
Defines functions get_split_neg get_split_pos get_gene_score_neg get_gene_score_pos plot_filter_combination_first2 plot_filter_stepbystep_first2 get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers_neg get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers_neg_pos get_split_neg_tp get_split_pos_tp plot_combine_PRAUC get_split_neg_neg get_split_pos_neg get_split_pos_pos Detect_combine_markers generate_report_rmd generate_report intersect.ignorecase get_gene_score_neg.fbeta get_gene_score_pos.fbeta plot_ridge get_antibody Detect_single_marker normalize makeid firstup get_original_alpha

Documented in Detect_single_marker firstup generate_report generate_report_rmd get_antibody get_gene_score_neg get_gene_score_neg.fbeta get_gene_score_pos get_gene_score_pos.fbeta get_original_alpha get_split_pos_pos intersect.ignorecase makeid normalize plot_filter_stepbystep_first2 plot_ridge

#' Calculate gene negative specific score
#' Calculate gene specific score in negative direction
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param assay which assay to use in obj, default RNA
#' @param slot which slot to use, default data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return alpha before normalization
get_original_alpha <- function(scrna, gene, x.alpha, assay = "RNA", slot = "data"){
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  g.exprs <- FetchData(scrna, gene, slot = slot)
  g.max <- max(g.exprs[,1])
  g.min <- min(g.exprs[,1])
  alpha.ori <- x.alpha*g.max + g.min

#' Firstup character
#' @param x character
#' @return up case first letter
#' @export
firstup <- function(x) {
  x <- tolower(x)
  substr(x, 1, 1) <- toupper(substr(x, 1, 1))

#' make id for plotting
#' Reset active.ident of obj for plotting.
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param panel ID panel in metadata of obj
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return seurat obj with re-set Idents

makeid <- function(scrna, id, panel = "seurat_clusters"){
  levels(Seurat::Idents(scrna)) <- c(levels(Seurat::Idents(scrna)), "other")
  Seurat::Idents(scrna)[Seurat::Idents(scrna) != id] <- 'other'

#' Min-Max Normalization
#' Normalize scRNA sequencing data.
#' @param x Gene expression
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return Normalized expression data
normalize <- function(x, ...) {
  return((x - min(x, ...)) /(max(x, ...) - min(x, ...)))

#' Detect single markers of specific cell groups
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param geneset custom genes to test, all genes in obj to use if NULL
#' @param id interested cell group
#' @param category Denotes which experiment to use. Available options are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"IHC"} : use genes with valid antibody for IHC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"ICC"} : use genes with valid antibody for ICC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"ICC.IHC"} : use genes with valid antibody for ICC or IHC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"Flow"} : Only use cell surface genes with at least one valid antibody(ICC or IHC)
#' }
#' @param assay indicate the assay to compute
#' @param slot indicate the slot of data to compute
#' @param step quantile steps
#' @param min.pct only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of cells in interested cell types. Default is 0.15
#' @param use.all Don't do any filter on input geneset
#' @param geneset custom genes to test
#' @param self.db self defined antibody database
#' @param self.db.only Bolean. Only use the self deifned antibody database or not
#' @return list of markers performance
#' @export
Detect_single_marker <- function(scrna, id, step = 0.1,  slot = "data", category = NULL,
                                 geneset = NULL, assay = "RNA", do.fast = F, min.pct = 0.15, min.fc = 0.25,
                                 use.all = F, do.f1score = F, pseudo.count = 0.01, min.tnr = 0.65, org = "human",
                                 self.db = NULL, self.db.only = F,...){
  genes.to.use <- NULL
  SeuratObject::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay

  ## get application and org

  if (org == "human") {
    if (!is.null(category)) {
      if (!(category %in% c("ICC.IHC", "ICC", "IHC", "Flow", "FlowComet"))) {
        print("category not found, it should be one of ICC, IHC, ICC.IHC, FlowComet or Flow.")
      if (category == "ICC.IHC") {
        genes.to.use <- unique(union(ICC$Gene, IHC$Gene))
      }else if(category == "ICC"){
        genes.to.use <- ICC$Gene
      }else if(category == "IHC"){
        genes.to.use <- IHC$Gene
      }else if(category == "Flow"){
        genes.to.use <- surface.genes

    if (!is.null(category)){
      if(category == "FlowComet"){
        genes.to.use <- intersect(firstup(comet_human), rownames(scrna[[assay]]))
  if (org == "mouse") {
    if (!is.null(category)) {
      if (!(category %in% c("ICC.IHC", "ICC", "IHC", "Flow", "FlowComet"))) {
        print("category not found, it should be one of ICC, IHC, ICC.IHC, FlowComet or Flow.")
      if (category == "ICC.IHC") {
        genes.to.use <- unique(union(ICC_mouse$Gene, IHC_mouse$Gene))
        genes.to.use <- c(genes.to.use, flow_mouse$Gene)
      }else if(category == "ICC"){
        genes.to.use <- ICC_mouse$Gene
        genes.to.use <- c(genes.to.use, flow_mouse$Gene)
      }else if(category == "IHC"){
        genes.to.use <- IHC_mouse$Gene
        genes.to.use <- c(genes.to.use, flow_mouse$Gene)
      }else if(category == "Flow"){
        genes.to.use <- flow_mouse$Gene
    genes.to.use <- unique(genes.to.use)
    if (!is.null(category)){
      if(category == "FlowComet"){
        genes.to.use <- intersect(firstup(comet_genes), rownames(scrna[[assay]]))

  if (!is.null(self.db)){
    self.db.table <- utils::read.csv(self.db)
      genes.to.use <- self.db.table[,1]
      genes.to.use <- c(genes.to.use, self.db.table[,1])

  genes.to.use <- c(genes.to.use, geneset)
  if (!is.null(genes.to.use)) {
    genes.to.use <- intersect.ignorecase(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), genes.to.use)
    geneset.in <- intersect.ignorecase(geneset, rownames(scrna[[assay]]))
    geneset.out <- setdiff(geneset, geneset.in)
    if (length(geneset.out) > 0) {
      cat(paste("\nThese genes are not in the obj. Please check! \n"))
    cat(paste("\n Using all genes as input."))
    genes.to.use <- rownames(scrna[[assay]])


  if (use.all) {
    de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = genes.to.use)
  if (!use.all) {
    de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = genes.to.use)
    de <- de[de$pct.1 > min.pct, ]
    de$avg_log2FC <- abs(de$avg_log2FC)
    de <- de[de$avg_log2FC > min.fc, ]

  de <- na.omit(de)
  markers <- de
  gene.rank.list <- data.frame()

  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  exprs.matrix <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(rownames(markers), "ident"), slot = slot)
  # Ids.totest <- Idents(scrna)

  gene.list <- rownames(markers)
  gene.list <- intersect.ignorecase(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), gene.list)

  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(gene.list), style = 3, file = stderr())
  i = 1

  for (genes in gene.list) {
      # exprs.matrix <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(genes, "ident"), slot = slot)
      df.input <- exprs.matrix[, c(genes, "ident")]
      de <- data.frame(get_gene_score(df.input, gene = genes, celltype = id,
                                      step = step, pseudo.count = pseudo.count, min.tnr = min.tnr))
      names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "TN", "FN", "direction", "FP details")
      gene.rank.list <- rbind(gene.rank.list, de)
    }, error=function(e){cat("Warning :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
    setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb, value = i)
    i = i + 1
  close(con = pb)

  gene.rank.list <- gene.rank.list[order(gene.rank.list$x.margin.adj, decreasing = T),]
  rownames(gene.rank.list) <- seq(nrow(gene.rank.list))
  gene.rank.list <- dplyr::distinct(gene.rank.list, gene, .keep_all = TRUE)

#' Calculate gene specific score in both direction
#' @param exprs.matrix exprs matrix with ident panel
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param step quantile step
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return gene score in both direction
get_gene_score <- function (exprs.matrix, celltype, gene, step = 0.01, pseudo.count = 0.01,
                            min.tnr = 0.65)
  colnames(exprs.matrix) <- c("exp", "id")
  exprs.matrix <- data.table::as.data.table(exprs.matrix)
  exprs.max <- max(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.min <- min(exprs.matrix$exp)

  # Min-max normalization
  exprs.matrix$exp <- normalize(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.matrix$exp <- round(exprs.matrix$exp, 3)
  exprs.matrix$exp.n <- 0 - exprs.matrix$exp
  gene.prauc.p <- data.frame(x.val <- c(), margin <- c())
  gene.prauc.n <- data.frame(x.val <- c(), margin <- c())
  celltype.in <- celltype
  data.id <- subset(exprs.matrix, id == celltype.in)
  data.other <- subset(exprs.matrix, id != celltype.in)
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(exprs.matrix)

