
Defines functions plot_FRmatch_cell2cluster

Documented in plot_FRmatch_cell2cluster

#' Plotting function for FR-Match cell2cluster results
#' This function takes in the \code{\link[FRmatch]{FRmatch_cell2cluster}} output and generates plots for the matching results.
#' @param rst.cell2cluster The \code{\link[FRmatch]{FRmatch_cell2cluster}} output.
#' @param type If \code{type="match"} (default), it plots the proportion of cells in the query cluster matched to the reference cluster.
#' If \code{type=="padj"}, it plots the distribution of adjusted p-values.
# If \code{type=="jaccard"}, it plots XXX (NOT AVAILABLE YET).
#' @param p.adj.method P-value adjustment method for multiple hypothesis testing correction. Default: \code{"BH"}.
#' For more options, please see \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust.methods}}.
#' @param sig.level Numeric variable that specifies the significance level of adjusted p-value. A MATCH is >\code{sig.level}.
#' Default: \code{0.1}.
#' @param reorder Boolean variable indicating if to reorder the columns so that matches are aligned along the diagonal.
#' It improves the interpretability of the one-way match plot. Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @param return.value Boolean variable indicating if to return the plotted values. Default: \code{FALSE}.
#' @param filename,width,height Plotting parameters passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggsave}}.
#' @return If \code{return.value = TRUE}, a matrix of \code{plotted.values}, and \code{pmat.adj} and \code{cell2cluster.adj} after adjustment.
#' @export

plot_FRmatch_cell2cluster <- function(rst.cell2cluster, type="match", p.adj.method="BH", sig.level=0.1,
                                      reorder=TRUE, return.value=FALSE,
                                      main=NULL, filename=NA, width=NULL, height=NULL){

  pmat <- rst.cell2cluster$pmat #query cells in rows, ref cluster in columns
  pmat.adj <- apply(pmat, 1, function(x) p.adjust(x, method=p.adj.method)) %>% t() #row-wise p-value adjustment, i.e. per query cell
  ## update the scores with adjusted p-values, and determine matches and unassigned
  df <- rst.cell2cluster$cell2cluster %>% mutate(score=apply(pmat.adj,1,max)) %>%
    mutate(match=ifelse(score<sig.level, "unassigned", match))

  ## table of matches
  tab.match <- table(df$match, df$query.cluster) #query subclass in columns, prediction in rows
  tab.match.prop <- sweep(tab.match,2,colSums(tab.match),"/") #column sums should be 1

  ## order reference cluster orders in rows
  clusterNames.ref <- colnames(rst.cell2cluster$pmat) #reference cluster names IN ORDER
  oo <- match(c(clusterNames.ref,"unassigned"), rownames(tab.match.prop))
  oo.names <- rownames(tab.match.prop)[oo] %>% na.omit() #some ref clusters may not have matched query cells
  tab.match.prop <- tab.match.prop[oo.names,]

  ## reorder columns for query
  if(reorder) tab.match.prop <- reorder(tab.match.prop)
  oo.query.clusters <- colnames(tab.match.prop)

  ## plot: matching proportions bubble plot
    long.tab.match.prop <- tab.match.prop %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      select(query.cluster=Var2, match=Var1, Prop=Freq) %>%
      mutate(match=factor(match, levels = rev(c(clusterNames.ref, "unassigned"))))
    ## plot
    if(is.null(main)) main <- "FR-Match cell-to-cluster"
    g <- ggplot(long.tab.match.prop, aes(x=query.cluster, y=match, size=Prop, fill=Prop)) +
      geom_point(alpha=0.7, shape=21, color="black") +
      scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, 10), limits = c(0, 1)) +
      scale_fill_viridis(option="D", guide = "legend", limits = c(0, 1)) +
      scale_y_discrete(drop=FALSE) + #show all ref clusters even if no match
      theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    ## save plot or plot on device
    if(is.null(width)) width <- ncol(tab.match.prop)*.3+.5
    if(is.null(height)) height <- length(clusterNames.ref)*.3+.5
      ggsave(filename, g, width=width, height=height)
    else plot(g)
    ## output
      return(list("plotted.values"=tab.match.prop, "cell2cluster.adj"=df))

  ## plot: adjusted p-values boxplot
    df.padj <- df %>% select(query.cluster, score) %>%
      mutate(query.cluster = fct_relevel(query.cluster, oo.query.clusters))
    g <- ggplot(df.padj, aes(x=query.cluster, y=score)) +
      geom_boxplot(outlier.size=.5) +
      theme_bw() +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
      geom_hline(linetype = "dashed", yintercept = sig.level, color = "red") +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,0.2), limits=c(0,1)) +
      xlab("Query cluster") + ylab("Adjusted p-value")
    ## save plot or plot on device
    if(!is.na(filename)) ggsave(filename, g, width=length(oo.query.clusters)*.2, height=5)
    else plot(g)
    ## output
    if(return.value) return(list("pmat.adj"=pmat.adj)) #plotted are the max padj for each query cell!!!

  ## plot: force to match all
    df <- rst.cell2cluster$cell2cluster
    ## table of matches
    tab.match <- table(df$match, df$query.cluster) #query subclass in columns, prediction in rows
    tab.match.prop <- sweep(tab.match,2,colSums(tab.match),"/") #column sums should be 1

    ## order reference cluster orders in rows
    clusterNames.ref <- colnames(rst.cell2cluster$pmat) #reference cluster names IN ORDER
    oo <- match(c(clusterNames.ref), rownames(tab.match.prop))
    oo.names <- rownames(tab.match.prop)[oo] %>% na.omit() #some ref clusters may not have matched query cells
    tab.match.prop <- tab.match.prop[oo.names,]

    ## reorder columns for query
    if(reorder) tab.match.prop <- reorder(tab.match.prop)

    ## plot
    long.tab.match.prop <- tab.match.prop %>% as.data.frame() %>%
      select(query.cluster=Var2, match=Var1, Prop=Freq) %>%
      mutate(match=factor(match, levels = rev(c(clusterNames.ref))))
    ## plot
    if(is.null(main)) main <- "FR-Match cell-to-cluster (match all)"
    g <- ggplot(long.tab.match.prop, aes(x=query.cluster, y=match, size=Prop, fill=Prop)) +
      geom_point(alpha=0.7, shape=21, color="black") +
      scale_size_continuous(range = c(0, 10), limits = c(0, 1)) +
      scale_fill_viridis(option="D", guide = "legend", limits = c(0, 1)) +
      scale_y_discrete(drop=FALSE) + #show all ref clusters even if no match
      theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
    ## save plot or plot on device
    if(is.null(width)) width <- ncol(tab.match.prop)*.3+.5
    if(is.null(height)) height <- length(clusterNames.ref)*.3+.5
      ggsave(filename, g, width=width, height=height)
    else plot(g)
    ## output

  ### TODO: plot jaccard similarity between query and ref clusters ###

JCVenterInstitute/FRmatch documentation built on Dec. 15, 2022, 2:30 p.m.