
Defines functions .insert_helper insert_rrow chk_compat_cinfos .combine_rows cbind_rtables chk_cbindable_many classvec has_one_unq nz_len_els combine_cinfo rbindl_rtables only_first_annot all_annots_identical rtablel rtable .char_to_hrows rheader hrows_to_colinfo paste_em_n rrowl rrow

Documented in cbind_rtables insert_rrow rbindl_rtables rheader rrow rrowl rtable rtablel

#' row
#' @inheritParams compat_args
#' @param \dots cell values
#' @export
#' @return A row object of the context-appropriate type (label or data)
#' @family compatibility
#' @examples
#' rrow("ABC", c(1,2), c(3,2), format = "xx (xx.%)")
#' rrow("")
rrow <- function(row.name = "", ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L) {
    vals <- list(...)
        row.name <- ""
    else if (!is(row.name, "character"))
        stop("row.name must be NULL or a character string")
    if(length(vals) == 0L) {
        LabelRow(lev = as.integer(indent),
                 label = row.name,
                 name = row.name,
                 vis = TRUE,
                 table_inset = 0L)
    } else {
        csps <- as.integer(sapply(vals, function(x) {
            attr(x, "colspan", exact = TRUE) %||% 1L
        ## we have to leave the formats on the cells and NOT the row unless we were
        ## already told to do so, because row formats get clobbered  when cbinding
        ## but cell formats do not.
        ## formats = sapply(vals, obj_format)
        ## if(is.character(formats) && length(unique(formats)) == 1L && is.null(format))
        ##     format = unique(formats)
        DataRow(val = vals, lev = as.integer(indent), label = row.name,
                name = row.name, ## XXX TODO
                cspan = csps,
                format = format,
                table_inset = as.integer(inset))

#' `rrowl`
#' @inheritParams compat_args
#' @param \dots values in vector/list form
#' @inherit rrow return
#' @export
#' @family compatibility
#' @examples
#' rrowl("a", c(1,2,3), format = "xx")
#' rrowl("a", c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6), format = "xx")
#' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species))
#' rrowl("N", table(iris$Species), format = "xx")
#' x <- tapply(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Species, mean, simplify = FALSE)
#' rrow(row.name = "row 1", x)
#' rrow("ABC", 2, 3)
#' rrowl(row.name = "row 1", c(1, 2), c(3,4))
#' rrow(row.name = "row 2", c(1, 2), c(3,4))
rrowl <- function(row.name, ..., format = NULL, indent = 0, inset = 0L)  {
    dots <- list(...)
    args_list <- c(list(row.name = row.name, format = format,
        indent = indent, inset = inset), val = unlist(lapply(dots, as.list), recursive = FALSE))
    do.call(rrow, args_list)

## rcell moved to tt_afun_utils.R

##inefficient trash
paste_em_n <- function(lst, n, sep = ".") {
    ret <- lst[[1]]
    if(n > 1) {
        for(i in 2:n) {
            ret <- paste(ret, lst[[i]], sep = sep)

hrows_to_colinfo <- function(rows) {
    nr <- length(rows)
    stopifnot(nr > 0)
    cspans <- lapply(rows, row_cspans)
    vals <- lapply(rows, function(x) unlist(row_values(x)))
    unqvals <- lapply(vals, unique)
    formats <- lapply(rows, obj_format)
    counts <- NULL
    if(formats[nr] == "(N=xx)" ||
         all(sapply(row_cells(rows[[nr]]), obj_format) == "(N=xx)")) { ## count row
        counts <- vals[[nr]]
        vals <- vals[-nr]
        cspans <- cspans[-nr]
        nr <- nr - 1
    ## easiest case, one header row no counts. we're done
    ## XXX could one row but cspan ever make sense????
    ## I don't think so?
    if(nr == 1) { ## && all(cspans == 1L)) {
        ret <- manual_cols(unlist(vals[[1]]))
        if(!is.null(counts)) {
            col_counts(ret) <- counts
            disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE
    ## second easiest case full repeated nestin
    repvals <- mapply(function(v, csp) rep(v, times = csp),
                     v = vals, csp = cspans, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    ## nr > 1 here
    fullnest <- TRUE
    for(i in 2:nr) {
        psted <- paste_em_n(repvals, i - 1)
        spl <- split(repvals[[i]], psted)
        if(!all(sapply(spl, function(x)
                 identical(x, spl[[1]])))) {

