
Defines functions chain4chain nbn2chain is8nbn8chain reverse8chain inout4chain chain2pre chain2mn chain2correlation chain2gema chain2nbn marginal4chain state4chain order4chain check8chain print8chain generate8chain

Documented in chain2correlation chain2gema chain2mn chain2nbn chain2pre chain4chain check8chain generate8chain inout4chain is8nbn8chain marginal4chain nbn2chain order4chain print8chain reverse8chain state4chain

generate8chain <- function(rnn=c(3,7),proo=0.5,rcor=c(-1,1),
#TITLE generation of a /chain/ /nbn/
#DESCRIPTION [randomly] generates a /chain/ /nbn/.
# Proposed ranges can be a unique value, implying no randomness
# in the value.\cr
# Roots are placed according to \code{proo} probabilities, then collider
# are placed in between with uniform probability on the possibles nodes.
#{rnn} <<Range of the number of nodes.>>
#{proo} <<Probabilit[y|ies] that the successive and acceptable nodes be colliders. Can be a vector.>>
#{rcor} <<Range of the correlations between neighbour nodes.>>
#{rmu}  <<Range of the expectations.>>
#{rsig} <<Range of the standard deviations.>>
#{nona} <<Proposed names for the maximum number of nodes, only the
#         necessary first ones will be used.>>
# A /chain/ coding list is returned.
# set.seed(1234);
# print8chain(generate8chain());
# print8chain(generate8chain());
# print8chain(generate8chain(rnn=10,rcor=0.5));
# print8chain(generate8chain(rnn=10,rcor=0.5));
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 13_07_03
#REVISED 13_07_03
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # dealing with unique values
  if (length(rnn)==1) { rnn <- c(rnn,rnn);}
  if (length(rcor)==1) { rcor <- c(rcor,rcor);}
  if (length(rmu)==1) { rmu <- c(rmu,rmu);}
  if (length(rsig)==1) { rsig <- c(rsig,rsig);}
  # getting the node number.
  nn <- floor(runif(1,rnn[1],rnn[2]+1))
  # getting the node names
  nona <- nona[r.bc(nn)]
  # getting the probabilities of downstream
  pp <- proo
  while (length(pp) < nn) { pp <- c(pp,proo);}
  pp <- pp[1:nn]
  # building the /chain/
  # miscellaneous part
  res <- vector("list",0)
  res$names <- nona
  res$mu <- runif(nn,rmu[1],rmu[2])
  res$sigma <- runif(nn,rsig[1],rsig[2])
  res$corre <- runif(nn-1,rcor[1],rcor[2])
  # placing roots first
  root <- rbinom(nn,1,pp)
  for (ii in r.bc(nn-1)) {
    if (root[ii]==1) { root[ii+1] <- 0;}
  # at least one root
  if (sum(root)==0) {
    root[sample.int(nn,1)] <- 1
  res$roots <- nona[root==1]
  root <- which(root==1)
  # placing colliders second
  res$colliders <- character(0)
  for (ii in r.bc(length(root)-1)) {
    r1 <- root[ii]; r2 <- root[ii+1]
    if (r2-r1<2) { stop("Erreur in generate8chain");}
    qui <- sample.int(r2-r1-1,1)+r1
    res$colliders <- c(res$colliders,nona[qui])
  # returning

print8chain <- function(chain,digits=3)
#TITLE prints a /chain/ object
#DESCRIPTION prints a /chain/ object.
# See \code{nbn2chain} code for some details about the
# definition of a /chain/.
#{chain} << The \code{chain} object to print.>>
#{digits} << when not null, the number of digits for rounding the
# numerical values.>>
# nothing but something is printed
# print8chain(rbmn0chain.01);
# print8chain(rbmn0chain.02);
# print8chain(rbmn0chain.03);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_18
#REVISED 12_01_30
  # checking
  che <- check8chain(chain)
  if (is.character(che)) {
    stop("The provided 'chain' is not valid!")
  # node number
  nn <- length(chain$names)
  orien <- aux2(chain)/2+1.5
  for (node in r.bc(nn)) {
    nna <- chain$names[node]
    nona <- paste("(",nna,")",sep="")
    if (nna %in% chain$roots) {
      nona <- paste("<--(",nna,")-->",sep="")
    if (nna %in% chain$colliders) {
      nona <- paste("-->)",nna,"(<--",sep="")
    cat("  ",round(chain$mu[node],digits),"              (",
    if (node < nn) {
      cat("     <",round(chain$corre[node],digits),">",sep="")
  # returning

