
Defines functions SS_fitbiasramp

Documented in SS_fitbiasramp

#' Estimate bias adjustment for recruitment deviates
#' Uses standard error of estimated recruitment deviates to estimate the 5
#' controls (Methot and Taylor, 2011)
#' for bias adjustment in Stock Synthesis.
#' @details
#' Implementation of the bias adjustment ramp within Stock Synthesis increases
#' the likelihood that the estimated recruitment events, which are
#' log-normally distributed, are mean unbiased and comparable to results from
#' Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation routines
#' (Methot and Taylor, 2011).
#' Options to account for the fact that data typically do not equally represent
#' all modelled time periods are as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item{fix the bias adjustment parameters at best-guess values informed by a previous
#' assessment or model run;}
#'   \item{fix values based on data availability, such that the start of the ramp aligns
#' with the availability of composition data, the ramp down begins the last year
#' those data are informative about recruitment, and the adjustment level is
#' informed by life history;}
#'   \item{set the adjustment level to 1.0 for all years to mimic how it was handled
#' it Stock Synthesis prior to 2009; or}
#'    \item{set the adjustment level to 0.0 for all years, but this last option is
#' not recommended because it will lead to biased results.}
#' }
#' @template replist
#' @param verbose Controls the amount of output to the screen.  Default=FALSE.
#' @param startvalues A vector of 5 values for the starting points in the
#' minimization. Default=NULL.
#' @param method A method to apply to the 'optim' function. See ?optim for
#' options. Default="BFGS". By default, optim is not used, and the optimization
#' is based on the input `altmethod`.
#' @param twoplots Make a two-panel plot showing devs as well as transformed
#' uncertainty, or just the second panel in the set?  Default=TRUE.
#' @param transform An experimental option to treat the transform the 5
#' quantities to improve minimization. Doesn't work well. Default=FALSE.
#' @param plot Plot to active plot device?
#' @param print Print to PNG files?
#' @param plotdir Directory where PNG files will be written. By default it will
#' be the directory where the model was run.
#' @param shownew Include new estimated bias adjustment values on top of values
#' used in the model? (TRUE/FALSE)
#' @param oldctl Optional name of existing control file to modify.
#' Default=NULL.
#' @param newctl Optional name of new control file to create from old file with
#' estimated bias adjustment values. Default=NULL.
#' @param altmethod Optimization tool to use in place of optim, either "nlminb"
#' or "psoptim". If not equal to either of these, then optim is used.
#' @param exclude_forecast Exclude forecast values in the estimation of
#' alternative bias adjustment inputs?
#' @template pwidth
#' @template pheight
#' @template punits
#' @template ptsize
#' @template res
#' @template cex.main
#' @author Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @seealso [SS_output()]
#' @template methot2011cjfas
SS_fitbiasramp <-
  function(replist, verbose = FALSE, startvalues = NULL, method = "BFGS", twoplots = TRUE,
           transform = FALSE, plot = TRUE, print = FALSE, plotdir = "default", shownew = TRUE,
           oldctl = NULL, newctl = NULL, altmethod = "nlminb", exclude_forecast = FALSE,
           pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, punits = "in", ptsize = 10, res = 300, cex.main = 1) {

    # note, method is choices that go into optim:
    #  method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN")

    # table to store information on each plot
    plotinfo <- NULL

    if (!is.list(replist) | replist[["SS_versionNumeric"]] < 3.11) {
      stop("this function needs an input object created by SS_output from SS version 3.11 or greater")
    if (replist[["inputs"]][["covar"]] == FALSE) {
      stop("you need to have covar=TRUE in the input to the SS_output function")
    parameters <- replist[["parameters"]]
    startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
    recruit <- replist[["recruit"]]
    sigma_R_in <- replist[["sigma_R_in"]]
    rmse_table <- replist[["rmse_table"]]
    if (plotdir == "default") plotdir <- replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]]
    if (print && !dir.exists(plotdir)) dir.create(plotdir, recursive = TRUE)

    if (!is.numeric(rmse_table[["RMSE"]])) {
      stop("Input list element 'rmse_table' has non-numeric 'RMSE' column.")
    if (max(rmse_table[["RMSE"]]) == 0) {
      stop("No bias adjustment needed. Root mean squared error of recruit devs is 0.")