  # grid search for optimal cutoff
  for (x.val in seq(0.001, 0.99, step)) {

    # Positive direction
    # get subset for TP, FP, TN, FN
    data.i.a <- subset(data.id, exp > x.val)
    data.o.a <- subset(data.other, exp > x.val)
    data.i.b <- subset(data.id, exp <= x.val)
    data.o.b <- subset(data.other, exp <= x.val)

    # get the margin
    x.margin.p <- sum((data.i.a$exp - x.val)) * nrow(data.o.b) +
      sum((x.val - data.o.b$exp)) * nrow(data.i.a) - sum((data.o.a$exp -
                                                            x.val)) * nrow(data.i.b)
    x.margin.p <- x.margin.p/data.all.l
    de.p <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin.p)
    gene.prauc.p <- rbind(gene.prauc.p, de.p)

    # Negative direction
    # get subset for TP, FP, TN, FN
    x.val.n <- 0 - x.val
    data.i.a <- subset(data.id, exp.n > x.val.n)
    data.o.a <- subset(data.other, exp.n > x.val.n)
    data.i.b <- subset(data.id, exp.n <= x.val.n)
    data.o.b <- subset(data.other, exp.n <= x.val.n)

    # get the margin
    x.margin.n <- sum((data.i.a$exp.n - x.val.n)) * nrow(data.o.b) +
      sum((x.val.n - data.o.b$exp.n)) * nrow(data.i.a) -
      sum((data.o.a$exp.n - x.val.n)) * nrow(data.i.b)
    x.margin.n <- x.margin.n/data.all.l
    de.n <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin.n)
    gene.prauc.n <- rbind(gene.prauc.n, de.n)

  # get the max margin
  gene.prauc.p <- gene.prauc.p[order(gene.prauc.p$x.margin,
                                     decreasing = T), ]
  gene.prauc.n <- gene.prauc.n[order(gene.prauc.n$x.margin,
                                     decreasing = T), ]
  # Positive direction final score calculation
  x.split <- gene.prauc.p[1, ]
  x.val <- x.split[, 1]
  x.margin <- x.split[, 2]
  tp <- sum(data.id$exp > x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp > x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp <= x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp <= x.val)

  # get top 5 false positive resources
  fp.pro <- subset(data.other, exp > x.val)
  fp.pro <- as.data.frame(table(fp.pro$id))
  fp.pro <- fp.pro[order(fp.pro$Freq, decreasing = T), ]
  if (nrow(fp.pro) >= 5) {
    fp.pro <- fp.pro[1:5, ]
  fp.string <- paste(fp.pro$Var1, fp.pro$Freq)
  fp.string <- toString(fp.string)
  x.factor.p <- (mean(data.id$exp) + pseudo.count)/(mean(data.other$exp) +

  # get the score
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin * (tp/data.id.l) * (tn/data.o.l) *
  x.val <- x.val * exprs.max + exprs.min
  x.split.p <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj,
                          tp, fp, tn, fn, "+", fp.string)

  # Negative direction final score calculation
  x.split <- gene.prauc.n[1, ]
  x.val <- x.split[, 1]
  x.margin <- x.split[, 2]
  tp <- sum(data.id$exp < x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp < x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp >= x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp >= x.val)

  # get top 5 false positive resources
  fp.pro <- subset(data.other, exp < x.val)
  fp.pro <- as.data.frame(table(fp.pro$id))
  fp.pro <- fp.pro[order(fp.pro$Freq, decreasing = T), ]
  if (nrow(fp.pro) >= 5) {
    fp.pro <- fp.pro[1:5, ]
  fp.string <- paste(fp.pro$Var1, fp.pro$Freq)
  fp.string <- toString(fp.string)
  x.factor.n <- round(1/x.factor.p, 1)
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin * (tp/data.id.l) * (tn/data.o.l) *
  x.val <- x.val * exprs.max + exprs.min
  if (tn/data.o.l < min.tnr) {
    x.margin.adj <- 0
  x.split.n <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj,
                          tp, fp, tn, fn, "-", fp.string)
  return(rbind(x.split.p, x.split.n))

#' Get Antibody information table
#' @param markers.list makers list from Detect single markers function
#' @param rm.noab whether to remove genes without antibody information. Default TRUE.
#' @param self.db User provided database
#' @param self.db.only Bolean, whether to only use the user provided database
#' @return list of markers with antibody information
#' @export
get_antibody <- function(markers.list, rm.noab = T, org = "human",
                         self.db = NULL, self.db.only = F, return_matrix = F,...){
  # markers.list <- markers.list[markers.list$gene %in% intersect.ignorecase(markers$gene, union(ICC$Gene, IHC$Gene)),]
  markers.list$gene <- toupper(markers.list$gene)
  markers.list$antibody <- "NULL"

  markers.list$x.margin <- round(markers.list$x.margin, 2)
  markers.list$x.margin.adj <- round(markers.list$x.margin.adj, 2)
  flow_mouse$Gene <- toupper(flow_mouse$Gene)

  if (org == "human") {
    IHC$Gene <- toupper(IHC$Gene)
    ICC$Gene <- toupper(ICC$Gene)
    markers.list$Reliability <- "Validated"
    for (i in 1:nrow(markers.list)) {
      gene.i <- markers.list[i,]$gene
      if (gene.i %in% IHC$Gene) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- IHC[IHC$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody.RRID[1]
      if (gene.i %in% ICC$Gene) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- ICC[ICC$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody.RRID[1]
  if (org == "mouse") {
    IHC_mouse$Gene <- toupper(IHC_mouse$Gene)
    ICC_mouse$Gene <- toupper(ICC_mouse$Gene)
    markers.list$Reliability <- "Homology"
    for (i in 1:nrow(markers.list)) {
      gene.i <- markers.list[i,]$gene
      if (gene.i %in% IHC_mouse$Gene) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- IHC_mouse[IHC_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody.RRID[1]
        markers.list[i,]$Reliability <- IHC_mouse[IHC_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Reliability[1]
      if (gene.i %in% ICC_mouse$Gene) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- ICC_mouse[ICC_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody.RRID[1]
        markers.list[i,]$Reliability <- ICC_mouse[ICC_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Reliability[1]
      if (gene.i %in% toupper(flow_mouse$Gene)) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- flow_mouse[flow_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody.RRID[1]
        markers.list[i,]$Reliability <- flow_mouse[flow_mouse$Gene == gene.i, ]$Reliability_1[1]

  if (!is.null(self.db)){
    self.db.table <- utils::read.csv(self.db)
    self.db.table[,1] <- toupper(self.db.table[,1])
      markers.list <- markers.list[markers.list$gene %in% self.db.table$Gene, ]
    for (i in 1:nrow(markers.list)) {
      gene.i <- markers.list[i,]$gene
      if (gene.i %in% toupper(self.db.table$Gene)) {
        markers.list[i,]$antibody <- self.db.table[self.db.table$Gene == gene.i, ]$Antibody[1]
        markers.list[i,]$Reliability <- self.db.table[self.db.table$Gene == gene.i, ]$Reliability[1]

  markers.list <- markers.list[, -3]
  markers.list[,2] <- round(markers.list[,2], 3)
  colnames(markers.list)[2] <- "Alpha"
  colnames(markers.list)[3] <- "Score"
  if (rm.noab) {
    markers.list <- markers.list[markers.list$antibody != "NULL",]

  rownames(markers.list) <- 1:nrow(markers.list)
  if (return_matrix) {
                  extensions = 'Buttons',
                  options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip',
                                 buttons = c('copy',
                                 autoWidth = FALSE),
                  escape = F)

