
## fillmore.R

## copied from demo graphics
# if(dev.cur() <= 1) get(getOption("device"))()
# opar <- par(ask = interactive() &&
#            (.Device %in% c("X11", "GTK", "gnome", "windows","quartz")))

caption <- function(x) {
  cat("Press <Enter> to continue...")

options(digits = 4)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Data sets

years <- unique(aq.trans$year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Fillmore stage vectors

sv <- table(aq.trans$stage, aq.trans$year)

## totals

## mean stage vector
round(apply(sv, 1, mean), 0)

stage.vector.plot(sv[-1, ],
  prop = FALSE, col = rainbow(4),
  ylab = "Total number of plants",
  main = "Fillmore Canyon stage vectors"

### plot proportions

op <- par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 7), xpd = TRUE)
x <- barplot(prop.table(sv[-1, ], 2),
  las = 1,
  xlab = "Year", ylab = "Proportion in stage class", main = "Fillmore Canyon",
  col = gray(1:4 / 4), ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n", space = .5
yrs <- substr(colnames(sv), 3, 4)
axis(1, x, yrs)
## draw outside plot boundaries

legend(13, 0.7, rev(rownames(sv)[-1]), fill = rev(gray(1:5 / 5)))

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# DENISTY plots at Fillmore Canyon (using 1 meter square plots)

a <- ftable(aq.trans$plot, aq.trans$stage, aq.trans$year)
## PLOT four stage classes: recruits, small and large veg, flowering plants
op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2), oma = c(1, 1, 2, 0))
fstages <- c("Recruits", "Small vegetative", "Large vegetative", "Flowering plants")
for (i in 2:5)
  x <- a[seq(i, 50, 5), ]
  plot(years, x[1, ], type = "n", ylim = c(0, max(x)), ylab = fstages[i - 1], xlab = "Year")
  for (j in 1:10)
    lines(years, x[j, ], col = rainbow(10)[j])
title(expression(paste("Plant density in 10 demography plots (", m^-2, ")")), outer = TRUE)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# BUILD a projection matrix for Aquilegia

## 1.  get transitions for a single projection interval (1996-1997)
x <- subset(aq.trans, year == 1996)

## 2. count number of recruits in 1997
recruits <- sv["recruit", "1997"]

## 3.  Use aq.matrix() to build matrix
aq.96 <- aq.matrix(x, recruits)
caption("1996-1997 projection matrix and vectors from aq.matrix")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Population projections

p <- pop.projection(aq.96$A, aq.96$n)
## exclude seeds
stage.vector.plot(p$stage.vectors[-1, 1:10],
  col = rainbow(4), prop = FALSE,
  xlab = "Years after 1996", main = "Stage vector projections", log = "y"

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Eigenvalues and vectors

eig.96 <- eigen.analysis(aq.96$A, zero = FALSE)

## some Plot methods
barplot(eig.96$stable.stage, col = "blue", ylim = c(0, 1), ylab = "Proportion", xlab = "Stage class", main = "Stable stage distribution from 96-97 matrix")

ymax <- max(eig.96$repro.value) * 1.25
barplot(eig.96$repro.value, col = "green", ylim = c(0, ymax), xpd = FALSE, ylab = "Reproductive value", xlab = "Stage Class", main = "Reproductive values")

matplot2(eig.96$elasticities, type = "b", ylab = "Elasticity", legend = "topleft", ltitle = "Fate", main = "Elasticity matrix")

image2(eig.96$sensitivities, mar = c(1, 3, 5, 1))
title("Sensitivity matrix")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Bootstrap confidence intervals

# get transitions with individual fertilities
y <- aq.matrix(x, recruits, summary = FALSE)

# 200 bootstrap samples for speed (5000 is default) -
#  estimated seed bank survival and recruitment does not vary here, but could

aq.96.boot <- boot.transitions(y, 200, add = c(1, 1, aq.96$seed.survival, 2, 1, aq.96$recruitment.rate))

# calculate confidence intervals using quantile() or and other methods in boot package

ci <- quantile(aq.96.boot$lambda, c(0.025, 0.975))

# plot histogram  ... plotCI in gplots and other packages
hist(aq.96.boot$lambda, col = "green", xlab = "Lambda", main = paste("Bootstrap estimates of population
growth rate from 1996-1997"))
abline(v = ci, lty = 3)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# CALCULATE population growth rates using constant 10,000 seed bank and 12.6% seed survival

years <- 1996:2002
n <- length(years)

fill1.all <- vector("list", n)
names(fill1.all) <- years

fill1 <- matrix(numeric(length(years) * 5), nrow = n, dimnames = list(years, c("lambda", "", "seed.b0", "seed.b1", "rec.rate")))
for (s.year in years)
  i <- s.year - (years[1] - 1) ## index for list starting at 1
  x <- aq.matrix(subset(aq.trans, year == s.year), sv["recruit", as.character(s.year + 1)])
  fill1[i, ] <- c(x$lambda, x$seeds.from.plants, x$, x$n1[1], x$recruitment.rate)
  fill1.all[[i]] <- x

plot(rownames(fill1), fill1[, 1], type = "b", ylim = c(0, 1.4), xlab = "Year", ylab = "Growth rate", main = paste("Population growth rate using constant \nseed bank size and seed survival rate"), col = "red", pch = 16, las = 1)
abline(h = 1, lty = 3)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Projection matrix elements....

