL"))
names(rel.nodes) <- graphObj@nodes[rel.nodes]
## subgraph - distinguish between directed edges or not
sg <- if (directed)
subGraph(as.character(rel.nodes), graphObj)
as(amat[rel.nodes, rel.nodes], "graphNEL")
## Plot subgraph
if(plot) {
if(requireNamespace("Rgraphviz")) {
## FIXME: use "new Rgraphvis interface: layoutGraph(), renderGraph() [includes title!]
Rgraphviz::plot(sg, ...) ## TODO: leave room for title
title(main = main, cex.main=cex.main, font.main=font.main, col.main=col.main)
} else check.Rgraphviz() # error!
else sg
## Functions for the conservative versions (PC, FCI (all), and RFCI)
## Functions used by all algorithms
pc.cons.intern <- function(sk, suffStat, indepTest, alpha,
version.unf = c(NA,NA), maj.rule = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: For any unshielded triple A-B-C, consider all subsets D of
## the neighbors of A and of the neighbors of C, and record the sets
## D for which A and C are conditionally independent given D. If B
## is in none of these sets, do nothing (it is a
## v-structure) and also delete B from sepset(A,C) if present (so we are
## sure that a v-structure will be created). If B is in all sets, do nothing
## (it is not a v-structure) and also add B to sepset(A,C) if not present
## (so we are sure that a v-structure will not be created). If maj.rule=FALSE
## the normal conservative version is applied, hence if B is in
## some but not all sets, mark the triple as "ambiguous". If maj.rule=TRUE
## we mark the triple as "ambiguous" if B is in exactly 50% of the cases,
## if less than 50% define it as a v-structure, and if in more than 50%
## no v-structure.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - sk: output returned by function "skeleton"
## - suffStat: Sufficient statistics for independent tests
## - indepTest: Function for independence test
## - alpha: Significance level of test
## - version.unf[1]: 1 it checks if b is in some sepsets,
## 2 it also checks if there exists a sepset
## which is a subset of the neighbours.
## - version.unf[2]: 1 same as in Tetrad (do not consider
## the initial sepset), 2 it also considers
## the initial sepset
## - maj.rule: FALSE/TRUE if the majority rule idea is applied
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value: - unfTripl: Triple that were marked as unfaithful
## - vers: vector containing the version (1 or 2) of the
## corresponding triple saved in unfTripl (1=normal
## unfaithful triple that is B is in some sepsets;
## 2=triple coming from version.unf[1]==2
## that is a and c are indep given the initial sepset
## but there doesn't exist a subset of the neighbours
## that d-separates them)
## - sk: updated skelet object, sepsets might have been updated
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 12 Feb 2010, 10:43
## Modifications: Diego Colombo
g <- as(sk@graph,"matrix")
stopifnot(all(g == t(g))) ## g is guaranteed to be symmetric
p <- as.numeric(dim(g)[1])
unfTripl <- vers <- rep(NA,min(p*p,100000))
counter <- 0
if (sum(g) > 0) {
ind <- which(g == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
tripleMatrix <- NULL
## Go through all edges
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
allC <- setdiff(which(g[b,] == 1),a) ## a-b-c
newC <- allC[g[a,allC] == 0]
tmpMatrix <- cbind(rep(a,length(newC)),rep(b,length(newC)),newC)
tripleMatrix <- rbind(tripleMatrix,tmpMatrix)
colnames(tripleMatrix) <- c("","","")
if ((m <- nrow(tripleMatrix)) > 0) {
deleteDupl <- logical(m)# all FALSE
for (i in seq_len(m))
if (tripleMatrix[i,1] > tripleMatrix[i,3])
deleteDupl[i] <- TRUE
tripleMatrix <- tripleMatrix[!deleteDupl,, drop = FALSE]
for (i in seq_len(nrow(tripleMatrix))) {
## pay attention to the size of counter
if (counter+1L == length(unfTripl)) {
n.xtra <- min(p*p, 100000)
new.len <- counter+1L + n.xtra
length(unfTripl) <- new.len
length(vers) <- new.len
a <- tripleMatrix[i,1]
b <- tripleMatrix[i,2]
c <- tripleMatrix[i,3]
nbrsA <- which(g[,a] != 0) ## G symm; c no nbr of a
nbrsC <- which(g[,c] != 0)
if (verbose) {
cat("\nTriple:", a,b,c,"and sepset by skelet:",
} <- checkTriple(a, b, c, nbrsA, nbrsC,
sk@sepset[[a]][[c]], sk@sepset[[c]][[a]],
suffStat = suffStat, indepTest = indepTest, alpha = alpha,
version.unf = version.unf, maj.rule = maj.rule, verbose = verbose)
## 1: in NO set; 2: in ALL sets; 3: in SOME but not all
## Take action only if case "3"
if ($decision == 3) {
## record ambiguous triple
counter <- counter + 1
unfTripl[counter] <- triple2numb(p,a,b,c)
vers[counter] <-$version
## can happen the case in Tetrad, so we must save the triple
## as ambiguous:
## a and c independent given S but not given subsets of the
## adj(a) or adj(c)
if ((version.unf[1] == 2) && ($version == 2) && ($decision != 3)) {
counter <- counter + 1
unfTripl[counter] <- triple2numb(p,a,b,c)
vers[counter] <-$version
sk@sepset[[a]][[c]] <-$SepsetA
sk@sepset[[c]][[a]] <-$SepsetC
length(unfTripl) <- length(vers) <- counter
list(unfTripl = unfTripl, vers = vers, sk = sk)
## Called both from pc.cons.intern() and rfci.vStruc() :
checkTriple <- function(a, b, c, nbrsA, nbrsC, sepsetA, sepsetC,
suffStat, indepTest, alpha, version.unf = c(NA,NA),
maj.rule = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: For each subset of nbrsA and nbrsC where a and c are cond.
## independent, it is checked if b is in the conditioning set.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - a,b,c: Nodes (positions in adjacency matrix)
## - nbrsA: Neighbors of a
## - nbrsC: Neighbors of c
## - sepsetA: sepset(a,c)
## - sepsetC: sepset(c,a)
## - suffStat: Sufficient statistics for independent tests
## - indepTest: Function for independence test
## - alpha: Significance level of test
## - version.unf[1]: 1 it checks if b is in some sepsets,
## 2 it also checks if there exists a sepset
## which is a subset of the neighbours.
## - version.unf[2]: 1 same as Tetrad (do not consider the initial
## sepset), 2 consider if b is in sepsetA
## or sepsetC
## - maj.rule: FALSE/TRUE if the majority rule idea is applied
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value: - decision: res
## res = 1: b is in NO sepset (-> v-structure)
## res = 2: b is in ALL sepsets (-> no v-structure)
## res = 3: b is in SOME but not all sepsets (-> ambiguous triple)
## - version: version (1 or 2) of the ambiguous triple
## (1=normal ambiguous triple that is b is in some sepsets;
## 2=triple coming from version.unf[1]==2 that is a and c are
## indep given the initial sepset but there doesn't exist a
## subset of the neighbours that d-separates them)
## - sepsetA and sepsetC: updated separation sets
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 12 Feb 2010, 12:13
## Modifications: Diego Colombo, Martin Maechler
## loop through all subsets of parents
nr.indep <- 0
stopifnot(length(version.unf) == 2, version.unf %in% 1:2)
## Tetrad
tmp <- if (version.unf[2] == 2) ## our version
(b %in% sepsetA || b %in% sepsetC) ## else NULL = Tetrad version
version <- 0
## start with the neighbours of a
if ((nn <- length(nbrsA)) > 0) {
allComb <- expand.grid(lapply(integer(nn), function(.) 0:1))
## loop through all subsets of neighbours
for (i in 1:nrow(allComb)) { ## == 1:(2^nn)
S <- nbrsA[which(allComb[i,] != 0)]
pval <- indepTest(a, c, S, suffStat)
## save the pval and the set that produced this pval
if (verbose) cat("a: S =",S," - pval =",pval,"\n")
if (pval >= alpha) {
nr.indep <- nr.indep + 1
## is b in set?
tmp <- c(tmp, b %in% S)
version <- 1
## now with the neighbours of c
if ((nn <- length(nbrsC)) > 0) {
allComb <- expand.grid(lapply(integer(nn), function(.) 0:1))
## loop through all subsets of neighbours
for (i in 1:nrow(allComb)) { ## == 1:(2^nn)
S <- nbrsC[which(allComb[i,] != 0)]
pval <- indepTest(a, c, S, suffStat)
## save the pval and the set that produced this pval
if (verbose) cat("c: S =",S," - pval =",pval,"\n")
if (pval >= alpha) {
nr.indep <- nr.indep + 1
## is b in set?
tmp <- c(tmp, b %in% S)
version <- 1
if (version.unf[1] == 2 && nr.indep == 0) {
version <- 2
if (is.null(tmp)) tmp <- FALSE
if (all(tmp)) {
res <- 2 ## in ALL sets
## therefore a - b - c is not a v-structure, hence add b to sepset(a,c)
## and sepset(c,a)
## for example it can happen that b is not in sepset(a,c) or sepset(c,a)
## but now it is in each set that separates a and c given the neighbours
if (b %nin% sepsetA) sepsetA <- c(sepsetA, b)
if (b %nin% sepsetC) sepsetC <- c(sepsetC, b)
} else {
if (all(!tmp)) {
res <- 1 ## in NO set
## therefore a - b - c is a v-structure, hence delete b from
## sepset(a,c) and sepset(c,a)
## for example it can happen that b is in sepset(a,c) or sepset(c,a)
## but now it is in no set that separates a and c given the neighbours
sepsetA <- setdiff(sepsetA,b)
sepsetC <- setdiff(sepsetC,b)
} else {
## normal conservative PC, b is in some sets hence the triple
## is unfaithful
if (!maj.rule) {
res <- 3 ## in SOME sets
} else {
## use the majority rule to test if the triple is faithful
## or not and then decide if it is a v-structure or not accordigly
## NEW check the percentage of b in the conditioning sets that
## make a and c independent
if (sum(tmp)/length(tmp) < 0.5) {
## we accept that b is in NO set
res <- 1 ## in NO set
## therefore a - b - c is a v-structure, hence delete b
## from sepset(a,c) and sepset(c,a)
## for example it can happen that b is in sepset(a,c) or
## sepset(c,a) but now it is in no set that
## separates a and c given the neighbours
sepsetA <- setdiff(sepsetA,b)
sepsetC <- setdiff(sepsetC,b)
} else if (sum(tmp)/length(tmp) > 0.5) {
## we accept that b is in ALL set
res <- 2 ## in ALL sets
## therefore a - b - c is not a v-structure, hence add b
## to sepset(a,c) and sepset(c,a)
## for example it can happen that b is not in sepset(a,c)
## or sepset(c,a) but now it is in each set that
## separates a and c given the neighbours
if (b %nin% sepsetA) sepsetA <- c(sepsetA,b)
if (b %nin% sepsetC) sepsetC <- c(sepsetC,b)
} else if (sum(tmp)/length(tmp) == 0.5) {
## define the triple as unfaithful, because half of the
## times b is in the set and half of them in not in
res <- 3 ## in SOME sets
if (verbose && res == 3) cat("Triple ambiguous\n")
## if you save a variable <- NULL into a list it will delete this element!
## The following also transforms NULL sepset* to integer(0):
lapply(list(decision = res, version = version, SepsetA = sepsetA, SepsetC = sepsetC),
} ## {checkTriple}
## For R5 and R9-R10
faith.check <- function(cp, unfVect, p, boolean = TRUE)
## Purpose: check if every triple on the circle path cp is unambiguous
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: cp: circle path to check for unambiguity
## boolean: if TRUE, return TRUE iff there is no ambiguity, i.e. "faithful"
## if FALSE, return the number of ambiguities.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 25 May 2010; 'boolean' etc by Martin Maechler
if(!boolean) res <- 0L
n <- length(cp)
## MM: FIXME speedup by precomputing (l%%n)+1, ((l+1)%%n)+1, and ((l+2)%%n)+1 as *integers*
## ok, in steps: first "slowly" but surely correct
ii <- 0:(n-1L)
i1 <- (ii %% n)+1L
i2 <- ((ii+1L) %% n)+1L
i3 <- ((ii+2L) %% n)+1L
for (l in ii) {
if (any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,cp[i1[l]],cp[i2[l]],cp[i3[l]]), na.rm = TRUE) ||
any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,cp[i3[l]],cp[i2[l]],cp[i1[l]]), na.rm = TRUE)) {
if(boolean) return(FALSE) # the first time we found one: not faithful
## else count
res <- res + 1L
if(boolean) TRUE else res
## FCI, RFCI, and fast FCI-oracle
## Internal function used by FCI and RFCI
triple2numb <- function(p,i,j,k)
## Purpose: transform a triple i-j-k into a unique number
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:-p:number of nodes;-triple: i-j-k
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 11 May 2010; Martin Maechler
## as.numeric(.): not integer arithmetic which easily overflows
k + (p. <- as.numeric(p)) * (j + p.*i)
## Functions for R4, R5, and R9-R10 for FCI(all) and RFCI
updateList <- function(path, set, old.list)
## Purpose: update the list of all paths in the iterative functions
## minDiscrPath, minUncovCircPath and minUncovPdPath
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - path: the path under investigation
## - set: (integer) index set of variables to be added to path
## - old.list: the list to update
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 21 Oct 2011; Without for() by Martin Maechler
c(old.list, lapply(set, function(s) c(path,s)))
## R9-R10
minUncovPdPath <- function(p, pag, a,b,c, unfVect, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: find a minimal uncovered pd path for a,b,c saved in path.
## Check also for the conservative case that it is unambiguous
## If a path exists this is the output, otherwise NA
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - p: number of nodes in the graph
## - pag: adjacency matrix
## - a,b,c : nodes under interest
## - unfVect: vector containing the ambiguous triples
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 19 Oct 2011; small changes: Martin Maechler, Joris Mooij
## first check whether a,b,c is already a upd path
stopifnot( (pag[a,b] == 1 | pag[a,b] == 2) &
(pag[b,a] == 1 | pag[b,a] == 3) )
min.upd.path <- NA
done <- FALSE
if( (pag[b,c] == 1 | pag[b,c] == 2) &
(pag[c,b] == 1 | pag[c,b] == 3) &
(pag[c,a] == 0) ) {
mpath = c(a,b,c)
if (length(unfVect) == 0 || ## <<- normal version: just save
## conservative version, check the path to be faithful:
faith.check(mpath, unfVect, p)) {
## save the path to be returned
min.upd.path <- mpath
if( verbose )
cat(' minUncovPdPath: path found: ',mpath,', uncovered: ',TRUE,'\n')
done <- TRUE
## now check paths of 4 or more nodes of the form <a,b,...,c>
if( !done ) {
visited <- rep(FALSE, p)
visited[c(a,b,c)] <- TRUE
min.upd.path <- NA
## find all neighbours of b not visited yet
indD <- which((pag[b,] == 1 | pag[b,] == 2) &
(pag[,b] == 1 | pag[,b] == 3) &
(pag[,a] == 0) & !visited)
if (length(indD) > 0) {
path.list <- updateList(b, indD, NULL)
done <- FALSE
while ((length(path.list) > 0) && (!done)) {
## next element in the queue
mpath <- path.list[[1]]
m <- length(mpath)
d <- mpath[m]
path.list[[1]] <- NULL
visited[d] <- TRUE
if (any(pag[d,c] == 1:2) && any(pag[c,d] == c(1,3))) {
## pd path found
mpath <- c(a, mpath, c)
n <- length(mpath)
## check the path to be uncovered
uncov <- TRUE
for (l in seq_len(n - 2)) {
if (!(pag[mpath[l], mpath[l + 2]] == 0 &&
pag[mpath[l + 2], mpath[l]] == 0)) {
uncov <- FALSE
break ## speed up!
if( verbose )
cat(' minUncovPdPath: path found: ',mpath,', uncovered: ',uncov,'\n')
## if it is uncovered
if (uncov)
if (length(unfVect) == 0 || ## <<- normal version: just save
## conservative version, check the path to be faithful:
faith.check(mpath, unfVect, p)) {
## save the path to be returned
min.upd.path <- mpath
done <- TRUE
else {
## d and c are either not connected or connected with a "wrong" edge -----> search iteratively
## find all neighbours of d not visited yet
indR <- which((pag[d,] == 1 | pag[d,] == 2) &
(pag[,d] == 1 | pag[,d] == 3) & !visited)
if (length(indR) > 0) {
## update the queues
path.list <- updateList(mpath, indR, path.list)
} ## {while}
} ## {minUncovPdPath}
## R5
minUncovCircPath <- function(p, pag, path, unfVect, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: find a minimal uncovered circle path for a,c,d,b saved in path.
