## itemresp() is the class constructor:
## - data: matrix/data.frame of n subjects (rows) and k items (columns)
## - mscale: response categories / measurement scale for items (integer or character)
## - labels: item labels
## - names: subject names, IDs
itemresp <- function(data, mscale = NULL, labels = NULL, names = NULL)
## currently only used internally
ncat <- NULL
## transform input to matrix/data.frame if provided as a vector
if(is.vector(data)) data <- matrix(data, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(names(data), "item"))
if(is.factor(data)) data <- data.frame(item = data, row.names = names(data))
k <- ncol(data)
## check if numeric elements can be coerced to integer without loss
num <- if( which(!sapply(data, is.factor)) else 1L:ncol(data)
for (i in num) {
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(as.integer(data[,i]), data[,i]))) stop(sprintf("item %i cannot be coerced to integer", num[i]))
## item/subject labels
if(!is.null(names)) rownames(data) <- names
if(!is.null(labels)) colnames(data) <- labels
if(is.null(colnames(data))) colnames(data) <- paste("item",
formatC(1L:k, flag = "0", width = floor(log10(k)) + 1), sep = "")
nam <- colnames(data)
## expand ncat to named list of length k
## (collapse to vector at the end)
ncat0 <- structure(vector(mode = "list", length = k), names = nam)
if(is.null(ncat)) {
ncat <- ncat0
} else {
## if vector, turn into list of same length
if(!is.list(ncat)) ncat <- as.list(ncat)
## if named, use names
if(is.null(names(ncat))) {
if(length(ncat) == 1L) ncat <-, k)
if(length(ncat) != k) stop("length of ncat does not match number of items")
ncat <- structure(ncat, names = nam)
} else {
if(!all(names(ncat) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of ncat do not match names of items")
if(any(table(names(ncat)) > 1L)) stop("names of ncat are not unique")
if(any(names(ncat) == "")) {
wi <- which(names(ncat) == "")
ncat0[] <- ncat[wi]
ncat <- ncat[-wi]
ncat0[names(ncat)] <- ncat
ncat <- ncat0
## expand mscale to named list of length k
mscale0 <- structure(vector(mode = "list", length = k), names = nam)
if(is.null(mscale)) {
mscale <- mscale0
} else {
## if vector, turn into list of length 1
if(!is.list(mscale)) mscale <- list(mscale)
## if named, use names
if(is.null(names(mscale))) {
if(length(mscale) == 1L) mscale <-, k)
if(length(mscale) != k) stop("length of mscale does not match number of items")
mscale <- structure(mscale, names = nam)
} else {
if(!all(names(mscale) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of mscale do not match names of items")
if(any(table(names(mscale)) > 1L)) stop("names of mscale are not unique")
if(any(names(mscale) == "")) {
wi <- which(names(mscale) == "")
mscale0[] <- mscale[wi]
mscale <- mscale[-wi]
mscale0[names(mscale)] <- mscale
mscale <- mscale0
## work though individual items
for (i in 1L:k) {
## assure that ncat is either NULL or integer
if(!is.null(ncat[[i]])) ncat[[i]] <- as.integer(ncat[[i]])
## bring ncat and mscale into sync
## (either both NULL or both specified)
if(!is.null(ncat[[i]])) {
if(is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
mscale[[i]] <- 0L:(ncat[[i]] - 1L)
} else {
if(ncat[[i]] != length(mscale[[i]]))
stop(sprintf("length of mscale and number of categories does not match for item %i", i))
} else if(!is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])
## handle column (factor vs. numeric)
if(is.factor(data[,i])) {
if(is.null(mscale[[i]])) {
mscale[[i]] <- levels(data[,i])
ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])
} else {
if(ncat[[i]] != length(levels(data[,i]))) stop(
sprintf("length of mscale and factor levels for item %i do not match", i))
if(any(mscale[[i]] != levels(data[,i]))) warning(
sprintf("labels and factor levels for item %i do no match: mscale are used", i))
data[,i] <- as.numeric(data[,i]) - 1L
} else {
if(is.null(ncat[[i]])) {
if(min(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE) < 0) {
mscale[[i]] <- seq(-max(abs(data[,i]), na.rm = TRUE), max(abs(data[,i]), na.rm = TRUE), by = 1L)
} else {
