
Defines functions calcStBins reduceNeighbours getStNeighbours selectFromStNeighbourhood showStNeighbourhood stNeighbourhood

Documented in getStNeighbours reduceNeighbours stNeighbourhood

##                                                           ##
## functions based on spacetime preparing the use of copulas ##
##                                                           ##

## spatio-temporal neighbourhood constructor

stNeighbourhood <- function(data, distances, index, var, coVar=character(), prediction=FALSE) {
  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  sizeN <- nrow(data)
  dimDists <- dim(distances)
  dimInd <- dim(index)
  stopifnot(length(dimDists) == 3)
  stopifnot(length(dimInd) == 3)
  stopifnot(dimDists[1] == sizeN)
  stopifnot(dimInd[1] == dimDists[1])
  stopifnot(((dimDists[2] + !prediction) + length(coVar)) == ncol(data))
  stopifnot(dimInd[2] == dimDists[2]+1)
  stopifnot(dimDists[3] == 2)
  stopifnot(dimInd[3] == dimDists[3])
  colnames(data) <- paste(paste("N", (0+prediction):dimDists[2], sep=""), var, sep=".")
    colnames(data)[ncol(data) + 1 - (length(coVar):1)] <- paste("N0", coVar)
  if (anyDuplicated(rownames(data))>0)
    rownames <- 1:length(rownames)
  new("stNeighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, index=index,
      var=var, coVar=coVar, prediction=prediction)

## show
showStNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
  cat("A set of spatio-temporal neighbourhoods consisting of", dim(object@distances)[2]+1, "locations each \n")
  cat("with",nrow(object@data),"rows of observations for:\n")
  if(length(object@coVar > 0))
    cat("with covariate", object@coVar, "\n")

setMethod(show, signature("stNeighbourhood"), showStNeighbourhood)

# select
selectFromStNeighbourhood <- function(x, i) {
  new("stNeighbourhood", data=x@data[i,,drop=F], 
      distances=x@distances[i,,,drop=F], index=x@index[i,,,drop=F], 
      var=x@var, coVar=x@coVar, prediction=x@prediction)

setMethod("[", signature("stNeighbourhood","numeric"), selectFromStNeighbourhood) 

## calculate neighbourhood from ST

# returns an neighbourhood object

getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, spSize=4, tlags=-(0:2),
                            var=names(stData@data)[1], coVar=character(),
                            timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(ST)) || (prediction && !missing(ST)))
  stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
  timeSpan <- min(tlags)
  if(missing(ST) && !prediction)
    stop("The variables is not part of stData.")
      stop("The covariate is not part of stData.")
  if(!prediction) {
    if(is.na(timeSteps)) {
      timeSteps <- length(stData@time)+timeSpan
      reSample <- function() (1-timeSpan):length(stData@time)
    } else {
      reSample <- function() sort(sample((1-timeSpan):length(stData@time), timeSteps))
    nLocs <- length(ST@sp)*timeSteps
    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=geometry(stData@sp), var=character(), size=spSize,
  } else {
    nLocs <- length(ST)
    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=geometry(stData@sp), predLocs=geometry(ST@sp),
                            size=spSize, var=character(), prediction=prediction, 
    timeNghbrs <- sapply(index(ST@time), function(x) which(x == index(stData@time)))
    reSample <- function() timeNghbrs
    timeSteps <- length(stData@time)+timeSpan
  nStNeighs <- (spSize-1)*length(tlags)
  stNeighData <- matrix(NA, nLocs, nStNeighs + 1 + length(coVar))
  stDists <- array(NA,c(nLocs, nStNeighs, 2))
  stInd <- array(NA,c(nLocs, nStNeighs + 1, 2))
  nTimeInst <- length(reSample())
  for (i in 1:nrow(nghbrs@index)) {
    timeInst <- reSample() # draw random time steps for each neighbourhood
    spInd <- (i-1)*timeSteps+(1:timeSteps)
    stNeighData[spInd, 1:spSize] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs@index[i,], timeInst,
                                                  var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
                                           ncol=spSize, byrow=T)
    # add covariate(s) to the last column(s)
    if (length(coVar) > 0) {
      coVarCols <- nStNeighs + 1 + (1:length(coVar))
      stNeighData[spInd, coVarCols] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs@index[i,1], timeInst,
                                                     coVar, drop=F]@data[[1]],
                                              ncol=length(coVar), byrow=T)
    tmpInd <- matrix(rep(timeInst, spSize), ncol=spSize)
    for (j in 2:length(tlags)) {
      t <- tlags[j]
      stNeighData[spInd, (j-1)*(spSize-1)+2:(spSize)] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs@index[i,][-1],
                                                                       timeInst+t, var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
                                                                ncol=spSize-1, byrow=T)
      tmpInd <- cbind(tmpInd, matrix(rep(timeInst+t,spSize-1), ncol=spSize-1))
    # store spatial distances
    stDists[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs@distances[i,], timeSteps*length(tlags)),
                                byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)
    # store temporal distances
    stDists[spInd,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(tlags,each=spSize-1), timeSteps),
                                byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)  
    # store space indices
    stInd[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(c(nghbrs@index[i, ], rep(nghbrs@index[i, -1], length(tlags)-1)),
                                  timeSteps), ncol = nStNeighs + 1, byrow = T)
    # store time indices
    stInd[spInd,,2] <- tmpInd

