
Defines functions is.na.itemresp plot.itemresp summary.itemresp str.itemresp as.list.itemresp as.data.frame.itemresp as.double.itemresp as.matrix.itemresp as.character.itemresp print.itemresp format.itemresp labels.itemresp names.itemresp levels.itemresp mscale.itemresp xtfrm.itemresp rep.itemresp merge.itemresp c.itemresp length.itemresp subset.itemresp itemresp

Documented in as.character.itemresp as.data.frame.itemresp as.double.itemresp as.list.itemresp as.matrix.itemresp c.itemresp format.itemresp is.na.itemresp itemresp labels.itemresp length.itemresp levels.itemresp merge.itemresp mscale.itemresp names.itemresp plot.itemresp print.itemresp rep.itemresp str.itemresp subset.itemresp summary.itemresp xtfrm.itemresp

## itemresp() is the class constructor:
##   - data: matrix/data.frame of n subjects (rows) and k items (columns)
##   - mscale: response categories / measurement scale for items (integer or character)
##   - labels: item labels
##   - names: subject names, IDs

itemresp <- function(data, mscale = NULL, labels = NULL, names = NULL)
  ## currently only used internally
  ncat <- NULL

  ## transform input to matrix/data.frame if provided as a vector
  if(is.vector(data)) data <- matrix(data, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(data), "item"))
  if(is.factor(data)) data <- data.frame(item = data, row.names = names(data))
  k <- ncol(data)

  ## check if numeric elements can be coerced to integer without loss
  num <- if(is.data.frame(data)) which(!sapply(data, is.factor)) else 1L:ncol(data)
  for (i in num) {
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(as.integer(data[,i]), data[,i]))) stop(sprintf("item %i cannot be coerced to integer", num[i]))

  ## item/subject labels
  if(!is.null(names)) rownames(data) <- names
  if(!is.null(labels)) colnames(data) <- labels
  if(is.null(colnames(data))) colnames(data) <- paste("item",
    formatC(1L:k, flag = "0", width = floor(log10(k)) + 1), sep = "")
  nam <- colnames(data)

  ## expand ncat to named list of length k
  ## (collapse to vector at the end)  
  ncat0 <- structure(vector(mode = "list", length = k), names = nam)
  if(is.null(ncat)) {
    ncat <- ncat0
  } else {
    ## if vector, turn into list of same length
    if(!is.list(ncat)) ncat <- as.list(ncat)

    ## if named, use names
    if(is.null(names(ncat))) {
      if(length(ncat) == 1L) ncat <- rep.int(ncat, k)
      if(length(ncat) != k) stop("length of ncat does not match number of items")
      ncat <- structure(ncat, names = nam)
    } else {
      if(!all(names(ncat) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of ncat do not match names of items")
      if(any(table(names(ncat)) > 1L)) stop("names of ncat are not unique")
      if(any(names(ncat) == "")) {
        wi <- which(names(ncat) == "")
        ncat0[] <- ncat[wi]
	ncat <- ncat[-wi]
      ncat0[names(ncat)] <- ncat
      ncat <- ncat0

  ## expand mscale to named list of length k
  mscale0 <- structure(vector(mode = "list", length = k), names = nam)
  if(is.null(mscale)) {
    mscale <- mscale0
  } else {
    ## if vector, turn into list of length 1
    if(!is.list(mscale)) mscale <- list(mscale)

    ## if named, use names
    if(is.null(names(mscale))) {
      if(length(mscale) == 1L) mscale <- rep.int(mscale, k)
      if(length(mscale) != k) stop("length of mscale does not match number of items")
      mscale <- structure(mscale, names = nam)
    } else {
      if(!all(names(mscale) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of mscale do not match names of items")
      if(any(table(names(mscale)) > 1L)) stop("names of mscale are not unique")
      if(any(names(mscale) == "")) {
        wi <- which(names(mscale) == "")
        mscale0[] <- mscale[wi]
	mscale <- mscale[-wi]
      mscale0[names(mscale)] <- mscale
      mscale <- mscale0

