# utils functions for pglmm ----
#' Process the var-cov matrices of random terms
#' @param x A named list of var-cov matrices of random terms. The names should be the
#' group variables that are used as random terms and must be presented. The actual object
#' can be a phylogeny with class "phylo" or a prepared var-cov matrix. If it is a phylogeny,
#' we will prune it and then convert it to a var-cov matrix assuming brownian motion evolution.
#' We will also standardize all var-cov matrices to have determinant of one.
#' @param df A data frame that includes the group variables, i.e., names of \code{x}.
#' @return A named list, which includes the processed var-cov matrices of random terms.
#' @noRd
parse_conv_ranef = function(x, df){
if(is.null(names(x))) stop("conv_ranef list must have names")
x2 = x
out_list = lapply(1:length(x), function(i){
xx = x[[i]]
spl = levels(df[, names(x)[i]])
if("phylo" %in% class(xx)){
# phylogeny
if(length(setdiff(spl, xx$tip.label)))
stop(paste0("Some species of variable ", names(x)[i], " not in the phylogeny,
please either drop these species or update the phylogeny"))
if(length(setdiff(xx$tip.label, spl))){
warning(paste0("Drop species from the phylogeny that are not in the variable ", names(x)[i]),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
xx = ape::drop.tip(xx, setdiff(xx$tip.label, spl))
Vphy <- ape::vcv(xx)
Vphy <- Vphy/max(Vphy)
Vphy <- Vphy/exp(determinant(Vphy)$modulus[1]/ape::Ntip(xx))
Vphy = Vphy[spl, spl] # same order as species levels
if(inherits(xx, c("matrix", "Matrix"))){
# already a cov matrix
if(length(setdiff(spl, row.names(xx))))
stop(paste0("Some levels of variable ", names(x)[i], " not in the martix,
please either drop these levels or update the matrix"))
if(length(setdiff(row.names(xx), spl)))
warning(paste0("Drop levels from the matrix that are not in the variable ", names(x)[i]),
call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
xx = xx[spl, spl] # same order
if(abs(det(xx) - 1) > 0.0001){
warning("The cov matrix is not standarized, we will do this now...", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
xx <- xx/max(xx)
xx <- xx/exp(determinant(xx)$modulus[1]/nrow(xx))
if(abs(det(xx) - 1) > 0.0001) warning("Failed to standarized the cov matrix", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
Vphy = xx
x2[[i]] <<- xx # update the phylo or cov matrix
names(out_list) = names(x)
list(updated_orgi_list = x2, cleaned_list = out_list)
#' Prepare data for \code{pglmm}
#' This function is mainly used within \code{pglmm} but can also be used independently to
#' prepare a list of random effects, which then can be updated by users for more complex models.
#' @inheritParams pglmm
#' @param Whether to prepare random effects for users.
#' @return A list with updated formula, random.effects, and updated cov_ranef.
#' @export
prep_dat_pglmm = function(formula, data, cov_ranef = NULL, repulsion = FALSE, = TRUE, family = "gaussian", = TRUE, bayes = FALSE, bayes_nested_matrix_as_list = FALSE){
fm = unique(lme4::findbars(formula))
formula.nobars <- lme4::nobars(formula) # fixed terms
# make sure group variables are factors
grp_vars = unique(unlist(lapply(fm, function(x){
xx = gsub(pattern = "__", replacement = "", x = as.character(x)[3])
strsplit(xx, "[@]")
# cat("reorder alphabatically ")
# data = dplyr::mutate_at(data, grp_vars, as.factor)
### should we use unique(as.character()) as levels?
### otherwise, it will be alphebatic
for(ig in grp_vars){
# cat("reorder by appearance ")
data[, ig] = factor(data[, ig], levels = unique(as.character(data[, ig])))
# @ for nested; __ at the end for phylogenetic cov
if(is.null(fm)) stop("No random terms specified, use lm or glm instead")
if(any(grepl("__", fm))){ # has specified cov
grp_vars2 = unique(unlist(lapply(fm, function(x){
strsplit(as.character(x)[3], "[@]")
grp_vars2 = gsub("__$", "", grp_vars2[grepl("__$", grp_vars2)])
if(is.null(cov_ranef)) stop("cov_ranef, the list of cov matrices, is not specified")
names(cov_ranef) = gsub("__$", "", names(cov_ranef)) # remove potential trailing __
if(!all(grp_vars2 %in% names(cov_ranef))){
stop(paste0("Some group variables (",
paste(setdiff(grp_vars2, names(cov_ranef)), collapse = ", "),
") assigned to have specific cov matrix are not in cov_ranef"))
cov_list = parse_conv_ranef(cov_ranef, data)
cov_ranef_list = cov_list$cleaned_list
cov_ranef_updated = cov_list$updated_orgi_list
} else {
cov_ranef_updated = NULL # no need cov_ranef_list
# number of potential repulsions (both __ and @)
if(all(grepl("@", fm) == FALSE)) {# no nested term
n_repulsion = 1
} else {
n_repulsion = sum(sapply(fm[grepl("@", fm)], function(x){
xx = strsplit(as.character(x)[3], "@")[[1]]
sum(grepl("__", xx))
if(length(repulsion) == 1) repulsion = rep(repulsion, n_repulsion)
if(length(repulsion) != n_repulsion)
stop("The number of repulsion terms specified is not correct: please double check")
nested_repul_i = 1
no_obs_re = TRUE # flag for message later
random.effects = lapply(fm, function(x){
x2 = as.character(x)
x2 = gsub(pattern = "^0 ?[+] ?", replacement = "", x2) # replace 0 + x with x
if(grepl("[+]", x2[2])) stop("(x1 + x2|g) form of random terms are not allowed yet, pleast split it")
if(x2[2] == "1"){ # intercept
if(!grepl("[@]", x2[3])){ # single column; non-nested; 1|sp or 1|sp__
if(grepl("__$", x2[3])){
# also want phylogenetic version,
# it makes sense if the phylogenetic version is in, the non-phy part should be there too
coln = gsub("__$", "", x2[3])
d = data[, coln] # extract the column
xout_nonphy = list(1, d, covar = diag(nlevels(d)))
names(xout_nonphy)[2] = coln
if(coln %nin% names(cov_ranef_list))
stop(paste0("Cov matrix of variable ", coln, " not specified in cov_ranef."))
