
The package geaR is designed to aid with evolutionary and population genetic analysis across whole genome genotype data in the GDS format. Analysis can be carried out using classical approaches such as sliding windows, however the main strength of geaR is the ability to include only ceratin types of features in the analysis.


If you find this package useful please cite out preprint



pkgs <- c("SeqArray", "GenomicRanges", "rtracklayer", "Biostrings", "BSgenome", "plyranges")

Some users may experience warnings during the build like:

/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library/RcppEigen/include/Eigen/src/Core/util/ReenableStupidWarnings.h:10:30: warning: pragma diagnostic pop could not pop, no matching push [-Wunknown-pragmas]
    #pragma clang diagnostic pop

This is a harmless warning thrown by RcppEigen. See here for discussion.

Quick usage

For detailed usage please see here. For example workflows see here

While using please try and be careful with ram usage. If you have an analysis size of 1000 samples with an average of ~100000 bp in each analysis region (eg a 1Mb tiled window) try to run on 1 core first to see your memory requirements

The easiest way to use geaR is to use the cog/gear object interface. This example will use a reasonably sized human chromosome 20 downloaded from here ( on a 4 core laptop.

In the example we will calculate nucleotide diversity (pi), genetic distance (dXY), minimum distance (dmin), maximum distance (dmax), Fst, and ancesteral distance (da) for 100 populaitons of 10 diploid individuals per populaiton. As geaR is made to carry out analysis from a single function we will also output haplotypes within each window to file in fasta format.

Reading in this many samples can consume reasonable amounts of ram that scale with the number of cores used. For most analyses (including this one, 6Gb peak usage) a 1-2Gb peak ram usage is observed for each core.

## Make 100kb windows across the genome.
### This requires a dataframe of scaffold/chromosome lengths.


### if you dont know the lengths, it can easily be determined from your reference index (.fai)
chr20_df <- tibble(ID = "chr20", length = 64444167)
loci <- windowMaker(chr20_df, windowSize = 100000, stepSize = 0,  nCores = 4)

## Next we will construct our analysis
### first loading the GDS and setting up population definitions.
GDS <- seqOpen("~/Desktop/setupGear/ALL.chr20.phase3_shapeit2_mvncall_integrated_v5a.20130502.genotypes.gds")

### We can easily query the GDS for sample names.
samples <- seqGetData(gdsfile = GDS, = "")
### for the example populations are arbitrary so we will just set 100 equal populations each with 10 samples
pops <- tibble(Sample = samples[1:1000], Population = rep(paste0("P", 1:100), each = 10))

### general arguments for the analysis
argCog <- makeCog(analysisType = "args", ploidy = 2, nCores = 4, minSites = 0.002, pairwiseDeletion = TRUE, removeIndels = TRUE)

### set up diverstity analysis
divCog <- makeCog(analysisType = "diversityFULL", stats = "all")

### set up cog to output loci to file

outlociCog <-  makeCog(analysisType = "outputLoci", outputDirectory = "~/Desktop/setupGear/", alleles = "seperate", removeIndels = TRUE)

### build the gear object for analysis
### We will also arbitrarily define P100 as the outgroup for this analysis
gear <- makeGear(loci[1:20], populations = pops, outgroup = "P100", cogs = list(argCog, divCog, outlociCog))

### Run the three analyses 
gear <- analyzeGear(GDS, gear)

CMWbio/geaR documentation built on April 22, 2023, 6:23 a.m.