search_forward <- function(p_ref, refmodel, nterms_max, verbose = TRUE,
search_terms, est_runtime = TRUE,
search_terms_was_null, ...) {
nterms_max_with_icpt <- nterms_max + 1L
iq <- ceiling(quantile(seq_len(nterms_max_with_icpt), 1:10 / 10))
if (is.null(search_terms)) {
stop("Did not expect `search_terms` to be `NULL`. Please report this.")
chosen <- character()
outdmins <- c()
for (size in seq_len(nterms_max_with_icpt)) {
# Determine candidate predictors for the current size:
cands <- select_possible_terms_size(chosen, search_terms, size = size)
if (is.null(cands))
full_cands <- lapply(cands, function(cand) c(chosen, cand))
# Perform the projections (for the intercept-only model, we measure the
# runtime to estimate the total runtime for the search):
if (size == 1 && est_runtime && getOption("projpred.mssg_time", TRUE)) {
time_bef <- Sys.time()
submodls <- lapply(full_cands, proj_to_submodl, p_ref = p_ref,
refmodel = refmodel, ...)
if (size == 1 && est_runtime && getOption("projpred.mssg_time", TRUE)) {
time_aft <- Sys.time()
dtime <- difftime(time_aft, time_bef, units = "secs")
# Scale up to the remaining forward search where we have p * (p + 1) / 2
# projections (with `p = nterms_max`) if `search_terms` is at its default:
time_est_min <- dtime * nterms_max * (nterms_max + 1) / 2
# Scale from the intercept-only submodel to GLM submodels (see PR #459 for
# an empirical derivation of the factor):
time_est_min <- time_est_min * 1.3
# Initialize upper bound:
time_est_max <- time_est_min
# Adjust for multilevel and/or additive terms if necessary (see PR #459
# for an empirical derivation of the factors):
has_mlvl <- any(grepl("\\|", search_terms))
has_smooth <- length(parse_additive_terms(search_terms)) > 0
if (has_mlvl && !has_smooth) {
time_est_max <- time_est_max * 26.9
} else if (!has_mlvl && has_smooth) {
time_est_max <- time_est_max * 9.8
} else if (has_mlvl && has_smooth) {
time_est_max <- time_est_max * 57.6
if (time_est_max > 3 * 60) {
mssg_time_start <- "The remaining forward search is estimated to take "
if (time_est_max == time_est_min) {
mssg_time_est <- paste0(
"ca. ", round(time_est_min / 60, 1), " minutes "
} else {
mssg_time_est <- paste0(
"between ca. ", round(time_est_min / 60, 1), " and ",
round(time_est_max / 60, 1), " minutes "
mssg_time_start_curr <- paste0(
"(current time: ", format(time_aft, usetz = TRUE),
"; estimated end time: "
if (time_est_max == time_est_min) {
mssg_time_est_curr <- paste0(
format(time_aft + time_est_min, usetz = TRUE), "). Note that ",
"this is only a rough estimate."
} else {
mssg_time_est_curr <- paste0(
"between ", format(time_aft + time_est_min, usetz = TRUE), " and ",
format(time_aft + time_est_max, usetz = TRUE), "). Note that ",
"these are not guaranteed bounds but the bounds of a rough ",
"interval estimate."
mssg_time <- paste0(mssg_time_start, mssg_time_est,
mssg_time_start_curr, mssg_time_est_curr)
if (has_mlvl) {
# The empirically derived factor used above assumes that *all*
# projections involve one multilevel term (and apart from that, the
# empirical derivation used only group-level intercepts, not
# group-level slopes):
mssg_time <- paste0(
mssg_time, " Furthermore, since there are multilevel predictor ",
"terms, this estimate may be even more unreliable."
if (has_smooth) {
# The empirically derived factor used above assumes that *all*
# projections involve one multilevel and one smooth term (and apart
# from that, the empirical derivation used only group-level intercepts
# and an s() smooth term, not more complex terms):
mssg_time <- paste0(
mssg_time, " Furthermore, since there are additive (\"smooth\") ",
"predictor terms, this estimate may be even more unreliable."
if (!search_terms_was_null) {
# In case of custom `search_terms`, some model sizes may be skipped:
mssg_time <- paste0(
mssg_time, " Since argument `search_terms` differs from its ",
"default, this estimate may be an overestimate."
