# expression_matrix <- NA
# metadata <- NA
# genes <- NA
# stab_obj <- NA
# feature_types <- NA
# pkg_env <- as.environment("namsespace:ClustAsssess")#new.env(parent = emptyenv())
# TODO check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41954302/where-to-create-package-environment-variables and https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/blob/bbcfe99e29fe737d456b0d7adc33d3c445a32d9d/R/zzz.r and https://adv-r.hadley.nz/environments.html http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html
pkg_env <- .GlobalEnv # new.env(parent = baseenv())
filetypes <- list(
"PDF" = pdf,
"PNG" = function(filename, width, height) {
ragg::agg_png(filename, width, height, units = "in", res = 300)
"JPEG" = function(filename, width, height) {
ragg::agg_jpeg(filename, width, height, units = "in", res = 300)
"SVG" = svg
add_env_variable <- function(variable_name, value) {
assign(variable_name, value, envir = pkg_env)
get_env_var <- function(variable_name) {
return(get(variable_name, envir = pkg_env))
mean_functions <- list(
logNormalize = function(x, pseudocount_use = 1, base = 2) {
return(log(x = Matrix::rowMeans(x = expm1(x = x)) + pseudocount_use, base = base))
default = function(x, pseudocount_use = 1, base = 2) {
return(log(x = Matrix::rowMeans(x = x) + pseudocount_use, base = base))
cList <- list(
"grey85", "#FFF7EC", "#FEE8C8", "#FDD49E", "#FDBB84",
"#FC8D59", "#EF6548", "#D7301F", "#B30000", "#7F0000"
"#4575B4", "#74ADD1", "#ABD9E9", "#E0F3F8", "#FFFFBF",
"#FEE090", "#FDAE61", "#F46D43", "#D73027"
)[c(1, 1:9, 9)],
"#FDE725", "#AADC32", "#5DC863", "#27AD81", "#21908C",
"#2C728E", "#3B528B", "#472D7B", "#440154"
names(cList) <- c("White-Red", "Blue-Yellow-Red", "Yellow-Green-Purple")
tags_style <- shiny::tags$head(
"#tabset_id {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
background-color: white;
top: 0;
z-index: 999;
font-size: 25px;
".tab-content {
margin-top: 72px;
empty_ggplot <- function() {
ggplot2::ggplot() +
grouped_boxplot_dataframe <- function(dataframe,
boxplot_width = 0.5,
xlabel = NULL,
ylabel = NULL,
plot_title = "",
title_size = 1,
axis_size = 1) {
unique_groups <- unique(dataframe[, x_column])
n_groups <- length(unique_groups)
# groups_colours <- rhdf5::h5read("stability.h5", paste0("colors/", n_groups))
groups_colours <- pkg_env$discrete_colors[[as.character(n_groups)]]
if (is.null(xlabel)) {
xlabel <- x_column
if (is.null(ylabel)) {
ylabel <- y_column
if (axis_size > 1.5) {
current_margins <- graphics::par("mai")
current_margins[2] <- current_margins[2] + 0.5 * graphics::strheight(ylabel, units = "inches", cex = axis_size)
graphics::par(mai = current_margins)
formula = stats::as.formula(paste0(y_column, " ~ ", x_column)),
data = dataframe,
col = groups_colours,
cex.main = title_size,
cex.axis = axis_size,
cex.lab = axis_size,
boxwex = boxplot_width,
main = plot_title,
xlab = xlabel,
ylab = ylabel
grouped_boxplot_list <- function(groups_list,
boxplot_width = 0.5,
space_inter = 1,
space_intra = 1,
display_legend = TRUE,
text_size = 1) {
unique_groups_values <- unique(groups_values)
unique_x_values <- unique(x_values)
# print(plt_width)
# convert pixels to inches
plt_height <- plt_height / ppi
plt_width <- plt_width / ppi
n_groups <- length(unique_groups_values)
n_boxplots <- length(groups_values)
# groups_colours <- rhdf5::h5read("stability.h5", paste0("colors/", n_groups))
groups_values <- match(groups_values, unique_groups_values)
groups_colours <- pkg_env$discrete_colors[[as.character(n_groups)]]
at_values <- rep(0, length(groups_values))
text_coords <- rep(0, length(unique_x_values))
abline_coords <- rep(0, length(unique_x_values) - 1)
count_diff <- -1
prev_value <- -1
updated_count <- FALSE
start_index <- 1
for (i in seq_along(groups_values)) {
if (x_values[i] != prev_value) {
if (prev_value != -1) {
updated_count <- TRUE
prev_value <- x_values[i]
count_diff <- count_diff + 1
at_values[i] <- count_diff * (n_groups * space_intra + space_inter) + groups_values[i] + (groups_values[i] - 1) * (space_intra - 1)
if (updated_count) {
# abline_coords[count_diff] <- (at_values[i] + at_values[i-1]) / 2
abline_coords[count_diff] <- (count_diff - 1) * (n_groups * space_intra + space_inter) + n_groups + (n_groups - 1) * (space_intra - 1) + (space_inter + space_intra) / 2
updated_count <- FALSE
text_coords[count_diff] <- mean(at_values[start_index:(i - 1)])
start_index <- i
# print(at_values)
# print(abline_coords)
# print(groups_values)
text_coords[count_diff + 1] <- mean(at_values[start_index:n_boxplots])
if (display_legend) {
predicted_width <- graphics::strwidth(c(" ", unique_groups_values), units = "inches", cex = text_size)
space_width <- predicted_width[1]
predicted_width <- predicted_width[2:length(predicted_width)]
number_columns <- min(
plt_width %/% (6 * space_width + max(predicted_width)),
number_rows <- ceiling(length(unique_groups_values) / number_columns)
