
Defines functions diff8nbn string7dag4nbn simulate8nbn simulate8gema check8gema print8gema check8nbn topo4nbn print8nbn

Documented in check8gema check8nbn diff8nbn print8gema print8nbn simulate8gema simulate8nbn string7dag4nbn

print8nbn <- function(nbn,what="pr",digits=3,ordering=NULL,chk=TRUE)
#TITLE print function for a /nbn/ object.
#DESCRIPTION prints a /nbn/ object.
#{nbn} <<\code{nbn} object to be printed.>>
#{what} <<a \code{character(1)}; when comprising "p" the name of each node
#         with its parents are given, when comprising "r the formula
#         regression of each node is given with the node, when comprising
#         "m" the model is given.>>
#{digits} << when not null, the number of digits for rounding.>>
#{ordering} << Nodes are given following the indices of "ordering" if \code{numeric}
#         or the names if it is \code{character}. \code{NULL} means the
#         identity permutation. Repetitions or missing nodes are accepted.>>
#{chk} << Must a check of the consistency of 'nbn' be performed before printing?>>
# Nothing but but \code{nbn} is printed.
# print8nbn(rbmn0nbn.01);
# print8nbn(rbmn0nbn.03,"pm",order=1:2)
#FUTURE add the option 'model'
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_14
#REVISED 23_03_10
  # checking
  if (chk) {
    che <- check8nbn(nbn)
    if (is.character(che)) {
      stop("The provided 'nbn' is not valid!")
  # number of nodes
  nn <- length(nbn)
  # getting the ordering for the nodes
  ordering <- aux3(names(nbn),ordering)
  # printing each asked option
  if (r.expr3present("m",what)) {
  pare <- r.expr3present("p",what)
  regr <- r.expr3present("r",what)
  if (pare | regr) {
    for (i in r.bf(ordering)) {
      ii <- ordering[i]
      if (i==1) {
        if (pare) {
          cat(r.form3justifie("[parents]",nbc=12,format=1,carac=" "))
        if (regr) {
          cat(r.form3justifie("= Exp. (sd.dev)",nbc=22,format=1,carac=" "))
      nbpa <- length(nbn[[ii]]$parents)
      if (pare) {
        if (nbpa == 0) {
          papa = "[-]"
        } else {
          papa <- paste(nbn[[ii]]$parents,collapse=",")
          papa <- paste("[",papa,"]",sep="")
      if (regr) {
        rere <- "  ="
        if ((nbn[[ii]]$mu != 0)| (nbpa==0)) {
          rere <- paste(rere,round(nbn[[ii]]$mu,digits))
          if (nbpa>0) {
            rere <- paste(rere,"+")
        for (pp in r.bc(nbpa)) {
          rere <- paste(rere,
          if (pp < nbpa) {
            rere <- paste(rere,"+")
        rere <- paste(rere,
                      paste(" (",round(nbn[[ii]]$sigma,digits),")",sep="")
  # returning

topo4nbn <- function(
#TITLE find a topological order from a nbn
#DESCRIPTION return a permutation of the nodes consistent
#            with a topological order.
#DETAILS When such an order doesn't exist a fatal error
#                                         is raised.
# Most often a topological order is not unique.
#{nbn} <<The \code{nbn} to consider.>>
#{sto} <<Must the run be stopped in case of error?
#        If not some message is returned instead of
#        the permutation.>>
# a numeric vector given the associated permutation
# topo4nbn(rbmn0nbn.01);
# 'topt4nbn' doesn't check the consistency of the proposed
# /nbn/ use 'check8nbn' for that.
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 23_02_17
#REVISED 23_03_10
    # initialization
    res <- numeric()
    can <- r.bc(length(nbn))
    nom <- names(nbn)
    # looking for the parents
    for (nn in can) {
        if (length(nbn[[nn]]$parents) == 0) {
            res <- c(res,nn)
    if (length(res) == 0) {
        err <- "No root was found in the proposed nbn!"
        if (sto) {
            print8nbn(nbn, chk = FALSE)
        } else {
    } else {
        for (nn in rev(r.bc(length(can)))) {
            if (sum(nn == res)>0) { can <- can[-nn];}
    # looking for descendants
    nbf <- 0
    while (length(can) > 0) {
        for (nn in r.bc(length(nbn))) {
            if (sum(can == nn) > 0) {
                # it is a node still candidate
                pp <- nbn[[nn]]$parents
                nbb <- 0
                for (ppp in pp) {
                    if (sum(ppp == nom[res]) == 1) { nbb = nbb + 1;}
                if (nbb == length(pp)) {
                    # all its parents were found
                    res <- c(res,nn)
                    can <- can[-r.bc(length(can))[c(can==nn)]]
                    nbf <- nbf + 1
        if (nbf == 0) {
            err <- "Some nodes have not found the complete set of their parents!"
            err <- c(err,"(this can be the consequence of a cycle or ")
            err <- c(err," of a parent which is not a node or...)")
            if (sto) {
                cat("The provided faulty 'nbn'\n")
                cat("Nodes without parents:\n")
            } else {
        nbf <- 0
    # removing the found parents from the candidates
    can <- can[-res]
  # returning

