addAM | Add amplitude modulation |
addFormants | Add formants |
addPitchCands | Plot pitch candidates |
addVectors | Add overlapping vectors |
analyze | Acoustic analysis |
analyzeFrame | Analyze fft frame |
annotation_app | Annotation app |
audSpectrogram | Auditory spectrogram |
averageMatrices | Average matrices |
bandpass | Bandpass/stop filters |
beat | Generate beat |
checkInputType | Check audio input type |
clumper | Clump a sequence into large segments |
compareSounds | Compare two sounds |
convert_sec_to_hms | Print time |
convertStringToFormants | Prepare a list of formants |
costJumps | Cost of jumps |
costPerPath | Cost per path |
crossFade | Join two waveforms by cross-fading |
defaults | Shiny app defaults |
defaults_analyze | Defaults and ranges for analyze() |
defaults_analyze_pitchCand | Defaults for plotting with analyze() |
def_form | Defaults and ranges for formant_app() |
detectNLP | Detect NLP |
detectNLP_training_nonv | Nonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on human... |
detectNLP_training_synth | Nonlinear phenomena: Naive Bayes classifier trained on... |
divideIntoSyllables | Syllable structure of a bout |
dot-addAM | Add AM to a sound |
dot-addFormants | Add formants per sound |
dot-analyze | Analyze per sound |
dot-audSpectrogram | Auditory spectrogram per sound |
dot-bandpass | Bandpass filter per sound |
dot-detectNLP | Detect NLP per sound |
dot-fade | Fade per sound |
dot-filterSoundByMS | Filter a single sound by MS |
dot-flatEnv | Flat envelope per sound |
dot-flatSpectrum | Flat spectrum per sound |
dot-getDuration | Get duration per sound |
dot-getLoudness | Loudness per sound |
dot-getPitchZc | Zero-crossing rate per sound |
dot-getRMS | RMS amplitude per sound |
dot-getSurprisal | Get surprisal per sound |
dot-modulationSpectrum | Modulation spectrum per sound |
dot-osc | Oscillogram per sound |
dot-phasegram | Phasegram per sound |
dot-pitchDescriptives | Pitch descriptives per file |
dot-prosody | Prosody per sound |
dot-resample | Resample per sound |
dot-reverb | Add reverb to a sound |
dot-segment | Internal soundgen function |
dot-shiftFormants | Shift formants per sound |
dot-shiftPitch | Shift pitch per sound |
dot-spectrogram | Spectrogram per sound |
dot-ssm | SSM per sound |
dot-timeStretch | Time stretch per sound |
dPhase | Phase derivatives |
drawContour | Draw contour |
ERBToHz | Convert Hz to ERB rate |
estimateVTL | Estimate vocal tract length |
evaluatePars | Evaluate parameters for optimization |
fade | Fade |
fart | Fart |
filled.contour.mod | Modified filled.contour |
filterMS | Filter modulation spectrum |
filterSoundByMS | Filter sound by modulation spectrum |
findBursts | Find bursts |
findElbow | Find the elbow of a screeplot or similar |
findGrad | Find gradient |
findInflections | Find inflections |
findJumps | Find frequency jumps |
findSyllables | Find syllables |
findVoicedSegments | Find voiced segments |
findZeroCrossing | Find zero crossing |
flatEnv | Flat envelope / compressor |
flatSpectrum | Flat spectrum |
forcePerPath | Force per path |
formant_app | Interactive formant tracker |
formatPitchManual | Format pitchManual |
gaussianSmooth2D | Gaussian smoothing in 2D |
generateEpoch | Generate an epoch |
generateGC | Generate glottal cycles |
generateHarmonics | Generate harmonics |
generateNoise | Generate noise |
generatePath | Generate path |
getAM | Get amplitude modulation |
getAM_env | Get Amplitude Modulation |
getBandwidth | Get bandwidth |
getCheckerboardKernel | Checkerboard kernel |
getCPP | Get Cepstral Peak Prominence |
getDiscreteContour | Discrete smooth contour from anchors |
getDom | Get lowest dominant frequency band |
getDuration | Get duration |
getEntropy | Entropy |
getEnv | Get amplitude envelope |
getFeatureFlux | Get flux from features |
getFormantDispersion | Get formant dispersion |
getFormants | Get formants |
getFrameBank | Frame bank |
getGlottalCycles | Divide f0 contour into glottal cycles |
getHNR | Get HNR |
getIntegerRandomWalk | Discrete random walk |
getLoudness | Get loudness |
getLoudnessPerFrame | Get loudness per frame |
getMelSpec | Mel-transformed spectrogram |
getNovelty | SSM novelty |
getPeakFreq | Get peak frequency |
getPitchAutocor | Autocorrelation pitch tracker |
getPitchCep | Cepstral pitch tracker |
getPitchHps | Harmonic product spectrum |
getPitchSpec | BaNa pitch tracker |
getPitchZc | Zero-crossing rate |
getPrior | Get prior for pitch candidates |
getRandomWalk | Random walk |
getRMS | RMS amplitude |
getRolloff | Control rolloff of harmonics |
getRough | Calculate roughness from modulation spectrum |
getSigmoid | Get sigmoid filter |
getSmoothContour | Smooth contour from anchors |
getSmoothSpectrum | Get smooth spectrum |
getSpectralEnvelope | Spectral envelope |
getSpectralFlux | Get spectral flux |
getSurprisal | Get surprisal |