text_height <- graphics::strheight(
rep("TEXT", number_rows + 1),
collapse = "\n"
units = "inches",
cex = text_size
) + 0.1
matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 2),
heights = c(
graphics::lcm((plt_height - text_height - 0.05) * 2.54),
graphics::lcm(text_height * 2.54)
outline = FALSE,
at = at_values,
col = groups_colours[groups_values],
boxwex = boxplot_width * (n_groups + (space_intra - 1) * (n_groups - 1)) / n_groups,
xaxt = "n",
xlab = NA,
cex.axis = text_size,
cex.lab = text_size
graphics::abline(v = abline_coords, lty = "dashed", col = "grey")
graphics::title(xlab = xlab_text, ylab = "ecc", cex.lab = text_size)
graphics::axis(side = 1, at = text_coords, labels = unique_x_values, las = 2, cex.axis = text_size)
if (!display_legend) {
graphics::par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(NULL, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)
legend = unique_groups_values,
col = groups_colours,
pch = 15,
cex = text_size,
pt.cex = text_size * 2,
bty = "n",
# horizontal = TRUE,
horiz = TRUE,
# text.width = NA,
xpd = TRUE
expression_ggplot <- function(embedding, expression, threshold = 0) {
df <- data.frame(embedding)
colnames(df) <- paste("UMAP", 1:2, sep = "_")
if (threshold > 0) {
mask <- (expression > threshold)
return(mask_ggplot(df, mask))
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$UMAP_1, y = .data$UMAP_2, color = as.numeric(expression))
) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn("", colors = cList[[1]]) +
ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_colorbar(barwidth = 15)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom")
color_ggplot <- function(embedding,
cell_mask = NULL,
sort_cells = c("original", "highest", "lowest"),
labels = FALSE,
text_size = 20,
axis_text_size = 20,
legend_text_size = 20,
pt_size = 1) {
df <- data.frame(embedding)
colnames(df) <- paste("UMAP", 1:2, sep = "_")
if (!is.null(cell_mask)) {
color_info[!cell_mask] <- NA
is_continuous <- !(is.factor(color_info) || is.character(color_info))
df$cell_colour <- color_info
cell_ordering <- switch(sort_cells[1],
"original" = seq_len(nrow(embedding)),
"highest" = order(color_info, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE),
"lowest" = order(color_info, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)
df <- df[cell_ordering, ]
ggplot_obj <- ggplot2::ggplot(
x = .data$UMAP_1,
y = .data$UMAP_2,
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = .data$cell_colour), size = pt_size) +
ggplot2::theme_classic() +
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = legend_text_size),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_text_size),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = axis_text_size),
plot.title = ggtext::element_textbox_simple(hjust = 0.5, size = axis_text_size * 1.5),
aspect.ratio = 1
if (!labels || is_continuous) {
if (is.character(color_info)) {
unique_values <- unique(color_info)
} else {
unique_values <- levels(droplevels(color_info))
medians_values <- t(sapply(
function(i) {
mask <- which(color_info == unique_values[i])
emb <- embedding[mask, ]
if (is.null(nrow(emb)) || nrow(emb) == 1) {
gm_res <- Gmedian::Gmedian(emb)
medians_values <- data.frame(medians_values)
colnames(medians_values) <- c("median_x", "median_y")
medians_values$labels <- unique_values
ggplot_obj + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(
data = medians_values,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data$median_x, y = .data$median_y, label = .data$labels),
size = text_size,
color = "white",
bg.color = "black",
bg.r = 0.15,
labels.padding = 0.15
metadata_plot <- function(embedding,
groups_highlight = NULL,
pt_size = 1,
pch = ".",
text_size = 1,
axis_size = 1,
sort_cells = c("original", "highest", "lowest"),
display_legend = FALSE,
predicted_height = NULL,
labels = FALSE) {
if (is.null(groups_highlight)) {
metadata_mask <- rep(TRUE, nrow(embedding))
} else {
metadata_mask <- pkg_env$metadata[[metadata_name]] %in% groups_highlight
mtd_unique <- pkg_env$metadata_unique[[metadata_name]]
embedding = embedding,
color_info = pkg_env$metadata[[metadata_name]],
# color_values = pkg_env$metadata_colors[[metadata_name]],
color_values = pkg_env$discrete_colors[[as.character(length(mtd_unique))]],
unique_values = mtd_unique,
plt_height = plt_height,
plt_width = plt_width,
cell_mask = metadata_mask,
pt_size = pt_size,
pch = pch,
text_size = text_size,
axis_size = axis_size,
sort_cells = sort_cells,
display_legend = display_legend,
predicted_height = predicted_height,
labels = labels
only_legend_plot <- function(unique_values,
text_size = 1) {
is_continuous <- is.null(unique_values)
plt_width <- plt_width / ppi
if (is_continuous) {
graphics::par(mai = c(0.1, 0, 0.1, 0))
unique_values <- c(min(color_info), max(color_info))
} else {
graphics::par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