#' RidgePlot of selected genes, with split value
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param genes genes to plot
#' @param id interested cell group
#' @param step quantile steps
#' @param show_split whether to show the split line
#' @param aggr.other whether to aggregate other cell clusters
#' @return Ridge plot
#' @export
plot_ridge <- function(scrna, id, genes, ncol = 1, step = 0.01, show_split = T, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", aggr.other = F){
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  df.all <-data.frame()
  df.split <-data.frame()
  if (aggr.other) {
    for (gene in genes) {
      # get the alpha split value
      df.g <- get_gene_score(Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident")), celltype = id, gene = gene)
      df.g <- df.g[order(df.g$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
      df.g <- df.g[1,]
      df.c <-Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"))
      df.c$ident <- ifelse(df.c$ident == id, id, "Other")
      df.c$gene <- paste(gene)
      colnames(df.c) <- c("Exprs", "Ident", "Gene")
      df.all <- rbind(df.all,df.c)
      df.g <- df.g[,c(1,2)]
      colnames(df.g) <- c("Gene", "Split")
      df.split <- rbind(df.split,df.g)
    df.s <- reshape2::melt(df.all)
    df.s[df.s == -Inf] <- 0
    df.s$Gene <- factor(df.s$Gene, levels = as.character(genes))
    df.split$Gene <- factor(df.split$Gene, levels = c(genes))

    g <- ggplot2::ggplot(df.s, aes(x=value, y=variable, color=Ident, point_color=Ident, fill=Ident)) +
      ggridges::geom_density_ridges_gradient(scale = 3, size = 0.3, rel_min_height = 0.01) +
      scale_fill_manual(values = c("#CB181D80", "#2171B580")) +
      scale_discrete_manual("point_color", values = c("#CB181D80", "#2171B580"), guide = "none") +
      guides(fill = guide_legend(
        override.aes = list(
          fill = c("#CB181D80", "#2171B580"),
          color = NA, point_color = NA))
      ) +
      ggridges::theme_ridges(grid = FALSE) +
      ylab("") +
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
    df.split$Gene <- factor(df.split$Gene, levels = c(genes))
    g <- g + facet_wrap(~Gene, ncol = ncol) +
      geom_vline(data = df.split, aes(xintercept = Split), linetype="dotted",
                 color = "red", size=1.5) + labs(fill = "Expression")
    # return()
    for (gene in genes) {
      # get the alpha split value
      df.g <- get_gene_score(Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident")), celltype = id, gene = gene)
      df.g <- df.g[order(df.g$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
      df.g <- df.g[1,]
      df.c <-Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"))
      df.c$gene <- paste(gene)
      colnames(df.c) <- c("Exprs", "Ident", "Gene")
      df.all <- rbind(df.all,df.c)
      df.g <- df.g[,c(1,2)]
      colnames(df.g) <- c("Gene", "Split")
      df.split <- rbind(df.split,df.g)
    df.split$Gene <- factor(df.split$Gene, levels = c(genes))
    df.all$Gene <- factor(df.all$Gene, levels = c(genes))
    g <- ggplot2::ggplot(df.all, aes(y=reorder(Ident, Exprs , mean),x=Exprs, fill = stat(x))) +
      scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "D")+
      theme(legend.position = "none")+
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
      ) + ylab("") + xlab("")
    g <- g  +
      geom_vline(data = df.split, aes(xintercept = Split), linetype="dotted",
                 color = "red", size=1.5) +
      facet_wrap(~Gene, ncol = ncol)
    # return()
  g <- g + theme_bw() +
    theme(panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) + labs(fill = "Expression")
  # return(g)

#' Calculate gene positive specific score with FBeta (Hypergate like approach)
#' Calculate gene FBeta score with positive direction
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param step quantile step
#' @param assay which assay to use in obj, default RNA
#' @param slot which slot to use, default data
#' @param panel ID panel in metadata of obj
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return seurat obj with re-set Idents

get_gene_score_pos.fbeta <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") {
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  # scrna@active.assay <- assay
  data.mat.surf <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp", "id")

  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp", "id")
  x.max <- max(data.mat.surf$exp)
  x.min <- min(data.mat.surf$exp)

  data.mat.surf$exp <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp)

  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(data.mat.surf)

  for (x.val in seq(0, 1, step)) {
    am <- data.id[data.id$exp > x.val, ]
    cm <- data.other[data.other$exp > x.val, ]
    bm <- data.id[data.id$exp <= x.val, ]
    dm <- data.other[data.other$exp <= x.val, ]

    x.pr <- nrow(am)/(nrow(am) + nrow(cm))
    x.re <- nrow(am)/(nrow(am) + nrow(bm))

    x.margin <- x.pr*x.re/(x.pr + x.re)
    de <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin)
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,1]
  x.margin <- x.split[,2]

  tp <- sum(data.id$exp > x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp > x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp <= x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp <= x.val)

  x.margin.adj <- x.margin
  x.val <- x.val*x.max + x.min
  x.split <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, "+")

#' Calculate gene positive specific score with FBeta (Hypergate like approach)
#' Calculate gene FBeta score with negative direction
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param step quantile step
#' @param assay which assay to use in obj, default RNA
#' @param slot which slot to use, default data
#' @param panel ID panel in metadata of obj
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return seurat obj with re-set Idents

get_gene_score_neg.fbeta <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") {
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  # scrna@active.assay <- assay
  data.mat.surf <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp", "id")
  data.mat.surf$exp <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp)

  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(data.mat.surf)

  for (x.val in seq(0, 1, step)) {
    am <- data.id[data.id$exp < x.val, ]
    cm <- data.other[data.other$exp < x.val, ]
    bm <- data.id[data.id$exp >= x.val, ]
    dm <- data.other[data.other$exp >= x.val, ]

    x.pr <- nrow(am)/(nrow(am) + nrow(cm))
    x.re <- nrow(am)/(nrow(am) + nrow(bm))

    x.margin <- x.pr*x.re/(x.pr + x.re)
    de <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin)
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,1]
  x.margin <- x.split[,2]

  tp <- sum(data.id$exp < x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp < x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp >= x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp >= x.val)

  x.margin.adj <- x.margin
  x.split <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, "-")

#' Intersect 2 list ignoring the cases and return the elements in list1
#' @param list1 list 1 of genes
#' @param list2 list 2 of genes
#' @export
#' @return Ridge plot
intersect.ignorecase <- function(list1, list2){
  list1.u <- toupper(list1)
  list2.u <- toupper(list2)
  list12.u <- intersect(list1.u, list2.u)
  list.r <- list1[match(list12.u, list1.u)]

#' Detect single markers of all cell groups
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param geneset custom genes to test, all genes in obj to use if NULL
#' @param id interested cell group
#' @param test.use Denotes which test to use. Available options are:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"IHC"} : use genes with valid antibody for IHC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"ICC"} : use genes with valid antibody for ICC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"ICC.IHC"} : use genes with valid antibody for ICC or IHC in human protein atlas
#'  \item{"Flow"} : Only use cell surface genes with at least one valid antibody(ICC or IHC)
#' }
#' @param assay indicate the assay to compute
#' @param slot indicate the slot of data to compute
#' @param step quantile steps
#' @param min.pct only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of cells in interested cell types. Default is 0.15
#' @param use.all Don't do any filter on input geneset
#' @param clusters_to_detect set of clusters for compupation
#' @param geneset custom genes to test
#' @param org Choose database for human or mouse
#' @param self.db self defined antibody database
#' @param self.db.only Bolean. Only use the self deifned antibody database or not
#' @return list of markers performance
#' @export
Detect_single_marker_all <- function (scrna, step = 0.1, slot = "data", category = NULL,
                                      clusters_to_detect = NULL, geneset = NULL, assay = "RNA",
                                      do.fast = F, min.pct = 0.15, min.fc = 0.25, use.all = F,
                                      do.f1score = F, pseudo.count = 0.01, min.tnr = 0.65, org="mouse",
                                      self.db = NULL, self.db.only=F, ...)
  all.list <- vector("list")
  if (length(clusters_to_detect) == 0) {
    for (id in unique(Seurat::Idents(scrna))) {
      message(paste("Calculating Markers for", id))
      df.s <- Detect_single_marker(scrna = scrna, id = id,
                                   step = step, slot = slot, assay = assay, min.pct = min.pct,
                                   min.fc = min.fc, min.tnr = min.tnr, pseudo.count = pseudo.count,
                                   use.all = use.all, do.f1score = do.f1score, category = category,
                                   geneset = geneset, do.fast = do.fast, org = org, self.db = self.db,
                                   self.db.only = self.db.only, ...)
      all.list[[id]] <- df.s
  else {
    cluster.in <- intersect(clusters_to_detect, unique(Seurat::Idents(scrna)))
    cluster.out <- setdiff(clusters_to_detect, unique(Seurat::Idents(scrna)))
    cat(paste("These clusters are detected\n"))
    if (length(cluster.out) > 0) {
      cat(paste("\nThese clusters are not in the obj\n"))
    for (id in cluster.in) {
      message(paste("Calculating Markers for", id))
      df.s <- Detect_single_marker(scrna = scrna, id = id,
                                   step = step, slot = slot, assay = assay, min.pct = min.pct,
                                   min.fc = min.fc, min.tnr = min.tnr, pseudo.count = pseudo.count,
                                   use.all = use.all, do.f1score = do.f1score, category = category,
                                   geneset = geneset, do.fast = do.fast, org = org, self.db = self.db,
                                   self.db.only = self.db.only, ...)
      all.list[[id]] <- df.s

