# file sn/R/sun.R
# This file is a component of the R package 'sn'
# copyright (C) 1997-2021 Adelchi Azzalini
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
# Some support functions
all.numeric <- function(...)
{# check if all elements are numeric
lst <- list(...)
n <- length(lst)
if(n == 0) return(NULL)
m <- is.numeric(lst[[1]])
if(n == 1) return(m)
for(k in 2:n) m <- m & is.numeric(lst[[k]])
blockDiag <- function(...)
{# create a block-diagonal matrix from a set of matrices
lst <- list(...)
n <- length(lst)
if(n == 0) return(NULL)
m <- as.matrix(lst[[1]])
if(n == 1) return(m)
for(k in 2:n) {
mk <- as.matrix(lst[[k]])
m <- rbind(cbind(m, matrix(0, nrow(m), ncol(mk))),
cbind(matrix(0, nrow(mk), ncol(m)), mk))
tr <- function(x)
{# trace of a numeric square matrix
if(mode(x) != "numeric") stop("not a numeric argument")
if(is.matrix(x)) {
if(ncol(x) == nrow(x)) sum(diag(x)) else stop("not a square matrix")}
else if(length(x)==1) x else stop("not a square matrix")
dsun <- function(x, xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, log=FALSE, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# SUN density function
if (!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if (!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(x, xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(length(xi)!= d | dim(Omega)[2] != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega)) <- cov2cor(Omega)
O.inv <- solve(
m <- length(tau)
if(m==1 & !silent)
warning("When m=1, functions for the SN/ESN distr'n are preferable")
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m) | dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
x <- if(is.vector(x)) matrix(x, 1, d) else data.matrix(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if(m > 20)
{if(silent) return(rep(NA, n)) else stop("m exceeds the admissible size")}
if (is.vector(xi)) xi <- outer(rep(1, n), as.vector(matrix(xi, 1, d)))
tz <- t(x-xi)/omega
D.Oinv <- t(Delta) %*% O.inv
p1 <- pmnorm(t(tau + D.Oinv %*% tz), rep(0,m), Gamma - D.Oinv %*% Delta, ...)
p2 <- pmnorm(tau, rep(0,m), Gamma, ...)
if(n == 1) {
if(any(c(attr(p1,"status"), attr(p2,"status")) != "normal completion"))
warning("return status from pmnorm is not 'normal completion'")
pdfN <- dmnorm(x, xi, Omega, log=log)
if(log) pdfN + logb(p1) - logb(p2)
else pdfN * p1/p2
psun <- function(x, xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, log=FALSE, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# SUN distribution function
if (!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if (!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(x, xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(dim(Omega)[2] != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega)) <- cov2cor(Omega)
O.inv <- solve(
m <- length(tau)
if(m==1 & !silent)
warning("When m=1, functions for the SN/ESN distribution are preferable")
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m) | dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
x <- if(is.vector(x)) matrix(x, 1, d) else data.matrix(x)
n <- nrow(x)
if((d+m) > 20)
{if(silent) return(rep(NA, n)) else stop("(d+m) exceeds the admissible size")}
if (is.vector(xi)) xi <- outer(rep(1, n), as.vector(matrix(xi, 1, d)))
if(ncol(x) != ncol(xi)) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
tz <- t(x-xi)/omega
y <- cbind(t(tz), outer(rep(1, n), tau))
Omega.starNeg <- rbind(cbind(, -Delta), cbind(t(-Delta), Gamma))
p1 <- pmnorm(y, mean=rep(0, m+d), varcov=Omega.starNeg, ...)
p2 <- pmnorm(tau, rep(0,m), Gamma, ...)
if(n==1) {
if(any(c(attr(p1,"status"), attr(p2,"status")) != "normal completion"))
warning("return status from pmnorm is not 'normal completion'")
as.numeric(pmin(1, pmax(0, p1/p2)))
rsun <- function(n=1, xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, silent=FALSE)
{# SUN random numbers, use (7.4) of SN book
if (!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if (!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(length(xi)!= d | dim(Omega)[2] != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega)) <- cov2cor(Omega)
# O.inv <- solve(
m <- length(tau)
if(m==1 & !silent)
warning("When m=1, functions for the SN/ESN family are preferable")
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m) | dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
Delta_invGamma <- Delta %*% solve(Gamma) <- - Delta_invGamma %*% t(Delta)
u0 <- mnormt::rmnorm(n, rep(0, d),
u1 <- mnormt::rmtruncnorm(n, rep(0, m), Gamma, -tau)
tz <- t(u0) + Delta_invGamma %*% t(u1)
t(xi + omega * tz)
sunMean <- function(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# expected value of SUN distribution
if (!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if (!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(length(xi)!= d | dim(Omega)[2] != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega)) <- cov2cor(Omega)
O.inv <- solve(
m <- length(tau)
if(m==1 & !silent)
warning("When m=1, functions for the SN/ESN family are preferable")
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m) | dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
if(m > 20)
{if(silent) return(NA) else stop("m exceeds the admissible size")}
prob <- mnormt::pmnorm(tau, rep(0, m), Gamma, ...)