  ## work though individual items
  for (i in 1L:k) {
    ## assure that ncat is either NULL or integer
    if(!is.null(ncat[[i]])) ncat[[i]] <- as.integer(ncat[[i]])

    ## bring ncat and mscale into sync
    ## (either both NULL or both specified)
    if(!is.null(ncat[[i]])) {
      if(is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
        mscale[[i]] <- 0L:(ncat[[i]] - 1L)
      } else {
        if(ncat[[i]] != length(mscale[[i]]))
	  stop(sprintf("length of mscale and number of categories does not match for item %i", i))
    } else if(!is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
      ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])

    ## handle column (factor vs. numeric)
    if(is.factor(data[,i])) {
      if(is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
        mscale[[i]] <- levels(data[,i])
	ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])
      } else {
        if(ncat[[i]] != length(levels(data[,i]))) stop(
	  sprintf("length of mscale and factor levels for item %i do not match", i))
	if(any(mscale[[i]] != levels(data[,i]))) warning(
	  sprintf("labels and factor levels for item %i do no match: mscale are used", i))
      data[,i] <- as.numeric(data[,i]) - 1L
    } else {
      if(is.null(ncat[[i]])) {
        if(min(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
          mscale[[i]] <- seq(-max(abs(data[,i]), na.rm = TRUE), max(abs(data[,i]), na.rm = TRUE), by = 1L)
        } else {
          mscale[[i]] <- seq(min(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE), max(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE), by = 1L)
        ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])      
        data[,i] <- data[,i] - min(mscale[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
        data[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(data[,i], levels = mscale[[i]])) - 1L

    ## check that ncat is greater 1
    if(ncat[[i]] <= 1L) stop(sprintf("item %i does not have more than one category", i))
  ## coerce data to integer matrix (keep dim and dimnames)
  data <- structure(as.integer(as.matrix(data)), .Dim = dim(data), .Dimnames = dimnames(data))

  ## simplify mscale classes to integer if possible
  lclass <- sapply(mscale, class)
  if(any(lclass != "integer")) for(i in which(lclass != "integer")) {
    labi <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(mscale[[i]]))
    ok <- if(lclass[i] == "character") !any(is.na(labi)) else all(labi == mscale[[i]])
    if(ok) mscale[[i]] <- labi
  lclass <- sapply(mscale, class)
  if(any(lclass != "integer")) mscale <- lapply(mscale, as.character)  
  ## attach attributes, class and return
  ## attr(data, "ncat") <- ncat
  attr(data, "mscale") <- mscale
  class(data) <- "itemresp"


## type checking
is.itemresp <- function (x) inherits(x, "itemresp")
## subsetting/indexing
"[.itemresp" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
  ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
  x <- unclass(x)[i, j, drop = FALSE]
  attr(x, "mscale") <- if(missing(j)) ms else ms[j]
  structure(x, class = "itemresp")

subset.itemresp <- function(x, items = NULL, subjects = NULL, ...) {
  if(is.null(items)) items <- 1L:ncol(x)
  if(is.null(subjects)) subjects <- 1L:nrow(x)
  x[i = subjects, j = items]

length.itemresp <- function(x) nrow(unclass(x))

c.itemresp <- function(...)
  args <- list(...)

  check_list <- function(x) {
    if(length(x) < 2L) return(TRUE)
    x1 <- x[[1L]]
    all(sapply(2L:length(x), function(i) identical(x[[i]], x1)))
  if(!check_list(lapply(args, colnames))) stop("objects have different item labels")
  if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "mscale"))) stop("objects have different mscales")

  ms <- attr(args[[1L]], "mscale")
  rval <- do.call("rbind", lapply(args, function(x) as.matrix(x)))
  attr(rval, "mscale") <- ms
  structure(rval, class = "itemresp")

merge.itemresp <- function(x, y, all = FALSE, ...)
  ## check item labels
  if(any(colnames(x) %in% colnames(y))) {
    colnames(x) <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), colnames(x), sep = ".")
    colnames(y) <- paste(deparse(substitute(y)), colnames(y), sep = ".")