# calculate space needed for the legend
predicted_width <- graphics::strwidth(c(" ", unique_values), units = "inches", cex = text_size)
space_width <- predicted_width[1]
predicted_width <- predicted_width[2:length(predicted_width)]
number_columns <- min(
plt_width %/% (6 * space_width + max(predicted_width)),
number_rows <- ceiling(length(unique_values) / number_columns)
# print(strheight(paste(
# rep("TEXT", number_rows + 1),
# collapse = "\n"
# ),
# units = "inches",
# cex = text_size) * ppi)
if (is.null(color_values)) {
color_values <- paletteer::paletteer_c(palette = "viridis::viridis", n = 50)
if (is.function(color_values)) {
ncolors <- ifelse(is_continuous, 50, length(unique_values))
color_values <- color_values(ncolors)
if (is_continuous) {
legend_image <- grDevices::as.raster(matrix(color_values, nrow = 1))
plot(c(0, 1), c(-1, 1), type = "n", axes = FALSE, bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "")
graphics::text(y = -0.5, x = seq(0, 1, l = 5), labels = round(seq(from = unique_values[1], to = unique_values[2], length.out = 5), digits = 3), cex = text_size)
graphics::rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1, 1)
} else {
plot(NULL, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)
legend = unique_values,
col = color_values,
pch = 15,
cex = text_size,
pt.cex = text_size * 2,
bty = "n",
ncol = number_columns,
# text.width = NA,
xpd = TRUE
# graphics::par(old_par)
# grDevices::dev.off()
only_legend_metadata_plot <- function(metadata_name,
groups = NULL,
text_size = 1,
plt_width) {
unique_values <- pkg_env$metadata_unique[[metadata_name]]
color_values <- pkg_env$discrete_colors[[metadata_name]]
color_info <- pkg_env$metadata[, metadata_name]
if (!is.null(unique_values) && !is.null(groups)) {
color_values <- color_values[which(unique_values %in% groups)]
unique_values <- groups
unique_values = unique_values,
color_values = color_values,
color_info = color_info,
text_size = text_size,
plt_width = plt_width
color_plot2 <- function(embedding,
cell_mask = NULL,
groups_highlight = NULL,
unique_values = NULL,
pt_size = 1,
pch = ".",
text_size = 1,
legend_text_size = 1,
axis_size = 1,
sort_cells = c("original", "highest", "lowest"),
display_legend = FALSE,
predicted_height = NULL,
labels = FALSE) {
# xlim <- c(min(embedding[, 1]), max(embedding[, 1]))
# ylim <- c(min(embedding[, 2]), max(embedding[, 2]))
# convert pixels to inches
plt_height <- plt_height / ppi
plt_width <- plt_width / ppi
is_continuous <- is.null(unique_values)
is_logical <- is.logical(color_info)
if (!is.null(cell_mask)) {
color_info[!cell_mask] <- NA
if (!is_continuous && !is_logical) {
unique_values <- unique(color_info[cell_mask])
if (!is_continuous && !is_logical) {
sort_cells <- ifelse(is.null(cell_mask), "original", "mask")
cell_ordering <- switch(sort_cells[1],
"original" = seq_len(nrow(embedding)),
"highest" = order(color_info, decreasing = FALSE, na.last = FALSE),
"lowest" = order(color_info, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE),
"mask" = c(which(!cell_mask), which(cell_mask))
if (is_logical) {
color_info <- as.character(color_info)
if (is.null(color_values)) {
color_values <- paletteer::paletteer_c(palette = "viridis::viridis", n = 50)
if (is.function(color_values)) {
ncolors <- ifelse(is_continuous, 50, length(unique_values))
color_values <- color_values(ncolors)
if (display_legend) {
if (is_continuous) {
unique_values <- c(min(color_info), max(color_info))
number_rows <- 2
if (is.null(predicted_height)) {
predicted_height <- graphics::strheight("TE\nXT\n", units = "inches", cex = legend_text_size)
} else {
# calculate space needed for the legend
predicted_width <- graphics::strwidth(unique_values, units = "inches", cex = legend_text_size)
space_width <- graphics::strwidth(" ", units = "inches", cex = legend_text_size)
number_columns <- min(
plt_width %/% (6 * space_width + max(predicted_width)),
if (is.null(predicted_height)) {
number_rows <- ceiling(length(unique_values) / number_columns)
predicted_height <- graphics::strheight(
rep("TEXT", number_rows + 1),
collapse = "\n"
units = "inches",
cex = legend_text_size
if (is_continuous) {
color_info <- cut(color_info, breaks = 50)
colrs <- color_values[color_info]
if (!is.null(cell_mask)) {
colrs[!cell_mask] <- "ivory4"
if (display_legend) {
matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 2),
heights = c(
graphics::lcm((plt_height - predicted_height) * 2.5),
graphics::lcm(predicted_height * 2.5)
embedding[cell_ordering, ],
pch = pch,
col = colrs[cell_ordering],
cex = pt_size,
xlab = "UMAP_1",
ylab = "UMAP_2",
cex.axis = axis_size,
cex.lab = axis_size
if (!is_continuous && labels) {
for (unique_val in unique_values) {
mask <- which(color_info == unique_val)
emb <- embedding[mask, ]
if (is.null(nrow(emb)) || nrow(emb) == 1) {
geometric_median <- emb
} else {
geometric_median <- Gmedian::Gmedian(embedding[mask, ])
geometric_median[1], #+ text_width * 0.6,