mscale[[i]] <- seq(min(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE), max(data[,i], na.rm = TRUE), by = 1L)
ncat[[i]] <- length(mscale[[i]])
data[,i] <- data[,i] - min(mscale[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
data[,i] <- as.numeric(factor(data[,i], levels = mscale[[i]])) - 1L
## check that ncat is greater 1
if(ncat[[i]] <= 1L) stop(sprintf("item %i does not have more than one category", i))
## coerce data to integer matrix (keep dim and dimnames)
data <- structure(as.integer(as.matrix(data)), .Dim = dim(data), .Dimnames = dimnames(data))
## simplify mscale classes to integer if possible
lclass <- sapply(mscale, class)
if(any(lclass != "integer")) for(i in which(lclass != "integer")) {
labi <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(mscale[[i]]))
ok <- if(lclass[i] == "character") !any( else all(labi == mscale[[i]])
if(ok) mscale[[i]] <- labi
lclass <- sapply(mscale, class)
if(any(lclass != "integer")) mscale <- lapply(mscale, as.character)
## attach attributes, class and return
## attr(data, "ncat") <- ncat
attr(data, "mscale") <- mscale
class(data) <- "itemresp"
## type checking
is.itemresp <- function (x) inherits(x, "itemresp")
## subsetting/indexing
"[.itemresp" <- function(x, i, j, ...) {
ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
x <- unclass(x)[i, j, drop = FALSE]
attr(x, "mscale") <- if(missing(j)) ms else ms[j]
structure(x, class = "itemresp")
subset.itemresp <- function(x, items = NULL, subjects = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(items)) items <- 1L:ncol(x)
if(is.null(subjects)) subjects <- 1L:nrow(x)
x[i = subjects, j = items]
length.itemresp <- function(x) nrow(unclass(x))
c.itemresp <- function(...)
args <- list(...)
check_list <- function(x) {
if(length(x) < 2L) return(TRUE)
x1 <- x[[1L]]
all(sapply(2L:length(x), function(i) identical(x[[i]], x1)))
if(!check_list(lapply(args, colnames))) stop("objects have different item labels")
if(!check_list(lapply(args, attr, "mscale"))) stop("objects have different mscales")
ms <- attr(args[[1L]], "mscale")
rval <-"rbind", lapply(args, function(x) as.matrix(x)))
attr(rval, "mscale") <- ms
structure(rval, class = "itemresp")
merge.itemresp <- function(x, y, all = FALSE, ...)
## check item labels
if(any(colnames(x) %in% colnames(y))) {
colnames(x) <- paste(deparse(substitute(x)), colnames(x), sep = ".")
colnames(y) <- paste(deparse(substitute(y)), colnames(y), sep = ".")
## check subjects
xnam <- rownames(x)
ynam <- rownames(y)
nonames <- FALSE
if(is.null(xnam) | is.null(ynam)) {
stopifnot(nrow(x) == nrow(y))
if(is.null(xnam)) xnam <- ynam
if(is.null(xnam)) {
xnam <- as.character(1:nrow(x))
nonames <- TRUE
if(is.null(ynam)) ynam <- xnam
## coerce to data frame and merge along auxiliary name column
x <- as.list(x, df = TRUE)
y <- as.list(y, df = TRUE)
x[["(.names)"]] <- xnam
y[["(.names)"]] <- ynam
xy <- merge(x, y, by = "(.names)", all = all, ...)
rownames(xy) <- xy[["(.names)"]]
xy[["(.names)"]] <- NULL
xy <- xy[intersect(c(xnam, ynam), rownames(xy)), , drop = FALSE]
## transform to itemresp and return
rval <- itemresp(xy)
if(nonames) names(rval) <- NULL
rep.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
ix <- if(length(x) > 0L) 1L:length(x) else 0L
x[rep(ix, ...)]
xtfrm.itemresp <- function(x) {
if(length(x) > 0L) 1L:length(x) else 0L
## extract/replace mscale
mscale.itemresp <- function(object, items = NULL, simplify = NULL, ...)
## extract full list
ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
## items for subsetting
if(is.null(items)) items <- colnames(object)
if(!is.character(items)) items <- colnames(object)[items]
## vector if single item and !simplify
if(length(items) == 1L) {
if(identical(simplify, FALSE)) return(ms[items]) else return(ms[[items]])
## list otherwise
rval <- ms[items]
## or try to simplify
if(!identical(simplify, FALSE) && all(sapply(seq_along(rval), function(i) identical(rval[[1L]], rval[[i]])))) {
rval <- as.vector(rval[[1L]])
} else {
if(identical(simplify, TRUE)) warning("mscale could not be simplified, list returned")
levels.itemresp <- function(x, ...) mscale(x, ...)
