# Create Text Constructor ---------------------------------------------
#' @title Create text content
#' @description Function to create a text specification that can be
#' added as content to a report. The text content can be used to include
#' analysis on a statistical report. A text specification is an S3
#' object of class 'text_spec'.
#' @details
#' To add plain text to a report, use the \code{create_text} function. The
#' function allows you to set a width and alignment for the text. The
#' function will preserve any other formatting you apply to the text. See
#' the \code{\link{add_content}} function to control page breaking and
#' blanks spaces above or below the text.
#' The text specification also accepts titles and footnotes. See the
#' \code{\link{titles}} and \code{\link{footnotes}} functions for further
#' details.
#' @param txt The text to create.
#' @param width The width of the text in the specified units of measure. If
#' no width is specified, the full page width will be used.
#' @param align How to align the text within the content area. Valid values
#' are 'left', 'right', 'center', or 'centre'. Default is 'left'.
#' @param borders Whether and where to place a border. Valid values are 'top',
#' 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', 'none', and 'outside'.
#' Default is 'none'. The 'left', 'right', and 'outside'
#' border specifications only apply to RTF reports.
#' @return The text specification.
#' @family text
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{titles}} to add a title block to the text,
#' \code{\link{footnotes}} to add footnotes, and \code{\link{add_content}}
#' to add the text object to a report.
#' @examples
#' library(reporter)
#' library(magrittr)
#' # Create temp file path
#' tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "mtcars.txt")
#' # Create dummy text
#' dt <- paste0("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ",
#' "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ",
#' "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris ",
#' "nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in ",
#' "reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla ",
#' "pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa ",
#' "qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.")
#' # Create the text object
#' txt <- create_text(dt) %>%
#' titles("Text Content 1.0", "Sample Text Report") %>%
#' footnotes("* Cicero, 1st century BCE")
#' # Create the report object
#' rpt <- create_report(tmp, orientation = "portrait") %>%
#' add_content(txt)
#' # Write the report to the file system
#' write_report(rpt)
#' # Write the report to console
#' writeLines(readLines(tmp, encoding = "UTF-8"))
#' # Text Content 1.0
#' # Sample Text Report
#' #
#' # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
#' # incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis
#' # nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
#' # Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore
#' # eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt
#' # in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
#' #
#' # * Cicero, 1st century BCE
#' #
#' @export
create_text <- function(txt, width = NULL, align = "left", borders = "none") {
if (!"character" %in% class(txt))
stop("value must be of class 'character'")
if (is.null(align))
align = "left"
if (!align %in% c("left", "right", "center", "centre"))
stop(paste0("align value invalid. Valid values are 'left', 'right',",
"'center', or 'centre'."))
if (!is.null(width)) {
if (!is.numeric(width))
stop("width must be a number.")
if (width <= 0)
stop("width must be greater than zero.")
if (!all(borders %in% c("top", "bottom", "left", "right",
"all", "none", "outside")))
stop(paste("Borders parameter invalid. Valid values are",
"'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right', 'all', ",
"'none', or 'outside'."))
ret <- structure(list(), class = c("text_spec", "list"))
ret$text <- txt
ret$align <- align
ret$width <- width
ret$borders <- borders
# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @title Prints the text spec
#' @description A function to print the text spec.
#' The \strong{print} function will print the text spec in summary
#' form. To view all parameters, set the \code{verbose} parameter to TRUE.
#' @param x The text spec.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to the underlying print function.
#' @param verbose Whether to print in verbose form. Default is FALSE.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{create_text}} function to create a text specification.
#' @return The text spec, invisibly.
#' @family text
#' @examples
#' txt <- create_text("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...",
#' align = "left", width = 3)
#' txt
#' # A text specification: 6 words
#' # - text: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...
#' # - width: 3
#' # - align: left
#' @import crayon
#' @export
print.text_spec <- function(x, ..., verbose = FALSE){
if (verbose == TRUE) {
} else {
grey60 <- make_style(grey60 = "#999999")
# Print header
cat(grey60("# A text specification: "))
# Print 100 characters of text
if (!is.null(x$text)) {
wc <- lengths(strsplit(x$text, " "))
cat(grey60(paste0(as.character(wc), " words\n")))
cat("- text: ")
if (nchar(x$text) > 100)
cat(paste0(substr(x$text, 1, 100), "..."))
