
Defines functions getTrim make_trim

Documented in make_trim

#'Make trimmed and quality filtered fastq files
#'\code{make_trim} uses parallel processing to generate trimmed reads.
#'Given a file path to sequence files in fastq format (extension .fastq.gz or
#'.fastq) this function will first trim the sequences from adaptor sequence, and
#'then apply sequence size and phred score quality filters. On systems with low
#'memory or very large fastq files, users may choose to handle each file in
#'chunks on the expense of time performance.
#'@family PAC generation
#'@seealso \url{https://github.com/Danis102} for updates on the current package.
#'@param input Character indicating the path to a directory containing fastq
#'  formatted sequence files either compressed (.fastq.gz) or text (.fastq).
#'@param output Character indicating the path to a directory where the
#'  compressed trimmed fastq files should be saved (as basename trim.fastq.gz).
#'@param indels Logical whether indels should be allowed in the mismatch between
#'  read and adaptor sequences. Note that indel trimming will only be done on
#'  fragments that have failed to be trimmed by other means. Default=TRUE.
#'@param adapt_3 Character string defining the 3' adaptor sequence. In most
#'  library preparation protocols, the 3' adaptor is the only adaptor needed
#'  trimming.
#'@param adapt_3_set Character vector with three inputs named 'type', 'min' and
#'  'mismatch' that controls 3' trimming. As default,
#'  adapt_3_set=c(type="hard_rm", min=10, mismatch=0.1).
#'   Options for each input are: \describe{
#'    \item{\strong{type}=}{
#'        '\emph{hard_trim}': Trims all up to the very last nucleotide.\cr
#'        '\emph{hard_rm}': Same as 'hard_trim' but removes untrimmed 
#'        sequences.\cr
#'        '\emph{hard_save}': Same as 'hard_trim' but saves all untrimmed 
#'        sequences in new fastq file.\cr
#'        '\emph{soft_trim}': No trimming on the last 3' nucleotides equal 
#'        to 1/2 of 'min'.\cr
#'        '\emph{soft_rm}': Same as 'soft_trim' but removes untrimmed 
#'        sequences.\cr
#'        '\emph{soft_save}': Same as 'soft_trim' but saves all untrimmed 
#'        sequences in new fastq file.
#'        }
#'    \item{\strong{min}=}{Integer that controls the short 
#'        adaptor/poly-G/concatamer trimming and
#'        soft trimming. When min=10, a short version of the adaptor is
#'        generated containing the 10 first nucleotides. The short version of
#'        the adaptor therefore controls the minimum number of overlaps between
#'        adaptor/poly-G. Short adaptor trimming will only occur on untrimmed
#'        reads that have failed trimming with full adaptor. The min option also
#'        controls how many terminal nucleotides that will escape trimming when
#'        type is set to 'soft' (1/2 of min).
#'        }
#'    \item{\strong{mismatch}=}{
#'        Numeric controlling the percent mismatch. 
#'        For instance, if min=10 and
#'        mismatch=0.1, then 1 mismatch is allowed in the minimum overlap.
#'        }
#'      }
#' @param adapt_5 Character string defining a 5' adaptor sequence. 5' adaptor
#'   sequences are only trimmed in specialized protocols or in very short
#'   paired-end sequencing.
#' @param adapt_5_set Currently not supported, but will be in future updates.
#'   Same as \code{adapt_3_set} but controls the behavior of 5' trimming when a
#'   sequence is provided in \code{adapt_5}.
#' @param polyG Character vector with three inputs named 'type', 'min' and
#'   'mismatch' that controls poly G trimming. This trimming might be necessary
#'   for fastq files from two channel illumina sequencers (e.g. NextSeq and
#'   NovaSeq) where no color signals are interpreted as 'G', but where read
#'   failure sometimes also results in long stretches of 'no-signal-Gs'.
#'   Works similar to \code{adapt_3_set} but instead of an adaptor sequence a
#'   poly 'G' string is constructed from the 'min' input option. Thus, if
#'   polyG=c(type="hard_rm", min=10, mismatch=0.1) then sequences containing
#'   'GGGGGGGGGGNNNNN...etc' with 10 percent mismatch will be removed from the
#'   output fastq file.