check8chain <- function(chain)
#TITLE checks a /chain/ object
#DESCRIPTION checks the consistency of \code{chain} as a /chain/ object
# issues a fatal error with some clues if inconsistent.
# Looking a the code of this function provides a way to know which
# are the requirements of a /chain/ object.
#{chain} << The \code{chain} object to check.>>
# \code{TRUE} or a \code{character} containing some clue
# about the discovered inconsistency.
# check8chain(rbmn0chain.01);
# res <- check8chain(rbmn0adja.01);
# if (is.na(as.logical(res))) { print(res);}
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 13_07_26
#REVISED 13_07_26
  # checking the component names
  compo <- names(rbmn0chain.01)
  if (!setequal(compo,names(chain))) {
    return("The names of the chain are not 'names(rbmn0chain.01)'")
  # checking the lengths
  nbno <- length(chain$names)
  res <- character(0)
  if (nbno != length(chain$mu)) { res <- c(res,"'$mu' has got a bad length");}
  if (nbno != length(chain$mu)) { res <- c(res,"'$sigma' has got a bad length");}
  if ((nbno-1) != length(chain$corre)) { res <- c(res,"'$corre' has got a bad length");}
  if ((nbno-1)/2 < length(chain$colliders)) { res <- c(res,"'$colliders' has got a bad length");}
  if ((nbno+1)/2 < length(chain$roots)) { res <- c(res,"'$roots' has got a bad length");}
  if (length(res) > 0) { return(res);}
  # checking the correlations
  if (any(abs(chain$corre)>1)) { return("Some correlation doesn't make sense");}
  # returning

order4chain <- function(chain,ord=NULL)
#TITLE returns a topological order of a /chain/ or
# checks a proposed order.
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} object
# returns one of the possible topological orders,
# through a permutation when \code{is.null(ord)}.
# If not \code{ord} must be a proposed order to be
# checked given as a permutation if \code{is.numeric(ord)}
# or a vector of ordered names if \code{is.character(ord)}.
# For the moment the \code{ord} option is
# bad and an error message is returned when used.
#{chain}<< the \code{chain} object to be considered.>>
#{ord} << Indicates what must be done. \code{NULL} to get a topological
# order associated to the chain otherwise a permutation to be checked as
# one of the possible topological orders of the chain.>>
# a permutation vector of the nodes of the /nbn/
#        or a named character with the nodes not having
#        their parents before them; when it is of
#        length zero this means that the check
#        was successful.
# order4chain(rbmn0chain.02);
# order4chain(rbmn0chain.02,order4chain(rbmn0chain.02));
#FUTURE Correct the 'ord' option!
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_31
#REVISED 12_01_31
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # getting the permutation
  ooo <- aux2(chain,TRUE)
  if (is.null(ord)) {
    res <- ooo
  } else {
    return("Sorry, the 'ord' option is wrong and must be corrected!")
    nam <- chain$names
    nn <- length(nam)
    if (is.numeric(ord)) {
      # a numeric permutation is expected
      if (length(union(ord,r.bc(nn)))!=nn) {
        r.erreur(ord,message="'ord' is not a permutation.")
    } else {
      # a list of names is expected
      if (length(union(ord,nam))!=nn) {
               message="'ord' is not a permutation of 'nam'")
    ord <- r.numero(ord,nam)
    # checking and storing inconsistencies
    res <- numeric(0); nm <- character(0)
    names(res) <- nm
    etat <- state4chain(chain)
    for (uu in ord) {
      if (etat[uu] == "r") {
        if (uu > 1) {
	    if (etat[uu-1] == "t") { etat[uu-1] <- "r";}
	    if (etat[uu-1] == "c") { etat[uu-1] <- "t";}
        if (uu < nn) {
	    if (etat[uu+1] == "t") { etat[uu+1] <- "r";}
	    if (etat[uu+1] == "c") { etat[uu+1] <- "t";}
      } else {
	  res <- c(res,uu)
          nm <- c(nm,nam[uu])
          names(res) <- nm
      etat[uu] <- "f"
  # returning