# Select best candidate:
imin <- which.min(sapply(submodls, "[[", "ce"))
chosen <- c(chosen, cands[imin])
# Store `outdmin` (i.e., the object containing the projection results)
# corresponding to the best candidate:
outdmins <- c(outdmins, list(submodls[[imin]]$outdmin))
# Verbose mode output:
ct_chosen <- count_terms_chosen(chosen)
if (verbose && ct_chosen %in% iq) {
vtxt <- paste(names(iq)[max(which(ct_chosen == iq))], "of terms selected")
if (getOption("projpred.extra_verbose", FALSE)) {
vtxt <- paste0(vtxt, ": ", paste(chosen, collapse = " + "))
# Free up some memory:
if (getOption("projpred.run_gc", FALSE)) {
# For `predictor_ranking`, `reduce_models(chosen)` used to be used instead of
# `chosen`. However, `reduce_models(chosen)` and `chosen` should be identical
# at this place because select_possible_terms_size() already avoids redundant
# models. Thus, use `chosen` here because it matches `outdmins` (this
# matching is necessary because later in perf_eval()'s `!refit_prj` case,
# `outdmins` is indexed with integers which are based on `predictor_ranking`):
return(nlist(predictor_ranking = setdiff(chosen, "1"), outdmins))
#' Force search terms
#' A helper function to construct the input for argument `search_terms` of
#' [varsel()] or [cv_varsel()] if certain predictor terms should be forced to be
#' selected first whereas other predictor terms are optional (i.e., they are
#' subject to the variable selection, but only after the inclusion of the
#' "forced" terms).
#' @param forced_terms A character vector of predictor terms that should be
#' selected first.
#' @param optional_terms A character vector of predictor terms that should be
#' subject to the variable selection after the inclusion of the "forced"
#' terms.
#' @return A character vector that may be used as input for argument
#' `search_terms` of [varsel()] or [cv_varsel()].
#' @seealso [varsel()], [cv_varsel()]
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)
#' # Data:
#' dat_gauss <- data.frame(y = df_gaussian$y, df_gaussian$x)
#' # The `stanreg` fit which will be used as the reference model (with small
#' # values for `chains` and `iter`, but only for technical reasons in this
#' # example; this is not recommended in general):
#' fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(
#' y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5, family = gaussian(), data = dat_gauss,
#' QR = TRUE, chains = 2, iter = 500, refresh = 0, seed = 9876
#' )
#' # We will force X1 and X2 to be selected first:
#' search_terms_forced <- force_search_terms(
#' forced_terms = paste0("X", 1:2),
#' optional_terms = paste0("X", 3:5)
#' )
#' # Run varsel() (here without cross-validation and with small values for
#' # `nterms_max`, `nclusters`, and `nclusters_pred`, but only for the sake of
#' # speed in this example; this is not recommended in general):
#' vs <- varsel(fit, nclusters = 5, nclusters_pred = 10,
#' search_terms = search_terms_forced, seed = 5555)
#' # Now see, for example, `?print.vsel`, `?plot.vsel`, `?suggest_size.vsel`,
#' # and `?ranking` for possible post-processing functions.
#' @export
force_search_terms <- function(forced_terms, optional_terms) {
stopifnot(length(forced_terms) > 0)
stopifnot(length(optional_terms) > 0)
forced_terms <- paste(forced_terms, collapse = " + ")
return(c(forced_terms, paste0(forced_terms, " + ", optional_terms)))
search_L1_surrogate <- function(p_ref, d_train, family, intercept, nterms_max,
penalty, search_control) {
## predictive mean and variance of the reference model (with parameters
## integrated out)
mu <- p_ref$mu
v <- p_ref$var
if (NCOL(mu) > 1 || NCOL(v) > 1) {
stop("Internal error: search_L1 received multiple draws. ",
"Please report to the developers.")