            fullnest <- FALSE

    ## if its full nesting we're done, so put
    ## the counts on as necessary and return.
    if(fullnest) {
        ret <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals)
        if(!is.null(counts)) {
            col_counts(ret) <- counts
            disp_ccounts(ret) <- TRUE

    ## booo. the fully complex case where the multiple rows
    ## really don't represent nesting at all, each top level
    ## can have different sub labels

    ## we will build it up as if it were full nesting and then prune
    ## based on the columns we actually want.

    fullcolinfo <- manual_cols(.lst = unqvals)
    fullbusiness <- names(collect_leaves(coltree(fullcolinfo)))
    wanted <- paste_em_n(repvals, nr)
    wantcols <- match(wanted, fullbusiness)

    subset_cols(fullcolinfo, wantcols)

#' Create a header
#' @inheritParams compat_args
#' @param \dots row specifications (either as character vectors or the output
#'   from \code{\link{rrow}} or \code{\link{DataRow}}, \code{\link{LabelRow}},
#'   etc.
#' @export
#' @return a \code{InstantiatedColumnInfo} object.
#' @family compatibility
#' @examples
#' h1 <- rheader(c("A", "B", "C"))
#' h2 <- rheader(
#'   rrow(NULL, rcell("group 1", colspan = 2), rcell("group 2", colspan = 2)),
#'   rrow(NULL, "A", "B", "A", "B")
#' )
#' h1
#' h2
rheader <- function(..., format = "xx", .lst = NULL) {
        args <- .lst
        args <- list(...)
    rrows <- if (length(args) == 1 && !is(args[[1]], "TableRow")) {
        list(rrowl(row.name = NULL, val = args[[1]], format = format))
    } else if (are(args, "TableRow")) {


.char_to_hrows <- function(hdr) {
    nlfnd <- grep("\n", hdr, fixed = TRUE)
    if(length(nlfnd) == 0)
        return(list(rrowl(NULL, hdr)))

    stopifnot(length(nlfnd) == length(hdr))
    raw <- strsplit(hdr, "\n", fixed = TRUE)
    lens <- unique(sapply(raw, length))
    stopifnot(length(lens) == 1L)
    lapply(seq(1, lens),
           function(i) {
        rrowl(NULL, vapply(raw, `[`, NA_character_, i = i))

