
#' Graded Response Model
#' @description Routine functions for the GRM
#' @name model_grm

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param t ability parameters, 1d vector
#' @param a discrimination parameters, 1d vector
#' @param b item location parameters, 2d matrix
#' @param D the scaling constant, 1.702 by default
#' @param raw TRUE to return P*
#' @examples 
#' with(model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3), model_grm_prob(t, a, b))
#' @export
model_grm_prob <- function(t, a, b, D=1.702, raw=FALSE){
  n_p <- length(t)
  n_i <- nrow(b)
  n_c <- ncol(b)+1
  p <- 1 / (1 + exp(D * a * outer(b, t, '-')))
  if(raw) {
    p <- apply(p, 1, function(x) rbind(1, x, 0))
    p <- aperm(array(p, dim=c(n_c+1, n_p, n_i)), c(2, 3, 1))
  } else {
    p <- apply(p, 1, function(x) rbind(1, x) - rbind(x, 0))
    p <- aperm(array(p, dim=c(n_c, n_p, n_i)), c(2, 3, 1))

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @examples 
#' with(model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3), model_grm_info(t, a, b))
#' @export 
model_grm_info <- function(t, a, b, D=1.702){
  p  <- model_grm_prob(t, a, b, D)
  p_ <- aperm(apply(p, c(1, 2), function(x) rev(cumsum(c(0, rev(x))))), c(2, 3, 1))
  num_cats <- dim(p)[3]
  dv1_p_ <- aperm(p_ * (1 - p_), c(2, 3, 1)) * D * a
  dv2_p_ <- aperm((1 - 2 * p_) * p_ * (1 - p_), c(2, 3, 1)) * (D * a)^2
  dv1_p <- dv1_p_[,1:num_cats,] - dv1_p_[,-1,]
  dv1_p <- aperm(dv1_p, c(3, 1, 2))
  dv2_p <- dv2_p_[,1:num_cats,] - dv2_p_[,-1,]
  dv2_p <- aperm(dv2_p, c(3, 1, 2))
  1 / p * dv1_p^2 - dv2_p

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param u the observed scores (starting from 0), 2d matrix
#' @param log TRUE to return log-likelihood
#' @examples 
#' with(model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3), model_grm_lh(u, t, a, b))
#' @export
model_grm_lh <- function(u, t, a, b, D=1.702, log=FALSE){
  p <- model_grm_prob(t, a, b, D)
  ix <- model_polytomous_3dindex(u)
  lh <- array(p[ix], dim=dim(u))
  if(log) lh <- log(lh)

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param n_p the number of people to be generated
#' @param n_i the number of items to be generated
#' @param n_c the number of score categories
#' @param t_dist parameters of the normal distribution used to generate t-parameters
#' @param a_dist parameters of the lognormal distribution used to generate a-parameters
#' @param b_dist parameters of the normal distribution used to generate b-parameters
#' @param missing the proportion or number of missing responses
#' @examples
#' model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3)
#' model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3, missing=.1)
#' @importFrom stats rnorm rlnorm runif
#' @export
model_grm_gendata <- function(n_p, n_i, n_c, t=NULL, a=NULL, b=NULL, D=1.702, t_dist=c(0, 1), a_dist=c(-.1, .2), b_dist=c(0, .8), missing=NULL){
  if(is.null(t)) t <- rnorm(n_p, mean=t_dist[1], sd=t_dist[2])
  if(is.null(a)) a <- rlnorm(n_i, meanlog=a_dist[1], sdlog=a_dist[2])
  if(is.null(b)) {
    b <- matrix(rnorm(n_i * (n_c - 1), mean=b_dist[1], sd=b_dist[2]), nrow=n_i)
    b <- t(apply(b, 1, sort))
    b <- matrix(b, nrow=n_i, ncol=n_c-1)
  if(length(t) == 1) t <- rep(t, n_p)
  if(length(a) == 1) a <- rep(a, n_i)
  if(length(t) != n_p) stop('wrong dimensions for t')
  if(length(a) != n_i) stop('wrong dimensions for a')
  if(nrow(b) != n_i || ncol(b) != n_c - 1) stop('wrong dimensions for b')
  p <- model_grm_prob(t, a, b, D)
  u <- apply(p, 2, function(x) rowSums(runif(n_p) >= t(apply(x, 1, cumsum))))
    missing <- floor(ifelse(missing < 1, missing * n_p * n_i, missing))
    idx <- sample(length(u), missing)
    u[cbind(ceiling(idx/n_i), (idx-1)%%n_i+1)] <- NA
  list(u=u, t=t, a=a, b=b)