geometric_median[2], #+ text_size * 0.75,
col = "black",
bg = "white",
cex = text_size,
xpd = TRUE
if (!display_legend) {
if (is_continuous) {
graphics::par(mai = c(0.1, 0, 0.1, 0))
legend_image <- grDevices::as.raster(matrix(color_values, nrow = 1))
plot(c(0, 1), c(-1, 1), type = "n", axes = F, bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "")
graphics::text(y = -0.5, x = seq(0, 1, l = 5), labels = round(seq(from = unique_values[1], to = unique_values[2], length.out = 5), digits = 3), cex = legend_text_size)
graphics::rasterImage(legend_image, 0, 0, 1, 1)
} else {
graphics::par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(NULL, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = 0:1, ylim = 0:1)
legend = unique_values,
col = color_values,
pch = 15,
cex = legend_text_size,
pt.cex = legend_text_size * 2,
bty = "n",
ncol = number_columns,
# text.width = NA,
xpd = TRUE
# grDevices::dev.off()
color_plot <- function(embedding,
pt_size = 1,
pch = ".",
color_palette = NULL,
labels = FALSE,
ncolors = NULL,
text_size = 1) {
if (is.null(color_palette)) {
color_palette <- ifelse(is.null(ncolors), "palettesForR::Named", "viridis::viridis")
paletteer_function <- paletteer::paletteer_c
if (is.null(ncolors)) {
if (is.factor(color_info)) {
unique_values <- levels(color_info)
} else {
unique_values <- unique(color_info)
ncolors <- length(unique_values)
paletteer_function <- paletteer::paletteer_d
} else {
color_info <- cut(color_info, breaks = ncolors)
colors <- paletteer_function(
palette = color_palette,
n = ncolors
embedding[, 1],
embedding[, 2],
pch = pch,
col = colors[color_info],
cex = pt_size,
panel.first = {
graphics::axis(1, tck = 1, lty = 2, col = "gray")
graphics::axis(2, tck = 1, lty = 2, col = "gray")
xlab = "UMAP_1",
ylab = "UMAP_2"
if (labels) {
for (unique_val in unique_values) {
geometric_median <- Gmedian::Gmedian(embedding[color_info == unique_val, ])
text_width <- graphics::strwidth(unique_val, cex = text_size)
geometric_median[1] + text_width * 1.2,
geometric_median[2] + text_size * 1.2,
col = "white",
border = "black"
geometric_median[1] + text_width * 0.6,
geometric_median[2] + text_size * 0.6,
cex = text_size,
col = "black"
color_c_plot <- function(embedding,
pt_size = 1,
pch = ".",
color_palette = "viridis::viridis",
text_size = 1) {
colors <- paletteer::paletteer_c(
palette = color_palette,
n = 50
embedding[, 1],
embedding[, 2],
pch = pch,
col = colors[color_info],
cex = pt_size,
panel.first = {
graphics::axis(1, tck = 1, lty = 2, col = "gray")
graphics::axis(2, tck = 1, lty = 2, col = "gray")
xlab = "UMAP_1",
ylab = "UMAP_2"
fill_ggplot <- function(embedding, fill_info) {
x = .data$UMAP_1,
y = .data$UMAP_2,
fill = fill_info
) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
mask_ggplot <- function(embedding_df, mask) {
ggplot2::ggplot() +
data = embedding_df[!mask, ],
mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$UMAP_1, .data$UMAP_2),
color = "#C3C3C3"
) +
data = embedding_df[mask, ],
mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$UMAP_1, .data$UMAP_2),
color = "red"
) +
voting_scheme_ggplot <- function(embedding,
n_genes_above_threshold) {
umap_df <- data.frame(embedding)
colnames(umap_df) <- paste("UMAP", 1:2, sep = "_")
# n_expressed_genes <- rep(0, ncol(pkg_env$expression_matrix))
# expression_threshold <- as.numeric(expression_threshold)
# for (gene in selected_genes) {
# n_expressed_genes <- n_expressed_genes + (pkg_env$expression_matrix[gene, ] > expression_threshold)
# }
mask <- (n_expressed_genes >= n_genes_above_threshold)
mask_ggplot(umap_df, mask)
metadata_ggplot <- function(embedding,
metadata_name) {
metadata_value <- pkg_env$metadata[, metadata_name]
if (is.factor(metadata_value)) {
return(color_ggplot(embedding, metadata_value) +
ggplot2::guides(color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = metadata_name)))
if (!is.numeric(metadata_value)) {
metadata_value <- as.numeric(factor(metadata_value))
color_ggplot(embedding, metadata_value) +
download_plot_modal <- function(session, output, placeholder, download_id) {
ns <- session$ns
shiny::em("Note: Use one of the following extensions: PDF, PNG, SVG."),
shiny::textInput(ns("filename"), "File name:", placeholder, width = "80%"),
shiny::numericInput(ns("width"), "Width (in):", 7, 3, 100, 0.1),
shiny::numericInput(ns("height"), "Height (in):", 7, 3, 100, 0.1),
footer = shiny::tagList(
shiny::downloadButton(outputId = ns(download_id))
easyClose = TRUE
session = session
download_plot_handler <- function(session, filename, to_save_plot, width, height) {
extension <- stringr::str_split(filename, "\\.")[[1]]
if (length(extension) == 1) {
filename <- glue::glue("{filename}.pdf")
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
ggplot2::ggsave(file, to_save_plot, width = width, height = height)
identify_cluster_markers <- function(
mean_function_name = "logNormalize",