if(m > 3 && (attr(prob,"status") != "normal completion") & !silent)
warning("return status from pmnorm is not 'normal completion'")
deriv <- dnorm(tau)/prob
if(m>1) for(k in 1:m) {
Gk <- Gamma[-k,-k, drop=FALSE]
gk <- Gamma[-k, k, drop=FALSE]
Ec <- as.vector(gk * tau[k])
Vc <- Gk - gk %*% t(gk)
deriv[k] <- deriv[k] * pmnorm(tau[-k], Ec, Vc, ...)
as.numeric(xi + omega*as.vector(Delta %*% deriv))
mean.SUNdistr <- function(x) sunMean(dp=slot(x, "dp"), silent=TRUE)
sunVcov <- function(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# variance (matrix) of SUN distribution, using Proposition1 of RAV&AA-2020
if (!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if (!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(length(xi)!= d | dim(Omega)[2] != d) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega)) <- cov2cor(Omega)
O.inv <- solve(
m <- length(tau)
if(m > 20)
{if(silent) return(NA) else stop("m exceeds the admissible size")}
if(m==1 & !silent)
warning("When m=1, functions for the SN/ESN family are preferable")
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m) | dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
mom.U <- mnormt::mom.mtruncnorm(2, mean=rep(0,m), Gamma, lower=-tau, ...)
omega.Delta <- omega * Delta
Gamma.inv <- solve(Gamma)
A <- omega.Delta %*% Gamma.inv
B.BT <- Omega - omega.Delta %*% Gamma.inv %*% t(omega.Delta)
E.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$cum[1] else mom.U$cum1
E.U2 <- if(m==1) mom.U$mom[3] else mom.U$order2$m2
var.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$cum[2] else mom.U$order2$cum2
return(Omega - A %*% (Gamma- var.U) %*% t(A))
vcov.SUNdistr <- function(object) sunVcov(dp=slot(object, "dp"), silent=TRUE)
# expand array to matrix (which are used by RAV&AA-2020)
array2mat <- function(x, d)
if(length(x)==d | length(dim(x))==2) return(x) else
n <- length(dim(x))
if(n > 4) stop("length(dim(x))>4 not allowed")
out <- NULL
for(k in 1:d) {
s1 <- if(n==3) paste("x[, , k]") else paste("x[, , k, 1]")
m1 <- eval(str2expression(s1))
out <- rbind(out, m1)
if(n==4) for(j in 2:d) out <- cbind(out, array2mat(x[,,,j], d))
sunMardia <- function(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma, dp=NULL, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# Mardia measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis for SUN distributions
if(!(missing(Delta) & missing(Omega)) && !is.null(dp))
stop("You cannot set both component parameters and 'dp'")
if(!is.null(dp)) {
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- length(xi)
m <- length(tau)
compNames <- rownames(Omega)
HcompNames <- rownames(Gamma)
if(is.null(compNames)) compNames <- paste("V", 1:d, sep="")
if(is.null(HcompNames)) HcompNames <- paste("H", 1:m, sep="")
u <- sunValues(dp=dp, compNames, HcompNames, ...)
makeSUNdistr <- function(dp, name, compNames, HcompNames, drop=TRUE)
if(!is.list(dp)) stop("dp is not a list")
if(length(dp) != 5) stop("length(dp) is not 5")
xi <- dp[[1]]
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- length(xi)
m <- length(tau)
if(!all(dim(Omega) == c(d,d))) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
if(missing(compNames)) { compNames <-
if(length(names(xi)) == d) names(xi) else
as.vector(outer("V", as.character(1:d), paste,sep="")) }
if(!is.matrix(Gamma) | m==1) {
if(length(c(Gamma))>1) stop("Wrong dp$Gamma")
if(c(Gamma) != 1) stop("Since m=1, dp$Gamma must be 1, but it is not")
if(drop) {
delta <- c(Delta)
if(length(delta) != d) stop("wrong size of Delta")
if(length(tau) != 1) stop("wrong length(tau)") <- solve(cov2cor(Omega)) %*% delta <- sum(delta %*%
if( >= 1 | < 0) stop("unfeasible arguments")
alpha <- as.vector( -
if(missing(name)) name <- "Unknown_ESN"
if(d==1) {
dp.ESN <- c(xi=xi, omega=sqrt(Omega), alpha=alpha, tau=tau)
obj <- new("SECdistrUv", dp=dp.ESN, family="ESN", name=name)
else {
dp.ESN <- list(xi=xi, Omega=Omega, alpha=alpha, tau=tau)
obj <- new("SECdistrMv", dp=dp.ESN, family="ESN", name=name, compNames=compNames)
} }
if(any(dim(Gamma) != c(m,m)) | any(dim(Delta) != c(d,m)))
stop("mismatch of dimensions")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega))
if(!all(diag(Gamma)==1)) stop("diag(Gamma) are not all 1's")
big.Omega <- rbind(cbind(Omega, omega*Delta), cbind(t(omega*Delta), Gamma))
if(max(abs(big.Omega -t(big.Omega))) > .Machine$double.eps)
stop("(Omega, Delta, Gamma) do not make a symmetric matrix")
big.Omega <- 0.5*(big.Omega + t(big.Omega))
