
context("Printing tables")

test_that("toString method works correclty", {
  tbl <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("Species") %>%
    analyze(c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Width"), function(x) {
        mean_sd = c(mean(x), sd(x)),
        var = var(x),
        min_max = range(x),
        .formats = c("xx.xx (xx.xx)", "xx.xxx", "xx.x - xx.x"),
        .labels = c("Mean (sd)", "Variance", "Min - Max")
    }) %>%
    build_table(iris, hsep = "=")


  expstr_lns <- c(
    "                 setosa      versicolor     virginica ",
    "                 (N=50)        (N=50)        (N=50)   ",
    "Sepal.Length                                          ",
    "  Mean (sd)    5.01 (0.35)   5.94 (0.52)   6.59 (0.64)",
    "  Variance        0.124         0.266         0.404   ",
    "  Min - Max     4.3 - 5.8     4.9 - 7.0     4.9 - 7.9 ",
    "Petal.Width                                           ",
    "  Mean (sd)    0.25 (0.11)   1.33 (0.20)   2.03 (0.27)",
    "  Variance        0.011         0.039         0.075   ",
    "  Min - Max     0.1 - 0.6     1.0 - 1.8     1.4 - 2.5 \n"

  exp_str <- paste(expstr_lns, collapse = "\n")


test_that("labels correctly used for columns rather than names", {
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_cols_by("SEX", "Gender", labels_var = "gend_label") %>%

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, rawdat)

  matform <- matrix_form(tbl)
    matform$strings[1:2, ],
        "", rep(c("ARM1", "ARM2"), times = c(2, 2)),
        "", rep(c("Male", "Female"), times = 2)
      byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2, dimnames = NULL
        1, rep(2, 4),
        rep(1, 10)
      byrow = TRUE,
      nrow = 3,
      dimnames = list(NULL, c("", paste(
        rep(c("ARM1", "ARM2"),
          times = c(2, 2)
        rep(c("M", "F"),
          times = 2
        sep = "."

  ## multivarsplit varlabels work correctly
  tbl2 <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_cols_by_multivar(c("VALUE", "PCTDIFF"), varlabels = c("Measurement", "Pct Diff")) %>%
    split_rows_by("RACE", split_label = "ethnicity", split_fun = drop_split_levels) %>%
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    analyze_colvars(afun = mean, format = "xx.xx") %>%

  matform2 <- matrix_form(tbl2)

    matform2$strings[1:2, ],
        "", rep(c("ARM1", "ARM2"), times = c(2, 2)),
        "", rep(c("Measurement", "Pct Diff"), times = 2)
      byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2

  ## same var different labels in split_by_multivar
  vlabs <- c("Age", "SecondAge", "Gender", "Age Redux")
  lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by_multivar(c("AGE", "AGE", "SEX", "AGE"),
      varlabels = vlabs
    ) %>%
    analyze_colvars(list(mean, median, function(x, ...) max(table(x)), sd))

  tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, rawdat)
  matform3 <- matrix_form(tbl3)
    matform3$strings[1, ],
    c("", vlabs)

test_that("nested identical labels work ok", {
  df <- data.frame(
    h2 = factor(c("<Missing>")),
    x = factor(c("<Missing>"))

  t2 <- basic_table() %>%
    split_rows_by("h2") %>%
    analyze("x") %>%
  mat <- matrix_form(t2)
  expect_identical(mat$strings[, 1], c("", "<Missing>", "<Missing>"))

test_that("newline in column names and possibly cell values work", {
  df <- data.frame(
    n = 1,
    median = 10

  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by_multivar(vars = c("n", "median"), varlabels = c("N", "Median\n(Days)")) %>%
    analyze_colvars(afun = mean)
  tbl <- build_table(lyt, df)

  mat <- matrix_form(tbl)
        "", "", "Median",
        "", "N", "(Days)",
        "mean", "1", "10"
      nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE
  ## Test top_left preservation
  rawdat2 <- rawdat
  rawdat2$arm_label <- ifelse(rawdat2$ARM == "ARM1", "Arm\n 1 ", "Arm\n 2 ")

  lyt2 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", labels_var = "arm_label") %>%
    split_cols_by("SEX", "Gender", labels_var = "gend_label") %>%
    split_rows_by("RACE", "Ethnicity", labels_var = "ethn_label", label_pos = "topleft") %>%
    split_rows_by("FACTOR2", "Factor2",
      split_fun = remove_split_levels("C"),
      labels_var = "fac2_label",
      label_pos = "topleft"
    ) %>%
      "AGE", "Age Analysis",
      afun = function(x) list(mean = mean(x), median = median(x)),
      format = "xx.xx"

  tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, rawdat2)
  matform2 <- matrix_form(tbl2)
    c(18L, 5L)
    matform2$strings[1:4, 1, drop = TRUE],
    c("", "", "Ethnicity", "  Factor2")