## Check also for the conservative case that it is unambiguous
## If a path exists this is the output, otherwise NA
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - p: number of nodes in the graph
## - pag: adjacency matrix
## - path: a,c,d,b under interest
## - unfVect: vector containing the unfaithful triples
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 19 Oct 2011, 13:11
visited <- rep(FALSE, p)
visited[path] <- TRUE # (a,b,c,d) all 'visited'
a <- path[1]
c <- path[2]
d <- path[3]
b <- path[4]
min.ucp.path <- NA
## find all neighbours of c not visited yet
indX <- which(pag[c,] == 1 & pag[,c] == 1 & !visited) ## c o-o x
if (length(indX) > 0) {
path.list <- updateList(c, indX, NULL)
done <- FALSE
while (!done && length(path.list) > 0) {
## next element in the queue
mpath <- path.list[[1]]
x <- mpath[length(mpath)]
path.list[[1]] <- NULL
visited[x] <- TRUE
if (pag[x,d] == 1 && pag[d,x] == 1) {
## circle path found
mpath <- c(a, mpath, d, b)
n <- length(mpath)
## check the path to be uncovered
uncov <- TRUE
for (l in seq_len(n - 2)) {
if (!(pag[mpath[l], mpath[l + 2]] == 0 &&
pag[mpath[l + 2], mpath[l]] == 0)) {
uncov <- FALSE
break ## speed up!
## if it is uncovered
if (uncov)
if (length(unfVect) == 0 || ## <<- normal version: just save
## conservative version, check the path to be faithful:
faith.check(mpath, unfVect, p)) {
## save the path to be returned
min.ucp.path <- mpath
done <- TRUE
else {
## x and d are either not connected or connected with an edge which is not o--o -----> search iteratively
## find all neighbours of x not visited yet
indR <- which(pag[x,] == 1 & pag[,x] == 1 & !visited) ## x o--o r
if (length(indR) > 0) {
## update the queues
path.list <- updateList(mpath, indR, path.list)
}## {while}
## R4
minDiscrPath <- function(pag, a,b,c, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: find a minimal discriminating path for a,b,c.
## If a path exists this is the output, otherwise NA
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - pag: adjacency matrix
## - a,b,c: node positions under interest
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 25 Jan 2011; speedup: Martin Maechler
p <- as.numeric(dim(pag)[1])
visited <- rep(FALSE, p)
visited[c(a,b,c)] <- TRUE # {a,b,c} "visited"
## find all neighbours of a not visited yet
indD <- which(pag[a,] != 0 & pag[,a] == 2 & !visited) ## d *-> a
if (length(indD) > 0) {
path.list <- updateList(a, indD, NULL)
while (length(path.list) > 0) {
## next element in the queue
mpath <- path.list[[1]]
m <- length(mpath)
d <- mpath[m]
if (pag[c,d] == 0 & pag[d,c] == 0)
## minimal discriminating path found :
return( c(rev(mpath), b,c) )
## else :
pred <- mpath[m-1]
path.list[[1]] <- NULL
## d is connected to c -----> search iteratively
if (pag[d,c] == 2 && pag[c,d] == 3 && pag[pred,d] == 2) {
visited[d] <- TRUE
## find all neighbours of d not visited yet
indR <- which(pag[d,] != 0 & pag[,d] == 2 & !visited) ## r *-> d
if (length(indR) > 0)
## update the queues
path.list <- updateList(mpath[-1], indR, path.list)
} ## {while}
## nothing found: return
} ## {minDiscrPath}
## FCI
# fci <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p,
# skel.method = c("stable", "original", ""),
# type = c("normal", "anytime", "adaptive"),
# fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL, NAdelete = TRUE,
# m.max = Inf, pdsep.max = Inf, rules = rep(TRUE, 10),
# doPdsep = TRUE, biCC = FALSE, conservative = FALSE,
# maj.rule = FALSE, numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
# {
# ## Purpose: Perform FCI-Algorithm, i.e., estimate PAG
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Arguments:
# ## - suffStat, indepTest: info for the tests
# ## - p: number of nodes in the graph
# ## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
# ## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
# ## - fixedGaps: the adjacency matrix of the graph from which the algorithm
# ## should start (logical); gaps fixed here are not changed
# ## - fixedEdges: Edges marked here are not changed (logical)
# ## - NAdelete: delete edge if pval=NA (for discrete data)
# ## - m.max: maximum size of conditioning set
# ## - pdsep.max: maximaum size of conditioning set for Possible-D-SEP
# ## - rules: array of length 10 wich contains TRUE or FALSE corresponding
# ## to each rule. TRUE means the rule will be applied.
# ## If rules==FALSE only R0 (minimal pattern) will be used
# ## - doPdsep: compute possible dsep
# ## - biCC: TRUE or FALSE variable containing if biconnected components are
# ## used to compute pdsep
# ## - conservative: TRUE or FALSE defining if
# ## the v-structures after the pdsep
# ## have to be oriented conservatively or nor
# ## - maj.rule: TRUE or FALSE variable containing if the majority rule is
# ## used instead of the normal conservative
# ## - labels: names of the variables or nodes
# ## - type: it specifies the version of the FCI that has to be used.
# ## Per default it is normal, the normal FCI algorithm. It can also be
# ## anytime for the Anytime FCI and in this cas m.max must be specified;
# ## or it can be adaptive for Adaptive Anytime FCI and in this case
# ## m.max must not be specified.
# ## - numCores: handed to skeleton(), used for parallelization
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: Dec 2009; update: Diego Colombo, 2012; Martin Maechler, 2013
# cl <-
# if(!missing(p)) stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p <- as.integer(p)) == 1, p >= 2)
# if(missing(labels)) {
# if(missing(p)) stop("need to specify 'labels' or 'p'")
# labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
# } else { ## use labels ==> p from it
# stopifnot(is.character(labels))
# if(missing(p)) {
# p <- length(labels)
# } else if(p != length(labels))
# stop("'p' is not needed when 'labels' is specified, and must match length(labels)")
# else
# message("No need to specify 'p', when 'labels' is given")
# }
# ## Check that the type is a valid one
# type <- match.arg(type)
# if (type == "anytime" && m.max == Inf)
# stop("To use the Anytime FCI you must specify a finite 'm.max'.")
# if (type == "adaptive" && m.max != Inf)
# stop("To use the Adaptive Anytime FCI you must not specify 'm.max'.")
# if (conservative && maj.rule)
# stop("Choose either conservative FCI or majority rule FCI")
# cl <-
# if (verbose) cat("Compute Skeleton\n================\n")
# skel <- skeleton(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels = labels, method = skel.method,
# fixedGaps = fixedGaps, fixedEdges = fixedEdges,
# NAdelete=NAdelete, m.max=m.max, numCores=numCores, verbose=verbose)
# skel@call <- cl # so that makes it into result
# G <- as(skel@graph, "matrix")
# sepset <- skel@sepset
# pMax <- skel@pMax
# n.edgetestsSKEL <- skel@n.edgetests
# max.ordSKEL <- skel@max.ord
# allPdsep <- NA
# tripleList <- NULL
# if (doPdsep) {
# if (verbose) cat("\nCompute PDSEP\n=============\n")
# <- pc.cons.intern(skel, suffStat, indepTest,
# alpha = alpha, version.unf = c(1,1),
# maj.rule = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
# ## Recompute (sepsets, G, ...):
# pdsepRes <- pdsep(skel@graph, suffStat, indepTest = indepTest, p = p,
# sepset =$sk@sepset, alpha = alpha, pMax = pMax,
# m.max = if (type == "adaptive") max.ordSKEL else m.max,
# pdsep.max = pdsep.max, NAdelete = NAdelete,
# unfVect =$unfTripl, # "tripleList.pdsep"
# biCC = biCC, verbose = verbose)
# ## update the graph & sepset :
# G <- pdsepRes$G
# sepset <- pdsepRes$sepset
# pMax <- pdsepRes$pMax
# allPdsep <- pdsepRes$allPdsep
# n.edgetestsPD <- pdsepRes$n.edgetests
# max.ordPD <- pdsepRes$max.ord
# if (conservative || maj.rule) {
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nCheck v-structures conservatively\n=================================\n")
# tmp.pdsep <- new("pcAlgo", graph = as(G, "graphNEL"), call = cl,
# n = integer(0), max.ord = as.integer(max.ordSKEL),
# n.edgetests = n.edgetestsSKEL, sepset = sepset,
# pMax = pMax, zMin = matrix(NA, 1, 1))
# sk. <- pc.cons.intern(tmp.pdsep, suffStat, indepTest, alpha,
# verbose = verbose, version.unf = c(1, 1),
# maj.rule = maj.rule)
# tripleList <- sk.$unfTripl
# ## update the sepsets
# sepset <- sk.$sk@sepset
# }
# }
# else {## !doPdsep : "do not Pdsep"
# n.edgetestsPD <- 0
# max.ordPD <- 0
# allPdsep <- vector("list", p)
# if (conservative || maj.rule) {
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nCheck v-structures conservatively\n=================================\n")
# nopdsep <- pc.cons.intern(skel, suffStat, indepTest, alpha,
# verbose = verbose, version.unf = c(2, 1),
# maj.rule = maj.rule)
# tripleList <- nopdsep$unfTripl
# ## update the sepsets
# sepset <- nopdsep$sk@sepset
# }
# }
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nDirect egdes:\n=============\nUsing rules:", which(rules),
# "\nCompute collider:\n")
# res <- udag2pag(pag = G, sepset, rules = rules, unfVect = tripleList,
# verbose = verbose)
# colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- labels
# new("fciAlgo", amat = res, call = cl, n = integer(0),
# max.ord = as.integer(max.ordSKEL),
# max.ordPDSEP = as.integer(max.ordPD),
# n.edgetests = n.edgetestsSKEL, n.edgetestsPDSEP = n.edgetestsPD,
# sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, allPdsep = allPdsep)
# } ## {fci}
## only called in pdsep()
qreach <- function(x,amat,verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Compute possible-d-sep(x) ("psep")
## !! The non-zero entries in amat must be symmetric !!
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x: node of which psep berechnet werden soll
## - amat: adjacency matrix
## amat[i,j] = 0 iff no edge btw i,j
## amat[i,j] = 1 iff i *-o j
## amat[i,j] = 2 iff i *-> j
## - verbose: Show checked node sequence
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 29 Oct 2009, 11:54
## Stopping:
## =========
## At every iteration, Q get's reduced by one. It is only increased by
## at least one, if there are edges in A. and then, at least one
## edge in A. is removed. Edges are never inserted into A..
## Thus, either Q or A. becomes empty and the loop stops.
## Runtime:
## ========
## At least O(|V|), since look up in adjacency matrix is made. Assume O(|E|)>O
## Every edge can be visited at most twice. At each visit, there are no
## more than max(deg(V_i)) neighboring edges to look at. Thus, the runtime is
## O(2*|E| * max(deg(V_i))) = O(|E|^2) [worst case]; O(|E|) if sparse in the
## sense that max(deg(V_i)) is constant.
## Correctness:
## ============
## (A) All nodes in PSEP have a path of legal triples from x.
## (B) If there is a legal path from x to y in amat, at least one of them
## is found and y is recorded in PSEP:
## Suppose there is a node y != x that has a legal path from x, but is not in
## PSEP. y cannot be in nbrs(x), because they are added and nothing is
## deleted from PSEP. Hence, there must be a node z which
## is in PSEP but has a neighbor w in amat that has a legal path from
## x but is not in PSEP.
## Assuming that the function legal is correct, and noting that at (*) all
## neighbors of z in A. (tmp!) are analyzed, it follows that w is not
## in adj(z) in A. (but in amat). Thus, w must have been removed
## before from adj(z). Because of (+), it could only have been removed if
## u-z-w was found legal at some point. But then, w would have been added
## to PSEP. This is a contradiction to the assumption that w is not in PSEP.
## check: quadratic; x in V; edgemarks ok; non-zeroes symmetric
stopifnot((ncol(amat) == nrow(amat)),x <= ncol(amat),all(amat %in% c(0,1,2)),
all((amat != 0) == (t(amat != 0))))
A. <- (amat != 0) ## A.[i,j] is true <===> edge i--j
PSEP <- Q <- nb <- which(A.[x,])
P <-, length(Q))
A.[x,nb] <- FALSE ## delete edge to nbrs
while(length(Q) > 0) {
## Invariants:
## ===========
## (A1) length(Q) == length(P) > 0
## (A2) non-zero in A. -> non-zero in amat [no non-zero added]
## (A3) Q[i] and P[i] are adjacent in amat [using (A2)]
if (verbose) {
cat("Queue Q:",Q,"\n")
cat("Queue P:",P,"\n")
a <- Q[1]
Q <- Q[-1]
pred <- P[1] ## not empty because of (A1)
P <- P[-1]
if (verbose) cat("Select",pred,"towards",a,"\n")
nb <- which(A.[a,]) ## (*)
if (verbose) cat("Check nbrs",nb,"\nLegal:")
for (b in nb) {
## Guaranteed: pred-a-b are a path because of (A3)
if (lres <- legal.path(pred,a,b,amat)) {
A.[a,b] <- FALSE ## remove b out of adj(a) in A. (+)
Q <- c(Q,b)
P <- c(P,a)
PSEP <- c(PSEP,b)
if (verbose) cat(if(lres)"T" else ".", "")
} ## {qreach}
## only called in fci() [by default: doPdsep=TRUE]
# pdsep <- function (skel, suffStat, indepTest, p, sepset, alpha, pMax, m.max = Inf,
# pdsep.max = Inf, NAdelete = TRUE, unfVect = NULL,
# biCC = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) ## FIXME: verbose : 2 --> qreach(verbose)
# {
# ## Purpose: Compute Possible-D-SEP for each node, perform the condittional
# ## independent tests and adapt graph accordingly
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Arguments:
# ## - skel: Graph object returned by function skeleton
# ## - suffStat, indepTest: infofor the independence tests
# ## - p: number of nodes in the graph
# ## - sepset: Sepset that was used for finding the skeleton
# ## - alpha: niveau for the tests
# ## - pMax: Maximal p-values during estimation of skeleton
# ## - m.max: maximal size of the conditioning sets
# ## - pdsep.max: maximaum size of conditioning set for Possible-D-SEP
# ## - unfVect: vector containing the unfaithful triples, used for the
# ## conservative orientation of the v-structures
# ## - biCC: if the biconnected components have to be used
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Value:
# ## - G: Updated boolean adjacency matrix
# ## - sepset: Updated sepsets
# ## - pMax: Updated pMax
# ## - allPdsep: Possible d-sep for each node [list]
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 9 Dec 2009
# ## Modification: Diego Colombo; Martin Maechler
# G <- (as(skel, "matrix") != 0)
# n.edgetests <- rep(0, 1000)
# ord <- 0L
# allPdsep.tmp <- vector("list", p)
# if(biCC)
# conn.comp <- lapply(biConnComp(skel), as.numeric)
# if (any(G)) {
# amat <- G
# ind <- which(G, arr.ind = TRUE)
# storage.mode(amat) <- "integer" # (TRUE, FALSE) --> (1, 0)
# ## Orient colliders
# if (verbose) cat("\nCompute collider:\n")
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# x <- ind[i, 1]
# y <- ind[i, 2]
# allZ <- setdiff(which(amat[y, ] != 0), x)
# for (z in allZ) {
# if (amat[x, z] == 0 &&
# !(y %in% sepset[[x]][[z]] ||
# y %in% sepset[[z]][[x]])) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version -------------------
# amat[x, y] <- amat[z, y] <- 2
# if (verbose) cat("\n",x,"*->", y, "<-*", z, "\n")
# }
# else { ## conservative version : check if x-y-z is faithful
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,x,y,z), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,z,y,x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# amat[x, y] <- amat[z, y] <- 2
