
Defines functions findmin.GP getmap.GP pred.mean.GP data.GP.improv mindist.adapt alc.adapt ieci.adapt var.adapt ei.adapt EI util.GP addpall.GP data.GP rectunscale rectscale params.GP tquants alc.GP ieci.GP pred.GP init.GP updat.GP lpost.GP draw.GP mvnorm.propose.rw unif.propose.pos prior.GP propagate.GP lpredprob.GP

Documented in addpall.GP alc.adapt alc.GP data.GP data.GP.improv draw.GP EI ei.adapt findmin.GP getmap.GP ieci.adapt ieci.GP init.GP lpost.GP lpredprob.GP mindist.adapt mvnorm.propose.rw params.GP pred.GP pred.mean.GP prior.GP propagate.GP rectscale rectunscale tquants unif.propose.pos updat.GP util.GP var.adapt

# Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes
# Copyright (C) 2010, University of Cambridge
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (bobby@statslab.cam.ac.uk)

## lpredprob.GP:
## for the PL resample step -- evaluate the (log) predictive
## density of the new z=(x,y) point given suff stats
## and params Zt up to time t

lpredprob.GP <- function(z, Zt, prior)
    ## get the parameters to the predictive equations
    tp <- pred.GP(z$x, Zt, prior, PL.env$pall$Y)
    ## calculate the predictive probability
    return(dt((z$y - tp$m)/sqrt(tp$s2), tp$df, log=TRUE))

## propagate.GP:
## for the PL propagate step -- add z to Zt and
## calculate the relevant updates to the sufficient
## statistics

propagate.GP <- function(z, Zt, prior)
    ## increment t
    Zt$t <- Zt$t + 1
    ## call the update function on new data
    Zt <- updat.GP(Zt, prior, PL.env$pall$Y)
    ## propose changes to the correlation parameters
    Zt <- draw.GP(Zt, prior, l=3, h=4, thin=1)

    ## return the propagated particle

## prior.GP:
## default prior specification for the GP model

prior.GP <- function(m, cov=c("isotropic", "separable", "sim"))
    cov <- match.arg(cov)
    prior <- list(bZero=FALSE, s2p=c(0,0), grate=20, cov=cov)
    if(cov == "isotropic") prior$drate <- 5
    else {
      if(m == 1) stop("use isotropic when m=1")
      prior$drate <- rep(5, m)
      if(cov == "sim") {
        prior$bZero <- TRUE
        prior$drate <- sqrt(1/prior$drate)

## unif.propose.pos:
## proposals from uniform sliding winows over the
## positive reals

unif.propose.pos <- function(x, l=3, h=4)
  x.new <- runif(length(x), l/h*x, h/l*x)
  lfwd <- dunif(x.new, l/h*x, h/l*x, log=TRUE)
  lbak <- dunif(x, l/h*x.new, h/l*x.new, log=TRUE)
  return(list(x=x.new, lfwd=sum(lfwd), lbak=sum(lbak)))

## mvnorm.propose.rw
## random walk multivariate normal proposal for the
## sim index parameter for the sim covariance function

mvnorm.propose.rw <- function(x, cov=diag(0.2, length(x)))
    x.new <- rmvnorm(1, mean=x, sigma=cov)
    return(list(x=x.new, lfwd=0, lbak=0))

## draw.GP:
## MH-style draw for the range (d) and nugget (g) parameters
## do the correlation function (K) -- THIS FUNCTION IS VERY

draw.GP <- function(Zt, prior, l=3, h=4, thin=10, Y=NULL)
    ## perhaps initialize instead of draw
    if(is.null(Zt)) return(init.GP(prior=prior))
    if(any(prior$drate < 0) && prior$grate < 0) return(Zt)
    ## determine which Y to use
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y
    else Zt <- updat.GP(Zt, prior, Y)

    ## increase thin in sim case
    if(prior$cov == "sim") thin <- thin * length(Zt$d)
    ## take thin draws from the posterior
    for(i in 1:thin) {

      ## check if sampling d
      if(all(prior$drate > 0)) {
      ## propose a change to d
        if(prior$cov == "sim") {
          d.new <- mvnorm.propose.rw(Zt$d)
          d.new$x <- d.new$x * sample(c(-1,1), length(d.new$x), replace=TRUE)
        } else d.new <- unif.propose.pos(Zt$d, l, h)
        ## accept or reject
        if(all(d.new$x != 0)) {
          Zt.prop <- init.GP(prior, d.new$x, Zt$g, Y)
          ## accept or reject d-change via MH
          if(runif(1) < exp(Zt.prop$lpost + d.new$lbak - Zt$lpost - d.new$lfwd))
            Zt <- Zt.prop