  ## cell has \n

  lyt3 <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_rows_by("SEX") %>%
    analyze("AGE", afun = function(x) {
      mn <- round(mean(x), 2)
      if (!is.nan(mn) && mn > mean(DM$AGE)) {
        val <- paste(mn, "  ^  ", sep = "\n")
      } else {
        val <- paste(mn)
      in_rows(my_row_label = rcell(val,
        format = "xx"
  tbl3 <- build_table(lyt3, DM)
  matform3 <- matrix_form(tbl3)
    matform3$strings[, 1, drop = TRUE],
      "F", "my_row_label", "",
      "M", "my_row_label", "",
      "U", "my_row_label",
      "UNDIFFERENTIATED", "my_row_label"
    matform3$strings[, 2, drop = TRUE],
      "A: Drug X",
      "", "33.71", "",
      "", "36.55", "  ^  ",
      "", "NaN",
      "", "NaN"

test_that("alignment works", {
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    analyze("AGE", function(x) {
        left = rcell("l", align = "left"),
        right = rcell("r", align = "right"),
        center = rcell("c", align = "center")

  ## set the hsep so it works the same in all locales since thats not what
  ## we are testing
  aligntab <- build_table(lyt, DM, hsep = "=")

  matform <- matrix_form(aligntab)
    cbind("left", c("center", "left", "right", "center"))

  str <- toString(aligntab)
      "—", horizontal_sep(aligntab),
      "         all obs\n————————————————\nleft     l      \nright          r\ncenter      c   \n"

  lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
    analyze("AGE", function(x) {
        .list = list(left = "l", right = "r", center = "c"),
        .aligns = c(left = "left", right = "right", center = "center")

  aligntab2 <- build_table(lyt, DM, hsep = "=")
  expect_identical(aligntab, aligntab2)

test_that("Decimal alignment works", {
  dec_als <- c("dec_left", "decimal", "dec_right")
  df <- data.frame(
    ARM = factor(dec_als, levels = dec_als),
    AETOXGR = factor(seq(1:3)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    analyze("AETOXGR", afun = function(x, .spl_context, .var) {
      form_v <- list_valid_format_labels()[[1]]
      num_v <- as.list(rep(11.11111, length(form_v)))
      names(num_v) <- paste0("c", seq_along(form_v))

      # xxx to be replaced by cur_col_id
      ref_col <- .spl_context$cur_col_subset
      which_ref_col <- sapply(.spl_context, function(i) identical(i, ref_col))
      col_nm_matched <- names(which_ref_col[which_ref_col])
      stopifnot(col_nm_matched > 1)

        .list = num_v,
        .formats = form_v,
        .aligns = rep(col_nm_matched[1], length(num_v))

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, df)

  cw <- propose_column_widths(tbl)
  cw[2:4] <- cw[2:4] + 3
  # Printed comparison with padding
  res <- strsplit(toString(tbl, widths = cw, hsep = "-"), "\\\n")[[1]]
  expected <- c(
    "         dec_left           decimal          dec_right   ",
    "c1       11.11111           11.11111            11.11111 ",
    "c2       11                 11                  11       ",
    "c3       11.1               11.1                11.1     ",
    "c4       11.11              11.11               11.11    ",
    "c5       11.111             11.111              11.111   ",
    "c6       11.1111            11.1111             11.1111  ",
    "c7     1111.111%          1111.111%           1111.111%  ",
    "c8     1111%              1111%               1111%      ",
    "c9     1111.1%            1111.1%             1111.1%    ",
    "c10    1111.11%           1111.11%            1111.11%   ",
    "c11    1111.111%          1111.111%           1111.111%  ",
    "c12   (N=11.11111)       (N=11.11111)        (N=11.11111)",
    "c13    N=11.11111         N=11.11111          N=11.11111 ",
    "c14      11.1               11.1                11.1     ",
    "c15      11.11              11.11               11.11    ",
    "c16      11.1111            11.1111             11.1111  "
  expect_identical(res, expected)

test_that("Various Printing things work", {
  txtcon <- textConnection("printoutput", "w")
  lyt <- make_big_lyt()