#' generate  html report for single markers of all cell groups
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param markers.list results of Detect_single_marker_all()
#' @param aggr.other whether to aggregate other celltypes
#' @param ridge_ncol
#' @param fpath Path to generate the report
#' @param fname file name. Default NULL
#' @return list of markers performance
#' @export
generate_report <- function(scrna, markers.list,
                            fpath = ".", aggr.other = F, fname = NULL,
                            top_n_genes = 6, ridge_ncol = 3, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", org = "human",
  markers.list <- markers.list
  saveRDS(markers.list, file = file.path(fpath, "sc2marker.allmarkers.intermediate.rds"))
  saveRDS(scrna, file = file.path(fpath, "sc2marker.scrna.intermediate.rds"))
  generate_report_rmd(scrna = scrna, markers.list = markers.list, fpath = fpath,
                      aggr.other = aggr.other,
                      top_n_genes = top_n_genes,
                      fname = fname,
                      assay = assay,
                      slot = slot,
                      ridge_ncol = ridge_ncol, org = org,...)
  if (is.null(fname)) {
    fname.rmd <- "sc2marker.report.Rmd"
    fname.rmd <- paste(fname, ".sc2marker.report.Rmd", sep = "")
  rmarkdown::render(file.path(fpath, fname.rmd))
  unlink(file.path(fpath, "sc2marker.allmarkers.intermediate.rds"))
  unlink(file.path(fpath, "sc2marker.scrna.intermediate.rds"))

#' generate  html report for single markers of all cell groups
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param markers.list results from Detect_single_marker_all()
#' @param top_n_genes top number of genes for RidgePlot
#' @param sc2marker_ncol number of col of Ridgeplot
#' @param fname file name. Default NULL
#' @param fpath Path to generate report
#' @return list of markers performance
#' @export
generate_report_rmd <- function(scrna, markers.list, aggr.other = F, top_n_genes = 6, ridge_ncol = 3,
                                fname = NULL, fpath = ".", assay = "RNA", slot = "data", org = "human"){
  if (is.null(fname)) {
    fname.rmd <- "sc2marker.report.Rmd"
    fname.rmd <- paste(fname, ".sc2marker.report.Rmd", sep = "")
  write(setup.template, file = file.path(fpath, fname.rmd))
  for (id in unique(names(markers.list))) {
    chunk.template.s <- chunk.template
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_celltype", paste("\"",id, "\"", sep = ""), chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_aggrother", aggr.other, chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_ncol", ridge_ncol, chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_org", paste("\"",org, "\"", sep = ""), chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("top_n_genes", top_n_genes, chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_slot", paste("\"",slot, "\"", sep = ""), chunk.template.s)
    chunk.template.s <- gsub("sc2marker_assay", paste("\"",assay, "\"", sep = ""), chunk.template.s)
    write(chunk.template.s, file = file.path(fpath, fname.rmd), append = T)

#########   code for next version (developing)

Detect_combine_markers <- function(scrna, id, step = 0.1, category = NULL,
                                   geneset = NULL, assay = "RNA", slot = "data",
                                   do.fast = F, min.pct = 0.1, use.all = F, pseudo.count = 0.01){
  if (is.null(geneset)) {
    geneset <- rownames(scrna[[assay]])
    geneset <- intersect(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), geneset)

  if (use.all) {
    geneset <- intersect(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), geneset)
    de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
    de$gene <- rownames(de)
  if (!use.all) {
    if (do.fast) {
      de <- Seurat::FindMarkers(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
      de <- subset(de, p_val_adj < 0.05)
      de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
      de$gene <- rownames(de)
      de <- de[de$pct.1 > min.pct, ]

  de.genes.p <- subset(de, avg_log2FC > 0)
  de.genes.n <- subset(de, avg_log2FC < 0)

  gene.combn <- t(combn(de.genes.p$gene, 2))
  gene.combn.prauc <- data.frame()

  star_time <- Sys.time()
  for (gene.iter in 1:nrow(gene.combn)) {
    genes <- gene.combn[gene.iter,]
    gene1 <- genes[1]
    gene2 <- genes[2]
    de <- get_split_pos_pos(scrna, gene1,	gene2, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot)
    colnames(de) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
    gene.combn.prauc <- rbind(gene.combn.prauc, de)

  for (gene1 in de.genes.p$gene) {
    for (gene2 in de.genes.n$gene) {
      de <- get_split_pos_neg(scrna, gene1,	gene2, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot)
      colnames(de) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
      gene.combn.prauc <- rbind(gene.combn.prauc, de)

  gene.combn <- t(combn(de.genes.n$gene, 2))

  for (gene.iter in 1:nrow(gene.combn)) {
    genes <- gene.combn[gene.iter,]
    gene1 <- genes[1]
    gene2 <- genes[2]
    de <- get_split_neg_neg(scrna, gene1,	gene2, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot)
    colnames(de) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
    gene.combn.prauc <- rbind(gene.combn.prauc, de)

  end_time <- Sys.time()
  # close(pb)
  run_time <- end_time - star_time

  gene.combn.prauc <- gene.combn.prauc[order(gene.combn.prauc$x.margin.adj, decreasing = T),]

#' UmapPlot based on results from Markers Greedy Search
#' @param scrna seurat objects
#' @param df.split results from Greedy Search
#' @param id cell groups to identify
#' @return
# Combine_marker_umap <- function(scrna, df.split, id){
#   idents.c <- Seurat::Idents(scrna)
#   gene1 <- df.split$gene[1]
#   gene2 <- df.split$gene[2]
#   gene1.split <- df.split$split.value[1]
#   gene2.split <- df.split$split.value[2]
#   cells.1 <- GetCellNames(cbmc, gene1, gene1.split, df.split$direction[1])
#   cells.2 <- GetCellNames(cbmc, gene2, gene2.split, df.split$direction[2])
#   cells.1.2 <- intersect(cells.1, cells.2)
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna) <- "other"
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna, cells = cells.1) <- paste(gene1, "filter")
#   p1 <- UMAPPlot(scrna, cols = c('red', "grey"))
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna) <- "other"
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna, cells = cells.2) <- paste(gene2, "filter")
#   p2 <- UMAPPlot(scrna, cols = c('blue', "grey"))
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna) <- "other"
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna, cells = cells.1.2) <- paste(gene1, "+", gene2)
#   p3 <- UMAPPlot(scrna, cols = c('black',  "grey"))
#   Seurat::Idents(scrna) <- idents.c
#   scrna <- makeid(scrna, id)
#   p4 <- UMAPPlot(scrna)
#   plot_grid(p1, p2, p3, p4)
# }

# GetCellNames <- function(scrna, gene, value, direction, assay = "RNA", slot = "data"){
#   # if (do.magic) {
#   #   df <- data.frame(exp = scrna@assays$MAGIC_RNA@data[gene,])
#   # }else{
#   #   df <- data.frame(exp = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene,])
#   # }
#   scrna@active.assay <- assay
#   df <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene), slot = slot)
#   colnames(df) <- "exp"
#   if (direction == "+") {
#     df <- subset(df, exp > value)
#   }else{
#     df <- subset(df, exp < value)
#   }
#   return(rownames(df))
# }

get_split_pos_pos <- function(scrna, gene1, gene2, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") {
  DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  data.mat.surf <- FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene1, gene2, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp1", "exp2", "id")
  data.mat.surf$exp1 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp1)
  data.mat.surf$exp2 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp2)

  sp1 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp1)$out
  sp2 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp2)$out

  `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
  data.mat.surf <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$exp2 %notin% sp2 & data.mat.surf$exp1 %notin% sp1, ]

  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())

  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(data.mat.surf)

  # size.factor <- nrow(data.mat.surf)/nrow(data.id)
  size.factor <- nrow(data.mat.surf)/nrow(data.other)
  # size.factor <- ifelse(size.factor < 3, 3, size.factor)

  for (x.val in seq(0.01, 1, step)) {
    for (y.val in seq(0.01, 1, step)) {
      data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 > x.val & data.id$exp2 > y.val, ]
      tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
      data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 > x.val & data.other$exp2 > y.val, ]
      fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
      # x.margin <- tp*size.factor - fp#*size.factor
      x.margin <- tp - fp*size.factor
      # x.margin <- tp*nrow(data.other) - fp*nrow(data.id)
      x.margin <- x.margin/data.all.l
      de <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin)
      gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)