      ## propose a change to g
      if(prior$grate < 0) next; ## skip if freezing nugget
      g.new <- unif.propose.pos(Zt$g, l, h)
      if(all(g.new$x > 0)) {
        Zt.prop <- init.GP(prior, Zt$d, g.new$x, Y)
        ## accept or reject g-change via MH
        if(runif(1) < exp(Zt.prop$lpost + g.new$lbak - Zt$lpost - g.new$lfwd)) 
          Zt <- Zt.prop

    ## return the possibly updated Zt

## lpost.GP:
## calculate the log posterior probability of the
## GP model in the Zt particle

lpost.GP <- function(n, m, Vb, phi, ldetK, d, g, prior)
    ## sanity check
    if(any(prior$s2p < 0)) stop("bad s2p")
    ## adjust m if not using linear model
    if(prior$bZero) m <- 0
    s2p <- prior$s2p
    ## deal with the prior (uniform in the range)
    lp <- 0
    if(all(prior$drate > 0)) lp <- lp + sum(dexp(abs(d), rate=prior$drate, log=TRUE))
    if(prior$grate > 0) lp <- lp + dexp(abs(g), rate=prior$grate, log=TRUE)
    ## deal with the (integrated) likelihood part
    lp <- lp + 0.5* (det(Vb, log=TRUE) - (n-m)*log(2*pi))
    lp <- lp - 0.5*ldetK
    lp <- lp + lgamma(0.5*(s2p[1]+n-m))
    lp <- lp - 0.5*(s2p[1]+n-m)*log(0.5*(phi+s2p[2]))
    if(all(s2p > 0))
      lp <- lp + 0.5*s2p[1]*log(0.5*s2p[2]) - lgamma(0.5*s2p[1]);
    ## sanity check
    if(!is.finite(lp)) stop("bad log posterior")
    ## return the log posterior proabability

## updat.GP:
## recalculate all of the suffficient statistics
## (etc) for the X & Y information in Zt

updat.GP <- function(Zt, prior, Y)
    ## re-calculate the covariance matrix
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior, Y, ldetK=TRUE)

    ## update the calculation of the posterior probability
    Zt$lpost <- lpost.GP(Zt$t, ncol(PL.env$pall$X), util$Vb, util$phi,
                         util$ldetK, Zt$d, Zt$g, prior)


## init.GP:
## create a new particle for data X & Y, which
## comprises the kitchen-sink (suff stats) variable

init.GP <- function(prior, d=NULL, g=NULL, Y=NULL)
    ## determine which Y to use
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y

    ## defaults from prior
    if(is.null(d)) {
      d <- abs(1/prior$drate)
      ## perhaps negate some for sim cov
      if(prior$cov == "sim")
        d <- d * sample(c(-1,1), length(d), replace=TRUE)
    if(is.null(g)) g <- abs(1/prior$grate)

    ## initialize particle parameters
    Zt <- list(d=d, g=g)
    if(!is.null(PL.env$pall$Y)) Zt$t <- sum(!is.na(PL.env$pall$Y))
    else Zt$t <- nrow(PL.env$pall$X)

    ## calculate the sufficient statistics
    Zt <- updat.GP(Zt, prior, Y)

    ## return the newly allocated particle

## pred.GP:
## obtain the parameters to the (Student-t) predictive
## distribution based upon a particle at the XX predictive
## input locations

pred.GP <- function(XX, Zt, prior, Y=NULL, quants=FALSE,
                       Sigma=FALSE, sub=1:Zt$t)
    ## get the right X and Y
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y
    ## coerse the XX input
    XX <- matrix(XX, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))

    ## allocate space for the Student-t parameters
    ## from each particle
    I <- nrow(XX)
    tm <- ts2 <- rep(NA, I)
    ## predictive degrees of freedom
    if(prior$bZero) m <- 0
    else m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)
    tdf <- Zt$t - m - 1