eigenvalues <- eigen(big.Omega, symmetric=TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values
if(any(eigenvalues <= 0))
stop("(Omega, Delta, Gamma) do not make a positive definite matrix")
name <- if (!missing(name)) as.character(name)[1]
else paste("Unnamed-SUN(d=", as.character(d), ",m=",
as.character(m), ")", sep = "")
names(dp) <- c("xi", "Omega", "Delta", "tau", "Gamma")
if(missing(compNames)) compNames <-
as.vector(outer("V", as.character(1:d), paste,sep=""))
if(missing(HcompNames)) HcompNames <-
as.vector(outer("H", as.character(1:m), paste,sep=""))
names(xi) <- compNames
dimnames(Omega) <- list(compNames, compNames)
dimnames(Delta) <- list(compNames, HcompNames)
names(tau) <- HcompNames
dimnames(Gamma) <- list(HcompNames, HcompNames)
dp0 <- list(xi=xi, Omega=Omega, Delta=Delta, tau=tau, Gamma=Gamma)
obj <- new("SUNdistr", dp = dp0, name = name, compNames=compNames,
if(!is(obj, "SUNdistr") & drop==FALSE)
stop("Error. No SUNdistr object created")
marginalSUNdistr <- function(object, comp, name, drop=TRUE)
{# builds from 'obj' the SUN marginal distribution identified by 'comp'
# class.obj <- class(object)
if(!is(object, "SUNdistr") & !is(object, "SECdistrMv")) stop("object of wrong class")
if(is(object, "SECdistrMv")) {
if(slot(object, "family") == "ESN") {
message("This object is an ESN distribution, passed on to 'SECdistrMv'")
return(marginalSECdistr(object, comp, name, drop)) }
else stop("wrong 'family' type of 'SECdistrMv' object")
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
Omega <- dp[[2]]
d <- dim(Omega)[1]
if(!all(comp %in% 1L:d)) stop("some comp values not admissible")
dp.m <- list(xi=dp[[1]][comp], Omega=Omega[comp, comp, drop=FALSE],
Delta=dp[[3]][comp,, drop=FALSE], tau=dp[[4]], Gamma=dp[[5]])
if(missing(name)) {
comp.c <- paste(as.character(comp), collapse=",")
name <- paste(slot(object, "name"), "[", comp.c, "]", sep="")
compNames <- slot(object, "compNames")[comp]
hnames <- slot(object, "HcompNames")
obj.m <- makeSUNdistr(dp.m, name, compNames, hnames, drop=drop)
# if(class(obj.m) != "SUNdistr") stop("Error. No SUNdistr object created")
affineTransSUNdistr <- function(object, a, A, name, compNames, HcompNames, drop=TRUE)
{# distribution of affine transformation X=a+t(A)Y; see SN book, top of p.199
if(!is(object, "SUNdistr")) stop("wrong object class")
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
d <- length(dp$xi)
if(!is.matrix(A) || nrow(A) != d) stop("A is not a matrix or wrong nrow(A)")
h <- ncol(A)
if(length(a) != h) stop("size mismatch of arguments 'a' and 'A'")
if(missing(name)) name <- paste(deparse(substitute(a)), " + t(",
deparse(substitute(A)), ") %*% (", slot(object, "name"),")", sep="")
else name <- as.character(name)[1]
compNames <- as.vector(outer("V",as.character(1:h), paste,sep=""))
if(missing(HcompNames)) HcompNames <- slot(object, "HcompNames")
Omega <- dp$Omega
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega))
OmegaX <- t(A) %*% Omega %*% A
OmegaX <- (OmegaX + t(OmegaX))/2
eig <- eigen(OmegaX, symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
if(any(eig <= 0)) stop("singular transformation")
omegaX <- sqrt(diag(OmegaX))
DeltaA <- (1/omegaX)*t(A) %*% (omega * dp$Delta)
dpX <- list(xi=as.vector(a + t(A) %*% matrix(dp$xi, ncol=1)), Omega=OmegaX,
Delta=DeltaA, tau=dp$tau, Gamma=dp$Gamma)
obj <- makeSUNdistr(dp=dpX, name, compNames, HcompNames, drop=drop)
convolutionSUNdistr <- function(object1, object2, name, compNames, HcompNames)
{# convolution of two SUN distributions; see SN book eq.(7.8) on p.199
if(!is(object1, "SUNdistr") | !is(object2, "SUNdistr"))
stop("wrong object class")
dp1 <- slot(object1, "dp")
dp2 <- slot(object2, "dp")
m1 <- length(dp1$tau)
m2 <- length(dp2$tau)
if(length(dp1$xi) != length(dp2$xi)) stop("objects with different dimensions")
name1 <- slot(object1, "name")
name2 <- slot(object2, "name")
if(missing(name)) name <- paste("(", name1, ")+(", name2, ")", sep="")
if(missing(compNames)) compNames <-
as.vector(outer("V", as.character(1:length(dp1$xi)), paste, sep=""))
Omega1 <- dp1$Omega
omega1 <- sqrt(diag(Omega1))
Omega2 <- dp2$Omega
omega2 <- sqrt(diag(Omega2))
omega <- sqrt(omega1^2+omega2^2)
Delta <- cbind((omega1/omega)* dp1$Delta, (omega2/omega)* dp2$Delta )
if(missing(compNames)) compNames <-
as.vector(outer("V", as.character(1:length(dp1$xi)), paste, sep=""))
if(missing(HcompNames)) HcompNames <-
c(paste(name1, slot(object1, "HcompNames"), sep="."),
paste(name2, slot(object2, "HcompNames"), sep="."))
