
Defines functions livy_service_stop livy_service_start

Documented in livy_service_start livy_service_stop

# nocov start

#' Start Livy
#' Starts the livy service.
#' @param version The version of \samp{livy} to use.
#' @param spark_version The version of \samp{spark} to connect to.
#' @param stdout,stderr where output to 'stdout' or 'stderr' should
#'   be sent. Same options as \code{system2}.
#' @param ... Optional arguments; currently unused.
#' @rdname livy_service
#' @export
livy_service_start <- function(version = NULL,
                               spark_version = NULL,
                               stdout = "",
                               stderr = "",
                               ...) {
  env <- unlist(list(
    "SPARK_HOME" = spark_home_dir(version = spark_version)

  if (identical(version, NULL)) {
    version <- livy_install_find() %>%

  # warn if the user attempts to use livy 0.2.0 with Spark >= 2.0.0
  if (!identical(spark_version, NULL)) {
    spark_version <- cast_string(spark_version)
    if (version == "0.2.0" &&
      numeric_version(spark_version) >= "2.0.0") {
      stopf("livy %s is not compatible with Spark (>= %s)", version, "2.0.0")

  livyStart <- file.path(livy_home_dir(version = version), "bin/livy-server")

  withr::with_envvar(env, {
      wait = FALSE,
      stdout = stdout,
      stderr = stderr

#' Stops Livy
#' Stops the running instances of the livy service.
#' @rdname livy_service
#' @export
livy_service_stop <- function() {
  if (.Platform$OS.type != "unix") {
    stop("Unsupported command in this platform")

  if (any(grepl(".*LivyServer", system2("jps", stdout = TRUE)))) {
    system2("kill", c("-9", "`jps | grep \"LivyServer\" | cut -d \" \" -f 1`"), wait = TRUE)

# nocov end

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

sparklyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:58 a.m.