  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,3]
  y.val <- x.split[,4]
  x.margin <- x.split[,5]
  data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 > x.val & data.id$exp2 > y.val, ]
  tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
  data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 > x.val & data.other$exp2 > y.val, ]
  fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
  data.o.b <- data.other[data.other$exp1 <= x.val | data.other$exp2 <= y.val, ]
  tn <- nrow(data.o.b)

  x.margin.a <- sum((data.i.a$exp1 - x.val))*nrow(data.o.a) + sum((data.i.a$exp2 - y.val))*nrow(data.o.a) -#+
    # sum((x.val -data.o.b$exp1))*nrow(data.id) + sum((y.val -data.o.b$exp2))*nrow(data.id) -
    sum((data.o.a$exp1 - x.val))*nrow(data.i.a) - sum((data.o.a$exp2 - y.val))*nrow(data.i.a)

  x.margin.a <- ifelse(x.margin.a > 1, x.margin.a, 1)
  # x.margin.a2 <- ifelse(x.margin.a2 > 1, x.margin.a2, 1)
  x.margin.a <- log(x.margin.a)
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin*(tp/data.id.l)*(tn/data.o.l)*x.margin.a#*x.margin.a2
  # x.margin.adj <- x.margin.a

  x.split <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, "+", "+", x.margin.a)

get_split_pos_neg <- function(scrna, gene1, gene2, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") {
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  data.mat.surf <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene1, gene2, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp1", "exp2", "id")
  data.mat.surf$exp1 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp1)
  data.mat.surf$exp2 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp2)

  sp1 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp1)$out
  sp2 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp2)$out

  `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
  data.mat.surf <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$exp2 %notin% sp2 & data.mat.surf$exp1 %notin% sp1, ]

  if(max(data.mat.surf$exp2) == 0 | max(data.mat.surf$exp1) == 0){
    x.split <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "+", "-")

  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())

  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(data.mat.surf)

  size.factor <- nrow(data.mat.surf)/nrow(data.other)

  for (x.val in seq(0.01, 1, 0.1)) {
    for (y.val in seq(0.01, 1, 0.1)) {
      data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 > x.val & data.id$exp2 < y.val, ]
      tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
      data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 > x.val & data.other$exp2 < y.val, ]
      fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
      # x.margin <- tp*size.factor - fp
      x.margin <- tp - fp*size.factor
      # x.margin <- tp*nrow(data.other) - fp*nrow(data.id)
      x.margin <- x.margin/data.all.l
      de <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin)
      gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)

  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,3]
  y.val <- x.split[,4]
  x.margin <- x.split[,5]
  data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 > x.val & data.id$exp2 < y.val, ]
  tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
  data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 > x.val & data.other$exp2 < y.val, ]
  fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
  data.o.b <- data.other[data.other$exp1 <= x.val | data.other$exp2 >= y.val, ]
  tn <- nrow(data.o.b)
  x.margin.a <- sum((data.i.a$exp1 - x.val))*nrow(data.o.a) + sum((y.val - data.i.a$exp2))*nrow(data.o.a) -#+
    # sum((x.val - data.o.b$exp1))*nrow(data.id) + sum((data.o.b$exp2 - y.val))*nrow(data.id) -
    sum((data.o.a$exp1 - x.val))*nrow(data.i.a) - sum((y.val - data.o.a$exp2))*nrow(data.i.a)

  # x.margin.a <- x.margin.a/(nrow(data.i.a) + nrow(data.o.a))

  x.margin.a2 <- sum((x.val - data.o.b$exp1))*nrow(data.id) + sum((data.o.b$exp2 - y.val))*nrow(data.id)

  x.margin.a <- ifelse(x.margin.a > 1, x.margin.a, 1)
  x.margin.a2 <- ifelse(x.margin.a2 > 1, x.margin.a2, 1)
  x.margin.a <- log(x.margin.a)
  x.margin.a2 <- log(x.margin.a2)
  x.margin.a2 <- ifelse(x.margin.a2 > 1, x.margin.a2, 1)

  # x.margin.a <- dist.i.a*nrow(data.other) - dist.o.a*nrow(data.id)# + dist.o.b*nrow(data.id)
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin*(tp/data.id.l)*(tn/data.o.l)*x.margin.a#*x.margin.a2
  # x.margin.adj <- x.margin.a

  x.split <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, "+", "-")

get_split_neg_neg  <- function(scrna, gene1, gene2, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data") {
  Seurat::DefaultAssay(scrna) <- assay
  # scrna@active.assay <- assay
  data.mat.surf <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene1, gene2, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(data.mat.surf) <- c("exp1", "exp2", "id")
  data.mat.surf$exp1 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp1)
  data.mat.surf$exp2 <- normalize(data.mat.surf$exp2)

  sp1 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp1)$out
  sp2 = boxplot.stats(data.mat.surf$exp2)$out

  `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
  data.mat.surf <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$exp2 %notin% sp2 & data.mat.surf$exp1 %notin% sp1, ]

  if(max(data.mat.surf$exp2) == 0 | max(data.mat.surf$exp1) == 0){
    x.split <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "-", "-")

  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())

  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(data.mat.surf)
  size.factor <- nrow(data.mat.surf)/nrow(data.other)

  for (x.val in seq(0.01, 1, step)) {
    for (y.val in seq(0.01, 1, step)) {
      data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 < x.val & data.id$exp2 < y.val, ]
      tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
      data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 < x.val & data.other$exp2 < y.val, ]
      fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
      x.margin <- tp - fp*size.factor
      # x.margin <- tp*nrow(data.other) - fp*nrow(data.id)
      x.margin <- x.margin/data.all.l

      de <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin)
      gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,3]
  y.val <- x.split[,4]
  x.margin <- x.split[,5]
  data.i.a <- data.id[data.id$exp1 < x.val & data.id$exp2 < y.val, ]
  tp <- nrow(data.i.a)
  data.o.a <- data.other[data.other$exp1 < x.val & data.other$exp2 < y.val, ]
  fp <- nrow(data.o.a)
  data.o.b <- data.other[data.other$exp1 >= x.val | data.other$exp2 >= y.val, ]
  tn <- nrow(data.o.b)

  x.margin.a <- sum((x.val - data.i.a$exp1))/nrow(data.o.a) + sum((y.val - data.i.a$exp2))*nrow(data.o.a) -#+
    # sum((data.o.b$exp1 - x.val))*nrow(data.id) + sum((data.o.b$exp2 - y.val))*nrow(data.id) -
    sum((x.val - data.o.a$exp1))*nrow(data.i.a) - sum((y.val - data.o.a$exp2))*nrow(data.i.a)
  x.margin.a <- ifelse(x.margin.a > 1, x.margin.a, 1)
  x.margin.a <- log(x.margin.a)

  x.margin.adj <- x.margin*(tp/data.id.l)*(tn/data.o.l)*x.margin.a#*x.margin.a2
  # x.margin.adj <- x.margin.a
  x.split <- data.frame(gene1, gene2, x.val, y.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, "-", "-")

# marker_stepbystep <- function(scrna, cellgroup, depth = 2, geneset = NULL, step = 0.01){
#   if (is.null(geneset)) {
#     geneset <- rownames(scrna)
#   }
#   geneset <- intersect(rownames(scrna[["RNA"]]), geneset)
#   len.id <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna) == cellgroup)
#   len.other <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna) != cellgroup)
#   df.split <- data.frame()
#   for (variable in seq(depth)) {
#     markers <- FindMarkers(scrna, ident.1 = cellgroup, features = geneset)
#     markers <- subset(markers, p_val_adj < 0.05)
#     markers.pos <- subset(markers, avg_log2FC > 0)
#     markers.neg <- subset(markers, avg_log2FC < 0)
#     gene.prauc <- data.frame()
#     for (genes in rownames(markers.pos)) {
#       de <- data.frame(genes, get_split_pos(scrna, genes, cellgroup, step))
#       names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","filtered.adj", "direction")
#       gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
#     }
#     for (genes in rownames(markers.neg)) {
#       de <- data.frame(genes, get_split_neg(scrna, genes, cellgroup, step))
#       names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","filtered.adj", "direction")
#       gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
#     }
#     gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$filtered.adj, decreasing = T),]
#     df.split <- rbind(df.split, gene.prauc[1,])
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, gene.prauc[1,1], gene.prauc[1,2], gene.prauc[1,4])
#     scrna <- subset(scrna, cells = left.cells)
#   }
#   return(df.split)
# }