} else {
if (!is.null(x$width))
cat(paste0("- width: ", x$width, "\n"))
if (!is.null(x$align))
cat(paste0("- align: ", x$align, "\n"))
# Write Text Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' @description A function to output strings for plain text content
#' @details Basic logic is to wrap any text to the available line width,
#' then then just dump it out. All formatting is left to the user.
#' @param rs The Report Spec
#' @param cntnt The text content to output
#' @param lpg_rows Last page rows.
#' @noRd
create_text_pages_text <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows) {
if (!"report_spec" %in% class(rs))
stop("Report spec expected for parameter rs")
if (!"report_content" %in% class(cntnt))
stop("Report Content expected for parameter cntnt")
txt <- cntnt$object
# Default width to the overall line size
w <- rs$line_size
# If user supplies a width, override default
if (!is.null(txt$width))
w <- round(txt$width / rs$char_width)
rws <- get_text_body(rs, txt, w, rs$body_line_count, lpg_rows, cntnt$blank_row)
#' Create list of vectors of strings for each page
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_text_body <- function(rs, txt, line_width, line_count, lpg_rows,
content_blank_row) {
# Get titles and footnotes
ttls <- get_titles(txt$titles, line_width, rs$line_size,
rs$uchar, rs$char_width)
ftnts <- get_footnotes(txt$footnotes, line_width, rs$line_size,
rs$uchar, rs$char_width)
ttl_hdr <- get_title_header(txt$title_hdr, line_width, rs$line_size,
rs$uchar, rs$char_width)
# Wrap the text
s <- stri_wrap(unlist(
strsplit(txt$text, split = "\n", fixed = TRUE)),
width = line_width, normalize = FALSE)
# Make sure rows are the same length
s <- pad_any(s, line_width,
# Add blank above content if requested
a <- NULL
if (content_blank_row %in% c("both", "above"))
a <- ""
# Add top border if requested
tbrdr <- NULL
if (any(txt$borders %in% c("top", "all", "outside")))
tbrdr <- paste0(rep(rs$uchar, line_width), collapse = "")
# Add bottom border if requested
bbrdr <- NULL
if (any(txt$borders %in% c("bottom", "all", "outside")))
bbrdr <- paste0(rep(rs$uchar, line_width), collapse = "")
# Add blank below content if requested
b <- NULL
if (content_blank_row %in% c("both", "below"))
b <- ""
# Combine titles, blanks, body, and footnotes
rws <- c(a, ttls, ttl_hdr, tbrdr, s, bbrdr)
# Set to true for now. Need to fix text paging below.
wrap_flag <- FALSE
# Get footnotes
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_text(rs, txt, line_width, lpg_rows,
length(rws), wrap_flag, content_blank_row)
# Append footnotes
rws <- c(rws, ftnts)
# Page list
ret <- list()
# Create tmp variable for 1 page of content
tmp <- c()
# Offset the first page with remaining rows from the
# last page of the previous content
offset <- lpg_rows
#print(paste("Offset:", offset))
# Assign content to pages
for (i in seq_along(rws)) {
if (length(tmp) < (line_count - offset)) {
# Append to existing page
tmp[length(tmp) + 1] <- rws[i]
} else {
# Start a new page
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- pad_any(tmp, line_width,
tmp <- rws[i]
# Set to zero on second page and leave it that way
offset <- 0
# Deal with last page
if (length(tmp) > 0 ) {
# If page is not empty
if (max(nchar(trimws(tmp))) > 0) {
# Add last page
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- pad_any(tmp, line_width,
# Write RTF Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
create_text_pages_rtf <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows, content_blank_row) {
if (!"report_spec" %in% class(rs))
stop("Report spec expected for parameter rs")