  ## check subjects
  xnam <- rownames(x)
  ynam <- rownames(y)
  nonames <- FALSE
  if(is.null(xnam) | is.null(ynam)) {
    stopifnot(nrow(x) == nrow(y))
    if(is.null(xnam)) xnam <- ynam
    if(is.null(xnam)) {
      xnam <- as.character(1:nrow(x))
      nonames <- TRUE
    if(is.null(ynam)) ynam <- xnam
  ## coerce to data frame and merge along auxiliary name column
  x <- as.list(x, df = TRUE)
  y <- as.list(y, df = TRUE)
  x[["(.names)"]] <- xnam
  y[["(.names)"]] <- ynam
  xy <- merge(x, y, by = "(.names)", all = all, ...)
  rownames(xy) <- xy[["(.names)"]]
  xy[["(.names)"]] <- NULL
  xy <- xy[intersect(c(xnam, ynam), rownames(xy)), , drop = FALSE]

  ## transform to itemresp and return
  rval <- itemresp(xy)
  if(nonames) names(rval) <- NULL

rep.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
  ix <- if(length(x) > 0L) 1L:length(x) else 0L
  x[rep(ix, ...)]

xtfrm.itemresp <- function(x) {
  if(length(x) > 0L) 1L:length(x) else 0L


## extract/replace mscale
mscale.itemresp <- function(object, items = NULL, simplify = NULL, ...)
  ## extract full list
  ms <- attr(object, "mscale")

  ## items for subsetting
  if(is.null(items)) items <- colnames(object)
  if(!is.character(items)) items <- colnames(object)[items]

  ## vector if single item and !simplify
  if(length(items) == 1L) {
    if(identical(simplify, FALSE)) return(ms[items]) else return(ms[[items]])
  ## list otherwise
  rval <- ms[items]
  ## or try to simplify
  if(!identical(simplify, FALSE) && all(sapply(seq_along(rval), function(i) identical(rval[[1L]], rval[[i]])))) {
    rval <- as.vector(rval[[1L]])
  } else {
    if(identical(simplify, TRUE)) warning("mscale could not be simplified, list returned")

levels.itemresp <- function(x, ...) mscale(x, ...)

"mscale<-.itemresp" <- function(object, value) {
  k <- ncol(object)
  nam <- colnames(object)
  ## handle "new" mscale value
  value0 <- attr(object, "mscale")
  if(!is.list(value)) value <- list(value)
  if(is.null(names(value))) {
    if(length(value) == 1L) value <- rep.int(value, k)
    if(length(value) != k) stop("length of mscale does not match number of items")
    value <- structure(value, names = nam)
  } else {
    if(!all(names(value) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of mscale do not match names of items")
    if(any(table(names(value)) > 1L)) stop("names of mscale are not unique")
    if(any(names(value) == "")) {
      wi <- which(names(value) == "")
      value0[] <- value[wi]
      value <- value[-wi]
    value0[names(value)] <- value
    value <- value0

  ## replace mscale (if correct length)
  ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
  ok <- sapply(ms, length) == sapply(value, length)
  if(!all(ok)) warning(sprintf("mscale length incorrect for item %s; not replaced", paste(which(!ok), collapse = ", ")))
  ms[ok] <- value[ok]

