<- function(data, Anno) {
concentration = c(0,10,20,40,80,100,120,140)
D = array(0.0,dim=c(ncol(data),6,6,8,8))
ds = 0
for (dataSlot in colnames(data)) {
ds = ds + 1
d <- data[[dataSlot]]
Genes = c("Ptp69D","CG42327","drk","Ras85D","Gap1","CG13197")
I = list()
I[[1]] = 2:9
I[[2]] = 10:17
I[[3]] = 18:25
I[[4]] = 26:33
I[[5]] = 34:41
I[[6]] = 42:49
for (i in 1:6) {
for (j in 1:6) {
for (a in 1:8) {
for (b in 1:8) {
A = I[[i]][a]
B = I[[j]][b]
J = which((Anno$targetID1 == A) & (Anno$targetID2 == B))[1]
D[ds,i,j,a,b] = d[J]
dimnames(D) <- list(channel=colnames(data), gene1=Genes, gene2=Genes, concentration1=concentration, concentration2=concentration)
} <- function(A, range.df = 6:56, channel=1) {
concentration = c(0,10,20,40,80,100,120,140)
Genes = dimnames(A)[[2]]
res = list()
d = c(dim(A)[1:3],length(concentration),length(concentration))
res[["data"]] = A
res[["smoothed"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["smoothedfactor"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["expected"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["diff"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["diffzscore"]] = array(0,dim=d) = 8
DF <- matrix(0, nrow=6, ncol=6)
CVerror = list()
CVerrorSD = list()
for (i in 1:6) {
CVerror[[i]] = list()
CVerrorSD[[i]] = list()
for (j in 1:6) { = concentration
z = as.vector(A[channel,i,j,,])
name = sprintf("T = %s Q = %s",Genes[i],Genes[j])
x = rep(,
y = rep(,
data = data.frame(x=x,y=y)
F = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 8, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2,
3, 4)
res = matrix(0.0,nrow=64,ncol=56)
for (f in 1:8) {
Train = which(F != f)
Test = which(F == f)
for (df in range.df) {
cat("f=",f," df=",df,"\r")
tps = Tps(data[Train,],z[Train],df=df)
znew = predict(tps,data[Test,])
res[Test,df] = (znew - z[Test])^2
res2 = matrix(0.0,nrow=8,ncol=56)
for (df in range.df) {
res2[,df] = tapply(res[,df],F,mean)
CVerror[[i]][[j]] = apply(res2,2,mean)[range.df]
CVerrorSD[[i]][[j]] = apply(res2,2,sd)[range.df]
## DF[i,j] = (range.df)[which.min(CVerror[[i]][[j]])]
DF[i,j] = (range.df)[which(CVerror[[i]][[j]] <= (CVerror[[i]][[j]]+CVerrorSD[[i]][[j]])[which.min(CVerror[[i]][[j]])])[1]]
cat("\n",name, ": DF = ", DF[i,j], "\n")
dimnames(DF) = list(template = Genes, query = Genes)
res = list(DF = DF, CVerror = CVerror, CVerrorSD = CVerrorSD)
MAPK.estimate.TPS <- function(A, DF, n.out=8, channel=1) {
concentration = c(0,10,20,40,80,100,120,140)
Genes = dimnames(A)[[2]]
res = list()
res[["data"]] = A
d = c(dim(A)[1:3],n.out,n.out)
res[["smoothed"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["smoothedfactor"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["expected"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["diff"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["diffzscore"]] = array(0,dim=d)
res[["Genes"]] = Genes = 8
for (i in 1:6) {
for (j in 1:6) {
## cat(channel," ",i," ",j,"\n") = concentration
d.out = seq(0,140, length.out=n.out)
z = as.vector(A[channel,i,j,,])
name = sprintf("T = %s Q = %s",Genes[i],Genes[j])
x = rep(,
y = rep(,
tps = Tps(data.frame(x=x,y=y),z,df=DF[i,j])
xnew = rep(d.out,each=n.out)
ynew = rep(d.out,times=n.out)
znew = predict(tps,data.frame(x=xnew,y=ynew))
zpred = predict(tps,data.frame(x=x,y=y))
Z = matrix(z,,
Znew = matrix(znew,nrow=n.out,ncol=n.out)
res[["smoothed"]][channel,i,j,,] = znew
mainmain = Znew[1,1]
res[["smoothedfactor"]][channel,i,j,,] = res[["smoothed"]][channel,i,j,,] - mainmain
main1 = Znew[1,] - mainmain
main2 = Znew[,1] - mainmain
SD = median(abs(matrix(zpred,, - Z))
res[["expected"]][channel,i,j,,] = mainmain + rep(main1,each=n.out) + rep(main2,times=n.out)
