
Defines functions findInBox qintersect poly2nb

Documented in poly2nb

# Copyright 2001-2024 by Roger Bivand 
# Modified by Micah Altman 2010

poly2nb <- function(pl, row.names=NULL, snap=NULL, queen=TRUE, useC=TRUE,
        foundInBox=NULL) {
        verbose <- get.VerboseOption()
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()
        sf <- NULL
        if (extends(class(pl), "SpatialPolygons")) {
            sf <- FALSE
        } else {
            if (inherits(pl, "sf")) {
                if (is.null(row.names)) row.names <- row.names(pl)
                regid <- NULL
                pl <- sf::st_geometry(pl)
            if (inherits(pl, "sfc")) {
                if (length(grep("POLYGON", class(pl)[1])) == 0L)
                    pl <- try(st_cast(pl, "MULTIPOLYGON"), silent=TRUE)
                    if (inherits(pl, "try-error")) 
                      stop("Polygon geometries required")
                if (attr(pl, "n_empty") > 0L) 
                    stop("Empty geometries found")
                sf <- TRUE
        if (is.null(sf)) stop("Not a polygon object")
	if (sf) {
            n <- length(pl)
        } else {
            n <- length(slot(pl, "polygons"))
	if (n < 1) stop("non-positive number of entities")
	if (is.null(row.names)) regid <- row.names(pl)
	else regid <- NULL
	if (is.null(regid)) {
		if(is.null(row.names)) regid <- as.character(1:n)
		else {
			if(length(row.names) != n)
				stop("row.names wrong length")
			else if (length(unique(row.names)) != length(row.names))
	    			stop("non-unique row.names given")
			else regid <- row.names
        if (!is.null(snap)) {
            stopifnot(length(snap) == 1L)
            if (snap < 0) snap <- abs(snap)
        } else {
            if (sf) {
                paras <- sf::st_crs(pl, parameters=TRUE)
                if (length(paras) == 0L) {
                    snap <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
                } else {
                    if (paras$IsGeographic) {
                        snap <- 9e-8
                    } else {
                        tenmm <- units::set_units(0.01, "metre")
                        if (grepl("metre", paras$units_gdal)) {
                            snap <- as.numeric(tenmm)
                        } else {
                            snap0 <- try(units::set_units(tenmm, paras$ud_unit,
                                mode="standard"), silent=TRUE)
                            if (inherits(snap0, "try-error")) {
                                snap <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
                            } else {
                                snap <- as.numeric(snap0)
            } else {
                snap <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
        vbsnap <- c(-snap, snap)
        if (verbose) cat("handle IDs:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3], "\n")
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()

        if (sf) {
            xpl0 <- as.data.frame(sf::st_coordinates(pl))
            xpl <- unname(split(xpl0[,1:2], xpl0[, length(xpl0)]))
# https://github.com/r-spatial/spdep/issues/50
            xxpl <- lapply(xpl, function(x) do.call("cbind", x[-1,]))
        } else {
            xpl <- slot(pl, "polygons")
            xxpl <- vector(mode="list", length=length(xpl))
            for (i in 1:length(xpl)) {
                xpli <- slot(xpl[[i]], "Polygons")
                zz <- lapply(xpli, function(j) slot(j, "coords")[-1,])
                xxpl[[i]] <- do.call("rbind", zz)
        nrs <- sapply(xxpl, nrow)
        bb <- t(sapply(xxpl, function(x) {
            rx <- range(x[,1]) + vbsnap
            ry <- range(x[,2]) + vbsnap
            c(rbind(rx, ry))
        if (verbose)
            cat("massage polygons:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3], "\n")

        .ptime_start <- proc.time()
#	dbsnap <- as.double(bsnap)
        dsnap <- as.double(snap)
        if (is.null(foundInBox)) {
            if (!sf) {
                pl0 <- try(st_as_sfc(pl), silent=TRUE)
                if (inherits(pl0, "try-error")) {
                    warning("poly2nb: spatial indexing abandoned,\n",
                        " could not be coerced to \"sfc\":\n", 
                        attr(pl0, "condition")$message)
                    genBBIndex <- function(bb) { 
                        n <- nrow(bb)
                        bxv <- as.vector(bb[,c(1,3)])
                        byv <- as.vector(bb[,c(2,4)])
                        obxv <- order(bxv)
                        rbxv <- c(1:(n*2))[obxv]
                        mbxv <- match(1:(n*2),obxv)
                        obyv <- order(byv)
                        rbyv <- c(1:(n*2))[obyv]
                        mbyv <- match(1:(n*2),obyv)
                        return(list(bb=bb, bxv=bxv, byv=byv, obxv=obxv,
                            obyv=obyv, mbxv=mbxv, mbyv=mbyv, rbyv=rbyv,
	            BBindex <- genBBIndex(bb)
                    if (verbose) cat("size of BBindex:", object.size(BBindex),
                    foundInBox <- lapply(1:(n-1), function(i)
                        findInBox(i, BBindex))
                } else {
                  pl <- pl0
              if (is.null(foundInBox)) {
# https://github.com/r-spatial/spdep/issues/65
                if (!is.na(st_is_longlat(pl)) &&
                  st_is_longlat(pl) && sf_use_s2()) {
                  if (packageVersion("sf") < "1.0.4") {
                    fB1 <- st_intersects(pl, sparse=TRUE)
                  } else {
                    fB1 <- st_intersects(pl, sparse=TRUE, model="closed")
                } else {
                  cdsnap <- as.double(c(-snap, -snap, snap, snap))
                  cbb <- t(apply(bb, 1, function(x) x+cdsnap))
                  envs <- apply(cbb, 1, function(x) 
                    st_polygon(list(rbind(x[c(1,2)], x[c(3,2)], x[c(3,4)],
                    x[c(1,4)], x[c(1,2)]))))
                  envs_sfc <- st_as_sfc(envs, crs=st_crs(pl))
                    fB1 <- st_intersects(envs_sfc, sparse=TRUE)
                fB1a <- lapply(seq_along(fB1), function(i) 
                  {fB1[[i]][fB1[[i]] > i]})
                foundInBox <- fB1a[-length(fB1a)]
            if (verbose) cat("findInBox:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3])
        stopifnot(length(foundInBox) == (n-1L))
            function(x) {if(!is.null(x)) is.integer(x)}))))
        nfIBB <- sum(sapply(foundInBox, length))
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" list size", nfIBB, "\n")
            cat("generate foundInBox:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3], "\n")
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()