xout_phy = list(1, d, covar = cov_ranef_list[[coln]])
names(xout_phy)[2] = x2[3]
xout = list(xout_nonphy, xout_phy)
} else { # non phylogenetic random term
d = data[, x2[3]] # extract the column
xout = list(1, d, covar = diag(nlevels(d)))
names(xout)[2] = x2[3]
xout = list(xout)
} else { # nested term, e.g. sp@site, sp__@site, sp@site__, sp__@site__
sp_or_site = strsplit(x2[3], split = "@")[[1]]
colns = gsub("__$", "", sp_or_site)
site_sp_c = paste(as.character(data[, colns[2]]), as.character(data[, colns[1]]), sep = "___")
if(any(colns[grepl("__", sp_or_site)] %nin% names(cov_ranef_list)))
stop(paste0("Cov matrix of variable ",
paste(colns[grepl("__", sp_or_site)], collapse = " and "),
" not specified in cov_ranef."))
if(!grepl("__", x2[3])){ # no phylogenetic term; e.g. sp@site
if(family == 'poisson' |
(family == 'binomial' & # formula such as cbind(success, fail) ~ x
is.array(model.response(model.frame(formula.nobars, data = data, na.action = NULL))))){
if( &
nlevels(data[, colns[2]]) * nlevels(data[, colns[1]]) == nrow(data)
# only wroks for full balanced design though...
) {
message("It seems that you specified an observation-level random term already e.g. (1|sp@site);
we will set '' to FALSE.") <<- FALSE
no_obs_re <<- FALSE
# # message("Nested term without specify phylogeny, use identity matrix instead")
# xout = list(as(diag(nrow(data)), "dgCMatrix"))
# xout = list(xout)
n_dim = length(unique(data[, colns[1]]))
n_dim2 = length(unique(data[, colns[2]]))
xout = as(kronecker(diag(n_dim2), diag(n_dim)), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(unique(as.character(data[, colns[2]])), each = n_dim),
rep(unique(as.character(data[, colns[1]])), n_dim2),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(list(xout))
} else { # has phylogenetic term; sp__@site; sp__@site__; sp@site__
if(grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & !grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # sp__@site
n_dim = nlevels(data[, colns[2]])
xout = as(kronecker(diag(n_dim), solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])), "dgCMatrix")
} else {
xout = as(kronecker(diag(n_dim), cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(levels(data[, colns[2]]), each = nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])),
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), nlevels(data[, colns[2]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(xout)
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1 # update repulsion index
if(!grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # sp@site__
n_dim = length(unique(data[, colns[1]]))
xout = as(kronecker(solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), diag(n_dim)), "dgCMatrix")
} else {
xout = as(kronecker(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]], diag(n_dim)), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), each = nlevels(data[, colns[1]])),
rep(levels(data[, colns[1]]), nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(xout)
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
if(grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # sp__@site__
Vphy2 = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])
} else {
Vphy2 = cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
Vphy_site2 = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])
} else {
Vphy_site2 = cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
xout = as(kronecker(Vphy_site2, Vphy2), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), each = nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])),
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(xout)
xout = list(xout) # to put the matrix in a list
if(bayes_nested_matrix_as_list | (bayes & # invertible nested matrix for bayes version will cause error
inherits(try(solve(xout[[1]][[1]]), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))){
message("nested matrix as a list")
if(!grepl("__", x2[3])){ # 1|sp@site
vm = diag(length(unique(data[, colns[1]])))
xout = list(list(1, data[, colns[1]], covar = vm, data[, colns[2]]))
} else {
# 1 | sp__@site
if(grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & !grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){
vm = cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]
# if(repulsion[nested_repul_i]){
# vm = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])
# nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
# }
xout = list(list(1, data[, colns[1]], covar = vm, data[, colns[2]]))
# 1 | sp@site__
if(!grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){
vm = cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]
# if(repulsion[nested_repul_i]){
# vm = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])
# nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
# }
xout = list(list(1, data[, colns[2]], covar = vm, data[, colns[1]]))
# 1 | sp__@site__ ?? how do in the old way?
} else { # slope
if(grepl("@", x2[3])) {
if(!bayes) stop("Nested random term for slope is not allowed yet")
############## Working on this #########################
d = data[, x2[2]] # extract the column
sp_or_site = strsplit(x2[3], split = "@")[[1]]
colns = gsub("__$", "", sp_or_site)
site_sp_c = paste(as.character(data[, colns[2]]), as.character(data[, colns[1]]), sep = "___")
if(any(colns[grepl("__", sp_or_site)] %nin% names(cov_ranef_list)))
stop(paste0("Cov matrix of variable ",
paste(colns[grepl("__", sp_or_site)], collapse = " and "),
" not specified in cov_ranef."))