if (!"report_content" %in% class(cntnt))
stop("Report Content expected for parameter cntnt")
txt <- cntnt$object
# Default to content width
w <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
# If user supplies a width, override default
if (!is.null(txt$width))
w <- txt$width
res <- get_text_body_rtf(rs, txt, w, rs$body_line_count,
lpg_rows, content_blank_row, cntnt$align)
#' Create list of vectors of strings for each page
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_text_body_rtf <- function(rs, txt, width, line_count, lpg_rows,
content_blank_row, talgn) {
# Get content titles and footnotes
ttls <- get_titles_rtf(txt$titles, width, rs, talgn)
ttl_hdr <- get_title_header_rtf(txt$title_hdr, width, rs, talgn)
ftnts <- get_footnotes_rtf(txt$footnotes, width, rs, talgn)
t <- sum(ttls$lines, ftnts$lines, ttl_hdr$lines)
hgt <- rs$body_line_count - t
# Break text content into pages if necessary
tpgs <- split_text(txt$text, hgt, width, rs$font,
rs$font_size, rs$units, lpg_rows)
# Capture rtf pages and line counts
txtpgs <- tpgs$text
lns <- tpgs$lines
# Calculate text width in twips
w <- round(width * rs$twip_conversion)
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right")
tgn <- "\\trqr"
else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre"))
tgn <- "\\trqc"
tgn <- "\\trql"
# Get text alignment codes
if (txt$align == "right")
algn <- "\\qr"
else if (txt$align %in% c("center", "centre"))
algn <- "\\qc"
algn <- "\\ql"
# Get cell border codes
b <- get_cell_borders(1, 1, 1, 1, txt$borders)
# Prepare row header and footer
rwhd <- paste0("\\trowd\\trgaph0", tgn, b, "\\cellx", w, algn, " ")
rwft <- paste0("\\cell\\row")
ret <- list()
cnt <- c()
# Gather rtf and line counts for each page
for (i in seq_along(txtpgs)) {
if (i == length(txtpgs))
wrap_flag <- FALSE
wrap_flag <- TRUE
pg <- txtpgs[[i]]
# Put line ending on all but last line
if (length(pg) > 1) {
s <- paste0(pg[seq(1, length(pg) - 1)], "\\line ")
s <- c(s, pg[length(pg)])
} else
s <- pg
# Add blank above content if requested
a <- NULL
if (i == 1 & content_blank_row %in% c("both", "above"))
a <- "\\par"
# Deal with cell padding. Don't count this in line count.
cp <- paste0("\\li", rs$cell_padding, "\\ri", rs$cell_padding)
# Sum up lines
cnts <- sum(length(a), ttls$lines, ttl_hdr$lines, lns[[i]])
# Get footnotes
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_rtf(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, cnts,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn)
# On LibreOffice, have to protect the table from the title width or
# the table row will inherit the title row width. Terrible problem.
tpt <- "{\\pard\\fs1\\sl0\\par}"
if (any(txt$borders %in% c("all", "top", "outside"))) {
if (ttls$border_flag | rs$page_template$titles$border_flag |
tpt <- ""
if (titles_aligned(txt$titles, txt$title_hdr))
tpt <- ""
# Prevent infection of widths on LibreOffice.
bpt <- "{\\pard\\fs1\\sl0\\par}"
if (any(txt$borders %in% c("all", "top", "outside"))) {
if (!is.null(ftnts)) {
if (ftnts$border_flag)
bpt <- ""
if (!is.null(rs$page_template$footnotes)) {
if (rs$page_template$footnotes$border_flag)
bpt <- ""
if (footnotes_aligned(txt$footnotes))
bpt <- ""
# Combine titles, blanks, body, and footnotes
rws <- c(a, cp, ttls$rtf, ttl_hdr$rtf, tpt, cp, rwhd, s, rwft, bpt)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- c(rws, cp, ftnts$rtf)
cnt[[length(cnt) + 1]] <- sum(cnts, ftnts$lines)
res <- list(rtf = ret, lines = cnt)
#' @description lines is the number of lines per page or cell before breaking.
#' Width is the width of the page or cell.