check8nbn <- function(
#TITLE checks a /nbn/ object
#DESCRIPTION checks the consistency of \code{nbn} as a /nbn/ object
# issues a fatal error with some clues if inconsistent or return
# the error as a character instead of 'TRUE'
# Looking a the code of this function provides a way to know which
# are the requirements of a /nbn/ object.
##### New version to check also the topological order.
#{nbn} << The \code{nbn} object to check.>>
#{sto} <<When 'TRUE' the possible error is displayed and the
#                    process is stopped.
#             'FALSE' the possible error is returned as a character
# \code{TRUE} or a \code{character} containing some clue
# about the discovered inconsistency (if not stopped).
# check8nbn(rbmn0nbn.01);
# res <- check8nbn(rbmn0adja.01);
# if (is.na(as.logical(res))) { print(res);}
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 13_07_26
#REVISED 23_02_19
    # initial checking
    if (!is.list(nbn)) {
      err <- "A /nbn/ must be a list"
      if (sto) { stop(err)}
      else { return(err)}
    # getting the node numbers
    nbno <- length(nbn)
    # checking the existence of node names
    nano <- names(nbn)
    if (length(unique(nano)) < nbno) {
      err <- "A /nbn/ must be a named list with different names"
      if (sto) { stop(err)}
      else { return(err)}
    # checking each node in turn
    res <- character(0)
    for (nn in r.bc(nbno)) {
      na <- names(nbn)[nn]
      if (is.null(nbn[[na]]$mu)) {
        res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"hasn't got a '$mu'"))
      } else {
        if (length(nbn[[nn]]$mu) != 1) {
          res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$mu' with a length != to 1"))
        } else {
          if (!is.numeric(nbn[[nn]]$mu)) {
            res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$mu' which is not numeric"))
      if (is.null(nbn[[na]]$sigma)) {
        res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"hasn't got a '$sigma'"))
      } else {
        if (length(nbn[[nn]]$sigma) != 1) {
          res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$sigma' with a length != to 1"))
        } else {
          if (!is.numeric(nbn[[nn]]$sigma)) {
            res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$sigma' which is not numeric"))
          } else {
            if (nbn[[nn]]$sigma < 0) {
              res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$sigma' which is negative"))
      if (length(nbn[[na]]$parents) > 0) {
        papa <- nbn[[na]]$parents
        cpa <- TRUE
        if (length(unique(papa))!=length(papa)) {
          res <- c(res,paste("parents = (",papa,")"))
          res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got duplicated parents"))
          cpa <- FALSE
        if (length(union(papa,nano))!= length(nano)) {
          res <- c(res,paste("parents = (",papa,")"))
          res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got parent[s] which is/are not node[s]"))
          cpa <- FALSE
        if (any(na==papa)) {
          res <- c(res,paste("parents = (",papa,")"))
          res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"is itself its parent"))
          cpa <- FALSE
        if (cpa) {
          if (length(papa) != length(nbn[[na]]$regcoef)) {
            res <- c(res,paste("parents = (",papa,")"))
            res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$parents' and '$regcoef' with different lengths"))
          if (!is.numeric(nbn[[na]]$regcoef)) {
            res <- c(res,paste("node",na,"has got a '$regcoef' which is not numeric"))
    # in case of already discovered errors
    if (length(res) > 0) {
      if (sto) { stop(res)}
      else { return(res)}
    # checking that there is no cycle
    eee <- topo4nbn(nbn)
    if (is.character(eee)) {
        eee <- c("A topological order was not found!",eee)
        if (sto) { stop(eee)}
        else { return(eee)}
    # returning

