
#' facets_heatmap
#' Creates a heatmap of copy number profiles from segment files.
#' @param seg a segmentation file containing the segmentation information of multiple samples
#' @param filenames the names of the segment files to be loaded and processed (Note must end in ".Rdata").
#' @param path the relative path to the files folder from your current directory
#' @param samples the names of the samples of the respective filenames. Default simply 1 to number of files.
#' @param min_purity the minimum purity of the sample required to be kept in the final dataset. Default is 0.3.
#' @param epsilon level of unions when aggregating segments between
#' @param ordered order in which samples should be printed. Default NUll leads to hierarchical clustering.
#' @param outcome for seg file only, if outcome associated with study it will be printed along the x axis for each patient
#' @param adaptive CNregions option to create adaptive segments
#' @return p a heatmap corresponding to the segment files inputted
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seg <- gnomeR::seg
#' samples <- unique(seg$ID)[1:100]
#' seg <- seg[seg$ID %in% samples, ]
#' facet <- facets_heatmap(seg = seg,
#'                         samples = samples)
#' facet$p
#' @import
#' gplots
#' lattice
#' tibble

facets_heatmap <- function (seg = NULL,
                            filenames = NULL,
                            path = NULL,
                            samples = NULL,
                            min_purity = 0.3,
                            epsilon = 0.005,
                            ordered = NULL,
                            outcome = NULL,
                            adaptive = FALSE)
  if (is.null(seg) && is.null(filenames))
    stop("You must provide either a complete segmentation file\n         or a list of files to be loaded with their corresponding path")

  if (!is.null(seg) && !is.null(filenames))
    stop("Please provide either a complete segmentation file or a\n         list of segmentation files to be loaded")

  if (!is.null(filenames)) {
    dat <- facets_dat(seg = NULL, filenames, path, samples,
                      min_purity, epsilon, adaptive)
    reducedM <- dat$
    ploidy <- dat$ploidy
    purity <- dat$purity
    rownames(reducedM) <- as.character(abbreviate(rownames(reducedM),
                                                  minlength = 17))
    if(!is.null(outcome)) {
      missing <- which(,rownames(reducedM))))
        outcome <- outcome[-missing]

      reducedM <- reducedM[match(names(outcome),rownames(reducedM)),]

    imagedata = reducedM
    imagedata[imagedata > 1.5] = 1.5
    imagedata[imagedata < -1.5] = -1.5