#' @param concat Integer setting the threshold for trimming concatemer-like
#'   adaptors. Even when adaptor synthesis and ligation are strictly controlled,
#'   concatemer-like ("di-") adaptor sequences are formed. When \code{concat} is
#'   an integer, \code{make_trim} will search all trimmed sequences for
#'   additional adaptor sequence using a shorter version of the provided adaptor
#'   in \code{adapt_3}. The length of the short adaptor is controlled by
#'   \code{adapt_3_set$min}. If an additional, shorter, adaptor sequence is
#'   found in a read, trimming will only occur if the resulting sequence is <=
#'   \strong{concat} shorter in length than the first trimmed sequence. Thus, if
#'   \code{concat}=12, a read with a NNNNN-XXXXX-YYYYYYYYY composition, where N
#'   is 'real' nucleotides and X/Y are two independent adaptor sequences, the
#'   trimming will result in NNNNN-XXXXX. If instead \code{concat}=5 then
#'   trimming will result in NNNNN. Note that setting \code{concat} too low will
#'   result in trimming of real nucleotides that just happend to share sequence
#'   with the adaptor. As default \code{concat}=12, which have been carefully
#'   evaluated in relation to the risk of trimming real sequence. If
#'   \code{concat}=NULL, concatemer-like adaptor trimming will not be done.
#' @param seq_range Numeric vector with two inputs named 'min' and 'max', that
#'   controls the sequence size filter. For example, if
#'   \code{seq_range=c(min=15, max=50)} the function will extract sequences in
#'   the range between 15-50 nucleotides after trimming. As default,
#'   \code{seq_range=c(min=NULL, max=NULL)} and will retain all trimmed
#'   sequences.
#' @param quality Numeric vector with two inputs named 'threshold' and 'percent'
#'   that controls the fastq quality filter. For example, if
#'   \code{quality=c(threshold=20, percent=0.8)} (default) the function will
#'   extract sequences that pass a fastq phred score >=20 in 80 percent of the
#'   nucleotides after trimming. If \code{quality=c(threshold=NULL,
#'   percent=NULL)} then all sequences will be retained (not default!).
#' @param threads  Integer stating the number of parallel jobs. Note, that
#'   reading multiple fastq files drains memory, using up to 10Gb per fastq
#'   file. To avoid crashing the system due to memory shortage, make sure that
#'   each thread on the machine have at least 10 Gb of memory available, unless
#'   your fastq files are very small or very large. Use
#'   \code{parallel::detectcores()} to see available threads on the machine.
#'   Never use all threads! To run large fastq on low end computer use
#'   'chunk_size'.
#' @param check_mem Logical whether a memory check should be performed. A memory
#'   check estimates the approximate memory usage given the fastq file sizes and
#'   number of threads. The check happens before entering the parallel trimming
#'   loop, and will give an immediate warning given intermediary risky memory
#'   estimates, and an error if the risk is very high. Note, this option depends
#'   on the parallel and benchmarkme packages. (default=FALSE)
#' @param chunk_size Integer indicating the number of reads to be read into
#'   memory in each chunk. When chunk_size=NULL (default), the whole fastq will
#'   be processed as one. Thus, running 5 threads will keep 5 full fastq files
#'   in memory simultaneously (fast but demanding). Setting chunk_size to an
#'   integer will instead read only a portion of each fastq at a time and then
#'   append the trimmed results on disc (slow but less demanding). Try using
#'   chunk_size=1000000 reads, less will be extremely slow. Rather decrease
#'   threads if you encounter memory problems.
#' @return Exports a compressed trimmed fastq file to the output folder (file
#'   name: basename+trim.fastq.gz). If any type="save" has been set, an
#'   additional fastq file (file name includes 'REMOVED') will be exported. In
#'   addition, overview statisics (progress report) will be returned as a
#'   data.frame.
#' @examples
#' ############################################################ 
#' ### Seqpac fastq trimming with the make_trim function 
#' ### (for more streamline options see the make_counts function) 
#'  ############################################################ 
#' ### Seqpac fastq trimming with the make_counts function 
#' ### using default settings for NEBNext small RNA adaptor 
#' # Seqpac includes strongly down-sampled smallRNA fastq.