#' Create a Table
#' @rdname rtable
#' @inheritParams compat_args
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param header Information defining the header (column structure) of the table.
#'   This can be as row objects (legacy), character vectors or a
#'   \code{InstantiatedColumnInfo} object.
#' @param \dots Rows to place in the table.
#' @export
#' @return a formal table object of the appropriate type (\code{ElementaryTable}
#'   or \code{TableTree})
#' @family compatibility
#' @examples
#' rtable(
#'   header = LETTERS[1:3],
#'   rrow("one to three", 1, 2, 3),
#'   rrow("more stuff", rcell(pi, format = "xx.xx"), "test", "and more")
#' )
#' # Table with multirow header
#' sel <- iris$Species == "setosa"
#' mtbl <- rtable(
#'   header = rheader(
#'     rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2),
#'          rcell("Petal.Length", colspan=2)),
#'     rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")
#'   ),
#'   rrow(
#'     row.name = "All Species",
#'     mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length),
#'     mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length),
#'     format = "xx.xx"
#'   ),
#'   rrow(
#'     row.name = "Setosa",
#'     mean(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Sepal.Length[sel]),
#'     mean(iris$Petal.Length[sel]), median(iris$Petal.Length[sel])
#'   )
#' )
#' mtbl
#' names(mtbl) # always first row of header
#' # Single row header
#' tbl <- rtable(
#'   header = c("Treatement\nN=100", "Comparison\nN=300"),
#'   format = "xx (xx.xx%)",
#'   rrow("A", c(104, .2), c(100, .4)),
#'   rrow("B", c(23, .4), c(43, .5)),
#'   rrow(""),
#'   rrow("this is a very long section header"),
#'   rrow("estimate", rcell(55.23, "xx.xx", colspan = 2)),
#'   rrow("95% CI", indent = 1, rcell(c(44.8, 67.4), format = "(xx.x, xx.x)", colspan = 2))
#' )
#' tbl
#' row.names(tbl)
#' names(tbl)
#' # Subsetting
#' tbl[1, ]
#' tbl[, 1]
#' tbl[1,2]
#' tbl[2, 1]
#' tbl[3,2]
#' tbl[5,1]
#' tbl[5,2]
#'# # Data Structure methods
#' dim(tbl)
#' nrow(tbl)
#' ncol(tbl)
#' names(tbl)
#'# Colspans
#' tbl2 <- rtable(
#'   c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
#'   format = "xx",
#'   rrow("r1", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
#'   rrow("r2", rcell("sp2", colspan = 2), "sp1", rcell("sp2-2", colspan = 2))
#' )
#' tbl2
rtable <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(),
                   inset = 0L) {
        header <- .char_to_hrows(header) #list(rrowl(NULL, header))
    if(is.list(header)) {
        if(are(header, "TableRow"))
            colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(header)
        else if(are(header, "list"))
            colinfo <- do.call(rheader, header)
    } else if(is(header, "InstantiatedColumnInfo")) {
        colinfo <- header
    } else if (is(header, "TableRow")) {
        colinfo <- hrows_to_colinfo(list(header))
    } else {


    body <- list(...)
    ## XXX this shouldn't be needed. hacky
    if(length(body) == 1 && is.list(body[[1]]))
        body <- body[[1]]
    if(are(body, "ElementaryTable") &&
       all(sapply(body, function(tb) {
           nrow(tb) == 1 && obj_name(tb) == ""
       }))) {
        body <- lapply(body, function(tb) tree_children(tb)[[1]])

    TableTree(kids = body, format = format, cinfo = colinfo,
              labelrow = LabelRow(lev = 0L, label = "", vis = FALSE),
              hsep = hsep, inset = inset)

#' @rdname rtable
#' @export
rtablel <- function(header, ..., format = NULL, hsep = default_hsep(), inset = 0L) {
    dots <- list(...)
    args_list <- c(list(header = header, format = format, hsep = hsep, inset = inset), unlist(lapply(dots,
        as.list), recursive = FALSE))
    do.call(rtable, args_list)

# All object annotations are identical (and exist)
all_annots_identical <- function(all_annots) {
    if (!is.list(all_annots)) {
        all_annots[1] != "" && length(unique(all_annots)) == 1
    } else {
        length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && Reduce(identical, all_annots)

# Only first object has annotations
only_first_annot <- function(all_annots) {
    if (!is.list(all_annots)) {
        all_annots[1] != "" && all(all_annots[-1] == "")
    } else {
        length(all_annots[[1]]) > 0 && all(sapply(all_annots, length)[-1] == 0)

#' @rdname rbind
#' @return A formal table object.
#' @export
#' @param gap deprecated. Ignored.
#' @param check_headers deprecated. Ignored.
rbindl_rtables <- function(x, gap = 0, check_headers = TRUE) {
        warning("check_headers = FALSE is no longer supported, ignoring.")

    firstcols <- col_info(x[[1]])
    i <- 1
    while(no_colinfo(firstcols) &&
          i <= length(x)) {
              firstcols <- col_info(x[[i]])
              i <- i + 1

    lapply(x, function(xi) chk_compat_cinfos(x[[1]], xi)) ##col_info(xi)))

    rbind_annot <- list(main_title = "", 
                        subtitles = character(), 
                        main_footer = character(), 
                        prov_footer = character())