    ## utility for calculations below
    if(prior$cov == "isotropic") { ## isotropic
      k <- covar(X1=PL.env$pall$X[sub,], X2=XX, d=Zt$d, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar(X1=XX, d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g))
    } else if(prior$cov == "separable") { ## separable
      k <- covar.sep(X1=PL.env$pall$X[sub,], X2=XX, d=Zt$d, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar.sep(X1=XX, d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g))
    } else { ## sim (rank 1)
      k <- covar.sim(X1=PL.env$pall$X[sub,], X2=XX, d=Zt$d, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar.sim(X1=XX, d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g))

    ## utility for calculations below
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior, Y, sub, retKi=TRUE)

    ## calculate predictive quantities using Ki
    ktKi <- t(k) %*% util$Ki
    ktKik <- ktKi %*% k
    ktKiYmFbmu <- drop(ktKi %*% util$YmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(ktKiYmFbmu))) stop("bad ktKiYmFbmu")

    ## predictive mean
    FF <- cbind(1,XX)
    tm <- drop(FF %*% util$bmu + ktKiYmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(tm))) stop("bad tm")

    ## predictive variance
    badj <- diag(1,nrow(XX)) + FF %*% util$Vb %*% t(FF)
    ## badj <- kk + FF %*% util$Vb %*% t(FF)
    zphi <- (prior$s2p[2] + util$phi)*(kk - ktKik)
    tSigma <- badj * zphi / (prior$s2p[1] + tdf)
    ## stop("blah")
    ## assemble the data frame
    if(Sigma) pred.df <- list(m=tm, Sigma=tSigma, df=tdf)
    else {
      ts2 <- diag(tSigma) ## extract variance
      ts2[ts2 < 0] <- 0   ## correct for roundoff error
      if(any(!is.finite(ts2))) stop("bad ts2")
      pred.df <- data.frame(m=tm, s2=ts2, df=tdf)

    ## maybe append condnum
    if(!is.null(util$condnum)) {
      if(Sigma) pred.df$condnum <- rep(util$condnum, nrow(XX))
      else pred.df <- cbind(pred.df, data.frame(condnum=rep(util$condnum, nrow(pred.df))))
    ## get quantiles
    if(quants) {
      if(Sigma) stop("cannot get quants when Sigma=TRUE")
      pred.df <- cbind(pred.df, tquants(pred.df))

    ## return the df

## ieci.GP:
## use the 1-step-ahead predictive equations to calculate
## the IECI statistic under a GP model.  

ieci.GP <- function(Xcand, Xref, Zt, prior, Y=NULL, w=NULL, verb=1)
    ## get the right Y
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y
    ## coerse the Xcand & Xref input
    Xcand <- matrix(Xcand, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))
    Xref <- matrix(Xref, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))

    ## predictive degrees of freedom
    if(prior$bZero) m <- 0
    else m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)
    tdf <- Zt$t - m - 1
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior, Y, retKi=TRUE)

    ## utility for calculations below
    if(prior$cov == "isotropic") { ## isotropic
      k <- covar(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#g=Zt$g)
    } else if(prior$cov == "separable") { ## separable
      k <- covar.sep(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#, g=Zt$g)
    } else { ## sim (rank 1)
      k <- covar.sim(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#, g=Zt$g)

    ## build up the K quantities
    ktKi <- t(k) %*% util$Ki
    ktKik <- diag(ktKi %*% k)
    ktKiYmFbmu <- drop(ktKi %*% util$YmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(ktKiYmFbmu))) stop("bad ktKiYmFbmu")

    ## predictive mean
    FF <- cbind(1,Xref)
    tm <- drop(FF %*% util$bmu + ktKiYmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(tm))) stop("bad tm")

    ## this assumes that Xref is representative of PL.env$pall$X
    fmin <- min(tm)

    ## initial steps in the predictive variance calculation
    badj <- 1 + diag(FF %*% util$Vb %*% t(FF))  ## could be simplified further
    ## IECI calculation for each entry in Xcand
    ieci <- calc.iecis(ktKik, k, Xcand, PL.env$pall$X, util$Ki, Xref, Zt$d, Zt$g,
                       prior$s2p, util$phi, badj, tm, tdf, fmin, w, verb)

    ## sanity checks
    if(any(is.nan(ieci))) stop("NaN in ieci")
    ## return the df

## alc.GP:
## use the 1-step-ahead predictive equations to calculate
## the alc statistic under a GP model.  

alc.GP <- function(Xcand, Xref, Zt, prior, Y=NULL, w=NULL, verb=1)
    ## get the right Y
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y
    ## coerse the Xcand & Xref input
    Xcand <- matrix(Xcand, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))
    Xref <- matrix(Xref, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))