names(xi) <- compNames
Omega <- Omega1 + Omega2
dimnames(Omega) <- list(compNames, compNames)
dimnames(Delta) <- list(compNames, HcompNames)
tau <- c(dp1$tau, dp2$tau)
Gamma <- blockDiag(dp1$Gamma, dp2$Gamma)
names(tau) <- HcompNames
dimnames(Gamma) <- list(HcompNames, HcompNames)
dp <- list(xi=dp1$xi+dp2$xi, Omega=Omega, Delta=Delta, tau=tau, Gamma=Gamma)
obj <- makeSUNdistr(dp=dp, name, compNames, HcompNames)
conditionalSUNdistr <- function(object, comp, values, eventType="=", name, drop=TRUE)
{# Conditional distribution for the "=" case as given by eq.(7.7) of SN book, and
# later amendment; the distribution for the ">" case is given by RAV&AA (2020).
if(!is(object, "SUNdistr")) stop("wrong object class")
type <- match.arg(eventType, c("=", ">"))
if(!is.numeric(values)) stop("non-numeric 'values'")
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
xi <- dp$xi
Omega <- dp$Omega
Delta <- dp$Delta
tau <- dp$tau
Gamma <- dp$Gamma
d <- length(xi)
m <- length(tau)
if(!all(comp %in% 1:d)) stop("some 'comp' terms outside range")
if(length(comp) == d) stop("degenerate conditional distribution")
if(length(comp) != length(values)) stop("mismatch of comp and values sizes")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega))
Omega11 <- Omega[comp, comp, drop=FALSE]
Omega22 <- Omega[-comp, -comp, drop=FALSE] <- cov2cor(Omega)
if(type == "=") {
O11.inv <- solve(Omega11)
tmp1 <- Omega[-comp, comp, drop=FALSE] %*% O11.inv
values0 <- matrix(values - xi[comp], ncol=1)
xi2.1 <- c(xi[-comp] + tmp1 %*% values0)
O22.1 <- Omega22 - tmp1 %*% Omega[comp, -comp, drop=FALSE]
tmp2 <- solve([comp, comp, drop=FALSE])
Delta1 <- Delta[comp, , drop=FALSE]
Delta2 <- Delta[-comp, , drop=FALSE]
tau2.1 <- c(tau + t(Delta1) %*% tmp2 %*% (values0/omega[comp]))
Delta2.1 <- Delta2 -[-comp,comp] %*% tmp2 %*% Delta1
Gamma2.1 <- Gamma - t(Delta1) %*% tmp2 %*% Delta1
s <- sqrt(diag(Gamma2.1))
sDelta <- Delta2.1 %*% diag(1/s, m, m)
stau <- tau2.1/s
sGamma <- cov2cor(Gamma2.1)
if(missing(name)) name <- paste(slot(object, "name"), "|comp[",
paste(comp,collapse=","), "]=(", paste(format(values), collapse=","),
")", sep="")
names <- slot(object, "compNames")[-comp]
dp.c <- list(xi=xi2.1, Omega=O22.1, Delta=sDelta, tau=stau, Gamma=sGamma)
hnames <- slot(object, "HcompNames")
obj <- makeSUNdistr(dp=dp.c, name, names, hnames, drop=drop)
if(type == ">") {
xi.c <- xi[-comp]
Delta.c <- cbind(Delta[-comp,, drop=FALSE],[-comp,comp,drop=FALSE])
tau.c <- c((xi[comp] + (-values))/omega[comp], tau)
Gamma.c <- rbind(cbind([comp, comp, drop=FALSE], Delta[comp,,drop=FALSE]),
cbind(t(Delta[comp,, drop=FALSE]), Gamma))
dp.c <- list(xi=xi.c, Omega=Omega22, Delta=Delta.c, tau=tau.c, Gamma=Gamma.c)
if(missing(name)) name <- paste(slot(object, "name"), "|comp[",
paste(comp, collapse=","), "]>(", paste(format(values), collapse=","),
")", sep="")
names <- slot(object, "compNames")[-comp]
hnames <- c(slot(object, "compNames")[comp], slot(object, "HcompNames"))
obj <- makeSUNdistr(dp=dp.c, name, names, hnames, drop=drop)
joinSUNdistr <- function(object1, object2, name, compNames, HcompNames)
{# join two SUN distributions assuming independence
obj1 <- object1
obj2 <- object2
if(!is(obj1, "SUNdistr")) obj1 <- convertSN2SUNdistr(obj1, silent=TRUE)
if(is.null(obj1)) stop("object1 is neither a SUNdistr object nor adjustable")
if(!is(obj2, "SUNdistr")) obj2 <- convertSN2SUNdistr(obj2, silent=TRUE)
if(is.null(obj2)) stop("object2 is neither a SUNdistr object nor adjustable")
dp1 <- slot(obj1, "dp")
dp2 <- slot(obj2, "dp")
name1 <- slot(obj1, "name")
name2 <- slot(obj2, "name")
if(missing(name)) name <- paste("(",name1, ")x(", name2, ")", sep="")
if(missing(compNames)) compNames <-
c(paste(name1, slot(obj1, "compNames"), sep="."),
paste(name2, slot(obj2, "compNames"), sep="."))