if(!grepl("__", x2[3])){ # no phylogenetic term; e.g. x|sp@site
# message("Nested term without specify phylogeny, use identity matrix instead")
xout = list(d, as(diag(nrow(data)), "dgCMatrix"))
xout = list(xout)
} else { # has phylogenetic term; x|sp__@site; x|sp__@site__; x|sp@site__
if(grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & !grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # x|sp__@site
n_dim = nlevels(data[, colns[2]])
xout = as(kronecker(diag(n_dim), solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])), "dgCMatrix")
} else {
xout = as(kronecker(diag(n_dim), cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(levels(data[, colns[2]]), each = nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])),
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), nlevels(data[, colns[2]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(d, xout)
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1 # update repulsion index
if(!grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # x|sp@site__
n_dim = length(unique(data[, colns[1]]))
xout = as(kronecker(solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), diag(n_dim)), "dgCMatrix")
} else {
xout = as(kronecker(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]], diag(n_dim)), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), each = nlevels(data[, colns[1]])),
rep(levels(data[, colns[1]]), nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(d, xout)
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
if(grepl("__", sp_or_site[1]) & grepl("__", sp_or_site[2])){ # x|sp__@site__
Vphy2 = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])
} else {
Vphy2 = cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
Vphy_site2 = solve(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])
} else {
Vphy_site2 = cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]
nested_repul_i <<- nested_repul_i + 1
xout = as(kronecker(Vphy_site2, Vphy2), "dgCMatrix")
# put names back
rownames(xout) = colnames(xout) = paste(
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]]), each = nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]])),
rep(rownames(cov_ranef_list[[colns[1]]]), nrow(cov_ranef_list[[colns[2]]])),
sep = "___")
# select the actual combination in the data; e.g. not all sp observed in every site.
xout = xout[site_sp_c, site_sp_c]
xout = list(d, xout)
xout = list(xout) # to put the matrix in a list
} else{
if(grepl("__$", x2[3])){ # x|sp__
# also want phylogenetic version,
# it makes sense if the phylogenetic version is in, the non-phy part should be there too
coln = gsub("__$", "", x2[3])
d = data[, coln] # extract the column
xout_nonphy = list(data[, x2[2]], d, covar = diag(nlevels(d)))
names(xout_nonphy)[2] = coln
xout_phy = list(data[, x2[2]], d, covar = cov_ranef_list[[coln]])
names(xout_phy)[2] = x2[3]
xout = list(xout_nonphy, xout_phy)
} else { # non phylogenetic random term; x|sp
d = data[, x2[3]] # extract the column
xout = list(data[, x2[2]], d, covar = diag(nlevels(d)))
names(xout)[2] = x2[3]
xout = list(xout)
random.effects = unlist(random.effects, recursive = FALSE)
names(random.effects) = unlist(sapply(fm, function(x){
x2 = as.character(x)
x3 = paste0(x2[2], x2[1], x2[3])
if(grepl("__$", x2[3]) & !grepl("@", x2[3])){ # 1|sp__
x4 = gsub("__$", "", x3)
return(c(x4, x3)) # 1|sp 1|sp__
}), recursive = TRUE)
# Add observation-level variances for families binomial (size > 1) and poisson
if(family == 'poisson' |
(family == 'binomial' &
is.array(model.response(model.frame(formula.nobars, data = data, na.action = NULL))))){
message("We add an observation-level random term '1|obs' for poisson and binomial data.")
random.effects[[length(random.effects) + 1]] <- list(as(diag(nrow(data)), "dgCMatrix"))
names(random.effects)[length(random.effects)] <- "1|obs"
} else {
if(no_obs_re) message("For poisson and binomial data, it would be a good idea to add an observation-level random term ( = TRUE).")
return(list(formula = formula.nobars,
random.effects = random.effects,
cov_ranef_updated = cov_ranef_updated))
#' \code{get_design_matrix} gets design matrix for gaussian, binomial, and poisson models
#' @rdname get_design_matrix_pglmm
#' @param na.action What to do with NAs?
#' @inheritParams pglmm
#' @return A list of design matrices.
#' @export
get_design_matrix = function(formula, data, random.effects, na.action = NULL){
mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data, na.action = na.action)
X <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
Y <- model.response(mf)
if(is.matrix(Y) && ncol(Y) == 2){ # success, fails for binomial data
size <- rowSums(Y)
Y <- Y[,1]
}else{ # other kind of binomial
size <- rep(1, length(Y))
# if any X are NA, set corresponding Y to NA and reset X to zero (NA?)
for (j in 1:dim(X)[2]) {
naj <-[, j])
Y[naj] <- NA
size[naj] <- NA
X[naj, ] <- NA
re <- random.effects
q <- length(re)
rel <- sapply(re, length)
q.nonNested <- sum(rel == 3)
q.Nested <- sum(rel %in% c(1, 4)) # make sure to put even just a matrix as a list of 1
Ztt <- vector("list", length = q.nonNested)
nested <- vector("list", length = q.Nested)
St.lengths <- vector("numeric", length = q)
ii <- 0
jj <- 0
for (i in 1:q) {
re.i <- re[[i]]
# non-nested terms
if (length(re.i) == 3) {
counter <- 0
Z.i <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nlevels(re.i[[2]]))
for (i.levels in levels(re.i[[2]])) {
counter <- counter + 1
Z.i[, counter] <- re.i[[1]] * as.numeric(i.levels == re.i[[2]])
Zt.i <- chol(re.i[[3]]) %*% t(Z.i)
ii <- ii + 1
Ztt[[ii]] <- Zt.i
St.lengths[ii] <- nlevels(re.i[[2]])
# nested terms
if(length(re.i) %in% c(1, 4)){
jj <- jj + 1
if (length(re.i) == 1) { # a matrix as is
covM = re.i[[1]]
if(!inherits(covM, c("matrix", "Matrix"))){
stop("random term with length 1 is not a cov matrix")
# if(nrow(covM) != nrow(X)) stop("random term with length 1 has different number of rows") # Nas problems
if(!inherits(covM, "Matrix")) covM = as(covM, "dgCMatrix") # to make cpp work, as cpp use sp_mat type
nested[[jj]] = covM
if (length(re.i) == 4) { # this is okay for sp__@site, but not work if we also specify site__
# if site__ within nested terms, we just use a covM whithin prep_dat_pglmm()
# another way to do this, which does not require reorder
Z.1 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nlevels(re.i[[2]]))
Z.2 <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = nlevels(re.i[[4]]))
counter <- 0
for (i.levels in levels(re.i[[2]])) {
counter <- counter + 1
Z.1[, counter] <- re.i[[1]] * as.numeric(i.levels == re.i[[2]])
counter <- 0
for (i.levels in levels(re.i[[4]])) {
counter <- counter + 1
Z.2[, counter] <- as.numeric(i.levels == re.i[[4]])
Z.1 <- chol(re.i[[3]]) %*% t(Z.1)
# Z.1 <- tcrossprod(chol(re.i[[3]]), Z.1)
# Z.2 <- t(Z.2)
# use Z.2 to mask non-nested Z.1
# nested[[jj]] <- (t(Z.1) %*% Z.1) * (t(Z.2) %*% Z.2)
nested[[jj]] <- as(crossprod(Z.1) * tcrossprod(Z.2), "dgCMatrix")
stopifnot(q.nonNested == ii)
stopifnot(q.Nested == jj)
if (q.nonNested > 0) {
St <- matrix(0, nrow = q.nonNested, ncol = sum(St.lengths))
Zt <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(St.lengths), ncol = nrow(data))
count <- 1
for (i in 1:q.nonNested) {
St[i, count:(count + St.lengths[i] - 1)] <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = St.lengths[i])
Zt[count:(count + St.lengths[i] - 1), ] <- Ztt[[i]]
count <- count + St.lengths[i]
St <- as(St, "dgTMatrix")
Zt <- as(Zt, "dgTMatrix")
} else {
St <- NULL # for cpp
Zt <- NULL
# code to allow NAs in the data for either Y or X
if (any( {
pickY <- !
