
Defines functions reg_model_pars get_model_pars_nonreg get_model_pars vst

Documented in vst

#' @useDynLib sctransform

#' Variance stabilizing transformation for UMI count data
#' Apply variance stabilizing transformation to UMI count data using a regularized Negative Binomial regression model.
#' This will remove unwanted effects from UMI data and return Pearson residuals.
#' Uses future_lapply; you can set the number of cores it will use to n with plan(strategy = "multicore", workers = n).
#' If n_genes is set, only a (somewhat-random) subset of genes is used for estimating the
#' initial model parameters. For details see \doi{10.1186/s13059-019-1874-1}.
#' @param umi A matrix of UMI counts with genes as rows and cells as columns
#' @param cell_attr A data frame containing the dependent variables; if omitted a data frame with umi and gene will be generated
#' @param latent_var The independent variables to regress out as a character vector; must match column names in cell_attr; default is c("log_umi")
#' @param batch_var The dependent variables indicating which batch a cell belongs to; no batch interaction terms used if omiited
#' @param latent_var_nonreg The non-regularized dependent variables to regress out as a character vector; must match column names in cell_attr; default is NULL
#' @param n_genes Number of genes to use when estimating parameters (default uses 2000 genes, set to NULL to use all genes)
#' @param n_cells Number of cells to use when estimating parameters (default uses all cells)
#' @param method Method to use for initial parameter estimation; one of 'poisson', 'qpoisson', 'nb_fast', 'nb', 'nb_theta_given', 'glmGamPoi', 'offset', 'offset_shared_theta_estimate', 'glmGamPoi_offset'; default is 'poisson'
#' @param do_regularize Boolean that, if set to FALSE, will bypass parameter regularization and use all genes in first step (ignoring n_genes); default is FALSE
#' @param theta_regularization Method to use to regularize theta; use 'log_theta' for the behavior prior to version 0.3; default is 'od_factor'
#' @param res_clip_range Numeric of length two specifying the min and max values the results will be clipped to; default is c(-sqrt(ncol(umi)), sqrt(ncol(umi)))
#' @param bin_size Number of genes to process simultaneously; this will determine how often the progress bars are updated and how much memory is being used; default is 500
#' @param min_cells Only use genes that have been detected in at least this many cells; default is 5
#' @param residual_type What type of residuals to return; can be 'pearson', 'deviance', or 'none'; default is 'pearson'
#' @param return_cell_attr Make cell attributes part of the output; default is FALSE
#' @param return_gene_attr Calculate gene attributes and make part of output; default is TRUE
#' @param return_corrected_umi If set to TRUE output will contain corrected UMI matrix; see \code{correct} function
#' @param min_variance Lower bound for the estimated variance for any gene in any cell when calculating pearson residual; one of 'umi_median', 'model_median', 'model_mean' or a
#' numeric. default is -Inf.  When set to 'umi_median' uses (median of non-zero UMIs / 5)^2 as the minimum variance so that a median UMI (often 1)
#' results in a maximum pearson residual of 5. When set to 'model_median' or 'model_mean' uses the mean/median of the model estimated mu per gene as the minimum_variance.#'
#' @param bw_adjust Kernel bandwidth adjustment factor used during regurlarization; factor will be applied to output of bw.SJ; default is 3
#' @param gmean_eps Small value added when calculating geometric mean of a gene to avoid log(0); default is 1
#' @param theta_estimation_fun Character string indicating which method to use to estimate theta (when method = poisson); default is 'theta.ml', but 'theta.mm' seems to be a good and fast alternative
#' @param theta_given If method is set to nb_theta_given, this should be a named numeric vector of fixed theta values for the genes; if method is offset, this should be a single value; default is NULL
#' @param exclude_poisson Exclude poisson genes (i.e. mu < 0.001 or mu > variance) from regularization; default is FALSE
#' @param use_geometric_mean Use geometric mean instead of arithmetic mean for all calculations ; default is TRUE
#' @param use_geometric_mean_offset Use geometric mean instead of arithmetic mean in the offset model; default is FALSE
#' @param fix_intercept Fix intercept as defined in the offset model; default is FALSE
#' @param fix_slope Fix slope to log(10) (equivalent to using library size as an offset); default is FALSE
#' @param scale_factor Replace all values of UMI in the regression model by this value instead of the median UMI; default is NA
#' @param vst.flavor When set to `v2` sets method = glmGamPoi_offset, n_cells=2000, and exclude_poisson = TRUE which causes the model to learn theta and intercept only besides excluding poisson genes from learning and regularization; default is NULL which uses the original sctransform model
#' @param verbosity An integer specifying whether to show only messages (1), messages and progress bars (2) or nothing (0) while the function is running; default is 2
#' @param verbose Deprecated; use verbosity instead
#' @param show_progress Deprecated; use verbosity instead
#' @return A list with components
#' \item{y}{Matrix of transformed data, i.e. Pearson residuals, or deviance residuals; empty if \code{residual_type = 'none'}}
#' \item{umi_corrected}{Matrix of corrected UMI counts (optional)}
#' \item{model_str}{Character representation of the model formula}