  ## ensure print method works for predata layout
  tab <- build_table(lyt, rawdat)
  ## treestruct(tab)

  table_structure(tab, detail = "subtable") ## treestruct(tab)
  table_structure(tab, detail = "row") ## treestruct(tab)

  ## this is not intended to be a valid layout, it just
  ## tries to hit every type of split for the print machinery
  splvec <- rtables:::SplitVector(lst = list( ## rtables:::NULLSplit(),
    rtables:::AllSplit(split_label = "MyAll"),
    ManualSplit(c("0", "1", "2"), label = LETTERS[1:3]),
    rtables:::make_static_cut_split("x", "StaticCut", c(1, 3, 5),
      cutlabels = LETTERS[1:3]
    rtables:::make_static_cut_split("x", "CumuStaticCut", c(1, 3, 5),
      cutlabels = LETTERS[1:3],
      cumulative = TRUE
    VarDynCutSplit("x", "DynCut", rtables:::qtile_cuts),
    VarLevWBaselineSplit("X", "ref", split_label = "VWBaseline"),
  splvec <- rtables:::cmpnd_last_rowsplit(splvec, AnalyzeVarSplit("x", afun = mean), AnalyzeMultiVars)

  fakelyt <- rtables:::PreDataTableLayouts(
    rlayout = rtables:::PreDataRowLayout(splvec),
    clayout = rtables:::PreDataColLayout(splvec)

  ## pos <- TreePos()
  ## print(pos)
  ctr <- coltree(tab)
  expect_false(any(grepl("new..AnalyzeColVarSplit., analysis_fun =", printoutput)))

test_that("section_div works throughout", {
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_rows_by("ARM", section_div = "-") %>%
    split_rows_by("STRATA1", section_div = " ") %>%

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, DM)

  mylns <- strsplit(toString(tbl), "\\n")[[1]]
  expect_identical(mylns[9], "                        ")
  expect_identical(mylns[12], "------------------------")
  expect_identical(length(mylns), 31L) ## sect div not printed for last one

test_that("section_div works when analyzing multiple variables", {
  # Regression test for #835
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_rows_by("Species", section_div = "|") %>%
    analyze(c("Petal.Width", "Petal.Length"),
      afun = function(x) list("m" = mean(x), "sd" = sd(x)), section_div = "-"

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)
  out <- strsplit(toString(tbl), "\n")[[1]]

  expect_true(check_pattern(out[11], "|", length(out[1])))
  expect_true(check_pattern(out[16], "-", length(out[1])))

  # One-var still works
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_rows_by("Species", section_div = "|") %>%
      afun = function(x) list("m" = mean(x), "sd" = sd(x)), section_div = "-"

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris)
  out <- strsplit(toString(tbl), "\n")[[1]]

  expect_true(check_pattern(out[7], "|", length(out[1])))
  expect_true(check_pattern(out[10], "-", length(out[1])))

test_that("Inset works for table, ref_footnotes, and main footer", {
  general_inset <- 3

  lyt <- basic_table(
    title = paste0("Very ", paste0(rep("very", 10), collapse = " "), " long title"),
    subtitles = paste0("Very ", paste0(rep("very", 15), collapse = " "), " long subtitle"),
    main_footer = paste0("Very ", paste0(rep("very", 6), collapse = " "), " long footer"),
    prov_footer = paste0("Very ", paste0(rep("very", 15), collapse = " "), " prov footer"),
    show_colcounts = TRUE,
    inset = 2
  ) %>%
    split_rows_by("SEX", page_by = TRUE) %>%

  # Building the table and trimming NAs
  tt <- build_table(lyt, DM)
  tt <- prune_table(tt)
  # tt <- trim_rows(tt)

  # Adding references
  # row_paths(tt)
  # row_paths_summary(tt)
  # col_paths(tt)
  # col_paths_summary(tt)
  txt1 <- "Not the best but very long one, probably longer than possible."
  txt2 <- "Why trimming does not take it out?"
  fnotes_at_path(tt, rowpath = c("SEX", "F", "AGE", "Mean")) <- txt1
  fnotes_at_path(tt, rowpath = c("SEX", "M", "AGE", "Mean"), colpath = c("all obs", "all obs")) <- txt2
  # Test also assign function
  table_inset(tt) <- general_inset