Y <- Y[pickY]
size <- size[pickY]
X <- X[pickY, , drop = FALSE]
if (q.nonNested > 0) {
Zt <- Zt[, pickY]
if (q.Nested > 0) {
for (i in 1:q.Nested) nested[[i]] <- nested[[i]][pickY, pickY]
return(list(St = St, Zt = Zt, X = X, Y = Y, nested = nested,
q.nonNested = q.nonNested, q.Nested = q.Nested, size = size))
# Log likelihood function for gaussian model
pglmm_gaussian_LL_calc = function(par, X, Y, Zt, St, nested = NULL,
REML, verbose, optim_ll = TRUE){
n <- dim(X)[1]
p <- dim(X)[2]
if (!is.null(St)) {
q.nonNested <- dim(St)[1]
sr <- Re(par[1:q.nonNested])
iC = as.vector(matrix(sr, nrow = 1) %*% St)
iC <- as(diag(iC), "dsCMatrix")
Ut <- iC %*% Zt
U <- t(Ut)
} else {
q.nonNested <- 0
sr <- NULL
q.Nested <- length(nested)
if (q.Nested == 0) {
sn <- NULL
} else {
sn <- Re(par[(q.nonNested + 1):(q.nonNested + q.Nested)])
if (q.Nested == 0) {
iA <- as(diag(n), "dsCMatrix")
Ishort <- as(diag(nrow(Ut)), "dsCMatrix")
Ut.iA.U <- Ut %*% U
# Ut.iA.U <- tcrossprod(Ut)
# Woodbury identity
iV <- iA - U %*% solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U) %*% Ut
# iV <- iA - crossprod(Ut, solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U)) %*% Ut
} else {
A <- as(diag(n), "dsCMatrix")
for (j in 1:q.Nested) {
A <- A + sn[j]^2 * nested[[j]]
iA <- solve(A)
if (q.nonNested > 0) {
Ishort <- as(diag(nrow(Ut)), "dsCMatrix")
Ut.iA.U <- Ut %*% iA %*% U
# Ut.iA.U <- tcrossprod(Ut %*% iA, Ut)
iV <- iA - iA %*% U %*% solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U) %*% Ut %*% iA
# iV <- iA - tcrossprod(iA, Ut) %*% solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U) %*% Ut %*% iA
} else {
iV <- iA
# denom <- t(X) %*% iV %*% X
denom <- crossprod(X, iV) %*% X
# num <- t(X) %*% iV %*% Y
num <- crossprod(X, iV) %*% Y
B <- solve(denom, num)
B <- as.matrix(B)
H <- Y - X %*% B
if (q.Nested == 0) {
# Sylvester identity
logdetV <- determinant(Ishort + Ut.iA.U)$modulus[1]
if (is.infinite(logdetV))
logdetV <- 2 * sum(log(diag(chol(Ishort + Ut.iA.U))))
} else {
logdetV <- -determinant(iV)$modulus[1]
if (is.infinite(logdetV))
logdetV <- -2 * sum(log(diag(chol(iV, pivot = TRUE))))
if (is.infinite(logdetV))
if (REML == TRUE) {
# concentrated REML likelihood function
# s2.conc <- t(H) %*% iV %*% H/(n - p)
s2resid <- as.numeric(crossprod(H, iV) %*% H/(n - p))
#s2resid <- as.numeric(crossprod(H, iV) %*% H/n)
} else {
# concentrated ML likelihood function
# s2.conc <- t(H) %*% iV %*% H/n
s2resid <- as.numeric(crossprod(H, iV) %*% H/n)
# LL for optim
LL <- 0.5 * ((n - p) * log(s2resid) + logdetV + (n - p) +
} else {
LL <- 0.5 * (n * log(s2resid) + logdetV + n)
if (verbose == TRUE) show(c(as.numeric(LL), par))
# calc after optim
iV <- iV/s2resid
s2r <- s2resid * sr^2
s2n <- s2resid * sn^2
B.cov <- solve(t(X) %*% iV %*% X) <- as.matrix(diag(B.cov))^0.5
results <- list(B = B, =, B.cov = B.cov, sr = sr, sn = sn, s2n = s2n,
s2r = s2r, s2resid = s2resid, H = H, iV = iV)
# Log likelihood function for binomial and poisson models
pglmm.LL <- function(par, H, X, Zt, St, mu, nested, REML = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE, family = family, size) {
par <- abs(par)
iVdet <- pglmm.iV.logdetV(par = par, Zt = Zt, St = St, mu = mu, nested = nested,
logdet = TRUE, family = family, size = size)
iV <- iVdet$iV
logdetV <- iVdet$logdetV
if (REML == TRUE) {
# REML likelihood function
LL <- 0.5 * (logdetV + t(H) %*% iV %*% H + determinant(t(X) %*% iV %*% X)$modulus[1])
} else {
# ML likelihood function
LL <- 0.5 * (logdetV + t(H) %*% iV %*% H)
if (verbose == TRUE) show(c(as.numeric(LL), par))
# utilis function for binomial and poisson models
pglmm.iV.logdetV <- function(par, Zt, St, mu, nested, logdet = TRUE, family, size) {
if (!is.null(St)) {
q.nonNested <- dim(St)[1]
sr <- Re(par[1:q.nonNested])
iC = as.vector(matrix(sr, nrow = 1) %*% St)
iC <- as(diag(iC), "dsCMatrix")
Ut <- iC %*% Zt
U <- t(Ut)
} else {
q.nonNested <- 0
sr <- NULL
q.Nested <- length(nested)
if (q.Nested == 0) {
sn <- NULL
} else {
sn <- Re(par[(q.nonNested + 1):(q.nonNested + q.Nested)])