	criterion <- ifelse(queen, 0, 1)
        if (useC) {
              ans <- .Call("poly_loop2", as.integer(n), foundInBox, bb, xxpl,
                as.integer(nrs), as.double(dsnap), as.integer(criterion),
                as.integer(nfIBB), PACKAGE="spdep")
        } else {
	    polypoly2 <- function(poly1, nrs1, poly2, nrs2, snap) {
		if (any(nrs1 == 0 || nrs2 == 0)) return(0L)
		res <- .Call("polypoly", poly1, nrs1, poly2, 
			nrs2, snap, PACKAGE="spdep")

	    ans <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
	    for (i in 1:n) ans[[i]] <- integer(0)
	    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
		for (j in foundInBox[[i]]) {
	            jhit <- .Call("spOverlap", bb[i,], 
			bb[j,], PACKAGE="spdep")
		    if (jhit > 0) {
		        khit <- 0
		        khit <- polypoly2(xxpl[[i]], nrs[i], xxpl[[j]], 
			    nrs[j], dsnap)

		        if (khit > criterion) {
			    ans[[i]] <- c(ans[[i]], j)
			    ans[[j]] <- c(ans[[j]], i)
	    for (i in 1:n) {
                if (length(ans[[i]]) == 0L) ans[[i]] <- 0L
                if (length(ans[[i]]) > 1L) ans[[i]] <- sort(ans[[i]])
        if (verbose) cat("work loop:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3], "\n")
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()

	class(ans) <- "nb"
	attr(ans, "region.id") <- regid
	attr(ans, "call") <- match.call()
	if (queen) attr(ans, "type") <- "queen"
	else attr(ans, "type") <- "rook"
	attr(ans, "snap") <- snap
	ans <- sym.attr.nb(ans)
        cans <- card(ans)
        if (get.NoNeighbourOption()) {
            if (any(cans == 0L)) warning("some observations have no neighbours;\nif this seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument.")
        NE <- n + sum(cans)
        if (get.SubgraphOption() && get.SubgraphCeiling() > NE) {
          ncomp <- n.comp.nb(ans)
          attr(ans, "ncomp") <- ncomp
          if (ncomp$nc > 1) warning("neighbour object has ", ncomp$nc, " sub-graphs;\nif this sub-graph count seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument.")
        if (verbose) cat("done:", (proc.time() - .ptime_start)[3], "\n")
        .ptime_start <- proc.time()

# faster findInBox

qintersect<-function(x,y) {
 	    # streamlined intersect function for unique vectors
    as.integer(y[match(x, y, 0L)])

findInBox<-function(i, sp, bigger=TRUE) {
    n <- dim(sp$bb)[1]

# use index structure to identify which other BB's fall in i's BB
# by getting id's of polygons with BBmin_j < BBmax_i, BBmax_j > BBmin_i for x and y 
# then taking the intersection of these four lists of id's

    tmp<-vector(mode="list", length=4)
        # ! i1 > j3 --> i1 <= j3
    tmp[[1]] <- sp$rbxv[sp$mbxv[i]:(n*2)]
    tmp[[1]]<- tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]>n)] - n
        # ! i2 > j4 --> i2 <= bj4
    tmp[[2]] <- sp$rbyv[sp$mbyv[i]:(n*2)]
    tmp[[2]]<- tmp[[2]][which(tmp[[2]]>n)] - n
        # ! i3 < j1 -> i3 >= j1
    tmp[[3]] <- sp$rbxv[1:sp$mbxv[i+n]]
    tmp[[3]] <- tmp[[3]][which(tmp[[3]]<=n)]
        # ! i4 < j2 -> i4 >= j2
    tmp[[4]] <- sp$rbyv[1:sp$mbyv[i+n]]
    tmp[[4]]<- tmp[[4]][which(tmp[[4]]<=n)]

	# for performance, order the comparison of the lists

    lentmp <- order(sapply(tmp,length))

	# use qintersect, since these are already vectors and unique 
    result <- qintersect(tmp[[lentmp[2]]],tmp[[lentmp[1]]])
    result <- qintersect(tmp[[lentmp[3]]],result)
    result <- qintersect(tmp[[lentmp[4]]],result)

    if (bigger) {


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