  if (prediction) {
    stNeighData <- stNeighData[,-1]
  } else {
    dataLocs <- NULL
  return(stNeighbourhood(as.data.frame(stNeighData), stDists, stInd, var, coVar, prediction))

## reduction of a larger neigbopurhood based on correlation strengths
reduceNeighbours <- function(stNeigh, stDepFun, n, 
                             prediction=stNeigh@prediction, dropEmpty=!prediction) {
  # transform distances into correlations to detect the strongest correlated ones
  dimStNeigh <- dim(stNeigh@distances)
  corMat <- matrix(NA, dimStNeigh[1], dimStNeigh[2])
  pb <- txtProgressBar(0, 2*dimStNeigh[1], style=3)
  for (i in 1:dimStNeigh[2]) {
    # whether neighbours are missing: set distance to NA
    if (prediction) # central location is not part of the data
      boolNA <- is.na(stNeigh@data[[i]])
    else {
      if(dropEmpty) # neighbourrhoods with missing central location are not to be considered
        boolNA <- is.na(stNeigh@data[[1]]) | is.na(stNeigh@data[[1+i]])
      else # do not care about NA at the central location (e.g. cross-validation)
        boolNA <- is.na(stNeigh@data[[1+i]])
    stNeigh@distances[boolNA,i,] <- c(NA,NA)
    tLag <- -1*stNeigh@distances[!boolNA,i,2][1]+1
    corMat[!boolNA,i] <- stDepFun(stNeigh@distances[!boolNA,i,1], tLag)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i*dimStNeigh[1]/dimStNeigh[2])
  highCorMat <- t(apply(corMat, 1, function(x) order(x, na.last=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)[1:n]))
  nrCM <- nrow(highCorMat)
  stNeighDataRed <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrCM, ncol=n+1+length(stNeigh@coVar))
  stNeighDistRed <- array(NA, dim=c(nrCM, n, 2))
  stNeighIndeRed <- array(NA, dim=c(nrCM, n+1, 2))
  if (length(stNeigh@coVar) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:nrCM) {
      if (prediction)
        selCol <- c(highCorMat[i,], ncol(stNeigh@data)-((length(stNeigh@coVar)-1):0))
        selCol <- c(1,highCorMat[i,]+1, ncol(stNeigh@data)-((length(stNeigh@coVar)-1):0))
      stNeighDataRed[i,] <- as.numeric(stNeigh@data[i,selCol])
      stNeighDistRed[i,,] <- stNeigh@distances[i,highCorMat[i,],]
      stNeighIndeRed[i,,] <- stNeigh@index[i,c(1,highCorMat[i,]+1),]
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, dimStNeigh[1]+i)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:nrCM) {
      if (prediction)
        selCol <- c(highCorMat[i,])
        selCol <- c(1,highCorMat[i,]+1)
      stNeighDataRed[i,] <- as.numeric(stNeigh@data[i, selCol])
      stNeighDistRed[i,,] <- stNeigh@distances[i,highCorMat[i,],]
      stNeighIndeRed[i,,] <- stNeigh@index[i,c(1,highCorMat[i,]+1),]
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, dimStNeigh[1]+i)
  # check whether neighbourhoods with missing central locations need to be dropped
  if (dropEmpty) {
    boolNA <- !is.na(stNeigh@data[[1]])
    stNeighDataRed <- stNeighDataRed[boolNA,]
    stNeighDistRed <- stNeighDistRed[boolNA,,]
    stNeighIndeRed <- stNeighIndeRed[boolNA,,]
  return(stNeighbourhood(stNeighDataRed, stNeighDistRed, stNeighIndeRed,
                         var=stNeigh@var, coVar=stNeigh@coVar,