#' sys_path = system.file("extdata", package = "seqpac", mustWork = TRUE)
#' input <- list.files(path = sys_path, pattern = "fastq", all.files = FALSE,
#'                 full.names = TRUE)
#' # Run make_trim using NEB-next adaptor
#' # (Here we store the trimmed files in the input folder)
#' # (but you may choose where to store them using the output option)
#' input <- unique(dirname(input))  # mak_trim searches for fastq in input dir
#' output <- tempdir()              # save in tempdir
#' list.files(input, pattern = "fastq") #before
#' prog_report  <-  make_trim(
#'        input=input, output=output, threads=1, 
#'        adapt_3_set=c(type="hard_rm", min=10, mismatch=0.1), 
#'        polyG=c(type="hard_trim", min=20, mismatch=0.1),
#'        seq_range=c(min=14, max=70),
#'        quality=c(threshold=20, percent=0.8))
#' list.files(path = output, pattern = "fastq") #after
#' # How did it go? Check progress report:  
#' prog_report     
#' ## The principle:
#' # input <- "/some/path/to/untrimmed_fastq_folder"
#' # output <- "/some/path/to/output_folder_for_trimmed_fastq"
#' # 
#' # prog_report  <-  make_trim(
#' #      input=input, output=output, 
#' #      threads=<how_many_parallel>, 
#' #      check_mem=<should_memory_be_checked?>, 
#' #      adapt_3_set=<options_for_main_trimming, 
#' #      adapt_3=<sequence_to be trimmed, 
#' #      polyG=<Illumina_Nextseq_type_poly_G_trimming>,
#' #      seq_range=<what_sequence_range_to_save>,
#' #      quality=<quality_filtering_options>))
#' @export
### make_trim ###
# This function applies getTrim over parallel fastq (foreach)
# It also manage chunks by appending trimmed fastq in a while loop
# Updates progress report for each progressive chunk across all fastq
make_trim <- function(input, output, indels=TRUE, concat=12, check_mem=FALSE, 
                           threads=1, chunk_size=NULL,
                           polyG=c(type=NULL, min=NULL, mismatch=NULL),
                           adapt_3_set=c(type="hard_rm", min=10, mismatch=0.1), 
                           adapt_5_set=c(type=NULL, min=NULL, mismatch=NULL), 
                           seq_range=c(min=NULL, max=NULL),
                           quality=c(threshold=20, percent=0.8)){

  ##### General setup #######################################
  # Check if files or dir is given as input
    nam_trim <- nam <- fls <- NULL
    fls <- list.files(input, pattern ="fastq.gz\\>|\\.fastq\\>", 
                      full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, include.dirs = TRUE)
    if(length(fls) == 0){
    fls <- input
      stop("Something is wrong with input file(s)/path!")
  # Memory check
    cat("\nChecking trimming memory usage with benchmarkme...")
    mem <- as.numeric(benchmarkme::get_ram()/1000000000)
    mem <- round(mem*0.931, digits=1)
    cor <- parallel::detectCores()
    if(threads > cor*0.8){
        "\n--- Input will use >80% of availble cores",
        "(", threads, "/", cor, ")."))
    cat("\n--- Heavy trimming processes needs approx.",
        "x10 the fastq file size available in RAM memory.")
      par_ns <- length(fls)
      par_ns <- threads
    worst <- sum(sort(file.info(fls)$size, 
                      decreasing = TRUE)[seq.int(par_ns)])/1000000000
    worst <- round(worst*12, digits=1)
    cat(paste0("\n--- Worst scenario maximum system", 
               " burden is estimated to ",
               worst, " GB of approx. ", mem," GB RAM available."))
      if(worst*1.1 > mem){ 
        warning("\nIn worst scenario trimming may generate an impact",
                " close to what the system can stand.",
                "\nPlease free more memory per thread if function fails.", 
                immediate. = TRUE)
      if(worst*0.5 > mem){ 
        stop("\nTrimming will generate an impact well above what the", 
             " system can stand.",
             "\nIf you still wish to try, please set check_mem=FALSE.")
    cat(paste0("\n--- Trimming check passed.\n"))
  # Make new output file name
  nam <- gsub("\\.gz$", "", basename(fls))
  nam <- gsub("\\.fastq$|\\.fq$|fastq$", "", nam)
  nam <- gsub("\\.$|\\.tar$", "", nam)
  nam_trim <- paste0(nam, ".trim.fastq.gz")
  # Check for output folder
  out_file <- file.path(output, nam_trim)
  out_exist <- file.exists(out_file)
    stop("\n  There are files in the output folder:\n  ", 
         "\n  Please move or delete those file(s).")
