
Defines functions plot.Results_IMIFA

Documented in plot.Results_IMIFA

#' Plotting output and parameters of inferential interest for IMIFA and related models
#' @param x An object of class \code{"Results_IMIFA"} generated by \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}.
#' @param plot.meth The type of plot to be produced for the \code{param} of interest, where \code{correlation} refers to ACF/PACF plots, \code{means} refers to posterior means, \code{density}, \code{trace} and \code{parallel.coords} are self-explanatory. \code{"all"} in this case, the default, refers to \code{"trace"}, \code{"density"}, \code{"means"}, and \code{"correlation"}. \code{"parallel.coords"} is only available when \code{param} is one of \code{"means"}, \code{"loadings"}, or \code{"uniquenesses"} - note that this method applies a small amount of horizontal jitter to avoid overplotting.
#' Special types of plots which don't require a \code{param} are:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"GQ"}}{for plotting the posterior summaries of the numbers of clusters/factors, if available.}
#' \item{\code{"zlabels"}}{for plotting clustering uncertainties - in four different ways (incl. the posterior confusion matrix) - if clustering has taken place, with or without the clustering labels being supplied via the \code{zlabels} argument. If available, the average similarity matrix, reordered according to the MAP labels, is shown as a 5-th plot.}
#' \item{\code{"errors"}}{for conducting posterior predictive checking of the appropriateness of the fitted model by visualising the posterior predictive reconstruction error (PPRE) &/or histograms comparing the data to replicate draws from the posterior distribution &/or error metrics quantifying the difference between the estimated and empirical covariance matrices. The type of plot(s) produced depends on how the \code{error.metrics} argument was supplied to \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}} and what parameters were stored.}
#' }
#' The argument \code{g} can be used to cycle through the available plots in each case. \code{ind} can also be used to govern which variable is shown for the 2-nd plot.
#' @param param The parameter of interest for any of the following \code{plot.meth} options: \code{all}, \code{trace}, \code{density}, \code{means}, \code{correlation}. The \code{param} must have been stored when \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}} was initially ran. Includes \code{pis} for methods where clustering takes place, and allows posterior inference on \code{alpha} (for the \code{"IMFA"}, \code{"IMIFA"}, \code{"OMFA"}, and \code{"OMIFA"} methods) and \code{discount} (for the \code{"IMFA"} and \code{"IMIFA"} methods). Otherwise \code{"means"}, \code{"scores"}, \code{"loadings"}, and \code{"uniquenesses"} can be plotted.
#' @param g Optional argument that allows specification of exactly which cluster the plot of interest is to be produced for. If not supplied, the user will be prompted to cycle through plots for all clusters. Also functions as an index for which plot to return when \code{plot.meth} is \code{GQ}, \code{zlabels}, or \code{errors} in much the same way.
#' @param mat Logical indicating whether a \code{\link[graphics]{matplot}} is produced (defaults to \code{TRUE}). If given as \code{FALSE}, \code{ind} is invoked.
#' @param zlabels The true labels can be supplied if they are known. If this is not supplied, the function uses the labels that were supplied, if any, to \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}. Only relevant when \code{plot.meth = "zlabels"}. When explicitly supplied, misclassified observations are highlighted in the first type of uncertainty plot (otherwise observations whose uncertainty exceed the inverse of the number of clusters are highlighted). For the second type of uncertainty plot, when \code{zlabels} are explicitly supplied, the uncertainty of misclassified observations is marked by vertical lines on the profile plot.
#' @param heat.map A logical which controls plotting posterior mean loadings or posterior mean scores as a heatmap, or else as something akin to \code{link{plot(..., type="h")}}. Only relevant if \code{param = "loadings"} (in which case the default is \code{TRUE}) or \code{param = "scores"} (in which case the default is \code{FALSE}). Heatmaps are produced with the aid of \code{\link{mat2cols}} and \code{\link{plot_cols}}.
#' @param show.last A logical indicator which defaults to \code{FALSE}, but when \code{TRUE} replaces any instance of the posterior mean with the last valid sample. Only relevant when \code{param} is one of \code{"means"} \code{"scores"}, \code{"loadings"}, \code{"uniquenesses"}, or \code{"pis"} and \code{plot.meth} is one of \code{"all"} or \code{"means"}. Also relevant for \code{"means"}, \code{"loadings"} and \code{"uniquenesses"} when \code{plot.meth} is \code{"parallel.coords"}. When \code{TRUE}, this has the effect of forcing \code{intervals} to be \code{FALSE}.
#' @param palette An optional colour palette to be supplied if overwriting the default palette set inside the function by \code{\link[viridisLite]{viridis}} is desired. It makes little sense to a supply a \code{palette} when \code{plot.meth="all"} and \code{param} is one of \code{"scores"} or \code{"loadings"}.
#' @param ind Either a single number indicating which variable to plot when \code{param} is one of \code{means} or \code{uniquenesses} (or \code{plot.meth="errors"}), or which cluster to plot if \code{param} is \code{pis}. If \code{scores} are plotted, a vector of length two giving which observation and factor to plot; if \code{loadings} are plotted, a vector of length two giving which variable and factor to plot. Will be recycled to length 2 if necessary. Also governs which two factors are displayed on posterior mean plots of the \code{"scores"} when \code{heat.map} is \code{FALSE}; otherwise only relevant when \code{mat} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param fac Optional argument that provides an alternative way to specify \code{ind[2]} when \code{mat} is \code{FALSE} and \code{param} is one of \code{scores} or \code{loadings}.
#' @param by.fac Optionally allows (mat)plotting of scores and loadings by factor - i.e. observation(s) (scores) or variable(s) (loadings) for a given factor, respectively, controlled by \code{ind} or \code{fac}) when set to \code{TRUE}. Otherwise all factor(s) are plotted for a given observation or variable when set to \code{FALSE} (the default), again controlled by \code{ind} or \code{fac}. Only relevant when \code{param} is one of \code{scores} or \code{loadings}.
#' @param type The manner in which the plot is to be drawn, as per the \code{type} argument to \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param intervals Logical indicating whether credible intervals around the posterior mean(s) are to be plotted when \code{is.element(plot.meth, c("all", "means"))}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}, but can only be \code{TRUE} when \code{show.last} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param common Logical indicating whether plots with \code{plot.meth="means"} (or the corresponding plots for \code{plot.meth="all"}) when \code{param} is one of \code{"means"}, \code{"scores"}, \code{"loadings"}, or \code{"uniquenesses"} are calibrated to a common scale based on the range of the \code{param} parameters across all clusters (defaults to \code{TRUE}, and only relevant when there are clusters). Otherwise, the only the range corresponding to the image being plotted is used to determine the scale.
#' Note that this affects the \code{"loadings"} and \code{"scores"} plots regardless of the value of \code{heat.map}. An exception is the \code{"scores"} plots when \code{plot.meth="means"} and \code{heat.map} is \code{FALSE}, in which case \code{common} defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param partial Logical indicating whether plots of type \code{"correlation"} use the PACF. The default, \code{FALSE}, ensures the ACF is used. Only relevant when \code{plot.meth = "all"}, otherwise both plots are produced when \code{plot.meth = "correlation"}.
#' @param titles Logical indicating whether default plot titles are to be used (\code{TRUE}), or suppressed (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param transparency A factor in [0, 1] modifying the opacity for overplotted lines. Defaults to 0.75, unless semi-transparency is not supported. Only relevant when \code{palette} is not supplied, otherwise the supplied \code{palette} must already be adjusted for transparency.
#' @param ... Other arguments typically passed to \code{\link{plot}} or the \code{breaks} argument to \code{\link{mat2cols}} and \code{\link{heat_legend}} when heatmaps are plotted.
#' @return The desired plot with appropriate output and summary statistics printed to the console screen.
#' @export
#' @note Supplying the argument \code{zlabels} does \strong{not} have the same effect of reordering the sampled parameters as it does if supplied directly to \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}.
#' When \code{mat} is \code{TRUE} and \code{by.fac} is \code{FALSE} (both defaults), the convention for dealing with overplotting for \code{trace} and \code{density} plots when \code{param} is either \code{scores} or \code{loadings} is to plot the last factor first, such that the first factor appears 'on top'.
#' @keywords plotting main
#' @method plot Results_IMIFA
#' @importFrom Rfast "colMedians" "Median"
#' @importFrom matrixStats "rowRanges"
#' @importFrom mclust "classError"
#' @importFrom viridisLite "viridis"
#' @seealso \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}}, \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}, \code{\link{mat2cols}}, \code{\link{plot_cols}}
#' @references Murphy, K., Viroli, C., and Gormley, I. C. (2020) Infinite mixtures of infinite factor analysers, \emph{Bayesian Analysis}, 15(3): 937-963. <\doi{10.1214/19-BA1179}>.
#' @author Keefe Murphy - <\email{keefe.murphy@@mu.ie}>
#' @usage
#' \method{plot}{Results_IMIFA}(x,
#'      plot.meth = c("all", "correlation", "density", "errors", "GQ",
#'                    "means", "parallel.coords", "trace", "zlabels"),
#'      param = c("means", "scores", "loadings", "uniquenesses",
#'                "pis", "alpha", "discount"),
#'      g = NULL,
#'      mat = TRUE,
#'      zlabels = NULL,
#'      heat.map = TRUE,
#'      show.last = FALSE,
#'      palette = NULL,
#'      ind = NULL,
#'      fac = NULL,
#'      by.fac = FALSE,
#'      type = c("h", "n", "p", "l"),
#'      intervals = TRUE,
#'      common = TRUE,
#'      partial = FALSE,
#'      titles = TRUE,
#'      transparency = 0.75,
#'      ...)
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# See the vignette associated with the package for more graphical examples:
#' # vignette("IMIFA", package = "IMIFA")
#' # data(olive)
#' # simIMIFA <- mcmc_IMIFA(olive, method="IMIFA")
#' # resIMIFA <- get_IMIFA_results(simIMIFA, z.avgsim=TRUE)
#' # Examine the posterior distribution(s) of the number(s) of clusters (G) &/or latent factors (Q)
#' # For the IM(I)FA and OM(I)FA methods, this also plots the trace of the active/non-empty clusters
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="GQ")
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="GQ", g=2)
#' # Plot clustering uncertainty (and, if available, the similarity matrix)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="zlabels", zlabels=olive$area)
#' # Visualise the posterior predictive reconstruction error
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="errors", g=1)
#' # Compare histograms of the data vs. replicate draw from the posterior for the 1st variable
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="errors", g=2, ind=1)
#' # Visualise empirical vs. estimated covariance error metrics
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="errors", g=3)
#' # Look at the trace, density, posterior mean, and correlation of various parameters of interest
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="all", param="means", g=1)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="all", param="means", g=1, ind=2)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="trace", param="scores")
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="trace", param="scores", by.fac=TRUE)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="mean", param="loadings", g=1)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="mean", param="loadings", g=1, heat.map=FALSE)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="parallel.coords", param="uniquenesses")
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="density", param="pis", intervals=FALSE, partial=TRUE)
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="all", param="alpha")
#' # plot(resIMIFA, plot.meth="all", param="discount")}
plot.Results_IMIFA  <- function(x, plot.meth = c("all", "correlation", "density", "errors", "GQ", "means", "parallel.coords", "trace", "zlabels"), param = c("means", "scores", "loadings", "uniquenesses", "pis", "alpha", "discount"), g = NULL, mat = TRUE,
                                zlabels = NULL, heat.map = TRUE, show.last = FALSE, palette = NULL, ind = NULL, fac = NULL, by.fac = FALSE, type = c("h", "n", "p", "l"), intervals = TRUE, common = TRUE, partial = FALSE, titles = TRUE, transparency = 0.75, ...) {