## L1-penalized projection (projection path).
## (Notice: here we use pmax = nterms_max+1 so that the computation gets
## carried until all the way down to the least regularization also for model
## size nterms_max)
out_capt <- utils::capture.output(
search <- glm_elnet(
d_train$x, mu, family,
lambda_min_ratio = search_control$lambda_min_ratio %||% 1e-5,
nlambda = search_control$nlambda %||% 150, pmax = nterms_max + 1,
pmax_strict = FALSE, weights = d_train$weights, intercept = intercept,
obsvar = v, penalty = penalty, thresh = search_control$thresh %||% 1e-6
out_capt <- unique(grep("[Ww]arning|bug", out_capt, value = TRUE))
if (length(out_capt) > 0) {
c(paste0("The following warnings have been thrown by projpred's ",
"internal L1-search function:"),
"---", out_capt, "---",
paste0("It is recommended to inspect this in detail and (if ",
"necessary) to adjust tuning parameters via argument ",
"`search_control` (of varsel() or cv_varsel()).")),
collapse = "\n"
## sort the variables according to the order in which they enter the model in
## the L1-path
entering_indices <- apply(search$beta != 0, 1, function(num) {
which(num)[1] # na for those that did not enter
## variables that entered at some point
entered_variables <- c(seq_len(NCOL(d_train$x)))[!]
## variables that did not enter at any point
notentered_variables <- c(seq_len(NCOL(d_train$x)))[]
order_of_entered <- sort(entering_indices, index.return = TRUE)$ix
order <- c(entered_variables[order_of_entered], notentered_variables)
## fetch the coefficients corresponding to those points at the search_path
## where new variable enters
nvar <- length(order)
n <- nrow(p_ref$mu)
out <- list(
alpha = rep(NA, nterms_max + 1),
beta = matrix(0, nrow = nterms_max, ncol = nterms_max + 1),
lambda = rep(NA, nterms_max + 1),
w = matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = nterms_max + 1)
for (k in 0:nterms_max) {
if (k == 0) {
out$alpha[1] <- search$beta0[1]
out$lambda[1] <- search$lambda[1]
out$w[, 1] <- search$w[, 1]
} else {
## find those points in the L1-path where only the k most relevant
## features can have nonzero coefficient, and then fetch their
## coefficients with least regularization
ivar <- utils::tail(order, nvar - k)
steps_k_var <- which(colSums(search$beta[ivar, , drop = FALSE] != 0) == 0)
if (length(steps_k_var) > 0) {
j <- utils::tail(steps_k_var, 1)
} else {
## no steps where all the variables in set ivar would have zero
## coefficient (could be due to one or more of these variables having
## penalty = 0 so they are always in the model) so set the coefficients
## to be equal to the starting value
j <- 1
out$alpha[k + 1] <- search$beta0[j]
out$beta[1:k, k + 1] <- search$beta[order[1:k], j]
out$lambda[k + 1] <- search$lambda[j]
out$w[, k + 1] <- search$w[, j]
out$predictor_ranking <- order[seq_len(nterms_max)]
if (any($predictor_ranking)) &&
length(entered_variables) < nterms_max) {
if (length(setdiff(notentered_variables,
which(penalty == Inf))) > 0) {
warning("Less than nterms_max variables entered L1-path. ",
"Try reducing lambda_min_ratio. ")
search_L1 <- function(p_ref, refmodel, nterms_max, penalty, search_control) {
if (nterms_max == 0) {
stop("L1 search cannot be used for an empty (i.e. intercept-only) ",
"full-model formula or `nterms_max = 0`.")
# Preparations:
fr <- model.frame(refmodel$formula, data = refmodel$fetch_data(),
drop.unused.levels = TRUE)
da_classes <- attr(attr(fr, "terms"), "dataClasses")
nms_chr_fac <- names(da_classes)[da_classes %in% c("character", "factor")]
resp_nm <- all.vars(attr(fr, "terms"))[attr(attr(fr, "terms"), "response")]
nms_chr_fac <- setdiff(nms_chr_fac, resp_nm)