print8gema <- function(gema,what="ml",ordering=NULL,
#TITLE standard print function for a /gema/ object.
#DESCRIPTION prints a /gema/ object completely
# or a part of it according to \code{what} specification.
#{gema} <<\code{gema} object to be printed.>>
#{what} <<a \code{character(1)}; when comprising "m" the
#         expectations are printed, "l" the linear combinations
#         are printed.>>
#{ordering} << Nodes are given following the indices of "ordering" if \code{numeric}
#         or the names if it is \code{character}. \code{NULL} means the
#         identity permutation. Repetitions or missing nodes are accepted.>>
#{digits} << when not null, the number of digits for rounding.>>
#{printed} << \code{TRUE} to issue a printing, if not the prepared matrix
#           is returned.>>
# The \code{gema} is printed or a matrix having \code{nn x ?} is returned
#  binding which elements are precised in the argument \code{what}.
# print8gema(rbmn0gema.01);
# print8gema(rbmn0gema.02,"m");
# print8gema(rbmn0gema.03,"l",digit=1);
# print8gema(rbmn0gema.04,printed=FALSE);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_01_19
#REVISED 12_02_16
  # checking
  che <- check8gema(gema)
  if (is.character(che)) {
    stop("The provided 'gema' is not valid!")
  # number of nodes
  nn <- length(gema$mu)
  nam <- names(gema$mu)
  # getting the ordering for the nodes
  ordering <- aux3(nam,ordering)
  nnr <- length(ordering)
  # initializing
  cnam <- character(0)
  res <- matrix(NA,nn,0)
  # printing each asked option
  if (r.expr3present("m",what)) {
    cnam <- c(cnam,"mu")
    res <- cbind(res,gema$mu)
  if (r.expr3present("l",what)) {
    cnam <- c(cnam,paste("E",r.bc(nnr),sep=""))
    if (length(union(ordering,r.bc(nn))==nn)) {
      uop <- ordering
    } else {
      uop <- r.bc(nn)
    res <- cbind(res,gema$li[,uop])
  # permuting
  res <- res[ordering,,drop=FALSE]
  dimnames(res)[[2]] <- cnam
  # rounding
  if (!is.null(digits)) {
    res <- round(res,digits)
  # returning
  if (printed) {
  } else {

check8gema <- function(gema)
#TITLE checks a /gema/ object
#DESCRIPTION checks the consistency of \code{gema} as a /gema/ object
# issues a fatal error with some clues if inconsistent.
# Looking a the code of this function provides a way to know which
# are the requirements of a /chain/ object.
#{gema} << The \code{gema} object to check.>>
# \code{TRUE} or a \code{character} containing some clue
# about the discovered inconsistency.
# check8gema(rbmn0gema.01);
# res <- check8gema(rbmn0adja.01);
# if (is.na(as.logical(res))) { print(res);}
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 13_07_26
#REVISED 13_07_30
  # initial checking
  if (!is.list(gema)) {
    return("A /gema/ must be a list")
  if (!setequal(names(gema),names(rbmn0gema.01))) {
    return(paste("Names of every /gema/ list must be:",paste(names(rbmn0gema.01),collapse=" ")))
  # getting the node numbers
  nbno <- length(gema$mu)
  # checking the existence of node names
  nano <- names(gema$mu)
  if (length(unique(nano)) < nbno) {
    return("Proposed names for the nodes doesn't fit")
  res <- character(0)
  if (!is.numeric(gema$mu)) {
    res <- c(res,"$mu must be numeric")
  if (!is.numeric(gema$li)) {
    res <- c(res,"$li must be numeric")
  if (!is.matrix(gema$li)) {
    res <- c(res,"$li must be a matrix")
  } else {
    if (!setequal(nano,dimnames(gema$li)[[1]])) {
      res <- c(res,"$li must have node names in rows")
    if (nrow(gema$li)!=ncol(gema$li)) {
      res <- c(res,"$li must be a squared matrix")
  if (length(res) > 0) { return(res);}
  # returning

simulate8gema <- function(gema,nbs)
#TITLE simulates from a /gema/ object
#DESCRIPTION returns a matrix of simulated
# values with the variable in columns and the
# simulations in rows.
# Just the application of the standard formula
# to a white noise. Variables names are taken
# from those of \code{gema$mu}, when these
# does not exist, standard ones are provided.
#{gema}<< The \code{gema} object.>>
#{nbs}<< number of simulations to return.>>
# A matrix of size : \code{nbs x length(gema$mu)}
# simulate8gema(rbmn0gema.01,10);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_04_27
#REVISED 12_12_03
  # number of variables and their names
  nbv <- length(gema$mu)
  if (is.null(names(gema$mu))) {
    va <- paste("V",as.character(r.bc(nbv)),sep="")
  } else {
    va <- names(gema$mu)
  # number of simulations
  nbs <- round(max(0,nbs))
  # simulating
  if (nbv*nbs > 1) {
    res <- matrix(rnorm(nbs*nbv),nbv,nbs)
    res <- gema$mu + gema$li %*% res
    res <- t(res)
  } else {
    res <- matrix(NA,nbs,nbv)
  # adding the variable names
  dimnames(res) <- list(NULL,va)