if(missing(HcompNames)) HcompNames <-
c(paste(name1, slot(obj1, "HcompNames"), sep="."),
paste(name2, slot(obj2, "HcompNames"), sep="."))
dp <- list(xi=c(dp1$xi, dp2$xi), Omega=blockDiag(dp1$Omega, dp2$Omega),
Delta=blockDiag(dp1$Delta, dp2$Delta), tau=c(dp1$tau, dp2$tau),
Gamma=blockDiag(dp1$Gamma, dp2$Gamma))
makeSUNdistr(dp, name, compNames, HcompNames)
convertSN2SUNdistr <- function(object, HcompNames="h", silent=FALSE)
{# converts SN/ESN into a SUN distribution
# <- class(object)
if(!is(object, "SECdistrUv") & !is(object, "SECdistrMv"))
if(silent) return(NULL) else stop("wrong class object") <- slot(object, "family")
if(!( %in% c("SN", "ESN")))
if(silent) return(NULL) else stop("wrong family of distributions")
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
if(is(object, "SECdistrUv")) {
xi <- dp[1]
Omega <- matrix(dp[2]^2, 1, 1)
alpha <- dp[3]
Delta <- matrix(alpha/sqrt(1+alpha^2), 1, 1)
tau <- if(length(dp)>3) dp[4] else 0
names <- slot(object, "name")
if(is(object, "SECdistrMv")) {
xi <- dp[[1]]
Omega <- dp[[2]]
alpha <- dp[[3]]
etc <- delta.etc(alpha, Omega)
Delta <- matrix(etc$delta, ncol=1)
tau <- if(length(dp)>3) dp[[4]] else 0
names <- slot(object, "compNames")
dp <- list(xi=xi, Omega=Omega, Delta=Delta, tau=tau, Gamma=matrix(1, 1, 1))
makeSUNdistr(dp=dp, slot(object, "name"), names, HcompNames[1], drop=FALSE)
convertCSN2SUNpar <- function(mu, Sigma, D, nu, Delta)
{# convert a set of CSN parameters to their SUN equivalents
if(!all.numeric(mu, Sigma, D, nu, Delta)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
if(any(eigen(Sigma, only.values=TRUE)$values <= 0)) stop("invalid Sigma")
if(any(eigen(Delta, only.values=TRUE)$values <= 0)) stop("invalid Delta")
p <- NCOL(Sigma)
q <- NCOL(Delta)
if(length(mu) != p) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
if(length(nu) != q) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
if(any(dim(D) != c(q, p))) stop("mismatch of dimensions")
DS <- D %*% Sigma
M <- rbind(cbind(Sigma, t(DS)), cbind(DS, Delta + DS %*% t(D)))
M0 <- cov2cor(M)
Gamma <- M0[p + (1:q), p + (1:q), drop=FALSE]
DeltaSUN <- M0[1:p, p+(1:q), drop=FALSE]
list(xi=mu, Omega=matrix(Sigma, p, p), Delta=DeltaSUN, tau=-nu, Gamma=Gamma)
summary.SUNdistr <- function(object, ...)
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
name <- slot(object, "name")
compNames <- slot(object, "compNames")
HcompNames <- slot(object, "HcompNames")
u <- sunValues(dp=dp, compNames, HcompNames, ...)
new("summary.SUNdistr", dp=dp, name=name, compNames=compNames,
HcompNames=HcompNames, mean=u$mean, var.cov=u$vcov, gamma1=u$gamma1,
cum3=u$cum3, mardia=u$mardia)
sunValues <- function(dp, compNames, HcompNames, silent=FALSE, ...)
{# Some moments and other characteristics values of a SUN distribution.
# Computations are based on Proposition 1 and 2 of RAV&AA-2020
# This function is *not* exported in NAMESPACE.
if (length(dp) != 5) stop("wrong length of non-null 'dp'")
xi <- drop(dp[[1]])
Omega <- dp[[2]]
Delta <- dp[[3]]
tau <- dp[[4]]
Gamma <- dp[[5]]
if(!all.numeric(xi, Omega, Delta, tau, Gamma)) stop("non-numeric argument(s)")
d <- length(xi)
m <- length(tau)
if(m > 20)
{if(silent) return(NA) else stop("m exceeds the admissible size")}
if(missing(compNames)) compNames <- paste("V", 1:d, sep="")
if(missing(HcompNames)) HcompNames <- paste("H", 1:m, sep="")
omega <- sqrt(diag(Omega))
omega.Delta <- omega * Delta
Gamma.inv <- solve(Gamma)
A <- omega.Delta %*% Gamma.inv # A=\Lambda in (17) of RAV&AA-2020
mom.U <- mnormt::mom.mtruncnorm(4, mean=rep(0,m), Gamma, lower=-tau, ...)