features = NULL) {
foldchange_result <- Seurat::FoldChange(
object = expression_matrix,
cells.1 = cells1_name,
cells.2 = cells2_name,
features = features,
mean.fxn = mean_functions[[mean_function_name]],
fc.name = ifelse(mean_function_name == "rowMeans", "avg_diff", "avg_log2FC")
markers_result <- Seurat::FindMarkers(
object = pkg_env$expression_matrix,
slot = "data",
cells.1 = cells1_name,
cells.2 = cells2_name,
fc.results = foldchange_result
create_seurat_object <- function(
calculate_dim_reduction = TRUE) {
nfeatures <- as.character(length(features))
so <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(
counts = pkg_env$expression_matrix,
meta.data = pkg_env$metadata
so <- Seurat::NormalizeData(so, verbose = FALSE)
so <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(so, verbose = FALSE)
so <- Seurat::ScaleData(so, verbose = FALSE)
if (calculate_dim_reduction) {
so <- Seurat::RunPCA(so, npcs = ndims, verbose = FALSE)
so <- Seurat::RunUMAP(so, reduction = "pca", dims = seq_len(ndims), verbose = FALSE)
for (nclust in nclusters) {
so[[glue::glue("stable_{nclust}_clusters")]] <- pkg_env$stab_obj[[feature_type]][[nfeatures]]$clustering_importance$split_by_k[[clustering_algorithm]][[nclust]]$partitions[[1]]$mb
so[[glue::glue("stable_{nclust}_ecc")]] <- pkg_env$stab_obj[[feature_type]][[nfeatures]]$clustering_importance$split_by_k[[clustering_algorithm]][[nclust]]$ecc
Seurat::Idents(so) <- glue::glue("stable_{nclusters[1]}_clusters")
render_plot_by_height <- function(id, session) {
session$output[[paste0(id, "_generator")]] <- shiny::renderUI({
used_height <- floor(min(pkg_env$height_ratio * pkg_env$dimension()[2], pkg_env$dimension()[1] / 2))
outputId = session$ns(id),
height = paste0(used_height, "px")
#' Calculate markers - Shiny
#' @description Performs the Wilcoxon rank sum test to identify differentially
#' expressed genes between two groups of cells in the shiny context. The
#' method can be also used outside the shiny context, as long as the expression
#' matrix is stored in a h5 file.
#' @param cells1 A vector of cell indices for the first group of cells.
#' @param cells2 A vector of cell indices for the second group of cells.
#' @param logfc_threshold The minimum absolute log fold change to consider a
#' gene as differentially expressed. Defaults to `0`, meaning all genes are
#' taken into considereation.
#' @param min_pct_threshold The minimum fraction of cells expressing a gene
#' form each cell population to consider the gene as differentially expressed.
#' Increasing the value will speed up the function. Defaults to `0.1`.
#' @param average_expression_threshold The minimum average expression that a
#' gene should have in order to be considered as differentially expressed.
#' @param average_expression_group1_threshold The minimum average expression
#' that a gene should have in the first group of cells to be considered as
#' differentially expressed. Defaults to `0`.
#' @param min_diff_pct_threshold The minimum difference in the fraction of cells
#' expressing a gene between the two cell populations to consider the gene as
#' differentially expressed. Defaults to `-Inf`.
#' @param used_slot Parameter that provides additional information about the
#' expression matrix, whether it was scaled or not. The value of this parameter
#' impacts the calculation of the fold change. If `data`, the function will
#' calculates the fold change as the fraction between the log value of the
#' average of the expression raised to exponential for the two cell groups. If
#' `scale.data`, the function will calculate the fold change as the fraction
#' between the average of the expression values for the two cell groups.
#' Other options will default to calculating the fold change as the fraction
#' between the log value of the average of the expression values for the two
#' cell groups. Defaults to `data`.
#' @param norm_method The normalization method used to normalize the expression
#' matrix. The value of this parameter impacts the calculation of the average
#' expression of the genes when `used_slot = "data"`. If `LogNormalize`, the
#' log fold change will be calculated as described for the `used_slot`
#' parameter. Otherwise, the log fold change will be calculated as the fraction
#' between the log value of the average of the expression values for the two
#' cell groups. Defaults to `SCT`.
#' @param expression_h5_path The path to the h5 file containing the expression
#' matrix. The h5 file should contain the following fields: `expression_matrix`,
#' `rank_matrix`, `average_expression`, `genes`. The file path
#' defaults to `expression.h5`.
#' @param pseudocount_use The pseudocount to add to the expression values when
#' calculating the average expression of the genes, to avoid the 0 value for
#' the denominator. Defaults to `1`.
#' @param base The base of the logharithm. Defaults to `2`.