  # Recreating the printed form as a vector
  cat_tt <- toString(matrix_form(tt, TRUE), hsep = "=")
  vec_tt <- strsplit(cat_tt, "\n")[[1]]

  # Taking out empty lines
  vec_tt <- vec_tt[vec_tt != ""]

  # Divide string vector in interested sectors
  sep_index <- which(grepl("==", vec_tt)) - 1
  log_v <- seq_along(vec_tt) %in% c(seq_len(sep_index[1]), length(vec_tt))
  no_inset_part <- vec_tt[log_v]
  inset_part <- vec_tt[!log_v]

  # Check indentation
  no_ins_v <- sapply(no_inset_part, function(x) substr(x, 1, general_inset), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  ins_v <- sapply(inset_part, function(x) substr(x, 1, general_inset), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  result <- lapply(list(no_ins_v, ins_v), function(x) all(lengths(regmatches(x, gregexpr(" ", x))) == general_inset))

  expect_false(result[[1]]) # No inset
  expect_true(result[[2]]) # Inset
  expect_true(all(vec_tt[sep_index + 1] == "   ======================"))

test_that("Cell and column label wrapping works in printing", {
  # Set colwidths vector
  clw <- c(5, 7, 6, 6) + 12

  # Checking in detail if Cell values did wrap correctly
  result <- toString(matrix_form(tt_for_wrap[10, 1, keep_footers = TRUE], TRUE),
    widths = c(10, 8),
    col_gap = 2,
    hsep = "-"
  splitted_res <- strsplit(result, "\n")[[1]]

  # First column (rownames) has widths 10 and there is colgap 2
  expect_identical(.count_chr_from_str(splitted_res[1], " "), 10L + 2L)

  # First column label is 8 char
  expect_identical(.count_chr_from_str(splitted_res[1], " ", TRUE), 8L)

  # Separator is at the right place and colnames are wrapped
  expect_identical(splitted_res[7], "--------------------")
  expected <- c(
    "            Incredib",
    "            ly long ",
    "             column ",
    "              name  ",
    "             to be  ",
    "            wrapped "
  expect_identical(splitted_res[1:6], expected)

  # String replacement of NAs wider than expected works with cell wrapping
  expected <- c(
    "Mean         A very ",
    "              long  ",
    "            content ",
    "            to_be_wr",
    "            apped_an",
    "            d_splitt",
    "               ed   "
  expect_identical(splitted_res[8:14], expected)

  # Testing if footers are not affected by this
  expect_identical(splitted_res[17], main_footer(tt_for_wrap))

  # Works for row names too
  result <- toString(matrix_form(tt_for_wrap[6, 1], TRUE), widths = c(10, 8), col_gap = 2)
  splitted_res2 <- strsplit(result, "\n")[[1]]
  expected <- c(
    "BLACK OR            ",
    "AFRICAN             ",
    "AMERICAN            "
  expect_identical(splitted_res2[8:10], expected)

  # Test if it works with numeric values
  tt_simple <- basic_table() %>%
    analyze("AGE", format = "xx.xxxx") %>%
  result <- toString(matrix_form(tt_simple, TRUE),
    widths = c(2, 3),
    col_gap = 1,
    hsep = "-"
  sre3 <- strsplit(result, "\n")[[1]]
  expected <- c("   all", "   obs", "------", "Me 34.", "an 88 ")
  expect_identical(sre3, expected)

  # See if general table has the right amount of \n
  result <- toString(matrix_form(tt_for_wrap, TRUE), widths = clw)
  expect_identical(.count_chr_from_str(result, "\n"), 25L)

test_that("row label indentation is kept even if there are newline characters", {
  ANL <- DM %>%
    mutate(value = rnorm(n()), pctdiff = runif(n())) %>%
    filter(ARM == "A: Drug X")
  ANL$ARM <- factor(ANL$ARM)

  ## toy example where we take the mean of the first variable and the
  ## count of >.5 for the second.
  colfuns <- list(
    function(x) in_rows(" " = mean(x), .formats = "xx.x"), # Empty labels are introduced
    function(x) in_rows("# x > 5" = sum(x > .5), .formats = "xx")

  tbl_a <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff"), varlabels = c("abc", "def")) %>%
      split_label = "Ethnicity",
      split_fun = drop_split_levels,
      label_pos = "topleft"
    ) %>%
    summarize_row_groups(indent_mod = 2) %>%
      split_label = "Sex", label_pos = "topleft",
      split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels(c("UNDIFFERENTIATED", "U"))
    ) %>%
    analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns, indent_mod = 4) %>%