# marker_stepbystep.2 <- function(scrna, cellgroup, depth = 2, geneset = NULL, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", max.recall = T){
#   if (is.null(geneset)) {
#     geneset <- rownames(scrna[["RNA"]])
#   }
#   geneset <- intersect(rownames(scrna[["RNA"]]), geneset)
#   len.id <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna) == cellgroup)
#   len.other <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna) != cellgroup)
#   df.split <- data.frame()
#   suppressWarnings(
#     for (variable in seq(depth)) {
#       df.fc <- FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = cellgroup, features = geneset)
#       markers.pos <- subset(df.fc, avg_log2FC > 0)
#       markers.neg <- subset(df.fc, avg_log2FC < 0)
#       gene.prauc <- data.frame()
#       for (genes in rownames(markers.pos)) {
#         de <- data.frame(get_gene_score_pos(scrna, genes, cellgroup, step, assay  = assay, slot = slot))
#         names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "tp", "fp", "direction")
#         gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
#       }
#       for (genes in rownames(markers.neg)) {
#         de <- data.frame(get_gene_score_neg(scrna, genes, cellgroup, step, assay  = assay, slot = slot))
#         names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "tp", "fp", "direction")
#         gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
#       }
#       gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin.adj, decreasing = T),]
#       df <- gene.prauc[1,]
#       if (df$direction == "+") {
#         split.step <- get_split_pos(scrna, df$gene, cellgroup, assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = T)
#       }else{
#         split.step <- get_split_neg(scrna, df$gene, cellgroup,  assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = T)
#       }
#       names(split.step) <- c("Gene", "split.value", "direction")
#       df.split <- rbind(df.split, split.step)
#       left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna = scrna, gene = df$gene, value = df.split$split.value, direction = df.split$direction, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#       scrna <- subset(scrna, cells = left.cells)
#       geneset <- setdiff(geneset, df$gene)
#     }
#   )
#   return(df.split)
# }

plot_combine_PRAUC <- function(scrna, gene1, gene2, id, step = 0.01, return.obj = F){
  x.df <- get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers(scrna, gene1, gene2, id = id, step = step)
  g <- ggplot() + geom_line(x.df, mapping = aes(x.rec, x.pre)) + xlim(c(0,1)) + ylim(c(0,1))
  if (!return.obj) {

get_split_pos_tp <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01) {
  data.mat.surf <- data.frame(exp = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene,],
                              id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  x.factor <- length(data.other$id)/length(data.id$id)

  x.max <- max(data.id$exp)
  x.min <- min(data.id$exp)

  for (x.val in seq(x.min + (x.max - x.min)/100, x.max, (x.max - x.min)/100)) {
    tp <- sum(data.id$exp >= x.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$exp >= x.val)
    tn <- sum(data.other$exp < x.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$exp < x.val)

    if (length(data.id$id) <= length(data.other$id)) {
      x.margin <- tp*x.factor - fp
      x.margin <- tp - fp
    de <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin, "+")
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  rownames(x.split) <- paste(gene)

get_split_neg_tp <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01) {
  data.mat.surf <- data.frame(exp = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene,],
                              id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]
  x.factor <- length(data.other$id)/length(data.id$id)

  x.max <- max(data.id$exp)
  x.min <- min(data.id$exp)

  for (x.val in seq(x.min, x.max, (x.max - x.min)/100)) {

    tp <- sum(data.id$exp < x.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$exp < x.val)
    tn <- sum(data.other$exp >= x.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$exp >= x.val)

    if (length(data.id$id) <= length(data.other$id)) {
      x.margin <- tp*x.factor - fp
      x.margin <- tp - fp
    de <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin, "-")
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,]
  rownames(x.split) <- paste(gene)

get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers_neg_pos <- function(scrna, gene1,  gene2, id, step = 0.01){
  data.mat.surf <- data.frame(gene1 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene1,],
                              gene2 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene2,],
                              id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.pre <- c(),
                           x.rec <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]

  gene1.min <- min(data.id$gene1)
  gene2.max <- max(data.id$gene2)
  gene1.range <- max(data.id$gene1) - gene1.min
  gene2.range <- gene2.max - min(data.id$gene2)

  for (x.seq in seq(0.05, 0.95, step)) {

    x.val <- gene1.min + x.seq*gene1.range
    y.val <- gene2.max - x.seq*gene2.range

    tp <- sum(data.id$gene1 >= x.val & data.id$gene2 <= y.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$gene1 >= x.val & data.other$gene2 <= y.val)
    # tn <- sum(data.other$gene1 < x.val | data.other$gene2 < y.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$gene1 < x.val | data.id$gene2 > y.val)

    x.pre <- tp/(tp + fp)
    x.rec <- tp/(tp + fn)
    de <- data.frame(x.pre, x.rec)
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[complete.cases(gene.prauc), ]
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.rec), ]

get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers_neg <- function(scrna, gene1,  gene2, id, step = 0.01){
  data.mat.surf <- data.frame(gene1 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene1,],
                              gene2 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene2,],
                              id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.pre <- c(),
                           x.rec <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]

  for (x.seq in seq(0.05, 1, step)) {

    x.val = quantile(data.id$gene1, x.seq)
    y.val = quantile(data.id$gene2, x.seq)

    tp <- sum(data.id$gene1 < x.val & data.id$gene2 < y.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$gene1 < x.val & data.other$gene2 < y.val)
    # tn <- sum(data.other$gene1 < x.val | data.other$gene2 < y.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$gene1 >= x.val | data.id$gene2 >= y.val)

    x.pre <- tp/(tp + fp)
    x.rec <- tp/(tp + fn)
    de <- data.frame(x.pre, x.rec)
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[complete.cases(gene.prauc), ]
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.rec), ]

get_PRAUC_matrix_combine_markers <- function(scrna, gene1,  gene2, id, step = 0.01){
  data.mat.surf <- data.frame(gene1 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene1,],
                              gene2 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene2,],
                              id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.pre <- c(),
                           x.rec <- c())
  data.id <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id == id,]
  data.other <- data.mat.surf[data.mat.surf$id != id,]

  for (x.seq in seq(0, 0.95, step)) {
    x.val = quantile(data.id$gene1, x.seq)
    y.val = quantile(data.id$gene2, x.seq)

    tp <- sum(data.id$gene1 >= x.val & data.id$gene2 >= y.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$gene1 >= x.val & data.other$gene2 >= y.val)
    # tn <- sum(data.other$gene1 < x.val | data.other$gene2 < y.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$gene1 < x.val | data.id$gene2 < y.val)

    x.pre <- tp/(tp + fp)
    x.rec <- tp/(tp + fn)
    de <- data.frame(x.pre, x.rec)
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[complete.cases(gene.prauc), ]
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.rec), ]

#' Detect greedy step by step filters for cell group identification
#' @param scrna seurat object
#' @param cellgroup, interested cell group
#' @param depth how much steps to filter
#' @param geneset Gene set to be used
#' @return

plot_filter_stepbystep_first2 <- function(scrna, df.split, id, step = 0.01){
  gene1 <- df.split$gene[1]
  gene2 <- df.split$gene[2]
  df <- data.frame(exp1 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene1,],
                   exp2 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene2,],
                   id = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))

  x.split <- df.split$split.value[1]
  y.split <- df.split$split.value[2]

    geom_point(aes(exp1, exp2, color = id)) +
    geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = max(exp1), yend = y.split), linetype = 2)+
    geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = x.split, yend = max(exp2)), linetype = 2)+
    xlab(paste(gene1)) + ylab(paste(gene2))

plot_filter_combination_first2 <- function(scrna, df.split, id, step = 0.01){
  gene1 <- df.split$gene[1]
  gene2 <- df.split$gene[2]
  df <- data.frame(exp1 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene1,],
                   exp2 = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene2,],
                   ID = as.character(Seurat::Idents(makeid(scrna, id))))

  x.split <- df.split$split.value[1]
  y.split <- df.split$split.value[2]

  g <- ggplot(df)+
    geom_point(aes(exp1, exp2, color = ID))

  if (df.split$direction[2] == "+") {
    g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = x.split, yend = max(exp2)), linetype = 2)
    g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = x.split, yend = min(exp2)), linetype = 2)

  if(df.split$direction[1] == "+") {
    g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = max(exp1), yend = y.split), linetype = 2)
    g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = min(exp1), yend = y.split), linetype = 2)

  g <- g + xlab(paste(gene1)) + ylab(paste(gene2))