## to be redone
# calcStNeighBins <- function(data, var="uniPM10", nbins=9, tlags=-(0:2),
#                             boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, cor.method="fasttau") {
#   dists <- data@distances[,,1]
#   corFun <- switch(cor.method,
#                    fasttau=function(x) VineCopula:::fasttau(x[,1],x[,2]),
#                    function(x) cor(x,method=cor.method)[1,2])
#   if (any(is.na(boundaries))) 
#     boundaries <- quantile(as.vector(dists), probs=c(1:nbins/nbins))
#   if(!is.na(cutoff)) {
#     boundaries <- boundaries[boundaries < cutoff]
#     boundaries <- unique(c(0,boundaries,cutoff))
#   } else {
#     boundaries <- unique(c(0,boundaries))
#   }
#   lagData <- NULL
#   for(tlag in tlags) { # tlag <- 0
#     tBool <- data@distances[,,2]==tlag
#     tmpLagData <- NULL
#     for(i in 1:nbins) { # i <- 1
#       sBool <- (dists <= boundaries[i + 1] & dists > boundaries[i])
#       bool <- tBool & sBool
#       pairs <- NULL
#       for (col in 1:(dim(tBool)[2])) { # col <- 1
#         if(!any(bool[, col]))
#           next
#         sInd <- data@index[bool[, col], c(1, 1 + col),1]
#         tInd <- data@index[bool[, col], c(1, 1 + col),2]
#         p1 <- apply(cbind(sInd[,1], tInd[,1]),1,
#                     function(x) data@locations[x[1], x[2],var])
#         p2 <- apply(cbind(sInd[,2], tInd[,2]),1,
#                     function(x) data@locations[x[1], x[2],var])
#         pairs <- rbind(pairs, cbind(p1,p2))
#       }
#       tmpLagData <- append(tmpLagData,list(pairs))
#     }
#     lagData <- append(lagData,list(tmpLagData))
#   }
#   lagData <- lapply(spIndices, retrieveData, tempIndices = tempIndices)
#   calcStats <- function(binnedData) {
#     cors <- NULL
#     for (i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
#       cors <- c(cors, cor(binnedData[, 2 * i - 1], binnedData[, 2 * i], method = cor.method, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
#     }
#     return(cors)
#   }
#   calcTau <- function(binnedData) {
#     cors <- NULL
#     for (i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
#       cors <- c(cors, VineCopula:::fasttau(binnedData[, 2 * i - 1], binnedData[, 2 * i]))
#     }
#     return(cors)
#   }
#   calcCor <- switch(cor.method, fasttau = calcTau, calcStats)
#   lagCor <- sapply(lagData, calcCor)
#   np <- numeric(0)
#   moa <- numeric(0)
#   lagData <- NULL
#   meanDists <- numeric(0)
#   data <- as.matrix(data@data)
#   for ( i in 1:nbins) {
#     bools <- (dists <= boundaries[i+1] & dists > boundaries[i])
#     pairs <- NULL
#     for(col in 1:(dim(bools)[2])) {
#       pairs <- rbind(pairs, data[bools[,col],c(1,1+col)])
#     }
#     lagData <- append(lagData, list(pairs))
#     moa <- c(moa, corFun(pairs))
#     meanDists <- c(meanDists, mean(dists[bools]))
#     np <- c(np, sum(bools))
#   }
#   if(plot) { 
#     plot(meanDists, moa, xlab="distance", ylab=paste("correlation [",cor.method,"]",sep=""), 
#          ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(moa)),max(moa)), xlim=c(0,max(meanDists)))
#     abline(h=c(-min(moa),0,min(moa)),col="grey")
#   }
#   res <- list(np=np, meanDists = meanDists, lagCor=moa, lagData=lagData)
#   attr(res,"cor.method") <- switch(cor.method, fasttau="kendall", cor.method)
#   return(res)
# }
# setMethod(calcBins, signature="stNeighbourhood", calcStNeighBins)