  # Decorating
  table_inset(tbl_a) <- 2
  main_title(tbl_a) <- "Summary of \nTime and \nTreatment"
  subtitles(tbl_a) <- paste("Number: ", 1:3)
  main_footer(tbl_a) <- "NE: Not Estimable"

  # Matrix form and toString
  mf_a <- matrix_form(tbl_a, TRUE, FALSE)
    res_a <- toString(mf_a, widths = c(15, 12, 12)),
    regexp = "Inserted width for row label column is not wide enough"
  expect_silent(res_a <- toString(mf_a, widths = c(17, 12, 12)))
  # 2 is the indentation of summarize_row_groups
  # 1 is the standard indentation
  # 1 + 1 + 4 is the standard nesting indentation (twice) + 4 manual indentation (indentation_mod)
  man_ind <- c(2, 1, 1 + 1 + 4)
  expect_equal(mf_rinfo(mf_a)$indent[1:3], table_inset(tbl_a) + man_ind)
  res_a <- strsplit(res_a, "\n")[[1]]

  # Checking indentation size propagation
  ind_s1 <- 3
  ind_s2 <- 2
  mf3_v1 <- matrix_form(tbl_a, indent_rownames = TRUE, expand_newlines = FALSE, indent_size = ind_s1)
  mf3_v2 <- matrix_form(tbl_a, indent_rownames = TRUE, expand_newlines = FALSE, indent_size = ind_s2)
  which_to_rm <- which(names(mf3_v1) %in% c("strings", "formats", "indent_size", "col_widths"))
  expect_equal(mf3_v1[-which_to_rm], mf3_v2[-which_to_rm]) # These should be the only differences

  str_v1 <- strsplit(mf3_v1$strings[3, 1], "ASIAN")[[1]]
  str_v2 <- strsplit(mf3_v2$strings[3, 1], "ASIAN")[[1]]
  expect_equal(nchar(str_v1), (2 + 2) * ind_s1) # (inset + indent of summ group) * indent_size
  expect_equal(nchar(str_v2), (2 + 2) * ind_s2) # (inset + indent of summ group) * indent_size
  expect_equal(nchar(str_v1), nchar(str_v2) + 4) # This should be the diff in indentation

  # Number of characters (so indentation) are the same when indent_size is used in mf() or toString()
  ind_tbl_v1 <- strsplit(toString(mf3_v1), "\n")[[1]]
  ind_tbl_v2 <- strsplit(toString(tbl_a, indent_size = 3), "\n")[[1]]
  expect_equal(ind_tbl_v1, ind_tbl_v2)

  tbl_b <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM") %>%
    split_cols_by_multivar(c("value", "pctdiff"), varlabels = c("abc", "de\nf")) %>%
      split_label = "Ethnicity",
      label_pos = "topleft"
    ) %>%
    summarize_row_groups(indent_mod = 2) %>%
      split_label = "Sex", label_pos = "topleft",
      split_fun = drop_and_remove_levels(c("UNDIFFERENTIATED", "U"))
    ) %>%
    analyze_colvars(afun = colfuns, indent_mod = 4) %>%

  # Decorating
  table_inset(tbl_b) <- 2
  main_title(tbl_b) <- "Summary of \nTime and \nTreatment"
  subtitles(tbl_b) <- paste("Number: ", 1:3)
  main_footer(tbl_b) <- "NE: Not Estimable"

  # These errors happen but they should not -> to fix matrix_form (in the second case)
  mf_b <- matrix_form(tbl_b, indent_rownames = TRUE, expand_newlines = FALSE)
    toString(mf_b, widths = c(17, 12, 12)),
    "Found newline characters"

test_that("Support for newline characters in all the parts", {
  out <- strsplit(toString(tt_for_nl, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]]
  expected <- c(
    "why not",
    "also here",
    "                                 ",
    "                         ARM     ",
    "                                 ",
    "a                         A      ",
    "b                            A wo",
    "d                     TWO        ",
    "c                    words    rd ",
    "m                                ",
    "annaggia                         ",
    "sda                              ",
    "  F                              ",
    "    Mean             5.81    6.29",
    "  M                              ",
    "    Mean             6.15    5.21",
    "  U                              ",
    "  N                              ",
    "  D                              ",
    "   {1, 2}                        ",
    "    Mean              asd    asd ",
    "                      asd    asd ",
    "  UNDIFFERENTIATED               ",
    "    Mean              asd    asd ",
    "                      asd    asd ",
    "{1} - a fancy footnote",
    "{2} - ahahha",
    "main_footer: This",
    "weird one",
    "prov_footer: This",
    "weird one"
  expect_identical(out, expected)

