
Defines functions fitSpline

Documented in fitSpline

#' Fit Splines
#' Fit P-Splines on corrected or raw data. The number of
#' knots is chosen by the user. The function outputs are predicted P-Spline
#' values and their first and second derivatives on a dense grid. The
#' outputs can then be used for outlier detection for time series
#' (see \code{\link{detectSerieOut}}) and to estimate relevant parameters from
#' the curve for further analysis (see \code{\link{estimateSplineParameters}}).
#' @param inDat A data.frame with corrected spatial data.
#' @param trait A character string indicating the trait for which the spline
#' should be fitted.
#' @param genotypes A character vector indicating the genotypes for which
#' splines should be fitted. If \code{NULL}, splines will be fitted for all
#' genotypes.
#' @param plotIds A character vector indicating the plotIds for which splines
#' should be fitted. If \code{NULL}, splines will be fitted for all plotIds.
#' @param knots The number of knots to use when fitting the spline.
#' @param useTimeNumber Should the timeNumber be used instead of the timePoint?
#' @param timeNumber If \code{useTimeNumber = TRUE}, a character vector
#' indicating the column containing the numerical time to use.
#' @param minNoTP The minimum number of time points for which data should be
#' available for a plant. Defaults to 80% of all time points present in the
#' TP object. No splines are fitted for plants with less than the minimum number
#' of timepoints.
#' @return An object of class \code{HTPSpline}, a list with two
#' \code{data.frames}, \code{predDat} with predicted values and \code{coefDat}
#' with P-Spline coefficients on a dense grid.
#' @examples
#' ## The data from the Phenovator platform have been corrected for spatial
#' ## trends and outliers for single observations have been removed.
#' ## Fit P-Splines on a subset of genotypes
#' subGeno <- c("G070", "G160")
#' fit.spline <- fitSpline(inDat = spatCorrectedVator,
#'                         trait = "EffpsII_corr",
#'                         genotypes = subGeno,
#'                         knots = 50)
#' ## Extract the data.frames with predicted values and P-Spline coefficients.
#' predDat <- fit.spline$predDat
#' head(predDat)
#' coefDat <- fit.spline$coefDat
#' head(coefDat)
#' ## Visualize the P-Spline predictions for one genotype.
#' plot(fit.spline, genotypes = "G160")
#' ## Visualize the P-Spline predictions and first derivatives for one plant.
#' plot(fit.spline, plotIds = "c10r29", plotType = "predictions")
#' plot(fit.spline, plotIds = "c10r29", plotType = "derivatives")
#' @family functions for fitting splines
#' @importFrom LMMsolver spl1D
#' @export
fitSpline <- function(inDat,
                      genotypes = NULL,
                      plotIds = NULL,
                      knots = 50,
                      useTimeNumber = FALSE,
                      timeNumber = NULL,
                      minNoTP = NULL) {
  ## Checks.
  if (!is.character(trait) || length(trait) > 1) {
    stop("trait should be a character string of length 1.\n")
  if (!inherits(inDat, "data.frame")) {
    stop("inDat should be a data.frame.\n")
  if (isTRUE(useTimeNumber) &&
      (is.null(timeNumber) || !is.character(timeNumber) ||
       length(timeNumber) > 1)) {
    stop("timeNumber should be a character string of length 1.\n")
  fitLevel <- if (hasName(x = inDat, name = "plotId")) "plotId" else
  corrCols <- c("genotype", trait, if (fitLevel == "plotId") "plotId",
                if (useTimeNumber) timeNumber else "timePoint")
  if (!all(hasName(x = inDat, name = corrCols))) {
    stop("inDat should at least contain the following columns: ",
         paste(corrCols, collapse = ", "))
  if (!inherits(inDat[[fitLevel]], "factor")) {
    stop(fitLevel, " should be a factor column in inDat.\n")
  if (!is.null(genotypes) &&
      (!is.character(genotypes) ||
       !all(genotypes %in% inDat[["genotype"]]))) {
    stop("genotypes should be a character vector of genotypes in inDat.\n")
  if (!is.null(plotIds) &&
      (!is.character(plotIds) || !all(plotIds %in% inDat[["plotId"]]))) {
    stop("plotIds should be a character vector of plotIds in inDat.\n")
  if (!is.numeric(knots) || length(knots) > 1 || knots < 0) {
    stop("knots should be a positive numerical value.\n")
  if (knots < 4) {
    stop("Number of knots should be at least 4 for proper spline fitting.\n")
  if (!is.null(minNoTP) && (!is.numeric(minNoTP) || length(minNoTP) > 1)) {
    stop("minNoTP should be a numerical value.\n")
  if (!useTimeNumber) {
    if (!inherits(inDat[["timePoint"]], "POSIXct")) {
      stop("Column timePoint should be of class POSIXct.\n")