# instances: number  -> number of randomly choosen temporal intances
#            NA      -> all observations
#            other   -> temporal indexing as in spacetime/xts, the parameter tlags is set to 0 in this case.
# tlags:    numeric -> temporal shifts between obs
calcStBins <- function(data, var, nbins=15, boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, 
                       instances=NA, tlags=-(0:2), ...,
                       cor.method="fasttau", plot=FALSE) {
    cutoff <- spDists(coordinates(t(data@sp@bbox)))[1,2]/3
    boundaries <- (1:nbins) * cutoff / nbins
  spIndices <- calcSpLagInd(data@sp, boundaries)
  mDists <- sapply(spIndices, function(x) mean(x[,3]))
  lengthTime <- length(data@time)
  if (!is.numeric(instances) | !length(instances)==1) {
    tempIndices <- cbind(instances, instances)
  else {
    tempIndices <- NULL
    for (tlag in rev(tlags)) {
        smplInd <- max(1,1-min(tlags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(tlags))
        smplInd <- sort(sample(x=max(1,1-min(tlags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(tlags)),
      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd+tlag, tempIndices)
      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd, tempIndices)
  # internal stat function
  calcStats <- function(binnedData) {
    return(c(sum(!apply(binnedData, 1, function(x) any(is.na))),
             cor(binnedData[,1], binnedData[,2], 
  # internal fast tau function
  calcTau <- function(tmpData) {
      tmpData <- tmpData[!apply(tmpData, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))),]
    return(c(nrow(tmpData), TauMatrix(tmpData)[1,2]))
  calcCor <- switch(cor.method, fasttau=calcTau, calcStats)
  retrieveData <- function(spIndex, tempIndices, corFun) {
    binStats <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(tempIndices)/2, ncol = 2)
    for (i in 1:(ncol(tempIndices)/2)) {
      binStats[i,] <- corFun(cbind(data[spIndex[,1], tempIndices[,2*i-1], var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
                                   data[spIndex[,2], tempIndices[,2*i], var, drop=F]@data[[1]]))
  lagStats <- lapply(spIndices, retrieveData, tempIndices=tempIndices, corFun=calcCor)
  lagCor <- matrix(NA, length(tlags), nbins)
  lagNp  <- matrix(NA, length(tlags), nbins)
  for (i in 1:length(lagStats)) {
    lagNp[,i]  <- lagStats[[i]][,1]
    lagCor[,i] <- lagStats[[i]][,2]
  if(plot) { 
    plot(mDists, lagCor[1,], 
         ylab=paste("correlation [",cor.method,"]",sep=""), 
         ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(lagCor)), max(lagCor)), 
    abline(h=c(-min(lagCor), 0, min(lagCor)), col="grey")
  res <- list(meanDists = mDists, lagCor = lagCor, lagNp=lagNp,
              lags=list(sp=spIndices, time=tempIndices))
  attr(res,"cor.method") <- cor.method
  attr(res, "variable") <- var

setMethod(calcBins, signature(data="STFDF"), calcStBins)
BenGraeler/spcopula documentation built on Nov. 20, 2020, 4:07 p.m.