if (length(nms_chr_fac) > 0) {
xlvls <- lapply(setNames(nm = nms_chr_fac), function(nm_chr_fac) {
} else {
xlvls <- NULL
# TODO: In the following model.matrix() call, allow user-specified contrasts
# to be passed to argument `contrasts.arg`. The `contrasts.arg` default
# (`NULL`) uses `options("contrasts")` internally, but it might be more
# convenient to let users specify contrasts directly. At that occasion,
# contrasts should also be tested thoroughly (not done until now).
x <- model.matrix(refmodel$formula, data = fr)
x <- x[, colnames(x) != "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE]
## it's important to keep the original order because that's the order
## in which lasso will estimate the parameters
tt <- terms(refmodel$formula)
terms_ <- attr(tt, "term.labels")
search_path <- search_L1_surrogate(
p_ref, nlist(x, weights = refmodel$wobs), refmodel$family,
intercept = TRUE, ncol(x), penalty, search_control
predictor_ranking_orig <- collapse_ranked_predictors(
path = colnames(x)[search_path$predictor_ranking],
formula = refmodel$formula, data = fr
predictor_ranking <- utils::head(predictor_ranking_orig, nterms_max)
# Place lower-order interaction terms before higher-order interaction terms,
# but otherwise preserve the ranking:
ia_orders <- sapply(gregexpr(":", predictor_ranking), function(greg_colon) {
sum(greg_colon != -1)
ia_order_max <- max(ia_orders)
for (ia_order in rev(seq_len(ia_order_max))) {
ias <- predictor_ranking[ia_orders == ia_order]
stopifnot(!any(duplicated(ias))) # safety measure for which.max()
for (ia in ias) {
ia_idx <- which.max(predictor_ranking == ia)
if (ia_idx > nterms_max) break
main_terms_ia <- strsplit(ia, ":")[[1]]
ias_lower_split <- utils::combn(main_terms_ia, m = ia_order,
simplify = FALSE)
ias_lower <- lapply(ias_lower_split, all_ia_perms, is_split = TRUE)
ias_lower <- unlist(ias_lower)
ias_lower <- intersect(ias_lower, predictor_ranking_orig)
prev_terms <- utils::head(predictor_ranking, ia_idx - 1L)
has_lower_after <- !all(ias_lower %in% prev_terms)
if (has_lower_after) {
if (getOption("projpred.warn_L1_interactions", TRUE)) {
warning("Interaction term `", ia, "` was selected before all ",
"corresponding lower-order interaction terms have been ",
"selected. This is a known deficiency of L1 search. Use ",
"forward search to avoid this. Now ranking the lower-order ",
"interaction terms before this interaction term.")
ias_lower <- setdiff(ias_lower, prev_terms)
ias_lower <- ias_lower[order(match(ias_lower, predictor_ranking_orig))]
new_head <- c(prev_terms, ias_lower, ia)
predictor_ranking <- c(new_head, setdiff(predictor_ranking, new_head))
predictor_ranking <- utils::head(predictor_ranking, nterms_max)
outdmins <- lapply(0:length(predictor_ranking), function(nterms) {
if (nterms == 0) {
formula <- make_formula(c("1"))
beta <- NULL
x <- x[, numeric(), drop = FALSE]
} else {
formula <- make_formula(predictor_ranking[seq_len(nterms)])
variables <- unlist(lapply(
function(term) {
# TODO: In the following model.matrix() call, allow user-specified
# contrasts to be passed to argument `contrasts.arg`. The
# `contrasts.arg` default (`NULL`) uses `options("contrasts")`
# internally, but it might be more convenient to let users specify
# contrasts directly. At that occasion, contrasts should also be
# tested thoroughly (not done until now).
mm <- model.matrix(as.formula(paste("~ 1 +", term)), data = fr)
return(setdiff(colnames(mm), "(Intercept)"))
indices <- match(variables, colnames(x)[search_path$predictor_ranking])
indices <- indices[!]
beta <- search_path$beta[indices, max(indices) + 1, drop = FALSE]
# Also reduce `x` (important for coef.subfit(), for example); note that
# `x <- x[, variables, drop = FALSE]` should also be possible, but the
# re-use of `colnames(x)` should provide another sanity check:
x <- x[
, colnames(x)[search_path$predictor_ranking[indices]], drop = FALSE
# For consistency with fit_glm_ridge_callback():
rownames(beta) <- colnames(x)
# Avoid model.frame.default()'s warning "variable '<...>' is not a factor"
# when calling predict.subfit() later:
xlvls <- xlvls[intersect(names(xlvls), all.vars(formula))]
if (length(xlvls) == 0) {
xlvls <- NULL
sub <- nlist(alpha = search_path$alpha[nterms + 1], beta,
w = search_path$w[, nterms + 1], formula, x, xlvls)
class(sub) <- "subfit"
return(nlist(predictor_ranking, outdmins))
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