#' \item{model_pars}{Matrix of estimated model parameters per gene (theta and regression coefficients)}
#' \item{model_pars_outliers}{Vector indicating whether a gene was considered to be an outlier}
#' \item{model_pars_fit}{Matrix of fitted / regularized model parameters}
#' \item{model_str_nonreg}{Character representation of model for non-regularized variables}
#' \item{model_pars_nonreg}{Model parameters for non-regularized variables}
#' \item{genes_log_gmean_step1}{log-geometric mean of genes used in initial step of parameter estimation}
#' \item{cells_step1}{Cells used in initial step of parameter estimation}
#' \item{arguments}{List of function call arguments}
#' \item{cell_attr}{Data frame of cell meta data (optional)}
#' \item{gene_attr}{Data frame with gene attributes such as mean, detection rate, etc. (optional)}
#' \item{times}{Time stamps at various points in the function}
#' @section Details:
#' In the first step of the algorithm, per-gene glm model parameters are learned. This step can be done
#' on a subset of genes and/or cells to speed things up.
#' If \code{method} is set to 'poisson', a poisson regression is done and
#' the negative binomial theta parameter is estimated using the response residuals in
#' \code{theta_estimation_fun}.
#' If \code{method} is set to 'qpoisson', coefficients and overdispersion (phi) are estimated by quasi
#' poisson regression and theta is estimated based on phi and the mean fitted value - this is currently
#' the fastest method with results very similar to 'glmGamPoi'
#' If \code{method} is set to 'nb_fast', coefficients and theta are estimated as in the
#' 'poisson' method, but coefficients are then re-estimated using a proper negative binomial
#' model in a second call to glm with \code{family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = theta)}.
#' If \code{method} is set to 'nb', coefficients and theta are estimated by a single call to
#' \code{MASS::glm.nb}.
#' If \code{method} is set to 'glmGamPoi', coefficients and theta are estimated by a single call to
#' \code{glmGamPoi::glm_gp}.
#' A special case is \code{method = 'offset'}. Here no regression parameters are learned, but
#' instead an offset model is assumed. The latent variable is set to log_umi and a fixed
#' slope of log(10) is used (offset). The intercept is given by log(gene_mean) - log(avg_cell_umi).
#' See Lause et al. \doi{10.1186/s13059-021-02451-7} for details.
#' Theta is set
#' to 100 by default, but can be changed using the \code{theta_given} parameter (single numeric value).
#' If the offset method is used, the following parameters are overwritten:
#' \code{cell_attr <- NULL, latent_var <- c('log_umi'), batch_var <- NULL, latent_var_nonreg <- NULL,
#' n_genes <- NULL, n_cells <- NULL, do_regularize <- FALSE}. Further, \code{method = 'offset_shared_theta_estimate'}
#' exists where the 250 most highly expressed genes with detection rate of at least 0.5 are used
#' to estimate a theta that is then shared across all genes. Thetas are estimated per individual gene
#' using 5000 randomly selected cells. The final theta used for all genes is then the average.
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @importFrom MASS theta.ml theta.mm glm.nb negative.binomial
#' @importFrom stats glm glm.fit df.residual ksmooth model.matrix as.formula approx density poisson var bw.SJ
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar capture.output
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' vst_out <- vst(pbmc)
#' }
vst <- function(umi,
                cell_attr = NULL,
                latent_var = c('log_umi'),
                batch_var = NULL,
                latent_var_nonreg = NULL,
                n_genes = 2000,
                n_cells = NULL,
                method = 'poisson',
                do_regularize = TRUE,
                theta_regularization = 'od_factor',
                res_clip_range = c(-sqrt(ncol(umi)), sqrt(ncol(umi))),
                bin_size = 500,
                min_cells = 5,
                residual_type = 'pearson',
                return_cell_attr = FALSE,
                return_gene_attr = TRUE,
                return_corrected_umi = FALSE,
                min_variance = -Inf,
                bw_adjust = 3,
                gmean_eps = 1,
                theta_estimation_fun = 'theta.ml',
                theta_given = NULL,
                exclude_poisson = FALSE,
                use_geometric_mean = TRUE,
                use_geometric_mean_offset = FALSE,
                fix_intercept = FALSE,
                fix_slope = FALSE,
                scale_factor = NA,
                vst.flavor = NULL,
                verbosity = 2,
                verbose = NULL,
                show_progress = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(vst.flavor)){
    if (vst.flavor == "v2"){
      if (verbosity > 0){
        message("vst.flavor='v2' set. Using model with fixed slope and excluding poisson genes.")
      glmGamPoi_check <- requireNamespace("glmGamPoi", quietly = TRUE)
      method <- "glmGamPoi_offset"
      if (!glmGamPoi_check){
        message("`vst.flavor` is set to 'v2' but could not find glmGamPoi installed.\n",
                "Please install the glmGamPoi package for much faster estimation.\n",
                "Falling back to native (slower) implementation.\n")
        method <- "nb_offset"
      exclude_poisson <- TRUE
      if (min_variance == -Inf) min_variance <- 'umi_median'
      if (is.null(n_cells)) n_cells <- 2000
  arguments <- as.list(environment())
  arguments <- arguments[!names(arguments) %in% c("umi", "cell_attr")]