  # Resolution of footers work with tf_wrap = TRUE
  out <- strsplit(toString(tt_for_nl, tf_wrap = TRUE, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]]
  expect_identical(out, expected)

  # Export_as_txt too
  out <- strsplit(export_as_txt(tt_for_nl, file = NULL, hsep = "-"), "\\n")[[1]]
  expect_identical(out, expected)

test_that("Separators and wrapping work together with getter and setters", {
  ## formatters#221 (bug with wrapping) and #762 (analyze allows it)
  df <- data.frame(
    cat = c(
      "really long thing its so ", "long"
    value = c(6, 3, 10, 1)
  fast_afun <- function(x) list("m" = rcell(mean(x), format = "xx."), "m/2" = max(x) / 2)

  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_rows_by("cat", section_div = "~")

  lyt1 <- lyt %>%
    analyze("value", afun = fast_afun, section_div = " ")

  lyt2 <- lyt %>%
    summarize_row_groups() %>%
    analyze("value", afun = fast_afun, section_div = " ")

  tbl1 <- build_table(lyt1, df)
  tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, df)
  mf1 <- matrix_form(tbl1)
  mf2 <- matrix_form(tbl2)
  expect_identical(mf1$row_info$trailing_sep, mf2$row_info$trailing_sep)
  expect_identical(mf1$row_info$trailing_sep, rep(c(NA, " ", "~"), 2))

  exp1 <- c(
    "            all obs",
    "really             ",
    "long               ",
    "thing its          ",
    "so                 ",
    "  m            8   ",
    "                   ",
    "  m/2          5   ",
    "long               ",
    "  m            2   ",
    "                   ",
    "  m/2         1.5  "

  cw <- propose_column_widths(tbl1)
  cw[1] <- ceiling(cw[1] / 3)
  expect_identical(strsplit(toString(tbl1, widths = cw), "\n")[[1]], exp1)

  # setter and getter
  a_sec_div <- section_div(tbl1)
  a_sec_div[1] <- "a"
  section_div(tbl1) <- a_sec_div
    strsplit(toString(tbl1[seq_len(2), ]), "\\n")[[1]][4],

test_that("horizontal separator is propagated from table to print and export", {
  # GitHub error #778
  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("Species") %>%
    analyze("Sepal.Length", afun = function(x) {
        "mean (sd)" = rcell(c(mean(x), sd(x)), format = "xx.xx (xx.xx)"),
        "range" = diff(range(x))

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, iris, hsep = "~")
  tostring_tbl <- strsplit(toString(tbl), "\n")[[1]]
  export_txt_tbl <- strsplit(export_as_txt(tbl), "\n")[[1]]
  expect_identical(tostring_tbl, export_txt_tbl)

## higher-level showing ncols works:

test_that("showing higher-level ncols works", {
  mydat <- subset(ex_adsl, SEX %in% c("M", "F"))
  mydat$SEX2 <- factor(
      mydat$SEX == "M",
      "super long sentence that involves females"

  lyt <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("SEX2", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>%

  tbl <- build_table(lyt, mydat)
  expect_equal(colcount_na_str(tbl), "")
  colcount_na_str(tbl) <- "wut"
  expect_equal(colcount_na_str(tbl), "wut")
  colcount_na_str(tbl) <- ""
  cwds <- rep(8, ncol(tbl) + 1)
  expect_equal(nlines(col_info(tbl), colwidths = cwds, fontspec = NULL), 7)
  mpf <- matrix_form(tbl, TRUE)
  ## this is to get around complaints about ::: in the precommit rules
  dcfnw <- get("do_cell_fnotes_wrap", asNamespace("formatters"))
  mpf <- dcfnw(mpf, cwds, NULL, FALSE, fontspec = NULL)
  strs <- mf_strings(mpf)
  ## wrapping some cells and not others still works
  expect_equal(strs[3:4, 2], c("", "males"))