# if (verbose)
# cat("\n",x,"*->", y, "<-*", z, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# } ## for( z )
# } ## for( i )
# allPdsep <- lapply(1:p, qreach, amat = amat)# verbose = (verbose >= 2)
# allPdsep.tmp <- vector("list", p)
# for(x in 1:p) {
# if(verbose) cat("\nPossible D-Sep of", x, "is:", allPdsep[[x]], "\n")
# if (any(an0 <- amat[x, ] != 0)) {
# tf1 <- setdiff(allPdsep[[x]], x)
# adj.x <- which(an0)
# for (y in adj.x) {
# if(verbose) cat(sprintf("\ny = %3d\n.........\n", y))
# tf <- setdiff(tf1, y)
# diff.set <- setdiff(tf, adj.x)
# ## bi-connected components
# if (biCC) {
# for(cci in conn.comp) {
# if (x %in% cci && y %in% cci)
# break ## found it
# }
# bi.conn.comp <- setdiff(cci, c(x,y))
# tf <- intersect(tf, bi.conn.comp)
# if (verbose) {
# cat("There is an edge between",x,"and",y,"\n")
# cat("Possible D-Sep of", x,
# "intersected with the biconnected component of",x,"and",y,
# "is:", tf, "\n")
# }
# } ## if(biCC)
# allPdsep.tmp[[x]] <- c(tf,y) ## you must add y to the set
# ## for the large scale simulations, we need to stop the algorithm if
# ## it takes to much time, i.e. sepset>25
# if (length(tf) > pdsep.max) {
# if(verbose)
# cat("Size of Possible-D-SEP bigger than",pdsep.max,
# ". Break the search for the edge between", x,"and",y,"\n")
# } else if (length(diff.set) > 0) {
# done <- FALSE
# ord <- 0L
# while (!done && ord < min(length(tf), m.max)) {
# ord <- ord + 1L
# if(verbose) cat("ord = ", ord, "\n")
# if (ord == 1) {
# for (S in diff.set) {
# pval <- indepTest(x, y, S, suffStat)
# n.edgetests[ord + 1] <- n.edgetests[ord + 1] + 1
# if (
# pval <- as.numeric(NAdelete) ## = if(NAdelete) 1 else 0
# if (pval > pMax[x, y])
# pMax[x, y] <- pval
# if (pval >= alpha) {
# amat[x, y] <- amat[y, x] <- 0
# sepset[[x]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[x]] <- S
# done <- TRUE
# if (verbose)
# cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " S=", S, ": pval =", pval, "\n")
# break
# }
# }
# }
# else { ## ord > 1
# tmp.combn <- combn(tf, ord) ## has choose( |tf|, ord ) columns
# if (ord <= length(adj.x)) {
# for (k in seq_len(ncol(tmp.combn))) {
# S <- tmp.combn[, k]
# if (!all(S %in% adj.x)) {
# n.edgetests[ord + 1] <- n.edgetests[ord + 1] + 1
# pval <- indepTest(x, y, S, suffStat)
# if (
# pval <- as.numeric(NAdelete) ## = if(NAdelete) 1 else 0
# if(pMax[x, y] < pval)
# pMax[x, y] <- pval
# if (pval >= alpha) {
# amat[x, y] <- amat[y, x] <- 0
# sepset[[x]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[x]] <- S
# done <- TRUE
# if (verbose)
# cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " S=", S, ": pval =", pval, "\n")
# break
# }
# }
# } ## for(k ..)
# }
# else { ## ord > |adj.x| :
# ## check all combinations; no combination has been tested before
# for (k in seq_len(ncol(tmp.combn))) {
# S <- tmp.combn[, k]
# n.edgetests[ord + 1] <- n.edgetests[ord + 1] + 1
# pval <- indepTest(x, y, S, suffStat)
# if (
# pval <- as.numeric(NAdelete) ## = if(NAdelete) 1 else 0
# if(pMax[x, y] < pval)
# pMax[x, y] <- pval
# if (pval >= alpha) {
# amat[x, y] <- amat[y, x] <- 0
# sepset[[x]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[x]] <- S
# done <- TRUE
# if (verbose)
# cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " S=", S, ": pval =", pval, "\n")
# break
# }
# } ## for(k ..)
# } ## else: { ord > |adj.x| }
# } ## else
# } ## while(!done ..)
# }
# } ## for(y ..)
# } ## if(any( . ))
# } ## for(x ..)
# G[amat == 0] <- FALSE
# G[amat == 1] <- TRUE
# G[amat == 2] <- TRUE
# } ## if(any(G))
# list(G = G, sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, allPdsep = allPdsep.tmp,
# max.ord = ord, n.edgetests = n.edgetests[1:(ord + 1)])
# } ## {pdsep}
# udag2pag <- function(pag, sepset, rules = rep(TRUE,10), unfVect = NULL, verbose = FALSE, orientCollider = TRUE)
# {
# ## Purpose: Transform the Skeleton of a pcAlgo-object to a PAG using
# ## the rules of Zhang. The output is an adjacency matrix.
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Arguments:
# ## - pag: adjacency matrix of size pxp
# ## - sepset: list of all separation sets
# ## - rules: array of length 10 wich contains TRUE or FALSE corrsponding
# ## to each rule. TRUE means the rule will be applied.
# ## If rules==FALSE only R0 (minimal pattern) will be used
# ## - unfVect: Vector with ambiguous triples (coded as number using triple2numb)
# ## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 6 Mar 2009; cleanup: Martin Maechler, 2010
# ## update: Diego Colombo, 2012
# ## Notation:
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ## 0: no edge
# ## 1: -o
# ## 2: -> (arrowhead)
# ## 3: - (tail)
# ## a=alpha
# ## b=beta
# ## c=gamma
# ## d=theta
# stopifnot(is.logical(rules), length(rules) == 10)
# if(!is.numeric(pag)) storage.mode(pag) <- "numeric"
# if (any(pag != 0)) {
# p <- as.numeric(dim(pag)[1])
# ## orient collider
# if (orientCollider) {
# ind <- which(pag == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# x <- ind[i, 1]
# y <- ind[i, 2]
# allZ <- setdiff(which(pag[y, ] != 0), x)
# for (z in allZ) {
# if (pag[x, z] == 0 && !((y %in% sepset[[x]][[z]]) ||
# (y %in% sepset[[z]][[x]]))) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
# if (verbose) {
# cat("\n", x, "*->", y, "<-*", z, "\n")
# cat("Sxz=", sepset[[z]][[x]], "and",
# "Szx=", sepset[[x]][[z]], "\n")
# }
# pag[x, y] <- pag[z, y] <- 2
# }
# else {
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, x, y, z), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, z, y, x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# if (verbose) {
# cat("\n", x, "*->", y, "<-*", z, "\n")
# cat("Sxz=", sepset[[z]][[x]], "and",
# "Szx=", sepset[[x]][[z]], "\n")
# }
# pag[x, y] <- pag[z, y] <- 2
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# } ## end: Orient collider
# old_pag1 <- matrix(0, p, p)
# while (any(old_pag1 != pag)) {
# old_pag1 <- pag
# ##-- R1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[1]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 2 & t(pag) != 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# b <- ind[i, 2]
# indC <- which((pag[b, ] != 0 & pag[, b] == 1) & (pag[a, ] == 0 & pag[, a] == 0))
# indC <- setdiff(indC, a)
# if (length(indC) > 0) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
# pag[b, indC] <- 2
# pag[indC, b] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 1",
# "\nOrient:", a, "*->", b, "o-*", indC,
# "as:", b, "->", indC, "\n")
# }
# else {
# for (c in indC) {
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b, c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# pag[b, c] <- 2
# pag[c, b] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 1",
# "\nConservatively orient:", a, "*->", b, "o-*",
# c, "as:", b, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# } ## for( c )
# }
# }
# } ## for( i )
# }
# ##-- R2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[2]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 1 & t(pag) != 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# c <- ind[i, 2]
# indB <- which((pag[a, ] == 2 & pag[, a] == 3 & pag[c, ] != 0 & pag[, c] == 2) | (pag[a, ] == 2 & pag[, a] != 0 & pag[c, ] == 3 & pag[, c] == 2))
# if (length(indB) > 0) {
# pag[a, c] <- 2
# if (verbose) {
# cat("\nRule 2","\n")
# cat("Orient:", a, "->", indB, "*->", c, "or", a, "*->", indB, "->", c, "with", a, "*-o", c, "as:", a, "*->", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R3 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[3]) {
# ind <- which((pag != 0 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# b <- ind[i, 1]
# d <- ind[i, 2]
# indAC <- which((pag[b, ] != 0 & pag[, b] == 2) & (pag[, d] == 1 & pag[d, ] != 0))
# if (length(indAC) >= 2) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
# counter <- 0
# while ((counter < (length(indAC) - 1)) && (pag[d, b] != 2)) {
# counter <- counter + 1
# ii <- counter
# while (ii < length(indAC) && pag[d, b] != 2) {
# ii <- ii + 1
# if (pag[indAC[counter], indAC[ii]] == 0 && pag[indAC[ii], indAC[counter]] == 0) {
# if (verbose) {
# cat("\nRule 3","\n")
# cat("Orient:", d, "*->", b, "\n")
# }
# pag[d, b] <- 2
# }
# }
# }
# }
# else {
# comb.indAC <- combn(indAC, 2)
# for (j in 1:dim(comb.indAC)[2]) {
# a <- comb.indAC[1, j]
# c <- comb.indAC[2, j]
# if (pag[a, c] == 0 && pag[c, a] == 0 && c != a) {
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, d, c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c, d, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# pag[d, b] <- 2
# if (verbose) {
# cat("\nRule 3","\n")
# cat("Conservatively orient:", d, "*->", b, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R4 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[4]) {
# ind <- which((pag != 0 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)## b o-* c
# while (length(ind) > 0) {
# b <- ind[1, 1]
# c <- ind[1, 2]
# ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
# ## find all a s.t. a -> c and a <-* b
# indA <- which((pag[b, ] == 2 & pag[, b] != 0) &
# (pag[c, ] == 3 & pag[, c] == 2))
# ## chose one a s.t. the initial triangle structure exists and the edge hasn't been oriented yet
# while (length(indA) > 0 && pag[c,b] == 1) {
# a <- indA[1]
# indA <- indA[-1]
# ## path is the initial triangle
# ## abc <- c(a, b, c)
# ## Done is TRUE if either we found a minimal path or no path exists for this triangle
# Done <- FALSE
# ### MM: FIXME?? Isn't Done set to TRUE in *any* case inside the following
# ### while(.), the very first time already ??????????
# while (!Done && pag[a,b] != 0 && pag[a,c] != 0 && pag[b,c] != 0) {
# ## find a minimal discriminating path for a,b,c
# md.path <- minDiscrPath(pag, a,b,c, verbose = verbose)
# ## if the path doesn't exists, we are done with this triangle
# if (( <- length(md.path)) == 1) {
# Done <- TRUE
# }
# else {
# ## a path exists
# ## if b is in sepset
# if ((b %in% sepset[[md.path[1]]][[md.path[]]]) ||
# (b %in% sepset[[md.path[]]][[md.path[1]]])) {
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 4",
# "\nThere is a discriminating path between",
# md.path[1], "and", c, "for", b, ",and", b, "is in Sepset of",
# c, "and", md.path[1], ". Orient:", b, "->", c, "\n")
# pag[b, c] <- 2
# pag[c, b] <- 3
# }
# else {
# ## if b is not in sepset
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 4",
# "\nThere is a discriminating path between",
# md.path[1], "and", c, "for", b, ",and", b, "is not in Sepset of",
# c, "and", md.path[1], ". Orient:", a, "<->", b, "<->",
# c, "\n")
# pag[a, b] <- pag[b, c] <- pag[c, b] <- 2
# }
# Done <- TRUE
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[5]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 1 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-o b
# while (length(ind) > 0) {
# a <- ind[1, 1]
# b <- ind[1, 2]
# ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
# ## find all c s.t. a o-o c and c is not connected to b
# indC <- which((pag[a, ] == 1 & pag[, a] == 1) & (pag[b, ] == 0 & pag[, b] == 0))
# ## delete b since it is surely in indC
# indC <- setdiff(indC, b)
# ## find all d s.t. b o-o d and d is not connected to a
# indD <- which((pag[b, ] == 1 & pag[, b] == 1) & (pag[a, ] == 0 & pag[, a] == 0))
# ## delete a since it is surely in indD
# indD <- setdiff(indD, a)
# if (length(indC) > 0 && length(indD) > 0) {
# counterC <- 0
# while ((counterC < length(indC)) && pag[a, b] == 1) {
# counterC <- counterC + 1
# c <- indC[counterC]
# counterD <- 0
# while ((counterD < length(indD)) && pag[a, b] == 1) {
# counterD <- counterD + 1
# d <- indD[counterD]
# ## this is the easiest one
# if (pag[c, d] == 1 && pag[d, c] == 1) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
# pag[a, b] <- pag[b, a] <- 3
# pag[a, c] <- pag[c, a] <- 3
# pag[c, d] <- pag[d, c] <- 3
# pag[d, b] <- pag[b, d] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 5",
# "\nThere exists an uncovered circle path between", a, "and", b,
# ". Orient:", a, "-", b, "and", a, "-", c, "-", d, "-", b, "\n")
# }
# else { ## conservative: check that every triple on the circle is faithful
# path2check <- c(a,c,d,b)
# if (faith.check(path2check, unfVect, p)) {
# pag[a, b] <- pag[b, a] <- 3
# pag[a, c] <- pag[c, a] <- 3
# pag[c, d] <- pag[d, c] <- 3
# pag[d, b] <- pag[b, d] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 5",
# "\nThere exists a faithful uncovered circle path between",
# a, "and", b, ". Conservatively orient:",
# a, "-", b, "and", a, "-", c, "-", d, "-", b, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# ## search with a breitensuche a minimal uncovered circle path
# else {
# ## Find a minimal uncovered circle path for these a,b,c, and d.
# ## This path has already been checked to be uncovered and
# ## to be faithful for the conservative case
# ucp <- minUncovCircPath(p, pag = pag, path = c(a,c,d,b),
# unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
# ## there is a path ---> orient
# if (length(ucp) > 1) {
# ## orient every edge on the path as --
# n <- length(ucp)
# pag[ucp[1], ucp[n]] <- pag[ucp[n], ucp[1]] <- 3 ## a--b
# for (j in 1:(length(ucp)-1)) ## each edge on the path --
# pag[ucp[j], ucp[j + 1]] <- pag[ucp[j + 1], ucp[j]] <- 3
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R6 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[6]) {
# ind <- which((pag != 0 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)## b o-* c
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# b <- ind[i, 1]
# c <- ind[i, 2]
# if (any(pag[b, ] == 3 & pag[, b] == 3)) {
# pag[c, b] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 6",
# "\nOrient:", b, "o-*", c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R7 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[7]) {
# ind <- which((pag != 0 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# b <- ind[i, 1]
# c <- ind[i, 2]
# indA <- which((pag[b, ] == 3 & pag[, b] == 1) & (pag[c, ] == 0 & pag[, c] == 0))
# indA <- setdiff(indA, c)
# if (length(indA) > 0) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
# pag[c, b] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 7",
# "\nOrient:", indA, "-o", b, "o-*",
# c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
# }
# else for (a in indA)
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, a, b, c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p, c, b, a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# pag[c, b] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 7",
# "\nConservatively orient:", a, "-o", b, "o-*",
# c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R8 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[8]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 2 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
# for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
# a <- ind[i, 1]
# c <- ind[i, 2]
# indB <- which(pag[, a] == 3 & (pag[a, ] == 2 | pag[a, ] == 1) &
# pag[c, ] == 3 & pag[, c] == 2)
# if (length(indB) > 0) {
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 8",
# "\nOrient:", a, "->", indB, "->", c,
# "or", a, "-o", indB, "->", c, "with", a,
# "o->", c, "as", a, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R9 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[9]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 2 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-> c
# while (length(ind) > 0) {
# a <- ind[1, 1]
# c <- ind[1, 2]
# ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
# ## find all b s.t. a (o-)--(o>) b and b and c are not connected
# indB <- which((pag[a, ] == 2 | pag[a, ] == 1) &
# (pag[, a] == 1 | pag[, a] == 3) &
# (pag[c, ] == 0 & pag[, c] == 0))
# ## delete c from indB since it is surely inside
# indB <- setdiff(indB, c)
# ## chose one b s.t. the initial structure exists and the edge hasn't been oriented yet
# while ((length(indB) > 0) && (pag[c,a] == 1)) {
# b <- indB[1]
# indB <- indB[-1]
# ## find a minimal uncovered pd path from initial (a,b,c) :
# upd <- minUncovPdPath(p, pag, a,b,c,
# unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
# ## there is a path ---> orient it
# if (length(upd) > 1) {
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 9",
# "\nThere exists an uncovered potentially directed path between", a, "and", c,
# ". Orient:", a, " ->",c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ##-- R10 ------------------------------------------------------------------
# if (rules[10]) {
# ind <- which((pag == 2 & t(pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-> c
# while (length(ind) > 0) {
# a <- ind[1, 1]
# c <- ind[1, 2]
# ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
# ## find all b s.t. b --> c
# indB <- which((pag[c, ] == 3 & pag[, c] == 2))
# if (length(indB) >= 2) {
# counterB <- 0
# while (counterB < length(indB) && (pag[c, a] == 1)) {
# counterB <- counterB + 1
# b <- indB[counterB]
# indD <- setdiff(indB, b)
# counterD <- 0
# while ((counterD < length(indD)) && (pag[c, a] == 1)) {
# counterD <- counterD + 1
# d <- indD[counterD]
# ## this is the easiest one
# if ((pag[a, b] == 1 || pag[a, b] == 2) &&
# (pag[b, a] == 1 || pag[b, a] == 3) &&
# (pag[a, d] == 1 || pag[a, d] == 2) &&
# (pag[d, a] == 1 || pag[d, a] == 3) && pag[d, b] == 0 && pag[b, d] == 0) {
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 10 [easy]",
# "\nOrient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# else ## conservative version: check faithfulness of b-a-d
# if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,b,a,d), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,d,a,b), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 10 [easy]",
# "\nConservatively orient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# ## search with a breitensuche two minimal uncovered circle paths
# else {
# ## find all x s.t. a (o-)--(o>) x
# indX <- which((pag[a, ] == 1 | pag[a, ] == 2) &
# (pag[, a] == 1 | pag[, a] == 3), arr.ind = TRUE)
# indX <- setdiff(indX, c)
# if (length(indX >= 2)) {
# counterX1 <- 0
# while (counterX1 < length(indX) && pag[c, a] == 1) {
# counterX1 <- counterX1 + 1
# first.pos <- indX[counterX1]
# indX2 <- setdiff(indX, first.pos)
# counterX2 <- 0
# while (counterX2 < length(indX2) && pag[c, a] == 1) {
# counterX2 <- counterX2 + 1
# sec.pos <- indX2[counterX2]
# t1 <- minUncovPdPath(p, pag, a, first.pos, b,
# unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
# if (length(t1) > 1) { # otherwise, can skip next minUnc..()
# t2 <- minUncovPdPath(p, pag, a, sec.pos, d,
# unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
# if (length(t2) > 1 &&
# first.pos != sec.pos && pag[first.pos, sec.pos] == 0) {
# ## we found 2 uncovered pd paths
# if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 10", "\nOrient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# else if(!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,first.pos, a, sec.pos), na.rm = TRUE) &&