  # Take care of deprecated arguments
  if (!is.null(verbose)) {
    warning("The 'verbose' argument is deprecated as of v0.3. Use 'verbosity' instead. (in sctransform::vst)", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    verbosity <- as.numeric(verbose)
  if (!is.null(show_progress)) {
    warning("The 'show_progress' argument is deprecated as of v0.3. Use 'verbosity' instead. (in sctransform::vst)", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if (show_progress) {
      verbosity <- 2
    } else {
      verbosity <- min(verbosity, 1)

  # Check for suggested package
  if (method %in% c("glmGamPoi", "glmGamPoi_offset")) {
    glmGamPoi_check <- requireNamespace("glmGamPoi", quietly = TRUE)
    if (!glmGamPoi_check){
      stop('Please install the glmGamPoi package. See https://github.com/const-ae/glmGamPoi for details.')

  # Special case offset model - override most parameters
  if (startsWith(x = method, prefix = 'offset')) {
    cell_attr <- NULL
    latent_var <- c('log_umi')
    batch_var <- NULL
    latent_var_nonreg <- NULL
    n_genes <- NULL
    n_cells <- NULL
    do_regularize <- FALSE
    if (is.null(theta_given)) {
      theta_given <- 100
    } else {
      theta_given <- theta_given[1]

  times <- list(start_time = Sys.time())

  cell_attr <- make_cell_attr(umi, cell_attr, latent_var, batch_var, latent_var_nonreg, verbosity)
  if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
    cell_attr[, batch_var] <- as.factor(cell_attr[, batch_var])
    batch_levels <- levels(cell_attr[, batch_var])

  # we will generate output for all genes detected in at least min_cells cells
  # but for the first step of parameter estimation we might use only a subset of genes
  genes_cell_count <- rowSums(umi >= 0.01)
  genes <- rownames(umi)[genes_cell_count >= min_cells]
  umi <- umi[genes, ]
  if (use_geometric_mean){
    genes_log_gmean <- log10(row_gmean(umi, eps = gmean_eps))
  } else {
    genes_log_gmean <- log10(rowMeans(umi))

  if (!do_regularize && !is.null(n_genes)) {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('do_regularize is set to FALSE, will use all genes')
    n_genes <- NULL

  if (!is.null(n_cells) && n_cells < ncol(umi)) {
    # downsample cells to speed up the first step
    cells_step1 <- sample(x = colnames(umi), size = n_cells)
    if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
      dropped_batch_levels <- setdiff(batch_levels, levels(droplevels(cell_attr[cells_step1, batch_var])))
      if (length(dropped_batch_levels) > 0) {
        stop('Dropped batch levels ', dropped_batch_levels, ', set n_cells higher')
    genes_cell_count_step1 <- rowSums(umi[, cells_step1] > 0)
    genes_step1 <- rownames(umi)[genes_cell_count_step1 >= min_cells]
    if (use_geometric_mean){
      genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(row_gmean(umi[genes_step1, ], eps = gmean_eps))
    } else {
      genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(rowMeans(umi[genes_step1, ]))
  } else {
    cells_step1 <- colnames(umi)
    genes_step1 <- genes
    genes_log_gmean_step1 <- genes_log_gmean

  genes_amean <- NULL
  genes_var <- NULL

  # Exclude known poisson genes from the learning step
  if (do_regularize && exclude_poisson){
    genes_amean <- rowMeans(umi)
    genes_var <- row_var(umi)
    overdispersion_factor <- genes_var - genes_amean
    overdispersion_factor_step1 <- overdispersion_factor[genes_step1]
    is_overdispersed <- (overdispersion_factor_step1 > 0)
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      message(paste("Total Step 1 genes:",
      message(paste("Total overdispersed genes:", sum(is_overdispersed)))
      message(paste("Excluding", length(genes_step1) - sum(is_overdispersed),
                    "genes from Step 1 because they are not overdispersed."))

    genes_step1 <-  genes_step1[is_overdispersed]
    genes_log_gmean_step1 <-  genes_log_gmean[genes_step1]

  data_step1 <- cell_attr[cells_step1, , drop = FALSE]

  if (!is.null(n_genes) && n_genes < length(genes_step1)) {
    # density-sample genes to speed up the first step
    log_gmean_dens <- density(x = genes_log_gmean_step1, bw = 'nrd', adjust = 1)
    sampling_prob <- 1 / (approx(x = log_gmean_dens$x, y = log_gmean_dens$y, xout = genes_log_gmean_step1)$y + .Machine$double.eps)
    genes_step1 <- sample(x = genes_step1, size = n_genes, prob = sampling_prob)

    if (use_geometric_mean){
      genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(row_gmean(umi[genes_step1, ], eps = gmean_eps))
    } else {
      genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(rowMeans(umi[genes_step1, ]))

  if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
    model_str <- paste0('y ~ (', paste(latent_var, collapse = ' + '), ') : ', batch_var, ' + ', batch_var, ' + 0')
  } else {
    model_str <- paste0('y ~ ', paste(latent_var, collapse = ' + '))

  bin_ind <- ceiling(x = 1:length(x = genes_step1) / bin_size)
  max_bin <- max(bin_ind)
  if (verbosity > 0) {
    message('Variance stabilizing transformation of count matrix of size ', nrow(umi), ' by ', ncol(umi))
    message('Model formula is ', model_str)

  times$get_model_pars = Sys.time()
  model_pars <- get_model_pars(genes_step1, bin_size, umi, model_str, cells_step1,
                               method, data_step1, theta_given, theta_estimation_fun,
                               exclude_poisson, fix_intercept, fix_slope,
                               use_geometric_mean, use_geometric_mean_offset, verbosity)

  # make sure theta is not too small
  min_theta <- 1e-7
  if (any(model_pars[, 'theta'] < min_theta)) {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      msg <- sprintf('There are %d estimated thetas smaller than %g - will be set to %g', sum(model_pars[, 'theta'] < min_theta), min_theta, min_theta)
    model_pars[, 'theta'] <- pmax(model_pars[, 'theta'], min_theta)

  times$reg_model_pars = Sys.time()
  if (do_regularize) {
    model_pars_fit <- reg_model_pars(model_pars, genes_log_gmean_step1, genes_log_gmean, cell_attr,
                                     batch_var, cells_step1, genes_step1, umi, bw_adjust, gmean_eps,
                                     theta_regularization, genes_amean, genes_var,
                                     exclude_poisson, fix_intercept, fix_slope,
                                     use_geometric_mean, use_geometric_mean_offset, verbosity)
    model_pars_outliers <- attr(model_pars_fit, 'outliers')
  } else {
    model_pars_fit <- model_pars
    model_pars_outliers <- rep(FALSE, nrow(model_pars))

