
Defines functions fold_change

Documented in fold_change

#' =========================================================================
#' fold_change   
#' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#'fold_change sets a fold-change ratio between the neighboring fragments of 
#'Half-life (HL) and intensity
#' fold_change sets fold change on intensity and fold change HL fragments of
#' two successive fragments. Two intensity fragments could belong to one HL
#' fragment.

#' This function sets first the borders using the position and applies the fold
#' change ratio between the neighboring fragments of HL and those from intensity
#' log2(intensity frgA/intensity frgB/half-life frgA/half-life frgB). All 
#' grepped fragments are from the same TU excluding outliers.
#' The function used is:

#' synthesis_r_Function: assigns events depending on the ratio between HL and
#' intensity of two consecutive fragments.

#' intensity(int) = synthesis rate(k)/decay(deg) (steady state),
#' int1/int2 = k1/deg1*deg2/k2

#' int1 * (deg1/int2) * deg2 = k1/k2 => synthesis ratio. 

#' In case of synthesis ratio is:

#' synthesis ratio > 0 -> New start

#' synthesis ratio < 0 -> Termination
#' @param inp SummarizedExperiment: the input data frame with correct format.
#' @return the SummarizedExperiment with the columns regarding statistics:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{ID:}{The bin/probe specific ID.}
#'   \item{position:}{The bin/probe specific position.}
#'   \item{strand:}{The bin/probe specific strand.}
#'   \item{intensity:}{The relative intensity at time point 0.}
#'   \item{probe_TI:}{An internal value to determine which fitting model
#'   is applied.}
#'   \item{flag:}{Information on which fitting model is applied.}
#'   \item{position_segment:}{The position based segment.}
#'   \item{delay:}{The delay value of the bin/probe.}
#'   \item{half_life:}{The half-life of the bin/probe.}
#'   \item{TI_termination_factor:}{String, the factor of TI fragment.}
#'   \item{delay_fragment:}{The delay fragment the bin belongs to.}
#'   \item{velocity_fragment:}{The velocity value of the respective delay
#'   fragment.}
#'   \item{intercept:}{The vintercept of fit through the respective delay
#'   fragment.}
#'   \item{slope:}{The slope of the fit through the respective delay fragment.}
#'   \item{HL_fragment:}{The half-life fragment the bin belongs to.}
#'   \item{HL_mean_fragment:}{The mean half-life value of the respective
#'   half-life fragment.}
#'   \item{intensity_fragment:}{The intensity fragment the bin belongs to.}
#'   \item{intensity_mean_fragment:}{The mean intensity value of the respective
#'   intensity fragment.}
#'   \item{TU:}{The overarching transcription unit.}
#'   \item{TI_termination_fragment:}{The TI fragment the bin belongs to.}
#'   \item{TI_mean_termination_factor:}{The mean termination factor of the
#'   respective TI fragment.}
#'   \item{seg_ID:}{The combined ID of the fragment.}
#'   \item{pausing_site:}{presence of pausing site indicated by +/-.}
#'   \item{iTSS_I:}{presence of iTSS_I indicated by +/-.}
#'   \item{ps_ts_fragment:}{The fragments involved in pausing site or iTSS_I.}
#'   \item{event_duration:}{Integer, the duration between two delay fragments.}
#'   \item{event_ps_itss_p_value_Ttest:}{p_value of pausing site or iTSS_I.}
#'   \item{p_value_slope:}{Integer, the p_value added to the inp.}
#'   \item{delay_frg_slope:}{Integer, the slope value of the fit through the 
#'   respective delay fragment.}
#'   \item{velocity_ratio:}{Integer, the ratio value of velocity from 2 delay 
#'   fragments.}
#'   \item{event_position:}{Integer, position of the event added to the input.}
#'   \item{FC_HL:}{Integer, the fold change value of 2 HL fragments.}
#'   \item{FC_fragment_HL:}{String, the fragments corresponding to HL fold 
#'   change.}
#'   \item{p_value_HL:}{Integer, the p_value added to the input of 2 HL 
#'   fragments.}
#'   \item{FC_intensity:}{Integer, the fold change value of 2 intensity 
#'   fragments.}
#'   \item{FC_fragment_intensity:}{String, the fragments corresponding to 
#'   intensity fold change.}
#'   \item{p_value_intensity:}{Integer, the p_value added to the input of 2 
#'   intensity fragments.}
#'   \item{synthesis_ratio:}{Integer, the value correspomding to synthesis rate.}
#'   \item{synthesis_ratio_event:}{String, the event assigned by synthesis 
#'   rate either Termination or iTSS.}
#'   \item{FC_HL_intensity:}{Integer, the value corresponding to HL and
#'   intensity fold change.}
#'   \item{FC_HL_intensity_fragment:}{String, the fragments corresponding to 
#'   intensity and HL fold change.}
#'   \item{FC_HL_adapted:}{Integer, the fold change of half-life/ fold change 
#'   of intensity,position of the half-life fragment is adapted to intensity 
#'   fragment.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data(stats_minimal)
#' fold_change(inp = stats_minimal)
#' @export