E.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$cum[1] else mom.U$cum1
mu1.X <- A %*% E.U # see \mu_1(X) in Proposition 1
Esun <- dp$xi + drop(mu1.X)
names(Esun) <- compNames
# E.U2 <- if(m==1) mom.U$mom[3] else mom.U$order2$m2
var.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$cum[2] else mom.U$order2$cum2
Vsun <- Omega - A %*% (Gamma- var.U) %*% t(A) # see var(X) in Prop.1
dimnames(Vsun) <- list(compNames, compNames)
Sigma <- var.X <- Vsun
sigma <- sqrt(diag(Sigma))
Sigma.inv <- solve(Sigma)
mu2.X <- var.X + mu1.X %*% t(mu1.X)
# Calcolo cumulanti/momenti centrali del terzo ordine.
# Partiamo da \mu_3(X) della Proposizione 1 di RAV&AA-2020.
# Calcoliamo (I_{d^2}+K_d) utilizzando eqn.(4) e (7) a p.57
# di Magnus & Neudecker (2007, 3^ ed)
D <- duplicationMatrix(d)
Dplus <- solve(t(D) %*% D) %*% t(D)
twiceD.Dplus_d <- 2*D %*% Dplus
B.BT <- Omega - omega.Delta %*% Gamma.inv %*% t(omega.Delta) # \Psi in (17)
mu3.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$mom[3+1] else array2mat(mom.U$order3$m3, m)
mu3.X <- ( (A %x% A) %*% mu3.U %*% t(A) + twiceD.Dplus_d %*% (mu1.X %x% B.BT)
+ matrix(B.BT, ncol=1) %*% t(mu1.X) )
# Now apply shift \xi=-mu1.X in (A.7) of RAV&AA; first two terms cancel out
shift <- (-mu1.X)
cum3 <- (twiceD.Dplus_d %*% (shift %*% t(shift) %x% mu1.X + shift %x% mu2.X)
+ matrix(mu2.X, ncol=1) %*% t(shift) + mu3.X)
cum3 <- array(cum3, dim=c(d,d,d)) # convert matrix into array
gamma1 <- cum3[cbind(1:d, 1:d, 1:d)]/sigma^3
# Mardia measures of skewness and kurtosis; use Proposition 2 of RAV&AA-2020
AA <- Gamma.inv %*% t(omega.Delta) %*% Sigma.inv %*% omega.Delta %*% Gamma.inv
# AA =\tilde\Lambda^T\tilde\Lambda = \Lambda^T\Sigma\inv\Lambda in Prop.2
vec.mu3 <- if(m==1) mom.U$[3] else c(mom.U$order3$cum3)
gamma1M <- beta1M <- if(m==1) drop(vec.mu3^2 *AA^3) else
drop(t(vec.mu3) %*% (AA %x% AA %x% AA) %*% vec.mu3)
mu4.U <- if(m==1) mom.U$[4] else
{ cum4 <- array2mat(mom.U$order4$cum4, m) # conversione cum4 in matrice
# Usiamo (2.8)-(2.9) di Kollo & Srivastava (2005, Comms.Stat-TM) per
# passare da cumulanti a momenti centrali del quarto ordine, con correzione!
D <- duplicationMatrix(m)
Dplus <- solve(t(D) %*% D) %*% t(D)
twiceD.Dplus_m <- 2*D %*% Dplus
cmom4N <- twiceD.Dplus_m %*% (var.U %x% var.U) + c(var.U) %*% t(c(var.U))
cum4 + cmom4N # matrice dei quarti momenti centrali
tmp1 <- Gamma.inv %*% t(omega.Delta) %*% Sigma.inv
tmp2 <- B.BT %*% Sigma.inv
beta2M <- ( tr((AA %x% AA) %*% mu4.U) + 2* tr(var.U %*% AA) * tr(tmp2)
+ tr(tmp2)^2 + 4 * tr(var.U %*% tmp1 %*% B.BT %*% t(tmp1))
+ 2 * tr(tmp2 %*% tmp2) )
mardia <- c(gamma1M=gamma1M, gamma2M=(beta2M-d*(d+2)))
list(mean=Esun, vcov=Vsun, gamma1=gamma1, cum3=cum3, mardia=mardia)
# plotting SUN densities
plot.SUNdistr <- function(x, range, nlevels=8, levels, npt, main, comp,
compLabs, gap = 0.5, ...)