    ## Convert time point to time number with the first time point as 0.
    minTime <- min(inDat[["timePoint"]], na.rm = TRUE)
    inDat[["timeNumber"]] <- as.numeric(inDat[["timePoint"]] - minTime)
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(inDat[[timeNumber]])) {
      stop("timeNumber should be a numerical column.\n")
    inDat[["timeNumber"]] <- inDat[[timeNumber]]
  ## Restrict inDat to selected genotypes and plotIds.
  if (!is.null(genotypes)) {
    inDat <- inDat[inDat[["genotype"]] %in% genotypes, ]
  if (!is.null(plotIds)) {
    inDat <- inDat[inDat[["plotId"]] %in% plotIds, ]
  if (nrow(inDat) == 0) {
    stop("At least one valid combination of genotype and plotId should be ",
  ## Check if geno.decomp in present in inDat.
  useGenoDecomp <- hasName(x = inDat, name = "geno.decomp")
  if (fitLevel == "genotype") {
    ## If fitting at a genotype level set plotId to genotype.
    ## This way all further code can remain intact.
    if (useGenoDecomp) {
      inDat[["plotId"]] <- interaction(inDat[["genotype"]],
                                       inDat[["geno.decomp"]], drop = TRUE)
    } else {
      inDat[["plotId"]] <- inDat[["genotype"]]
  inDat <- droplevels(inDat)
  ## Create data.frame with plants and genotypes for adding genotype to results.
  if (useGenoDecomp) {
    plantGeno <- unique(inDat[c("plotId", "genotype", "geno.decomp")])
  } else {
    plantGeno <- unique(inDat[c("plotId", "genotype")])
  ## Determine minimum number of time points required.
  nTimeNumber <- length(unique(inDat[["timeNumber"]]))
  if (is.null(minNoTP)) {
    minTP <- 0.8 * nTimeNumber
  } else if (minNoTP < 0 || minNoTP > nTimeNumber) {
    stop("minNoTP should be a number bewtween 0 and ", nTimeNumber, ".\n")
  } else {
    minTP <- minNoTP
  ## Get number of non NA observations per plot for determining minimum
  ## number of knots.
  plotObs <- aggregate(x = inDat[[trait]], by = list(inDat[["plotId"]]),
                       FUN = function(plant) {
  ## Compute step size for prediction grid.
  ## Use smallest time gap between two points and divide that in 10 segments.
  minStep <- min(diff(sort(unique(inDat[["timeNumber"]]))))