state4chain <- function(chain)
#TITLE returns the states of each node of a chain
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} object
# returns a named character precising the role of each node:
# "r" for root, "c" for collider, "t" for transmitter and
# "l" for leaf.
#{chain}<< the \code{chain} object to be considered.>>
# a character of the states named with node names.
# state4chain(rbmn0chain.01);
# state4chain(rbmn0chain.03);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_31
#REVISED 12_01_31
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # identifying
  nn <- length(chain$names)
  etat <- rep("t",nn)
  etat[c(1,nn)] <- "l"
  if (length(chain$colliders) > 0) {
      etat[r.numero(chain$colliders,chain$names)] <- "c"
  etat[r.numero(chain$roots,chain$names)] <- "r"
  # naming
  names(etat) <- chain$names
  # returning

marginal4chain <- function(chain)
#TITLE returns marginal expectations and standard deviations of a chain
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} object
# returns a list with two components: \code{$mu} and \code{$sigma}
# vectors of marginal expectations and standard deviations.\cr
#{chain}<< the \code{chain} object to be considered.>>
# a list with the two components \code{$mu} and \code{$sigma}.
# marginal4chain(rbmn0chain.02)
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_31
#REVISED 12_01_31
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # getting a topological order
  # and the status of each node
    nn <- length(chain$names)
    ooo <- order4chain(chain)
    etat <- state4chain(chain)
  # following this order computing
  # progressively expectations and
  # standard deviations
    mu <- sigma <- rep(NA,nn)
    orien <- aux2(chain)
    for (uu in ooo) {
	if (etat[uu]=="r") {
            # root, no modification
	    mu[uu] <- chain$mu[uu]
	    sigma[uu] <- chain$sigma[uu]
	} else {
          if (etat[uu]=="c") {
              # collider: the two neighbours are parents
              sigma[uu] <- chain$sigma[uu]/aux0(chain$corre[(uu-1):uu]);
              mu[uu] <- chain$mu[uu] +
                        chain$corre[uu-1]*sigma[uu]/sigma[uu-1]*mu[uu-1] +
                        chain$corre[uu]  *sigma[uu]/sigma[uu+1]*mu[uu+1]
	  } else {
              # other cases: only one parent
              if (uu>1) { if (orien[uu-1]==1) {
                  # parent upward
                  sigma[uu] <- chain$sigma[uu]/aux0(chain$corre[uu-1]);
                  mu[uu] <- chain$mu[uu] +

              if (uu<nn) { if (orien[uu]==-1) {
                  # parent downward
                  sigma[uu] <- chain$sigma[uu]/aux0(chain$corre[uu]);
                  mu[uu] <- chain$mu[uu] +
  if (any(is.na(mu))) {
      r.erreur(chain,message="either the chain or the algo")
  # returning