# !any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,sec.pos, a, first.pos), na.rm = TRUE)) {
# ## conservative version
# pag[c, a] <- 3
# if (verbose)
# cat("\nRule 10",
# "\nConservatively orient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
# }
# }
# }
# } # # while ( counterX2 .. )
# }
# }
# } # else
# } # while ( counterD .. )
# } # while ( counterB .. )
# } # if (length(indB) .)
# }
# } ## if (rules[10] ..)
# }
# }
# pag
# } ## udag2pag()
rfci <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p,
skel.method = c("stable", "original", ""),
fixedGaps = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL,
NAdelete = TRUE, m.max = Inf, rules = rep(TRUE, 10),
conservative = FALSE, maj.rule = FALSE,
numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Perform RFCI-Algorithm, i.e., estimate PAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - suffStat, indepTest: info for the tests
## - p: number of nodes in the graph
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
## - fixedGaps: the adjacency matrix of the graph from which the algorithm
## should start (logical); gaps fixed here are not changed
## - fixedEdges: Edges marked here are not changed (logical)
## - NAdelete: delete edge if pval=NA (for discrete data)
## - m.max: maximal size of conditioning set
## - rules: array of length 10 wich contains TRUE or FALSE corrsponding
## to each rule. TRUE means the rule will be applied.
## If rules==FALSE only R0 (minimal pattern) will be used
## - conservative: TRUE or FALSE defining if the v-structures after
## the skeleton have to be oriented conservatively or nor
## - maj.rule: TRUE or FALSE variable containing if the majority rule is
## used instead of the normal conservative
## - labels: names of the variables or nodes
## - numCores: handed to skeleton(), used for parallelization
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, 2011; modifications: Martin Maechler
cl <-
if(!missing(p)) stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p <- as.integer(p)) == 1, p >= 2)
if(missing(labels)) {
if(missing(p)) stop("need to specify 'labels' or 'p'")
labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
} else { ## use labels ==> p from it
if(missing(p)) {
p <- length(labels)
} else if(p != length(labels))
stop("'p' is not needed when 'labels' is specified, and must match length(labels)")
message("No need to specify 'p', when 'labels' is given")
if (conservative && maj.rule)
stop("Can only choose one of conservative or majority rule RFCI")
if (verbose) cat("Compute Skeleton\n================\n")
skel <- skeleton(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels = labels, method = skel.method,
fixedGaps = fixedGaps, fixedEdges = fixedEdges,
NAdelete=NAdelete, m.max=m.max, numCores=numCores, verbose=verbose)
sk.A <- as(skel@graph, "matrix")
sepset <- skel@sepset
## the list of all ordered unshielded triples (the graph g does not change it is just a search!)
u.t <- find.unsh.triple(sk.A, check = FALSE)
## check and orient v-structures recursively
r.v. <- rfci.vStruc(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset, sk.A,
unshTripl = u.t$unshTripl, unshVect = u.t$unshVect,
conservative = (conservative || maj.rule),
version.unf = c(1,1), maj.rule = maj.rule, verbose = verbose)
A <- r.v.$amat
sepset <- r.v.$sepset
## orient as many edge marks as possible
if (verbose)
cat("\nDirect egdes:\n=============\nUsing rules:", which(rules), "\n")
res <- udag2apag(A, suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset,
rules = rules, unfVect = r.v.$unfTripl, verbose = verbose)
Amat <- res$graph
colnames(Amat) <- rownames(Amat) <- labels
new("fciAlgo", amat = Amat, call = cl, n = integer(0),
max.ord = as.integer(skel@max.ord), max.ordPDSEP = 0L,
n.edgetests = skel@n.edgetests, n.edgetestsPDSEP = 0,
sepset = res$sepset, pMax = skel@pMax, allPdsep = vector("list", p))
} ## {rfci}
find.unsh.triple <- function(g, check = TRUE)
## Purpose: find the ordered (<x,y,z> with x<z) list of all the unshielded
## triples in the graph
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: g: adjacency matrix
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values: - unshTripl: matrix with 3 rows containing in each column
## an unshielded triple
## - unshVect: containing the unique number for each column
## in unshTripl
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 21 Oct 2010; clean- and speed-up: Martin Maechler
if(check) stopifnot( all(g == t(g)) )
m <- 0L
unshTripl <- matrix(integer(), 3, m)
if (any(g != 0)) { # if( at least one edge) -- find all unshielded triples in g
p <- nrow(g)
indS <- which(g == 1, arr.ind = TRUE) ## x-y
for (i in seq_len(nrow(indS))) {
xy <- indS[i,]
x <- xy[1]
y <- xy[2]
allZ <- setdiff(which(g[y, ] == 1), x) ## x-y-z
for (z in allZ) {
if (g[x,z] == 0 && g[z,x] == 0) {
## save the matrix
unshTripl <- cbind(unshTripl, c(xy, z))
## delete duplicates in the matrix
if ((m <- ncol(unshTripl)) > 0) {
deleteDupl <- logical(m)# all FALSE
for (i in seq_len(m)) ## FIXME -- make faster!
if (unshTripl[1,i] > unshTripl[3,i])
deleteDupl[i] <- TRUE
m <- ncol(unshTripl <- unshTripl[,!deleteDupl, drop = FALSE])
## define the vector with the unique number for each triple
unshVect <- vapply(seq_len(m), function(k)
triple2numb(p, unshTripl[1,k], unshTripl[2,k], unshTripl[3,k]),
list(unshTripl = unshTripl, unshVect = unshVect)
} ## {find.unsh.triple}
##' called only from rfci() and checkEdges()
rfci.vStruc <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset, g.amat,
unshTripl, unshVect, conservative = FALSE,
version.unf = c(2,1), maj.rule = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: check the unshielded triples in unshTripl as v-structures
## recursively check if new unshielded triples have been found
## then save and orient the final ones in finalList and finalVect
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - suffStat, indepTest, p,alpha: arguments from the algorithm
## - sepset, g.amat: output of the function skeleton
## - unshTripl, unshVect: list/numbers of the unshielded triples
## in graph
## - conservative: TRUE or FALSE
## - version.unf=c(2,1): conservative version
## - maj.rule: TRUE or FALSE variable containing if the majority
## rule is used instead of the normal conservative
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values: - updated sepset, graph (g.amat) and list of unfaithful v-structures
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 21 Oct 2010, 14:15
## check every column (unshielded triple) of unshTripl
## NOTE: what's done is done!!!! I don't look back in the matrix
stopifnot(is.matrix(unshTripl), nrow(unshTripl) == 3)
nT <- ncol(unshTripl)
A <- g.amat
## list of all unfaithful v-structures
unfTripl <- NULL
if (nT) {
if (verbose)
cat("\nCheck unshielded triples for conditional dependence
## check all the columns in unshTripl as v-structure or not
checktmp <- dep.triple(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset = sepset, apag = g.amat,
unshTripl = unshTripl, unshVect = unshVect,
## per default every triple is defined as a v-structure :
trueVstruct = rep(TRUE, nT), verbose = verbose)
## save the updated objects
A <- checktmp$apag
sepset <- checktmp$sepset
## note that no column is deleted from the matrix, we can add new triples instead
unshTripl <- checktmp$triple
unshVect <- checktmp$vect
trueVstruct <- checktmp$trueVstruct
if (verbose) cat(
if (conservative)
"\nOrient the v-structures conservatively
else "\nOrient the v-structures\n=======================\n")
## if there is at least one triple with the desired properties
if (any(trueVstruct)) {
for (i in 1:dim(unshTripl)[2]) {
if (trueVstruct[i]) {
x <- unshTripl[1, i]
y <- unshTripl[2, i]
z <- unshTripl[3, i]
if (!conservative) {
if (A[x, z] == 0 && A[x,y] != 0 && A[z,y] != 0 &&
!((y %in% sepset[[x]][[z]]) || (y %in% sepset[[z]][[x]]))) {
## this is to avoid the problem of:
## assume that <a,b,c> was saved in finalList because a "true" unshielded triple
## but after in the matrix appears <b,c,d> and the edge b-c is deleted
## of course the triple <a,b,c> stays in the finalList but we cannot orient the edge
## b-c because it doesn'e exist anymore
if (verbose)
cat("\n", x, "*->", y, "<-*", z,
"\nSxz=", sepset[[z]][[x]], "and",
"Szx=", sepset[[x]][[z]], "\n")
A[c(x,z), y] <- 2
} else { ## conservative version
## check if x-y-z is faithful
## find neighbours of x and z
nbrsX <- which(A[,x] != 0) ## G symm; x no nbr of z
nbrsZ <- which(A[,z] != 0)
if (verbose)
cat("\nTriple:",x,y,z,"and sepset by skelet:",
unique(sepset[[x]][[z]],sepset[[z]][[x]]),"\n") <- checkTriple(x, y, z, nbrsX, nbrsZ,
sepset[[x]][[z]], sepset[[z]][[x]],
suffStat = suffStat, indepTest = indepTest, alpha = alpha,
version.unf = version.unf, maj.rule = maj.rule,
verbose = verbose)
p <- nrow(A)
## 1: in NO set; 2: in ALL sets; 3: in SOME but not all
if ($decision == 3 || ## <- take action if case "3", or
## can happen the case in Tetrad, so we must save the triple as unfaithful
## a and c independent given S but not given subsets of the adj(x) or adj(z)
(version.unf[1] == 2 &&$version == 2)) {
## record unfaithful triple
unfTripl <- c(unfTripl, triple2numb(p, x, y, z))
if (verbose >= 2) cat("new unfTriple:", x, y, z, "\n")
sepset[[x]][[z]] <-$SepsetA
sepset[[z]][[x]] <-$SepsetC
if (A[x,z] == 0 && A[x,y] != 0 && A[z,y] != 0 &&
!((y %in% sepset[[x]][[z]]) ||
(y %in% sepset[[z]][[x]])) &&
!any(unfTripl == triple2numb(p, x, y, z), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfTripl == triple2numb(p, z, y, x), na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (verbose)
cat("\nOrient:", x, "*->", y, "<-*", z,
"\nSxz=", sepset[[z]][[x]], "and",
"Szx=", sepset[[x]][[z]], "\n")
A[c(x,z), y] <- 2
} ## else : conservative
} ## for (i ...)
list(sepset = sepset, amat = A, unfTripl = unfTripl)
} ## {rfci.vStruc}
## only called from rfci.vStruc() - with trueVstruct a vector of TRUE
dep.triple <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset, apag,
unshTripl, unshVect, trueVstruct, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: test the two edges of any unshielded triple in unshTripl (column)
## for dependence given sepset. If independent find the minimal
## sepset, delete the edge, define the triple as FALSE in
## trueVstruct and search in the graph for new triple or destroyed
## ones. Otherwise do nothing.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset, apag: skeleton parameters / result
## - unshTripl: matrix containing the unshielded triples (columns)
## - unshVect: triple2numb of unshTripl
## - trueVstruct: vector containing T/F for the v-structures
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values: - updated sepset, apag, unshTripl, unshVect, trueVstruct
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 16 Aug 2010, 15:07
p <- nrow(apag) ## == length(sepset)
for(k in seq_len(ncol(unshTripl))) {
## Note that trueVstruct[.] is changed *inside* !
if (trueVstruct[k]) { ## triple under inspection x-y-z
x <- unshTripl[1, k]
y <- unshTripl[2, k]
z <- unshTripl[3, k]
SepSet <- setdiff(unique(c(sepset[[x]][[z]],
sepset[[z]][[x]])), y)
nSep <- length(SepSet)
if (verbose)
cat("\nTriple:", x, y, z, "and sepSet (of size", nSep,") ", SepSet,"\n")
if (nSep != 0) {
x. <- min(x,y)
y. <- max(x,y)
y_ <- min(y,z)
z_ <- max(y,z)
## Check x-y ---------------------------------------------------------------
del1 <- FALSE
## check first x and y given the whole sepset(x,z)
if (indepTest(x, y, SepSet, suffStat) >= alpha) {
## afterwards we have to define this triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
del1 <- TRUE
## x and y are independent, then find the minimal sepset
done <- FALSE
ord <- 0L
while (!done && ord < nSep) {
ord <- ord + 1L
## all combinations of SepSet of size ord
S.j <- if (ord == 1 && nSep == 1) matrix(SepSet,1,1) else combn(SepSet, ord)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(S.j))) {
pval <- indepTest(x, y, S.j[,i], suffStat)
if (verbose) cat("x=", x, " y=", y, "S=", S.j[,i], ": pval =", pval, "\n")
if (pval >= alpha) {
## delete edge and save set in sepset
apag[x, y] <- apag[y, x] <- 0
sepset[[x]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[x]] <- S.j[,i]
done <- TRUE
## case 1: before we had a triangle and now it is an unshielded triple x-m-y
indM <- which((apag[x, ] == 1 & apag[, x] == 1) & (apag[y, ] == 1 & apag[, y] == 1))
indM <- setdiff(indM, c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
for (m in indM) {
## in the matrix the first column is always smaller than the third
unshTripl <- cbind(unshTripl, c(x., m, y.))
unshVect <- c(unshVect, triple2numb(p, x., m, y.))
## per default this new triple is set as TRUE in trueVstruct
trueVstruct <- c(trueVstruct, TRUE)
## case 2: an existent unshielded triple has been destroyed
## case 2.a): we had q-x-y or y-x-q in the matrix but not anymore
indQ <- which((apag[x, ] == 1 & apag[, x] == 1) & (apag[y, ] == 0 & apag[, y] == 0))
indQ <- setdiff(indQ, c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
for (q in indQ) {
## define the triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
delTripl <- unshVect == (
if (q < y) triple2numb(p, q, x, y) else triple2numb(p, y, x, q))
## if we haven't checked the triple yet, define it as FALSE
if (any(delTripl))
trueVstruct[which.max(delTripl)] <- FALSE
## case 2.b): we had r-y-x or x-y-r in the matrix but not anymore
indR <- which((apag[x, ] == 0 & apag[, x] == 0) & (apag[y, ] == 1 & apag[, y] == 1))
indR <- setdiff(indR, c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
## ^^^ (had typo here: 'indQ' !!)
for (r in indR) {
## define the triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
delTripl <- unshVect == (
if (r < x) triple2numb(p, r, y, x) else triple2numb(p, x, y, r))
if (any(delTripl))
trueVstruct[which.max(delTripl)] <- FALSE
} ## if (pv1 .. indepTest(..) )
## Check z-y ---------------------------------------------------------------
del2 <- FALSE
## check first z and y given the whole sepset(x,z)
if (indepTest(z, y, SepSet, suffStat) >= alpha) {
del2 <- TRUE ## will have to set this triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
## z and y are independent, then find the minimal sepset
Done <- FALSE
Ord <- 0L
while (!Done && Ord < nSep) {
Ord <- Ord + 1L
## all combinations of SepSet of size Ord
S.j <- if (Ord == 1 && nSep == 1) matrix(SepSet,1,1) else combn(SepSet, Ord)
for (i in seq_len(ncol(S.j))) {
pval <- indepTest(z, y, S.j[,i], suffStat)
if (verbose) cat("x=", z, " y=", y, " S=", S.j[,i], ": pval =", pval, "\n")
if (pval >= alpha) {
## delete edge and save set in sepset
apag[z, y] <- apag[y, z] <- 0
sepset[[z]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[z]] <- S.j[,i]
Done <- TRUE
} ## while( . )
## case 1: before we had a triangle and now it is an unshielded triple z-m-y
indM <- which((apag[z, ] == 1 & apag[, z] == 1) & (apag[y, ] == 1 & apag[, y] == 1))
indM <- setdiff(indM,c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
for (m in indM) {
## in the matrix the first column is always smaller than the third
unshTripl <- cbind(unshTripl, c(y_, m, z_))
unshVect <- c(unshVect, triple2numb(p, y_, m, z_))
## per default the triple is defined as TRUE
trueVstruct <- c(trueVstruct,TRUE)
## case 2: an existent unshielded triple has been destroyed
## case 2.a): we had q-z-y or y-z-q in the matrix but not anymore
indQ <- which((apag[z, ] == 1 & apag[, z] == 1) & (apag[y, ] == 0 & apag[, y] == 0))
indQ <- setdiff(indQ, c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
for (q in indQ) {
## define the triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
delTripl <- unshVect == (if (q < y) triple2numb(p, q, z, y) else triple2numb(p, y, z, q))
## if we haven't checked the triple yet, save it as FALSE
if (any(delTripl))
trueVstruct[which.max(delTripl)] <- FALSE
## case 2.b): we had r-y-z or z-y-r in the matrix but not anymore
indR <- which((apag[z, ] == 0 & apag[, z] == 0) & (apag[y, ] == 1 & apag[, y] == 1))