if (q.Nested == 0) {
if(family == 'binomial') iA <- as(diag(as.vector(size * mu * (1 - mu))), "dgCMatrix")
if(family == 'poisson') iA <- as(diag(as.vector(mu)), "dgCMatrix")
Ishort <- as(diag(nrow(Ut)), "dsCMatrix")
Ut.iA.U <- Ut %*% iA %*% U
# Woodbury identity
iV <- iA - iA %*% U %*% solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U) %*% Ut %*% iA
# logdetV
logdetV <- determinant(Ishort + Ut.iA.U)$modulus[1] - determinant(iA)$modulus[1]
if (is.infinite(logdetV))
logdetV <- 2 * sum(log(diag(chol(Ishort + Ut.iA.U)))) - determinant(iA)$modulus[1]
} else {
if(family == 'binomial') A <- as(diag(as.vector(1/(size * mu * (1 - mu)))), "dgCMatrix")
if(family == 'poisson') A <- as(diag(as.vector(1/mu)), "dgCMatrix")
for (j in 1:q.Nested) {
A <- A + sn[j]^2 * nested[[j]]
iA <- solve(A)
if (q.nonNested > 0) {
Ishort <- as(diag(nrow(Ut)), "dsCMatrix")
Ut.iA.U <- Ut %*% iA %*% U
iV <- iA - iA %*% U %*% solve(Ishort + Ut.iA.U) %*% Ut %*% iA
} else {
iV <- iA
# logdetV
logdetV <- -determinant(iV)$modulus[1]
if (is.infinite(logdetV))
logdetV <- -2 * sum(log(diag(chol(iV, pivot = TRUE))))
return(list(iV = iV, logdetV = logdetV))
} else {
return(list(iV = iV))
# utilis function for binomial and poisson models
pglmm.V <- function(par, Zt, St, mu, nested, family, size) {
if (!is.null(St)) {
q.nonNested <- dim(St)[1]
sr <- Re(par[1:q.nonNested])
iC = as.vector(matrix(sr, nrow = 1) %*% St)
iC <- as(diag(iC), "dsCMatrix")
Ut <- iC %*% Zt
U <- t(Ut)
} else {
q.nonNested <- 0
sr <- NULL
q.Nested <- length(nested)
if (q.Nested == 0) {
sn <- NULL
} else {
sn <- Re(par[(q.nonNested + 1):(q.nonNested + q.Nested)])
iW <- 0 * diag(ncol(Zt))
} else {
if(family == 'binomial') iW <- diag(as.vector(1/(size * mu * (1 - mu))))
if(family == 'poisson') iW <- diag(as.vector(1/mu))
if (q.Nested == 0) {
A <- iW
} else {
A <- iW
for (j in 1:q.Nested) {
A <- A + sn[j]^2 * nested[[j]]
if (q.nonNested > 0) {
V <- A + U %*% Ut
} else {
V <- A
# End pglmm.V
#' \code{pglmm_profile_LRT} tests statistical significance of the
#' phylogenetic random effect of binomial models on
#' species slopes using a likelihood ratio test.
#' @rdname pglmm-profile-LRT
#' @param x A fitted model with class communityPGLMM and family "binomial".
#' @param re.number Which random term to test? Can be a vector with length >1
#' @inheritParams pglmm
#' @return A list of likelihood, df, and p-value.
#' @export
pglmm_profile_LRT <- function(x, re.number = 0, cpp = TRUE) {
n <- dim(x$X)[1]
p <- dim(x$X)[2]
par <- x$ss
par[re.number] <- 0
df <- length(re.number)
LL <- pglmm_LL_cpp(par = x$ss, H = x$H, X = x$X, Zt = x$Zt, St = x$St,
mu = x$mu, nested = x$nested, REML = x$REML, verbose = FALSE,
family = x$family, totalSize = x$size)
} else {
LL <- pglmm.LL(par = x$ss, H = x$H, X = x$X, Zt = x$Zt, St = x$St,
mu = x$mu, nested = x$nested, REML = x$REML, verbose = FALSE,
family = x$family, size = x$size)
if (x$REML) {
logLik <- -0.5 * (n - p - 1) * log(2 * pi) + 0.5 * determinant(t(x$X) %*% x$X)$modulus[1] - LL
} else {
logLik <- -0.5 * n * log(2 * pi) - LL
LL0 <- pglmm_LL_cpp(par = par, H = x$H, X = x$X, Zt = x$Zt, St = x$St,
mu = x$mu, nested = x$nested, REML = x$REML, verbose = FALSE,
family = x$family, totalSize = x$size)
} else {
LL0 <- pglmm.LL(par = par, H = x$H, X = x$X, Zt = x$Zt, St = x$St,
mu = x$mu, nested = x$nested, REML = x$REML, verbose = FALSE,
family = x$family, size = x$size)
if (x$REML) {
logLik0 <- -0.5 * (n - p - 1) * log(2 * pi) + 0.5 * determinant(t(x$X) %*% x$X)$modulus[1] - LL0
} else {
logLik0 <- -0.5 * n * log(2 * pi) - LL0
P.H0.s2 <- pchisq(2 * (logLik - logLik0), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)/2
if (P.H0.s2 > 0.499) P.H0.s2 <- 1
list(LR = logLik - logLik0, df = df, Pr = P.H0.s2)
#' @export
#' @rdname pglmm-profile-LRT
#' @inheritParams pglmm_profile_LRT
communityPGLMM.profile.LRT = function(x, re.number = 0, cpp = TRUE){
pglmm_profile_LRT(x, re.number, cpp)
#' \code{pglmm_matrix_structure} produces the entire
#' covariance matrix structure (V) when you specify random effects.