  ## clean up integer vs. character, simplify to integer if possible
  lclass <- sapply(ms, class)
  if(any(lclass != "integer")) for(i in which(lclass != "integer")) {
    labi <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(ms[[i]]))
    ok <- if(lclass[i] == "character") !any(is.na(labi)) else all(labi == ms[[i]])
    if(ok) ms[[i]] <- labi
  lclass <- sapply(ms, class)
  if(any(lclass != "integer")) ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)  
  ## check for duplicated values (for collapsing responses)
  dup <- sapply(ms, function(x) any(duplicated(x)))
  if(any(dup)) {
    object <- unclass(object)  
    for(i in which(dup)) {
      object[, i] <- as.integer(factor(ms[[i]], levels = unique(ms[[i]])))[object[, i] + 1L] - 1L
      ms[[i]] <- unique(ms[[i]])
    class(object) <- "itemresp"
  ## actually replace attribute and return
  attr(object, "mscale") <- ms

## names = subject names = stored as row names internally
names.itemresp <- function(x) rownames(x)

"names<-.itemresp" <- function(x, value) {
  rownames(x) <- value

## labels = item names = stored as column names internally
labels.itemresp <- function(object, ...) colnames(unclass(object))

"labels<-.itemresp" <- function(object, value) {
  colnames(object) <- names(attr(object, "mscale")) <- value


## Methods: format() handles character formatting
##   utilized in print() and as.character() method.
format.itemresp <- function(x, sep = c(",", ":"), brackets = TRUE,
  abbreviate = NULL, mscale = TRUE, labels = FALSE, width = getOption("width") - 7L, ...)
  ## process brackets
  if(is.null(brackets)) brackets <- TRUE
  if(is.logical(brackets)) brackets <- if(brackets) c("{", "}") else ""
  brackets <- rep(as.character(brackets), length.out = 2L)

  ## process separators
  sep <- rep(as.character(sep), length.out = 2L)

  ## internal building blocks
  ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
  x <- as.matrix(x)

  ## abbreviate
  ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)
  maxchar <- max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar)))
  if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- mscale & maxchar > 3L
  if(!identical(abbreviate, FALSE)) {
    minlength <- if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
      as.numeric(cut(maxchar, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf)))
    } else {
    ms <- lapply(ms, abbreviate, minlength = minlength)
  ## coerce to character
  rval <- lapply(seq_along(ms), function(i) paste(
    if(labels) paste(colnames(x)[i], sep[2L], sep = "") else "",
    if(mscale) ms[[i]][x[, i] + 1L] else as.character(x[, i]),
    sep = ""
  rval <- do.call("cbind", rval)
  ## collapse over items
  rval <- apply(rval, 1L, paste, collapse = sep[1L])
  ## check width
  if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
  if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7L else Inf
  width <- width - sum(nchar(brackets))
  wi <- nchar(rval) > width
  if(any(wi)) {
    rval[wi] <- paste(substr(rval[wi], 1L, width - 3L), "...", sep = "")
  ## add brackets
  rval <- paste(brackets[1L], rval, brackets[2L], sep = "")

  ## assure names (if any)
  names(rval) <- rownames(x)


print.itemresp <- function(x, quote = FALSE, ...)
  print(format(x, ...), quote = quote)


## coercion functions
as.character.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
  format(x, mscale = TRUE, labels = FALSE, width = FALSE, ...)

as.integer.itemresp <- 
as.matrix.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
  rval <- unclass(x)
  attr(rval, "mscale") <- NULL
  class(rval) <- "matrix"

as.double.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
  rval <- as.matrix(x, ...)
  rval[] <- as.double(rval)

as.data.frame.itemresp <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...,
  nm = paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500L), collapse = " "))
  nrows <- length(x)
  if(is.null(row.names)) {
    if(nrows == 0L) { 
      row.names <- character()
    } else {
      if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows && !anyDuplicated(row.names)) {
      } else {
        row.names <- .set_row_names(nrows)
  if(!is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- NULL
  value <- list(x)
  if(!optional) names(value) <- nm
  attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
  class(value) <- "data.frame"

as.list.itemresp <- function(x, items = NULL, mscale = TRUE, df = FALSE, ...)
  ## building blocks
  ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
  x <- unclass(x)