chain2nbn <- function(chain)
#TITLE transforms a /chain/ to a /nbn/
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} object
# returns the \code{nbn} translation.
#{chain}<< the \code{chain} object to be transformed.>>
# The corresponding \code{nbn} object.
# print8nbn(chain2nbn(rbmn0chain.02),ordering=names(rbmn0nbn.02))
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_19
#REVISED 13_07_04
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # constants
  nna <- chain$names
  nn <- length(nna)
  ooo <- aux2(chain,TRUE); # topological order
  rho <- aux2(chain); # arc orientations
  avan <- c(0,rho)== 1; # parent before
  apre <- c(rho,0)==-1; # parent after
  aaa <- sort(r.numero(chain$roots,chain$names))
  # transforming
  res <- vector("list",nn)
  sigma <- marginal4chain(chain)$sigma
  mu <- chain$mu
  for (nnu in ooo) {
    papa <- character(0); # parent specification
    coef <- numeric(0);   # regression coefficients
    # only non roots must be filled
    if (!(nnu %in% aaa)) {
      corri <- 1
      if (avan[nnu] & apre[nnu]) {
        corri <- aux0(chain$corre[(nnu-1):nnu])
      } else {
        if (avan[nnu]) { corri <- aux0(chain$corre[nnu-1]);}
        if (apre[nnu]) { corri <- aux0(chain$corre[nnu  ]);}
      if (avan[nnu]) {
        # the node before is a parent
        papa <- nna[nnu-1]
        coef <- chain$sigma[nnu] / sigma[nnu-1] /
                corri * chain$corre[nnu-1]
      if (apre[nnu]) {
        # the node after is a parent
        papa <- c(papa,nna[nnu+1])
        coef <- c(coef,chain$sigma[nnu] / sigma[nnu+1] /
                       corri * chain$corre[nnu])
    res[[nnu]]$parents <- papa
    res[[nnu]]$regcoef <- coef
    res[[nnu]]$mu <- chain$mu[nnu]
    res[[nnu]]$sigma <- chain$sigma[nnu]
  names(res) <- nna
  # reordering the nodes
  ooo <- order4chain(chain)
  res <- res[ooo]
  # testing possible NaNs
  for (ii in r.bf(res)) {
    if (any(is.na(res[[ii]]$regcoef))) {
      stop("Dectected Numerical Inaccuracy in 'chain2nbn'")
  # returning

chain2gema <- function(chain)
#TITLE transforms a /chain/ to a /gema/
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} object
# returns the \code{gema} using a direct formulae.\cr
# Much precised than to use the /nbn/ way.
#{chain}<< the \code{chain} object to be transformed.>>
# The corresponding \code{gema} object.
# identical(chain2gema(rbmn0chain.02)$mu,rbmn0gema.02$mu);
# print(chain2gema(rbmn0chain.02)$li-rbmn0gema.02$li);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_02_06
#REVISED 12_02_06
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  # useful constants
  nna <- chain$names
  nn <- length(nna)
  pare <- aux2(chain,parents=TRUE)
  # initializing
  res <- list(mu=marginal4chain(chain)$mu,
  names(res$mu) <- nna
  dimnames(res$li) <- list(nna,NULL)
  # computing linear combination
  ## for correlations colliding structure
  for (no in r.bc(nn)) {
    if (pare[no] == -1) {
      # a colliding node
      res$li[no,no-1] <- chain$corre[no]
      res$li[no,no] <- aux0(chain$corre[c(no,no+1)])
      res$li[no,no+1] <- chain$corre[no+1]
    } else {
      if (pare[no] > 0) {
        # a standard node
        if (pare[no] < no) { rho <- chain$corre[no-1]
                    } else { rho <- chain$corre[no];}
        res$li[no,pare[no]] <- rho
        res$li[no,no] <- aux0(rho)
  ## for correlations sequential segments
  if (length(chain$colliders)>0) {
    ccc <- r.numero(chain$colliders,nna)
  } else {
    ccc <- numeric(0)
  aaa <- r.numero(chain$roots,nna)
  ava <- aaa[-length(aaa)]
  apr <- aaa[-1]
  for (cc in r.bf(ccc)) {
    pivo <- res$li[ccc[cc],ccc[cc]]
    ba <- ava[cc]:ccc[cc]
    bp <- ccc[cc]:apr[cc]
    res$li[ba,ba] <- aux1(chain$corre[ba[-length(ba)]],FALSE)
    res$li[bp,bp] <- aux1(chain$corre[bp[-length(bp)]],TRUE)
    res$li[ccc[cc],ccc[cc]] <- pivo
  ## without forgetting endind sequential segments
  if (aaa[1] > 1) {
    aa <- 1:aaa[1]
    res$li[aa,aa] <- aux1(chain$corre[1:(aaa[1]-1)],TRUE)
  if (aaa[length(aaa)] < nn) {
    aa <- aaa[length(aaa)]:nn
    res$li[aa,aa] <- aux1(chain$corre[aaa[length(aaa)]:(nn-1)],FALSE)
  ## adding standard deviations
  masig <- marginal4chain(chain)$sigma
  res$li <- res$li * masig
  # reordering the nodes
  ooo <- order4chain(chain)
  res$mu <- res$mu[ooo]
  res$li <- res$li[ooo,ooo]
  # returning

