
Defines functions signedLisaPlot rotatePos plotInterCellTypeSpatialCrossCor interpolate plotNetwork3D plotNetwork map2col areColors fac2col plotEmbedding

Documented in interpolate plotEmbedding plotInterCellTypeSpatialCrossCor plotNetwork plotNetwork3D rotatePos signedLisaPlot

#' @import stats grDevices graphics

#' Plot 2D embedding
#' @param emb dataframe with x and y coordinates
#' @param groups factor annotations for rows on emb for visualizing cluster annotations
#' @param colors color or numeric values for rows on emb for visualizing gene expression
#' @param cex point size
#' @param alpha point opacity
#' @param gradientPalette palette for colors if numeric values provided
#' @param zlim range for colors
#' @param s saturation of rainbow for group colors
#' @param v value of rainbow for group colors
#' @param min.group.size minimum size of group in order for group to be colored
#' @param show.legend whether to show legend
#' @param mark.clusters whether to mark clusters with name of cluster
#' @param mark.cluster.cex cluster marker point size
#' @param shuffle.colors whether to shuffle group colors
#' @param legend.x legend position ie. 'topright', 'topleft', 'bottomleft', 'bottomright'
#' @param gradient.range.quantile quantile for mapping colors to gradient palette
#' @param verbose verbosity
#' @param unclassified.cell.color cells not included in groups will be labeled in this color
#' @param group.level.colors set group level colors. Default uses rainbow.
#' @param xlab x-axis label.
#' @param ylab y-axis label.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to pass to BASE::plot
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' data(mOB)
#' pos <- mOB$pos
#' gexp <- normalizeCounts(mOB$counts, log=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)['Camk4',]
#' plotEmbedding(pos, colors=scale(gexp)[,1], zlim=c(-2,2), cex=3)
#' @export
plotEmbedding <- function(emb, groups=NULL, colors=NULL, cex=0.6, alpha=0.4, gradientPalette=NULL, zlim=NULL,
                          s=1, v=0.8, min.group.size=1, show.legend=FALSE, mark.clusters=FALSE, mark.cluster.cex=2,
                          shuffle.colors=FALSE, legend.x='topright', gradient.range.quantile=0.95, verbose=FALSE,
                          unclassified.cell.color='lightgrey', group.level.colors=NULL, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, ...) {

  if(!is.null(colors)) {
    ## use clusters information
    if(!all(rownames(emb) %in% names(colors))) { warning("provided cluster vector doesn't list colors for all of the cells; unmatched cells will be shown in gray. ")}
    if(all(areColors(colors))) {
      if(verbose) cat("using supplied colors as is\n")
      cols <- colors[match(rownames(emb),names(colors))]; cols[is.na(cols)] <- unclassified.cell.color;
      names(cols) <- rownames(emb)
    } else {
      if(is.numeric(colors)) { # treat as a gradient
        if(verbose) cat("treating colors as a gradient")
        if(is.null(gradientPalette)) { # set up default gradients
          if(all(sign(colors)>=0)) {
            gradientPalette <- colorRampPalette(c('grey','red'))(100)
          } else {
            gradientPalette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "grey", "red"))(100)
        cols <- map2col(x=colors, pal=gradientPalette, limits=zlim)
        names(cols) <- rownames(emb)
      } else {
        stop("colors argument must be a cell-named vector of either character colors or numeric values to be mapped to a gradient")
  } else {
    if(!is.null(groups)) {
      if(min.group.size>1) { groups[groups %in% levels(groups)[unlist(tapply(groups,groups,length))<min.group.size]] <- NA; groups <- droplevels(groups); }
      groups <- as.factor(groups)[rownames(emb)]
      if(verbose) cat("using provided groups as a factor\n")
      ## set up a rainbow color on the factor
      factor.colors <- fac2col(groups,s=s,v=v,shuffle=shuffle.colors,min.group.size=min.group.size,unclassified.cell.color=unclassified.cell.color,level.colors=group.level.colors,return.details=T)
      cols <- factor.colors$colors;
      names(cols) <- rownames(emb)
    } else {
      cols <- rep(unclassified.cell.color, nrow(emb))
      names(cols) <- rownames(emb)

  plot(emb,col=adjustcolor(cols,alpha.f=alpha),cex=cex,pch=19,axes=F,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, ...); box();
  if(mark.clusters) {
    if(!is.null(groups)) {
      cent.pos <- do.call(rbind,tapply(1:nrow(emb),groups,function(ii) apply(emb[ii,,drop=F],2,median)))
      cent.pos <- na.omit(cent.pos);
  if(show.legend) {
    if(factor.mapping) {
# Helper function to translate factor into colors
fac2col <- function(x,s=1,v=1,shuffle=FALSE,min.group.size=1,return.details=F,unclassified.cell.color='lightgrey',level.colors=NULL) {
  x <- as.factor(x);
  if(min.group.size>1) {
    x <- factor(x,exclude=levels(x)[unlist(tapply(rep(1,length(x)),x,length))<min.group.size])
    x <- droplevels(x)
  if(is.null(level.colors)) {
    col <- rainbow(length(levels(x)),s=s,v=v);
  } else {
    col <- level.colors[1:length(levels(x))];
  names(col) <- levels(x);