    ## predictive degrees of freedom
    if(prior$bZero) m <- 0
    else m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)
    tdf <- Zt$t - m - 1
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior, Y, retKi=TRUE)

    ## utility for calculations below
    if(prior$cov == "isotropic") { ## isotropic
      k <- covar(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#g=Zt$g)
    } else if(prior$cov == "separable") { ## separable
      k <- covar.sep(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#, g=Zt$g)
    } else { ## sim (rank 1)
      k <- covar.sim(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=Xref, d=Zt$d, g=0)#, g=Zt$g)

    ## initial steps in the predictive variance calculation
    FF <- cbind(1,Xref)
    badj <- 1 + diag(FF %*% util$Vb %*% t(FF))  ## could be simplified further
    ## ALC calculation for each entry in Xcand
    alc <- calc.alcs(k, Xcand, PL.env$pall$X, util$Ki, Xref, Zt$d, Zt$g,
                     prior$s2p, util$phi, badj, tdf, w, verb)

    ## sanity checks
    if(any(is.nan(alc))) stop("NaN in alc")
    ## return the df

## tquants
## turns the (0.05, 0.95) quantiles of a Student-t
## distribution parameterized in tp

tquants <- function(tp)
    q1 <- sqrt(tp$s2)*qt(0.05, tp$df) + tp$m
    q2 <- sqrt(tp$s2)*qt(0.95, tp$df) + tp$m
    return(data.frame(q1=q1, q2=q2))

## params.GP:
## collects the GP parameters, range (d) and nugged (d)
## in a data frame for the purposes of making a histogram
## to track particle depletion

params.GP <- function()
    ## allocate a data frame for the params
    P <- length(PL.env$peach)
    g <- lpost <- rep(NA, P)
    d <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(PL.env$peach[[1]]$d), nrow=P)
    ## collect the parameters from the particles
    for(p in 1:P) {
      d[p,] <- PL.env$peach[[p]]$d
      g[p] <- PL.env$peach[[p]]$g
      lpost[p] <- PL.env$peach[[p]]$lpost

    ## return the particles
    return(data.frame(d=d, g=g, lpost=lpost))

## rectscale:
## scale the input matrix (X) to lie in [0,1]^d by
## translating it according to the rectangle provided

rectscale <- function(X, rect)
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    m <- ncol(X)
    if(!is.null(rect)) {
      rect <- matrix(rect, nrow=m)
      for(j in 1:m)
        X[,j] <- (X[,j]-rect[j,1])/(rect[j,2]-rect[j,1])

## rectunscale:
## un-scale the input matrix (X) to lie in [0,1]^d by
## translating it according to the rectangle provided

rectunscale <- function(X, rect)
    X <- as.matrix(X)
    m <- ncol(X)
    if(!is.null(rect)) {
      rect <- matrix(rect, nrow=m)
      for(j in 1:m)
        X[,j] <- X[,j]*(rect[j,2]-rect[j,1]) + rect[j,1]

## data.GP:
## extract the appropriate columns from the X matrix
## and Y vector -- designed to be generic for other cases
## where we would want to get the next observation (end=NULL)
## or a range of observations from begin to end

data.GP <- function(begin, end=NULL, X, Y)
    if(is.null(end) || begin == end)
      return(list(x=X[begin,], y=Y[begin]))
    else if(begin > end) stop("must have begin <= end")
    else return(list(x=as.matrix(X[begin:end,]), y=Y[begin:end]))

## addpall.GP:
## add data to the pall data structure used as utility
## by all particles

addpall.GP <- function(Z)
    PL.env$pall$X <- rbind(PL.env$pall$X, Z$x)
    PL.env$pall$Y <- c(PL.env$pall$Y, Z$y)
    PL.env$pall$D <- NULL

## util.GP:
## calculate the full set of quantities needed to evaluate
## the likelihood of the GP model

util.GP <- function(Zt, prior, Y=NULL, sub=1:Zt$t, ldetK=FALSE, retKi=TRUE)
    ## sanity check
    if(!is.null(PL.env$pall$Y) && Zt$t != sum(!is.na(PL.env$pall$Y)))
      stop("Zt$t and sum(!is.na(PL.env$pall$Y)) mismatch")
    else if(Zt$t != nrow(PL.env$pall$X)) stop("Zt$t and nrow(PL.env$pall$X) mismatch")
    m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)