  if(missing(x))                      stop("'x' must be supplied", call.=FALSE)
  if(!inherits(x, "Results_IMIFA"))   stop("Results object of class 'Results_IMIFA' must be supplied", call.=FALSE)
  GQ.res  <- x$GQ.results
  G       <- GQ.res$G
  Gseq    <- seq_len(G)
  Qs      <- unname(GQ.res$Q)
  Q.max   <- max(Qs)
  Qmseq   <- seq_len(Q.max)
  nLx     <- Qs != 0
  defpar  <- suppressWarnings(graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE))
  defpar$new        <- FALSE
  mispal            <- missing(palette)
  oldpal            <- grDevices::palette()
  if(mispal)             palette <- viridis(min(10L, max(G, Q.max, 5L)), option="D")
  if(!all(is.cols(cols=palette)))     stop("Supplied colour palette contains invalid colours", call.=FALSE)
  if(length(palette) < 5)             warning("Palette should contain 5 or more colours\n",    call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  trx     <- grDevices::dev.capabilities()$semiTransparency
  xtr     <- missing(transparency)
  if(length(transparency) != 1   &&
         (transparency     < 0 ||
          transparency     > 1)))     stop("'transparency' must be a single number in [0, 1]", call.=FALSE)
  if(transparency   != 1   && !trx) {
    if(!xtr)                          message("'transparency' not supported on this device\n")
     transparency   <- 1
  tmp.pal <- palette
  palette <- if(mispal) grDevices::adjustcolor(palette, alpha.f=transparency) else palette
  grey    <- ifelse(trx, grDevices::adjustcolor("grey50", alpha.f=transparency), "grey50")
  defopt  <- options()
  suppressWarnings(graphics::par(cex.axis=0.8, new=FALSE))
  on.exit(do.call(graphics::clip, as.list(defpar$usr)), add=TRUE)
  on.exit(grDevices::palette(oldpal),                   add=TRUE)
  on.exit(suppressWarnings(options(defopt)),            add=TRUE)
  dots    <- list(...)
  dots    <- dots[unique(names(dots))]
  if(brX  <- "breaks" %in% names(dots)) {
    brXs  <- dots[["breaks"]]

  n.grp   <- attr(GQ.res, "Clusters")
  n.fac   <- attr(GQ.res, "Factors")
  G.supp  <- attr(GQ.res, "Supplied")["G"]
  Q.supp  <- attr(GQ.res, "Supplied")["Q"]
  method  <- attr(x, "Method")
  store   <- attr(x, "Store")
  n.var   <- attr(x, "Vars")
  var.pal <- max(min(n.var, 1024L), 2L)
  n.obs   <- attr(x, "Obs")
  z.sim   <- attr(x, "Z.sim")
  plot.mx <- missing(plot.meth)
  param.x <- missing(param)
  type.x  <- missing(type)
  if(!all(is.character(plot.meth)))   stop("'plot.meth' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  if(!all(is.character(param)))       stop("'param' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  if(!all(is.character(type)))        stop("'type' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  if(plot.mx)    {
    if(!param.x) {     plot.meth <- "all"
    } else                            stop("'plot.meth' not supplied:\nWhat type of plot would you like to produce?", call.=FALSE)
     c("G", "Q",
       "QG")))   {     plot.meth <- "GQ"
  plot.meth    <- match.arg(plot.meth)
  param        <- match.arg(param)
  type         <- match.arg(type)
  if(!is.element(plot.meth, c("errors", "GQ", "zlabels")) &&
     param.x)                         stop("'param' not supplied:\nWhat variable would you like to plot?", call.=FALSE)