  if(shuffle) col <- sample(col);

  y <- col[as.integer(x)]; names(y) <- names(x);
  y[is.na(y)] <- unclassified.cell.color;
  if(return.details) {
  } else {
# Quick utility to check if given character vector is colors
# Thanks to Josh O'Brien: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13289009/check-if-character-string-is-a-valid-color-representation
areColors <- function(x) {
  is.character(x) &
  sapply(x, function(X) {
    tryCatch(is.matrix(col2rgb(X)), error = function(e) FALSE)
# Helper function to map values to colors
# Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15006211/how-do-i-generate-a-mapping-from-numbers-to-colors-in-r
map2col <- function(x, pal=colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'grey', 'red'))(100), na.col='lightgrey', limits=NULL){
  original <- x
  x <- na.omit(x)
  if(is.null(limits)) limits=range(x)
  y <- pal[findInterval(x,seq(limits[1],limits[2],length.out=length(pal)+1), all.inside=TRUE)]
  names(y) <- names(x)

  colors <- rep(na.col, length(original))
  names(colors) <- names(original)
  colors[names(y)] <- y


#' Plot an adjacency weight matrix as a network
#' Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43879347/plotting-a-adjacency-matrix-using-pure-r
#' @param pos Position matrix
#' @param adj Adjacency weight matrix
#' @param col Color of points
#' @param line.col Color of line
#' @param line.power Thickness of lines
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' data(mOB)
#' pos <- mOB$pos
#' w <- getSpatialNeighbors(pos)
#' plotNetwork(pos, w)
#' @export
plotNetwork <- function(pos, adj, col='black', line.col='grey', line.power=1, ...) {
  if(nrow(pos) != nrow(adj)) {
    warning('Position and Adjacency matrix dimensions inconsistent')
  pos <- pos[rownames(adj),]
  plot(pos, pch=16, col=col, axes=FALSE, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, ...)
  idx <- which(adj>0, arr.ind = T)
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(idx))) {
      c(pos[idx[i,1],1], pos[idx[i,2],1]),
      c(pos[idx[i,1],2], pos[idx[i,2],2]),

#' Plot an adjacency weight matrix as a network in 3D
#' @param pos 3D position information
#' @param adj Adjacency weight matrix
#' @param col Color of points
#' @param line.col Color of line
#' @param alpha Line color transparency
#' @param line.power Thickness of lines
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(drosophila)
#' pos <- drosophila$pos
#' N <- getSpatialNeighbors(pos, filterDist = 10, verbose=TRUE)
#' plotNetwork3D(pos, N, size=1)
#' }
#' @export
plotNetwork3D <- function(pos, adj, col='black', line.col='grey', alpha=0.5, line.power=1, ...) {
  tc <- geometry::delaunayn(pos, output.options=FALSE)
  ## 3D
  rgl::rgl.viewpoint(45, fov=0, phi = 30)
  rgl::points3d(pos, color=col, alpha=1, ...)
  idx <- which(adj > 0, arr.ind = T)
  message("drawing adjacent point edges...")
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(idx))) {
    #message(paste0(i, "/", nrow(idx)))
    rgl::lines3d(c(pos[idx[i, 1], 1], pos[idx[i, 2], 1]),
            c(pos[idx[i, 1], 2], pos[idx[i, 2], 2]),
            c(pos[idx[i, 1], 3], pos[idx[i, 2], 3]),
            col = line.col, alpha=alpha, lwd=line.power)

#' Gridded bivariate interpolation
#' For interpolating primary spatial patterns
#' @param pos Position matrix
#' @param gexp Feature value
#' @param scale Boolean of whether to scale feature value
#' @param trim Winsorization trim
#' @param zlim Feature value range
#' @param fill Boolean of whether to interpolate regions with no expression value
#' @param binSize Size of interpolated bins
#' @param col Color palette
#' @param plot Boolean of whether to plot
#' @param ... Additional parameters for plotting
#' @return 2D matrix of interpolated feature values
#' @examples
#' data(mOB)
#' pos <- mOB$pos
#' gexp <- normalizeCounts(mOB$counts, log=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)['Camk4',]
#' invisible(interpolate(pos, gexp, zlim=c(-2,2)))
#' @export
interpolate <- function(pos, gexp, scale=TRUE, trim=0, zlim=range(gexp), fill=TRUE, binSize=100, col=colorRampPalette(c('blue', 'white', 'red'))(100), plot=TRUE, ...) {