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
split_text <- function(txt, lines, width, font,
font_size, units, offset = 0) {
pgs <- c()
lnlngth <- 0
ln <- c()
cnt <- 0
lns <- c()
cnts <- c()
wdths <- c()
wdth <- c()
# Break string into paragraphs defined by user
paras <- unlist(stri_split_fixed(txt, "\n"))
for (k in seq_along(paras)) {
# Split text into words
wrds <- strsplit(trimws(paras[k]), " ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
if (length(wrds) == 0)
wrds <- paras[k]
# Set font
f <- "mono"
if (tolower(font) == "arial")
f <- "sans"
else if (tolower(font) == "times")
f <- "serif"
lngths <- c()
lngths <- (get_text_width(wrds, units = units, font = font, font_size = font_size) +
get_text_width(" ", units = units, font = font, font_size = font_size)) * 1.03
# Loop through words and add up lines
for (i in seq_along(wrds)) {
lnlngth <- lnlngth + lngths[i]
if (lnlngth <= width)
ln <- append(ln, wrds[i])
else {
cnt <- cnt + 1
# If cnt exceeds allowed lines per page, start a new page
if (cnt <= lines - offset) {
lns <- append(lns, paste(ln, collapse = " "))
wdth[length(wdth) + 1] <- lnlngth - lngths[i]
ln <- wrds[i]
lnlngth <- lngths[i]
} else {
# Assign current lines and counts
pgs[[length(pgs) + 1]] <- lns
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- length(lns)
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- wdth
wdth <- lnlngth - lngths[i]
# Assign overflow to next page
lns <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
ln <- wrds[i]
lnlngth <- lngths[i]
# After first page, set this to zero.
offset <- 0
cnt <- 1
if (length(lns) > 0 | length(ln) > 0) {
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (cnt <= lines - offset) {
# Not a new page
lns <- append(lns, paste(ln, collapse = " "))
wdth[length(wdth) + 1] <- lnlngth
ln <- c()
lnlngth <- 0
} else {
# Add to page
pgs[[length(pgs) + 1]] <- lns
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- length(lns)
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- wdth
# Deal with overflow
lns <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
wdth <- lnlngth
# Reset line so it won't append any more
ln <- c()
lnlngth <- 0
#wdth <- lnlngth
#lnlngth <- width
# Assign overflow to next page
# lns <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
# ln <- wrds[i]
# lnlngth <- lngths[i]
# After first page, set this to zero.
offset <- 0
cnt <- 1
# This block covers any remaining text left over
# from the previous block.
if (length(lns) > 0 | length(ln) > 0) {
cnt <- cnt + 1
if (cnt <= lines - offset) {
if (!is.null(ln)) {
lns <- append(lns, paste(ln, collapse = " "))
wdth[length(wdth) + 1] <- lnlngth
pgs[[length(pgs) + 1]] <- lns
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- length(lns)
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- wdth
} else {
pgs[[length(pgs) + 1]] <- lns
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- length(lns)
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- wdth
if (!is.null(ln)) {
lns <- paste(ln, collapse = " ")
wdth[length(wdth) + 1] <- lnlngth
pgs[[length(pgs) + 1]] <- lns
cnts[[length(cnts) + 1]] <- length(lns)
wdths[[length(wdths) + 1]] <- wdth
res <- list(text = pgs,
lines = cnts,
widths = wdths)
# Write HTML Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
create_text_pages_html <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows, content_blank_row) {
if (!"report_spec" %in% class(rs))
stop("Report spec expected for parameter rs")
if (!"report_content" %in% class(cntnt))
stop("Report Content expected for parameter cntnt")
txt <- cntnt$object
# Default to content width
w <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
# If user supplies a width, override default
if (!is.null(txt$width))
w <- txt$width
res <- get_text_body_html(rs, txt, w, rs$body_line_count,
lpg_rows, content_blank_row, cntnt$align)