  m.sw         <- c(G.sw = FALSE, Z.sw = FALSE, E.sw = FALSE, P.sw = FALSE, C.sw = FALSE, D.sw = FALSE, M.sw = FALSE, T.sw = FALSE)
  v.sw         <- attr(x, "Switch")
  obs.names    <- attr(x, "Obsnames")
  var.names    <- attr(x, "Varnames")
  obs.names    <- if(is.null(obs.names)) seq_len(n.obs) else obs.names
  var.names    <- if(is.null(var.names)) seq_len(n.var) else var.names
  v.sw         <- c(v.sw[-6L], v.sw[6L])
  names(v.sw)  <- c(as.character(formals()$param)[-1L], "u.sw")
  ci.sw        <- v.sw
  uni.type     <- unname(attr(x, "Uni.Meth")['Uni.Type'])
  if((grp.ind  <- !is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA")) && !(param == "uniquenesses" && is.element(uni.type, c("constrained", "single"))))) {
    clust      <- x$Clust
    grp.size   <- clust$post.sizes
    labelmiss  <- !is.null(attr(clust, "Label.Sup"))  && !attr(clust, "Label.Sup")
  } else grp.size   <- n.obs
  grp.ind      <- all(G != 1, grp.ind)
  if((all.ind  <- plot.meth == "all"))    {
    if(v.sw[param]) {
      m.sw[-seq_len(4L)]    <- !m.sw[-seq_len(4L)]
      graphics::layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), nrow=2L, ncol=2L, byrow=TRUE))
      graphics::par(cex=0.8, mai=c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2), mgp=c(2, 1, 0), oma=c(0, 0.5, 2, 0.5))
  } else {
    sw.n       <- paste0(toupper(substring(plot.meth, 1L, 1L)), ".sw")
    m.sw[sw.n] <- TRUE
  if(param == "uniquenesses") {
    mat   <- switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=mat, FALSE)
  mat     <- n.var != 1 && mat
  z.miss  <- missing(zlabels)
  if(!z.miss) {
    if(all(!is.factor(zlabels), !is.logical(zlabels), !is.numeric(zlabels)) ||
     length(zlabels) != n.obs)        stop(paste0("'zlabels' must be a factor of length N=",  n.obs), call.=FALSE)

  if(m.sw["P.sw"]) {
    if(!is.element(param, c("means",
       "loadings", "uniquenesses")))  stop("Can only plot parallel coordinates for means, loadings or uniquenesses", call.=FALSE)
  if(!grp.ind)     {
    if(m.sw["Z.sw"])                  stop("Can't use 'zlabels' for 'plot.meth' as no clustering has taken place", call.=FALSE)
    if(param == "pis")                stop("Can't plot mixing proportions as no clustering has taken place", call.=FALSE)
  if(m.sw["E.sw"]) {
    errX  <- attr(x, "Errors")
                c("None", "Vars"))) { stop("Can't plot error metrics as they were not calculated within get_IMIFA_results()", call.=FALSE)
    } else if(errX == "PPRE")       { warning("Can only plot the posterior predictive reconstruction error, and not error metrics between covariance matrices\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
    } else if(errX == "Covs")       { warning("Can only plot error metrics between covariance matrices, and not the posterior predictive reconstruction error\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
    } else if(errX == "Post")         warning("Can only plot error metrics between covariance matrices evaluated at the posterior mean, as they were not calculated for every iteration within get_IMIFA_results\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
  if(all(any(m.sw["M.sw"], m.sw["P.sw"], all.ind),
     is.element(param,  c("means", "uniquenesses")),
     is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA")))) {
    if(show.last)  {                  stop(paste0("Can't plot last valid sample, as ",    param, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=, discount=" wasn't", " weren't"), " stored"),   call.=FALSE)
    } else if(param == "means" &&
              !v.sw["u.sw"])    {     stop("Nothing to plot as means were not updated",   call.=FALSE)
    } else if(all.ind)  {             warning(paste0("Can only plot posterior mean, as ", param, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=, discount=" wasn't", " weren't"), " stored\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      all.ind      <- FALSE
      m.sw["M.sw"] <- TRUE
    v.sw[param]    <- !v.sw[param]
  if(all(!v.sw[param], !m.sw["G.sw"],
     !m.sw["Z.sw"],   !m.sw["E.sw"])) stop(paste0("Nothing to plot: ", param, ifelse(is.element(param, c("alpha", "discount")), ifelse(any(all(param == "alpha", is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA"))),
                                           all(param == "discount", !is.element(method, c("IMFA", "IMIFA")))), paste0(" not used for the ", method, " method"), paste0(" was fixed at ", ifelse(param == "alpha",
                                           attr(x, "Alpha"), attr(x, "Discount")))), " weren't stored"), ifelse(param == "pis" && attr(x, "Equal.Pi"), " as mixing proportions were constrained to be equal across clusters", "")), call.=FALSE)
  heat.map     <- ifelse(missing(heat.map), param == "loadings", heat.map)
  int.miss     <- !missing(intervals)
         length(heat.map)  != 1))     stop("'heat.map' must be a single logical indicator",  call.=FALSE)
         length(show.last) != 1))     stop("'show.last' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
         length(intervals) != 1))     stop("'intervals' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
         length(mat)       != 1))     stop("'mat' must be a single logical indicator",       call.=FALSE)
  common       <- !(missing(common) && all(grp.ind, !all.ind, m.sw["M.sw"], param == "scores", heat.map)) && (!grp.ind || common)
         length(common)    != 1))     stop("'common' must be a single logical indicator",    call.=FALSE)
         length(partial)   != 1))     stop("'partial' must be a single logical indicator",   call.=FALSE)
         length(titles)    != 1))     stop("'titles' must be a single logical indicator",    call.=FALSE)
         length(by.fac)    != 1))     stop("'by.fac' must be a single logical indicator",    call.=FALSE)
  if(all(show.last, intervals))   {
    if(int.miss)                      message("Forcing 'intervals' to FALSE as 'show.last' is TRUE\n")
    intervals  <- FALSE
  post.last    <- ifelse(show.last, "Last Valid Sample", "Posterior Mean")

  indx    <- missing(ind)
  facx    <- missing(fac)
  gx      <- missing(g)
  if(!indx) {
    ind   <- as.integer(ind)
    xind  <- ind
  if(!facx) {
    fac   <- as.integer(fac)
    fl    <- length(fac)
    if(fl == 1)              fac <- rep(fac, G)
    fl    <- length(fac)
    if(fl != G && is.element(param,
       c("loadings", "scores")))      stop(paste0("'fac' must be supplied for each of the ", G, " clusters"), call.=FALSE)
  g.score <- param == "scores"   && all(grp.ind, !all.ind, !common)
  if(!gx)                      g <- as.integer(g)
  if(!gx  && any(length(g) != 1,
                 !is.numeric(g)))     stop("If 'g' is supplied it must be of length 1", call.=FALSE)
  if(any(all(is.element(method, c("IMFA", "OMFA")), m.sw["G.sw"]), m.sw["Z.sw"])) {
    if(m.sw["G.sw"]) {
      Gs  <- if(gx) seq_len(2L) else ifelse(g <= 2, g,
                                      stop("Invalid 'g' value", call.=FALSE))
    } else if(m.sw["Z.sw"]) {
      Gs  <- if(gx) (if(z.sim) seq_len(5L) else seq_len(4L)) else ifelse(g <=
             ifelse(z.sim, 5, 4), g,  stop(paste0("Invalid 'g' value", ifelse(z.sim, ": similarity matrix not available", "")), call.=FALSE))
  } else if(all(is.element(method, c("IMIFA", "OMIFA")), m.sw["G.sw"]))           {
    if(m.sw["G.sw"]) {
      Gs  <- if(gx) seq_len(3L) else ifelse(g <= 3, g,
                                      stop("Invalid 'g' value", call.=FALSE))
    } else if(m.sw["Z.sw"]) {
      Gs  <- if(gx) (if(z.sim) seq_len(5L) else seq_len(4L)) else ifelse(g <=
             ifelse(z.sim, 5, 4), g,  stop(paste0("Invalid 'g' value", ifelse(z.sim, ": similarity matrix not available", "")), call.=FALSE))
  } else if(m.sw["E.sw"])   {
    Gs    <- if(gx) switch(EXPR=errX, All=seq_len(3L), PPRE=seq_len(2L), 1L) else ifelse(g <= switch(EXPR=errX, All=3L, PPRE=2L, 1L), g,
                                      stop("Invalid 'g' value", call.=FALSE))
  } else if(any(all(is.element(param, c("scores", "pis", "alpha", "discount")), any(all.ind, common, param != "scores", !m.sw["M.sw"])), m.sw["G.sw"],
            all(m.sw["P.sw"], param != "loadings"), all(param == "uniquenesses", is.element(uni.type, c("constrained", "single")))))  {
    Gs    <- 1L
  } else if(!gx) {
    if(!is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA"))) {
      if(!is.element(g, Gseq))        stop("This g value was not used during simulation", call.=FALSE)
      Gs  <- g
    } else if(g > 1)        {         message(paste0("Forced g=1 for the ", method, " method\n"))
      Gs  <- 1L
  } else if(!interactive()) {         stop("g must be supplied for non-interactive sessions", call.=FALSE)
  } else {
    Gs    <- Gseq