# Combine_markers_point_plot <- function(scrna, c.markers, id, ranking = 1, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", return.obj = F, step = 0.01, max.recall = F){
#   scrna@active.assay = assay
#   markers.c <- c.markers[ranking, ]
#   scrna@active.assay = assay
#   df <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(markers.c$Gene1, markers.c$Gene2, "ident"))
#   gene1 <- markers.c$Gene1
#   gene2 <- markers.c$Gene2
#   colnames(df) <- c("exp1", "exp2", "id")
#   gene1.direc = markers.c$Direction1
#   gene2.direc = markers.c$Direction2
#   if (max.recall) {
#     if (gene1.direc == "+") {
#       x.split <- get_split_pos(scrna, gene1, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = max.recall)$split.value
#     }else{
#       x.split <- get_split_neg(scrna, gene1, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = max.recall)$split.value
#     }
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, markers.c$Gene1, x.split, markers.c$Direction1, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna, cells = left.cells)
#     if (gene2.direc == "+") {
#       y.split <- get_split_pos(scrna.left, gene2, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = max.recall)$split.value
#     }else{
#       y.split <- get_split_neg(scrna.left, gene2, id, step = step, assay = assay, slot = slot, max.recall = max.recall)$split.value
#     }
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, markers.c$Gene2, y.split, markers.c$Direction2, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna.left, cells = left.cells)
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, markers.c$Gene2, y.split, markers.c$Direction2, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna.left, cells = left.cells)
#   }else {
#     if (gene1.direc == "+" & gene2.direc == "+") {
#       df.c <-get_split_pos_pos(scrna, gene1 = gene1, gene2 = gene2, id = id, assay = assay, slot = slot, step = step)
#       colnames(df.c) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
#     }
#     if (gene1.direc == "+" & gene2.direc == "-") {
#       df.c <-get_split_pos_neg(scrna, gene1 = gene1, gene2 = gene2, id = id, assay = assay, slot = slot, step = step)
#       colnames(df.c) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
#     }
#     if (gene1.direc == "-" & gene2.direc == "-") {
#       df.c <-get_split_neg_neg(scrna, gene1 = gene1, gene2 = gene2, id = id, assay = assay, slot = slot, step = step)
#       colnames(df.c) <- c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene1.split", "Gene2.split", "x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "TP", "FP", "Direction1", "Direction2")
#     }
#     x.split <- df.c$Gene1.split*max(df$exp1) + min(df$exp1)
#     y.split <- df.c$Gene2.split*max(df$exp2) + min(df$exp2)
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, markers.c$Gene1, x.split, markers.c$Direction1, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna, cells = left.cells)
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna, markers.c$Gene2, y.split, markers.c$Direction2, assay = assay, slot = slot)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna.left, cells = left.cells)
#   }
#   tp <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) == id)
#   fp <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) != id)
#   x.pre <- tp/(tp+fp)
#   x.pre <- round(x.pre, 3)
#   x.rec <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) == id)/sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) == id)
#   x.rec <- round(x.rec, 3)
#   g <- ggplot(df)+
#     geom_point(aes(exp1, exp2, color = id))
#   if (gene2.direc == "+") {
#     g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = x.split, yend = max(exp2)), linetype = 2)
#   }else{
#     g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = x.split, yend = min(exp2)), linetype = 2)
#   }
#   if(gene1.direc == "+") {
#     g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = max(exp1), yend = y.split), linetype = 2)
#   }else{
#     g <- g + geom_segment(aes(x = x.split, y = y.split, xend = min(exp1), yend = y.split), linetype = 2)
#   }
#   g <- g + xlab(paste(markers.c$Gene1, "--Recall: ", x.rec,"; Precision: ", x.pre, sep = "")) + ylab(paste(markers.c$Gene2))
#   if (return.obj) {
#     return(g)
#   }
#   print(g)
# }

# GetCellNames <- function(scrna, gene, value, direction){
#   df <- data.frame(exp = scrna@assays$RNA@data[gene,])
#   if (direction == "+") {
#     df <- subset(df, exp >= value)
#   }else{
#     df <- subset(df, exp <= value)
#   }
#   return(rownames(df))
# }

# grid_plot <- function(scrna, df.split, cellgroup){
#   x.len <- length(df.split$gene)
#   plots = list()
#   # scrna.id <- Idents(scrna)
#   scrna <- makeid(scrna, cellgroup)
#   scrna.left <- scrna
#   for (gene in df.split$gene) {
#     plots[[gene]] <- VlnPlot(scrna.left, features = gene) + geom_hline(yintercept=df.split[df.split$gene == gene, ]$split.value, linetype = 1)
#     left.cells <- GetCellNames(scrna.left, gene, df.split[df.split$gene == gene, ]$split.value, df.split[df.split$gene == gene, ]$direction)
#     scrna.left <- subset(scrna.left, cells = left.cells)
#     tp <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) == cellgroup)
#     fp <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) != cellgroup)
#     x.pre <- round(tp/(tp+fp), 3)
#     x.rec <- sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna.left) == cellgroup)/sum(Seurat::Idents(scrna) == cellgroup)
#     x.rec <- round(x.rec, 3)
#     plots[[gene]] <- plots[[gene]] + xlab(paste("Precision:", x.pre, " Recall:", x.rec, sep = ""))
#     plots[[gene]] <- plots[[gene]] + ggtitle(paste(gene, df.split[df.split$gene == gene, ]$direction))
#   }
#   plot_grid(plotlist=plots)
# }

#' Get cell names which meet cutoff
#' @param scrna seurat obj to be used
#' @param geneset custom genes to test, all genes in obj to use if NULL
#' @param id interested cell group
#' @param category indicate the ICC/IHC/Flow, if NULL use all genes.
#' @param assay indicate the assay to compute
#' @param slot indicate the slot of data to compute
#' @param step quantile steps
#' @param min.pct only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of min.pct cells in either of the two populations. Meant to speed up the function by not testing genes that are very infrequently expressed. Default is 0.1
#' @param use.all Don't do any filter on input geneset
#' @return list of markers performance

# GetGenes <- function(scrna, slot = "data", category = NULL, geneset = NULL,
#                      assay = "RNA", min.pct = 0.1, use.all = F, species = "Human"){
#   if (category == "IHC") {
#     genes.touse <- IHC$Gene
#   }else if (category == "ICC") {
#     genes.touse <- ICC$Gene
#   }else if (category == "Flow") {
#     genes.touse <- surface.genes
#   }
#   if (!is.null(category) & is.null(geneset)) {
#     print("Use self define genes should set the category to NULL")
#     return(NULL)
#   }
#   if (is.null(category) & is.null(geneset)) {
#     genes.touse <- rownames(scrna[[assay]])
#   }else if (is.null(category) & !is.null(geneset)){
#     genes.touse <- intersect(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), geneset)
#   }
#   if (length(genes.touse) == 0) {
#     print("Find none of genes in the obj")
#     return(NULL)
#   }
#   if (use.all) {
#     geneset <- intersect(rownames(scrna[[assay]]), geneset)
#     de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
#   }
#   if (!use.all) {
#     if (do.fast) {
#       de <- Seurat::FindMarkers(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
#       de <- subset(de, p_val_adj < 0.05)
#     }else{
#       de <- Seurat::FoldChange(scrna, ident.1 = id, features = geneset)
#       de <- de[de$pct.1 > min.pct, ]
#     }
#   }
#   de$gene <- rownames(de)
#   markers.pos <- de
#   markers.neg <- de
#   gene.rank.list <- data.frame()
#   for (genes in rownames(markers.pos)) {
#     de <- data.frame(get_gene_score_pos(scrna, genes, id, step, assay  = assay, slot = slot))
#     names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "tp", "fp", "direction")
#     gene.rank.list <- rbind(gene.rank.list, de)
#   }
#   for (genes in rownames(markers.neg)) {
#     de <- data.frame(get_gene_score_neg(scrna, genes, id, step, assay  = assay, slot = slot))
#     names(de)<-c("gene", "split.value","x.margin", "x.margin.adj", "tp", "fp", "direction")
#     gene.rank.list <- rbind(gene.rank.list, de)
#   }
#   gene.rank.list <- gene.rank.list[order(gene.rank.list$x.margin.adj, decreasing = T),]
#   rownames(gene.rank.list) <- seq(nrow(gene.rank.list))
#   return(gene.rank.list)
# }