  # Make dir
      logi_create <- try(dir.create(output), silent=TRUE)
      if(!is(logi_create, "try-error")){
          warning("Was unable to create ", output, 
                  "\nProbable reason: Permission denied")  
  ##### Make adaptor trimming 5' (moves to getTrim in future upgrades) ####
    stop("\n5' trimming is currently not supported, but will be included in",
         " future updates of seqpac.\nFor now you can use the 'make_cutadapt' ",
         " function to parse a 5' argument to cutadapt.",
         "\nNote, that 'make_cutadapt' depends on externally installed ",
         " versions of \ncutadapt and fastq_quality_filter.")   
  ##### Enter parallel loops and reading fastq #########################     
  cat("\nNow entering the parallel trimming loop (R may stop respond) ...")
  cat(paste0("\n(progress may be followed in: ", output, ")"))
  # save the input for getTrim function
  par_parse <- list(output=output, indels=indels, concat=concat, 
                    polyG=polyG, adapt_3_set=adapt_3_set, adapt_3=adapt_3,
                    adapt_5_set=adapt_5_set, adapt_5=adapt_5, quality=quality, 
                    chunk_size=chunk_size, seq_range=seq_range)
  `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
  prog_report <- foreach::foreach(
    i=seq_along(fls), .inorder = TRUE, .export= c("nam_trim", "nam"),
    .final = function(x){names(x) <- basename(fls); return(x)}) %dopar% {
      ##### Make a while loop that works for both full size fastq and chunks ###
      max_chu <- FALSE
      current_chu <- 1
        ### Without chunks
          # immediately update max_chu for full size fastq
          # while-loop should run only once
          max_chu <- TRUE
          fstq <- paste0(ShortRead::sread(ShortRead::readFastq(fls[[i]], 
          fstq_sav <- NULL
        ### With chunks (loop should run until all chunks is completed)  
          # Setup n chunks (only in 1st loop)
            fq_lng <- ShortRead::countLines(fls[[i]])
            fq_lng <- fq_lng/4
            n_chunks <- as.integer(ceiling(fq_lng/chunk_size))
            sampl <- ShortRead::FastqStreamer (fls[[i]], chunk_size)
          # Stream fastq 
          # the stream object will automatically update with yield
          # therefore, cannot be generated more than once per full fastq
          # for chunks read withIds=TRUE to obtain seq names (needed later)
          fstq_sav <- ShortRead::yield(sampl, withIds=TRUE)
          fstq <- paste0(ShortRead::sread(fstq_sav))
        } #Reading fastq done, now run getTrim function
        ##### Run getTrim ##################################
        # Progress report needs to be progressively built for chunks 
        in_fl <- fls[[i]]
        out_fl <- out_file[[i]]
        if(current_chu == 1|is.null(chunk_size)){
             prog_report <- getTrim(fstq, fstq_sav, in_fl, out_fl, par_parse)
          prog_report_temp <- getTrim(fstq, fstq_sav, in_fl, out_fl, par_parse)
        # Update progress report for chunks appending 1st report     
          if(!current_chu == 1){
            prog_report$tot_reads <- 
            prog_report$out_reads <- 
              prog_report$polyG["trimmed"] <- 
              prog_report$trim_3["trimmed"] <- 
              prog_report$trim_5["trimmed"] <- 
              prog_report$quality["removed"] <- 
              prog_report$size["removed"] <- 
        # Update and check current chunk after yield()
        # When the whole fastq has been streamed, change max_chu    
          current_chu <- current_chu+1
          status <- sampl$.status["added"]
          if(fq_lng - status  == 0){
            max_chu <- TRUE
      } # while loop end
    } # foreach loop end
  cat("\nDone trimming")
  ##### Merge full progress report#############################
  nams_prog <- as.list(names(prog_report[[1]]))
  names(nams_prog) <- unlist(nams_prog)
  prog_report <-  lapply(nams_prog, function(x){
    lst_type <- list(NULL)
    for(i in seq.int(length(prog_report))){
      lst_type[[i]] <- cbind(data.frame(file=names(prog_report)[i], 