    if (is.null(startvalues)) {
      nonfixedyrs <- recruit[["Yr"]][recruit[["era"]] != "Fixed"]
      mainyrs <- recruit[["Yr"]][recruit[["era"]] == "Main"]
      startvalues <- c(
        min(mainyrs) + .3 * diff(range(mainyrs)),
        max(mainyrs) - .1 * diff(range(mainyrs)),
    if (verbose) cat("startvalues =", paste(startvalues, collapse = ", "), "\n")

    makeoffsets <- function(values) {
      # a function to transform parameters into offsets from adjacent values
      newvalues <- NULL
      newvalues[3] <- values[3]
      newvalues[2] <- log(values[3] - values[2])
      newvalues[1] <- log(values[2] - values[1])
      newvalues[4] <- log(values[4] - values[3])
      newvalues[5] <- log(values[5] / (1 - values[5]))
    removeoffsets <- function(newvalues) {
      # a function to undo the transformation caused by makeoffsets
      values <- NULL
      values[3] <- newvalues[3]
      values[2] <- values[3] - exp(newvalues[2])
      values[1] <- values[2] - exp(newvalues[1])
      values[4] <- values[3] + exp(newvalues[4])
      values[5] <- 1 / (1 + exp(-newvalues[5]))

    if (transform) {
      startvalues <- makeoffsets(startvalues)
    if (verbose & transform) cat("transformed startvalues =", paste(startvalues, collapse = ", "), "\n")

    biasadjfit <- function(pars, yr, std, sigmaR, transform,
                           is.forecast, eps = .1) {
      # calculate the goodness of the fit of the estimated ramp and values to the model output
      biasadj <- biasadjfun(yr = yr, vec = pars, transform = transform)$biasadj
      compare <- 1 - (std / sigmaR)^2
      if (exclude_forecast) {
        biasadj <- biasadj[!is.forecast]
        compare <- compare[!is.forecast]
      # penalty similar to that employed by posfun in ADMB
      penfun <- function(xsmall, xbig, eps = .1) {
        pen <- 0
        if (xbig < xsmall + eps) pen <- pen + (xbig - (xsmall + eps))^2
      penalty <- 0
      # penalize year values out of order
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[2], pars[3])
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[1], pars[2])
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[3], pars[4])
      # penalize values outside range of years
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[3], max(yr), eps = 0)
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(min(yr), pars[2], eps = 0)
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(0, pars[5], eps = 0)
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[5], 1, eps = 0)
      # penalize extreme values
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(min(yr) - diff(range(yr)), pars[1], eps = 0)
      penalty <- penalty + penfun(pars[4], max(yr) + diff(range(yr)), eps = 0)

      fit <- sum((biasadj - compare)^2) + penalty

    optimfun <- function(yr, std, startvalues, is.forecast) {
      # run the optimizationt to find best fit values
      if (altmethod == "nlminb") {
        biasopt <- nlminb(
          start = startvalues, objective = biasadjfit, gradient = NULL,
          hessian = NULL, scale = 1, control = list(maxit = 1000),
          lower = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, 0), upper = Inf,
          yr = yr, std = std, sigmaR = sigma_R_in, transform = transform,
          is.forecast = is.forecast
      if (altmethod == "psoptim") {
        # pso package no longer included by default since this option is rarely used
        if (!requireNamespace("pso", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"pso\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
            call. = FALSE

          pars = startvalues, yr = yr, std = std, sigmaR = sigma_R_in,
          is.forecast = is.forecast, transform = transform
        biasopt <- pso::psoptim(
          par = startvalues, fn = biasadjfit, yr = yr, std = std,
          sigmaR = sigma_R_in, transform = transform,
          control = list(maxit = 1000, trace = TRUE), lower = rep(-1e6, 5),
          upper = rep(1e6, 5), is.forecast = is.forecast
      if (!(altmethod %in% c("nlminb", "psoptim"))) {
        biasopt <- optim(
          par = startvalues, fn = biasadjfit, yr = yr, std = std,
          sigmaR = sigma_R_in, transform = transform,
          method = method, control = list(maxit = 1000), is.forecast = is.forecast

    biasadjfun <- function(yr, vec, transform = transform) {
      # calculate the bias adjustment for every year as a function of the parameters
      if (transform) vec2 <- removeoffsets(vec) else vec2 <- vec
      last_no <- vec2[1]
      first_full <- vec2[2]
      last_full <- vec2[3]
      first_no <- vec2[4]
      max_biasadj <- vec2[5]

      biasadj <- rep(NA, length(yr))
      for (i in 1:length(yr)) {
        y <- yr[i]

        if (y <= last_no) {
          biasadj[i] <- 0
        } else {
          if (y <= first_full) {
            biasadj[i] <- max_biasadj * (y - last_no) / (first_full - last_no)
          } else {
            if (y <= last_full) {
              biasadj[i] <- max_biasadj
            } else {
              if (y <= first_no) {
                biasadj[i] <- max_biasadj * (1 - (y - last_full) / (first_no - last_full))
              } else {
                biasadj[i] <- 0
      return(data.frame(yr = yr, biasadj = biasadj))

    recdevs <- replist[["recruitpars"]][!is.na(replist[["recruitpars"]][["Parm_StDev"]]), ]
    val <- recdevs[["Value"]]
    std <- recdevs[["Parm_StDev"]]
    yr <- recdevs[["Yr"]]

    # test for forecast years to exclude points from fit and color gray
    is.forecast <- yr > replist[["endyr"]]
    col.vec <- ifelse(is.forecast, "gray", "black")