#' @param ss Which of the \code{random.effects} to produce.
#' @rdname pglmm-matrix-structure
#' @inheritParams pglmm
#' @export
#' @return A design matrix.
pglmm_matrix_structure <- function(formula, data = list(), family = "binomial",
cov_ranef, repulsion = FALSE, ss = 1, cpp = TRUE) {
dat_prepared = prep_dat_pglmm(formula, data, cov_ranef, repulsion, family = family)
formula = dat_prepared$formula
random.effects = dat_prepared$random.effects
dm = get_design_matrix(formula, data, random.effects, na.action = NULL)
X = dm$X; Y = dm$Y; St = dm$St; Zt = dm$Zt; nested = dm$nested; size = dm$size
# p <- ncol(X)
# n <- nrow(X)
V <- pglmm_V(par = array(ss, c(1, length(random.effects))),
Zt = Zt, mu = matrix(0, nrow(X), 1), St = St,
nested = nested, missing_mu = TRUE,
family = family, totalSize = size)
} else {
V <- pglmm.V(par = array(ss, c(1, length(random.effects))),
Zt = Zt, St = St, nested = nested, family, size)
#' @rdname pglmm-matrix-structure
#' @inheritParams pglmm_matrix_structure
#' @export
communityPGLMM.matrix.structure = function(formula, data = list(), family = "binomial",
cov_ranef, repulsion = FALSE, ss = 1, cpp = TRUE){
pglmm_matrix_structure(formula, data, family, cov_ranef, repulsion, ss, cpp)
#' Summary information of fitted model
#' @method summary communityPGLMM
#' @param object A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param digits Minimal number of significant digits for printing, as in \code{\link{print.default}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently ignored.
#' @export
summary.communityPGLMM <- function(object, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
x <- object # summary generic function first argument is object, not x.
if(is.null(x$bayes)) x$bayes = FALSE # to be compatible with models fitting by pez
if(x$bayes) {
if (x$family == "gaussian") {
cat("Linear mixed model fit by Bayesian INLA")
if (x$family == "binomial") {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for binomial data fit by Bayesian INLA")
if (x$family == "poisson") {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for poisson data fit by Bayesian INLA")
if (x$family == "zeroinflated.binomial") {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for binomial data with zero inflation fit by Bayesian INLA")
if (x$family == "zeroinflated.poisson") {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for poisson data with zero inflation fit by Bayesian INLA")
} else {
if (x$family == "gaussian") {
if (x$REML == TRUE) {
cat("Linear mixed model fit by restricted maximum likelihood")
} else {
cat("Linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood")
if (x$family == "binomial") {
if (x$REML == TRUE) {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for binomial data fit by restricted maximum likelihood")
} else {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for binomial data fit by maximum likelihood")
if (x$family == "poisson") {
if (x$REML == TRUE) {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for poisson data fit by restricted maximum likelihood")
} else {
cat("Generalized linear mixed model for poisson data fit by maximum likelihood")
if(x$bayes) {
logLik <- c("marginal logLik" = unname(x$logLik),
"DIC" = unname(x$DIC),
"WAIC" = unname(x$WAIC))
print(logLik, digits = digits)
} else {
if (x$family == "gaussian") {
logLik = x$logLik
names(logLik) = "logLik"
names(AIC) = "AIC"
names(BIC) = "BIC"
print(c(logLik, AIC, BIC), digits = digits)
if(grepl("zeroinflated", x$family)) {
cat("\nZero Inflation Parameter:\n")
print(data.frame(Estimate = x$zi, lower.CI = x$[1, 1],
upper.CI = x$[1, 2]), digits = digits)
cat("\nRandom effects:\n")
w <- data.frame(Variance = c(x$s2r, x$s2n, x$s2resid))
w$Std.Dev = sqrt(w$Variance)
if(x$bayes) {
w$lower.CI <- c(x$[ , 1], x$[ , 1], x$[ , 1])
w$upper.CI <- c(x$[ , 2], x$[ , 2], x$[ , 2])
random.effects = x$random.effects
re.names = names(random.effects)
} else {
re.names <- NULL
if (length(x$s2r) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(x$s2r)) re.names <- c(re.names, paste("non-nested ", i, sep = ""))
if (length(x$s2n) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(x$s2n)) re.names <- c(re.names, paste("nested ", i, sep = ""))
if (x$family == "gaussian") re.names <- c(re.names, "residual")
w <- w[re.names, ] # print in the same order of random terms
} else {
row.names(w) <- re.names
print(w, digits = digits)
cat("\nFixed effects:\n")
coef <- fixef.communityPGLMM(x)
if(x$bayes) {
printCoefmat(coef, P.values = FALSE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
} else {
printCoefmat(coef, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
#' Print summary information of fitted model
#' @method print communityPGLMM
#' @param x A fitted communityPGLMM model.
#' @param digits Minimal number of significant digits for printing, as in \code{\link{print.default}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently ignored.
#' @export
print.communityPGLMM <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) {
summary.communityPGLMM(x, digits = digits)
#' Predicted values of PGLMM
#' \code{pglmm_predicted_values} calculates the predicted
#' values of Y; for the generalized linear mixed model (family %in%
#' c("binomial","poisson"), these values are in the transformed space.