  if(m.sw["Z.sw"] && !all(Gs == 5)) {
    prf   <- NULL
    uncer <- attr(clust$uncertainty, "Obs")
    if(any(!labelmiss,  !z.miss))   {
      if(all(!labelmiss, z.miss))   {
        prf    <- clust$perf
      } else    {
        pzs    <- factor(clust$MAP, levels=seq_len(G))
        tab    <- table(pzs, zlabels, dnn=list("Predicted", "Observed"))
        prf    <- c(.class_agreement(tab), classError(classification=pzs, class=zlabels))
        if(nrow(tab) != ncol(tab))  {
          prf  <- prf[-seq_len(2L)]
          names(prf)[4L]         <- "error.rate"
        } else  {
          names(prf)[6L]         <- "error.rate"
        if(prf$error.rate    == 0)  {
          prf$misclassified      <- NULL
        prf    <- c(list(confusion.matrix = tab), prf, if(!is.null(uncer)) list(uncertain = uncer))
      prf$confusion.matrix       <- if(!is.null(prf$confusion.matrix))     stats::addmargins(prf$confusion.matrix, quiet=TRUE)
      prf$error.rate             <- if(!is.null(prf$error.rate))           paste0(round(100L * prf$error.rate, 2L), "%")
    } else      {
      prf      <- if(!is.null(uncer))     list(uncertain = uncer)
      prf      <- if(!is.null(prf[[1L]])) prf

  for(g in Gs) {
    Q     <- Qs[g]
    ng    <- ifelse(grp.ind, grp.size[g], n.obs)
    g.ind <- which(Gs == g)
    msgx  <- all(interactive(), g != max(Gs))
    if(any(all(Qs == 0, param == "scores"),
           all(Q  == 0, param == "loadings"),
           all(ng == 0, param == "scores", m.sw["M.sw"] && !all.ind))) {
                                      warning(paste0("Can't plot ", param, paste0(ifelse(any(all(param == "scores", ng == 0), all(param == "loadings", grp.ind)), paste0(" for cluster ", g), "")), " as they contain no ", ifelse(all(param == "scores", ng == 0), "rows/observations", "columns/factors"), "\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      if(g == max(Gs)) {
      } else {
        if(isTRUE(msgx)) .ent_exit(opts = defopt)
    if(any(is.element(param, c("alpha", "discount")),
           all(is.element(param, c("means", "uniquenesses")), !indx),
           all(param == "loadings", Q == 1), all(param == "scores",
           Q.max == 1)))  { matx <- FALSE
    } else   {
      matx     <- mat
    if(!matx) {
      iter     <- switch(EXPR=param, scores=seq_len(attr(x$Score, "Eta.store")), loadings=seq_len(attr(x, "N.Loadstore")[g]), seq_along(store))

    if(is.element(param, c("scores", "loadings"))) {
      if(all((g == min(Gs)), m.sw["M.sw"], isTRUE(heat.map))) {
        if(brX) {
          hlen <- length(brXs)
          if(!mispal && (hlen    !=
             length(palette)))        warning("'breaks' and 'palette' should be the same length if 'breaks' is supplied\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        } else hlen  <- 30L
        hcols  <- if(mispal) viridis(hlen, option="B") else palette
      if(indx)               ind <- c(1L, 1L)
      if(!facx)          ind[2L] <- fac[g]
      if(all(length(ind) == 1,
             mat))    {      ind <- rep(ind,  2L)
        if(g   == 1)        xind <- rep(xind, 2L)
      if(length(ind) != 2)            stop(paste0("Length of plotting indices must be 2 for the ", param, " parameter when 'mat' is FALSE"), call.=FALSE)
      if(param == "scores")  {
        if(ind[1L] >  n.obs)          stop(paste0("First index can't be greater than the number of observations: ",  n.obs), call.=FALSE)
        if(ind[2L] >  Q.max) {        warning(paste0("Second index can't be greater than ", Q.max, ", the total number of factors", ifelse(grp.ind, " in the widest loadings matrix\n", "\n")), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        if(isTRUE(msgx)) .ent_exit(opts = defopt)
      } else {
        if(ind[1L] > n.var)           stop(paste0("First index can't be greater than the number of variables: ",  n.var), call.=FALSE)
        if(ind[2L] > Q)      {        warning(paste0("Second index can't be greater than ", Q, ", the number of factors", if(grp.ind) paste0(" in cluster ", g), ".\nTry specifying a vector of fac values with maximum entries ", paste0(Qs, collapse=", "), "\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        if(isTRUE(msgx)) .ent_exit(opts = defopt)
    } else   {
      if(any(is.element(param, c("alpha", "discount")),
             indx))       ind    <- 1L
      if(length(ind) >  1)            stop("Length of plotting indices can't be greater than 1", call.=FALSE)
      if(param == "pis")     {
        if(ind       >  G)            stop(paste0("Index can't be greater than the number of clusters: ", G), call.=FALSE)
      } else {
        if(ind       > n.var)         stop(paste0("Index can't be greater than the number of variables: ", n.var), call.=FALSE)

    if(m.sw["T.sw"]) {
      if(param == "means")  {
        plot.x <- x$Means$mus[[g]]
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(var.pal, option="D", alpha=transparency))
          graphics::matplot(t(plot.x), type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration", lty=1, ylim=if(is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA")) && attr(x, "Center")) c(-1, 1), col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMeans", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        } else {
          base::plot(x=iter, y=plot.x[ind,], type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration",  ylim=if(is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA")) && attr(x, "Center")) c(-1, 1))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nMean - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind], " Variable")))

      if(param == "scores") {
        x.plot <- x$Scores$eta
        if(by.fac) {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[,ind[2L],]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, n.obs)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        } else {
          plot.x  <- if(Q.max > 1) x.plot[ind[1L],rev(Qmseq),] else t(x.plot[ind[1L],rev(Qmseq),])
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, Q.max)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        if(matx) {
          scols   <- seq_along(grDevices::palette())
          graphics::matplot(t(plot.x), type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration", lty=1, col=if(by.fac) scols else rev(scols))
          if(by.fac) {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Factor ", ind[2L])))
          } else {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]])))
        } else {
          base::plot(x=iter, y=x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],], type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]], ", Factor ", ind[2L])))

      if(param == "loadings") {
        x.plot <- x$Loadings$lmats[[g]]
        if(by.fac) {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[,ind[2L],]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, n.var)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        } else {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[ind[1L],rev(seq_len(Q)),]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, Q)),     option="D", alpha=transparency))
        if(matx) {
          lcols   <- seq_along(grDevices::palette())
          graphics::matplot(t(plot.x), type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration", lty=1, col=if(by.fac) lcols else rev(lcols))
          if(by.fac) {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), "Factor ", ind[2L])))
          } else {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable")))
        } else   {
          base::plot(x=iter, y=x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],], type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ",   ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable, Factor ", ind[2L])))

      if(param == "uniquenesses") {
        plot.x <- x$Uniquenesses$psis[[g]]
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(var.pal, option="D", alpha=transparency))
          graphics::matplot(t(plot.x), type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration", lty=1, col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nUniquenesses", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        } else   {
          base::plot(x=iter, y=plot.x[ind,], ylab="", type="l", xlab="Iteration")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(":\n"), ""), paste0(":\nUniquenesses - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""))))