    ## get the right X and Y
    if(is.null(Y)) Y <- PL.env$pall$Y
    ## calculate the covariance matrix
    if(prior$cov == "isotropic") { ## isotropic
      if(is.null(PL.env$pall$D)) PL.env$pall$D <- distance(PL.env$pall$X)
      K <- dist2covar.symm(D=PL.env$pall$D[sub,sub], d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g)
    } else if(prior$cov == "separable") { ## separable
      K <- covar.sep(X1=PL.env$pall$X[sub,], d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g)
    } else { ## sim (rank 1)
      K <- covar.sim(X1=PL.env$pall$X[sub,], d=Zt$d, g=Zt$g)      

    ## Ki <- K^{-1}
    Ki <- solve(K)

    ## calculate the weighted least squares part
    Y <- Y[sub]
    if(! prior$bZero) {
      F <- cbind(1, PL.env$pall$X[sub,])
      FtKi <- t(F) %*% Ki 
      Vb <- solve(FtKi %*% F)
      bmu <- Vb %*% (FtKi %*% Y)
    } else { bmu <- rep(0, m+1); Vb <- matrix(0, m+1, m+1) }

    ## re-calculate the phi (variance) suff stats
    phi <- drop(t(Y) %*% Ki %*% Y)
    if(!prior$bZero) phi <- drop(phi - t(bmu) %*% solve(Vb) %*% bmu)

    ## possibly calculate the log determinant of K
    if(ldetK) ldetK <- det(K, log=TRUE)
    else ldetK <- NULL

    ## first work out the regular predictive equations
    if(! prior$bZero) { YmFbmu <- drop(Y - F %*% bmu) }
    else { YmFbmu <- Y }

    ## decide whether or not to return Ki
    if(!retKi) { Ki <- FALSE; condnum <- NULL }
    else condnum <- kappa(Ki)
    ## return the list of quantities calculated
    return(list(Vb=Vb, bmu=bmu, phi=phi, Ki=Ki, condnum=condnum, ldetK=ldetK, YmFbmu=YmFbmu))

## EI:
## calculate the expected improvement

EI <- function(tp, fmin)
    tp <- as.data.frame(t(tp))
    diff <- fmin - tp$m
    tsd <- sqrt(tp$s2)
    diffs <- diff/tsd
    scale <- (tp$df*tsd + diff^2/tsd)/(tp$df-1)
    ei <- diff*pt(diffs, tp$df)
    ei <- ei + scale*dt(diffs, tp$df)

## ei.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that has the most potential to
## improve the estimate of the minimum

ei.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by EI\n", sep="")

    ## stale candidates
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)

    ## get predictive distribution information
    outp <- papply(XX=Xcands, fun=pred.GP, prior=prior, verb=verb)

    ## gather the entropy info
    ei <- rep(0, nrow(as.matrix(Xcand)))
    for(p in 1:length(outp)) {
      fmin <- min(outp[[p]]$m)
      ei <- ei + calc.eis(outp[[p]][,1:3], fmin)
      ## ei <- ei + apply(outp[[p]][,1:3], 1, EI, fmin=fmin)

    ## return the candidate with the most potential

## var.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that has the largest variance

var.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by EI\n", sep="")

    ## stale candidates
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)
    ## get predictive distribution information
    outp <- papply(XX=Xcands, fun=pred.GP, prior=prior, verb=verb)

    ## gather the predictive variance info
    condnum <- m <- m2 <- v <- rep(0, nrow(as.matrix(Xcand)))
    for(p in 1:length(outp)) {
      m2 <- m2 + outp[[p]]$m^2
      m <- m + outp[[p]]$m
      v <- v + outp[[p]]$df*outp[[p]]$s2/(outp[[p]]$df - 2)
      condnum <- condnum + outp[[p]]$condnum

    ## return the candidate with the most potential
    n <- length(outp)
    return(list(m=m/n, v=v/n + m2/n - (m/n)^2, condnum=condnum/n))

## icei.adapt
## return the index into Xcand that has the most potential to
## improve the estimate of the minimum via integrated expected conitional
## improvement

ieci.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb, Xref=NULL, fun=ieci.GP)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by IECI\n", sep="")