#' Create list of vectors of strings for each page
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_text_body_html <- function(rs, txt, width, line_count, lpg_rows,
content_blank_row, talgn) {
# Get content titles and footnotes
ttls <- get_titles_html(txt$titles, width, rs, talgn)
ttl_hdr <- get_title_header_html(txt$title_hdr, width, rs, talgn)
ftnts <- get_footnotes_html(txt$footnotes, width, rs, talgn, FALSE)
exclude_top <- NULL
if (ttls$border_flag | ttl_hdr$border_flag)
exclude_top <- "top"
t <- sum(ttls$lines, ftnts$lines, ttl_hdr$lines)
hgt <- line_count - t
# Break text content into pages if necessary
tpgs <- split_text(txt$text, hgt, width, rs$font,
rs$font_size, rs$units, lpg_rows)
# Capture rtf pages and line counts
txtpgs <- tpgs$text
lns <- tpgs$lines
u <- rs$units
if (u == "inches")
u <- "in"
# Calculate text width in twips
w <- paste0("width:", round(width, 3), u, ";")
# Get text alignment codes
if (txt$align == "right")
algn <- "text-align:right;"
else if (txt$align %in% c("center", "centre"))
algn <- "text-align:center;"
algn <- "text-align:left;"
# Get cell border codes
b <- get_cell_borders_html(1, 1, 1, 1, txt$borders, exclude = exclude_top)
# Prepare row header and footer
rwhd <- paste0("<table ",
" style=\"", w, algn, "\">\n<tr><td style=\"", b, "\">")
rwft <- paste0("</td></tr>\n</table>\n")
ret <- list()
cnt <- c()
# Gather rtf and line counts for each page
for (i in seq_along(txtpgs)) {
if (i == length(txtpgs))
wrap_flag <- FALSE
wrap_flag <- TRUE
pg <- txtpgs[[i]]
# Put line ending on all but last line
if (length(pg) > 1) {
s <- paste0(pg[seq(1, length(pg) - 1)], "<br>\n")
s <- c(s, pg[length(pg)])
} else
s <- pg
# Add blank above content if requested
a <- NULL
if (i == 1 & content_blank_row %in% c("both", "above"))
a <- "<br>\n"
# Sum up lines
cnts <- sum(length(a), ttls$lines, ttl_hdr$lines, lns[[i]])
# Get footnotes
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(txt$borders))
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_html(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, cnts,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn, TRUE)
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_html(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, cnts,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn, FALSE)
# Combine titles, blanks, body, and footnotes
rws <- c(a, ttls$html, ttl_hdr$html,
rwhd, s, rwft)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- c(rws, ftnts$html)
cnt[[length(cnt) + 1]] <- sum(cnts, ftnts$lines)
res <- list(html = ret, lines = cnt)
# Write PDF Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
create_text_pages_pdf <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows, content_blank_row) {
if (!"report_spec" %in% class(rs))
stop("Report spec expected for parameter rs")
if (!"report_content" %in% class(cntnt))
stop("Report Content expected for parameter cntnt")
txt <- cntnt$object
# Default to content width
w <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
# If user supplies a width, override default
if (!is.null(txt$width))
w <- txt$width
ys <- sum(rs$page_template$titles$points, rs$page_template$title_hdr$points,
res <- get_text_body_pdf(rs, txt, w, rs$body_line_count,
lpg_rows, content_blank_row,
cntnt$align, ystart = ys)
#' Create list of vectors of strings for each page
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_text_body_pdf <- function(rs, txt, width, line_count, lpg_rows,
content_blank_row, talgn, ystart = 0) {
lh <- rs$line_height
bh <- rs$border_height
bs <- rs$border_spacing
conv <- rs$point_conversion
# Get content titles and footnotes
ttls <- get_titles_pdf(txt$titles, width, rs, talgn,
ystart = ystart)
ttl_hdr <- get_title_header_pdf(txt$title_hdr, width, rs, talgn,
ystart = ystart)
ftnts <- get_footnotes_pdf(txt$footnotes, width, rs, talgn)