      if(param == "pis") {
        plot.x <- clust$pi.prop
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(max(G, 2L), option="D", alpha=transparency))
          graphics::matplot(t(plot.x), type="l", ylab="", xlab="Iteration", lty=1, col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()), ylim=c(0, 1))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportions")))))
        } else   {
          base::plot(x=iter, y=plot.x[ind,], ylab="", type="l", xlab="Iteration")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportion - Cluster ", ind)))))

      if(param == "alpha") {
        plot.x <- clust$Alpha
        base::plot(plot.x$alpha, ylab="", type="l", xlab="Iteration", main="")
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nAlpha")))))
        if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
          ci.x <- plot.x$ci.alpha
          graphics::abline(h=plot.x$post.alpha, col=2, lty=2)
          graphics::abline(h=ci.x[1L], col=grey, lty=2)
          graphics::abline(h=ci.x[2L], col=grey, lty=2)

      if(param == "discount") {
        plot.x <- clust$Discount
        base::plot(as.vector(plot.x$discount), ylab="", type="l", xlab="Iteration", main="", ylim=c(0, 1))
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Trace", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nDiscount")))))
        if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
          ci.x <- plot.x$ci.disc
          graphics::abline(h=plot.x$post.disc,  col=2, lty=2)
          graphics::abline(h=ci.x[1L], col=grey, lty=2)
          graphics::abline(h=ci.x[2L], col=grey, lty=2)

      if(!indx) {        ind[1L] <- xind[1L]
        if(all(facx, is.element(param, c("scores",
          "loadings")))) ind[2L] <- xind[2L]
      if(all.ind)          xxind <- ind

    if(m.sw["D.sw"]) {
      if(param == "means") {
        x.plot <- x$Means$mus[[g]]
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(var.pal, option="D", alpha=transparency))
          plot.x  <- tryCatch(apply(x.plot, 1L, stats::density, bw="SJ"), error = function(e) apply(x.plot, 1L, stats::density))
          fitx    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "x")
          fity    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "y")
          graphics::matplot(fitx, fity, type="l", xlab="", ylab="", lty=1, col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMeans", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        } else   {
          plot.d  <- tryCatch(stats::density(x.plot[ind,], bw="SJ"),     error = function(e) stats::density(x.plot[ind,]))
          base::plot(plot.d, main="", ylab="", xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nMeans - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind], " Variable")))
          graphics::polygon(plot.d, col=grey, border=NA)

      if(param == "scores") {
        x.plot <- x$Scores$eta
        if(by.fac) {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[,ind[2L],]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, n.obs)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        } else   {
          plot.x  <- if(Q > 1) x.plot[ind[1],rev(Qmseq),] else t(x.plot[ind[1L],rev(Qmseq),])
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, Q.max)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        if(matx) {
          scols   <- seq_along(grDevices::palette())
          plot.x  <- tryCatch(apply(x.plot, 1L, stats::density, bw="SJ"), error = function(e) apply(x.plot, 1L, stats::density))
          fitx    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "x")
          fity    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "y")
          graphics::matplot(fitx, fity, type="l", xlab="", ylab="", lty=1, col=if(by.fac) scols else rev(scols))
          if(by.fac) {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Factor ", ind[2L])))
          } else {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]])))
        } else   {
          plot.d  <- tryCatch(stats::density(x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],], bw="SJ"), error = function(e) stats::density(x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],]))
          base::plot(plot.d, main="", ylab="", xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density",   ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", ":\nScores - "), "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]], ", Factor ", ind[2L])))
          graphics::polygon(plot.d, col=grey, border=NA)

      if(param == "loadings") {
        x.plot <- x$Loadings$lmats[[g]]
        if(by.fac) {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[,ind[2L],]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, n.var)), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        } else {
          plot.x  <- x.plot[ind[1L],rev(seq_len(Q)),]
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(min(10L, max(2L, Q)),     option="D", alpha=transparency))
        if(matx) {
          lcols   <- seq_along(grDevices::palette())
          plot.x  <- tryCatch(apply(plot.x, 1L, stats::density, bw="SJ"), error = function(e) apply(plot.x, 1L, stats::density))
          fitx    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "x")
          fity    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "y")
          graphics::matplot(fitx, fity, type="l", xlab="", ylab="", lty=1, col=if(by.fac) lcols else rev(lcols))
          if(by.fac) {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), "Factor ", ind[2L])))
          } else {
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable")))
        } else   {
          plot.d  <- tryCatch(stats::density(x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],], bw="SJ"), error = function(e) stats::density(x.plot[ind[1L],ind[2L],]))
          base::plot(plot.d, main="", ylab="", xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density",   ifelse(all.ind, ":\n", paste0(":\nLoadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable, Factor ", ind[2L])))
          graphics::polygon(plot.d, col=grey, border=NA)

      if(param == "uniquenesses") {
        x.plot <- x$Uniquenesses$psis[[g]]
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(var.pal, option="D", alpha=transparency))
          plot.x  <- apply(x.plot, 1L, .logdensity, bw="SJ")
          fitx    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "x")
          fity    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "y")
          graphics::matplot(fitx, fity, type="l", xlab="", ylab="", lty=1, col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()))
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nUniquenesses", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        } else   {
          plot.d  <- .logdensity(x.plot[ind,], bw="SJ")
          plot.d$y[plot.d$x < 0] <- 0
          base::plot(plot.d, main="", ylab="", xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(":\n"), ""), paste0(":\nUniquenesses - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), ""))), switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""))))
          graphics::polygon(plot.d, col=grey, border=NA)

      if(param == "pis") {
        x.plot <- t(clust$pi.prop)
        if(matx) {
          if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(max(G, 2L), option="D", alpha=transparency))
          plot.x  <- lapply(as.data.frame(x.plot), .logitdensity, bw="SJ")
          fitx    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "x")
          fity    <- sapply(plot.x, "[[", "y")
          graphics::matplot(fitx, fity, type="l", ylab="", lty=1, col=seq_along(grDevices::palette()), xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportions")))))
        } else   {
          x.plot  <- x.plot[,ind]
          fit     <- .logitdensity(x.plot, bw="SJ")
          fitx    <- fit$x
          fity    <- fit$y
          base::plot(fitx, fity, type="l", main="", ylab="", xlab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportions - Cluster ", ind)))))
          graphics::polygon(c(min(fitx), fitx), c(0, fity), col=grey, border=NA)

      if(param == "alpha") {
        plot.x <- clust$Alpha
        tr     <- ifelse(attr(x, "Pitman"), - max(if(is.null(attr(x, "Discount"))) clust$Discount$discount else attr(x, "Discount"), 0), 0)
        plot.d <- .logdensity(plot.x$alpha, left=tr, bw="SJ")
        plot.d$y[plot.d$x < tr]  <- 0L
        base::plot(plot.d, main="", ylab="", xlab="")
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nAlpha")))))
        graphics::polygon(plot.d, col=grey, border=NA)
        if(intervals) {
          avg  <- plot.x$post.alpha
          graphics::clip(avg, avg, 0, plot.d$y[which.min(abs(plot.d$x - avg))])
          graphics::abline(v=avg, col=2, lty=2)

      if(param == "discount") {
        plot.x <- clust$Discount
        x.plot <- as.vector(plot.x$discount)
        fit    <- try(.logitdensity(x.plot, bw="SJ"), silent = TRUE)
        if(!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
          fitx <- fit$x
          fity <- fit$y * (1 - plot.x$post.kappa)
          base::plot(fitx, fity, type="l", main="", xlab="", ylab="", xlim=c(0, max(fitx)))
          usr  <- graphics::par("usr")
          if(plot.x$post.kappa > 0)     {
            graphics::clip(usr[1L], usr[2L], 0,       usr[4L])
            graphics::abline(v=0,   col=3,   lwd=2)
            graphics::clip(usr[1L], usr[2L], usr[3L], usr[4L])
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Density", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nDiscount")))))
          graphics::polygon(c(min(fitx), fitx), c(0, fity), col=grey, border=NA)
          if(intervals) {
            D  <- plot.x$post.disc
            d2 <- fity[which.min(abs(fitx - D))]
            if(is.finite(d2)) {
              graphics::clip(D, D, 0, d2)
              graphics::abline(v=D, col=2, lty=2)
              graphics::clip(usr[1L], usr[2L], usr[3L], usr[4L])
        } else {                      warning(paste0(ifelse(attr(x, "Kappa0"), "Acceptance", "Mutation"), " rate too low: can't plot density\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
          if(all.ind) graphics::plot.new()