#' @param verbose Whether to print messages about the progress of the function.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param check_difference Whether to perform set difference between the two
#' cells. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A data frame containing the following columns:
#' - `gene`: The gene name.
#' - `avg_log2FC`: The average log fold change between the two cell groups.
#' - `p_val`: The p-value of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' - `p_val_adj`: The adjusted p-value of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' - `pct.1`: The fraction of cells expressing the gene in the first cell group.
#' - `pct.2`: The fraction of cells expressing the gene in the second cell group.
#' - `avg_expr_group1`: The average expression of the gene in the first cell group.
#' - `avg_expr`: The average expression of the gene.
#' @export
calculate_markers_shiny <- function(cells1,
logfc_threshold = 0,
min_pct_threshold = 0.1,
average_expression_threshold = 0,
average_expression_group1_threshold = 0,
min_diff_pct_threshold = -Inf,
used_slot = "data",
norm_method = "SCT",
expression_h5_path = "expression.h5",
pseudocount_use = 1,
base = 2,
verbose = TRUE,
check_difference = TRUE) {
if (check_difference) {
cells2 <- setdiff(cells2, cells1)
if (length(cells2) == 0 || length(cells1) == 0) {
warning("One of the cell groups is empty!")
average_expressions <- rhdf5::h5read(expression_h5_path, "average_expression")
nfiltered_genes <- sum(average_expressions >= average_expression_threshold)
chunk_size <- as.integer(rhdf5::h5read(expression_h5_path, "chunk_size"))
genes <- rhdf5::h5read(expression_h5_path, "genes")[seq_len(nfiltered_genes)]
average_expressions <- average_expressions[seq_len(nfiltered_genes)]
names(average_expressions) <- genes
nchunks <- ceiling(nfiltered_genes / chunk_size)
if (verbose) {
print(glue::glue("[{Sys.time()}] Start DEG analysis"))
df_list <- lapply(
function(i) {
# print(i)
if (i == nchunks) {
index_list <- seq(from = chunk_size * (i - 1) + 1, by = 1, to = nfiltered_genes)
} else {
index_list <- seq(from = chunk_size * (i - 1) + 1, by = 1, length.out = chunk_size)
expression_matrix = rhdf5::h5read(
index = list(index_list, NULL)
rank_matrix = rhdf5::h5read(
index = list(index_list, NULL)
cells1 = cells1,
cells2 = cells2,
logfc_threshold = logfc_threshold,
min_pct_threshold = min_pct_threshold,
min_diff_pct_threshold = min_diff_pct_threshold,
avg_expr_threshold_group1 = average_expression_group1_threshold,
feature_names = genes[index_list],
used_slot = used_slot,
norm_method = norm_method,
pseudocount_use = pseudocount_use,
base = base,
check_cells_set_diff = FALSE,
adjust_pvals = FALSE
df_list <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_list)
df_list$p_val_adj <- stats::p.adjust(
p = df_list$p_val,
method = "bonferroni",
n = nfiltered_genes
df_list$avg_expr <- average_expressions[df_list$gene]
if (verbose) {
print(glue::glue("[{Sys.time()}] DEG analysis - Done"))
#' Calculate markers
#' @description Performs the Wilcoxon rank sum test to identify differentially
#' expressed genes between two groups of cells.
#' @param expression_matrix A matrix of gene expression values having genes
#' in rows and cells in columns.
#' @param cells1 A vector of cell indices for the first group of cells.
#' @param cells2 A vector of cell indices for the second group of cells.
#' @param logfc_threshold The minimum absolute log fold change to consider a
#' gene as differentially expressed. Defaults to `0`, meaning all genes are
#' taken into considereation.
#' @param min_pct_threshold The minimum fraction of cells expressing a gene
#' form each cell population to consider the gene as differentially expressed.
#' Increasing the value will speed up the function. Defaults to `0.1`.
#' @param avg_expr_threshold_group1 The minimum average expression that a gene
#' should have in the first group of cells to be considered as differentially
#' expressed. Defaults to `0`.
#' @param min_diff_pct_threshold The minimum difference in the fraction of cells
#' expressing a gene between the two cell populations to consider the gene as
#' differentially expressed. Defaults to `-Inf`.
#' @param rank_matrix A matrix where the cells are ranked based on their
#' expression levels with respect to each gene. Defaults to `NULL`, in which
#' case the function will calculate the rank matrix. We recommend calculating
#' the rank matrix beforehand and passing it to the function to speed up the
#' computation.
#' @param feature_names A vector of gene names. Defaults to `NULL`, in which
#' case the function will use the row names of the expression matrix as gene
#' names.
#' @param used_slot Parameter that provides additional information about the
#' expression matrix, whether it was scaled or not. The value of this parameter
#' impacts the calculation of the fold change. If `data`, the function will
#' calculates the fold change as the fraction between the log value of the
#' average of the expression raised to exponential for the two cell groups. If
#' `scale.data`, the function will calculate the fold change as the fraction
#' between the average of the expression values for the two cell groups.
#' Other options will default to calculating the fold change as the fraction
#' between the log value of the average of the expression values for the two
#' cell groups. Defaults to `data`.