# Nice that if titles are taller because of the font size,
# this will account for it.
p <- sum(ttls$points, ftnts$points, ttl_hdr$points)
t <- ceiling(p/lh)
hgt <- line_count - t
# If last page already filled up, start a new page
if (ceiling(lpg_rows) >= floor(hgt))
lpg_rows <- 0
if (content_blank_row %in% c("above", "all"))
lpg_rows <- lpg_rows + 1
# Break text content into pages if necessary
tpgs <- split_text(txt$text, hgt, width, rs$font,
rs$font_size, rs$units, lpg_rows)
# Capture pages, line counts, and widths
txtpgs <- tpgs$text
lns <- tpgs$lines
wdths <- tpgs$widths
# Calculate text width in points
w <- round(width * rs$point_conversion)
# Get content alignment codes
if (talgn == "right") {
lb <- rs$content_size[["width"]] - width
rb <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
} else if (talgn %in% c("center", "centre")) {
lb <- (rs$content_size[["width"]] - width) / 2
rb <- width + lb
} else {
lb <- 0
rb <- width
fp_ttls <- list(pdf = NULL, lines = 0)
fp_ttl_hdr <- list(pdf = NULL, lines = 0)
ret <- list()
cnt <- c()
pnt <- c()
# Gather pdf and line counts for each page
for (i in seq_along(txtpgs)) {
cnts <- t
pnts <- p
rws <- list()
if (i == length(txtpgs))
wrap_flag <- FALSE
wrap_flag <- TRUE
pg <- txtpgs[[i]]
pw <- wdths[[i]]
if (lpg_rows > 0 & i == 1) {
# Get starting y coordinate
yline <- sum(ystart, (lpg_rows * lh))
if (content_blank_row %in% c("above", "both")) {
yline <- yline + lh
cnts <- cnts + 1
fp_ttls <- get_titles_pdf(txt$titles, width, rs, talgn,
ystart = yline)
fp_ttl_hdr <- get_title_header_pdf(txt$title_hdr, width, rs, talgn,
ystart = yline)
yline <- sum(yline, fp_ttls$points, fp_ttl_hdr$points)
} else {
fp_ttls <- list(lines = 0)
fp_ttl_hdr <- list(lines = 0)
# Get starting y coordinate
yline <- sum(ystart, ttls$points, ttl_hdr$points)
if (ttls$border_flag | ttl_hdr$border_flag)
ypos <- yline - lh + 1
ypos <- yline - lh + bs
for (ln in seq_along(pg)) {
rws[[length(rws) + 1]] <- page_text(pg[ln], rs$font_size,
xpos = get_points(lb,
units = rs$units,
align = txt$align),
ypos = yline)
yline <- yline + lh
cnts <- cnts + 1
yend <- yline - lh + bs
#yline <- ceiling(ypos + (plt$height * rs$point_conversion))
brdrs <- strip_borders(txt$borders)
# Top border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "top"))) {
rws[[length(rws) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
(rb - lb) * conv)
border_flag <- FALSE
# Bottom border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "bottom"))) {
rws[[length(rws) + 1]] <- page_hline(lb * conv,
yend ,
(rb - lb) * conv)
border_flag <- TRUE
# Left border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "left"))) {
rws[[length(rws) + 1]] <- page_vline(lb * conv,
yend - ypos)
# Right border
if (any(brdrs %in% c("all", "outside", "right"))) {
rws[[length(rws) + 1]] <- page_vline(rb * conv,
yend - ypos)
# rs, spec, spec_width, lpg_rows, ystart,
# wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn,
# brdr_flag = FALSE
if (border_flag)
ys <- yline + bs
ys <- yline + 1
# Get footnotes
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_pdf(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, ys,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn,
brdr_flag = border_flag)
# Add blank above content if requested
if (i ==length(txtpgs) & content_blank_row %in% c("both", "below")) {
cnts <- cnts + 1
yline <- yline + lh
pnts <- pnts + (cnts * lh)