                                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE), 
                                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
    do.call("rbind", lst_type)
  report_fin <- prog_report$tot_reads
  rownames(report_fin) <- NULL
  colnames(report_fin)[2] <- "input_reads"
  for(i in seq.int(length(prog_report))){
    rprt <- prog_report[[i]]
    rprt_nam <- names(prog_report)[i]
      trim <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$trimmed))
      perc <- paste0(
        "(", round(trim/report_fin$input_reads, digits=4)*100, "%)"
      set <- paste0(rprt$type,"|min", rprt$min,"|mis", rprt$mismatch)
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin, 
                                      polyG= paste(trim, perc), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      trim <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$trimmed))
      perc <- paste0("(", 
                     round(trim/report_fin$input_reads, digits=4)*100, 
      set <- paste0(rprt$type,"|min", rprt$min,"|mis", rprt$mismatch)
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin, 
                                      trim3= paste(trim, perc), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      trim <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$trimmed))
      perc <- paste0("(", 
                     round(trim/report_fin$input_reads, digits=4)*100, 
      set <- paste0(rprt$type,"|min", rprt$min,"|mis", rprt$mismatch)
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin, 
                                      trim5= paste(trim, perc), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      shrt <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$too_short))
      lng <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$too_long))
      tot_size <- shrt+lng
      perc <- paste0("(", 
                           digits=4)*100, "%)")
      set <- paste0("min", rprt$min, "|max", rprt$max)
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin,
                                      'size_short_long'= paste0(shrt, "/", 
                                                                lng, " ", 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      rmvd <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt$removed))
      perc <- paste0("(", 
                     round(rmvd/report_fin$input_reads, digits=4)*100, 
      set <- paste0("thresh", rprt$threshold, "|perc", rprt$percent)
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin, 
                                      'quality_removed'= paste0(rmvd, " ", 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      out <- as.numeric(as.character(rprt[,2]))
      perc <- paste0("(", round(out/report_fin$input_reads, digits=4)*100, "%)")
      report_fin <-  cbind(report_fin, 
                           data.frame(output_reads= paste(out, perc), 
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

##### getTrim function #### (Unexported)
# This function runs from within make_trim to obtain trimming coordinates
# and to save fastq to output, appending to existing fastq for chunks
# and not appending for chunk_size=NULL 
getTrim <- function(fstq, fstq_sav=NULL, in_fl=NULL, out_fl=NULL, par_parse){
  # Unfold par_parse
  output <- par_parse$output
  indels <- par_parse$indels
  concat <- par_parse$concat
  quality <- par_parse$quality
  chunk_size <- par_parse$chunk_size
  seq_range <- par_parse$seq_range
  polyG <- par_parse$polyG
  adapt_3_set <- par_parse$adapt_3_set
  adapt_3 <- par_parse$adapt_3
  # Save lists
  sav_lst <- list(NA)
  coord_lst <- list(NA)
  trim_filt <- list(NA)
  # num_fact can be used to apply new trimming coordinates later 
  num_fact <- as.factor(fstq)
  sav_lst$tot_reads <- length(num_fact)
  seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(levels(num_fact)) 
  num_fact <- as.numeric(num_fact)
  lgn <- nchar(paste0(seqs))
  mxlgn <- max(lgn)
  if(!length(unique(lgn)) == 1){
    warning("\nDiffering read lengths prior to adapter trimming.",
            "\nHave you already performed 3'-trimming?")