    if (is.null(ordered)) {
      cl = stats::hclust(stats::dist(imagedata), method = "ward.D2")
      imagedata.ordered = imagedata[cl$order, ]
      imagedata.ordered = as.matrix(rev(
    if (!is.null(ordered)) {
      if(length(missing) > 0)
        ordered <- order(outcome)
      imagedata.ordered = imagedata[ordered, ]
      imagedata.ordered = as.matrix(rev(
    chr = strsplit(colnames(imagedata), "\\.")
    chr = unlist(lapply(1:length(chr), function(x) chr[[x]][1]))
    chr = gsub("chr", "", chr)
    chr = as.numeric(chr)
    len = length(chr)
    chrom.ends <- rep(NA, length(table(chr)))
    d = 1
    for (r in unique(chr)) {
      chrom.ends[d] <- max(which(chr == r))
      d = d + 1
    chrom.starts <- c(1, chrom.ends[-length(table(chr))] +
    chrom.mids <- (chrom.starts + chrom.ends)/2
    bw = colorpanel(2, low = "white", high = "cadetblue4")
    colorkey = list(space = "right", height = 0.3, tick.number = 5)
    n <- nrow(reducedM)
    if (!is.null(outcome))
      x.lab <- outcome
    if (is.null(outcome))
      x.lab <- rep(" ", n)
    if (is.null(ordered))
      x.lab <- as.character(x.lab[cl$order])
    if (!is.null(ordered))
      x.lab <- as.character(x.lab[ordered])
    if (is.null(outcome) && is.null(ordered))
      scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n, labels = x.lab,
                             rot = 90), y = list(at = len - chrom.mids, labels = names(table(chr))),
                    z = list(at = n:1, labels = purity[cl$order],
                             rot = 90))
    else scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n, labels = x.lab,
                                rot = 90), y = list(at = len - chrom.mids, labels = names(table(chr))),
                       z = list(at = n:1, labels = rep(1, n), rot = 90))
    my.panel.levelplot.2 <- function(...) {
      panel.abline(h = len - chrom.starts[-1], col = "gray",
                   lwd = 1)
      panel.scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n), y = list(at = len -
                                                         chrom.mids), z = list())
    my.panel = my.panel.levelplot.2
    p = lattice::levelplot(imagedata.ordered, panel = my.panel, scales = scales,
                  aspect = "fill", col.regions = bluered(256), xlab = "",
                  ylab = "", colorkey = colorkey)
    return(list(p = p, =$,
                ploidy = ploidy, purity = purity, FGA = dat$FGA))
  if (!is.null(seg)) {
    if (!is.null(outcome))
      names(outcome) <- samples
    if (!is.null(ordered))
      names(ordered) <- samples
    dat <- facets_dat(seg, filenames, path, samples, min_purity,
                      epsilon, adaptive)
    reducedM <- dat$
    samples <- samples[match(rownames(reducedM), samples)]
    if (!is.null(outcome))
      outcome <- outcome[match(rownames(reducedM), names(outcome))]
    if (!is.null(ordered) && !is.null(outcome))
      ordered <- order(outcome)
    rownames(reducedM) <- abbreviate(rownames(reducedM),
                                     minlength = 10)
    imagedata = reducedM
    imagedata[imagedata > 1.5] = 1.5
    imagedata[imagedata < -1.5] = -1.5
    if (is.null(ordered)) {
      cl = stats::hclust(stats::dist(imagedata), method = "ward.D2")
      imagedata.ordered = imagedata[cl$order, ]
      imagedata.ordered = as.matrix(rev(
    if (!is.null(ordered)) {
      imagedata.ordered = imagedata[ordered, ]
      imagedata.ordered = as.matrix(rev(
    chr = strsplit(colnames(imagedata), "\\.")
    chr = unlist(lapply(1:length(chr), function(x) chr[[x]][1]))
    chr = gsub("chr", "", chr)
    chr = as.numeric(chr)
    len = length(chr)
    chrom.ends <- rep(NA, length(table(chr)))
    d = 1
    for (r in unique(chr)) {
      chrom.ends[d] <- max(which(chr == r))
      d = d + 1
    chrom.starts <- c(1, chrom.ends[-length(table(chr))] +
    chrom.mids <- (chrom.starts + chrom.ends)/2
    bw = colorpanel(2, low = "white", high = "cadetblue4")
    colorkey = list(space = "right", height = 0.3, tick.number = 5)
    n <- nrow(reducedM)
    if (!is.null(outcome))
      x.lab <- outcome
    if (is.null(outcome))
      x.lab <- rep(" ", n)
    if (is.null(ordered))
      x.lab <- as.character(x.lab[cl$order])
    if (!is.null(ordered))
      x.lab <- as.character(x.lab[ordered])
    if (any(grepl("tcn", colnames(reducedM))) && any(grepl("ploidy",
      scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n, labels = ploidy[cl$order],
                             rot = 90), y = list(at = len - chrom.mids, labels = names(table(chr))),
                    z = list(at = n:1, labels = purity[cl$order],
                             rot = 90))
    else scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n, labels = x.lab,
                                rot = 90), y = list(at = len - chrom.mids, labels = names(table(chr))),
                       z = list(at = n:1, labels = rep(1, n), rot = 90))
    my.panel.levelplot.2 <- function(...) {
      panel.abline(h = len - chrom.starts[-1], col = "gray",
                   lwd = 1)
      panel.scales = list(x = list(at = 1:n), y = list(at = len -
                                                         chrom.mids), z = list())
    my.panel = my.panel.levelplot.2
    p = levelplot(imagedata.ordered, panel = my.panel, scales = scales,
                  aspect = "fill", col.regions = bluered(256), xlab = "",
                  ylab = "", colorkey = colorkey)
    return(list(p = p, =$

#' facets_dat
#' Creates a copy number alteration matrix from segment files.
#' @param seg a segmentation file containing the segmentation information of multiple samples
#' @param filenames the names of the segment files to be loaded and processed (Note must end in ".Rdata").
#' @param path the relative path to the files folder from your current directory
#' @param samples the names of the samples of the respective filenames. Default simply 1 to number of files.
#' @param min_purity the minimum purity of the sample required to be kept in the final dataset. Default is 0.3.
#' @param epsilon level of unions when aggregating segments between. Default is 0.005.
#' @param adaptive CNregions option to create adaptive segments. Default is FALSE.
#' @return : a matrix of the union of all segment files with samples as rows and segments as columns
#' @return ploidy : a vector of the ploidy values for the samples in (as in facets output)
#' @return purity : a vector of the purity values for the samples in (as in facets output)
#' @return FGAs : a vector of the fragment of genome altered values for the samples in (only when tcn an lcn are available)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seg <- gnomeR::seg
#' samples <- unique(seg$ID)[1:100]
#' seg <- seg[seg$ID %in% samples, ]
#' facet <- facets_heatmap(seg = seg,
#'                         samples = samples)
#' facets_dat(seg = seg, samples = samples)
#' @import
#' iClusterPlus
#' dplyr
#' cluster
#' tibble

facets_dat <- function (seg = NULL,
                        filenames = NULL,
                        path = NULL,
                        samples = NULL,
                        min_purity = 0.3,
                        epsilon = 0.005,
                        adaptive = FALSE) {

  # Check Arguments -----------------------------------------------------------

  if(is.null(seg) && is.null(filenames)){
    cli::cli_abort("You must pass either {.code seg} or {.code filenames}")

  if (!is.null(seg) && !is.null(filenames)) {
    cli::cli_warn("Both {.code seg} and {.code filenames} passed. Ignoring {.code filenames}")

  if (min_purity < 0 || min_purity > 1) {
    cli::cli_abort("Please select a purity between 0 and 1")