    # Titles/footer info are (independently) retained from first object if 
    # identical or missing in all other objects
    all_titles <- sapply(x, main_title)
    if (all_annots_identical(all_titles) || only_first_annot(all_titles)) {
        rbind_annot[["main_title"]] <- all_titles[[1]]

    all_sts <- lapply(x, subtitles)
    if (all_annots_identical(all_sts) || only_first_annot(all_sts)) {
        rbind_annot[["subtitles"]] <- all_sts[[1]]

    all_ftrs <- lapply(x, main_footer)
    if (all_annots_identical(all_ftrs) || only_first_annot(all_ftrs)) {
        rbind_annot[["main_footer"]] <- all_ftrs[[1]]

    all_pfs <- lapply(x, prov_footer)
    if (all_annots_identical(all_pfs) || only_first_annot(all_pfs)) {
        rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]] <- all_pfs[[1]]

    ## if we got only ElementaryTable and
    ## TableRow objects, construct a new
    ## elementary table with all the rows
    ## instead of adding nesting.

    ## we used to check for xi not being a lable row, why?? XXX
    if(all(sapply(x, function(xi) {
        (is(xi, "ElementaryTable") && !labelrow_visible(xi)) ||
            is(xi, "TableRow")}))) { ## && !is(xi, "LabelRow")}))) {
        x <- unlist(lapply(x, function(xi) {
            if(is(xi, "TableRow")) {
            } else {
                lst <- tree_children(xi)
                lapply(lst, indent,
                       by = indent_mod(xi))

    TableTree(kids = x,
              cinfo = firstcols,
              name = "rbind_root",
              label = "",
              title = rbind_annot[["main_title"]],
              subtitles = rbind_annot[["subtitles"]],
              main_footer = rbind_annot[["main_footer"]],
              prov_footer = rbind_annot[["prov_footer"]])


#' `rbind` `TableTree` and related objects
#' @rdname rbind
#' @aliases rbind
#' @exportMethod rbind
#' @param deparse.level numeric(1). Currently Ignored.
#' @param \dots ANY. Elements to be stacked.
#' @note
#' When objects are rbinded, titles and footer information is retained from the first object (if any exists) if all 
#' other objects have no titles/footers or have identical titles/footers. Otherwise, all titles/footers are removed 
#' and must be set for the bound table via the [main_title()], [subtitles()], [main_footer()], and [prov_footer()] 
#' functions.
#' @examples
#' mtbl <- rtable(
#'    header = rheader(
#'      rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan=2)),
#'      rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")
#'    ),
#'    rrow(
#'      row.name = "All Species",
#'      mean(iris$Sepal.Length), median(iris$Sepal.Length),
#'      mean(iris$Petal.Length), median(iris$Petal.Length),
#'      format = "xx.xx"
#'    )
#'  )
#'  mtbl2 <- with(subset(iris, Species == 'setosa'), rtable(
#'    header = rheader(
#'      rrow(row.name = NULL, rcell("Sepal.Length", colspan = 2), rcell("Petal.Length", colspan=2)),
#'      rrow(NULL, "mean", "median", "mean", "median")
#'    ),
#'    rrow(
#'      row.name = "Setosa",
#'      mean(Sepal.Length), median(Sepal.Length),
#'      mean(Petal.Length), median(Petal.Length),
#'      format = "xx.xx"
#'    )
#'  ))
#' rbind(mtbl, mtbl2)
#' rbind(mtbl, rrow(), mtbl2)
#' rbind(mtbl, rrow("aaa"), indent(mtbl2))
setMethod("rbind", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
    rbindl_rtables(list(...), check_headers = TRUE)

#' @exportMethod rbind2
#' @param y Second element to be `rbound` via `rbind2`
#' @rdname int_methods
setMethod("rbind2", c("VTableNodeInfo", "missing"),
          function(x, y) {
    TableTree(kids = list(x), cinfo = col_info(x), name = "rbind_root", label = "")