  ##### Make NextSeq/NovaSeq poly-G trimming/filter ####### 
    mn <- as.numeric(polyG[names(polyG)=="min"])
    mis <- as.numeric(polyG[names(polyG)=="mismatch"])
    tp <- polyG[names(polyG)=="type"]
    ns <- mxlgn-mn
    shrt_ns <- paste0(paste(rep("G", mn), collapse=""), 
                      paste(rep("N", ns), collapse=""))
    adapt_mis_corr <- mis*(mn/mxlgn)  # Correction for N length extension
    trim_seqs <- Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
      subject=seqs, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE,  
      Rpattern=shrt_ns, max.Rmismatch=adapt_mis_corr)
    coord_lst$polyG <- tibble::tibble(Biostrings::end(trim_seqs))
    sav_lst$polyG <-  c(trimmed=sum(!coord_lst$polyG==lgn), polyG)
    # Type
    if(grepl("soft", tp)){
      end_vect <- mn*0.5-1
      end_vect <- lgn - end_vect
      logi_update <- coord_lst$polyG[[1]] >= end_vect
      coord_lst$polyG[[1]][logi_update] <- lgn[logi_update]
      rm(logi_update, end_vect)
    if(grepl("rm|save|hard", tp)){
      trim_filt$polyG  <- coord_lst$polyG[[1]] == lgn # Not polyG
  ##### Make adaptor trimming 3' ######
    ## setup
    mn <- as.numeric(adapt_3_set[names(adapt_3_set)=="min"])
    mis <- as.numeric(adapt_3_set[names(adapt_3_set)=="mismatch"])
    tp <- adapt_3_set[names(adapt_3_set)=="type"]
    ## Setup adapter sequences
    adapt_lgn <- nchar(adapt_3)
    ns <- mxlgn-adapt_lgn
    adapt_ns <- paste0(adapt_3, paste(rep("N", ns), collapse=""))
    adapt_shrt <- paste(c(substr(adapt_3, 1, mn), 
                          rep("N", mxlgn-mn)), collapse="")
    ## Trim perfect
    trim <- Biostrings::end(
      Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(subject=seqs, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, 
                                 with.Rindels = FALSE, Rpattern=adapt_ns, 
    ## Trim mis
    trim_mis <- Biostrings::end(
      Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(subject=seqs, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, 
                                 with.Rindels = FALSE, Rpattern=adapt_ns, 
    # Only update larger differences will prevent nugging
    logi_diff <- (trim - trim_mis) >=5 
    trim[logi_diff] <- trim_mis[logi_diff]
    rm(logi_diff, trim_mis)
    ## Trimming wobbling starts 
      if(nchar(adapt_3)< 25){
        warning("Your trimming sequence was shorter than 25 nt.",
                "\nFor best trimming results in the terminals using",
                "\nmismatches, please provide a longer adaptor sequence.")
    shrtst_lgn <- 15
    sb <- nchar(adapt_3)-1
    adapt_lgn <- nchar(adapt_3)
    start_gone <- list(NULL)
    while(sb >= shrtst_lgn){
      strt <- adapt_lgn-sb+1
      start_gone[[sb]] <- paste0(
        c(substr(adapt_3, strt, nchar(adapt_3)), 
          rep("N", mxlgn-(adapt_lgn-strt+1))), collapse="")
      sb <- sb-1
    start_gone <- unlist(start_gone[!unlist(lapply(start_gone, is.null))])
    trim_mt <- list(NULL)
    for(z in seq.int(length(start_gone))){
      shrt_ns <- start_gone[z]
      n_Ns <- stringr::str_count(shrt_ns, "N")
      adapt_mis_corr <- (mis*(nchar(shrt_ns)-n_Ns))/nchar(shrt_ns)
      trim_seqs <- Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
        subject=seqs, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, with.Rindels = FALSE, 
        Rpattern=start_gone[z], max.Rmismatch=adapt_mis_corr)
      trim_mt[[z]] <- tibble::tibble(Biostrings::end(trim_seqs))
    trim_mt <- do.call("cbind", trim_mt)
    trim_mt <- unlist(apply(trim_mt, 1, function(x){min(unique(x))<=1}))
    trim[trim_mt] <- 0
    rm(start_gone, trim_mt)
    ## Trimming indels
      logi_long <- trim >= lgn-5
      seqs_long <-  seqs[logi_long] #Apply trimming only on long (untrimmed)