    ## adjust the candidates (X) and reference locations (Xref)
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)
    if(is.null(Xref)) Xrefs <- Xcands
    else Xrefs <- rectscale(Xref, rect) 

    ## get predictive distribution information
    iecis <- papply(Xcand=Xcands, Xref=Xrefs, fun=fun, prior=prior, verb=verb)
    ## gather the entropy info for each x averaged over
    ieci <- rep(0, nrow(Xcands))
    for(p in 1:length(iecis)) ieci <- ieci + iecis[[p]]

    ## calculate mean EIs to in order to make a better progress meter
    mei <- mean(ei.adapt(Xref, rect, prior, verb=0))

    ## return the candidate with the most potential

## alc.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that has the most potential to
## improve predictive variance at reference locations

alc.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb, Xref=NULL, fun=alc.GP)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by ALC\n", sep="")

    ## adjust the candidates (X) and reference locations (Xref)
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)
    if(is.null(Xref)) Xrefs <- Xcands
    else Xrefs <- rectscale(Xref, rect)

    ## get predictive distribution information
    alcs <- papply(Xcand=Xcands, Xref=Xrefs, fun=fun, prior=prior, verb=verb)

    ## gather the alc info for each x averaged over
    alc <- rep(0, nrow(Xcands))
    for(p in 1:length(alcs)) alc <- alc + alcs[[p]]

    ## calculate mean vars to in order to make a better progress meter
    ## mvar <- mean(var.adapt(Xref, rect, prior, verb=0)$v)

    ## return the candidate with the most potential
    ## return(mvar-alc/length(alcs))

## mindist.adapt:
## return the index into Xcand that is the minimum distance
## from Xref

mindist.adapt <- function(Xcand, rect, prior, verb, Xref)
    ## calculate the average maximum entropy point
    if(verb > 0)
      cat("taking design point ", nrow(PL.env$pall$X)+1, " by mindist\n", sep="")

    ## check Xref should be length 1
    if(nrow(Xref) != 1) stop("Xref should have one vector")
    ## adjust the candidates (X) and reference locations (Xref)
    Xcands <- rectscale(Xcand, rect)
    if(is.null(Xref)) Xrefs <- Xcands
    else Xrefs <- rectscale(Xref, rect)

    ## calculate distances
    D <- 1/distance(Xrefs, Xcands)

    ## return the candidate with the most potential

## data.GP.improv:
## use the current state of the particles to calculate
## the next adaptive sample from the posterior predictive
## distribution based on the expected improvement

data.GP.improv <- function(begin, end=NULL, f, rect, prior, adapt=ei.adapt,
                           cands=40, save=TRUE, oracle=TRUE, verb=2, interp=interp.loess)
    if(!is.null(end) && begin > end) stop("must have begin <= end")
    else if(is.null(end) || begin == end) { ## adaptive sample

      ## choose some adaptive sampling candidates
      if(is.na(cands)) Xc <- PL.env$Xcand
      else Xc <- lhs(cands, rect)

      if(oracle) {  ## add a cleverly chosen candidate
        xstars <- findmin.GP(PL.env$pall$X[nrow(PL.env$pall$X),], prior)
        xstar <- drop(rectunscale(rbind(xstars), rect))
        Xc <- rbind(Xc, xstar)
      } else if(!is.null(formals(adapt)$Xref)) {
        ## calculate the predictive variance of the reference location
        mv <- var.adapt(formals(adapt)$Xref, rect, prior, verb=0)
      } else mv <- NULL

      ## calculate the index with the best entropy reduction potential
      as <- adapt(Xc, rect, prior, verb)
      indx <- which.max(as)
      ## return the new adaptive sample
      x <- matrix(Xc[indx,], nrow=1)
      xs <- rectscale(x, rect)