#' @exportMethod rbind2
#' @param x `VTableNodeInfo`. `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable` or `TableRow` object.
#' @param y `VTableNodeInfo`. `TableTree`, `ElementaryTable` or `TableRow` object.
#' @rdname rbind
setMethod("rbind2", "VTableNodeInfo",
          function(x, y) {
     rbindl_rtables(list(x, y), check_headers = TRUE)

combine_cinfo <- function(..., new_total = NULL) {
    tabs <- list(...)
    cinfs <- lapply(tabs, col_info)
    stopifnot(are(cinfs, "InstantiatedColumnInfo"))

    ctrees <- lapply(cinfs, coltree)

    newctree <- LayoutColTree(kids = ctrees)
    newcounts <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_counts))
        new_total <- sum(newcounts)
    newexprs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_exprs), recursive = FALSE)
    newexargs <- unlist(lapply(cinfs, col_extra_args), recursive = FALSE) %||% vector("list", length(newcounts))
    newdisp <- any(vapply(cinfs, disp_ccounts, NA))
    alltls <- lapply(cinfs, top_left)
    newtl <- character()
    if(!are(tabs, "TableRow")) {
        alltls <- alltls[vapply(alltls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)] ## these are already enforced to all be the same
        if(length(alltls) > 0)
            newtl <- alltls[[1]]
    InstantiatedColumnInfo(treelyt = newctree,
                           csubs = newexprs,
                           extras = newexargs,
                           cnts = newcounts,
                           dispcounts = newdisp,
                           countformat = colcount_format(cinfs[[1]]),
                           total_cnt = new_total,
                           topleft = newtl)

nz_len_els <- function(lst) {
    if(is(lst, "list"))
        lst[vapply(lst, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)]
    else if(is(lst, "character"))
has_one_unq <- function(x) {
    length(unique(nz_len_els(x))) <= 1

classvec <- function(lst, enforce_one = TRUE) {
        vapply(lst, class, "")
        lapply(lst, class)

chk_cbindable_many <- function(lst) {
    ## we actually want is/inherits there but no easy way
    ## to figure out what the lowest base class is
    ## that I can think of right now, so we do the
    ## broken wrong thing instead :(
    if(are(lst, "TableRow")) {
            stop("Cannot cbind different types of TableRow objects together")
    ## if(!are(lst, "VTableTree")
    ##     stop("Not all elements to be bound are TableTrees or TableRows")

    nrs <- vapply(lst, NROW, 1L)
        stop("Not all elements to be bound have matching numbers of rows")

    tls <- lapply(lst, top_left)
    if(!has_one_unq(tls[vapply(tls, function(x) length(x) > 0, NA)]))
        stop("Elements to be bound have differing top-left content: ",
             paste(which(!duplicated(tls)), collapse = " "))

    if(all(vapply(lst, function(x) nrow(x) == 0, NA)))

    rns <- matrix(vapply(lst, row.names, rep("", nrs[[1]])),
                  nrow = nrs[[1]])
    rnsok <- apply(rns, 1, has_one_unq)
    if(!all(rnsok)) {
        stop("Mismatching, non-empty row names detected in rows ",
             paste(which(!rnsok), collapse = " "))

    rws <- lapply(lst, collect_leaves, add.labrows = TRUE)
    rwclsmat <- matrix(unlist(lapply(rws, classvec)),
                       ncol = length(lst))

    rwsok <- apply(rwclsmat, 1, has_one_unq)
        stop("Mismatching row classes found for rows: ",
             paste(which(!rwsok), collapse = " "))