## list only projection matrices - will be used later for stochastic growth
fill.A <- lapply(fill1.all, FUN = "[[", "A")

## add column names using matrix element notation aij where i=row and j=column))
fill.vr <- matrix(unlist(fill.A),
  nrow = n, byrow = TRUE,
  dimnames = list(years, paste("a", 1:5, rep(1:5, each = 5), sep = ""))

## mean matrix and variation
fill.vr <- rbind(fill.vr, mean = apply(fill.vr, 2, mean), var = apply(fill.vr, 2, var))

# TABLE using years as columns and ignoring empty elements
t(fill.vr[, c(1:2, 8, 10, 13:15, 18:25)])

caption("Annual, mean and variance of projection matrix elements (1996-2002)")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Mean matrix
A.mean <- matrix(fill.vr["mean", ], nrow = 5, dimnames = dimnames(fill.A[[1]]))


caption("Eigen analysis of mean matrix")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  AGE specific rates

# split A into T and F (could change aq.matrix output, but fertility always in a15 and a25)

splitA(A.mean, r = 1:2)

generation.time(A.mean, r = 1:2)
net.reproductive.rate(A.mean, r = 1:2)
fundamental.matrix(A.mean, r = 1:2)$N

caption("Age-specific traits from mean matrix")

## Check generation time for all matrices.  If F matrix is empty, generation time is Inf
sapply(fill.A, generation.time, r = 1:2)

caption("Generation time for each projection matrix")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# VARY seed survival rates before matrix construction
#  --  seed survival part of three matrix elements (1 seed survival,2 fertilities in prebreeding census)

fill.seed.surv <- vector("list", n)
names(fill.seed.surv) <- years

for (s.year in years)
  z <- s.year - (years[1] - 1)
  fill.seed.surv[[z]] <- matrix(numeric(11 * 3),
    nrow = 11,
    dimnames = list(1:11, c("survival", "lambda", "seeds"))
  for (i in seq(0, 100, 10))
    x <- aq.matrix(subset(aq.trans, year == s.year),
      sv["recruit", as.character(s.year + 1)],
      seed.survival = i / 100
    fill.seed.surv[[z]][(i + 10) / 10, ] <- c(i / 100, x$lambda, x$n1[1])


plot(fill.seed.surv[["1996"]][, 1], fill.seed.surv[["1996"]][, 2],
  type = "n",
  xlim = c(-0.08, 1), ylim = c(0, 1.5), xlab = "Seed survival rate", ylab = "Growth rate ",
  main = paste("Changes in seed survival rate\n on population growth rate")

abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
for (i in 1:n)
  lines(fill.seed.surv[[i]][, 1], fill.seed.surv[[i]][, 2], lwd = 2, col = rainbow(11)[i], lty = i)

y.abbr <- substr(as.character(years), 3, 4)

y <- numeric(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
  y[i] <- fill.seed.surv[[i]][1, 2]

text(-.08, y, y.abbr, pos = 4)

## -------------------------------------------------------------##
#  VARY seed bank size from 1000 to 20000  in 1997 only (for  demo)

##  no recruits survive in 99, 01,02,03 so seed bank size does not alter the growth rate in these years

fill.seed.97 <- matrix(numeric(25 * 2), nrow = 25)
for (i in seq(1000, 25000, 1000))
  x <- aq.matrix(subset(aq.trans, year == 1997),
    sv["recruit", "1998"], = i
  fill.seed.97[i / 1000, ] <- c(i, x$lambda)

plot(fill.seed.97[, 1], fill.seed.97[, 2],
  xlab = "Seed bank size", ylab = "Growth rate ", type = "b", pch = 16, col = "green",
  main = paste("Changes in seed bank size\non population growth rate in 1997")

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  STOCHASTIC growth rates  -this will take a while



# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
#  Stochastic population sizes

sv.mean <- c(seed = 10000, round(apply(sv, 1, mean), 0)[-1])

##  set 2000 above-ground plants as max density in 15 m2 plots...
aq.sp1 <- stoch.projection(fill.A[1:3], sv.mean, nreps = 1000, tmax = 25, nmax = 2000, sumweight = c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1))

hist(apply(aq.sp1[, -1], 1, sum), col = "green", xlim = c(0, 2000), xlab = "Final population size (excluding seeds)", main = paste("Stochastic growth projections
after 25 years using 96-98 matrices"), breaks = seq(0, 2000, 100))

## starting size
abline(v = sum(sv.mean[-1]), lty = 2)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
# QUASI-extinction

aq.ex.seed <- stoch.quasi.ext(fill.A, n0 = sv.mean, Nx = 1, nreps = 500, sumweight = c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1))

  xlab = "Years", ylab = "Quasi-extinction probability", type = "l",
  main = paste("Time to reach a quasi-extinction threshold
of 1 above-ground individual")

# par(opar)

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