  # use all fitted values in NB model
  regressor_data <- model.matrix(as.formula(gsub('^y', '', model_str)), cell_attr)

  if (!is.null(latent_var_nonreg)) {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('Estimating parameters for following non-regularized variables: ', latent_var_nonreg)
    if (!is.null(batch_var)) {
      model_str_nonreg <- paste0('y ~ (', paste(latent_var_nonreg, collapse = ' + '), ') : ', batch_var, ' + ', batch_var, ' + 0')
    } else {
      model_str_nonreg <- paste0('y ~ ', paste(latent_var_nonreg, collapse = ' + '))

    times$get_model_pars_nonreg = Sys.time()
    model_pars_nonreg <- get_model_pars_nonreg(genes, bin_size, model_pars_fit, regressor_data, umi, model_str_nonreg, cell_attr, verbosity)

    regressor_data_nonreg <- model.matrix(as.formula(gsub('^y', '', model_str_nonreg)), cell_attr)
    model_pars_final <- cbind(model_pars_fit, model_pars_nonreg)
    regressor_data_final <- cbind(regressor_data, regressor_data_nonreg)
    #model_pars_final[, '(Intercept)'] <- model_pars_final[, '(Intercept)'] + model_pars_nonreg[, '(Intercept)']
    #model_pars_final <- cbind(model_pars_final, model_pars_nonreg[, -1, drop=FALSE])
    # model_str <- paste0(model_str, gsub('^y ~ 1', '', model_str2))
  } else {
    model_str_nonreg <- ''
    model_pars_nonreg <- c()
    model_pars_final <- model_pars_fit
    regressor_data_final <- regressor_data

  times$get_residuals = Sys.time()
  if (!residual_type == 'none') {
    # min_variance estimated using median umi
    if (min_variance == "umi_median"){
      # Maximum pearson residual for non-zero median UMI is 5
      min_var <- (get_nz_median2(umi) / 5)^2
      if (verbosity > 1) {
        message(paste("Setting min_variance based on median UMI: ", min_var))
      arguments$set_min_var <- min_var
    } else {
      min_var <- min_variance
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('Second step: Get residuals using fitted parameters for ', length(x = genes), ' genes')
    bin_ind <- ceiling(x = 1:length(x = genes) / bin_size)
    max_bin <- max(bin_ind)
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max_bin, style = 3)
    # browser()
    res <- matrix(NA_real_, length(genes), nrow(regressor_data_final), dimnames = list(genes, rownames(regressor_data_final)))
    for (i in 1:max_bin) {
      genes_bin <- genes[bin_ind == i]
      mu <- exp(tcrossprod(model_pars_final[genes_bin, -1, drop=FALSE], regressor_data_final))
      y <- as.matrix(umi[genes_bin, , drop=FALSE])
      if (min_variance == "model_mean") {
        mu_mean_var <- matrixStats::rowMeans2(mu)
        res[genes_bin, ] <- switch(residual_type,
                                   'pearson' = pearson_residual2(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta'], min_vars = mu_mean_var),
                                   'deviance' = deviance_residual(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta']),
                                   stop('residual_type ', residual_type, ' unknown - only pearson and deviance supported at the moment')
      } else if (min_variance == "model_median") {
        mu_median_var <- matrixStats::rowMedians(mu)
        res[genes_bin, ] <- switch(residual_type,
                                   'pearson' = pearson_residual2(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta'], min_vars = mu_median_var),
                                   'deviance' = deviance_residual(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta']),
                                   stop('residual_type ', residual_type, ' unknown - only pearson and deviance supported at the moment'))
      } else {
        res[genes_bin, ] <- switch(residual_type,
                                   'pearson' = pearson_residual(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta'], min_var = min_var),
                                   'deviance' = deviance_residual(y, mu, model_pars_final[genes_bin, 'theta']),
                                   stop('residual_type ', residual_type, ' unknown - only pearson and deviance supported at the moment')
      if (verbosity > 1) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    if (verbosity > 1) {
  } else {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('Skip calculation of full residual matrix')
    res <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0)

  rv <- list(y = res,
             model_str = model_str,
             model_pars = model_pars,
             model_pars_outliers = model_pars_outliers,
             model_pars_fit = model_pars_fit,
             model_str_nonreg = model_str_nonreg,
             model_pars_nonreg = model_pars_nonreg,
             arguments = arguments,
             genes_log_gmean_step1 = genes_log_gmean_step1,
             cells_step1 = cells_step1,
             cell_attr = cell_attr)
  gc(verbose = FALSE)

  times$correct_umi = Sys.time()
  if (return_corrected_umi) {
    if (residual_type != 'pearson') {
      message("Will not return corrected UMI because residual type is not set to 'pearson'")
    } else {
      rv$umi_corrected <- sctransform::correct(rv, do_round = TRUE, do_pos = TRUE, scale_factor = scale_factor,
                                               verbosity = verbosity)
      rv$umi_corrected <- make.sparse(mat = rv$umi_corrected)

  rv$y[rv$y < res_clip_range[1]] <- res_clip_range[1]
  rv$y[rv$y > res_clip_range[2]] <- res_clip_range[2]

  if (!return_cell_attr) {
    rv[['cell_attr']] <- NULL

  times$get_gene_attr = Sys.time()
  if (return_gene_attr) {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('Calculating gene attributes')
    gene_attr <- data.frame(
      detection_rate = genes_cell_count[genes] / ncol(umi),
      gmean = 10 ^ genes_log_gmean,
      amean = rowMeans(umi),
      variance = row_var(umi))
    if (ncol(rv$y) > 0) {
      gene_attr$residual_mean = rowMeans(rv$y)
      gene_attr$residual_variance = row_var(rv$y)