indR <- setdiff(indR, c(x,y,z)) ## just to be sure
## ^^^ (had typo here: 'indQ' !!)
for (r in indR) {
## define the triple as FALSE in trueVstruct
delTripl <- unshVect == (
if (r < z) triple2numb(p, r, y, z) else triple2numb(p, z, y, r))
if (any(delTripl))
trueVstruct[which.max(delTripl)] <- FALSE
## if at least one edge has been deleted this is not a future v-structure
if (any(del1, del2)) trueVstruct[k] <- FALSE
} ## if (nSep != 0)
## ELSE: the sepset is empty
## so surely <x,y,z> is an unshielded triple because they cannot be indep given the empty set
## nothing changed in sepset and in graph
## else{
## sepset <- sepset
## apag <- apag
## }
## recursion on the next column of unshTripl
## rec.res <- dep.triple(suffStat, indepTest, p, alpha, sepset, apag, unshTripl, unshVect, trueVstruct, k, verbose=verbose)
## save the modified objects
## unshTripl <- rec.res$triple
## unshVect <- rec.res$vect
## sepset <- rec.res$sepset
## apag <- rec.res$graph
## trueVstruct <- rec.res$trueVstruct
}## for ( k )
list(triple = unshTripl, vect = unshVect, sepset = sepset,
apag = apag, trueVstruct = trueVstruct)
} ## {dep.triple}
##' Check the dependence of the edges for R4
##' only called from udag2apag()
checkEdges <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, apag, sepset, path,
unfVect = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: check if every edge on the path should exist in R4
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values: - updated sepset and apag
## - deleted==FALSE no edge has been deleted on the path
## ==TRUE the discriminating path doesn't exist anymore
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 17 Aug 2010, 16:21
stopifnot((n.path <- length(path)) >= 2)
## did we delete an edge?
found <- FALSE
## conservative v-structures or not?
conservative <- (length(unfVect) > 0)
## set that at the beginning there are no new unfaithful v-structures
unfTripl <- NULL
## define the sepset
SepSet.tot <- unique(c(sepset[[path[1]]][[path[n.path]]],
if (length(SepSet.tot) != 0) {
if (verbose)
cat("\nCheck discriminating path:", path,
"for dependence of any edge given sepset", SepSet.tot,"\n")
p <- nrow(apag)
## check every edge on the path for independence given every possible subset of SepSet
for (i in seq_len(n.path-1)) {
x <- path[i]
y <- path[i+1]
SepSet <- setdiff(SepSet.tot, c(x,y))
x. <- min(x,y)
y. <- max(x,y)
if (verbose >= 2)
cat("Edge: ",x,"*-*",y, "; Sepset=", SepSet, "; |S|=", length(SepSet),"\n")
if (length(SepSet) != 0) {
j <- 0
while (!found && j < length(SepSet)) {
j <- j + 1
## all combinations of SepSet of size j
S.j <- if (j == 1 && length(SepSet) == 1) matrix(SepSet,1,1) else combn(SepSet, j)
ii <- 0
while (!found && ii < ncol(S.j)) {
ii <- ii + 1
pval <- indepTest(x, y, S.j[,ii], suffStat)
if (verbose)
cat("x=", x, " y=", y, " S=", S.j[,ii], ": pval =", pval,"\n")
if (pval >= alpha) {
if (verbose) cat("Independence found: delete edge between",x,"and",y,"\n")
found <- TRUE
## delete edge and save set in sepset
apag[x, y] <- apag[y, x] <- 0
sepset[[x]][[y]] <- sepset[[y]][[x]] <- S.j[,ii]
## before we had a triangle and now it is an unshielded triple x-m-y
indM <- setdiff(which(apag[x, ] != 0 & apag[, x] != 0 &
apag[y, ] != 0 & apag[, y] != 0),
c(x,y))## just to be sure
## create the list with all the new unshielded triples to be tested
if ((nI <- length(indM)) > 0) {
triplM <- matrix(integer(), 3, nI)
newVect <- numeric(nI)
for (jj in seq_len(nI)) {
m <- indM[jj]
triplM[,jj] <- c(x.,m,y.)
newVect[jj] <- triple2numb(p, x.,m,y.)
## new unshielded triple to be tested
r.v <- rfci.vStruc(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset, apag,
unshTripl = triplM, unshVect = newVect,
conservative = conservative, verbose = verbose)
## save the modified graph g in apag
apag <- r.v$amat
## save the new sepset
sepset <- r.v$sepset
## save the new unfTripl, since we tested new v-structures and some can be unfaithful
## for the conservative version
unfTripl <- r.v$unfTripl
} ## while(!found && i < *)
} ## while(!found && j < *)
} ## for(i ....)
## if SepSet is the empty set do nothing because surely the vertices are dependent
list(deleted = found, apag = apag, sepset = sepset, unfTripl = unfTripl)
##' called only from rfci()
udag2apag <- function (apag, suffStat, indepTest, alpha, sepset,
rules = rep(TRUE, 10), unfVect = NULL,
verbose = FALSE)
### FIXME part of this is cut-n-paste from udag2pag()
## Purpose: use the 10 orientation rules to orient the skeleton. R4 about
## discriminating paths also checks every edge for dependence
## given all subsets of the separating set.
## Note that the preliminaries v-structures are already oriented
## in apag
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - apag: adjacency matrix outputs of the function rfci.vStruc
## - suffStat, indepTest, alpha: arguments required for the tests in R4
## - sepset: list of all separation sets
## - rules: array of length 10 wich contains TRUE or FALSE corrsponding
## to each rule. TRUE means the rule will be applied.
## If rules==FALSE only R0 (minimal pattern) will be used
## - unfVect: Vector with ambiguous triples (coded as number using triple2numb)
## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Values: updated apag (oriented) and sepset
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 21 Oct 2010, 15:13
if (any(apag != 0)) {
p <- ncol(apag)
old_apag1 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
while (any(old_apag1 != apag)) {
old_apag1 <- apag
##-- R1 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[1]) {
ind <- which((apag == 2 & t(apag) != 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
b <- ind[i, 2]
indC <- which(apag[b, ] != 0 & apag[, b] == 1 &
apag[a, ] == 0 & apag[, a] == 0)
indC <- setdiff(indC, a)
if (length(indC) > 0) {
## normal version
if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
apag[b, indC] <- 2
apag[indC, b] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 1","\n")
cat("Orient:", a, "*->", b, "o-*", indC,
"as:", b, "->", indC, "\n")
## conservative
for (j in seq_along(indC)) {
c <- indC[j]
## check that a-b-c faithful
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,a,b,c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,c,b,a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
apag[b, c] <- 2
apag[c, b] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 1","\n")
cat("Conservatively orient:", a, "*->", b, "o-*",
c, "as:", b, "->", c, "\n")
##-- R2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[2]) {
ind <- which((apag == 1 & t(apag) != 0), arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
c <- ind[i, 2]
indB <- which(((apag[a, ] == 2 & apag[, a] == 3) &
(apag[c, ] != 0 & apag[, c] == 2)) |
((apag[a, ] == 2 & apag[, a] != 0) &
(apag[c, ] == 3 & apag[, c] == 2)))
if (length(indB) > 0) {
apag[a, c] <- 2
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 2","\n")
cat("Orient:", a, "->", indB, "*->",
c, "or", a, "*->", indB, "->", c, "with",
a, "*-o", c, "as:", a, "*->", c, "\n")
##-- R3 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[3]) {
ind <- which(apag != 0 & t(apag) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
b <- ind[i, 1]
d <- ind[i, 2]
indAC <- which(apag[b, ] != 0 & apag[, b] == 2 &
apag[, d] == 1 & apag[d, ] != 0)
if (length(indAC) >= 2) {
if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
counter <- 0
while ((counter < (length(indAC) - 1)) &&
(apag[d, b] != 2)) {
counter <- counter + 1
ii <- counter
while ((ii < length(indAC)) && (apag[d, b] != 2)) {
ii <- ii + 1
if (apag[indAC[counter], indAC[ii]] == 0 &&
apag[indAC[ii], indAC[counter]] == 0) {
apag[d, b] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3","\nOrient:", d, "*->", b, "\n")
else { ## conservative version
comb.indAC <- combn(indAC,2)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(comb.indAC))) {
a <- comb.indAC[1,j]
c <- comb.indAC[2,j]
if (apag[a,c] == 0 && apag[c,a] == 0 && c != a) {
## check faithfulness a-d-c
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,a,d,c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,c,d,a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
apag[d, b] <- 2
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 3","\nConservatively orient:", d, "*->", b, "\n")
##-- R4 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[4]) {
ind <- which((apag != 0 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)## b o-* c
while (length(ind) > 0) {
b <- ind[1, 1]
c <- ind[1, 2]
ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
## find all a s.t. a -> c and a <-* b
indA <- which((apag[b, ] == 2 & apag[, b] != 0) & (apag[c, ] == 3 & apag[, c] == 2))
## chose one a s.t. the initial triangle structure exists and the edge hasn't been oriented yet
while (length(indA) > 0 && apag[c,b] == 1) {
a <- indA[1]
indA <- indA[-1]
## Done is TRUE if either we found a minimal path or no path exists for this triangle
Done <- FALSE
while (!Done && apag[a,b] != 0 && apag[a,c] != 0 && apag[b,c] != 0) {
## find a minimal disciminating path for a,b,c
md.path <- minDiscrPath(apag, a,b,c, verbose = verbose) <- length(md.path)
## if the path doesn't exists, we are done with this triangle
if ( == 1) {
Done <- TRUE
else {
## a path exists and needs to be checked and maybe oriented
## first check every single edge for independence
chkE <- checkEdges(suffStat, indepTest, alpha = alpha,
apag = apag, sepset = sepset, path = md.path,
unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
## save updated graph, sepset,and UnfVect
sepset <- chkE$sepset
apag <- chkE$apag
unfVect <- c(unfVect, chkE$unfTripl)
## no edge deleted ----> orient the edges
if (!chkE$deleted) {
## if b is in sepset
if (b %in% sepset[[md.path[1]]][[md.path[]]] ||
b %in% sepset[[md.path[]]][[md.path[1]]]) {
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 4","\n")
cat("There is a discriminating path between",
md.path[1], "and", c, "for", b, ",and", b, "is in Sepset of",
c, "and", md.path[1], ". Orient:", b, "->", c, "\n")
apag[b, c] <- 2
apag[c, b] <- 3
else {
## if b is not in sepset
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 4","\n")
cat("There is a discriminating path between:",
md.path[1], "and", c, "for", b, ",and", b, "is not in Sepset of",
c, "and", md.path[1], ". Orient", a, "<->", b, "<->",
c, "\n")
apag[a, b] <- apag[b, c] <- apag[c, b] <- 2
Done <- TRUE
} ## while(!Done && ...)
##-- R5 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[5]) {
ind <- which((apag == 1 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-o b
while (length(ind) > 0) {
a <- ind[1, 1]
b <- ind[1, 2]
ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
## find all c s.t. a o-o c and c is not connected to b
indC <- which((apag[a, ] == 1 & apag[, a] == 1) & (apag[b, ] == 0 & apag[, b] == 0))
## delete b since it is surely in indC
indC <- setdiff(indC, b)
## find all d s.t. b o-o d and d is not connected to a
indD <- which((apag[b, ] == 1 & apag[, b] == 1) & (apag[a, ] == 0 & apag[, a] == 0))
## delete a since it is surely in indD
indD <- setdiff(indD, a)
if (length(indC) > 0 && length(indD) > 0) {
counterC <- 0
while ((counterC < length(indC)) && apag[a, b] == 1) {
counterC <- counterC + 1
c <- indC[counterC]
counterD <- 0
while ((counterD < length(indD)) && apag[a, b] == 1) {
counterD <- counterD + 1
d <- indD[counterD]
## this is the easiest one
if (apag[c, d] == 1 && apag[d, c] == 1) {
## normal version
if (length(unfVect) == 0) {
apag[a, b] <- apag[b, a] <- 3
apag[a, c] <- apag[c, a] <- 3
apag[c, d] <- apag[d, c] <- 3
apag[d, b] <- apag[b, d] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 5","\n")
cat("There exists an uncovered circle path between",
a, "and", b, ". Orient", a, "-", b, "and", a, "-", c, "-", d, "-", b, "\n")
## conservative
else {
## check that every triple on the circle is faithful
path2check <- c(a,c,d,b)
if (faith.check(path2check, unfVect, p)) {
apag[a, b] <- apag[b, a] <- 3
apag[a, c] <- apag[c, a] <- 3
apag[c, d] <- apag[d, c] <- 3
apag[d, b] <- apag[b, d] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 5","\n")
cat("There exists a faithful uncovered circle path between", a, "and", b,
". Conservatively orient:", a, "-", b, "and", a, "-", c, "-", d, "-", b, "\n")