{# plot density of object of class "SUNdistr"
obj <- x
if(slot(obj, "class") != "SUNdistr") stop("object of wrong class")
dp <- slot(obj, "dp")
d <- length(dp$xi)
if(missing(comp)) comp <- seq(1, d)
if(!all(comp %in% seq(1,d))) stop("illegal 'comp' value(s)")
pd <- length(comp) # actual plotting dimension
if(missing(npt)) npt <- if(pd==1) 251 else rep(101, pd)
pobj <- if(pd == d) obj else marginalSUNdistr(obj, comp=comp, drop=FALSE)
name.pobj <- slot(obj, "name")
if(pd < d) name.pobj <- paste(name.pobj,"[", paste(comp, collapse=","), "]", sep="")
if(missing(main)) { main <- if(pd == 1 | pd == 2)
paste("Density function of", name.pobj) else
paste("Bivariate densities of", name.pobj)
compNames <- slot(pobj, "compNames")
if(missing(compLabs)) compLabs <- compNames
if(length(compLabs) != pd) stop("wrong length of 'compLabs' vector")
if(missing(range)) {
range <- matrix(NA, 2, pd)
dp.pobj <- slot(pobj, "dp")
m <- sunMean(dp=dp.pobj)
v <- sunVcov(dp=dp.pobj)
s <- sqrt(diag(v))
range <- rbind(m -3*s, m + 3*s)
dots <- list(...)
nmdots <- names(dots)
if(pd == 1) out <- plot.SUNdistrUv(pobj, range, npt, main, ...)
if(pd == 2) {
p <- plot.SUNdistrBv(pobj, range, nlevels, levels, npt, compLabs, main, ...)
out <- list(object=pobj, plot=p)
if(pd > 2) {
textPanel <- function(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, txt, cex, font)
text(x, y, txt, cex = cex, font = font)
localAxis <- function(side, x, y, xpd, bg, main, oma, ...) {
if (side%%2 == 1) Axis(x, side = side, xpd = NA, ...) else
Axis(y, side = side, xpd = NA, ...)
localPlot <- function(..., oma, font.main, cex.main) plot.SUNdistrBv(...)
text.diag.panel <- compLabs
oma <- if ("oma" %in% nmdots) dots$oma else NULL
if (is.null(oma)) {
oma <- c(4, 4, 4, 4)
if (!is.null(main)) oma[3L] <- 6
opar <- par(mfrow = c(length(comp), length(comp)),
mar = rep(c(gap,gap/2), each=2), oma=oma)
out <- list(object=pobj)
count <- 1
for (i in comp)
for (j in comp) {
count <- count + 1
if(i == j) {
plot(1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE)
text(1, 1, text.diag.panel[i], cex=2)
out[[count]] <- list()
names(out)[count] <- paste("diagonal component", compNames[i])
} else {
ji <- c(j,i)
marg <- marginalSUNdistr(pobj, comp=ji, drop=FALSE)
out[[count]] <- localPlot(x=marg, range=range[,ji], nlevels, levels,
npt=npt[ji], compNames= compNames[ji], compLabs=compLabs[ji],
main="", yaxt="n", xaxt="n", ...)
names(out)[count] <- paste("plot of components (", j, ",", i, ")")
if(i==comp[1]) axis(3) ; if(j==length(comp)) axis(4)
if(j==comp[1]) axis(2) ; if(i==length(comp)) axis(1)
box() }
par(new = FALSE)
if (!is.null(main)) {
font.main <- if ("font.main" %in% nmdots)
dots$font.main else par("font.main")
cex.main <- if ("cex.main" %in% nmdots)
dots$cex.main else par("cex.main")
mtext(main, side=3, TRUE, line=5, outer = TRUE, at=NA, cex=cex.main,
font=font.main, adj=0.5)
plot.SUNdistrBv <-
function(x, range, nlevels=8, levels, npt, compLabs, main, ...)
{# plot BiVariate SUN distribution (hence d=2)
obj <- x
if(slot(obj, "class") != "SUNdistr") stop("object of wrong class")
dp <- slot(obj, "dp")
d <- length(dp[[1]])
if(d != 2) stop("wrong dimensions, d=2 is required")
if(missing(npt)) npt <- rep(51, d)
n1 <- npt[1]
n2 <- npt[2]
x1 <- seq(min(range[,1]), max(range[,1]), length=n1)
x2 <- seq(min(range[,2]), max(range[,2]), length=n2)
x1.x2 <- cbind(rep(x1, n2), as.vector(matrix(x2, n1, n2, byrow=TRUE)))
X <- matrix(x1.x2, n1 * n2, 2, byrow = FALSE)
pdf <- matrix(dsun(X, dp=dp), n1, n2)
oo <- options()
compNames <- slot(obj ,"compNames")
if(missing(levels)) levels <- pretty(range(pdf, finite=TRUE), nlevels)[-1]
if(missing(compLabs)) compLabs <- compNames
contour(x1, x2, pdf, levels=levels, labels=format(levels),
main=main, xlab=compLabs[1], ylab=compLabs[2], ...)
cL <- contourLines(x1, x2, pdf, levels=levels)
for(j in 1:length(cL)) cL[[j]]$level <- levels[j]
return(list(x=x1, y=x2, names=compNames, density=pdf, contourLines=cL))
plot.SUNdistrUv <- function(x, range, npt=251, main, ...)