    rv[['gene_attr']] <- gene_attr

  if (verbosity > 0) {
    message('Wall clock passed: ', capture.output(print(Sys.time() - times$start_time)))
  times$done = Sys.time()
  rv$times <- times

get_model_pars <- function(genes_step1, bin_size, umi, model_str, cells_step1,
                           method, data_step1, theta_given, theta_estimation_fun,
                           exclude_poisson = FALSE, fix_intercept = FALSE,
                           fix_slope = FALSE, use_geometric_mean = TRUE,
                           use_geometric_mean_offset = FALSE, verbosity = 0) {
  if (fix_slope | fix_intercept) {
    gene_mean <- rowMeans(umi)
    mean_cell_sum <- mean(colSums(umi))
    model_pars_fixed <- cbind(rep(NA, length(genes_step1)),
                              log(gene_mean)[genes_step1] - log(mean_cell_sum),
                              rep(log(10), length(genes_step1)))
    if (use_geometric_mean_offset){
      gene_gmean <- row_gmean(umi)
      model_pars_fixed <- cbind(rep(NA, length(genes_step1)),
                                log(gene_gmean)[genes_step1] - log(mean_cell_sum),
                                rep(log(10), length(genes_step1)))
    dimnames(model_pars_fixed) <- list(genes_step1, c('theta', '(Intercept)', 'log_umi'))
    regressor_data <- model.matrix(as.formula(gsub('^y', '', model_str)), data_step1[cells_step1, ])
    y_fixed <- as.matrix(umi[genes_step1, cells_step1])
    mu_fixed <- exp(tcrossprod(model_pars_fixed[genes_step1, -1, drop=FALSE], regressor_data))
  # Special case offset model with one theta for all genes
  if (startsWith(x = method, prefix = 'offset')) {
    gene_mean <- rowMeans(umi)
    mean_cell_sum <- mean(colSums(umi))
    model_pars <- cbind(rep(theta_given, nrow(umi)),
                        log(gene_mean) - log(mean_cell_sum),
                        rep(log(10), nrow(umi)))
    dimnames(model_pars) <- list(rownames(umi), c('theta', '(Intercept)', 'log_umi'))
    if (method == 'offset_shared_theta_estimate') {
      # use all genes with detection rate > 0.5 to estimate theta
      # if there are more, use the 250 most highly expressed ones
      # use at most 5000 cells (random sample)
      use_genes <- rowMeans(umi > 0) > 0.5
      if (sum(use_genes) > 250) {
        o <- order(-row_gmean(umi[use_genes, ]))
        use_genes <- which(use_genes)[o[1:250]]
      use_cells <- sample(x = ncol(umi), size = min(ncol(umi), 5000), replace = FALSE)
      if (verbosity > 0) {
        message(sprintf('Estimate shared theta for offset model using %d genes, %d cells',
                        length(x = use_genes), length(x = use_cells)))
      y <- as.matrix(umi[use_genes, use_cells])
      regressor_data <- model.matrix(as.formula(gsub('^y', '', model_str)), data_step1[use_cells, ])
      mu <- exp(tcrossprod(model_pars[use_genes, -1, drop=FALSE], regressor_data))
      if (requireNamespace("glmGamPoi", quietly = TRUE) && getNamespaceVersion('glmGamPoi') >= '1.2') {
        theta <- 1 / glmGamPoi::overdispersion_mle(y = y, mean = mu)$estimate
        theta <- theta[is.finite(theta)]
      } else {
        theta <- sapply(1:nrow(y), function(i) {
          as.numeric(MASS::theta.ml(y = y[i, ], mu = mu[i, ], limit = 100))
      model_pars[, 'theta'] <- mean(theta)
    } else if (method == 'offset_allshared_theta_estimate') {
      # use all genes with detection rate > 0.5 to estimate theta

      use_genes <- rowMeans(umi > 0) > 0.5

      use_cells <- sample(x = ncol(umi), size = min(ncol(umi), 5000), replace = FALSE)
      if (verbosity > 0) {
        message(sprintf('Estimate shared theta for offset model using %d genes, %d cells',
                        length(x = use_genes), length(x = use_cells)))
      y <- as.matrix(umi[use_genes, use_cells])
      regressor_data <- model.matrix(as.formula(gsub('^y', '', model_str)), data_step1[use_cells, ])
      mu <- exp(tcrossprod(model_pars[use_genes, -1, drop=FALSE], regressor_data))
      if (requireNamespace("glmGamPoi", quietly = TRUE) && getNamespaceVersion('glmGamPoi') >= '1.2') {
        theta <- 1 / glmGamPoi::overdispersion_mle(y = y, mean = mu)$estimate
        theta <- theta[is.finite(theta)]
      } else {
        theta <- sapply(1:nrow(y), function(i) {
          as.numeric(suppressWarnings(MASS::theta.ml(y = y[i, ], mu = mu[i, ], limit = 100)))
      model_pars[, 'theta'] <- mean(theta)


  bin_ind <- ceiling(x = 1:length(x = genes_step1) / bin_size)
  max_bin <- max(bin_ind)
  if (verbosity > 0) {
    message('Get Negative Binomial regression parameters per gene')
    message('Using ', length(x = genes_step1), ' genes, ', length(x = cells_step1), ' cells')

  if (verbosity > 1) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max_bin, style = 3)
  model_pars <- list()
  for (i in 1:max_bin) {
    genes_bin_regress <- genes_step1[bin_ind == i]
    umi_bin <- as.matrix(umi[genes_bin_regress, cells_step1, drop=FALSE])
    if (fix_slope | fix_intercept) {
      mu_bin <-  as.matrix(mu_fixed[genes_bin_regress, cells_step1, drop=FALSE])
      model_pars_bin <-  model_pars_fixed[genes_bin_regress, ]
      intercept_bin <- model_pars_bin[, "(Intercept)"]
      slope_bin <- model_pars_bin[, "log_umi"]
    if (!is.null(theta_given)) {
      theta_given_bin <- theta_given[genes_bin_regress]