## search with a breitensuche a minimal uncovered circle path
else {
## Find a minimal uncovered circle path for these a,b,c, and d.
## This path has already been checked to be uncovered and
## to be faithful for the conservative case
ucp <- minUncovCircPath(p, pag = apag, path = c(a,c,d,b),
unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
## there is a path ---> orient
if (length(ucp) > 1) {
## orient every edge on the path as --
n <- length(ucp)
apag[ucp[1], ucp[n]] <- apag[ucp[n], ucp[1]] <- 3 ## a--b
for (j in seq_len(length(ucp)-1)) {
apag[ucp[j], ucp[j + 1]] <- apag[ucp[j + 1], ucp[j]] <- 3 ## each edge on the path --
##-- R6 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[6]) {
ind <- which((apag != 0 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)## b o-* c
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
b <- ind[i, 1]
c <- ind[i, 2]
indA <- which(apag[b, ] == 3 & apag[, b] == 3)
if (length(indA) > 0) {
apag[c, b] <- 3
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 6","\nOrient:", b, "o-*", c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
##-- R7 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[7]) {
ind <- which((apag != 0 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
b <- ind[i, 1]
c <- ind[i, 2]
indA <- which((apag[b, ] == 3 & apag[, b] == 1) &
(apag[c, ] == 0 & apag[, c] == 0))
indA <- setdiff(indA, c)
if (length(indA) > 0) {
if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
apag[c, b] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 7","\n")
cat("Orient", indA, "-o", b, "o-*", c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
else { ## conservative
for (j in seq_along(indA)) {
a <- indA[j]
## check faithfulness of a-b-c
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,a,b,c), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,c,b,a), na.rm = TRUE)) {
apag[c, b] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 7","\n")
cat("Conservatively orient:", a, "-o", b, "o-*",
c, "as", b, "-*", c, "\n")
##-- R8 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[8]) {
ind <- which((apag == 2 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
c <- ind[i, 2]
indB <- which(((apag[a, ] == 2 & apag[, a] == 3) |
(apag[a, ] == 1 & apag[, a] == 3)) &
(apag[c, ] == 3 & apag[, c] == 2))
if (length(indB) > 0) {
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 8","\n")
cat("Orient:", a, "->", indB, "->", c,
"or", a, "-o", indB, "->", c, "with",
a, "o->", c, "as", a, "->", c, "\n")
##-- R9 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[9]) {
ind <- which((apag == 2 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-> c
while (length(ind) > 0) {
a <- ind[1, 1]
c <- ind[1, 2]
ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
## find all b s.t. a (o-)--(o>) b and b and c are not connected
indB <- which((apag[a, ] == 2 | apag[a, ] == 1) & (apag[, a] == 1 | apag[, a] == 3) & (apag[c, ] == 0 & apag[, c] == 0))
## delete c from indB since it is surely inside
indB <- setdiff(indB, c)
## chose one b s.t. the initial structure exists and the edge hasn't been oriented yet
while ((length(indB) > 0) && (apag[c,a] == 1)) {
b <- indB[1]
indB <- indB[-1]
## find a minimal uncovered pd path from initial (a, b, c) :
## cat("R9: a=", a, ", b=", b, ", c=", c,"\n")
upd <- minUncovPdPath(p, apag, a, b, c,
unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
## there is a path ---> orient it
if (length(upd) > 1) {
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose) {
cat("\nRule 9", "\n")
cat("There exists an uncovered potentially directed path between", a, "and", c, ". Orient:", a, " ->",c, "\n")
}## while
##-- R10 ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (rules[10]) {
ind <- which((apag == 2 & t(apag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a o-> c
while (length(ind) > 0) {
a <- ind[1, 1]
c <- ind[1, 2]
ind <- ind[-1,, drop = FALSE]
## find all b s.t. b --> c
indB <- which((apag[c, ] == 3 & apag[, c] == 2))
if (length(indB) >= 2) {
counterB <- 0
while (counterB < length(indB) && (apag[c, a] == 1)) {
counterB <- counterB + 1
b <- indB[counterB]
indD <- setdiff(indB, b)
counterD <- 0
while ((counterD < length(indD)) && (apag[c, a] == 1)) {
counterD <- counterD + 1
d <- indD[counterD]
## this is the easiest one
if ((apag[a, b] == 1 || apag[a, b] == 2) &&
(apag[b, a] == 1 || apag[b, a] == 3) &&
(apag[a, d] == 1 || apag[a, d] == 2) &&
(apag[d, a] == 1 || apag[d, a] == 3) &&
(apag[d, b] == 0 && apag[b, d] == 0)) {
if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 10","\nOrient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
else { ## conservative version
## check faithfulness of b-a-d
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,b,a,d), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,d,a,b), na.rm = TRUE)) {
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 10","\nConservatively orient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
## search with a breitensuche two minimal uncovered circle paths
else {
## find all x s.t. a (o-)--(o>) x
indX <- which((apag[a, ] == 1 | apag[a, ] == 2) &
(apag[, a] == 1 | apag[, a] == 3), arr.ind = TRUE)
indX <- setdiff(indX, c)
if (length(indX >= 2)) {
i1 <- 0
while (i1 < length(indX) && apag[c, a] == 1) {
i1 <- i1 + 1
# pos.1 <- indA[i1]
pos.1 <- indX[i1]
indX2 <- setdiff(indX, pos.1)
i2 <- 0
while (i2 < length(indX2) && apag[c, a] == 1) {
i2 <- i2 + 1
pos.2 <- indX2[i2]
## cat("R10.1: a=", a, ", b=", b, ", c=", c,"\n")
tmp1 <- minUncovPdPath(p, apag, a, pos.1, b,
unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
## cat("R10.2: a=", a, ", b=", b, ", c=", c,"\n")
tmp2 <- minUncovPdPath(p, apag, a, pos.2, d,
unfVect = unfVect, verbose = verbose)
## we found 2 uncovered pd paths
if (length(tmp1) > 1 && length(tmp2) > 1 &&
pos.1 != pos.2 && apag[pos.1, pos.2] == 0) {
if (length(unfVect) == 0) { ## normal version
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 10","\nOrient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
else { ## conservative version
if (!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,pos.1, a, pos.2), na.rm = TRUE) &&
!any(unfVect == triple2numb(p,pos.2, a, pos.1), na.rm = TRUE)) {
apag[c, a] <- 3
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 10","\nConservatively orient:", a, "->", c, "\n")
} ## rules[10]
list(graph = apag, sepset = sepset)
} ## {udag2apag}
## Oracle FCI (fast)
ancTS <- function(g) {
## Purpose: compute the ancestors of each node in the graph
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: - g: graph in topological order (e.g. produced with randomDAG)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 6 Aug 2012, 10:57
stopifnot((p <- numNodes(g)) >= 2)
m <- as(g, "matrix")
an <- pa <- vector("list", p)
for (i in 2:p) {
pa[[i]] <- pa.i <- which(m[1:(i-1),i] != 0)
if (length(pa.i) > 0) {
tmp <- c(pa.i)
## FIXME: unlist(lapply(pa.i, function(.) an[[.]])) :
for (p.ij in pa.i)
tmp <- c(tmp, an[[p.ij]])
an[[i]] <- sort(unique(tmp))
dag2pag <- function(suffStat, indepTest, graph, L, alpha, rules = rep(TRUE,10), verbose = FALSE) {
## Purpose: Perform fat oracle FCI-Algorithm, i.e., estimate PAG from
## the true DAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - suffStat, indepTest: info for the tests
## - graph: the true DAG
## - L: array containing the latent variables (columns in the adjacency matrix)
## - alpha: Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
## - rules: array of length 10 wich contains TRUE or FALSE corrsponding
## to each rule. TRUE means the rule will be applied.
## If rules==FALSE only R0 (minimal pattern) will be used
## - verbose: 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, 2011
p <- numNodes(graph)
cl <-
## find the ancestor sets
ancList <- ancTS(graph)
if (verbose) {
cat("Compute Skeleton\n================\n")
## find the skeleton
skel <- skeleton.dag2pag(suffStat, indepTest, graph,
ancList, L, alpha, verbose = verbose)
G <- as(skel@graph, "matrix")
sepset <- skel@sepset
pMax <- skel@pMax
n.edgetestsSKEL <- skel@n.edgetests
max.ordSKEL <- skel@max.ord
allPdsep <- NA
## tripleList <- NULL
n.edgetestsPD <- 0
max.ordPD <- 0
allPdsep <- vector("list", p-length(L))
## if (sum(G) == 0) {
## Gobject <- new("graphNEL", nodes = as.character(1:(p-length(L))))
## }
## else {
## colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- as.character(1:(p-length(L)))
## Gobject <- as(G, "graphNEL")
## }
if (sum(G) != 0)
colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- as.character(seq_len(p-length(L)))
if (verbose) {
cat("\nDirect egdes:\n=============\nUsing rules:", which(rules),
"\nCompute collider:\n")
res <- if (numEdges(skel@graph) > 0)
udag2pag(pag = G, sepset, rules = rules, verbose = verbose)
else G
new("fciAlgo", amat = res, call = cl, n = integer(0),
max.ord = as.integer(max.ordSKEL), max.ordPDSEP = as.integer(max.ordPD),
n.edgetests = n.edgetestsSKEL, n.edgetestsPDSEP = n.edgetestsPD,
sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, allPdsep = allPdsep)
} # {dag2pag}
##' Perform undirected part of oracle FCI-Algorithm, i.e.,
##' find skeleton of PAG given the true DAG
##' @title
##' @param suffStat info for the tests
##' @param indepTest info for the tests
##' @param graph the true DAG
##' @param ancList list containing the ancestors of each node in the graph
##' @param L array containing the latent variables (columns in the adjacency matrix)
##' @param alpha Significance level of individual partial correlation tests
##' @param NAdelete delete edge if pval=NA (for discrete data)
##' @param verbose 0 - no output, 1 - detailed output
##' @return "pcAlgo" object : (G, sepset, pMax, ord, n.edgetests)
##' @author Diego Colombo, 2011; speedup: Martin Maechler, Nov.2013
skeleton.dag2pag <- function(suffStat, indepTest, graph, ancList, L, alpha,
NAdelete = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
## Currently exported but undocumented, used only in dag2pag()
new.ord <- function(start, old, L) {
seq_start <- 1:start
tmp <- setdiff(seq_start,L) ## <- independent of old -- FIXME speed
new <- rep(0, length(old))
for (i in seq_along(old)) {
new[i] <- which(tmp == old[i])
cl <-
pval <- NULL
p <- numNodes(graph)
stopifnot(2 <= (new.p <- p-length(L)))
sepset <- vector("list", new.p)
G <- matrix(TRUE, nrow = new.p, ncol = new.p)
diag(G) <- FALSE
for (iList in 1:new.p) sepset[[iList]] <- vector("list", new.p)
pMax <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = new.p, ncol = new.p)
diag(pMax) <- 1
## test independence given the ancestors
for (i in setdiff(1:(p-1), L)) { ## i.e. i is not in L
iL <- new.ord(p,i,L)
for (j in setdiff((i+1):p, L)) { ## i.e. j is not in L
cond.set <- c(ancList[[i]],ancList[[j]])
cond.set <- setdiff(cond.set,c(i,j,L))
pval <- indepTest(i, j, cond.set, suffStat)
jL <- new.ord(p,j,L)
if (verbose) {
cat("x=", iL, " y=", jL,
" S=", new.ord(p,cond.set,L),": pval =", pval, "\n")
if( pval <- as.numeric(NAdelete) ## == if(NAdelete) 1 else 0
if (pval > pMax[iL, jL]) {
pMax[iL, jL] <- pval
if (pval >= alpha) {
G[iL, jL] <- G[jL, iL] <- FALSE
sepset[[iL]][[jL]] <- new.ord(p,cond.set,L)
for (i in 1:(new.p - 1)) {
for (j in 2:new.p) {
pMax[i, j] <- pMax[j, i] <- max(pMax[i, j], pMax[j, i])
Gobject <- if (sum(G) == 0)
new("graphNEL", nodes = as.character(1:new.p))
else {
colnames(G) <- rownames(G) <- as.character(1:new.p)
as(G, "graphNEL")
new("pcAlgo", graph = Gobject, call = cl, n = integer(0),
max.ord = integer(0), n.edgetests = integer(0),
sepset = sepset, pMax = pMax, zMin = matrix(NA, 1, 1))
## igraph alternative to Rgraphviz (only for pcAlgo objects)
iplotPC <- function(, labels = NULL) {
adjm <- wgtMatrix(getGraph(, transpose = FALSE)
if (!is.null(labels)) dimnames(adjm) <- list(labels, labels)
g1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix( adjm )
showEdgeList <- function(object, labels = NULL)
cat("\nEdge List: \n")
g <- getGraph(object)
if (is.null(labels)) labels <- nodes(g)
isDir <- isDirected(g)
wm <- wgtMatrix(g)
if(isDir && !is(object,"pcAlgo"))
stop("implementation only for 'pcAlgo', currently ...") ##-> Markus
## MM: in general, maybe rather look at each pair (i,j) in the lower triangular part of [W, t(W)]
wmU <- wm + t(wm) # weights for undirected e.
wmD <- t(wm - t(wm))# weights for directed e.
u <- which(wmU == 2 & upper.tri(wmU), arr.ind = TRUE)
cat("\n", if(isDir) "Undirected Edges" else "Undirected graph with Edges",
":\n", sep = "")
for (i in seq_len(nrow(u)))
cat(" ", paste(labels[u[i,1]], " --- ", labels[u[i,2]], "\n"))
if(isDir) {
d <- which(wmD == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
d <- d[order(d[,1]),]
cat("\nDirected Edges:\n")
for (i in seq_len(nrow(d)))
cat(" ", paste(labels[d[i,1]], " --> ", labels[d[i,2]], "\n"))
} else {
d <- matrix(0,0,0)
invisible(list(undir = u, direct = d))
## Generalized backdoor criterion
visibleEdge <- function(amat, x, z)
## Purpose: check if the directed edge from x to z in a MAG or in a PAG
## is visible or not
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: amat, x, z
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value: T/F
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 25 Apr 2012; simplification: Martin Maechler
## 1. scenario: there exists a vertex not adjacent to z with *---> x
## c *-> x --> z and c and z not connected :
hasC1 <- any(amat[x,] != 0 & amat[,x] == 2 & amat[z,] == 0)
## if there is at least one vertex
if (any(hasC1)) ## the edge is visible
## Otherwise:
## 2. scenario: there exists a collider path that is into x and
## every vertex on the path is a parent of z
## c <--> x --> z and c is a parent of z :
indC2 <- which(amat[x,] == 2 & amat[,x] == 2 &
amat[z,] == 3 & amat[,z] == 2)
for(c in indC2) {
## find a minimal discriminating path for c,x,z
if (length(minDiscrPath(amat, c,x,z)) > 1)
## a path exists
## nothing found: return
possibleDe <- function(amat,x)
## Purpose: in a DAG, CPDAG, MAG, or PAG determine which nodes are
## possible descendants of x on definite status paths
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: adjacency matrix of type amat.pag
## - x: node of interest
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - de.list: array containing the possible descendants of x
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 26 Apr 2012, 16:58
p <- nrow(amat) <-, p) ##
## 1. case: x is a possible child of itself[x] <- TRUE
## 2. case: find all the possible children of x
indD <- which(amat[x,] != 0 & amat[,x] != 2 & ! ## x (o,-)-* d <- rep(x,length(indD))
while (length(indD) > 0) {
## next element in the queue
d <- indD[1]
indD <- indD[-1]
pred <-[1] <-[-1][d] <- TRUE
a.d <- amat[,d]
a.d.p <- a.d[pred]
## find all possible children of d not visited yet
indR <- which(amat[d,] != 0 & a.d != 2 & ! ## d (o,-)-* r
for(j in seq_along(indR)) {
## check that the triple <pred,d,r> is of a definite status
## 1. d is a collider on this subpath; this is impossible
## because the edge between d and r cannot be into d
## 2. d is a definite non-collider
r <- indR[j]
if (a.d.p == 3 || a.d[r] == 3 ||
(a.d.p == 1 && a.d[r] == 1 && amat[pred,r] == 0)) {
## update the queues
indD <- c(indD, r) <- c(, d)
## return 'de.list' :
} ## {possibleDe}
dreach <- function(x, y, amat, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Compute d-sep(x,y) ("dsep")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - x, y: nodes of which dsep must be computed
## - amat: adjacency matrix of a MAG
## amat[i,j] = 0 iff no edge btw i,j
## amat[i,j] = 3 iff i *-- j
## amat[i,j] = 2 iff i *-> j
## - verbose: Show checked node sequence
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - DSEP: set containing the nodes in D-SEP(x,y)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 31 Jan 2013, 11:04
## check: quadratic; x in V; edgemarks ok; non-zeroes symmetric
stopifnot(is.matrix(amat), (p <- nrow(amat)) == ncol(amat),
x <= p, amat %in% c(0,2,3),
## The non-zero entries in amat must be symmetric:
(aN0 <- amat != 0) == t(aN0))
## compute the ancestors of x and y <- amat
amat.t <- amat + t(amat)
## because we have only ---> and <--> edges, in amat.t we have either 5s (--->) or 4s (<-->)
## delete all the bi-directed edges[which(amat.t == 4)] <- 0
## transform the directed edges from 3 and 2 in 1 and 0[which( == 3)] <- 0[which( == 2)] <- 1
dir.graph <- as(, "graphNEL")
john.pairs <- johnson.all.pairs.sp(dir.graph)
anc.y <- anc.x <- rep(FALSE, p)
anc.y[which(john.pairs[,y] < Inf)] <- TRUE
anc.x[which(john.pairs[,x] < Inf)] <- TRUE
## the set containing the ancestors of either x or y
anc <- anc.x | anc.y
anc[x] <- FALSE
## prepare the setting for the search
amat.tmp <- amat
nb <- which(amat[x,] != 0 & anc)
Q <- nb
P <-,length(Q))
DSEP <- nb
amat.tmp[x,nb] <- 0 ## delete edge to nbrs
while(length(Q) > 0) {
## Invariants:
## ===========
## (A1) length(Q) == length(P) > 0
## (A2) non-zero in amat.tmp -> non-zero in amat [no non-zero added]
## (A3) Q[i] and P[i] are adjacent in amat [using (A2)]
if (verbose) {
cat("Queue Q:",Q,"\n")
cat("Queue P:",P,"\n")
a <- Q[1]
Q <- Q[-1]
pred <- P[1] ## not empty because of (A1)
P <- P[-1]
if (verbose) cat("Select",pred,"towards",a,"\n")
nb <- which(amat.tmp[a,] != 0 & anc) ## (*)
for (i in seq_along(nb)) {
b <- nb[i]
## Guaranteed: pred-a-b are a path because of (A3)
## if a is a collider, b is in D-SEP of x
if (amat[pred,a] == 2 && amat[b,a] == 2) {
amat.tmp[a,b] <- 0 ## remove b out of adj(a) in amat.tmp (+)
Q <- c(Q,b)
P <- c(P,a)
DSEP <- c(DSEP,b)
} ## {dreach}
pag2magAM <- function(amat.pag, x, max.chordal = 10, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: transform a PAG/CPDAG into a valid MAG/DAG using the arrowhead
## augmentation from Zhang, without orienting additional edges
## into x and then orient any chordal component into a DAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat.pag: adjacency matrix of the PAG/CPDAG
## - x: node of interest
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - valid.DAG.mat: adjacency matrix corresponding to the valid MAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 12 Apr 2013, 14:24;
## Tweaks by Martin Maechler, bug fix by Joris Mooij
## deal with indexing issues
## 1. step: arrowhead augmentation
## find all o-> edges in the PAG
indA <- which((amat.pag == 2 & t(amat.pag) == 1), arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(indA))) {
a <- indA[i, 1]
b <- indA[i, 2]
amat.pag[b,a] <- 3L
## because we don't allow selection variables in the generalized backdoor
## criterion these kind of edges should not be present BUT YOU NEVER KNOW...
## find all o-- edges in the PAG
indB <- which(amat.pag == 3 & t(amat.pag) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(indB))) {
a <- indB[i, 1]
b <- indB[i, 2]
amat.pag[b,a] <- 2L
## 2.step: find all the chordal components in the updated graph
## find the adjacency matrix that contains
amat.undir <- amat.dir <- amat.pag
amat.t <- amat.pag + t(amat.pag)
## we are interested only in the o-o edges
## delete all the other edges
amat.undir[amat.t != 2] <- 0L
amat.dir [amat.t == 2] <- 0L
g.undir <- as(amat.undir,"graphNEL")
## Get all connected components [maybe should rather keep labels ??]
conn.comp <- lapply(connectedComp(g.undir), as.numeric)
if(verbose) {
lc <- vapply(conn.comp, length, 1L)
t2 <- if(any(lc == 1)) gettextf(" and %d singletons", sum(lc == 1)) else ""
cat(gettextf("The undirected graph has %d connected components%s",
sum(lc > 1), t2),"\n")
valid.DAG.mat <- amat.undir
## get all semilocal extensions of the undirected cpdag
for (cci in conn.comp) if (length(cci) > 1) {
if(length(cci) > max.chordal) return(NULL)
## check whether the component is chordal
am.u.ii <- amat.undir[cci,cci]
if(!is_chordal(graph_from_adjacency_matrix(am.u.ii, "undirected"),
fillin = TRUE)$chordal)
## else: not extendable or too large to handle
am. <- my.SpecialDag(amat.undir, a=am.u.ii, X=x, verbose=verbose)
valid.DAG.mat <- valid.DAG.mat * am.