chain2correlation <- function(chain)
#TITLE computes the correlation matrix of a chain
#DESCRIPTION returns the correlation
# matrix of a /chain/ object.
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
# The correlation matrix. It is not
# sorted to respect a topological order
# contrary to \code{chain2mn} function.
# chain2correlation(rbmn0chain.03);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_01
#REVISED 11_02_02
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  nn <- length(chain$mu)
  res <- matrix(0,nn,nn)
  dimnames(res) <- list(chain$names,chain$names)
  # finding the milestones
  etat <- state4chain(chain)
  sto <- sort(c(1,nn,which("c"==etat)))
  # introducing the blocks
  for (bb in r.bc(length(sto)-1)) {
    deb <- sto[bb]; fin <- sto[bb+1]
    res[r.bd(deb,fin),r.bd(deb,fin)] <- aux5(chain$corre[r.bd(deb,fin-1)])
  # returning

chain2mn <- function(chain,order=TRUE)
#TITLE computes the distribution of a chain
#DESCRIPTION returns the /mn/ object
# associated to a /chain/ object. Much better
# to use this function that the general function
# \code{nbn2mn} since exact formulae are applied.
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
#{order} << Must a topological order be imposed?>>
# The resulting /mn/ object. Following the
# convention of \code{mn} objects, a topological
# order is given to it. This is necessary to retrieve
# the associate /nbn/.
# print8mn(chain2mn(rbmn0chain.01));
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_12_05
#REVISED 13_07_30
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # getting the marginal parameters
  margi <- marginal4chain(chain)
  # getting the multivariable parameters
  corre <- chain2correlation(chain)
  # computing the variance matrix
  gamma <- outer(margi$sigma,margi$sigma,"*") * corre
  # naming the components
  names(margi$mu) <- chain$names
  dimnames(gamma) <- list(chain$names,chain$names)
  # getting a topological order
  if (order) {
    ooo <- order4chain(chain)
  } else {
    ooo <- r.bf(margi$mu)
  # returning

chain2pre <- function(chain,corre=FALSE)
#TITLE computes the precision of a chain
#DESCRIPTION returns the precision matrix
# of a chain, that is the inverse of its
# variance (correlation) matrix. Much better
# to use this function that
# \code{solve(chain2mn(chain)$gamma)} since
# exact formulae are applied.
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
#{corre} <<To get the inverse of the correlation
#          matrix instead of.>>
# A dimnamed matrix
# chain2pre(rbmn0chain.02);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_02
#REVISED 11_02_06
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # building the inverse of the correlation matrix
  # constants
  nn <- length(chain$names)
  ## first a long sequential chain
  res <- aux6(chain$corre)
  ## then the 3x3 blocks for colliders
  coli <- sort(which("c"==state4chain(chain)))
  for (cc in coli) {
    ends <- c(cc==2,cc==nn-1)
    ou <- (cc-1):(cc+1)
    res[ou,ou] <- aux7(chain$corre[ou[-3]],ends)
  # adding the variance components
  if (!corre) {
    sisi <- marginal4chain(chain)$sigma
    res <- res / outer(sisi,sisi,"*")
  # dimnaming
  dimnames(res) <- list(chain$names,chain$names)
  # returning

inout4chain <- function(chain)
#TITLE reduces a chain to its inputs and outputs
#DESCRIPTION From a \code{chain} returns the
# reduced \code{chain} comprising only inputs
# (that is root nodes) and outputs (that is
# colliders and ends which are not roots)
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
# The resulting chain
# print8chain(inout4chain(rbmn0chain.02));
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_07
#REVISED 11_02_07
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # determining the node to keep
  eta <- state4chain(chain)
  kee <- chain$names[which(eta!="t")]
  nk <- length(kee)
  # building the resulting chain
  res <- vector("list",0)
  res$names <- kee
  res$roots <- chain$roots
  res$colliders <- chain$colliders
  if (nk < 2) {
    res$mu <- chain$mu
    res$sigma <- chain$sigma
    res$corre <- chain$corre
  } else {
    mn <- chain2mn(chain)
    mn$mu <- mn$mu[kee]
    mn$gamma <- mn$gamma[kee,kee,drop=FALSE]
    res$mu <- mn$mu
    res$sigma <- sqrt(diag(mn$gamma))
    co <- cor4var(mn$gamma)
    res$corre <- diag(co[-1,-nk,drop=FALSE])
    res <- aux4(res)
  # returning