      ## possibly remove the candidate from a fixed set
      if(is.na(cands)) PL.env$Xcand <- PL.env$Xcand[-indx,]
      ## maybe plot something
      if(verb > 1) {
        if(ncol(Xc) > 1 && nrow(PL.env$pall$X) > 10) { ## 2-d+ data
          image(interp(Xc[,1], Xc[,2], as), main="AS surface")
          points(rectunscale(PL.env$pall$X, rect))
          points(Xc, pch=18)
          if(oracle) points(xstar[1], xstar[2], pch=17, col="blue")
          points(x[,1], x[,2], pch=18, col="green")
        } else if(ncol(Xc) == 1){ ## 1-d data
          o <- order(drop(Xc))
          plot(drop(Xc[o,]), as[o], type="l", lwd=2,
               xlab="x", ylab="AS stat", main="AS surface")
          points(drop(rectunscale(PL.env$pall$X, rect)), rep(min(as), nrow(PL.env$pall$X)))
          points(x, min(as), pch=18, col="green")
          if(oracle) points(xstar, min(as), pch=17, col="blue")
          legend("topright", c("chosen point", "oracle candidate"),
                 pch=c(18,17), col=c("green", "blue"), bty="n")

      ## maybe save the max log EI or IECI
      if(save) {
        if(oracle) PL.env$psave$xstar <- rbind(PL.env$psave$xstar, xstar)
        else if(!is.null(mv)) {
          PL.env$psave$vref <- rbind(PL.env$psave$vref, mv$v)
          PL.env$psave$mref <- rbind(PL.env$psave$mref, mv$m)
          PL.env$psave$condnum <- rbind(PL.env$psave$condnum, mv$condnum)
        PL.env$psave$max.as <- c(PL.env$psave$max.as, max(as))

      ## return the adaptively chosen location
      return(list(x=xs, y=f(x)))

    } else {  ## create an initial design

      ## MED from a subset when cands is NULL, uses global Xcand
      if(is.na(cands)) {
        if(verb > 0) cat("initializing with size", end-begin+1, "MED\n")
        out <- dopt.gp(end-begin+1, X=NULL, Xcand=PL.env$Xcand)
        X <- out$XX
        PL.env$Xcand <- PL.env$Xcand[-out$fi,]
      }  else {  ## calculate a LHS 
        if(verb > 0) cat("initializing with size", end-begin+1, "LHS\n")
        X <- lhs(end-begin+1, rect)
      ## get the class labels
      Y <- f(X)
      return(list(x=rectscale(X, rect), y=Y))

## pred.mean.GP:
## calculate the predictive mean given the util
## structure for the particle and range and nuggets

pred.mean.GP <- function(x, util, cov, dparam, gparam)
    ## coerse the XX input
    XX <- matrix(x, ncol=ncol(PL.env$pall$X))

    ## calculate covariance vectors and matrices
    if(cov == "isotropic") { ## isotropic
      k <- covar(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=XX, d=dparam, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar(X1=XX, d=dparam, g=gparam))
    } else if(cov == "separable") { ## separable
      k <- covar.sep(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=XX, d=dparam, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar.sep(X1=XX, d=dparam, g=gparam))
    } else { ## sim (rank 1)
      k <- covar.sim(X1=PL.env$pall$X, X2=XX, d=dparam, g=0)
      kk <- drop(covar.sim(X1=XX, d=dparam, g=gparam))
    ## calculate predictive quantities using Ki
    ktKi <- t(k) %*% util$Ki
    ktKik <- ktKi %*% k
    ktKiYmFbmu <- drop(ktKi %*% util$YmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(ktKiYmFbmu))) stop("bad ktKiYmFbmu")
    ## predictive mean
    FF <- cbind(1,XX)
    tm <- drop(FF %*% util$bmu + ktKiYmFbmu)
    if(any(!is.finite(tm))) stop("bad tm")
    ## print(c(x,tm))
    ## return predictive mean

## getmap.GP:
## return MAP particle

getmap.GP <- function()
    ## calculate the MAP particle
    mi <- 1
    if(length(PL.env$peach) > 1) {
      for(p in 2:length(PL.env$peach))
        if(PL.env$peach[[p]]$lpost > PL.env$peach[[mi]]$lpost) mi <- p

## findmin.GP:
## find the minimum of the predictive surface for the MAP particle

findmin.GP <- function(xstart, prior)
    ## calculate the MAP particle
    Zt <- getmap.GP()
    ## utility for calculations below
    util <- util.GP(Zt, prior, PL.env$pall$Y, retKi=TRUE)

    ## call the optim function
    m <- ncol(PL.env$pall$X)
    xstar <- optim(xstart, pred.mean.GP, method="L-BFGS-B",
                   lower=rep(0,m), upper=rep(1,m), util=util,
                   cov=prior$cov, dparam=Zt$d, gparam=Zt$g)$par

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