} # if() ..end for
## add directed edges and return "valid.DAG.mat":
amat.mag <- valid.DAG.mat + amat.dir
## return mag
} ## {pag2magAM}
##' Auxiliary for pag2magAM()
my.SpecialDag <- function (gm, a, X, verbose = FALSE)
while (sum(a) != 0 ) {
sinks <- find.sink(a)
if (verbose) {
cat("Main Call: ################## \n")
cat("Sinks: ", sinks, "\n")
for (x in sinks) {
if (verbose)
cat("Try removing", x, " in a.\n")
if (adj.check(a, x) & as.numeric(rownames(a)[x]) != X) { <- a[, x] == 1 & a[x, ] == 1
if (any( { <- as.numeric(rownames(a)[])
real.x <- as.numeric(rownames(a)[x])
gm[real.x,] <- 3
gm[, real.x] <- 2
if (verbose) {
cat("Removed sink", as.numeric(rownames(a)[x]),
"in g (", x, "in a).\n")
cat("New graphs: \n")
a <- a[-x, -x]
} ## {my.SpecialDag}
backdoor <- function(amat, x, y, type = "pag", max.chordal = 10, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: for a given pair of nodes (x,y) and a given graph (DAG, CPDAG,
## MAG, or PAG) estimate if the causal effect of x on y using the
## generalized backdoor criterion is identifiable or not. In a
## first step we check if the effect is identifiable or not. If
## it is identifiable we compute the set W that satisfies the
## generalized backdoor criterion. If it is not identifiable
## the output is NA
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - amat: adjacency matrix of the corresponding graph
## - x, y: nodes for which we want to estimate the causal effect of x on y
## - type: specifies the type of graph of the adjacency matrix amat. It
## can be a DAG (type="dag"), a CPDAG (type="cpdag"), a MAG
## (type="mag"), or a PAG (type="pag")
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - cEffect: causal effect of x on y (either NA not identifiable or a number)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Diego Colombo, Date: 12 Apr 2013, 16:06
stopifnot (dim(amat)[1] > 0, x != y, length(type) == 1)
set.w <- NA
if (type == "dag" || type == "cpdag") {
## transfor each directed edge from 0-1 to 2-3 in the adjacency matrix
ind <- which((amat == 1 & t(amat) == 0), arr.ind = TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i, 1]
b <- ind[i, 2]
amat[a,b] <- 2
amat[b,a] <- 3
## check that x and y belong to the same connected component
## compute the connected components of the whole graph
conn.comp <- lapply(connectedComp(as(amat, "graphNEL")),
found.conncomp <- FALSE
for(ic in seq_along(conn.comp))
if (x %in% conn.comp[[ic]] & y %in% conn.comp[[ic]]) {
found.conncomp <- TRUE
break ## we found one {FIXME: should use info conn.comp[[ic]] ! }
## if x and y are not in the same connected component ---> empty set
if (!found.conncomp)
return( NULL )
## else :
## 1. generate a MAG/DAG belonging to the equivalence class of the
## PAG or a CPDAG without orienting additional edges into X
amat.r <- if (type == "cpdag" || type == "pag")
pag2magAM(amat, x, max.chordal = max.chordal, verbose = verbose)
else amat
## 2. compute the truncated corresponding graph
## 2.a) find all the visible edges in the original graph that are out of X
## 2.b) all the definitely visible edges out of X have to be deleted
## in the graph constructed previously
indD <- which(amat[x,] == 2 & amat[,x] == 3) ## x--> d
## CASE A: in a CPDAG or DAG every directed edge out of X is visible
## then delete them all
if (type == "cpdag" || type == "dag") {
for (z in indD)
## delete visible edges out of x edges
amat.r[z,x] <- amat.r[x,z] <- 0
} else {
## CASE B: in a MAG or PAG the directed edges out of X need
## to be checked for visibility
if (length(indD) > 0) {
del.edges <- vapply(indD, function(z) {
## check each directed edge out of X for visibility
visibleEdge(amat, x, z)
}, NA)
## delete visible edges out of x edges
amat.r[indD[del.edges],x] <- amat.r[x,indD[del.edges]] <- 0
## transform invisible edges out of x by bi-directed
## amat.r[indD[!del.edges],x] <- amat.r[x,indD[!del.edges]] <- 2
## 3. compute possible descendants of x along definite status paths
## <- possibleDe(amat, x) <- possDe(m = amat, x = x, y = NULL, possible = TRUE,
ds = TRUE, type = "pag") ## sic !!!
## 4. compute D-SEP(x,y)_path in the truncated graph
dsep.set <- dreach(x, y, amat.r)
## 5. check that no possible descendants of x along definite status
## paths are in D-SEP(x,y,amat.r) or y is in adj(x, amat.r)
if (amat.r[x,y] == 0 && !any( %in% dsep.set))
## D-SEP(x,y,amat.r) closes all the paths
set.w <- dsep.set
} ## {backdoor}
##' Utility that transforms a CPDAG matrix into a FCI matrix
trafoCPDmat <- function(M)
n <- ncol(M)
if(n >= 2) for(i in 2:n)
for(j in seq_len(i-1L)) { ## 1 <= j < i <= n
if (M[i,j] == 1L) {
## if the edge is i -> j
if (M[j,i] == 0L) {
M[i,j] <- 2L # arrow head
M[j,i] <- 1L # arrow circle
## if the edge is i - j --- nothing to do: M[i,j] = M[j,i] = 1 already
## else if (M[j,i] == 1)
## {
## M[i,j] <- 1 # arrow circle
## M[j,i] <- 1 # arrow circle
## }
## if the edge is i <- j
else if (M[i,j] == 0L && M[j,i] == 1L)
M[i,j] <- 1L # arrow circle
M[j,i] <- 2L # arrow head
## this function finds ancestors of a node x in the subgraph of G+
## when some confounders are removed,
## for i=1..p (p - number of nodes in the full graph)
## vector[i] = position of the node i in the subgraph (if the node is not in
## the subgraph vector[i]=0)
## m is the adjacency matrix of the full graph
###___ CURRENTLY UNUSED ___, instead NAA_ancestors() below
NAAancestors.1 <- function(x, m, vector)
## q denotes unvisited nodes/ nodes in queue
## v denotes visited nodes
p <- nrow(m)
q <- v <- integer(p) # all 0
q[1L] <- x
i <- k <- 1L
while(k <= i && q[k] != 0)
t <- q[k]
## mark t as visited
v[k] <- t
k <- k+1L
## in this for cycle adds all nodes that have an undirected
## edge with node t and all parents of node t to queue
for(j in 1:p)
if (m[j,t] == 2 && m[t,j] == 3)
## only add nodes that haven't been added
if (vector[j] != 0 && j %nin% q)
i <- i+1L
q[i] <- j
## Not Against Arrow Ancestors
## If node a is in NAAA that means that there is a not against arrowhead path
## from a to x
setdiff(v, c(0L,x))
##' Finds the "not against arrowhead ancestors" of the node x in G+
##' using the adjacency matrix m of G+, and breadth first search.
##' "Not Against Arrowhead Ancestors" (NAAA) are all the nodes u in G+ that
##' have a path u.. -> x in G+ which doesn't go against arrowhead
##' Currently only used as auxiliary for PosDsepLinks()
##' @title Find "Not Against Arrowhead" Ancestors (NAAA)
##' @param x scalar integer in 1..p, denoting a node in graph G+
##' @param m p x p adjacency matrix of graph G+
##' @return a (possibly empty) vector of integers, the NAAA nodes of x in G+
NAA_ancestors <- function(x, m)
## q denotes unvisited nodes/ nodes in queue
## v denotes visited nodes
p <- ncol(m); i.p <- 1:p
q <- v <- integer(p) # all 0
q[1L] <- x
i <- k <- 1L
while(k <= i && q[k] != 0) {
t <- q[k]
## mark t as visited
v[k] <- t
k <- k+1L
## in this for cycle adds all nodes that have an undirected
## edge with node t and all parents of node t to queue
for(j in i.p)
if ((t == x && m[j,t] == 2 && m[t,j] == 1) ||
(t != x && m[t,j] != 2 && m[t,j] != 0))
## only add nodes that haven't been added
if (j %nin% q) {
i <- i+1L
q[i] <- j
## return Not Against Arrow Ancestors (NAAA):
## A node a is in NAAA iff there is a "not against arrowhead" path from a to x
setdiff(v, c(0L,x))
##' Find possible Dsep links, given the adjacency matrix,
##' as the edges that satisfy the pattern described in Lemma 4.
##' The edge X <-> Y is a PosDsep link in G+ if there exist nodes, U,V such that
##' U <-> X <-> Y <-> V in G+, and U and V are not adjacent and paths V.. -> X
##' U.. -> Y exist in G+ and they do not go against arrowhead
##' @title Find POSsible D-Separation LINKS
##' @param m adjacency matrix
##' @return a (possibly empty) data frame with columns "x" and "y"
##' where \code{x[i] *-* y[i]} is a possible Dsep link for all i.
# PosDsepLinks <- function(m, verbose=TRUE)
# {
# stopifnot(1 <= (p <- ncol(m)))
# i.p <- 1:p
# NAAA <- vector("list", p)
# x <- y <- integer()
# ## for all pairs 1 <= j < i <= p
# for(i in i.p[-1L]) {
# ## nodes that have a "not against arrowhead" path to i :
# NAAA[[i]] <- NAAA_i <- NAA_ancestors(i, m)
# for (j in 1:i)
# ## first find a bidirected i <-> j edge in G+
# if (m[i,j] == 2 && m[j,i] == 2) {
# u <- v <- integer()
# ## Then find bidirected edges u <-> i and j <-> v
# for (k in i.p) if (k != i && k != j)
# {
# if (m[i,k] == 2 && m[k,i] == 2)
# u <- union(u,k)
# if (m[j,k] == 2 && m[k,j] == 2)
# v <- union(v,k)
# }
# ## find nodes u (v) that have both a bidirected edge with i (j) and
# ## a not against arrowhead path to j (i)
# u <- intersect(u, NAAA[[j]]) ## as j <= i, this is already computed
# v <- intersect(v, NAAA_i)
# ## check if there is a pair of nodes in (u,v) that is not adjacent
# found.i.j <- FALSE
# for(k in seq_along(u)) {
# u.k <- u[k]
# for(r in seq_along(v))
# if (u.k != v[r] && m[u.k,v[r]] == 0) {
# found.i.j <- TRUE
# break
# }
# if(found.i.j)
# break
# }
# ## found.i.j is true iff we found a pair of nodes fulfilling all 3 conditions.
# ## In that case, the node pair (i,j) is added to the PosDsepLinks set:
# if (found.i.j) {
# if(verbose) cat(sprintf("Added PosDsepLink %2d *-* %2d\n", i,j))
# x <- c(x, i)
# y <- c(y, j)
# }
# }
# }
# ## returns data frame with possible Dsep links x[i] *-* y[i] for all i
# data.frame(x = x, y = y)
# }
## this function finds a minimal Dsep set, given a Dsep set by
## going through all the subsets of the Dsep set, in the same way it is
## done as in the skeleton function
## x and y are the nodes separated by the sepset sep,
## while suffStat is a sufficient statistic, and
## indepTest is an independence test
MinimalDsep <- function(x,y, sep, suffStat,indepTest, alpha = 0.01)
stopifnot((n <- length(sep)) >= 1)
for(i in 1:n)
S <- seq_len(i)
wasLast <- FALSE
while (!wasLast) {
if (indepTest(x,y,sep[S],suffStat) > alpha) ## had 'alpha= 0.01' hardcoded
z <- getNextSet(n,i,S)
S <- z$nextSet
wasLast <- z$wasLast
##' Find the hierarchy HIE(X,I) given a vector of nodes x and a list of
##' sepsets, according to the definition of a hierarchy HIE(X,I).
##' This is a recursive function, so even though vector x represents the
##' original vector given to the function, it also represents the hierarchy
##' we are in the process of constructing
##' @title Find Hierarchy HIE(X,I)
##' @param x a vector of nodes.
##' @param sepset a list of \dQuote{sepsets}, the "independence set".
##' @return
HIE <- function(x, sepset)
## flag1 is used to detect wheteher the hierarchy
## is complete or if more nodes should be added
flag1 <- FALSE
## first check if all the nodes have been added
## if there are nodes that still need to be added
## set flag1 to TRUE and exit the loop
i.x <- seq_along(x)
for(i in i.x)
if (flag1) break
for(j in seq_along(x)) {
ss.ij <- sepset[[x[i]]][[x[j]]]
if (!is.null(ss.ij) && length(ss.ij) != 0 && length(setdiff(ss.ij, x)) != 0) {
flag1 <- TRUE
## if flag1 is still FALSE all nodes have been added
## and we can exit the function
if (!flag1)
## else (flag1 is TRUE) there are still nodes to be added
## flag2 is an indicator that prevents the recursion
## from doing some calculations more than once
flag2 <- FALSE
for(i in i.x) {
if (flag2) break
for(j in i.x)
if (flag2)
## else :
## if there are still nodes in the separating set of two nodes
## from the hierarchy that are not in the hierarchy
## add those nodes to the hierarchy
ss.ij <- sepset[[x[i]]][[x[j]]]
if (!is.null(ss.ij) && length(ss.ij) != 0 && length(setdiff(ss.ij, x)) != 0) {
## recurse
return(HIE(union(x,ss.ij), sepset))
} ## {HIE}
AugmentGraph <- function(M, suffStat, sepsets, indepTest, alpha = 0.01)
## first transform matrix so that it differentiates between edge marks
stopifnot((p <- ncol(M)) >= 1)
if(hasNms <- !is.null(dns <- dimnames(M))) dimnames(M) <- NULL # speedup
i.p <- 1:p
for(i in i.p) {
seps.i <- sepsets[[i]]
for(j in i.p) ## go through all the sepsets
## cat("i=",i," - j=",j,"\n")
if (!is.null(sep <- seps.i[[j]])) {
## only check neighbors of i, j and sepset
adjacent <- union(which(M[i,] != 0),
which(M[j,] != 0))
for (r in seq_along(sep))
adjacent <- union(adjacent, which(M[sep[r],] != 0))
## delete i,j, sepset from the set of adjacent nodes
del.nodes <- union(c(i,j), sep)
adjacent <- setdiff(adjacent, del.nodes)
## if adding a node to the sepset breaks the cond. independence
## orient according to lemma 2. (i)
for (adj in adjacent) {
if (indepTest(i, j, union(sep,adj), suffStat) < alpha) {
for(node in del.nodes)