fold_change <- function(inp) {
  rowRanges(inp)$FC_HL_intensity <- NA
  rowRanges(inp)$FC_HL_intensity_fragment <- NA
  rowRanges(inp)$FC_HL_adapted <- NA
  rowRanges(inp)$synthesis_ratio <- NA
  rowRanges(inp)$synthesis_ratio_event <- NA
  #select unique TUs excluding outliers and terminals probes/bins
  uniqueTU <- unique(rowRanges(inp)$TU)
  uniqueTU <- uniqueTU[grep("_NA|_T", uniqueTU, invert = TRUE)]
  for (i in seq_along(uniqueTU)) {
    tu <- rowRanges(inp)[which(rowRanges(inp)$TU %in% uniqueTU[i]), ]
    tu <- tu[order(tu$position, decreasing = FALSE), ]
    frag.hl <-
      grep(paste0("\\Dc_", "\\d+", "$"), tu$HL_fragment)
    frag.hl <- tu$HL_fragment[frag.hl]
    frag.hl <- frag.hl[!duplicated(frag.hl)]
    for (j in seq_along(frag.hl)) {
      #select unique fragments of half-life
      Dc.1 <-
        unique(tu[which(tu$HL_fragment %in% frag.hl[j]), c(
      #select the corresponding fragment/s of intensity
      I <- unique(na.omit(Dc.1$FC_fragment_intensity))
      if (length(I) == 0) {
        next ()
      #unlist the intensity fragments as pairs.
      int_list <- unlist(strsplit(I, ";"))
      #adjust the positioning of the half-life fragment and also the mean for
      # each part of the fragment when its 1
      for (k in seq_along(int_list)) {
        #unlist each couple of intensity fragment
        frag <- unlist(strsplit(int_list[k], ":"))
        #and extract the coordinates as position, intensity/HL, strand and the
        #individual fragment
        I.1.1 <-
          rowRanges(inp)[which(rowRanges(inp)$intensity_fragment %in% frag[1]),
        hl.1 <-
          rowRanges(inp)[which(rowRanges(inp)$position %in% I.1.1$position &
                                 rowRanges(inp)$intensity_fragment %in% frag[1]),
               c("HL_fragment", "half_life", "position")]
        #omit outliers
        hl.1 <-
          hl.1[grep(paste0("\\Dc_", "\\d+", "$"), hl.1$HL_fragment), ]
        #adjust the position of the intensity fragment
        I.1.1  <-
          I.1.1[which(hl.1$position %in% I.1.1$position), ]
        #the same steps are applied for the neighboring intensity fragment
        I.2.1 <-
          rowRanges(inp)[which(rowRanges(inp)$intensity_fragment %in% frag[2]),
        hl.2 <-
          rowRanges(inp)[which(rowRanges(inp)$position %in% I.2.1$position &
                                 rowRanges(inp)$intensity_fragment %in% frag[2]),
               c("HL_fragment", "half_life", "position"
        hl.2 <-
          hl.2[grep(paste0("\\Dc_", "\\d+", "$"), hl.2$HL_fragment), ]
        #eliminate all segments adjusted with less than 3 probes
        if (length(I.1.1) < 2 | length(I.2.1) < 2 | length(hl.1) < 2 |
            length(hl.2) < 2) {
          next ()
        #the mean and ratio of HL and intensity is calculated after
        #adjusting the positions
        FC_HL_adapted <- log2(mean(hl.2$half_life) / mean(hl.1$half_life))
        FC_int_adapted <- log2(mean(I.2.1$intensity) / mean(I.1.1$intensity))
        #plugging the output to the corresponding columns
          which(rowRanges(inp)$FC_fragment_intensity %in% int_list[k])] <- 
          FC_int_adapted - FC_HL_adapted
          which(rowRanges(inp)$FC_fragment_intensity %in% int_list[k])] <- 
          which(rowRanges(inp)$FC_fragment_intensity %in% int_list[k])] <-
          paste0(unique(na.omit(hl.1$HL_fragment)), ":",
                 unique(na.omit(hl.2$HL_fragment)), ";", int_list[k])
  # add FC synthesis_ratio events between half-life and intensity
  rowRanges(inp)$FC_HL_intensity <- rowRanges(inp)$FC_intensity -
  inp <- synthesis_r_Function("synthesis_ratio", inp)
CyanolabFreiburg/rifi documentation built on May 7, 2023, 7:53 p.m.