    if(m.sw["M.sw"])  {
      if(is.element(param, c("scores", "loadings"))) {
        if(indx)  {
          ind     <- switch(EXPR=param, scores=c(1L, min(Q.max, 2L)), c(1L, 1L))
        if(!facx) {
          ind[2L] <- fac[g]
        if(param  == "scores") {
          if(any(ind[1L]  > Q.max,
                 ind[2L]  > Q.max))   stop(paste0("Only the first ", Q.max, " columns can be plotted"), call.=FALSE)
        } else if(ind[2L] > Q)        stop(paste0("Only the first ", Q, " columns can be plotted"), call.=FALSE)

      if(param == "means") {
        x.plot <- if(show.last) x$Means$last.mu else x$Means$post.mu
        plot.x <- x.plot[,g]
        if(ci.sw[param])  ci.x   <- x$Means$ci.mu
        if(g   == min(Gs) && isTRUE(common)) {
          pxx  <- range(vapply(x.plot,             range, numeric(2L)))
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) range(vapply(ci.x, range, numeric(2L)))
        } else if(!common) {
          pxx  <- range(plot.x)
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) range(ci.x[[g]])
        if(ci.sw[param])  ci.x   <- ci.x[[g]]
        base::plot(plot.x, type=type, ylab="", xlab="Variable", ylim=if(is.element(method, c("FA", "IFA")) && attr(x, "Center")) c(-1, 1) else if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) cixx else pxx, lend=1)
        if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x, li=ci.x[,1L], ui=ci.x[,2L], slty=3, scol=grey, add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=ifelse(type == "n", NA, 20)))
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMeans", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        if(type  == "n") graphics::text(x=seq_along(plot.x), y=plot.x, var.names, cex=0.5)

      if(param == "scores")  {
        labs   <- if(z.miss) {  if(!grp.ind)      1L else if(show.last) clust$last.z else clust$MAP } else if(is.factor(zlabels)) as.integer(zlabels) else zlabels
        p.eta  <- if(show.last) x$Scores$last.eta    else x$Scores$post.eta
        eta1st <- if(plot.meth   == "all" || !gx) 1L else which.min(grp.size > 0)
        if(g.score)  {
          if(g.ind == eta1st)   tmplab    <- labs
          z.ind  <- tmplab %in% g
          plot.x <- p.eta[z.ind,,drop=FALSE]
          ind2   <- ifelse(any(!facx, Q     <= 1), ind[2L], if(Q > 1)     max(2L, ind[2L]))
          if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x  <- x$Scores$ci.eta[,z.ind,, drop=FALSE]
          labs   <- g
          n.eta  <- grp.size[g]
        } else       {
          plot.x <- p.eta
          ind2   <- ifelse(any(!facx, Q.max <= 1), ind[2L], if(Q.max > 1) max(2L, ind[2L]))
          if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x  <- x$Scores$ci.eta
          n.eta  <- n.obs
        if(isTRUE(heat.map))    {
          if(titles && !all.ind) graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
          if(g.ind  == eta1st)  {
            sxx  <- mat2cols(p.eta, cols=hcols, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
            sxx  <- if(g.score) lapply(split(sxx, factor(clust$MAP, levels=Gseq)), matrix, ncol=ncol(sxx)) else sxx
            pxx  <- range(p.eta)
          pxx    <- if(g.score) range(plot.x) else pxx
          plot_cols(if(g.score) sxx[[g]]      else sxx, ...)
          if(!is.element(Q.max, c(1, Q)) && all(plot.meth != "all", !common)) graphics::abline(v=Q + 0.5, lty=2, lwd=2)
          if(titles) {
            graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(!all.ind, " Scores ", " "), "Heatmap", ifelse(all(!all.ind, grp.ind, !common), paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))
            if(all.ind || common) {
              graphics::axis(1, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, at=Qmseq, labels=Qmseq)
            } else   {
              graphics::axis(1, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, at=Qmseq, labels=replace(Qmseq, Q, NA))
              if(Q > 0) {
                graphics::axis(1, line=-0, tick=FALSE, at=Q, labels=substitute(paste(hat(q)['g'], " = ", Q), list(Q=Q)), cex.axis=1.5)
              } else                  message("Estimated number of columns in corresponding loadings matrix was zero\n")
            suppressWarnings(heat_legend(data=pxx, cols=hcols, cex.lab=0.8, ...))
            if(Q.max != 1) {
              absq   <- seq(from=graphics::par("usr")[1L], to=graphics::par("usr")[2L], length.out=Q.max + 1L)
              graphics::abline(v=absq[-c(1L, length(absq))], lty=2, lwd=1, col=grey)
          graphics::mtext(ifelse(Q.max > 1, "Factors", "Factor"), side=1, line=2)
        } else {
          if((mispal && G >= 2)  || !z.miss) grDevices::palette(viridis(ifelse(z.miss, max(G, 2L), length(unique(labs))), option="D", alpha=transparency))
          col.s  <- if(is.factor(labs)) as.integer(levels(labs))[labs] else labs
          type.s <- ifelse(any(type.x, type == "l"), "p", type)
          if(ind2 != 1)  {
            if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
              suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x[,ind[1L]], plot.x[,ind2], li=ci.x[1L,,ind2], ui=ci.x[2L,,ind2], gap=TRUE, pch=NA, scol=grey, slty=3, xlab=paste0("Factor ", ind[1L]), ylab=paste0("Factor ", ind2)))
              suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x[,ind[1L]], plot.x[,ind2], li=ci.x[1L,,ind[1L]], ui=ci.x[2L,,ind[1L]], add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=NA, scol=grey, slty=3, err="x"))
              if(type.s != "n") graphics::points(plot.x[,ind[1L]], plot.x[,ind2], type=type.s, col=col.s, pch=20)
            } else {
              base::plot(plot.x[,ind[1L]], plot.x[,ind2], type=type.s, col=col.s, pch=20, cex=0.8,
                         xlab=paste0("Factor ", ind[1L]), ylab=paste0("Factor ", ind2))
            if(type.s == "n") graphics::text(plot.x[,ind[1L]], plot.x[,ind2], obs.names, col=col.s, cex=0.5)
          } else   {
            if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
              suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(if(g.score) seq_len(grp.size[g]) else seq_len(n.obs), plot.x[,ind[1L]], li=ci.x[1L,,ind[1L]], ui=ci.x[2L,,ind[1L]], gap=TRUE, pch=NA, scol=grey, slty=3, xlab="Observation", ylab=paste0("Factor ", ind[1L])))
              graphics::points(plot.x[,ind[1L]], type=type.s, col=col.s, pch=20)
            } else {
              base::plot(plot.x[,ind[1L]], type=type.s, col=col.s, xlab="Observation", ylab=paste0("Factor ", ind[1L]), pch=20)
            if(type.s == "n") graphics::text(plot.x[,ind[1L]], col=col.s, cex=0.5)
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(all.ind, "", ":\nScores"), ifelse(g.score, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))