      trim_seqs_indel <- Biostrings::end(
          subject=seqs_long, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, 
          with.Rindels = TRUE, Rpattern=adapt_shrt, max.Rmismatch=0))
      trim_seqs_indel_2 <- Biostrings::end(
          subject=seqs_long, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, 
          with.Rindels = TRUE, Rpattern=adapt_ns, 
      trim[logi_long] <- ifelse(
        (trim_seqs_indel - trim_seqs_indel_2) > 5, 
      rm(trim_seqs_indel, trim_seqs_indel_2, logi_long, seqs_long) 
    ## Trim concatemer-like adaptors
      n_Ns <- stringr::str_count(adapt_shrt, "N")
      adapt_mis_corr <- (mis*(nchar(adapt_shrt)-n_Ns))/nchar(adapt_shrt)
      trim_shrt <- Biostrings::end(Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
        subject=seqs, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, with.Rindels = FALSE, 
        Rpattern=adapt_shrt, max.Rmismatch=adapt_mis_corr))
      # Only update if more/equal to concat
      logi_dim <- (trim - trim_shrt) >= concat 
      # Check that adaptor is present inbetween
      chck <- substr(seqs[logi_dim], trim_shrt[logi_dim]+1, trim[logi_dim]) 
      n_Ns <- stringr::str_count(adapt_ns, "N")
      adapt_mis_corr <- (mis*(nchar(adapt_ns)-n_Ns))/nchar(adapt_ns)
      chck <- agrepl(gsub("N", "", adapt_shrt), 
                     chck, max.distance = 0.1, 
      logi_dim[logi_dim] <- chck # Update only where check was confirmed
      trim[logi_dim] <- trim_shrt[logi_dim]  # Update trim
      rm(logi_dim, trim_shrt, chck) 
    ## Subdivide short adaptor
    logi_long <- trim >= lgn-5
    seqs_long <-  seqs[logi_long]
    adapt_shrt1 <- paste(c(substr(adapt_3, 1, 10), 
                           rep("N", mxlgn-nchar(substr(adapt_3, 1, 10)))), 
    trim_catch1 <- Biostrings::end(Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(
      subject=seqs_long, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, with.Rindels = TRUE, 
      Rpattern=adapt_shrt, max.Rmismatch=2/nchar(adapt_shrt)))
    adapt_shrt2 <- paste(c(
      substr(adapt_3, 11, 20), 
      rep("N", mxlgn-nchar(substr(adapt_3, 11, 20)))), 
    trim_catch2 <- Biostrings::end(
        subject=seqs_long, ranges=TRUE, Rfixed=FALSE, with.Rindels = TRUE, 
        Rpattern=adapt_shrt2, max.Rmismatch=2/nchar(adapt_shrt2)))
    adapt_shrt3 <- paste(c(substr(adapt_3, 21, 30), 
                           rep("N", mxlgn-nchar(substr(adapt_3, 21, 30)))), 
    trim_catch3 <- Biostrings::end(
      Biostrings::trimLRPatterns(subject=seqs_long, ranges=TRUE, 
                                 Rfixed=FALSE, with.Rindels = TRUE, 
    logi_1 <- (trim_catch2-trim_catch1) %in% (10-3):(10+1)
    logi_2 <- (trim_catch3-trim_catch1) %in% (20-3):(20+1)
    logi_3 <- (trim_catch3-trim_catch2) %in% (10-3):(10+1)
    trim_catch <- rep(75, times=length(seqs_long)) 
    trim_catch[logi_1] <- trim_catch1[logi_1]
    trim_catch[logi_2] <- trim_catch1[logi_2]
    trim_catch[logi_3] <- (trim_catch2-9)[logi_3]
    trim[logi_long] <-  trim_catch
    rm(logi_long, seqs_long, trim_catch, trim_catch1, 
       trim_catch2, trim_catch3, logi_1, logi_2, logi_3)
    ## Correct for biostring mis-start
    sb_read  <- substr(seqs, trim-2, trim+6) 
    corrct <- stringr::str_locate(sb_read, substr(adapt_3, 1, 5))[,"start"]
    corrct2 <- stringr::str_locate(sb_read, substr(adapt_3, 1, 3))[,"start"]
    corrct <- corrct-4
    corrct2 <- corrct2-4
    corrct[is.na(corrct)] <- corrct2[is.na(corrct)] # Only update NA
    corrct[is.na(corrct)] <- 0 # Remaining NAs becomes 0
    trim <- (trim + corrct) # Add adjusted tims sites
    rm(corrct, corrct2)
    ## Add to coordinate list  
    coord_lst$trim_3 <- tibble::tibble(trim) 
    ## Correct for type
    if(grepl("soft", tp)){
      end_vect <- mn*0.5