simulate8nbn <- function(nbn,nbs)
#TITLE simulates from a /nbn/ object
#DESCRIPTION returns a matrix of simulated
# values with the variable in columns and the
# simulations in rows.
# Just the sequential simulations of the nodes
#{nbn}<< The \code{nbn} object.>>
#{nbs}<< number of simulations to return.>>
# A matrix of size : \code{nbs x length(nbn)}
# simulate8nbn(rbmn0nbn.01,10);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_04_27
#REVISED 12_12_03
  # number of variables and their names
  nbv <- length(nbn)
  va <- names(nbn)
  # number of simulations
  nbs <- round(max(0,nbs))
  # initializing
  res <- matrix(NA,nbs,nbv)
  dimnames(res) <- list(NULL,va)
  # simulating
  if (nbv*nbs > 1) {
    for (vv in r.bc(nbv)) {
      res[,vv] <- rnorm(nbs,nbn[[vv]]$mu,nbn[[vv]]$sigma)
      for (pp in r.bf(nbn[[vv]]$parents)) {
        pn <- nbn[[vv]]$parents[pp]
        res[,vv] <- res[,vv] + nbn[[vv]]$regcoef[pp] * res[,pn]
  # returning

string7dag4nbn <- function(nbn,sep=";")
#TITLE provides so-called string model of a /nbn/
#DESCRIPTION returns a \code{character(1)}
# describing the dag of the nbn under
# the string form.
#{nbn}<< The nbn.>>
#{sep}<<Separation sign between parents after the
#       conditioning sign (\code{|}).>>
# A \code{character(1)}.
# string7dag4nbn(rbmn0nbn.01);
# string7dag4nbn(rbmn0nbn.04,sep=",");
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 12_11_29
#REVISED 12_11_29
  # initializing
  res <- character(0)
  # adding the nodes in turn
  for (nn in r.bf(nbn)) {
    res <- paste(res,"[",names(nbn)[nn],sep="")
    pp <- nbn[[nn]]$parents
    if (length(pp) >= 1) {
      res <- paste(res,"|",pp[1],sep="")
      for (ip in r.bd(2,length(pp))) {
        res <- paste(res,sep,pp[ip],sep="")
    res <- paste(res,"]",sep="")
  # returning

diff8nbn <- function(nbn1,nbn2,type=1,scalar=TRUE)
#TITLE returns a score of the difference between two /nbn/s
# Returns a positive scalar value measuring, in some way, the difference
# existing within two /nbn/s sharing the same structure.\cr
# For \code{type==1} it is the canonical euclidian difference between
# all parameters, including the \code{sigma}.
# The score to use to measure the differences between two successive
# estimations is not well established (see the code).
#{nbn1} <<First \code{nbn} object.>>
#{nbn2} <<Second \code{nbn} object.>>
#{type}<<When 1, the score includes the difference between the sigmas.
#        When -1, sigmas are not taken into account.>>
#{scalar}<<When \code{TRUE} the squared norm is returned, if not the vector of difference.>>
# Either a scalar or a named vector (according to \code{scalar}).
# diff8nbn(rbmn0nbn.01,rbmn0nbn.01);
# diff8nbn(rbmn0nbn.01,rbmn0nbn.01,scalar=FALSE);
#AUTHOR J.-B. Denis
#CREATED 13_04_25
#REVISED 13_07_30
  # checking
  # < to be done >
  nona <- names(nbn1)
  # constituting the vector of differences.
  didi <- numeric(0)
  for (nn in r.bf(nona)) {
    suff <- nona[nn]
    n0 <- length(didi)
    didi <- c(didi,nbn2[[nn]]$mu-nbn1[[nn]]$mu)
    nana <- paste(suff,"mu",sep=".")
    if (type > 0) {
      didi <- c(didi,nbn2[[nn]]$sigma-nbn1[[nn]]$sigma)
      nana <- c(nana,paste(suff,"sigma",sep="."))
    if (length(nbn2[[nn]]$parents)>0) {
      didi <- c(didi,nbn2[[nn]]$regcoef-nbn1[[nn]]$regcoef)
      nana <- c(nana,paste(suff,nbn2[[nn]]$parents,sep="."))
    names(didi)[r.bd(n0+1,length(didi))] <- nana
  # returning
  if (scalar) {
  } else {

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