      if(param == "loadings") {
        plot.x <- if(show.last) x$Loadings$last.load else x$Loadings$post.load
        if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x      <- x$Loadings$ci.load
        if(g   == min(Gs[nLx[Gs]]) && isTRUE(common)) {
         if(isTRUE(heat.map)) {
          if(any(Qs   == 0))  {
           lxx <- vector("list", G)
           lxx[nLx]   <- mat2cols(Filter(Negate(is.null), plot.x), cols=hcols, compare=G > 1, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
          } else {
           lxx <- mat2cols(if(G > 1) plot.x else plot.x[[g]], cols=hcols, compare=G > 1, na.col=graphics::par()$bg,      ...)
         }  else {
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param], !heat.map)) { if(by.fac) range(vapply(Filter(Negate(is.null), ci.x), function(x) range(x[,,ind[2L]]), numeric(2L))) else range(vapply(Filter(Negate(is.null), ci.x), function(x) range(x[,ind[1L],]), numeric(2L))) }
         pxx   <- range(vapply(Filter(Negate(is.null), plot.x), range, na.rm=TRUE, numeric(2L)))
        if(!nLx[g])           {       break
        } else if(!common)    {
         if(isTRUE(heat.map)) {
          lxx  <- mat2cols(plot.x[[g]], cols=hcols, compare=FALSE, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
         } else {
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param], !heat.map)) { if(by.fac) range(ci.x[[g]][,,ind[2L]]) else range(ci.x[[g]][,ind[1L],]) }
         pxx   <- range(plot.x[[g]])
        if(isTRUE(heat.map))  {
          if(titles && !all.ind) graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
          plot_cols(if(G > 1 && isTRUE(common)) lxx[[g]] else lxx, ...)
          if(titles) {
            graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(!all.ind, " Loadings ", " "), "Heatmap", ifelse(all(!all.ind, grp.ind), paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))
            graphics::axis(1, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, at=seq_len(Q), labels=seq_len(Q))
            if(n.var < 100) {
              graphics::axis(2, cex.axis=0.5, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, las=1, at=seq_len(n.var), labels=substring(var.names[n.var:1L], 1L, 11L))
            suppressWarnings(heat_legend(data=pxx, cols=hcols, cex.lab=0.8, ...))
          graphics::mtext(ifelse(Q > 1, "Factors", "Factor"), side=1, line=2, cex=0.8)
          if(Q != 1 && titles) {
            absq <- seq(from=graphics::par("usr")[1L], to=graphics::par("usr")[2L], length.out=Q + 1)
            graphics::abline(v=absq[-c(1L, length(absq))], lty=2, lwd=1, col=grey)
        } else {
          plot.x <- plot.x[[g]]
          if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x  <- ci.x[[g]]
          if(!by.fac) {
           if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x <- as.matrix(ci.x[,ind[1L],])
            base::plot(plot.x[ind[1L],], type=type, xaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="Loading", ylim=if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) cixx else pxx, lend=1)
            if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x[ind[1L],], li=ci.x[1L,], ui=ci.x[2L,], slty=3, scol=grey, add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=ifelse(type == "n", NA, 20)))
            graphics::axis(1, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, at=seq_len(Q), labels=seq_len(Q))
            graphics::mtext("Factors", side=1, line=2)
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ":\n", ifelse(!all.ind, paste0("Loadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), "")), ""), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable")))
            if(type == "n") graphics::text(x=plot.x[ind[1L],], paste0("Factor ", seq_len(Q)), cex=0.5)
          } else     {
           if(ci.sw[param]) ci.x <- as.matrix(ci.x[,,ind[2L]])
            base::plot(plot.x[,ind[2L]], type=type, xaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="Loading", ylim=if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) cixx else pxx, lend=1)
            if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x[,ind[2L]], li=ci.x[1L,], ui=ci.x[2L,], slty=3, scol=grey, add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=ifelse(type == "n", NA, 20)))
            graphics::axis(1, line=-0.5, tick=FALSE, at=seq_len(n.var), labels=seq_len(n.var))
            graphics::mtext("Variable #", side=1, line=2, cex=0.8)
            if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ":\n", ifelse(!all.ind, paste0("Loadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, " - "), "")), ""), "Factor ", ind[2L])))
            if(type == "n") graphics::text(x=plot.x, var.names, cex=0.5)

      if(param == "uniquenesses") {
        x.plot <- if(show.last) x$Uniquenesses$last.psi else x$Uniquenesses$post.psi
        plot.x <- x.plot[,g]
        if(ci.sw[param])  ci.x   <- x$Uniquenesses$ci.psi
        if(g   == min(Gs) && isTRUE(common)) {
          pxx  <- c(0, max(vapply(x.plot, max, numeric(1L))))
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) c(0, max(vapply(ci.x, max, numeric(1L))))
        } else if(!common) {
          pxx  <- c(0, max(plot.x))
          cixx <- if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) c(0, max(ci.x[[g]]))
        if(ci.sw[param])  ci.x   <- ci.x[[g]]
        base::plot(plot.x, type=type, ylab="", xlab="Variable", ylim=if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) cixx else pxx, lend=1)
        if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(plot.x, li=ci.x[,1L], ui=ci.x[,2L], slty=3, scol=grey, add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=ifelse(type == "n", NA, 20)))
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nUniquenesses", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0(" - Cluster ", g), ""))))))
        if(type  == "n") graphics::text(seq_along(plot.x), plot.x, var.names, cex=0.5)

      if(param == "pis") {
        plot.x <- if(show.last)     clust$last.pi else clust$post.pi
        if(ci.sw[param])  ci.x   <- clust$ci.pi
        if(matx) {
          if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
            suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(graphics::barplot(plot.x, ylab="", xlab="", col=grey, ylim=c(0, 1), cex.names=0.7),
                   plot.x, li=ci.x[,1L], ui=ci.x[,2L], slty=3, scol="red", add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=20))
          } else {
            graphics::barplot(plot.x, ylab="", xlab="", ylim=c(0, 1), cex.names=0.7)
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportions")))))
        } else {
          if(all(intervals, ci.sw[param])) {
            suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(graphics::barplot(plot.x[ind], ylab="", xlab="", ylim=c(0, 1), cex.names=0.7),
                   plot.x[ind], li=ci.x[ind,1L], ui=ci.x[ind,2L], slty=3, scol="red", add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, pch=20))
          } else {
            graphics::barplot(plot.x[ind], ylab="", xlab="Variable", ylim=c(0, 1), cex.names=0.7)
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(post.last, ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\nMixing Proportions - Cluster ", ind)))))

      if(is.element(param, c("alpha", "discount"))) {
        if(param == "discount" &&
           attr(x, "Kappa0"))         message(paste0("Spike-and-slab prior not invoked as alpha was fixed <= 0 (alpha=", attr(x, "Alpha"), ")\n"))
        base::plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), ann=FALSE, bty='n', type='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Summary Statistics", ifelse(all.ind, "", paste0(":\n", switch(EXPR=param, alpha="Alpha", discount="Discount"))))))
        plot.x <- switch(EXPR=param, alpha=clust$Alpha[-1L], discount=clust$Discount[-1L])
        x.step <- switch(EXPR=param, alpha=attr(x, "Alph.step"), discount=attr(x, "Disc.step"))
        conf   <- attr(x, "Conf.Level")
        digits <- options()$digits
        MH     <- switch(EXPR=param, alpha=is.element(method, c("OMFA", "OMIFA")) || plot.x$alpha.rate != 1, discount=plot.x$disc.rate != 1)
        a.adj  <- rep(0.5, 2)
        a.cex  <- graphics::par()$fin[2L]/ifelse(MH, 4, 3)
        pen    <- ifelse(MH, 0,  0.15)
        tz     <- isTRUE(attr(x, "TuneZeta"))
        y1     <- ifelse(MH, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.9,    0.85),   discount=0.9),    0.925)  - pen/3
        y2     <- ifelse(MH, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.725,  0.675),  discount=0.725),  0.825)  - pen/3
        y3     <- ifelse(MH, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.6125, 0.55),   discount=0.6125), 0.7625) - pen
        y4     <- ifelse(MH, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.5375, 0.4875), discount=0.55),   0.7125) - pen * 5/4
        y5     <- ifelse(MH, switch(EXPR=param, alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.2,    0.1375), discount=0.2125), 0.1375)
        y6     <- y5   + 0.0125
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y1,          cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, expression(bold("Posterior Mean:\n")))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y1,          cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(.(round(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$post.alpha, discount=plot.x$post.disc), digits))))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y2 - pen,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, expression(bold("\nVariance:\n")))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y2 - pen,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(.(round(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$var.alpha,  discount=plot.x$var.disc),  digits))))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y3 - pen,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(bold(.(100 * conf)) * bold("% Credible Interval:")))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y4 - pen,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(paste("[", .(round(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$ci.alpha[1L], discount=plot.x$ci.disc[1L]), digits)), ", ", .(round(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$ci.alpha[2L], discount=plot.x$ci.disc[2L]), digits)), "]")))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y5,          cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, expression(bold("Last Valid Sample:\n")))
        graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y6,          cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(.(round(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$last.alpha, discount=plot.x$last.disc), digits))))
        if(isTRUE(MH)) {
          rate <- switch(EXPR=param,         alpha="Acceptance Rate:",          discount=paste0(ifelse(attr(x, "Kappa0"), "Acceptance", "Mutation"), " Rate:"))
          y7   <- switch(EXPR=param,         alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.4375, 0.3625),  discount=0.4375)
          y8   <- switch(EXPR=param,         alpha=ifelse(tz, 0.375,  0.3125),  discount=0.375)
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y7,        cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, substitute(bold(rate)))
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=y8,        cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(paste(.(round(100 * switch(EXPR=param, alpha=plot.x$alpha.rate, discount=plot.x$disc.rate), 2L)), "%")))
        if(param == "discount") {
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=0.1275,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(bold(hat(kappa))  * bold(" - Posterior Proportion of Zeros:")))
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=0.0575,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(.(round(plot.x$post.kappa, digits))))
        if(param == "alpha" && tz) {
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=0.1275,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(bold(hat(zeta))   * bold(" - Posterior Mean Zeta:")))
          graphics::text(x=0.5, y=0.0575,    cex=a.cex, col="black", adj=a.adj, bquote(.(round(plot.x$avg.zeta, digits))))