    # umi_bin is a matrix of counts - we want a model per row
    # if there are multiple workers, split up the matrix in chunks of n rows
    # where n is the number of workers
    n_workers <- 1
    if (future::supportsMulticore()) {
      n_workers <- future::nbrOfWorkers()
    genes_per_worker <- nrow(umi_bin) / n_workers + .Machine$double.eps
    index_vec <- 1:nrow(umi_bin)
    index_lst <- split(index_vec, ceiling(index_vec/genes_per_worker))

    # the index list will have at most n_workers entries, each one defining which genes to work on
    par_lst <- future_lapply(
      X = index_lst,
      FUN = function(indices) {
        umi_bin_worker <- umi_bin[indices, , drop = FALSE]
        if (fix_intercept | fix_slope){
          mu_bin_worker <- mu_bin[indices, , drop = FALSE]
          model_pars_bin_worker <- model_pars_bin[indices, , drop = FALSE]
          intercept_bin_worker <- model_pars_bin_worker[, "(Intercept)"]
          slope_bin_worker <- model_pars_bin_worker[, "log_umi"]
        if (method == 'poisson') {
          return(fit_poisson(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1, theta_estimation_fun = theta_estimation_fun))
        else if (method == 'qpoisson') {
          return(fit_qpoisson(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1))
        else if (method == 'nb_theta_given') {
          theta_given_bin_worker <- theta_given_bin[indices]
          return(fit_nb_theta_given(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1, theta_given = theta_given_bin_worker))
        else if (method == 'nb_fast') {
          return(fit_nb_fast(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1, theta_estimation_fun = theta_estimation_fun))
        else if (method == 'nb') {
          return(fit_nb(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1))
        else if (method == "glmGamPoi") {
          if (fix_slope | fix_intercept){
            if (packageVersion("glmGamPoi")<"1.5.1"){
              stop('Please install glmGamPoi >= 1.5.1 from https://github.com/const-ae/glmGamPoi')
            return(fit_overdisp_mle(umi = umi_bin_worker,
                                    mu = mu_bin_worker,
                                    intercept = intercept_bin_worker,
                                    slope = slope_bin_worker))
          return(fit_glmGamPoi(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str,
                               data = data_step1, allow_inf_theta = exclude_poisson))
       else if (method == "glmGamPoi_offset") {
          return(fit_glmGamPoi_offset(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str,
                                      data = data_step1, allow_inf_theta = exclude_poisson))
        else if (method == "nb_offset") {
          return(fit_nb_offset(umi = umi_bin_worker, model_str = model_str, data = data_step1, allow_inf_theta = exclude_poisson))

      future.seed = TRUE
    model_pars[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, par_lst)

    if (verbosity > 1) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  model_pars <- do.call(rbind, model_pars)
  if (verbosity > 1) {
  rownames(model_pars) <- genes_step1
  colnames(model_pars)[1] <- 'theta'

  if (exclude_poisson){
    genes_amean <- rowMeans(umi)
    genes_var <- row_var(umi)

    genes_amean_step1 <- genes_amean[genes_step1]
    genes_var_step1 <- genes_var[genes_step1]

    predicted_theta <- genes_amean_step1^2/(genes_var_step1-genes_amean_step1)
    actual_theta <- model_pars[genes_step1, "theta"]
    diff_theta <- predicted_theta/actual_theta
    model_pars <- cbind(model_pars, diff_theta)

    # if the naive and estimated MLE are 1000x apart, set theta estimate to Inf
    diff_theta_index <- rownames(model_pars[model_pars[genes_step1, "diff_theta"]< 1e-3,])
    if (verbosity > 1){
      message(paste("Setting estimate of ", length(diff_theta_index), "genes to inf as theta_mm/theta_mle < 1e-3"))
    # Replace theta by infinity
    model_pars[diff_theta_index, 1] <- Inf
    # drop diff_theta column
    model_pars <- model_pars[, -dim(model_pars)[2]]


get_model_pars_nonreg <- function(genes, bin_size, model_pars_fit, regressor_data, umi, model_str_nonreg, cell_attr, verbosity) {
  bin_ind <- ceiling(x = 1:length(x = genes) / bin_size)
  max_bin <- max(bin_ind)
  if (verbosity > 1) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max_bin, style = 3)
  model_pars_nonreg <- list()
  for (i in 1:max_bin) {
    genes_bin <- genes[bin_ind == i]
    mu <- tcrossprod(model_pars_fit[genes_bin, -1, drop=FALSE], regressor_data)
    umi_bin <- as.matrix(umi[genes_bin, ])
    model_pars_nonreg[[i]] <- do.call(
      future_lapply(X = genes_bin,
                    FUN = function(gene) {
                      fam <- negative.binomial(theta = model_pars_fit[gene, 'theta'], link = 'log')
                      y <- umi_bin[gene, ]
                      offs <- mu[gene, ]
                      fit <- glm(as.formula(model_str_nonreg), data = cell_attr, family = fam, offset=offs)
                    future.seed = TRUE))
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if (verbosity > 1) {
  model_pars_nonreg <- do.call(rbind, model_pars_nonreg)
  rownames(model_pars_nonreg) <- genes