{# plot density of object "SUNdistr" when d=1
obj <- x
if(slot(obj, "class") != "SUNdistr") stop("object of wrong class")
dp <- slot(obj, "dp")
if(length(dp[[1]]) != 1) stop("SUN distribution of wrong dimension")
dots <- list(...)
nmdots <- names(dots)
topline <- if(obj@name == "") "" else
paste("Probability density of ", obj@name, "\n", sep="")
if(missing(main)) main <- paste(topline, "\nunivariate SUN distribution")
mar <- if ("mar" %in% nmdots) dots$mar else NULL
if (is.null(mar)) {
mar <- c(4.5, 4.5, 4, 2)
if (is.null(main)) mar[3L] <- 2
omar <- par()$mar
x <- seq(min(range), max(range), length=npt)
pdf <- as.vector(dsun(matrix(x, ncol=1), dp=dp))
xLab <- if("xlab" %in% nmdots) dots$xlab else slot(obj, "name")
yLab <- if("ylab" %in% nmdots) dots$ylab else "probability density"
yLim <- if("ylim" %in% nmdots) dots$ylim else c(0, max(pdf))
plot(x, pdf, type="n", xlab=xLab, ylab=yLab, ylim=yLim)
lines(x, pdf, ...)
abline(h=0, lty=2, col="gray50")
if (!is.null(main)) {
font.m <- if("font.main" %in% nmdots) dots$font.main else par("font.main")
cex.m <- if("cex.main" %in% nmdots) dots$cex.main else par("cex.main")
title(main, line=2, cex.main=cex.m, font.main=font.m)
invisible(list(object=obj, x=x, density=pdf))
#============================ classes and methods ============================
representation(dp="list", name="character", compNames="character",
dp <- object@dp
if(length(dp) != 5) return(FALSE)
if(!all(names(dp) == c("xi", "Omega", "Delta", "tau", "Gamma"))) return(FALSE)
if(mode(unlist(dp)) != "numeric") return(FALSE)
if(!is.character(object@name)) return(FALSE)
if(length(object@name) != 1) return(FALSE)
if(length(object@compNames) != length(dp[[1]])) return(FALSE)
if(length(object@HcompNames) != length(dp[[4]])) return(FALSE)
# numeric checks are assumed to be handled by makeSUNdistr
setMethod("show", "SUNdistr",
if(!is(object, "SUNdistr")) stop("wrong object class")
if(object@name != "")
cat("Probability distribution of variable '", object@name, "'\n", sep="")
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
d <- length(dp[[1]])
m <- length(dp[[4]])
compNames <- slot(object, "compNames")
HcompNames <- slot(object, "HcompNames")
cat("This is a SUN distribution of dimension d=", d, ", involving m=",
m, " hidden variables:", sep="")
cat("\n\nd-component parameters (xi, Omega):\n")
out <- rbind(xi=dp$xi, Omega=dp$Omega)
rownames(out) <- c("xi", paste("Omega[", compNames, ",", sep=""))
colnames(out) <- compNames
cat("\nm-component parameters (Delta, tau, Gamma):\n")
out <- rbind(dp$Delta, dp$tau, dp$Gamma)
rownames(out) <- c( paste("Delta[", compNames, ",", sep=""), "tau",
paste("Gamma[", HcompNames, ",", sep=""))
colnames(out) <- HcompNames
representation(dp="list", name="character",
compNames="character", HcompNames="character",
mean="vector", var.cov="matrix", gamma1="vector", cum3="array",
validity=function(object) {
dp <- slot(object, "dp")
if(length(dp) != 5) return(FALSE)
if(mode(unlist(dp)) != "numeric") return(FALSE)
d <- length(dp[[1]])
# m <- length(dp[[4]])
if(length(slot(object, "mean")) != d) return(FALSE)
if(any(dim(slot(object, "var.cov")) != c(d,d))) return(FALSE)
if(length(slot(object, "gamma1")) != d) return(FALSE)
if(any(dim(slot(object, "cum3")) != c(d,d,d))) return(FALSE)
if(length(slot(object, "mardia")) != 2) return(FALSE)
setMethod("show", "summary.SUNdistr",
obj <- object
dp <- slot(obj, "dp")
sun <- new("SUNdistr", dp=dp, name=slot(obj, "name"),
compNames=slot(obj, "compNames"), HcompNames=slot(obj, "HcompNames"))
cat("\nExpected value:\n")
print(slot(obj, "mean"))
cat("\nVariance matrix:\n")
print(slot(obj, "var.cov"))
cat("\nCoefficients of marginal skewness (gamma1):\n")
print(slot(obj, "gamma1"))
cat("\nMardia's measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis:\n")
print(slot(obj, "mardia"))
setMethod("plot", signature(x="SUNdistr", y="missing"), plot.SUNdistr)
setMethod("mean", signature(x="SUNdistr"), mean.SUNdistr)
setMethod("vcov", signature(object="SUNdistr"), vcov.SUNdistr)
setMethod("summary", signature(object="SUNdistr"), summary.SUNdistr)
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