reverse8chain <- function(chain)
#TITLE reverses the nodes of a chain
#DESCRIPTION returns the chain obtained
# after reversing its node order
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
# The resulting chain
# print8chain(rbmn0chain.02);
# print8chain(reverse8chain(rbmn0chain.02));
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_07
#REVISED 11_02_07
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # building it
  res <- vector("list",0)
  res$names <- rev(chain$names)
  res$roots <- chain$roots
  res$colliders <- chain$colliders
  res$mu <- rev(chain$mu)
  res$sigma <- rev(chain$sigma)
  res$corre <- rev(chain$corre)
  # returning

is8nbn8chain <- function(nbn,order=FALSE)
#TITLE Checks if a given /nbn/ is a /chain/
#DESCRIPTION returns \code{TRUE} [the order] or
# \code{FALSE} [NULL] according that \code{nbn}
# is a chain of not [according to \code{order}].
#{nbn}<< The nbn object to consider.>>
#{order} << When \code{FALSE} the answer to the
# question is returned with \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.\cr
# When \code{TRUE} the chain order
# of the nodes is returned if it is a /chain/
# else \code{NULL}.>>
# A \code{logical(1)} when \code{order} si \code{TRUE} if not
#  the resulting chain order versus NULL.
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_14
#REVISED 11_02_14
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # constants
  nn <- length(names(nbn))
  # degenerate case
  if (nn == 1) {
    if (order) {
    } else {
  # symmetrical relationship matrix
  rela <- adja4nbn(nbn)
  rela <- rela + t(rela)
  # checking obvious cases
  res <- TRUE
  nbr <- apply(rela,1,sum)
  if (sum(nbr == 1)!= 2) { res <- FALSE;}
  if (sum(nbr == 2)!= nn-2) { res <- FALSE;}
  if (!res) {
    if (order) {
    } else {
  # looking for a chain between nodes
  anc <- which(nbr==1)[1]
  orde <- anc
  mauvais <- FALSE
  while ((length(orde)<nn) & !mauvais) {
    nou <- which(rela[anc,]==1)
    if (length(nou) != 1) {
      mauvais <- TRUE
    } else {
      rela[anc,nou] <- rela[nou,anc] <- 0
      orde <- c(orde,nou)
      anc <- nou
  if (mauvais) {
    if (order) {
      res <- NULL
    } else {
      res <- FALSE
  } else {
    if (!order) {
      res <- TRUE
    } else {
      res <- orde
  # returning