      end_vect <- lgn - end_vect
      logi_update <- coord_lst$trim_3[[1]] >= end_vect
      coord_lst$trim_3[[1]][logi_update] <- lgn[logi_update]
      rm(logi_update, end_vect)
    if(grepl("rm|save|hard", tp)){
      trim_filt$trim_3  <- coord_lst$trim_3[[1]] == lgn # Not trim 3
  sav_lst$trim_3 <-  c(trimmed=sum(!trim_filt$trim_3), 
                       adapt_3_set, adapt=adapt_3)
  ##### Apply trimming coordinates on fastq ######
  ## Apply on sequences
  coord_lst <- coord_lst[!is.na(coord_lst)]
  sav_lst <- sav_lst[!is.na(sav_lst)]
  coord_lst <- apply(tibble::as_tibble(
    do.call("cbind", coord_lst)), 1, min)
  trim_fastq <- substring(seqs, 1, coord_lst)
  trim_fastq <- trim_fastq[num_fact]  # Order as original fastq
  ##### Read and then update fastq to obtain original seq names ######
  # contains index etc
  # chunk fastq will be kept in memory the whole time
    fstq <- ShortRead::readFastq(in_fl)
    fstq <- fstq_sav
  fstq@sread <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(trim_fastq) #test this
  ## Apply on quality
    qual <- paste(Biostrings::quality(fstq@quality)) 
    qual <- substr(qual, start=1, stop=coord_lst[num_fact])
    fstq@quality <-  ShortRead::FastqQuality(Biostrings::BStringSet(qual)) 
  rm(trim_fastq, coord_lst)
  ##### Filter non-trimmed depending type           ######
  trim_filt <- trim_filt[!is.na(trim_filt)]
  trim_filt <- lapply(trim_filt, function(x){x[num_fact]})
    save_logi <- unlist(lapply(sav_lst, function(x){
      grepl("save", x["type"])
    rm_logi <- unlist(lapply(sav_lst, function(x){
      grepl("rm", x["type"])
    sav_nam <- names(save_logi)[save_logi]
    rm_nam <- names(rm_logi)[rm_logi]
      save_logi <- rowSums(do.call("cbind", trim_filt[sav_nam])) > 0
      sav_nam <- paste0(sav_nam, collapse="_")
      fil_nam_un <-  gsub("\\.trim.fastq.gz$", 
                          paste0(".REMOVED_", sav_nam, ".fastq.gz"),  
      # append for chunks
        ShortRead::writeFastq(fstq[save_logi], fil_nam_un, 
                              mode="w", full=FALSE, compress=TRUE)
        ShortRead::writeFastq(fstq[save_logi], fil_nam_un, 
                              mode="a", full=FALSE, compress=TRUE)
      rm_logi <- rowSums(do.call("cbind", trim_filt[rm_nam])) > 0
        fstq <- fstq[!rowSums(cbind(rm_logi, save_logi)) > 0]
        fstq <- fstq[!rm_logi]
      fstq <- fstq[!save_logi]
  rm(trim_filt, save_logi, rm_logi, num_fact) 
  ##### Size filter ######
    logi_min <- Biostrings::width(fstq@sread) >= seq_range["min"]
    logi_max <- Biostrings::width(fstq@sread) <= seq_range["max"]
    sav_lst$size <- c(too_short=sum(!logi_min), 
    fstq <- fstq[logi_min+logi_max==2]
    rm(logi_min, logi_max)
  ##### Phred score quality filtering ######
  # First extract trimmed qualities
    enc <- Biostrings::encoding(fstq@quality) # Phred score translations
    enc_srch <- as.factor(
      names(enc))[paste0(enc) %in% as.character(seq.int(quality["threshold"]-1))]
    enc_srch <- paste0("[", paste(enc_srch, collapse="") , "]")
    # Apply filter if specified
    qual_logi <- stringr::str_count(
        fstq@quality)), enc_srch)
    qual_logi <-  1-(qual_logi/Biostrings::width(
      fstq@quality)) >= quality["percent"]
    qual_logi[is.na(qual_logi)] <- FALSE
    sav_lst$quality <-  c(removed=sum(!qual_logi), quality)
    fstq <- fstq[qual_logi]
  ##### Save fastq/chunks and return sav_lst for progress report #####
  # Note, chunks should append to existing fq
  sav_lst$out_reads <- length(fstq)
    ShortRead::writeFastq(fstq, out_fl, mode="w", 
                          full=FALSE, compress=TRUE)
    ShortRead::writeFastq(fstq, out_fl, mode="a", 
                          full=FALSE, compress=TRUE)  
Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.