if ((M.k <- M[node,adj]) != 0 && M.k != 2) {
M[node,adj] <- 2
## cat("oriented this node:",node," towards this node:",adj,"\n")
## return newly oriented matrix
if(hasNms) structure(M, dimnames = dns) else M
## The final fciplus function, it uses all other functions and returns
## an adjacency matrix; however, it does not go through the 10 orientation rules.
## the input for the function is a pc fitted graph -
## as well as a sufficient statistic and an independence test
# fciplus.intern <- function(, alpha = 0.01, suffStat, indepTest, verbose=TRUE)
# {
# sepsets <-
# cpdag <-
# m <- trafoCPDmat(as(cpdag, "matrix"))
# ## first run the augment graph function to orient invariant
# ## arrowheads according to Lemma 2. (1)
# mat <- AugmentGraph(m, suffStat, sepsets, indepTest)
# ## which(mat[,27]==2)
# ## Check if there are any possible Dsep links
# link <- PosDsepLinks(mat)
# ## if there are possible Dsep links it should be checked
# ## which of these are actually edges that should be removed
# ## an edge X - Y is a Dsep link if X and Y are Dseparated by the hierarchy
# ## of the parents of the nodes X and Y (excluding X and Y)
# ## a counter to help us go through the data frame of all possible Dsep lins
# count <- 1L
# while (count <= length(link$x)) {
# x <- link$x[count]
# y <- link$y[count]
# ## basex and basey are vectors of the nodes neighboring nodes x,y
# basex <- setdiff(which(mat[x,] != 0), y)
# basey <- setdiff(which(mat[y,] != 0), x)
# all <- union(basex,basey)
# ## to determine whether a posDsep link is an actual Dsep link
# ## it is necessarry to go through all the subsets of the sets basex and
# ## basey (since we don't know the parents) and build a hierarchy
# ## for each combination of those subsets
# ## since it is complicated to go through all the subets of both basex and basey,
# ## I decided to combine them into one set and go through subsets of that set
# ## but only building a hierarchy using a subset that contatins neighbors of
# ## both x and y
# ## bound is the number of neighbors of x and y
# bound <- length(all)
# ## flag is an indicator that will be given the value TRUE if
# ## an actual Dsep link is discovered so we can use it to break
# ## from the for cycle and return to the while cycle
# flag <- FALSE
# for(i in seq_len(bound)) {
# if (flag) break
# S <- seq_len(i)
# exit <- FALSE
# while (!exit && !flag)
# {
# a.S <- all[S]
# ## check if there are more than 1 and less than k neighbors of x and y in the subset
# if (1 <= (l.S.bx <- length(intersect(a.S, basex))) && l.S.bx <= i &&
# 1 <= ( <- length(intersect(a.S, basey))) && <= i)
# {
# ## build a hierarchy
# potential <- HIE(union(c(x,y), a.S), sepsets)
# ## remove x and y from the hierarchy
# potential <- setdiff(potential, c(x,y))
# ## if this set is actually a separating set it should be added to
# ## the list of sepsets and we should begin the process again (AugmentGraph, PosDsepLink)
# if (indepTest(x,y, potential, suffStat) > alpha)
# {
# ## find the minimal sepset
# mindsep <- MinimalDsep(x,y,potential,suffStat,indepTest)
# ## update sepsets
# if (is.null(mindsep)) {
# sepsets[[x]][y] <- list(NULL)
# } else {
# sepsets[[x]][[y]] <- mindsep
# }
# ## update matrix by removing the Dsep link
# mat[x,y] <- mat[y,x] <- 0
# cat("Found Dsep Link for x=",x,"y=",y,"sepset=",mindsep,"\n")
# ## orient invariant arrowheads
# mat <- AugmentGraph(mat,suffStat,sepsets,indepTest)
# ## search for new PosDsepLinks
# link <- PosDsepLinks(mat)
# ## reset counter and set flag to TRUE
# count <- 1L
# flag <- TRUE
# }
# }
# z <- getNextSet(bound, i, S)
# S <- z$nextSet
# exit <- z$wasLast
# } ## while(!exit ..)
# } ## for(i .. )
# ## if we've exited the for cycle and flag is still false it means x-y is not
# ## a Dseplink so we should move on to the next posDseplink
# if (!flag)
# count <- count+1L
# } ## while(count <= ..)
# ## return the adjusted adjacency matrix and sepset
# list(mat = mat, sepset = sepsets)
# } ## {fciplus.intern}
# fciPlus <- function(suffStat, indepTest, alpha, labels, p, verbose=TRUE)
# {
# ## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 7 Jul 2014, 12:08
# cl <-
# if(!missing(p)) stopifnot(is.numeric(p), length(p <- as.integer(p)) == 1, p >= 2)
# if(missing(labels)) {
# ## FIXME ---- make function for this and use in skeleton(), pc(), fci(), ....
# ## if(is.matrix(C <- suffStat[["C"]]) && (d <- dim(C))[1] == d[2]) {
# ## ## we can derive 'p' *and* 'labels' -- in 99% of cases !
# ## p <- d[1]
# ## if(is.null(labels <- colnames(C)))
# ## labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
# ## } else {
# if(missing(p)) stop("need to specify 'labels' or 'p'")
# labels <- as.character(seq_len(p))
# ## }
# } else { ## use labels ==> p from it
# stopifnot(is.character(labels))
# if(missing(p)) {
# p <- length(labels)
# } else if(p != length(labels))
# stop("'p' is not needed when 'labels' is specified, and must match length(labels)")
# else
# message("No need to specify 'p', when 'labels' is given")
# }
# skel <- skeleton(suffStat = suffStat, indepTest = indepTest, alpha = alpha,
# labels = labels, p = p)
# fit1 <- udag2pdagRelaxed(gInput = skel, orientCollider = FALSE)
# fcip <- fciplus.intern( = fit1, alpha=alpha, suffStat=suffStat,
# indepTest=indepTest, verbose=verbose)
# fcip$mat <- (fcip$mat != 0) + 0 # forget orientations in augmented graph: FCI orientation rules seem more accurate
# fciplus.amat <- udag2pag(pag = fcip$mat, sepset = fcip$sepset,
# orientCollider = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
# colnames(fciplus.amat) <- rownames(fciplus.amat) <- labels
# new("fciAlgo", amat = fciplus.amat, call = cl, n = integer(0),
# max.ord = integer(0),
# max.ordPDSEP = integer(0),
# n.edgetests = integer(0), n.edgetestsPDSEP = integer(0),
# sepset = list(), pMax = matrix(0,1,1), allPdsep = list())
# } ## {fciPlus}
## MM: Das braucht's ja wirklich nicht; wir haben extra gute summary(.) Methoden,
## wobei ich ja vor allem jene for "fciAlgo" in der (vor)letzten Version schön verbessert habe.
## Ich wollte sowieso vorschlagen, dass pcAlgo für die adj.Matrix "dasselbe" macht wie fciAlgo !
displayAmat <- function(obj) {
## Convert object of class 'fciAlgo' or 'pcAlgo' to
## corresponding adjacency matrix of type 'amat.pag'
## or 'amat.cpdag'
co <- class(obj)
if (co == "fciAlgo") {
amat <- obj@amat
type <- "amat.pag"
} else {
if (co == "pcAlgo") {
type <- "amat.cpdag"
amat <- wgtMatrix(obj@graph)
} else {
stop("showAmat: Class of input is not supported.")
list(amat = amat, type = type)
pdag2allDags <- function(gm, verbose = FALSE) {
nodeNms <- colnames(gm)
p <- ncol(gm)
rownames(gm) <- colnames(gm) <- as.character(1:p)
res <- allDags.internal(gm = gm, a = gm, tmp = NULL, verbose = verbose)
list(dags = res, nodeNms = nodeNms)
allDags.internal <- function(gm,a,tmp, verbose = FALSE)
## Purpose: Find all DAGs for a given PDAG
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments:
## - gm: Adjacency matrix of initial PDAG of type \code{amat.cpdag}
## - a: copy of gm
## - tmp: "current set of DAGs", initially NULL
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Value:
## - one 0/1 adj.matrix per row
## Reversion to graph: as(matrix(res[i,],p,p),"graphNEL")
## Reversion to wgtMatrix (i->j iff a[j,i]=1): t(matrix(res[i,],p,p))
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Markus Kalisch, Date: 7 Apr 2008, 14:08
if (sum(a) == 0) {
if (verbose) {
cat("Last Call - Final Graph: \n")
cat("#################### \n")
tmp2 <- rbind(tmp,c(t(gm)))
if (all(!duplicated(tmp2))) tmp <- tmp2
} else {
sinks <- find.sink(a)
if (verbose) {
cat("Main Call: ################## \n")
cat("Sinks: ",sinks,"\n")
for(x in sinks) {
if (verbose) cat("Try removing", x," in a.\n")
gm2 <- gm
a2 <- a
if (adj.check(a,x)) { <- a[, x] == 1 & a[x, ] == 1
if (any( { <- as.numeric(rownames(a)[])
real.x <- as.numeric(rownames(a)[x])
gm2[real.x,] <- 1
gm2[, real.x] <- 0
a2 <- a[-x,-x]
if (verbose) {
cat("Removed sink",as.numeric(rownames(a)[x]),
"in g (", x,"in a).\n")
cat("New graphs: \n")
tmp <- allDags.internal(gm2, a2, tmp, verbose)
## ------- *recursively*
## this is taken from the udag2pdag code from pcalg
## since these rules were already implemented there.
## This fucntion, given a graphNEL object, or an adjacency matrix
## just completes orientations under rules R1-R4 from Meek 1995
## note that this function accepts the t(amat.cpdag) encoding that is
## m[i,j]=1,m[j,i]=0 <=> i -> j
## same as udag2pdag
applyOrientationRules <- function(gInput, verbose=FALSE) {
res <- gInput
##new line
if (!is.matrix(gInput))
if (numEdges(gInput)>0) {
g <- as(gInput,"matrix") ## g_ij if i->j
p <- as.numeric(dim(g)[1])
pdag <- g
ind <- which(g==1,arr.ind=TRUE)
} else {
cat("Invalid or empty PDAG! This function only accepts graphNEL or adj mat!\n")
} else {
##also new, for me its easier to use an adjacency matrix
if (length(res[1,])>0){
g <- res
p <- length(g[1,])
pdag <- g
ind <- which(g==1,arr.ind=TRUE)
} else {
cat("Invalid or empty PDAG! This function only accepts graphNEL or adj mat!\n")
## Convert to complete pattern: use rules by Pearl/Meek also someone else Verma?
old_pdag <- matrix(0, p,p)
while (!all(old_pdag == pdag)) {
old_pdag <- pdag
## rule 1
ind <- which((pdag==1 & t(pdag)==0), arr.ind=TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[b,]==1 & pdag[,b]==1) & (pdag[a,]==0 & pdag[,a]==0))
if (length(indC)>0) {
pdag[b,indC] <- 1
pdag[indC,b] <- 0
if (verbose)
cat("\nRule 1:",a,"->",b," and ",b,"-",indC,
" where ",a," and ",indC," not connected: ",b,"->",indC,"\n")
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule1")
## rule 2
ind <- which((pdag==1 & t(pdag)==1), arr.ind=TRUE) ## a -> b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,]==1 & pdag[,a]==0) & (pdag[,b]==1 & pdag[b,]==0))
if (length(indC)>0) {
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 2: Kette ",a,"->",indC,"->",
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule2")
## rule 3
ind <- which((pdag==1 & t(pdag)==1), arr.ind=TRUE) ## a - b
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,]==1 & pdag[,a]==1) & (pdag[,b]==1 & pdag[b,]==0))
if (length(indC)>=2) {
## cat("R3: indC = ",indC,"\n")
g2 <- pdag[indC,indC]
## print(g2)
if (length(g2)<=1) {
g2 <- 0
} else {
diag(g2) <- rep(1,length(indC)) ## no self reference
##Bugfix: changed #####
## if (any(g2 == 0)) {
g3 <- g2 + t(g2)
if (any(g3 == 0)) {
###### end of change
## if (any(g2==0)) { ## if two nodes in g2 are not connected
pdag[a,b] <- 1
pdag[b,a] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("\nRule 3:",a,"->",b,"\n")
## x11()
## plot(as(pdag,"graphNEL"), main="After Rule3")
## rule 4
ind <- which((pdag==1 & t(pdag)==1), arr.ind=TRUE) ## a - b
if (length(ind)>0) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(ind))) {
a <- ind[i,1]
b <- ind[i,2]
indC <- which( (pdag[a,]==1 & pdag[,a]==1) & (pdag[,b]==0 & pdag[b,]==0))
l.indC <- length(indC)
if (l.indC>0) {
found <- FALSE
ic <- 0
while(!found & (ic < l.indC)) {
ic <- ic + 1
c <- indC[ic]
indD <- which( (pdag[c,]==1 & pdag[,c]==0) & (pdag[,b]==1 & pdag[b,]==0))
if (length(indD)>0) {
found <- TRUE
pdag[b,a] = 0
if (verbose) cat("Rule 4 applied \n")
if (!is.matrix(res))
res <- as(pdag,"graphNEL")
} else {
res <- pdag
## This function is supposed to add the bg knowledge x -> y to the pdag in gInput
## x and y should be vectors of node LABELS
## gInput can be either the graphNEL object or adjacency matrix
## same encoding as in amat.cpdag above m[i,j]=0, m[j,i]=1 <=> i->j
addBgKnowledge <- function(gInput,x=c(),y=c(),verbose=FALSE, checkInput = TRUE)
res <- gInput
##new line
if (!is.matrix(gInput)) {
if (numEdges(gInput)>0) {
g <- t(as(gInput,"matrix")) ## g_ji if i->j
p <- as.numeric(dim(g)[1])
} else {
if (verbose) cat("Invalid or empty PDAG! This function only accepts graphNEL or adj mat\n")
} else {
##for me its easier to use an adjacency matrix
if (length(res[1,])>0) {
g <- res
p <- length(g[1,])
} else {
if (verbose) cat("Invalid or empty PDAG! This function only accepts graphNEL or adj mat\n")
pdag <- g
lab <- dimnames(g)[[1]]
## check if input is valid pdag
if( checkInput ) {
if ( !isValidGraph(amat = pdag, type = "pdag") ) {
if (verbose) cat("Input to addBgKnowledge() is not a valid PDAG.\n")
if (length(x)!=length(y)) {
if (verbose) cat("length of\n",x,"and\n",y,"\nshould be the same!\n")
# }
## real code starts from here
## previously was just dealing w gInput type
##how many new orientations -> k
k <- length(x)
i <- 1
## orient edge by edge
## after adding one orientation complete the orientation rules
##NEW if there are no edges to orient!!
if (k ==0){
pdag <- t(applyOrientationRules(t(pdag),verbose))
if (!is.matrix(res)) {
res <- as(t(pdag),"graphNEL")
} else {
res <- pdag
##NEW: check that the pdag is maximal!
tmp.pdag <- t(applyOrientationRules(t(pdag),verbose))
isMaximal <- (sum(tmp.pdag-pdag)==0)
if (!isMaximal){
if (verbose) cat("Your input pdag is not maximal! You can obtain a maximal pdag by calling: addBgKnowledge(gInput)\n")
while (i <=k)
## for each new edge
##find the nodes by the labels
from <- which(lab==x[i])
to <- which(lab==y[i])
##add the orientation if the edge in the current pdag to be undirected
##and complete the orientation rules
if ((pdag[from,to] ==1) & (pdag[to,from] ==1)) {
pdag[from,to] <- 0
if (verbose) cat("Added orientation",x[i],"->",y[i],"to the PDAG.\n")
pdag <- t(applyOrientationRules(t(pdag),verbose)) ##uses different matrix encoding
} else {
## the orientation we want to add conflicts with the current pdag
##either the opposite orientation is present in the current pdag
##or there is no edge between these two nodes in the pdag at all
if ((pdag[from,to] ==1) & (pdag[to,from] ==0)){
if (verbose) cat("Invalid bg knowledge! Cannot add orientation ",x[i],"->",y[i]," because",y[i],"->",x[i],"is already in the PDAG. \n")
if ((pdag[from,to] ==0) & (pdag[to,from] ==0)){
if (verbose) cat("Invalid bg knowledge! Cannot add orientation",x[i],"->",y[i]," because there is no edge between",x[i],"and",y[i],"in the PDAG. \n")
i <- i+1
if (!is.matrix(res))
res <- as(t(pdag),"graphNEL")
} else {
res <- pdag
revealEdge <- function(c,d,s) { ## cpdag, dag, selected edges to reveal
if (all(! { ## something to reveal
for (i in 1:nrow(s)) {
c[s[i,1], s[i,2]] <- d[s[i,1], s[i,2]]
c[s[i,2], s[i,1]] <- d[s[i,2], s[i,1]]
connectedNodes <- function(m,x){
#q denotes unvisited nodes/ nodes in queue
#v denotes visited nodes
q <- v <- rep(0,length(m[,1]))
i <- k <- 1
cat("Need to do this node by node!\n")
q <- sort(x)
tmp <- m
while(q[k]!=0 & k<=i)
t <- q[k]
#mark t as visited
v[k] <- t
k <- k+1
#find all neighbors of t
s <- tmp[t,] + tmp[,t]
neighborss <- which(s!=0)
## if there are neighbors of t
## add the ones not already added
if (length(neighborss)>0){
for(j in 1: length(neighborss))
if (!(neighborss[j] %in% q))
i <- i+1
q[i] <- neighborss[j]
## remove all leftover zeros from initialization and x
connectt <-setdiff(v,c(0,x))
adjustb <- function(m,x,y)
bpossanx <- bpossany <- c()
for(i in 1:length(x))
bpossanx <- union(bpossanx,possAn(m,x[i]))
for(j in 1:length(y)){
bpossany <- union(bpossany,possAn(m,y[j]))
adjustbb <- union(bpossanx,bpossany)
notbb <- bforbiddenNodes(m, x, y)
notbb <- union(notbb,c(x,y))
adjustbb <- setdiff(adjustbb,notbb)
###-- This *MUST* remain at bottom of file !
###-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
### MM: (ess-set-style 'DEFAULT) : we have much nesting ==> only indent by 2
## Local Variables:
## eval: (ess-set-style 'DEFAULT 'quiet)
## delete-old-versions: never
## End:
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