#' `cbind` two `rtables`
#' @param x A table or row object
#' @param \dots 1 or more further objects of the same class as \code{x}
#' @inherit rbindl_rtables return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rtable(c("A", "B"), rrow("row 1", 1,2), rrow("row 2", 3, 4))
#' y <- rtable("C", rrow("row 1", 5), rrow("row 2", 6))
#' z <- rtable("D", rrow("row 1", 9), rrow("row 2", 10))
#' t1 <- cbind_rtables(x, y)
#' t1
#' t2 <- cbind_rtables(x, y, z)
#' t2
#' col_paths_summary(t1)
#' col_paths_summary(t2)
cbind_rtables <-  function(x, ...) {
    lst <- list(...)
    newcinfo <- combine_cinfo(x, ...)
    recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = newcinfo, .list = lst)

setGeneric("recurse_cbindl", function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) standardGeneric("recurse_cbindl"))

setMethod("recurse_cbindl", c(x = "VTableNodeInfo",
                              cinfo = "NULL"),
          function(x, cinfo, .list  = NULL) {
    recurse_cbindl(x, cinfo = combine_cinfo(.list), .list = .list)

setMethod("recurse_cbindl", c(x = "TableTree",
                             cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"),
          function(x, cinfo, .list = NULL) {
    stopifnot(are(.list, "VTableTree"))
    ## chk_cbindable(x, y)
    xcont <- content_table(x)
    lstconts <- lapply(.list, content_table)
    lcontnrows <- vapply(lstconts, NROW, 1L)
    unqnrcont <- unique(c(NROW(xcont), lcontnrows))
    if(length(unqnrcont) > 1) {
        stop("Got differing numbers of content rows [",
             paste(unqnrcont, collapse = ", "),
             "]. Unable to cbind these rtables")

    if(unqnrcont == 0) {
        cont <- ElementaryTable(cinfo = cinfo)
    } else {
        cont <- recurse_cbindl(xcont,
                             .list = lstconts,
                             cinfo = cinfo)

    kids <- lapply(seq_along(tree_children(x)),
                  function(i) {
        recurse_cbindl(x = tree_children(x)[[i]],
                      cinfo = cinfo,
                      .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]]))
    names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x))
    TableTree(kids = kids, labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x),
                                                    cinfo = cinfo,
                                                    .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow)),
              cont = cont,
              name = obj_name(x),
              lev = tt_level(x),
              cinfo = cinfo,
              format = obj_format(x))

setMethod("recurse_cbindl", c(x = "ElementaryTable",
                              cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"),
          function(x, cinfo, .list) {
    stopifnot(are(.list, class(x)))
 ##   chk_cbindable(x,y)
    if(nrow(x) == 0 &&
       all(vapply(.list, nrow, 1L) == 0)) {
        col_info(x) <- cinfo
        return(x) ## this needs testing... I was right, it did #136
    kids <- lapply(seq_along(tree_children(x)),
                  function(i) {
        recurse_cbindl(x = tree_children(x)[[i]],
                      cinfo = cinfo,
                      .list = lapply(.list, function(tt) tree_children(tt)[[i]]))
    names(kids) <- names(tree_children(x))

     ElementaryTable(kids = kids,
                    labelrow = recurse_cbindl(tt_labelrow(x),
                                             .list = lapply(.list, tt_labelrow),
                    name = obj_name(x),
                    lev = tt_level(x),
                    cinfo = cinfo,
                    format = obj_format(x),
                    var = obj_avar(x))

.combine_rows <- function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {

    stopifnot(are(.list, class(x)))

    avars <- c(obj_avar(x), unlist(lapply(.list, obj_avar), recursive = FALSE))
    avars <- avars[!is.na(avars)]

    if(length(unique(avars)) > 1)
        stop("Got rows that don't analyze the same variable")

    xlst <- c(list(x), .list)

    ncols <- vapply(xlst, ncol, 1L)
    totcols <- sum(ncols)
    cumncols <- cumsum(ncols)
    strtncols <- c(0L, head(cumncols, -1)) + 1L
    vals <- vector("list", totcols)
    cspans <- integer(totcols)
    ## vals[1:ncol(x)] <- row_values(x)
    ## cpans[1:ncol(x)] <- row_cspans(x)

    for(i in seq_along(xlst)) {
        strt <- strtncols[i]
        end <- cumncols[i]
        ## full vars are here for debugging purposes
        fullvy <- vy <- row_cells(xlst[[i]]) # nolint
        fullcspy <- cspy <- row_cspans(xlst[[i]]) # nolint