  expect_equal(strs[2, 2], "(N=130)")
  ## N= cells all across rows 2 (for ARM) and 5 (for SEX2), except rowlabels
  expect_true(all(grepl("(N=", strs[c(2, 5), -1], fixed = TRUE)))
  ## No N= cells elsewhere
  expect_true(all(!grepl("(N=", strs[-c(2, 5), -1], fixed = TRUE)))

  broken_tbl <- tbl
  expect_true(colcount_visible(broken_tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX2", "males")))
  colcount_visible(broken_tbl, c("ARM", "A: Drug X", "SEX2", "males")) <- FALSE
  expect_error(print(broken_tbl), "different colcount visibility among sibling facets")

  ## does the old accessor still work ok

  lyt2 <- basic_table() %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("SEX2", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("STRATA1", show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%

  tbl2 <- build_table(lyt2, mydat)
  nc <- ncol(tbl2)
  new_ccs <- seq_len(nc)

  col_counts(tbl2) <- new_ccs

  mpf2 <- matrix_form(tbl2, TRUE)
    mf_strings(mpf2)[mf_nlheader(mpf2), -1, drop = TRUE],
    sprintf("(N=%d)", new_ccs)
  ## NA counts (to display blank) work correctly for higher level facets

  tbl3 <- tbl
  facet_colcount(tbl3, c("ARM", "C: Combination")) <- NA_integer_
  mpf3 <- matrix_form(tbl3, TRUE)
  ## starting at "column" 2 because topleft/row labels
    mf_strings(mpf3)[2, 2:13],
    mf_strings(mpf)[2, 2:13]
    mf_strings(mpf3)[2, 14:19],
    rep("", 6)

  tbl4 <- tbl2
  col_counts(tbl4)[rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), times = c(14, 4))] <- NA_integer_

  adsl <- ex_adsl

  adsl$active_trt <- factor(ifelse(grepl("Placebo", adsl$ARM), " ", "Active Treatment Group"))
  adsl$rr_header <- "Risk Difference % CI"

  combodf <- tribble(
    ~valname, ~label, ~levelcombo, ~exargs,
    "A_C", "Arms A+C", c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"), list()

  lyt5 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE) %>%
    split_cols_by("active_trt", split_fun = trim_levels_in_group("ARM")) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf)) %>%
    split_cols_by("rr_header", nested = FALSE) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"))) %>%

  tbl5 <- build_table(lyt5, adsl)
  col_counts(tbl5)[c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)] <- NA_integer_
  mpf5 <- matrix_form(tbl5, TRUE)
    mf_strings(mpf5)[3, c(3, 7, 8)], # cols 2, 6 and 7, remember row labels!
    c("", "", "")

  ## turning counts for a facet's children off is different than setting
  ## the visible counts to NA, note alignment here, no spaces under risk diff
  ## arms
  facet_colcounts_visible(tbl5, c("rr_header", "Risk Difference % CI", "ARM")) <- FALSE
  mpf5b <- matrix_form(tbl5, TRUE)
    mf_strings(mpf5b)[3, 7:8],
    c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination")
  lyt6 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE, colcount_format = "N=xx") %>%
    split_cols_by("active_trt", split_fun = trim_levels_in_group("ARM")) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf), show_colcounts = TRUE, colcount_format = "(N=xx)") %>%
    split_cols_by("rr_header", nested = FALSE) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"))) %>%

  tbl6 <- build_table(lyt6, adsl)

  lyt7 <- basic_table(show_colcounts = TRUE, colcount_format = "N=xx") %>%
    split_cols_by("active_trt", split_fun = trim_levels_in_group("ARM")) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = add_combo_levels(combodf), show_colcounts = TRUE, colcount_format = "(N=xx)") %>%
    split_cols_by("STRATA1") %>%
    split_cols_by("rr_header", nested = FALSE) %>%
    split_cols_by("ARM", split_fun = keep_split_levels(c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination"))) %>%

  tbl7 <- build_table(lyt7, adsl)

  mpf7 <- matrix_form(tbl7)
  strs7 <- mf_strings(mpf7)
  expect_equal(length(grep("^[(]N=", strs7)), 15) ## cause of spanning, 5 visible counts, each span 3
  expect_equal(length(grep("^N=", strs7)), ncol(tbl7))

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rtables documentation built on June 27, 2024, 9:06 a.m.