res[["diff"]][channel,i,j,,] = Znew - res[["expected"]][channel,i,j,,]
res[["diffzscore"]][channel,i,j,,] = res[["diff"]][channel,i,j,,] / SD
MAPK.plot.TPS.all <- function(TPSmodel, range=c(-6,6), fill=c("cornflowerblue","cornflowerblue","black","#777700","yellow"), channel=1) { = 8
n.out = dim(TPSmodel$expected)[4]
Genes = TPSmodel$Genes
concentration = c("0","10","20","50","80","100","140","160")
Z = TPSmodel[["diffzscore"]][channel,,,,]
for (i in 1:6) {
for (j in 1:6) {
Z[i,j,,] = t(Z[i,j,,])
Z = Z[,,,rev(1:n.out)]
for (i in 1:6) {
Z[i,i,,] = 0.0
nt = n.out
ct = 140 / (nt-1)
D = data.frame(ZInteraction = as.vector(Z),
Gene1 = factor(rep(Genes,times=6*n.out*n.out),levels=Genes),
Gene2 = factor(rep(rep(Genes,each=6),times=n.out*n.out),levels=Genes),
c1 = rep(rep(1:n.out,each=6*6),times=n.out),
c2 = rep(1:n.out,each=6*6*n.out))
D$ZInteraction[D$ZInteraction > range[2]] = range[2]
D$ZInteraction[D$ZInteraction < range[1]] = range[1]
lp = levelplot(ZInteraction ~ c1*c2 | Gene2+Gene1,
data = D,
col = "white",
xlab="dsRNA concentration",
ylab="dsRNA concentration",
main="Genetic Interaction Surfaces",
panel = function(at, contour, range, col.regions, labels, ...) {
panel.levelplot(at = seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=257), contour=FALSE,col.regions=col.regions,...)
panel.contourplot(at = seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=9), labels=list(labels=seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=9), cex=0.7, col="white"), contour=TRUE,col.regions=NA,...)
MAPK.plot.TPS.single <- function(gene1, gene2, TPSmodel, range=c(-6,6), fill=c("cornflowerblue","cornflowerblue","black","#777700","yellow"), channel=1) { = 8
n.out = dim(TPSmodel$expected)[4]
Genes = TPSmodel$Genes
i = match(gene1, Genes)
j = match(gene2, Genes)
frange = range(TPSmodel[["smoothedfactor"]][channel,,,,],na.rm=TRUE)
name = sprintf("T = %s Q = %s",Genes[i],Genes[j])
x = rep(seq(1,,length.out=n.out),each=n.out)
y = rep(seq(1,,length.out=n.out),times=n.out)
ZInteraction = TPSmodel[["diffzscore"]][channel,i,j,,]
ZInteraction[ZInteraction > range[2]] = range[2]
ZInteraction[ZInteraction < range[1]] = range[1]
col = colorRampPalette(fill)(513)
Col = matrix(col[257],nrow=n.out,ncol=n.out)
Col[ZInteraction > zcutoff] = col[floor(257 + 256 * (ZInteraction[ZInteraction > zcutoff] - zcutoff) / (range[2] - zcutoff))]
Col[ZInteraction < -zcutoff] = col[floor(257 + 256 * (ZInteraction[ZInteraction < -zcutoff] + zcutoff) / (range[2] - zcutoff))]
par(mar = c(1, 1, 0, 0) + 0.1)
cp=contourLines(seq(0,140, length.out=n.out),seq(0,140, length.out=n.out),t(ZInteraction)[,rev(1:ncol(ZInteraction))],levels=c(-2,-1.5,-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1,1.5,2))
nt = dim(ZInteraction)[1]
ct = 140 / (nt-1)
lp = levelplot(t(ZInteraction)[,rev(1:ncol(ZInteraction))],
at = seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=257),
col = "white",
xlab=list(label=sprintf("%s [ng]",Genes[j]),cex=2),
ylab=list(label=sprintf("%s [ng]",Genes[i]),cex=2),
panel = function(at, contour, range, col.regions, labels, ...) {
z = ZInteraction[,]
id = sapply(z, function(x) { sum(x > at) } )
id[id < 1] = 1
id[id > length(col.regions)] = length(col.regions)
C = col2rgb(col.regions)/256
Z = array(0.0,dim=c(dim(z)[1],dim(z)[2],3))
Z[,,1] = C[1,id]
Z[,,2] = C[2,id]
Z[,,3] = C[3,id]
grid.raster(Z, width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc"))
panel.contourplot(at = seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=9), labels=list(labels=seq(range[1],range[2],length.out=9), col="white"), contour=TRUE,col.regions=NA,...)
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