getSurprisal_matrix | Get surprisal per matrix |
getSurprisal_vector | Get surprisal per vector |
getVocalFry | Subharmonics |
getVocalFry_per_epoch | Constant subharmonics regime |
guessPhase_GL | Guess phase GL |
guessPhase_spsi | Guess phase SPSI |
harmEnergy | Energy in harmonics |
harmHeight | Height of harmonics |
harmHeight_dif | Height of harmonics: difference method |
harmHeight_peaks | Height of harmonics: peaks method |
hillenbrand | Formants in American vowels |
htmlPlots | HTML for clickable plots |
hz2mel | Hz to mel |
HzToERB | Convert Hz to ERB rate |
HzToNotes | Convert Hz to notes |
HzToSemitones | Convert Hz to semitones |
identifyAndPlay | Identify and play |
interpolate | Interpolate |
interpolMatrix | Interpolate matrix |
intplNA | Interpolate NAs |
invertSpectrogram | Invert spectrogram |
isCentral.localMax | Simple peak detection |
isNeighbour_mod | Is neighbor modified |
iso226 | iso226 |
istft_mod | Modified istft |
jet.col | Matlab colors |
killDC | Kill DC |
listDepth | List depth |
lockToFormants | Lock to formants |
log01 | log01 |
logistic | Logistic |
logit | Logit |
logMatrix | Log-warp matrix |
logWarpMS | Log-warp a modulation spectrum |
matchColumns | Match number of columns |
matchLengths | Resize vector to required length |
matchPars | Match soundgen pars (experimental) |
medianSmoother | Median smoothing |
Mode | Modified mode |
modulationSpectrum | Modulation spectrum |
modulationSpectrumFragment | Modulation spectrum per fragment |
morph | Morph sounds |
morphDF | Morph dataframes |
morphFormants | Morph formants |
morphList | Morph lists |
msToSpec | Modulation spectrum to spectrogram |
naiveBayes | Naive Bayes |
naiveBayes_dynamicPrior | Naive Bayes dynamic prior |
naiveBayes_likelihood | Naive Bayes likelihood |
naiveBayes_train | Train a naive Bayes classifier |
noiseRemoval | Noise removal |
nonLinearPrediction_mod | Nonlinear prediction modified |
nonlinPred | Nonlinear prediction |
nonlinStats | Nonlinear statistics |
normalizeFolder | Normalize folder |
notesDict | Conversion table from Hz to musical notation |
notesToHz | Convert notes to Hz |
objectToString | Object to string |
optimizePars | Optimize parameters for acoustic analysis |
osc | Oscillogram |
parabPeakInterpol | Parabolic peak interpolation |
pathfinder | Pathfinder |
pathfinding_fast | Path through pitch candidates: fast |
pathfinding_slow | Path through pitch candidates: slow |
pDistr | Proportion of total |
permittedValues | Defaults and ranges for soundgen() |
phasegram | Phasegram |
phasePropagate | Propagate phase |
phon2sone | Convert phon to sone |
pitch_app | Interactive pitch tracker |
pitchContour | Manually corrected pitch contours in 260 sounds |
pitchDescriptives | Pitch descriptives |
pitchManual | Manual pitch estimation in 260 sounds |
pitchSmoothPraat | Pitch smoothing as in Praat |
playme | Play audio |
plotMS | Plot modulation spectrum |
plotSpec | Plot spectrogram |
presets | Presets |
princarg | Principal argument |
processAudio | Process audio |
prosody | Prosody |
pseudoLog | Pseudolog |
pseudoLog_undo | Undo pseudolog |
rbind_fill | rbind_fill |
readAudio | Read audio |
reformatAnchors | Reformat anchors |
reformatFormants | Reformat formants |
reportCI | Report CI |
reportTime | Report time |
resample | Resample a vector |
reverb | Reverb & echo |
rnorm_truncated | Random draw from a truncated normal distribution |
sampleModif | sampleModif |
scaleNoiseAnchors | Scale noise anchors |
scaleSPL | Scale SPL |
schwa | Schwa-related formant conversion |
segment | Segment a sound |
segmentManual | Manual counts of syllables in 260 sounds |
selfsim | Compute self-similarity |
semitonesToHz | Convert semitones to Hz |
shiftFormants | Shift formants |
shiftPitch | Shift pitch |
silenceSegments | Silence sound segments |
sinc | Sinc |
snake | Snake |
soundgen | Generate a sound |
soundgen_app | Interactive sound synthesizer |
specToMS | Spectrogram to modulation spectrum |
specToMS_1D | Spectrogram to modulation spectrum 1D |
spectrogram | Spectrogram |
splitContour | Split contour |
splitIntoChunks | Split vector into chunks |
spreadSpec | Spread spectrum |
ssm | Self-similarity matrix |
subhToHarm | Subharmonics-to-harmonics ratio |
summarizeAnalyze | Summarize the output of analyze() |
switchColorTheme | Switch color theme |
timeSeriesSummary | Time series summary |
timeStretch | Time stretch |
to_dB | Convert to dB |
transplantEnv | Transplant envelope |
transplantFormants | Transplant formants |
updateAnalyze | Update analyze |
upsampleGC | Upsample glottal cycles |
validatePars | Validate parameters |
warpMatrix | Warp matrix |
wiggleAnchors | Randomly modify anchors |
wiggleGC | Wiggle glottal cycles |
wigglePars | Wiggle parameters |
writeAudio | Write audio |
zeroOne | Normalize 0 to 1 |
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