"mscale<-.itemresp" <- function(object, value) {
k <- ncol(object)
nam <- colnames(object)
## handle "new" mscale value
value0 <- attr(object, "mscale")
if(!is.list(value)) value <- list(value)
if(is.null(names(value))) {
if(length(value) == 1L) value <-, k)
if(length(value) != k) stop("length of mscale does not match number of items")
value <- structure(value, names = nam)
} else {
if(!all(names(value) %in% c(nam, ""))) stop("names of mscale do not match names of items")
if(any(table(names(value)) > 1L)) stop("names of mscale are not unique")
if(any(names(value) == "")) {
wi <- which(names(value) == "")
value0[] <- value[wi]
value <- value[-wi]
value0[names(value)] <- value
value <- value0
## replace mscale (if correct length)
ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
ok <- sapply(ms, length) == sapply(value, length)
if(!all(ok)) warning(sprintf("mscale length incorrect for item %s; not replaced", paste(which(!ok), collapse = ", ")))
ms[ok] <- value[ok]
## clean up integer vs. character, simplify to integer if possible
lclass <- sapply(ms, class)
if(any(lclass != "integer")) for(i in which(lclass != "integer")) {
labi <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(ms[[i]]))
ok <- if(lclass[i] == "character") !any( else all(labi == ms[[i]])
if(ok) ms[[i]] <- labi
lclass <- sapply(ms, class)
if(any(lclass != "integer")) ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)
## check for duplicated values (for collapsing responses)
dup <- sapply(ms, function(x) any(duplicated(x)))
if(any(dup)) {
object <- unclass(object)
for(i in which(dup)) {
object[, i] <- as.integer(factor(ms[[i]], levels = unique(ms[[i]])))[object[, i] + 1L] - 1L
ms[[i]] <- unique(ms[[i]])
class(object) <- "itemresp"
## actually replace attribute and return
attr(object, "mscale") <- ms
## names = subject names = stored as row names internally
names.itemresp <- function(x) rownames(x)
"names<-.itemresp" <- function(x, value) {
rownames(x) <- value
## labels = item names = stored as column names internally
labels.itemresp <- function(object, ...) colnames(unclass(object))
"labels<-.itemresp" <- function(object, value) {
colnames(object) <- names(attr(object, "mscale")) <- value
## Methods: format() handles character formatting
## utilized in print() and as.character() method.
format.itemresp <- function(x, sep = c(",", ":"), brackets = TRUE,
abbreviate = NULL, mscale = TRUE, labels = FALSE, width = getOption("width") - 7L, ...)
## process brackets
if(is.null(brackets)) brackets <- TRUE
if(is.logical(brackets)) brackets <- if(brackets) c("{", "}") else ""
brackets <- rep(as.character(brackets), length.out = 2L)
## process separators
sep <- rep(as.character(sep), length.out = 2L)
## internal building blocks
ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
x <- as.matrix(x)
## abbreviate
ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)
maxchar <- max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar)))
if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- mscale & maxchar > 3L
if(!identical(abbreviate, FALSE)) {
minlength <- if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
as.numeric(cut(maxchar, c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf)))
} else {
ms <- lapply(ms, abbreviate, minlength = minlength)
## coerce to character
rval <- lapply(seq_along(ms), function(i) paste(
if(labels) paste(colnames(x)[i], sep[2L], sep = "") else "",
if(mscale) ms[[i]][x[, i] + 1L] else as.character(x[, i]),
sep = ""
rval <-"cbind", rval)
## collapse over items
rval <- apply(rval, 1L, paste, collapse = sep[1L])
## check width
if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7L else Inf
width <- width - sum(nchar(brackets))
wi <- nchar(rval) > width
if(any(wi)) {
rval[wi] <- paste(substr(rval[wi], 1L, width - 3L), "...", sep = "")
## add brackets
rval <- paste(brackets[1L], rval, brackets[2L], sep = "")
## assure names (if any)
names(rval) <- rownames(x)
print.itemresp <- function(x, quote = FALSE, ...)
print(format(x, ...), quote = quote)
## coercion functions
as.character.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
format(x, mscale = TRUE, labels = FALSE, width = FALSE, ...)
as.integer.itemresp <-
as.matrix.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
rval <- unclass(x)
attr(rval, "mscale") <- NULL
class(rval) <- "matrix"
as.double.itemresp <- function(x, ...) {
rval <- as.matrix(x, ...)
rval[] <- as.double(rval)
} <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...,
nm = paste(deparse(substitute(x), width.cutoff = 500L), collapse = " "))
nrows <- length(x)
if(is.null(row.names)) {
if(nrows == 0L) {
row.names <- character()
} else {
if(length(row.names <- names(x)) == nrows && !anyDuplicated(row.names)) {
} else {
row.names <- .set_row_names(nrows)
if(!is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- NULL
value <- list(x)
if(!optional) names(value) <- nm
attr(value, "row.names") <- row.names
class(value) <- "data.frame"
as.list.itemresp <- function(x, items = NULL, mscale = TRUE, df = FALSE, ...)
