alleleFreqs | Allele Frequencies |
alleleSplit | Split Alleles For Diploid Data |
allelicRichness | Allelic Richness |
arlequin | Read and Write Arlequin Files | | Convert 'gtypes' to data.frame or matrix |
as.multidna | Convert to multidna |
baseFreqs | Base Frequencies |
bowhead.snp.position | Bowhead Whale SNP Genotype Groups |
bowhead.snps | Bowhead Whale SNP Genotypes |
clumpp | Run CLUMPP |
createConsensus | Consensus Sequence |
df2gtypes | Convert a data.frame to gtypes |
dloop.g | Dolphin dLoop gtypes Object |
dolph.haps | Dolphin mtDNA Haplotype Sequences |
dolph.msats | Dolphin Microsatellite Genotypes |
dolph.seqs | Dolphin mtDNA D-loop Sequences |
dolph.strata | Dolphin Genetic Stratification and Haplotypes |
dupGenotypes | Duplicate Genotypes |
evanno | Run Evanno Method on STRUCTURE Results |
expandHaplotypes | Expand Haplotypes |
fasta | Read and Write FASTA |
fixedDifferences | Fixed Differences |
fixedSites | Fixed Sites |
freq2GenData | Convert Haplotype Frequency Matrices |
fsc.input | Input functions for fastsimcoal parameters |
fscRead | Read fastsimcoal output |
fscRun | Run fastsimcoal |
fscWrite | Write fastsimcoal2 input files |
fusFs | Fu's Fs |
gelato | GELATo - Group ExcLusion and Assignment Test |
genepop | Run GENEPOP |
gtypes2genind | Convert Between 'gtypes' And 'genind' objects. |
gtypes2loci | Convert Between 'gtypes' And 'loci' objects. |
gtypes2phyDat | Convert Between 'gtypes' And 'phyDat' objects. |
gtypes.accessors | 'gtypes' Accessors |
gtypes-class | 'gtypes' Class | | Show a gtypes object |
heterozygosity | Heterozygosity |
hweTest | Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
initialize-gtypes-method | 'gtypes' Constructor |
is.gtypes | Test if object is 'gtypes' |
iupac | IUPAC Codes |
jackHWE | Hardy-Weinberg Equlibrium Jackknife |
labelHaplotypes | Find and label haplotypes |
landscape2gtypes | Convert Rmetasim landscape |
LDgenepop | Linkage Disequlibrium |
ldNe | ldNe |
lowFreqSubs | Low Frequency Substitutions |
maf | Minor Allele Frequencies |
mafft | MAFFT Alignment |
maverickRun | Run MavericK |
mega | Read and Write MEGA |
mostDistantSequences | Most Distant Sequences |
mostRepresentativeSequences | Representative Sequences |
mRatio | M ratio |
msats.g | Dolphin Microsatellite gtypes Object |
neiDa | Nei's Da |
nucleotideDivergence | Nucleotide Divergence |
nucleotideDiversity | Nucleotide Diversity |
numAlleles | Number of Alleles |
numGenotyped | Number of Individuals Genotyped |
numMissing | Number Missing Data |
permuteStrata | Permute strata |
phase | PHASE |
popGenEqns | Population Genetics Equations |
popStructStat | Population structure statistics |
popStructTest | Population Differentiation Tests |
privateAlleles | Private Alleles |
propUniqueAlleles | Proportion Unique Alleles |
readGenData | Read Genetic Data |
removeSequences | Remove Sequences |
sequence2gtypes | Convert Sequences To 'gtypes' |
sequenceLikelihoods | Sequence Likelihoods |
sfs | Site Frequency Spectrum |
sharedLoci | Shared Loci |
simGammaHaps | Simulate Haplotypes |
strataG-package | Summaries and population structure analyses of DNA sequence... |
strataSplit | Split Strata |
stratify | Stratify gtypes |
structure | STRUCTURE |
structurePlot | Plot STRUCTURE Results |
summarizeAll | Summarize Genotypes and Sequences |
summarizeInds | Individual Summaries |
summarizeLoci | Locus Summaries |
summarizeSeqs | Sequence Summaries |
summary-gtypes-method | Summarize gtypes Object |
tajimasD | Tajima's D |
theta | Theta |
TiTvRatio | Transition / Transversion Ratio |
trimNs | Trim N's From Sequences |
variableSites | Variable Sites |
writeGtypes | Write 'gtypes' | | Write NEXUS File for SNAPP |
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