#' Calculate gene positive specific score
#' Calculate gene specific score in positive direction
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param step quantile step
#' @param assay which assay to use in obj, default RNA
#' @param slot which slot to use, default data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return seurat obj with re-set Idents

get_gene_score_pos <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", pseudo.count = 0.01) {

  scrna@active.assay <- assay
  exprs.matrix <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(exprs.matrix) <- c("exp", "id")
  # exprs.matrix$
  exprs.matrix <- data.table::as.data.table(exprs.matrix)
  exprs.max <- max(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.min <- min(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.matrix$exp <- normalize(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.matrix$exp <- round(exprs.matrix$exp, 3)

  gene.prauc.p <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                             margin <- c())
  celltype.in <- id

  data.id <- subset(exprs.matrix, id == celltype.in)
  data.other <- subset(exprs.matrix, id != celltype.in)
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(exprs.matrix)

  for (x.val in seq(0.01, 0.99, step)) {

    data.i.a <- subset(data.id, exp > x.val)
    data.o.a <- subset(data.other, exp > x.val)
    data.i.b <- subset(data.id, exp <= x.val)
    data.o.b <- subset(data.other, exp <= x.val)
    x.margin.p <- sum((data.i.a$exp - x.val))*nrow(data.o.b) +
      sum((x.val - data.o.b$exp))*nrow(data.i.a) -
      sum((data.o.a$exp - x.val))*nrow(data.i.b)# +
    x.margin.p <- x.margin.p/data.all.l
    de.p <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin.p)
    gene.prauc.p <- rbind(gene.prauc.p, de.p)

  gene.prauc.p <- gene.prauc.p[order(gene.prauc.p$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  # gene.prauc.n <- gene.prauc.n[order(gene.prauc.n$x.margin, decreasing = T),]

  # pos
  x.split <- gene.prauc.p[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,1]
  x.margin <- x.split[,2]
  tp <- sum(data.id$exp > x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp > x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp <= x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp <= x.val)

  fp.pro <- subset(data.other, exp > x.val)
  fp.pro <- as.data.frame(table(fp.pro$id))
  fp.pro <- fp.pro[order(fp.pro$Freq, decreasing = T),]
  if (nrow(fp.pro) >= 5) {
    fp.pro <- fp.pro[1:5,]
  fp.string <- paste(fp.pro$Var1, fp.pro$Freq)
  fp.string <- toString(fp.string)

  x.factor.p <- (mean(data.id$exp) + pseudo.count)/(mean(data.other$exp) + pseudo.count)
  # x.factor.p <- (mean(data.id$exp) + pseudo.count)/(mean(data.other$exp) + pseudo.count)
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin*(tp/data.id.l)*(tn/data.o.l)*(x.factor.p**2)
  x.val <- x.val*exprs.max + exprs.min
  x.split.p <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, tn, fn, "+", fp.string)

#' Calculate gene negative specific score
#' Calculate gene specific score in negative direction
#' @param scrna obj to use
#' @param id interested cell id
#' @param gene gene to use
#' @param step quantile step
#' @param assay which assay to use in obj, default RNA
#' @param slot which slot to use, default data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @return seurat obj with re-set Idents

get_gene_score_neg <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", pseudo.count = 0.01) {

  scrna@active.assay <- assay
  exprs.matrix <- Seurat::FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"), slot = slot)
  colnames(exprs.matrix) <- c("exp", "id")
  # exprs.matrix$
  exprs.matrix <- data.table::as.data.table(exprs.matrix)
  exprs.max <- max(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.min <- min(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.matrix$exp <- normalize(exprs.matrix$exp)
  exprs.matrix$exp <- round(exprs.matrix$exp, 3)
  exprs.matrix$exp.n <- 0 - exprs.matrix$exp

  gene.prauc.n <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                             margin <- c())
  celltype.in <- id

  data.id <- subset(exprs.matrix, id == celltype.in)
  data.other <- subset(exprs.matrix, id != celltype.in)
  data.id.l <- nrow(data.id)
  data.o.l <- nrow(data.other)
  data.all.l <- nrow(exprs.matrix)

  for (x.val in seq(0.01, 0.99, step)) {

    x.val.n <- 0 - x.val
    data.i.a <- subset(data.id, exp.n > x.val.n)
    data.o.a <- subset(data.other, exp.n > x.val.n)
    data.i.b <- subset(data.id, exp.n <= x.val.n)
    data.o.b <- subset(data.other, exp.n <= x.val.n)

    x.margin.n <- sum((data.i.a$exp.n - x.val.n))*nrow(data.o.b) +
      sum((x.val.n -data.o.b$exp.n))*nrow(data.i.a) -
      sum((data.o.a$exp.n - x.val.n))*nrow(data.i.b)
    x.margin.n <- x.margin.n/data.all.l

    de.n <- data.frame(x.val, x.margin.n)
    gene.prauc.n <- rbind(gene.prauc.n, de.n)

  gene.prauc.n <- gene.prauc.n[order(gene.prauc.n$x.margin, decreasing = T),]

  x.factor.p <- (mean(data.id$exp) + pseudo.count)/(mean(data.other$exp) + pseudo.count)

  x.split <- gene.prauc.n[1,]
  x.val <- x.split[,1]
  x.margin <- x.split[,2]
  tp <- sum(data.id$exp < x.val)
  fp <- sum(data.other$exp < x.val)
  tn <- sum(data.other$exp >= x.val)
  fn <- sum(data.id$exp >= x.val)

  fp.pro <- subset(data.other, exp < x.val)
  fp.pro <- as.data.frame(table(fp.pro$id))
  fp.pro <- fp.pro[order(fp.pro$Freq, decreasing = T),]
  if (nrow(fp.pro) >= 5) {
    fp.pro <- fp.pro[1:5,]
  fp.string <- paste(fp.pro$Var1, fp.pro$Freq)
  fp.string <- toString(fp.string)

  x.factor.n <- round(1/x.factor.p, 1)
  x.margin.adj <- x.margin*(tp/data.id.l)*(tn/data.o.l)*(x.factor.n**2)
  x.val <- x.val*exprs.max + exprs.min
  x.split.n <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, x.margin.adj, tp, fp, tn, fn, "-", fp.string)

get_split_pos <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", max.recall = F) {
  scrna@active.assay <- assay
  df <- FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"))
  colnames(df) <- c("exp", "id")
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- df[df$id == id,]
  data.other <- df[df$id != id,]

  x.max <- max(data.id$exp)
  x.min <- min(data.id$exp)
  x.min <- 0
  x.num <- 1/step
  x.factor <- as.numeric(length(df$id)/length(data.id$id))
  x.factor <- ifelse(x.factor > 5, x.factor, 5)

  for (x.val in seq(x.min, x.max, (x.max - x.min)/x.num)) {
    tp <- sum(data.id$exp > x.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$exp > x.val)
    tn <- sum(data.other$exp <= x.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$exp <= x.val)

    if (max.recall) {
      x.margin <- tn - fn*x.factor
      x.margin <- tn - fn#*x.factor
    de <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, "+")
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  colnames(gene.prauc) <- c("Gene", "split.value", "split.margin", "direction")
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,c(1,2,4)]
  rownames(x.split) <- paste(gene)

get_split_neg <- function(scrna, gene, id, step = 0.01, assay = "RNA", slot = "data", max.recall = F) {
  scrna@active.assay <- assay
  df <- FetchData(scrna, vars = c(gene, "ident"))
  colnames(df) <- c("exp", "id")
  gene.prauc <- data.frame(x.val <- c(),
                           margin <- c())
  data.id <- df[df$id == id,]
  data.other <- df[df$id != id,]

  x.max <- max(df$exp)
  # x.min <- min(df[df$exp != 0, ]$exp)
  x.min <- min(df$exp)
  x.min <- 0
  x.num <- 1/step

  x.factor <- as.numeric(length(df$id)/length(data.id$id))
  x.factor <- ifelse(x.factor > 5, x.factor, 5)

  for (x.val in seq(x.min, x.max, (x.max - x.min)/x.num)) {
    tp <- sum(data.id$exp <= x.val)
    fp <- sum(data.other$exp <= x.val)
    tn <- sum(data.other$exp > x.val)
    fn <- sum(data.id$exp > x.val)

    if (max.recall) {
      x.margin <- tn - fn*x.factor
      x.margin <- tn - fn#*x.factor
    de <- data.frame(gene, x.val, x.margin, "-")
    gene.prauc <- rbind(gene.prauc, de)
  # colnames(gene.prauc) <- c("Gene", "split.value", "direction")
  gene.prauc <- gene.prauc[order(gene.prauc$x.margin, decreasing = T),]
  colnames(gene.prauc) <- c("Gene", "split.value", "split.margin", "direction")
  x.split <- gene.prauc[1,c(1,2,4)]
  rownames(x.split) <- paste(gene)
CostaLab/scMarkerDetect documentation built on May 12, 2022, 6:05 a.m.