
### Non-randomized version of the PIT histogram as discussed in:
### Predictive model assessment for count data
### Czado, C., Gneiting, T. & Held, L. (2009)
### Biometrics 65:1254-1261
### Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Michaela Paul, 2013-2015,2017,2019,2023 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "surveillance",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/.

## x - observed count data
## pdistr - predictive CDF or a list of such predictive CDF's,
##          one for each data point x. If evaluated at x=-1 it must return 0
## J - number of bins
## ... - additional arguments for pdistr(), recycled to the length of x.
##       Ignored if pdistr is a list.
## plot - a list of arguments for plot.histogram (otherwise no plot is produced)

pit.default <- function (x, pdistr, J=10, relative=TRUE, ..., plot = list())
    PxPxm1 <- pitPxPxm1(x, pdistr, ...)
    Px <- PxPxm1[1L,]
    Pxm1 <- PxPxm1[2L,]
    if (any(Px == Pxm1)) {
        ## This means the predictive probability of an observed x is zero.
        ## Our predictive model is really bad if that happens.
        warning("predictive distribution has 0 probability for observed 'x'")

    breaks <- (0:J)/J

    ## calculate \bar{F}(u) for scalar u
    Fbar1 <- function (u, Px, Pxm1)
        F_u <- punif(u, Pxm1, Px)  # also works for Pxm1 == Px => F_u = u >= Pxm1
    Fbar_seq <- vapply(X = breaks, FUN = Fbar1, FUN.VALUE = 0,
                       Px = Px, Pxm1 = Pxm1, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    scale <- if (relative) J else 1
    f_j <- scale * diff.default(Fbar_seq)

    res <- list(breaks = breaks, counts = rep(NA_integer_, J), density = f_j,
                mids = breaks[-(J+1)] + 1/J/2, xname = "PIT", equidist = TRUE)
    class(res) <- c("pit", "histogram")

    if (is.list(plot)) do.call("plot", c(list(x = res), plot)) else res

pitPxPxm1 <- function (x, pdistr, ...)
    if (is.list(pdistr)) { # list of functions, not necessarily vectorized
        stopifnot(length(pdistr) == length(x))
        vapply(X = seq_along(x), FUN = function (i) {
                all.equal.numeric(0, pdistr[[i]](-1), check.attributes = FALSE)
            c(pdistr[[i]](x[i]), pdistr[[i]](x[i]-1))
        }, FUN.VALUE = c(0,0), USE.NAMES = FALSE) # 2 x length(x)
    } else { # pdistr is (the name of) a function
        pdistr <- match.fun(pdistr)
        if (nargs() == 2L) { # no dots, same pdistr for every data point
                             # and assumed to be vectorized
            stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal.numeric(0, pdistr(-1))))
                  deparse.level = 0)
        } else { # ... arguments for pdistr, recycled to the length of x
                 # pdistr is called by mapply, so no need to be vectorized
                0, do.call("pdistr", c(list(-1), lapply(list(...), "[", 1L))),
                check.attributes = FALSE)))
            rbind(mapply(pdistr, x, ..., SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
                  mapply(pdistr, x-1, ..., SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
                  deparse.level = 0)

## plot the PIT histogram

plot.pit <- function (x, main = "", ylab = NULL, freq = FALSE, ...)
    if (freq) warning("'freq' is ignored") # we have no counts
    relative <- isTRUE(all.equal(1, sum(x$density)))
    if (is.null(ylab))
        ylab <- if (relative) "Relative Frequency" else "Density"
    ## call plot.histogram
    NextMethod("plot", main = main, ylab = ylab, freq = FALSE, ...)
    ## add reference line
    abline(h = if (relative) 1/length(x$mids) else 1, lty = 2, col = "grey")

## a convenient wrapper for Poisson and NegBin predictions

.pit <- function (x, mu, size = NULL, ...)
    if (is.null(size)) {
        pit.default(x = x, pdistr = "ppois", lambda = mu, ...)
    } else {
        pit.default(x = x, pdistr = "pnbinom", mu = mu, size = size, ...)

## pit-methods for oneStepAhead() predictions and "hhh4" fits
## (similar to the scores-methods)

pit.oneStepAhead <- function (x, units = NULL, ...)
    if (is.null(units)) {
        .pit(x = x$observed, mu = x$pred, size = psi2size.oneStepAhead(x), ...)
    } else {
        .pit(x = x$observed[, units, drop = FALSE],
             mu = x$pred[, units, drop = FALSE],
             size = psi2size.oneStepAhead(x)[, units, drop = FALSE],

pit.hhh4 <- function (x, subset = x$control$subset, units = seq_len(x$nUnit), ...)
    .pit(x = x$stsObj@observed[subset, units, drop = FALSE],
         mu = x$fitted.values[match(subset, x$control$subset), units, drop = FALSE],
         size = psi2size.hhh4(x, subset, units),

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