  # Process Files -----------------------------------------------------------

  if (!is.null(filenames)) {

    if (!file.exists(path)) {
      cli::cli_abort("The path provided cannot be found")

    samples <- if(is.null(samples)){
        as.character(abbreviate(filenames, minlength = 17))
      } else {
        if (length(samples) != length(filenames)) {
          cli::cli_abort("Length of {.code samples} differs from length of {.code filenames}")

    all.dat <- data.frame()
    FGAs <- c()
    dipLogR <- c()
    ploidy <- c()
    purity <- c()
    missing <- c()

    s <- 0

    for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {

      fit <- NULL
      try(load(paste0(path, "/", filenames[i])), silent = T)
      if ($purity)) {
        fit$purity <- 0
      if ($ploidy)) {
        fit$ploidy <- 0
      if (!is.null(fit) && !$purity) &&
          fit$purity >=  min_purity) {
        s <- s + 1
        dipLogR[s] <- fit$dipLogR
        ploidy[s] <- fit$ploidy
        purity[s] <- fit$purity

        cncf <-$cncf %>% select(
          .data$start, .data$end, .data$tcn.em, .data$lcn.em, .data$num.mark

        cncf.comp <- cncf[stats::complete.cases(cncf), ]

        FGAs[s] <- as.numeric(unique(cncf.comp %>%
                                         numerator = .data$end - .data$start,
                                         seg.sum = sum(.data$end - .data$start),
                                         FGA = sum(.data$numerator[!(.data$tcn.em ==
                                                                       2 & .data$lcn.em == 1)]) / .data$seg.sum) %>%

        cncf$sample <- rep(samples[i], nrow(cncf))
        cncf$seg.mean <- log2(cncf$tcn.em / fit$ploidy +
                                1 * 10^(-6))
        cncf <- cncf[, c(
          "sample", "chrom", "start",
          "end", "num.mark", "seg.mean"
        all.dat <- rbind(all.dat, cncf)
      else {
        missing <- c(missing, filenames[i])

    if (length(as.character(abbreviate(missing, minlength = 17))) > 0) {
      samples <- samples[-match(samples, as.character(abbreviate(missing,
                                                                 minlength = 17)))]
    } <- CNregions.mod(seg = all.dat, epsilon = epsilon,
                            adaptive = adaptive) <-[match(samples, rownames(, ]

    names(ploidy) <- rownames(
    names(purity) <- rownames(

    if (!is.null(missing)) {
      warning("Some files in the list were not found. You can see a full list in the 'missing' output.")
      return(list( =, ploidy = ploidy, purity = purity,
                  FGA = FGAs, missing = missing))

    else {
      return(list( =, ploidy = ploidy, purity = purity,
                  FGA = FGAs))
  if (!is.null(seg)) {
    if (is.null(samples))
      samples <- as.character(unique(seg[, 1]))
    seg.filt <- seg %>% filter(.data$ID %in% samples)
    if (length(grep("purity", colnames(seg.filt))) > 0) {
      seg.filt <- seg.filt %>% filter(!, purity >=

    #replace chrX as 22 and chrY as 23
    seg.filt$chrom = recode_factor(seg.filt$chrom,X="22", Y="23")
    all.dat <- data.frame()
    for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
      if (any(grepl("tcn", colnames(seg.filt))) && any(grepl("ploidy",
                                                             colnames(seg.filt)))) {
        cncf <- %>% filter(.data$ID ==
                                                    samples[i]) %>% rename(sample = .data$ID, start = .data$loc.start,
                                                                           end = .data$loc.end) %>% mutate(chrom = as.numeric(as.character(.data$chrom)),
                                                                                                           start = as.numeric(as.character(.data$start)), end = as.numeric(as.character(.data$end)),
                                                                                                           num.mark = as.numeric(as.character(.data$num.mark)),
                                                                                                           seg_mean = log2(.data$tcn/ploidy + 1 * 10^(-6))) %>%
                                filter(!is.infinite(.data$seg_mean) & !$seg_mean)))
      else cncf <- %>% filter(.data$ID ==
                                                       samples[i]) %>% rename(sample = .data$ID, start = .data$loc.start,
                                                                              end = .data$loc.end) %>% mutate(chrom = as.numeric(as.character(.data$chrom)),
                                                                                                              start = as.numeric(as.character(.data$start)), end = as.numeric(as.character(.data$end)),
                                                                                                              num.mark = as.numeric(as.character(.data$num.mark)),
                                                                                                              seg.mean = as.numeric(as.character(.data$seg.mean))) %>%
                                   select("sample", "chrom", "start", "end", "num.mark", "seg.mean"))
      all.dat <- rbind(all.dat, cncf)
    } <- CNregions.mod(seg = all.dat, epsilon = epsilon,
                            adaptive = adaptive)
    return(list( =, samples = samples))
AxelitoMartin/gnomeR documentation built on March 23, 2024, 3:07 a.m.