  timeNumStep <- minStep / 9
  ## Create time range for prediction.
  ## Get range for time number and time point from data.
  timeNumRange <- range(inDat[["timeNumber"]])
  ## Create data.frame with time number and, if present,
  ## time point on prediction scale.
  timeRange <- data.frame(timeNumber = seq(from = timeNumRange[1],
                                           to = timeNumRange[2],
                                           by = timeNumStep))
  if (hasName(x = inDat, name = "timePoint")) {
    timePointRange <- range(inDat[["timePoint"]])
    timeRange[["timePoint"]] <- seq(from = timePointRange[1],
                                    to = timePointRange[2],
                                    by = timeNumStep * diff(timePointRange) /
  ## Check for plotIds that have a limited amount of observations.
  plotTab <- table(inDat[!is.na(inDat[[trait]]), "plotId"])
  plotLimObs <- names(plotTab[plotTab < minTP])
  if (length(plotLimObs) > 5) {
    warning("More than 5 ", fitLevel, "s have observations for less than the ",
            "minimum number of time points, which is ", round(minTP), ". The  ",
            "first 5 are printed, to see them all run attr(..., 'plotLimObs') ",
            "on the output\n",
            paste(plotLimObs[1:5], collapse = ", "), "\n", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (length(plotLimObs) > 0) {
    warning("The following ", fitLevel, "s have observations for less than ",
            "the minimum number of time points, which is ", round(minTP), ":\n",
            paste(plotLimObs, collapse = ", "), "\n", call. = FALSE)
  ## Fit splines.
  fitSp <- lapply(X = levels(plantGeno[["plotId"]]), FUN = function(plant) {
    ## Restrict data to current plant.
    dat <- inDat[inDat[["plotId"]] == plant & !is.na(inDat[[trait]]),
                 c("timeNumber", trait)]
    ## Manually select minimum number of time points.
    if (length(unique(dat[!is.na(dat[[trait]]), "timeNumber"])) >= minTP) {
      ## Fit the P-spline using LMMsolver.
      obj <- LMMsolver::LMMsolve(fixed = formula(paste(trait, "~ 1")),
                                 spline = ~spl1D(x = timeNumber, nseg = knots,
                                                 pord = 2, degree = 3,
                                                 scaleX = FALSE),
                                 data = dat)
      ## Extract the spline coefficients.
      coefObj <- coef(obj)
      coeff <- data.frame(obj.coefficients = coefObj$`s(timeNumber)` +
                            coefObj$`(Intercept)` + coefObj$`lin(timeNumber)`,
                          plotId = plant, row.names = NULL)
      coeff[["type"]] <- paste0("timeNumber", seq_len(nrow(coeff)))
      ## Restrict dense grid to points within observation range.
      timeRangePl <- timeRange[timeRange[["timeNumber"]] >=
                                 min(dat[!is.na(dat[[trait]]), "timeNumber"]) &
                                 timeRange[["timeNumber"]] <=
                                 max(dat[!is.na(dat[[trait]]), "timeNumber"]),
                               , drop = FALSE]
      ## Predictions on a dense grid.
      yPred <- LMMsolver::obtainSmoothTrend(obj, deriv = 0,
                                            newdata = timeRangePl,
                                            includeIntercept = TRUE)$ypred
      yDeriv <- LMMsolver::obtainSmoothTrend(obj, deriv = 1,
                                             newdata = timeRangePl)$ypred
      yDeriv2 <- LMMsolver::obtainSmoothTrend(obj, deriv = 2,
                                              newdata = timeRangePl)$ypred
      ## Merge time, predictions and plotId.
      predDat <- data.frame(timeRangePl, pred.value = yPred,
                            deriv = yDeriv, deriv2 = yDeriv2, plotId = plant)
      return(list(coeff = coeff, predDat = predDat))
    } else {
      return(list(coeff = NULL, predDat = NULL))
  ## Bind all coefficients into one data.frame.
  coefTot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(fitSp, `[[`, 1))
  ## Add genotype and optionally geno.decomp.
  addCols <- colnames(plantGeno)[colnames(plantGeno) != "plotId"]
  coefTot[addCols] <- plantGeno[match(coefTot[["plotId"]],
                                      plantGeno[["plotId"]]), addCols]
  ## Bind all predictions into one data.frame.
  predTot <- do.call(rbind, lapply(fitSp, `[[`, 2))
  ## Add genotype.
  predTot[addCols] <- plantGeno[match(predTot[["plotId"]],
                                      plantGeno[["plotId"]]), addCols]
  if (fitLevel == "genotype") {
    ## Remove plotId (duplicated genotype) from output.
    coefTot[["plotId"]] <- NULL
    predTot[["plotId"]] <- NULL
  ## Create output.
  res <- structure(list(coefDat = coefTot, predDat = predTot),
                   modDat = inDat,
                   trait = trait,
                   useTimeNumber = useTimeNumber,
                   fitLevel = fitLevel,
                   useGenoDecomp = useGenoDecomp,
                   plotLimObs = plotLimObs,
                   class = c("HTPSpline", "list"))

#' Plot the results of a fitted spline.