#' @param norm_method The normalization method used to normalize the expression
#' matrix. The value of this parameter impacts the calculation of the average
#' expression of the genes when `used_slot = "data"`. If `LogNormalize`, the
#' log fold change will be calculated as described for the `used_slot`
#' parameter. Otherwise, the log fold change will be calculated as the fraction
#' between the log value of the average of the expression values for the two
#' cell groups. Defaults to `SCT`.
#' @param pseudocount_use The pseudocount to add to the expression values when
#' calculating the average expression of the genes, to avoid the 0 value for
#' the denominator. Defaults to `1`.
#' @param base The base of the logharithm. Defaults to `2`.
#' @param adjust_pvals A logical value indicating whether to adjust the p-values
#' for multiple testing using the Bonferonni method. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param check_cells_set_diff A logical value indicating whether to check if
#' thw two cell groups are disjoint or not. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return A data frame containing the following columns:
#' - `gene`: The gene name.
#' - `avg_log2FC`: The average log fold change between the two cell groups.
#' - `p_val`: The p-value of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' - `p_val_adj`: The adjusted p-value of the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' - `pct.1`: The fraction of cells expressing the gene in the first cell group.
#' - `pct.2`: The fraction of cells expressing the gene in the second cell group.
#' - `avg_expr_group1`: The average expression of the gene in the first cell group.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(100 * 50), runif(100 * 50, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' ncol = 200, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(1:200)
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", 1:50)
#' calculate_markers(
#' expression_matrix = expr_matrix,
#' cells1 = 101:200,
#' cells2 = 1:100
#' )
#' # TODO should be rewritten such that you don't create new matrix objects inside
#' # just
calculate_markers <- function(expression_matrix,
logfc_threshold = 0,
min_pct_threshold = 0.1,
avg_expr_threshold_group1 = 0,
min_diff_pct_threshold = -Inf,
rank_matrix = NULL,
feature_names = NULL,
used_slot = "data",
norm_method = "SCT",
pseudocount_use = 1,
base = 2,
adjust_pvals = TRUE,
check_cells_set_diff = TRUE) {
rowMeans_function <- base::rowMeans
if (inherits(expression_matrix, "dgCMatrix")) {
rowMeans_function <- Matrix::rowMeans
# as of Seurat 5
deprecated_default_mean_fxn <- function(x) {
return(log(x = rowMeans_function(x = x) + pseudocount_use, base = base))
sct_data_mean_function <- function(x) {
return(log(x = (rowSums(x = expm1(x = x)) + pseudocount_use)/NCOL(x), base = base))
counts_mean_function <- function(x) {
return(log(x = (rowSums(x = x) + pseudocount_use)/NCOL(x), base = base))
log1pdata_mean_function <- function(x) {
return(log(x = (rowSums(x = expm1(x = x)) + pseudocount_use)/NCOL(x), base = base))
if (is.null(feature_names)) {
if (is.null(rownames(expression_matrix))) {
rownames(expression_matrix) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(nrow(expression_matrix)))
feature_names <- rownames(expression_matrix)
} else {
rownames(expression_matrix) <- feature_names
if (check_cells_set_diff) {
cells2 <- setdiff(cells2, cells1)
if (length(cells2) == 0 || length(cells1) == 0) {
indices <- c(cells1, cells2)
n <- length(feature_names)
expression_matrix <- expression_matrix[, indices, drop = FALSE]
base_text <- ifelse(test = base == exp(1), yes = "", no = base)
fc_name <- ifelse(
test = used_slot == "scale.data",
yes = "avg_diff",
no = paste0("avg_log", base_text, "FC")
mean_fxn <- switch(EXPR = used_slot,
counts = counts_mean_function,
data = switch(EXPR = norm_method,
SCT = sct_data_mean_function,
LogNormalize = log1pdata_mean_function,
NULL = log1pdata_mean_function,
scale.data = rowMeans_function,
# TODO a bit redundant; this is also done in FoldChange; check if you can combine the two steps
avg_expr_group1 <- rowMeans_function(expression_matrix[, seq_along(cells1), drop = FALSE])