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param param the parameter of the new scale: 't' or 'b'
#' @param mean the mean of the new scale
#' @param sd the standard deviation of the new scale
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
model_grm_rescale <- function(t, a, b, param=c("t", "b"), mean=0, sd=1){
  scale <- switch(match.arg(param), "t"=t, "b"=b)
  slope <- sd / sd(scale)
  intercept <- mean - slope * mean(scale)
  t <- slope * t + intercept
  b <- slope * b + intercept
  a <- a / slope
  list(t=t, a=a, b=b)

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param type the type of plot, prob for ICC and info for IIFC
#' @param total TRUE to sum values over items
#' @param by_item TRUE to combine categories
#' @param xaxis the values of x-axis
#' @examples
#' with(model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3), model_grm_plot(a, b, type='prob'))
#' with(model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3), model_grm_plot(a, b, type='info', by_item=TRUE))
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
model_grm_plot <- function(a, b, D=1.702, type=c('prob', 'info'), by_item=FALSE, total=FALSE, xaxis=seq(-6, 6, .1), raw=FALSE){
  rs <- switch(match.arg(type), "prob"=model_grm_prob(xaxis, a, b, D, raw), "info"=model_grm_info(xaxis, a, b, D))
  n_p <- dim(rs)[1]
  n_i <- dim(rs)[2]
  n_c <- dim(rs)[3]
  y <- NULL
  for(i in 1:n_i)
    y <- rbind(y, data.frame(theta=rep(xaxis, n_c), item=paste('Item', i), category=paste('Category', rep(1:n_c, each=n_p)), x=as.vector(rs[,i,])))
  if(by_item) y <- rbind(y, cbind(aggregate(y$x, by=list(theta=y$theta, item=y$item), sum), category='Total'))
  if(total) y <- cbind(aggregate(y$x, by=list(theta=y$theta, category=y$category), sum), item='Total')
  y <- y[!is.na(y$x),]
  ggplot(y, aes_string(x="theta", y="x", color="category")) +
    geom_line() + facet_wrap(~item, scales='free') +
    xlab(expression(theta)) + ylab(type) +
    guides(color=FALSE) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.key=element_blank())

#' @rdname model_grm
#' @param show_mle TRUE to print maximum likelihood values
#' @examples
#' with(model_grm_gendata(5, 50, 3), model_grm_plot_loglh(u, a, b))
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
model_grm_plot_loglh <- function(u, a, b, D=1.702, xaxis=seq(-6, 6, .1), show_mle=FALSE){
  n_p <- dim(u)[1]
  n_i <- dim(u)[2]
  n_t <- length(xaxis)
  rs <- array(NA, dim=c(n_p, n_t))
  for(i in 1:n_t)
    rs[, i] <- rowSums(model_grm_lh(u, rep(xaxis[i], n_p), a, b, D, log=TRUE))
  if(show_mle) print(apply(rs, 1, function(x){xaxis[which.max(x)]}))
  rs <- data.frame(theta=rep(xaxis, each=n_p), people=rep(1:n_p, n_t), value=as.vector(rs))
  rs$people <- factor(rs$people)
  ggplot(rs, aes_string(x="theta", y="value", color="people")) +
    geom_line() + xlab(expression(theta)) + ylab("Log-likelihood") +
    guides(color=FALSE) + theme_bw()

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