#' @rdname pglmm-predicted-values
#' @param x A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param cpp Whether to use c++ code. Default is TRUE.
#' @param gaussian.pred When family is gaussian, which type of prediction to calculate?
#' Option nearest_node will predict values to the nearest node, which is same as lme4::predict or
#' fitted. Option tip_rm will remove the point then predict the value of this point with remaining ones.
#' @param re.form (formula, `NULL`, or `NA`) specify which random effects to condition on when predicting.
#' If `NULL`, include all random effects (i.e Xb + Zu);
#' if `NA` or `~0`, include no random effects (i.e. Xb).
#' @param ... Optional additional parameters. None are used at present.
#' @inheritParams lme4::predict.merMod
#' @export
#' @return A data frame with column Y_hat (predicted values accounting for
#' both fixed and random terms).
pglmm_predicted_values <- function(x, cpp = TRUE,
gaussian.pred = c("nearest_node", "tip_rm"),
re.form = NULL,
type = c("link", "response"), ...) {
ptype = match.arg(gaussian.pred)
if(x$bayes) {
marginal.summ <- x$marginal.summ
if(marginal.summ == "median") marginal.summ <- "0.5quant"
predicted.values <- x$inla.model$summary.fitted.values[ , marginal.summ, drop = TRUE]
} else {
if (x$family == "gaussian") {
n <- dim(x$X)[1]
fit <- x$X %*% x$B
V <- solve(x$iV)
if(ptype == "nearest_node"){
R <- matrix(x$Y, ncol = 1) - fit # similar as lme4. predict(merMod, re.form = NULL)
v <- V
for(i in 1:n) {
v[i, i] <- max(V[i, -i])
Rhat <- v %*% x$iV %*% R # random effects
predicted.values <- as.numeric(fit + Rhat)
if(ptype == "tip_rm"){
predicted.values <- pglmm_gaussian_predict(x$iV, x$H)
} else {
V <- solve(x$iV)
h <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
for (i in 1:n) {
h[i] <- as.numeric(V[i, -i] %*% solve(V[-i, -i]) %*% matrix(x$H[-i]))
# H is Y - X %*% B
predicted.values <- h
if (x$family == "binomial") {
# x$H is calculated by the following lines of code
# Z <- X %*% B + b + (Y - mu) * size/(mu * (1 - mu))
# H <- Z - X %*% B
# this gives the solutions to the over-determined set of equations for the fixed
# effects X %*% B and random effects b
# h <- x$H + x$X %*% x$B - (x$Y - x$mu) * size/(x$mu * (1 - x$mu))
predicted.values <- logit(x$mu)
if(x$family == "poisson") predicted.values <- log(x$mu)
} else { # re.form = NA or ~0, XB
predicted.values <- x$X %*% x$B
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "response"){
if(x$family == "binomial")
predicted.values <-"logit")$linkinv(predicted.values)
if(x$family == "poisson")
predicted.values <-"log")$linkinv(predicted.values)
data.frame(Y_hat = predicted.values)
#' @rdname pglmm-predicted-values
#' @param x A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param cpp Whether to use c++ code. Default is TRUE.
#' @param gaussian.pred When family is gaussian, which type of prediction to calculate?
#' Option nearest_node will predict values to the nearest node, which is same as lme4::predict or
#' fitted. Option tip_rm will remove the point then predict the value of this point with remaining ones.
#' @export
communityPGLMM.predicted.values <- function(x, cpp = TRUE,
gaussian.pred = c("nearest_node", "tip_rm")){
pglmm_predicted_values(x, cpp, gaussian.pred)
#' Residuals of communityPGLMM objects
#' Getting different types of residuals for communityPGLMM objects.
#' @param object A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param type Type of residuals, currently only "response" for gaussian pglmm;
#' "deviance" (default) and "response" for binomial and poisson pglmm.
#' @param scaled Scale residuals by residual standard deviation for gaussian pglmm.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments, ignored for method compatibility.
#' @method residuals communityPGLMM
#' @return A vector of residuals.
#' @export
residuals.communityPGLMM <- function(
type = if(object$family %in% c("binomial","poisson")) "deviance" else "response",
scaled = FALSE, ...){
if(object$family == "gaussian"){
y <- object$Y
mu <- pglmm_predicted_values(object)$Y_hat
res <- switch(type,
deviance = stop("no deviance residuals for gaussian model", call. = FALSE),
response = y - mu
if(scaled) res/sqrt(object$s2resid)
if(object$family %in% c("binomial","poisson")){
y <- as.numeric(object$Y)
mu <- unname(object$mu[, 1])
if(object$family == "binomial") dres <- sqrt(binomial()$dev.resids(y, mu, 1))
if(object$family == "poisson") dres <- sqrt(poisson()$dev.resids(y, mu, 1))
res <- switch(type,
deviance = {
ifelse(y > mu, dres, - dres)
response = y - mu
if(object$family %nin% c("gaussian", "binomial", "poisson"))
stop("no residual methods for family other than gaussian, binomial and poisson, yet", call. = FALSE)
#' Fitted values for communityPGLMM
#' @method fitted communityPGLMM
#' @param object A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments, ignored for method compatibility.
#' @return Fitted values. For binomial and poisson PGLMMs, this is equal to mu.
#' @export
fitted.communityPGLMM <- function(object, ...){
if(object$bayes) {
ft = pglmm_predicted_values(object, ...)$Y_hat
} else {
if(object$family %in% c("binomial","poisson")){
ft = object$mu[, 1]
} else {
ft = pglmm_predicted_values(object, ...)$Y_hat
#' Extract the fixed-effects estimates
#' Extract the estimates of the fixed-effects parameters from a fitted model.
#' For bayesian models, the p-values are simply to indicate whether the
#' credible intervals include 0 (p = 0.04) or not (p = 0.6).
#' @name fixef
#' @title Extract fixed-effects estimates
#' @aliases fixef fixed.effects fixef.communityPGLMM
#' @docType methods
#' @param object A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A dataframe of fixed-effects estimates.