#' @inheritParams plot.TP
#' @param x An object of class \code{HTPSpline}.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @param plotType A character string indicating which spline component
#' should be plotted, either predictions, derivatives or second derivatives
#' ("derivatives2").
#' @param genotypes A character vector indicating the genotypes for which
#' spline components should be plotted.
#' @param plotIds A character vector indicating the plotIds for which spline
#' components should be plotted.
#' @return A list of object of class ggplot is invisibly returned.
#' @examples
#' ## The data from the Phenovator platform have been corrected for spatial
#' ## trends and outliers for single observations have been removed.
#' ## Fit P-Splines on a subset of genotypes
#' subGeno <- c("G070", "G160")
#' fit.spline <- fitSpline(inDat = spatCorrectedVator,
#'                         trait = "EffpsII_corr",
#'                         genotypes = subGeno,
#'                         knots = 50)
#' ## Visualize the P-Spline predictions for one genotype.
#' plot(fit.spline, genotypes = "G160")
#' ## Visualize the first and second derivatives of the predictions for one plant.
#' plot(fit.spline, plotIds = "c10r29", plotType =  "derivatives")
#' plot(fit.spline, plotIds = "c10r29", plotType =  "derivatives2")
#' @family functions for fitting splines
#' @export
plot.HTPSpline <- function(x,
                           plotType = c("predictions", "derivatives",
                           genotypes = NULL,
                           plotIds = NULL,
                           title = NULL,
                           output = TRUE,
                           outFile = NULL,
                           outFileOpts = NULL) {
  plotType <- match.arg(plotType)
  plotVar <- if (plotType == "predictions") "pred.value" else if
  (plotType == "derivatives") "deriv" else "deriv2"
  modDat <- attr(x, which = "modDat")
  trait <- attr(x, which = "trait")
  fitLevel <- attr(x, which = "fitLevel")
  useGenoDecomp <- attr(x, which = "useGenoDecomp")
  useTimeNumber <- attr(x, which = "useTimeNumber")
  predDat <- x$predDat
  if (!is.null(genotypes) &&
      (!is.character(genotypes) ||
       !all(genotypes %in% predDat[["genotype"]]))) {
    stop("genotypes should be a character vector of genotypes in predDat.\n")
  if (!is.null(plotIds) &&
      (!is.character(plotIds) || !all(plotIds %in% predDat[["plotId"]]))) {
    stop("plotIds should be a character vector of plotIds in predDat.\n")
  if (!is.null(outFile)) {
    chkFile(outFile, fileType = "pdf")
    output <- TRUE
    outFileOpts <- c(list(file = outFile), outFileOpts)
    on.exit(dev.off(), add = TRUE)
    do.call(pdf, args = outFileOpts)
  ## Restrict predDat and modDat to selected genotypes and plotIds.
  if (!is.null(genotypes)) {
    predDat <- predDat[predDat[["genotype"]] %in% genotypes, ]
    modDat <- modDat[modDat[["genotype"]] %in% genotypes, ]
  if (!is.null(plotIds)) {
    predDat <- predDat[predDat[["plotId"]] %in% plotIds, ]
    modDat <- modDat[modDat[["plotId"]] %in% plotIds, ]