# Add remaining page content.
if (fp_ttls$lines > 0) {
rws<- append(rws, fp_ttls$pdf)
} else {
if (ttls$lines > 0) {
rws<- append(rws, ttls$pdf)
if (fp_ttl_hdr$lines > 0) {
rws <- append(rws, fp_ttl_hdr$pdf)
} else {
if (ttl_hdr$lines > 0) {
rws <- append(rws, ttl_hdr$pdf)
if (ftnts$lines > 0) {
rws <- append(rws, ftnts$pdf)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- rws
cnt[length(cnt) + 1] <- cnts
pnt[length(pnt) + 1] <- pnts
res <- list(pdf = ret,
lines = cnt,
points = pnt)
# Write DOCX Functions -------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
create_text_pages_docx <- function(rs, cntnt, lpg_rows, content_blank_row) {
if (!"report_spec" %in% class(rs))
stop("Report spec expected for parameter rs")
if (!"report_content" %in% class(cntnt))
stop("Report Content expected for parameter cntnt")
txt <- cntnt$object
# Default to content width
w <- rs$content_size[["width"]]
# If user supplies a width, override default
if (!is.null(txt$width))
w <- txt$width
res <- get_text_body_docx(rs, txt, w, rs$body_line_count,
lpg_rows, content_blank_row, cntnt$align)
#' Create list of vectors of strings for each page
#' @import stringi
#' @noRd
get_text_body_docx <- function(rs, txt, width, line_count, lpg_rows,
content_blank_row, talgn) {
conv <- rs$twip_conversion
# Get content titles and footnotes
ttls <- get_titles_docx(txt$titles, width, rs, talgn,
content_brdrs = txt$borders)
ttl_hdr <- get_title_header_docx(txt$title_hdr, width, rs, talgn)
ftnts <- get_footnotes_docx(txt$footnotes, width, rs, talgn, FALSE)
exclude_top <- NULL
if (ttls$border_flag | ttl_hdr$border_flag)
exclude_top <- "top"
t <- sum(ttls$lines, ftnts$lines, ttl_hdr$lines)
hgt <- line_count - t
# Break text content into pages if necessary
tpgs <- split_text(txt$text, hgt, width, rs$font,
rs$font_size, rs$units, lpg_rows)
# Capture rtf pages and line counts
txtpgs <- tpgs$text
lns <- tpgs$lines
u <- rs$units
if (u == "inches")
u <- "in"
# Get text alignment codes
if (txt$align == "right")
algn <- "right"
else if (txt$align %in% c("center", "centre"))
algn <- "center"
algn <- "left"
tw <- round(width * conv)
# Get indents for alignment
ta <- get_indent_docx(talgn, rs$line_size, tw,
rs$base_indent, txt$borders, conv)
grd <- get_col_grid(c(text=tw), 1)
# Get cell border codes
b <- get_table_borders_docx(txt$borders, exclude = exclude_top)
cb <- ""
if (any(txt$borders %in% c("outside", "top", "bottom"))) {
cb <- get_cell_borders_docx(1, 1, 1, 1, txt$borders)
# Prepare row header and footer
rwhd <- paste0("<w:tbl>\n", '<w:tblPr>',
'<w:tblW w:w="', tw, '"/>',
"</w:tblPr>", grd,
'<w:tcPr><w:tcW w:w="', tw, '"/>', cb, '</w:tcPr>',
'<w:pPr><w:jc w:val="', algn, '"/></w:pPr>')
rwft <- paste0("</w:p></w:tc></w:tr>\n</w:tbl>\n")
ret <- list()
cnt <- c()
# Gather docx and line counts for each page
for (i in seq_along(txtpgs)) {
if (i == length(txtpgs))
wrap_flag <- FALSE
wrap_flag <- TRUE
pg <- txtpgs[[i]]
# Put line ending on all but last line
# if (length(pg) > 1) {
# s <- paste0(pg[seq(1, length(pg) - 1)], "<br>\n")
# s <- c(s, pg[length(pg)])
# } else
s <- run(pg)
# Add blank above content if requested
a <- NULL
if (i == 1 & content_blank_row %in% c("both", "above"))
a <- rs$blank_row
# Sum up lines
cnts <- sum(length(a), ttls$lines, ttl_hdr$lines, lns[[i]])
# Get footnotes
if ("bottom" %in% get_outer_borders(txt$borders))
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_docx(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, cnts,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn, TRUE,
content_brdrs = txt$borders)
ftnts <- get_page_footnotes_docx(rs, txt, width, lpg_rows, cnts,
wrap_flag, content_blank_row, talgn, FALSE,
content_brdrs = txt$borders)
# Combine titles, blanks, body, and footnotes
rws <- c(a, ttls$docx, ttl_hdr$docx,
rwhd, s, rwft)
ret[[length(ret) + 1]] <- c(rws, ftnts$docx, rs$table_break)
cnt[[length(cnt) + 1]] <- sum(cnts, ftnts$lines)
res <- list(docx = ret, lines = cnt)
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