        if(i > 1 &&
           identical(rawvalues(vy[[1]]), rawvalues(lastval)) &&
         ##  cspy[1] == lastspn &&
           lastspn > 1) {
            vy <- vy[-1]
            cspans[strt - 1L] <- lastspn + cspy[1]
            cspy <- cspy[-1]
            strt <- strt + 1L
        if(length(vy) > 0) {
            vals[strt:end] <- vy
            cspans[strt:end] <- cspy
            lastval <- vy[[length(vy)]]
            lastspn <- cspy[[length(cspy)]]
        } else {
            ## lastval stays the same
            lastspn <- cspans[strtncols[i] - 1] ## already updated

    ## Could be DataRow or ContentRow
    ## This is ok because LabelRow is special cased
    constr_fun <- get(class(x), mode = "function")
    constr_fun(val = vals,
               cspan = cspans,
               cinfo = cinfo,
               var = obj_avar(x),
               format = obj_format(x),
               name = obj_name(x),
               label = obj_label(x))

setMethod("recurse_cbindl", c("TableRow",
          function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {
    .combine_rows(x, cinfo, .list)

setMethod("recurse_cbindl", c(x = "LabelRow",
                             cinfo = "InstantiatedColumnInfo"),
          function(x, cinfo = NULL, .list) {
    col_info(x) <- cinfo

## we don't care about the following discrepencies:
## - ci2  having NA counts when ci1 doesn't
## - mismatching display_ccounts values
## - mismatching colcount formats

#chk_compat_cinfos <- function(ci1, ci2) {
chk_compat_cinfos <- function(tt1, tt2) {
    nc1 <- ncol(tt1)
    nc2 <- ncol(tt2)
    if(nc1 != nc2 && nc1 > 0 && nc2 > 0)
        stop("Column structures contain different non-zero numbers of columns: ", nc1, ", ", nc2)
    if(no_colinfo(tt1) || no_colinfo(tt2))
    ci1 <- col_info(tt1)
    ci2 <- col_info(tt2)
    ## this will enforce same length and
    ## same names, in addition to same
    ## expressions so we dont need
    ## to check those separateley
    if(!identical(col_exprs(ci1), col_exprs(ci2))) {
        stop("Column structures not compatible: subset expression lists not identical")

    if (any(!is.na(col_counts(ci2))) &&
                   col_counts(ci2))) {
        stop("Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has non-matching, non-null column counts")

    if (any(sapply(col_extra_args(ci2),
                   function(x) length(x) > 0)) &&
                   col_extra_args(ci2))) {
        stop("Column structures not compatible: 2nd column structure has ",
             "non-matching, non-null extra args")


    if(any(nzchar(top_left(ci1))) && any(nzchar(top_left(ci2))) &&
       !identical(top_left(ci1), top_left(ci2))) {
        stop("Top-left materials not compatible: Got non-empty, non-matching ",
             "top-left materials. Clear them using top_left(x)<-character() ",
             "before binding to force compatibility.")

#' \[DEPRECATED\] insert `rrows` at (before) a specific location
#' This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of
#' `rtables`. Please use \code{\link{insert_row_at_path}} or
#' \code{\link{label_at_path}} instead.
#' @param tbl `rtable`
#' @param rrow `rrow` to append to `rtable`
#' @param at position into which to put the `rrow`, defaults to beginning (i.e. 1)
#' @param ascontent logical. Currently ignored.
#' @return A `TableTree` of the same specific class as \code{tbl}
#' @export
#' @inherit rbindl_rtables return
#' @note Label rows (i.e. a row with no data values, only a `row.name`) can only be
#'   inserted at positions which do not already contain a label row when there
#'   is a non-trivial nested row structure in \code{tbl}
#' @examples
#' o <- options(warn = 0)
#' lyt <- basic_table() %>%
#'     split_cols_by("Species") %>%
#'     analyze("Sepal.Length")
#' tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)
#' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"))
#' insert_rrow(tbl, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2)
#' lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
#'     split_cols_by("Species") %>%
#'     split_rows_by("Species") %>%
#'     analyze("Sepal.Length")
#' tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, iris)
#' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"))
#' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 2)
#' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("Hello World"), at = 4)
#' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7))
#' insert_rrow(tbl2, rrow("new row", 5, 6, 7), at = 3)
#' options(o)
insert_rrow <- function(tbl, rrow, at = 1,
                        ascontent = FALSE) {
    .Deprecated("insert_row_at_path or label_at_path(tab)<-", old = "insert_rrow")
    stopifnot(is(tbl, "VTableTree"),
              is(rrow, "TableRow"),
              at >= 1 && at <= nrow(tbl) + 1)
    chk_compat_cinfos(tbl, rrow)
        col_info(rrow) <- col_info(tbl)