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
#' @export fixef
#' @method fixef communityPGLMM
#' @export
fixef.communityPGLMM <- function(object, ...) {
if (object$bayes) {
in_interval <- function(x, y1, y2){y1 <= x & x <= y2 }
coef <- data.frame(Value = object$B, lower.CI = object$[, 1],
upper.CI = object$[, 2],
Pvalue = ifelse(apply(object$, 1, function(y)
in_interval(0, y[1], y[2])) == FALSE,
0.04, 0.6))
} else {
coef <- data.frame(Value = object$B, Std.Error = object$,
Zscore = object$B.zscore, Pvalue = object$B.pvalue)
#' Extract the random-effects estimates
#' Extract the estimates of the random-effects parameters from a fitted model.
#' @name ranef
#' @title Extract random-effects estimates
#' @aliases ranef random.effects ranef.communityPGLMM
#' @docType methods
#' @param object A fitted model with class communityPGLMM.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A dataframe of random-effects estimates.
#' @importFrom lme4 ranef
#' @export ranef
#' @method ranef communityPGLMM
#' @export
ranef.communityPGLMM <- function(object, ...) {
w <- data.frame(Variance = c(object$s2r, object$s2n, object$s2resid))
w$Std.Dev = sqrt(w$Variance)
if(object$bayes) {
w$lower.CI <- c(object$[ , 1], object$[ , 1], object$[ , 1])
w$upper.CI <- c(object$[ , 2], object$[ , 2], object$[ , 2])
random.effects = object$random.effects
re.names = names(random.effects)
} else {
re.names <- NULL
if (length(object$s2r) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(object$s2r)) re.names <- c(re.names, paste("non-nested ", i, sep = ""))
if (length(object$s2n) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(object$s2n)) re.names <- c(re.names, paste("nested ", i, sep = ""))
if (object$family == "gaussian") re.names <- c(re.names, "residual")
w <- w[re.names, ] # print in the same order of random terms
} else {
row.names(w) <- re.names
#' Family Objects for communityPGLMM objects
#' @inheritParams stats::family
#' @method family communityPGLMM
#' @export
family.communityPGLMM <- function(object, ...) {
fam <-$family)
#' Number of Observation in a communityPGLMM Model
#' @inheritParams stats::nobs
#' @method nobs communityPGLMM
#' @export
nobs.communityPGLMM <- function(object, use.fallback = FALSE, ...) {
#' Extracting the Model Frame from a communityPGLMM Model
#' object
#' @inheritParams stats::model.frame
#' @method model.frame communityPGLMM
#' @export
model.frame.communityPGLMM <- function(formula, ...) {
model.frame(formula$formula, formula$data)
#' Predict Function for communityPGLMM Model Objects
#' @inheritParams stats::predict.lm
#' @inherit stats::predict return
#' @method predict communityPGLMM
#' @export
predict.communityPGLMM <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) {
if(!is.null(newdata)) {
warning("newdata argument is currently not supported by predict.communityPGLMM. It will be ignored, and predictions
returned on original data used to fit the model. newdata will be supported in the future.")
as.matrix(pglmm_predicted_values(object, ...))
#' Simulate from a communityPGLMM object
#' Note that this function currently only works for model fit with \code{bayes = TRUE}
#' @inheritParams lme4::simulate.merMod
#' @param re.form (formula, `NULL`, or `NA`) specify which random effects to condition on when predicting.
#' If `NULL`, include all random effects and the conditional modes of those random effects will be included in the deterministic part of the simulation (i.e Xb + Zu);
#' if `NA` or `~0`, include no random effects and new values will be chosen for each group based on the estimated random-effects variances (i.e. Xb + Zu * u_random).
#' @param object A fitted model object with class 'communityPGLMM'.
#' @export
simulate.communityPGLMM <- function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL,
re.form = NULL, ...) {
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
#sim <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(nsim, object$inla.model)
if(!object$bayes) {
# when re.form = NULL, pglmm and lme4 have the same predict and simulate values
# for gaussion, binomial, and poisson distributions.
nn <- nrow(object$iV)
sim <- pglmm_predicted_values(object, re.form = NULL, type = "link")$Y_hat
sim <- sim %*% matrix(1, 1, nsim)
if(object$family == "gaussian")
sim <- sim + sqrt(object$s2resid) * matrix(rnorm(nsim * nn), nrow = nn)
} else {
re.form = deparse(NA)
if(deparse(re.form) == "~0" | deparse(re.form) == "NA"){
# condition on none of the random effects
sim <- (object$X %*% object$B) %*% matrix(1, 1, nsim)
chol.V <- backsolve(chol(object$iV), diag(nn))
sim <- sim + chol.V %*% matrix(rnorm(nsim * nn), nrow = nn)
if(object$family == "gaussian")
sim <- sim + matrix(rnorm(nsim * nn), nrow = nn)
} else {
stop("Formula for random effects to condition on currently is not supported yet")
if(object$family == "poisson") {
mu_sim <-"log")$linkinv(sim) # exp(sim)
sim <- apply(mu_sim, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) rpois(length(x), x))
if(object$family == "binomial") {
mu_sim <-"logit")$linkinv(sim) # 1/(1 + exp(-sim))
Ntrials <- object$size
sim <- apply(mu_sim, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x))
} else { # beyes version
if(deparse(re.form) == "~0" | deparse(re.form) == "NA")
warning("re.form = NULL is the only option for bayes models at this moment",
immediate. = TRUE)
mu_sim <-, lapply(object$inla.model$marginals.fitted.values,
INLA::inla.rmarginal, n = nsim)) %>%
if(object$bayes && object$family == "binomial" &&
!is.null(object$inla.model$Ntrials)) {
Ntrials <- object$inla.model$Ntrials
} else {
Ntrials <- 1
sim <- switch(object$family,
binomial = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rbinom(length(x), Ntrials, x)),
poisson = lapply(mu_sim, function(x) rpois(length(x), x))
sim <-, sim)
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