## building blocks
ms <- attr(x, "mscale")
x <- unclass(x)
## select desired items
if(!is.null(items)) {
ms <- ms[items]
x <- x[, items, drop = FALSE]
## turn matrix into list of factors
rval <- lapply(1L:ncol(x), function(i) factor(
x[, i],
levels = 0L:(length(ms[[i]]) - 1L),
labels = if(mscale) ms[[i]] else 0L:(length(ms[[i]]) - 1L)
names(rval) <- colnames(x)
## coerce to data.frame if requested
if(df) rval <-
## return
## just shows structure (no data),
str.itemresp <- function(object, width = getOption("width") - 7L, ...)
rval <- c(
sprintf(" Item response data from %d subjects for %d items.\n",
paste(labels(object), ": ", sapply(attr(object, "mscale"), paste, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
if(is.null(width)) width <- TRUE
if(is.logical(width)) width <- if(width) getOption("width") - 7L else Inf
ok <- nchar(rval) <= width
if(any(!ok)) rval[!ok] <- paste(substr(rval[!ok], 1, width - 3L), "...\n", sep = "")
## summary() computes frequency table
summary.itemresp <- function(object, items = NULL, abbreviate = FALSE, mscale = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, sep = " ", ...)
## frequency table for each item
rval <- as.list(object, items = items, mscale = mscale)
rval <- lapply(rval, table)
if(!simplify) return(rval)
## abbreviate
ms <- attr(object, "mscale")
ms <- lapply(ms, as.character)
maxchar <- max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar)))
if(is.null(abbreviate)) abbreviate <- mscale & maxchar > 3L
if(!identical(abbreviate, FALSE)) {
minlength <- if(is.logical(abbreviate)) {
as.numeric(cut(max(unlist(lapply(ms, nchar))), c(-Inf, 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, Inf)))
} else {
ms <- lapply(ms, abbreviate, minlength = minlength)
## collapse to table
if(!is.null(items)) ms <- ms[items]
ncat <- sapply(ms, length)
if(!all(ncat == ncat[1L])) for(i in which(ncat < max(ncat))) {
rval[[i]] <- c(rval[[i]],, max(ncat) - ncat[[i]]))
rval <-"rbind", rval)
if(mscale & all(sapply(seq_along(ms), function(i) identical(ms[[1L]], ms[[i]])))) {
colnames(rval) <- ms[[1L]]
} else {
colnames(rval) <- 0:(max(ncat) - 1L)
if(mscale) rownames(rval) <- paste(rownames(rval),
paste("(", sapply(ms, paste, collapse = ","), ")", sep = ""),
sep = sep)
plot.itemresp <- function(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", items = NULL, abbreviate = FALSE, mscale = TRUE, sep = "\n",
off = 2, axes = TRUE, names = TRUE, srt = 45, adj = c(1.1, 1.1), ...)
## summarize item response data
tab <- summary(x, items = items, abbreviate = abbreviate, mscale = mscale, simplify = TRUE, sep = sep)
tab[] <- 0
n <- NROW(tab)
## process labeling option for item names
if (isTRUE(names)) nms <- rownames(tab)
if (is.character(names)) {
nms <- names
names <- TRUE
if(!names) {
lab <- rep(NA, n)
lab[c(1, n)] <- c(1, n)
pr <- pretty(1:n)
pr <- pr[pr > 1 & pr < n]
lab[pr] <- pr
nms <- lab
lab <- rownames(tab)
rownames(tab) <-"", n)
## call spineplot
spineplot(tab, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, off = off, axes = axes, ...)
## x-axis labels
ix <- rowSums(tab)/sum(tab)
ix <- cumsum(ix + off/100) - off/100 - ix/2
if(names) {
text(ix, par("usr")[3], labels = nms, srt = srt, adj = adj, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.9)
} else {
axis(1, at = ix, labels = nms)
## return summary table invisibly
rownames(tab) <- lab
## default NA handling <- function(x) apply(, 1L, all)
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