    if (at == 1) {
        return(rbindl_rtables(list(rrow, tbl),
                              check_headers = TRUE))
    } else if (at == nrow(tbl) + 1) {
        return(rbind2(tbl, rrow))

    ret <- recurse_insert(tbl, rrow, at = at,
                          pos = 0,
                          ascontent = ascontent)

.insert_helper <- function(tt, row, at, pos,
                          ascontent = FALSE) {
    islab <- is(row, "LabelRow")
    kids <- tree_children(tt)
    numkids <- length(kids)
    kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow)
    cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs)
    contnr <- if(is(tt, "TableTree"))
    contnr <- contnr + as.numeric(labelrow_visible(tt))

    totnr <- nrow(tt)
    endpos <- pos + totnr
    atend <- !islab && endpos == at - 1
    if(at == pos + 1
       && islab) {
            stop("Inserting a label row at a position that already has a label row is not currently supported")
        tt_labelrow(tt) <- row

    if(numkids == 0) {
        kids <- list(row)
    } else if (atend) {
        if(are(kids, "TableRow")) {
            kids <- c(kids, list(row))
        } else {
            kids[[numkids]] <- recurse_insert(
                row =  row,
                at = at,
                pos = pos + contnr + sum(kidnrs[-numkids]),
                ascontent =  ascontent)
    } else { #have >0 kids
        kidnrs <- sapply(kids, nrow)
        cumpos <- pos + cumsum(kidnrs)

        ## data rows go in the end of the
        ## preceding subtable (if applicable)
        ## label rows go in the beginning of
        ##  one at at
        ind <- min(which((cumpos + !islab) >= at),
        thekid <- kids[[ind]]

        if(is(thekid, "TableRow")) {
            tt_level(row) <- tt_level(thekid)
            if(ind == 1) {
                bef <- integer()
                aft <- 1:numkids
            } else if(ind == numkids) {
                bef <- 1:(ind - 1)
                aft <- ind
            } else {
                bef <- 1:ind
                aft <- (ind + 1):numkids
            kids <- c(kids[bef], list(row),
        } else { # kid is not a table row
            newpos <- if(ind == 1)
                          pos + contnr
                          cumpos[ind - 1]

            kids[[ind]] <- recurse_insert(thekid,
                                          pos = newpos,
                                          ascontent = ascontent)
        } # end kid is not table row
    tree_children(tt) <- kids

setGeneric("recurse_insert", function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) standardGeneric("recurse_insert"))
setMethod("recurse_insert", "TableTree",
          function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) {
    ctab <- content_table(tt)
    contnr <- nrow(ctab)
    contpos <- pos + contnr
    islab <- is(row, "LabelRow")
    ## this will NOT insert it as
    if((contnr > 0 || islab) &&
       contpos > at) {
        content_table(tt) <- recurse_insert(ctab, row, at, pos, TRUE)

    .insert_helper(tt, row, at = at, pos = pos + contnr,
                   ascontent = ascontent)

setMethod("recurse_insert", "ElementaryTable",
          function(tt, row, at, pos, ascontent = FALSE) {
    .insert_helper(tt, row, at = at, pos = pos,
                   ascontent = FALSE)

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rtables documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 5:07 p.m.