    # test for presence of estimated recruitment deviations
    if (max(val) == 0 | length(val) == 0) {
      if (verbose) cat("no rec devs estimated in this model\n")

    recdev_hi <- val + 1.96 * std
    recdev_lo <- val - 1.96 * std

    ylim <- range(recdev_hi, recdev_lo)
    if (verbose) cat("Now estimating alternative recruitment bias adjustment fraction...\n")
    newbias <- optimfun(
      yr = yr, std = std,
      startvalues = startvalues, is.forecast = is.forecast

    plotbiasadj <- function() {
      if (twoplots) {
        par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(2, 5, 1, 1), oma = c(3, 0, 0, 0))
        plot(yr, yr,
          type = "n", xlab = "Year",
          ylab = "Recruitment deviation", ylim = ylim
        abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
        arrows(yr, recdev_lo, yr, recdev_hi, length = 0.03, code = 3, angle = 90, lwd = 1.2)
        points(yr, val, pch = 21, col = 1, bg = col.vec)

      yvals <- 1 - (std / sigma_R_in)^2
      plot(yr, yvals,
        xlab = "Year", ylab = "",
        ylim = range(min(yvals, 0), 1, 1.3),
        type = "b", yaxs = "i", col = col.vec
      abline(h = 0, col = "grey")
      abline(h = 1, col = "grey")
      mtext(side = 2, line = 2.5, expression(1 - italic(SE(hat(r[y]))^2 / sigma[R])^2))

      # bias correction (2nd axis, scaled by ymax)
      if (shownew) lines(biasadjfun(yr, newbias[[1]], transform = transform), col = 4, lwd = 3, lty = 1)
      legendlines <- 1
      if (shownew) legendlines <- 1:2
      lines(recruit[["Yr"]], recruit[["biasadjuster"]], col = 2, lwd = 3, lty = 2)
        col = c(2, 4)[legendlines], lwd = 3, lty = (2:1)[legendlines],
        inset = .01, cex = .9, bg = rgb(1, 1, 1, .8), box.col = NA,
        legend = c("bias adjust in model", "estimated alternative")[legendlines]
      mtext(side = 1, line = 3, "Year")

    names <- c(
      "#_max_bias_adj_in_MPD (1.0 to mimic pre-2009 models)"

    newvals <- newbias[[1]]
    if (transform) newvals <- removeoffsets(newvals)
    newvals <- round(newvals, 4)
    df <- data.frame(value = newvals, label = names)

    if (verbose) {
      if (newbias[["convergence"]] != 0) {
        cat("Problem with convergence, here is output from 'optim':\n")

      cat("Estimated values:\n")
      print(format(df, justify = "left"), row.names = FALSE)

    if (plot) {
    if (print) {
      file <- "recruit_fit_bias_adjust.png"
      caption <-
          "Points are transformed variances. Red line shows current settings ",
          "for bias adjustment specified in control file. ",
          "Blue line shows least squares estimate of alternative bias adjustment ",
          "relationship for recruitment deviations (which may or may not be an ",
          "improvement. For more information, see<br> \n",
          "<blockquote>Methot, R.D. and Taylor, I.G., 2011. Adjusting for bias ",
          "due to variability of estimated recruitments in fishery assessment ",
          "models. <i>Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.</i>, 68:1744-1760.",
          "</blockquote><br> \n",
          "Estimated alternative inputs to SS control file associated ",
          "with blue line in figure: \n<pre>"
      for (iline in 1:4) {
        caption <- paste0(
          caption, format(round(df[["value"]][iline], 1), nsmall = 1), "   ",
          df[["label"]][iline], " \n"
      caption <- paste0(caption, df[["value"]][5], "  ", df[["label"]][5])
      caption <- paste(caption, "</pre>")

      plotinfo <- save_png(
        plotinfo = plotinfo, file = file, plotdir = plotdir, pwidth = pwidth,
        pheight = pheight, punits = punits, res = res, ptsize = ptsize,
        caption = caption
        file = file.path(plotdir, "recruit_fit_bias_adjust_convergence.txt")
      utils::capture.output(print(format(df, justify = "left"), row.names = FALSE),
        file = file.path(plotdir, "recruit_fit_bias_adjust.txt")
        file = file.path(plotdir, "recruit_fit_bias_adjust_caption.txt")

    if (!is.null(oldctl) & !is.null(newctl)) {
      # modify a control file to include estimates if file names are provided
      ctlfile <- readLines(oldctl)
      # look for certain comments in file
      spot1 <- grep("last_early_yr|last_yr_nobias", ctlfile)
      spot2 <- grep("max_bias_adj_in_MPD", ctlfile)
      if (spot1 != spot2 - 4) stop("error related to maxbias inputs in ctl file")
      # replace values
      ctlfile[spot1:spot2] <- apply(df, 1, paste, collapse = " ")
      # write new file
      writeLines(ctlfile, newctl)
      if (verbose) cat("wrote new file to", newctl, "with values", paste(newvals, collapse = " "), "\n")
    if (!is.null(plotinfo)) plotinfo[["category"]] <- "RecDev"
    return(invisible(list(newbias = newbias, df = df, plotinfo = plotinfo)))

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