reg_model_pars <- function(model_pars, genes_log_gmean_step1, genes_log_gmean, cell_attr,
                           batch_var, cells_step1, genes_step1, umi, bw_adjust, gmean_eps,
                           genes_amean = NULL, genes_var = NULL, exclude_poisson = FALSE,
                           fix_intercept = FALSE, fix_slope = FALSE, use_geometric_mean = TRUE,
                           use_geometric_mean_offset = FALSE, verbosity = 0) {
  genes <- names(genes_log_gmean)
  ## if a batch variable is set switch off excluding poisson genes
  if (!is.null(x = batch_var)) {
    exclude_poisson <- FALSE
    fix_slope <- FALSE
  if (exclude_poisson | fix_slope | fix_intercept){
    # exclude this from the fitting procedure entirely
    # at the regularization step
    if (is.null(genes_amean)) gene_amean <- rowMeans(umi)
    if (is.null(genes_var)) genes_var <- row_var(umi)

    genes_amean_step1 <- genes_amean[genes_step1]
    genes_var_step1 <- genes_var[genes_step1]

    overdispersion_factor <- genes_var - genes_amean
    overdispersion_factor_step1 <- overdispersion_factor[genes_step1]

    all_poisson_genes <- genes[overdispersion_factor<=0]

    # also set genes with mean < 1e-3 as poisson
    low_mean_genes <- genes[genes_amean<1e-3]
    all_poisson_genes <- union(all_poisson_genes, low_mean_genes)

    poisson_genes_step1 <- genes_step1[overdispersion_factor_step1<=0]

    if (verbosity > 1){
      message(paste("# of step1 poisson genes (variance < mean):",
      message(paste("# of low mean genes (mean < 0.001):", length(low_mean_genes)))

    poisson_genes2 <- rownames(model_pars[!is.finite(model_pars[, 'theta']),])
    poisson_genes3 <- intersect(low_mean_genes, genes_step1)
    poisson_genes_step1 <- union(union(poisson_genes_step1, poisson_genes2),poisson_genes3)

    overdispersed_genes_step1 <- setdiff(genes_step1, poisson_genes_step1)

    if (verbosity > 1){
      message(paste("Total # of Step1 poisson genes (theta=Inf; variance < mean):",
      message(paste("Total # of poisson genes (theta=Inf; variance < mean):",

      # call offset model
      message(paste("Calling offset model for all", length(all_poisson_genes), "poisson genes"))

    # Call offset model with theta=inf
    # only the slope and intercept are used downstream
    mean_cell_sum <- mean(x = colSums(umi))
    if ("log_umi" %in% colnames(x = model_pars)){
      vst_out_offset <- cbind(rep(Inf, length(all_poisson_genes)),
                              log(genes_amean[all_poisson_genes]) - log(mean_cell_sum),
                              rep(log(10), length(all_poisson_genes) ))
      dimnames(vst_out_offset) <- list(all_poisson_genes, c('theta', '(Intercept)', 'log_umi'))
    } else {
      vst_out_offset <- cbind(rep(Inf, length(all_poisson_genes)),
                              log(genes_amean[all_poisson_genes]) - log(mean_cell_sum))
      dimnames(vst_out_offset) <- list(all_poisson_genes, c('theta', '(Intercept)'))

    n_coefficients <- ncol(x = model_pars)
    if (n_coefficients > ncol(x = vst_out_offset)) {
      # set all other parameters to zero
      n_existing <- ncol(x = vst_out_offset)
      n_diff <- n_coefficients - ncol(x = vst_out_offset)

      vst_out_offset_remaining <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(x = vst_out_offset),
                                         ncol = n_diff,
                                         dimnames = list(all_poisson_genes,
                                                         colnames(x = model_pars)[(n_existing+1):n_coefficients]))
      vst_out_offset <- cbind(vst_out_offset, vst_out_offset_remaining)
    dispersion_par <- rep(0, dim(vst_out_offset)[1])
    vst_out_offset <- cbind(vst_out_offset, dispersion_par)

  # we don't regularize theta directly
  # prior to v0.3 we regularized log10(theta)
  # now we transform to overdispersion factor
  # variance of NB is mu * (1 + mu / theta)
  # (1 + mu / theta) is what we call overdispersion factor here
  dispersion_par <- switch(theta_regularization,
                           'log_theta' = log10(model_pars[, 'theta']),
                           'od_factor' = log10(1 + 10^genes_log_gmean_step1 / model_pars[, 'theta']),
                           stop('theta_regularization ', theta_regularization, ' unknown - only log_theta and od_factor supported at the moment')

  model_pars_all <- model_pars

  model_pars <- model_pars[, colnames(model_pars) != 'theta']
  model_pars <- cbind(dispersion_par, model_pars)

  # look for outliers in the parameters
  # outliers are those that do not fit the overall relationship with the mean at all
  outliers <- apply(model_pars, 2, function(y) is_outlier(y, genes_log_gmean_step1))
  outliers <- apply(outliers, 1, any)

  # also call theta=inf as outliers
  if (exclude_poisson){
    is_theta_inf <- !is.finite(model_pars_all[, "theta"])
    outliers <- outliers | is_theta_inf

  if (sum(outliers) > 0) {
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message('Found ', sum(outliers), ' outliers - those will be ignored in fitting/regularization step\n')
    model_pars <- model_pars[!outliers, ]
    genes_step1 <- rownames(model_pars)
    genes_log_gmean_step1 <- genes_log_gmean_step1[!outliers]

  if (exclude_poisson){
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      message('Ignoring theta inf genes')
    overdispersed_genes <- setdiff(rownames(model_pars), all_poisson_genes)
    model_pars <- model_pars[overdispersed_genes, ]
    genes_step1 <- rownames(model_pars)
    genes_log_gmean_step1 <- genes_log_gmean_step1[overdispersed_genes]