  ## select desired items
  if(!is.null(items)) {
    ms <- ms[items]
    x <- x[, items, drop = FALSE]

  ## turn matrix into list of factors
  rval <- lapply(1L:ncol(x), function(i) factor(
    x[, i],
    levels = 0L:(length(ms[[i]]) - 1L),
    labels = if(mscale) ms[[i]] else 0L:(length(ms[[i]]) - 1L)
  names(rval) <- colnames(x)
  ## coerce to data.frame if requested
  if(df) rval <- as.data.frame(rval)
  ## return


## just shows structure (no data),
str.itemresp <- function(object, width = getOption("width") - 7L, ...)
  rval <- c(
    sprintf(" Item response data from %d subjects for %d items.\n",
    paste(labels(object), ": ", sapply(attr(object, "mscale"), paste, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
  if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
  if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7L else Inf
  ok <- nchar(rval) <= width
  if(any(!ok)) rval[!ok] <- paste(substr(rval[!ok], 1, width - 3L), "...\n", sep = "")

## summary() computes frequency table
summary.itemresp <- function(object, items = NULL, abbreviate = FALSE, mscale = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, sep = " ", ...)
  ## frequency table for each item
  rval <- as.list(object, items = items, mscale = mscale)
  rval <- lapply(rval, table)  
  if(!simplify) return(rval)
  ## abbreviate
  ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
  ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)
  maxchar <- max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar)))
  if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- mscale & maxchar > 3L
  if(!identical(abbreviate, FALSE)) {
    minlength <- if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
      as.numeric(cut(max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar))), c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf)))
    } else {
    ms <- lapply(ms, abbreviate, minlength = minlength)

  ## collapse to table
  if(!is.null(items)) ms <- ms[items]
  ncat <- sapply(ms, length)
  if(!all(ncat == ncat[1L])) for(i in which(ncat < max(ncat))) {
      rval[[i]] <- c(rval[[i]], rep.int(NA_integer_, max(ncat) - ncat[[i]]))
  rval <- do.call("rbind", rval)
  if(mscale & all(sapply(seq_along(ms), function(i) identical(ms[[1L]], ms[[i]])))) {
    colnames(rval) <- ms[[1L]]
  } else {
    colnames(rval) <- 0:(max(ncat) - 1L)
    if(mscale) rownames(rval) <- paste(rownames(rval),
      paste("(", sapply(ms, paste, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
      sep = sep)

plot.itemresp <- function(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", items = NULL, abbreviate = FALSE, mscale = TRUE, sep = "\n",
  off = 2, axes = TRUE, names = TRUE, srt = 45, adj = c(1.1, 1.1), ...)
  ## summarize item response data
  tab <- summary(x, items = items, abbreviate = abbreviate, mscale = mscale, simplify = TRUE, sep = sep)
  tab[is.na(tab)] <- 0
  n <- NROW(tab)

  ## process labeling option for item names
  if (isTRUE(names)) nms <- rownames(tab)
  if (is.character(names)) {
    nms <- names
    names <- TRUE
  if(!names) {
    lab <- rep(NA, n)
    lab[c(1, n)] <- c(1, n)
    pr <- pretty(1:n)
    pr <- pr[pr > 1 & pr < n]
    lab[pr] <- pr    
    nms <- lab
  lab <- rownames(tab)
  rownames(tab) <- rep.int("", n)

  ## call spineplot
  spineplot(tab, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, off = off, axes = axes, ...)

  ## x-axis labels
  ix <- rowSums(tab)/sum(tab)
  ix <- cumsum(ix + off/100) - off/100 - ix/2
  if(names) {
    text(ix, par("usr")[3], labels = nms, srt = srt, adj = adj, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.9)
  } else {
    axis(1, at = ix, labels = nms)

  ## return summary table invisibly
  rownames(tab) <- lab


## default NA handling
is.na.itemresp <- function(x) apply(is.na(unclass(x)), 1L, all)

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