  if(nrow(pos) > length(gexp)) {
    if(fill) {
      print('Filling ...')
    } else {
      print('Removing regions with no feature value ...')
  if(scale) {
    z <- scale(gexp)[,1]
  z <- winsorize(z, trim)
  names(z) <- names(gexp)

  z[z < zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
  z[z > zlim[2]] <- zlim[2]
  x <- pos[,1]
  y <- pos[,2]
  names(x) <- names(y) <- rownames(pos)

  if(fill) {
        zb <- rep(0, nrow(pos))
        names(zb) <- rownames(pos)
        zb[names(gexp)] <- z
  } else {
        x <- x[names(gexp)]
        y <- y[names(gexp)]
        zb <- z

  int <- akima::interp(x, y, zb, nx=binSize, ny=binSize, linear=TRUE)

  if(plot) {
        image(int, col=col, axes=FALSE, frame.plot=TRUE, ...)


#' Expression correlation between cells of group A expressing gene A with neighbors of cells of group A in group B expressing gene B
#' @param gexpA Expression of gene A
#' @param gexpB Expression of gene B
#' @param groupA Cells of group A
#' @param groupB Cells of group B
#' @param weight Adjacency weight matrix
#' @param fun Function for combining multiple gene expression values (ex. mean, median, max)
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' # Simulate data
#' set.seed(0)
#' N <- 100
#' pos <- cbind(rnorm(N), rnorm(N))
#' rownames(pos) <- paste0('cell', 1:N)
#' colnames(pos) <- c('x', 'y')
#' weight <- getSpatialNeighbors(pos)
#' ctA <- sample(rownames(pos), N/2)
#' ctB <- setdiff(rownames(pos), ctA)
#' gexpA <- pos[,2]
#' gexpA[ctB] <- 0
#' gexpB <- -pos[,2]
#' gexpB[ctA] <- 0
#' plotEmbedding(pos, col=gexpA)
#' plotEmbedding(pos, col=gexpB)
#' plotInterCellTypeSpatialCrossCor(gexpA, gexpB, ctA, ctB, weight)
#' plotInterCellTypeSpatialCrossCor(gexpB, gexpA, ctB, ctA, weight)
#' @export
plotInterCellTypeSpatialCrossCor <- function(gexpA, gexpB, groupA, groupB, weight, fun=mean, ...) {
    ## plot correlation between groupA cells and neighbors
    nbs <- lapply(groupA, function(x) names(which(weight[x,]==1)))
    names(nbs) <- groupA
    ## gene A expression in group A
    foo <- gexpA[groupA]
    ## average gene B expression for neighbors from group B
    bar <- unlist(lapply(nbs, function(y) fun(gexpB[y])))
    ## plot
    plot(foo, bar,
         xlab='gene A expression for cells in group A',
         ylab='gene B expression for neighbors in group B',

#' Rotate position by angle theta in radians
#' @param pos Position matrix of x-y coordinates
#' @param theta Angle of rotation in radians
#' @return Position matrix with x-y coordinates rotated
#' @examples
#' pos <- cbind(rnorm(10), rnorm(10))
#' posRotated <- rotatePos(pos, pi/2)
#' @export
rotatePos <- function(pos, theta) {
  rotMat <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)), nrow=2)
  pos2 <- t(rotMat %*% t(pos))
  colnames(pos2) <- colnames(pos)

#' Signed LISA plot
#' @param gexp Feature value
#' @param pos Position matrix
#' @param weight Adjacency weight matrix
#' @param zlim Range for expression (default = c(-2,2))
#' @param ... Additional plotting parameters
#' @return signed LISA scores
#' @examples
#' data(mOB)
#' pos <- mOB$pos
#' gexp <- normalizeCounts(mOB$counts, log=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)['Camk4',]
#' W <- getSpatialNeighbors(pos)
#' signedLisaPlot(gexp, pos, W)
#' @export
signedLisaPlot <- function(gexp, pos, weight, zlim=c(-2,2), ...) {
  lisa <- lisaTest(gexp, weight)$observed;
  names(lisa) <- names(gexp)
  sgexp <- scale(gexp)[,1]
  sgexp[sgexp <= zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
  sgexp[sgexp > zlim[2]] <- zlim[2]
  lisa <- sign(sgexp)*lisa
  #plotEmbedding(pos, col=sgexp)
                gradientPalette = colorRampPalette(c('darkgreen', 'white', 'darkorange'))(100),
JEFworks/MERingue documentation built on June 11, 2022, 4:16 a.m.