# TODO calculate the average of the second group as well; should we perform the filter here as well?
if (avg_expr_threshold_group1 > 0) {
mask <- which(avg_expr_group1 >= avg_expr_threshold_group1)
if (length(mask) == 0) {
expression_matrix <- expression_matrix[mask, , drop = FALSE]
feature_names <- feature_names[mask]
avg_expr_group1 <- avg_expr_group1[mask]
# TODO create own calculation of FoldChange
fc_results <- Seurat::FoldChange(
object = expression_matrix,
cells.1 = seq_along(cells1),
cells.2 = seq(from = length(cells1) + 1, to = length(indices), by = 1),
mean.fxn = mean_fxn,
fc.name = fc_name
max_pct <- pmax(fc_results$pct.1, fc_results$pct.2)
min_pct <- pmin(fc_results$pct.1, fc_results$pct.2)
pct_diff <- max_pct - min_pct
mask <- which(max_pct >= min_pct_threshold &
pct_diff >= min_diff_pct_threshold &
abs(fc_results[, 1]) >= logfc_threshold)
if (length(mask) == 0) {
expression_matrix <- expression_matrix[mask, , drop = FALSE]
fc_results <- fc_results[mask, ]
feature_names <- feature_names[mask]
avg_expr_group1 <- avg_expr_group1[mask]
if (is.null(rank_matrix)) {
rank_matrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(expression_matrix), ncol = ncol(expression_matrix))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(expression_matrix))) {
rank_matrix[i, ] <- rank(expression_matrix[i, ], ties.method = "min")
} else {
rank_matrix <- rank_matrix[mask, indices, drop = FALSE]
if (length(mask) == 1) {
# expression_matrix <- matrix(expression_matrix, nrow = 1)
rank_matrix <- matrix(rank_matrix, nrow = 1)
fc_results$gene <- feature_names
fc_results$p_val <- wilcox_test(rank_matrix, length(cells1), max(rank_matrix))
if (adjust_pvals) {
fc_results$p_val_adj <- stats::p.adjust(
p = fc_results$p_val,
method = "bonferroni",
n = n
fc_results <- fc_results[, c(4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)]
fc_results$avg_expr_group1 <- avg_expr_group1
fc_results <- fc_results[, c(4, 1, 2, 3, 5)]
fc_results$avg_expr_group1 <- avg_expr_group1
# function copied from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/TeachingDemos/index.html
shadowtext <- function(x, y = NULL, labels, col = "white", bg = "black",
theta = seq(pi / 32, 2 * pi, length.out = 64), r = 0.1, cex = 1, ...) {
xy <- grDevices::xy.coords(x, y)
fx <- graphics::grconvertX(xy$x, to = "nfc")
fy <- graphics::grconvertY(xy$y, to = "nfc")
fxo <- r * graphics::strwidth("A", units = "figure", cex = cex)
fyo <- r * graphics::strheight("A", units = "figure", cex = cex)
for (i in theta) {
graphics::text(graphics::grconvertX(fx + cos(i) * fxo, from = "nfc"),
graphics::grconvertY(fy + sin(i) * fyo, from = "nfc"),
cex = cex, col = bg, ...
graphics::text(xy$x, xy$y, labels, cex = cex, col = col, ...)
gear_overall <- function(ns, id) {
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_boxplot_width")),
label = "Boxplot width",
min = 0.00, max = 1.00, value = 0.50
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_inter_distance")),
label = "Space between groups",
min = 1, max = 15, value = 1, step = 1
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_intra_distance")),
label = "Space inside groups",
min = 1, max = 15, value = 1, step = 1
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_text_size")),
label = "Text size",
min = 0.10, max = 10.00, value = 1.00, step = 0.1
gear_umaps <- function(ns, id, discrete = TRUE, default_order = "original") {
if (discrete) {
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_text_size")),
label = "Text size",
min = 0.10, max = 10.00, value = 1.00, step = 0.1
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_axis_size")),
label = "Axis labels size",
min = 0.10, max = 10.00, value = 1.00, step = 0.1
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_legend_size")),
label = "Legend size",
min = 0.10, max = 10.00, value = 1.00, step = 0.1
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_pt_size")),
label = "Point size",
min = 0.05, max = 5.00, value = 0.30, step = 0.05
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_pt_type")),
label = "Point type",
choices = c("Circle", "Pixel")
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_pt_order")),
label = "Point ordering",
choices = c("original", "highest", "lowest"),
selected = default_order
if (discrete) {
inputId = ns(paste0(id, "_labels")),
label = "Show labels",
status = "success",
fill = TRUE
circle = TRUE,
status = "success",
size = "sm",
icon = shiny::icon("cog")
gear_download <- function(ns, id, label = "") {
label = "",
icon = shiny::icon("download"),
status = "success",
size = "sm",
shiny::em(paste0("Note: Use one of the following extensions: ", paste(names(filetypes), collapse = ", "))),
shiny::textInput(ns(paste0("filename_", id)), "File name:", width = "80%", value = label),
shiny::numericInput(ns(paste0("width_", id)), "Width (in):", 7, 3, 100, 0.1),
shiny::numericInput(ns(paste0("height_", id)), "Height (in):", 7, 3, 100, 0.1),
shiny::selectInput(ns(paste0("filetype_", id)), "Filetype", choices = names(filetypes), selected = names(filetypes)[1], width = "80%"),
shinyWidgets::prettyRadioButtons(ns(paste0("raster_", id)), "Rasterize", choices = c("Yes", "No"), selected = "Yes"),
shiny::downloadButton(ns(paste0("download_", id)), label = "Download Plot")
jaccard_index <- function(a, b) {
if (length(a) == 0 && length(b) == 0) {
} else {
return(length(intersect(a, b)) / length(union(a, b)))
update_gears_width <- function() {
win_dims <- pkg_env$dimension()
"$('.dropdown-menu .shiny-split-layout').css('width', '", win_dims[1] / 2.2, "px');"
gene_name_transformation <- function(gene_name) {
gene_name <- toupper(gene_name)
gene_name <- gsub(" ", "", gene_name)
gene_name <- gsub("-", "", gene_name)
gene_name <- gsub("_", "", gene_name)
gene_name <- gsub("\\.", "", gene_name)
# split_vector_by_metadata <- function(vec, metadata) {
# if (is.factor(metadata)) {
# unique_values <- levels(metadata)
# } else {
# unique_values <- unique(metadata)
# }
# split_list <- lapply(unique_values, function(i) { rep(0, length(vec))})
# iter_list <- rep(1, length(unique_values))
# names(split_list) <- unique_values
# names(iter_list) <- unique_values
# for (i in)
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.