
Defines functions registerDoSpark

Documented in registerDoSpark

#' @include utils.R

#' Register a Parallel Backend
#' Registers a parallel backend using the \code{foreach} package.
#' @param spark_conn Spark connection to use
#' @param parallelism Level of parallelism to use for task execution
#'   (if unspecified, then it will take the value of
#'    `SparkContext.defaultParallelism()` which by default is the number
#'    of cores available to the `sparklyr` application)
#' @param ... additional options for sparklyr parallel backend
#'   (currently only the only valid option is `nocompile`)
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")
#' registerDoSpark(sc, nocompile = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
registerDoSpark <- function(spark_conn, parallelism = NULL, ...) {
  do_spark_parallelism <- as.integer(
    parallelism %||%
        spark_context(spark_conn) %>% invoke("defaultParallelism"),
        # return 0 as number of workers if there is an exception
        error = function(e) {

  # internal function to process registerDoSpark options
  .processOpts <- function(...) {
    opts <- list(...)
    optnames <- names(opts)
    if (is.null(optnames)) {
      optnames <- rep("", length(opts))

    # filter out unnamed arguments with a warning
    unnamed <- !nzchar(optnames)
    if (any(unnamed)) {
      warning("ignoring doSpark package option(s) specified with unnamed argument")
      opts <- opts[!unnamed]
      optnames <- optnames[!unnamed]

    # filter out unrecognized options with a warning
    recog <- optnames %in% genv_get_do_spark("valid_options")
    if (any(!recog)) {
        "ignoring unrecognized doSpark package option(s): %s",
        paste(optnames[!recog], collapse = ", ")
      ), call. = FALSE)
      opts <- opts[recog]
      optnames <- optnames[recog]

    # clear .options from any previous call to registerDoSpark

    # set new options
    genv_set_do_spark_options(optnames, opts)

  serializer <- spark_apply_serializer()
  if (is.list(serializer)) {
    serializer <- serializer$serializer
  deserializer <- spark_apply_deserializer()
  # internal function called by foreach
  .doSpark <- function(obj, expr, envir, data) {
    # internal function to compile an expression if possible
    .compile <- function(expr, ...) {
      if (getRversion() < "2.13.0" || isTRUE(genv_get_do_spark("options")$nocompile)) {
      } else {
        compiler::compile(expr, ...)

    expr_globals <- globals::globalsOf(expr, envir = envir, recursive = TRUE, mustExist = FALSE)

    # internal function to process spark data frames
    .process_spark_items <- function(spark_items, ...) {
      pkgs_to_attach <- (.packages())
      worker_fn <- function(items) {
        for (pkg in pkgs_to_attach) {
          library(pkg, character.only = TRUE)
        enclos <- envir
        expr_globals <- as.list(expr_globals)
        for (k in names(expr_globals)) {
          v <- expr_globals[[k]]
          if (identical(typeof(v), "closure")) {
            # to make `enclos` truly self-contained, each of its element that is
            # a closure will need to have its enclosing environment replaced with
            # `enclos` itself
            environment(v) <- enclos
          if (!exists(k, where = enclos)) {
            assign(k, v, pos = enclos)
        # `enclos` now contains a snapshot of all external variables and functions
        # needed for evaluating `expr`
              function(item) {
                eval(expr, envir = as.list(deserializer(item)), enclos = enclos)
          error = function(ex) {

      spark_apply(spark_items, worker_fn, ..., memory = TRUE)

    if (!inherits(obj, "foreach")) {
      stop("obj must be a foreach object")

    spark_conn <- data$spark_conn
    spark_apply_args <- data$spark_apply_args
    spark_apply_args$fetch_result_as_sdf <- FALSE
    spark_apply_args$single_binary_column <- TRUE
    spark_apply_args$packages <- obj$packages

    it <- iterators::iter(obj)
    accumulator <- foreach::makeAccum(it)
    items <- dplyr::tibble(
      encoded = it %>% as.list() %>% lapply(serializer)
    spark_items <- sdf_copy_to(
      name = random_string("sparklyr_tmp_"),
      repartition = do_spark_parallelism
    expr <- .compile(expr)
    res <- do.call(
      .process_spark_items, append(list(spark_items), as.list(spark_apply_args))
      accumulator(res, seq(along = res)),
      error = function(e) {
        cat("error calling combine function:\n", file = stderr())
    err_val <- foreach::getErrorValue(it)
    err_idx <- foreach::getErrorIndex(it)
    if (identical(obj$errorHandling, "stop") && !is.null(err_val)) {
      msg <- sprintf("task %d failed - \"%s\"", err_idx, conditionMessage(err_val))
      stop(simpleError(msg, call = expr))
    } else {

  # internal function reporting info about the sparklyr parallel backend
  .info <- function(data, item) {
    pkgName <- "doSpark"
      name = pkgName,
      version = packageDescription(pkgName, fields = "Version"),
      workers = do_spark_parallelism,

      # list of valid options for doSpark
      valid_options = c("nocompile"),
      # options from the last successful call to registerDoSpark
      options = new.env(parent = emptyenv())

    fun = .doSpark,
    data = list(spark_conn = spark_conn, spark_apply_args = list(...)),
    info = .info

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sparklyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:58 a.m.