  ## Remove plotIds with only NA from data.
  ## This can be caused by removing outliers.
  if (nrow(predDat) > 0) {
    if (fitLevel == "genotype" && useGenoDecomp) {
      modDat[["fitLevInt"]] <-
        interaction(modDat[["genotype"]], modDat[["geno.decomp"]], drop = TRUE)
      predDat[["fitLevInt"]] <-
        interaction(predDat[["genotype"]], predDat[["geno.decomp"]], drop = TRUE)
      fitLevel <- "fitLevInt"
      fitLevels <- levels(modDat[["fitLevInt"]])
      plotLevel <- c("genotype", "geno.decomp")
    } else {
      fitLevels <- unique(modDat[[fitLevel]])
      plotLevel <- fitLevel
    allNA <- sapply(X = fitLevels, FUN = function(x) {
      all(is.na(modDat[modDat[[fitLevel]] == x, trait]))
    modDat <- modDat[!modDat[[fitLevel]] %in% fitLevels[allNA], ]
    predDat <- predDat[!predDat[[fitLevel]] %in% fitLevels[allNA], ]
  modDat <- droplevels(modDat)
  predDat <- droplevels(predDat)
  if (nrow(predDat) == 0) {
    stop("At least one valid combination of genotype and plotId should be ",
  ## Construct plot title.
  if (is.null(title)) {
    if (plotType == "predictions") {
      title <- "Corrected data and P-spline prediction"
    } else if (plotType == "derivatives") {
      title <- "P-spline first derivatives"
    } else {
      title <- "P-spline second derivatives"
  timeVar <- if (useTimeNumber) "timeNumber" else "timePoint"
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(modDat, ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[timeVar]],
                                            y = .data[[trait]])) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = predDat,
                       ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[timeVar]], y = .data[[plotVar]]),
                       col = "blue", na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = title, y = trait, x = timeVar)
  if (plotType == "predictions") {
    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(na.rm = TRUE)
  if (!useTimeNumber) {
    ## Compute the number of breaks for the time scale.
    ## If there are less than 4 time points use positions of the time points.
    ## Otherwise use 3.
    nTp <- length(unique(modDat[["timePoint"]]))
    if (nTp < 5) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_datetime(breaks = unique(modDat[["timePoint"]]),
                                         labels = scales::date_format("%B %d"))
    } else {
      ## Format the time scale to Month + day.
      p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_datetime(breaks = prettier(n = 3),
                                         labels = scales::date_format("%B %d"))
  ## Calculate the total number of plots.
  nPlots <- length(unique(modDat[[fitLevel]]))
  ## 25 Plots per page.
  nPag <- ceiling(nPlots / 25)
  if (nPlots >= 25) {
    ## More than 25 plots.
    ## For identical layout on all pages use 5 x 5 plots throughout.
    rowPag <- colPag <- rep(x = 5, times = nPag)

    # 28-7-2020. ggforce has a bug that prevents this identical layout
    # https://github.com/thomasp85/ggforce/issues/201
    # When fixed the code above can be reactivated and the three lines below
    # removed.
    # plotsLastPag <- nPlots %% 25
    # rowPag <- c(rep(x = 5, times = nPag - 1), min(plotsLastPag %/% 5 + 1, 5))
    # colPag <- c(rep(x = 5, times = nPag - 1),
    #             ifelse(plotsLastPag >= 5, 5, plotsLastPag))
  } else {
    ## Less than 25 plots.
    ## Fill page by row of 5 plots.
    plotsPag <- nPlots %% 25
    rowPag <- min(ceiling(plotsPag / 5), 5)
    colPag <- ifelse(plotsPag >= 5, 5, plotsPag)
  ## Build pages of plots.
  pPag <- vector(mode = "list", length = nPag)
  for (i in 1:nPag) {
    pPag[[i]] <- p +
      ggforce::facet_wrap_paginate(facets = plotLevel, nrow = rowPag[i],
                                   ncol = colPag[i],
                                   labeller = ggplot2::label_wrap_gen(multi_line = FALSE),
                                   page = i)
    if (output) {

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statgenHTP documentation built on April 14, 2023, 9:12 a.m.