  # select bandwidth to be used for smoothing
  bw <- bw.SJ(genes_log_gmean_step1) * bw_adjust

  # for parameter predictions
  x_points <- pmax(genes_log_gmean, min(genes_log_gmean_step1))
  x_points <- pmin(x_points, max(genes_log_gmean_step1))

  # take results from step 1 and fit/predict parameters to all genes
  o <- order(x_points)
  model_pars_fit <- matrix(NA_real_, length(genes), ncol(model_pars),
                           dimnames = list(genes, colnames(model_pars)))

  # fit / regularize dispersion parameter
  model_pars_fit[o, 'dispersion_par'] <- ksmooth(x = genes_log_gmean_step1, y = model_pars[, 'dispersion_par'],
                                                 x.points = x_points, bandwidth = bw, kernel='normal')$y

  if (is.null(batch_var)){
    # global fit / regularization for all coefficients
    for (i in 2:ncol(model_pars)) {
      model_pars_fit[o, i] <- ksmooth(x = genes_log_gmean_step1, y = model_pars[, i],
                                      x.points = x_points, bandwidth = bw, kernel='normal')$y
  } else {
    # fit / regularize per batch
    batches <- unique(cell_attr[, batch_var])
    for (b in batches) {
      sel <- cell_attr[, batch_var] == b & rownames(cell_attr) %in% cells_step1
      #batch_genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(rowMeans(umi[genes_step1, sel]))
      if (use_geometric_mean){
        batch_genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(row_gmean(umi[genes_step1, sel], eps = gmean_eps))
      } else {
        batch_genes_log_gmean_step1 <- log10(rowMeans(umi[genes_step1, sel]))

      if (any(is.infinite(batch_genes_log_gmean_step1))) {
        if (verbosity > 0) {
          message('Some genes not detected in batch ', b, ' -- assuming a low mean.')
        batch_genes_log_gmean_step1[is.infinite(batch_genes_log_gmean_step1) & batch_genes_log_gmean_step1 < 0] <- min(batch_genes_log_gmean_step1[!is.infinite(batch_genes_log_gmean_step1)])
      sel <- cell_attr[, batch_var] == b
      #batch_genes_log_gmean <- log10(rowMeans(umi[, sel]))
      if (use_geometric_mean){
        batch_genes_log_gmean <- log10(row_gmean(umi[, sel], eps = gmean_eps))
      } else {
        batch_genes_log_gmean <- log10(rowMeans(umi[, sel]))

      # in case some genes have not been observed in this batch
      batch_genes_log_gmean <- pmax(batch_genes_log_gmean, min(batch_genes_log_gmean_step1))
      batch_o <- order(batch_genes_log_gmean)
      for (i in which(grepl(paste0(batch_var, b), colnames(model_pars)))) {
        model_pars_fit[batch_o, i] <- ksmooth(x = batch_genes_log_gmean_step1, y = model_pars[, i],
                                              x.points = batch_genes_log_gmean, bandwidth = bw, kernel='normal')$y

  if (exclude_poisson){
    dispersion_par <- switch(theta_regularization,
                             'log_theta' = rep(Inf, length(all_poisson_genes)),
                             'od_factor' = rep(0, length(all_poisson_genes)),
                             stop('theta_regularization ', theta_regularization, ' unknown - only log_theta and od_factor supported at the moment')
    model_pars_fit[all_poisson_genes, "dispersion_par"] <- dispersion_par

  # back-transform dispersion parameter to theta
  theta <- switch(theta_regularization,
                  'log_theta' = 10^model_pars_fit[, 'dispersion_par'],
                  'od_factor' = 10^genes_log_gmean / (10^model_pars_fit[, 'dispersion_par'] - 1)
  model_pars_fit <- model_pars_fit[, colnames(model_pars_fit) != 'dispersion_par']
  model_pars_fit <- cbind(theta, model_pars_fit)
  all_genes <- rownames(model_pars_fit)
  # browser()
  if (exclude_poisson){
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      message(paste('Replacing fit params for', length(all_poisson_genes),  'poisson genes by theta=Inf'))
    for (col in intersect(colnames(x = model_pars_fit), colnames(x = vst_out_offset)) ){
      stopifnot(col %in% colnames(vst_out_offset))
      model_pars_fit[all_poisson_genes, col] <- vst_out_offset[all_poisson_genes, col]

  if (fix_intercept){
    # Replace the fitted intercepts by those calculated from offset model
    col <- "(Intercept)"
    if (verbosity > 1) {
      message(paste0('Replacing regularized parameter ', col, ' by offset'))
    gene_mean <- rowMeans(umi)
    mean_cell_sum <- mean(colSums(umi))
    intercept_fixed <- log(gene_mean)[all_genes] - log(mean_cell_sum)
    if (use_geometric_mean_offset){
      gene_gmean <- row_gmean(umi)
      intercept_fixed <- log(gene_gmean)[all_genes] - log(mean_cell_sum)
    model_pars_fit[all_genes, col] <- intercept_fixed


  if (fix_slope){
    # Replace the fitted slope by those calculated from offset model
    col <- "log_umi"
    if (verbosity > 0) {
      message(paste0('Replacing regularized parameter ', col, ' by offset'))
    model_pars_fit[all_genes, col] <- rep(log(10), length(all_genes))

  attr(model_pars_fit, 'outliers') <- outliers

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