nbn2chain <- function(nbn)
#TITLE transforms a /nbn/ into a /chain/
#DESCRIPTION returns the chain obtained
# from \code{nbn} which is supposed to a chain.
# If it is not a chain, an error is issued.
# It is advised to use \code{is8nbn8chain} before
# calling this function.
#{nbn}<< The /nbn/ object to consider.>>
# The resulting chain
# print8chain(nbn2chain(rbmn0nbn.02));
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_14
#REVISED 11_02_15
  # checking
  # <to be done for /nbn/>
  if (!is8nbn8chain(nbn)) {
    r.erreur(nbn,message="This /nbn/ is not a /chain/")
  # getting one of the two possible chain orders
  ooo <- is8nbn8chain(nbn,TRUE)
  # building the chain except for correlations
  res <- vector("list",0)
  res$names <- names(nbn)[ooo]
  res$sigma <- sapply(nbn,function(a){a$sigma;})[ooo]
  res$mu    <- sapply(nbn,function(a){a$mu;})[ooo]
  nbpa <- sapply(nbn,function(a){length(a$parents);})
  nbpa <- nbpa[ooo]
  res$roots <- res$names[which(nbpa==0)]
  res$colliders <- res$names[which(nbpa==2)]
  res$corre <- rep(0.5,length(res$names)-1)
  # getting a topological order
  too <- order4chain(res)
  res$corre <- rep(0.5,length(res$names)-1)
  sig <- rep(NA,length(res$names))
  # adding the correlations
  if (length(res$names)>1) {
    for (nnu in r.bf(res$names)) {
      nnn <- too[nnu]
      nna <- res$names[nnn]
      if (!(nna %in% res$roots)) {
        papa <- nbn[[nna]]$parents
        # computing the necessary standard deviations
        sb <- res$sigma[nnn]
        coco <- sasa <- numeric(0)
        for (pn in r.bf(papa)) {
          pp <- papa[pn]
          reco <- nbn[[nna]]$regcoef[pn]
          if (nnn > 1) {if (res$names[nnn-1]==pp) {
            sa <- sig[nnn-1]
            sasa <- c(sasa,sa)
            coco <- c(coco,reco)
          if (nnn < length(res$names)) {if (res$names[nnn+1]==pp) {
            sa <- sig[nnn+1]
            sasa <- c(sasa,sa)
            coco <- c(coco,reco)
        # getting the marginal variance
        sb <- sqrt(sum(coco^2*sasa^2)+sb^2)
        sig[nnn] <- sb
        # computing the correlation(s)
        for (pn in r.bf(papa)) {
          pp <- papa[pn]
          reco <- nbn[[nna]]$regcoef[pn]
          if (nnn > 1) {if (res$names[nnn-1]==pp) {
            sa <- sig[nnn-1]
            res$corre[nnn-1] <- reco * sa / sb
          if (nnn < length(res$names)) {if (res$names[nnn+1]==pp) {
            sa <- sig[nnn+1]
            res$corre[nnn] <-  reco * sa / sb
      } else {
        # conditional and marginal variances are equal
        sig[nnn] <- res$sigma[nnn]
  # returning

chain4chain <- function(chain,nodes,
#TITLE extracts a chain from a chain
#DESCRIPTION returns the chain obtained
# from \code{chain} retaining only nodes indicated
# by \code{nodes} and conditioned with nodes
# indicated in \code{condi}.
# Integration is done for nodes not belonging to
# the extracted chain nor being in the conditioning
# subset. Then the distribution of the retained nodes
# is left identical to this in the initial chain.
#{chain}<< The chain object to consider.>>
#{nodes} << \code{numeric} (or \code{character}) vector
#         giving the numbers (or names) of the nodes
#         to be retained in the extracted chain.>>
#{condi} << \code{numeric} (or \code{character}) vector
#         giving the numbers (or names) of the
#         conditioning nodes for the extracted chain.>>
#{value} << Numerical values associated to \code{condi}.>>
# The resulting chain
# chain4chain(rbmn0chain.02,c("a","d"),c("b"),12)
#FUTURE To be rewritten
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 11_02_08
#REVISED 11_02_08
  return("This function is under construction!")
  # checking
  # <to be done>
  # constants
  nn <- length(chain$names)
  # each case in turn
  fait <- FALSE
  if (is.null(head) & is.null(tail)) {
    # no condition
    res <- chain
    fait <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(head) & !is.null(tail)) {
    # both conditioning
    if (nn < 3) {
      res <- NULL
    } else {
      res <- "'a faire"
    fait <- TRUE
  if (!fait) {
    if (nn < 2) {
      res <- NULL
    } else {
      if (is.null(tail)) { chain <- reverse8chain(chain);}
      # condioning has to be done for the last node
      # looking for the last root
      lro <- max(which(state4chain(chain)=="r"))
      ncor <- aux8(chain$corre[r.bd(lro,nn)])
      ncor <- diag(ncor[-1,-(nn-lro),drop=FALSE])
      nmu <- chain$mu[-nn]
      nsi <- chain$sigma[-nn]
      res <- list(names=chain$names[-nn],
      fait <- TRUE
      if (is.null(tail)) { res <- reverse8chain(res);}
  # returning

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rbmn documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:37 p.m.