      if(!indx) {        ind[1L] <- xind[1L]
        if(all(facx, is.element(param, c("scores",
          "loadings")))) ind[2L] <- xind[2L]
      if(all.ind)          ind   <- xxind

    if(m.sw["G.sw"]) {
      plotG.ind  <- is.element(method, c("IMIFA", "IMFA", "OMIFA",  "OMFA"))
      plotQ.ind  <- adapt        <- any(is.element(method, c("IFA", "MIFA")), all(is.element(method, c("IMIFA", "OMIFA")), g == 2))
      plotT.ind  <- any(all(g == 2, is.element(method,   c("IMFA", "OMFA"))), all(is.element(method, c("IMIFA", "OMIFA")), g == 3))
      if(!(critx <- is.null(crit <- GQ.res$Criteria))) {
        aicm     <- round(crit$AICMs, 2L)
        bicm     <- round(crit$BICMs, 2L)
        dic      <- round(crit$DICs,  2L)
        if(is.element(method, c("FA", "MFA", "OMFA", "IMFA"))) {
          aic.mcmc               <- round(crit$AIC.mcmcs, 2L)
          bic.mcmc               <- round(crit$BIC.mcmcs, 2L)

      if(all(plotG.ind, g == 1))  {
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
        plot.G <- GQ.res$G.Counts
        G.name <- names(plot.G)
        rangeG <- as.numeric(G.name)
        rangeG <- seq(from=min(rangeG), to=max(rangeG), by=1)
        missG  <- setdiff(rangeG, G.name)
        missG  <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, length(missG)), as.character(missG))
        plot.G <- c(plot.G, missG)
        plot.G <- plot.G[order(as.numeric(names(plot.G)))]
        col.G  <- c(1L, ceiling(length(palette)/2))[(rangeG == G) + 1L]
        G.plot <- graphics::barplot(plot.G, ylab="Frequency", xaxt="n", col=col.G)
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list("Posterior Distribution of G"))
        graphics::axis(1, at=G.plot, labels=names(plot.G), tick=FALSE)
        graphics::axis(1, at=Median(G.plot), labels="G", tick=FALSE, line=1.5)

    if(plotQ.ind) {
      if(method == "IFA") {
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
        plot.Q <- GQ.res$Q.Counts
        Q.name <- names(plot.Q)
        rangeQ <- as.numeric(Q.name)
        rangeQ <- seq(from=min(rangeQ), to=max(rangeQ), by=1)
        missQ  <- setdiff(rangeQ, Q.name)
        missQ  <- stats::setNames(rep(NA, length(missQ)), as.character(missQ))
        plot.Q <- c(plot.Q, missQ)
        plot.Q <- plot.Q[order(as.numeric(names(plot.Q)))]
        col.Q  <- c(1L, ceiling(length(palette)/2))[(rangeQ == Q) + 1L]
        Q.plot <- graphics::barplot(plot.Q, ylab="Frequency", xaxt="n", col=col.Q)
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list("Posterior Distribution of Q"))
        graphics::axis(1, at=Q.plot, labels=names(plot.Q), tick=FALSE)
        graphics::axis(1, at=Median(Q.plot), labels="Q", tick=FALSE, line=1.5)
      } else {
        if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(max(G, 2L), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
        plot.Q <- GQ.res$Q.Counts
        plot.Q <- if(inherits(plot.Q, "listof")) plot.Q else list(plot.Q)
        Q.name <- lapply(plot.Q, names)
        rangeQ <- as.numeric(unique(unlist(Q.name, use.names=FALSE)))
        rangeQ <- seq(from=min(rangeQ), to=max(rangeQ), by=1)
        missQ  <- lapply(Gseq, function(g) setdiff(rangeQ, as.numeric(Q.name[[g]])))
        missQ  <- lapply(Gseq, function(g) stats::setNames(rep(NA, length(missQ[[g]])), as.character(missQ[[g]])))
        plot.Q <- lapply(Gseq, function(g) c(plot.Q[[g]], missQ[[g]]))
        plot.Q <- do.call(rbind, lapply(Gseq, function(g) plot.Q[[g]][order(as.numeric(names(plot.Q[[g]])))]))
        if(titles)  {
          graphics::layout(rbind(1, 2), heights=c(9, 1))
          graphics::par(mar=c(3.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
        Q.plot <- graphics::barplot(plot.Q, beside=TRUE, ylab="Frequency", xaxt="n", col=Gseq, space=c(0, 2))
        if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(expression('Posterior Distribution of Q'["g"])))
        graphics::axis(1, at=Rfast::colMedians(Q.plot), labels=colnames(plot.Q), tick=FALSE)
        graphics::axis(1, at=Median(Q.plot), labels="Q", tick=FALSE, line=1)
        if(titles)  {
          graphics::par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
          tmp  <- if(G > 5) unlist(lapply(Gseq, function(g) c(Gseq[g], Gseq[g + ceiling(G/2)])))[Gseq] else Gseq
          ltxt <- paste0("Cluster ", tmp)
          lcol <- Gseq[tmp]
          graphics::legend("center", legend=ltxt, ncol=if(G > 5) ceiling(G/2) else G, bty="n", pch=15, col=lcol, cex=max(0.7, 1 - 0.03 * G))
      adapt    <- attr(x, "Adapt") && length(unique(plot.Q[!is.na(plot.Q)])) != 1

      if(plotT.ind) {
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
        col.G  <- c(ceiling(length(palette)/2), 1)
        x.plot <- GQ.res$Stored.G
        plot.x <- if(is.element(method, c("IMFA", "IMIFA"))) t(x.plot) else cbind(as.vector(x.plot), rep(attr(x, "range.G"), ncol(x.plot)))
        graphics::matplot(plot.x, type="l", col=palette[col.G], ylab="G", xlab="Iteration", main="", lty=if(is.element(method, c("IMFA", "IMIFA"))) 1 else seq_len(2L), ylim=c(0, max(plot.x)), las=1, yaxt="n")
        g.axis <- pretty(c(0L, max(plot.x)))
        g.axis <- unique(c(1L, g.axis[g.axis != 0]))
        graphics::axis(2, at=g.axis, labels=g.axis, las=1)
        if(titles) {
          graphics::title(main=list("Trace:     \n\n"))
          graphics::title(expression("Active" * phantom(" and Non-empty Clusters")), col.main = palette[1L])
          graphics::title(expression(phantom("Active ") * "and" * phantom(" Non-empty Clusters")), col.main="black")
          graphics::title(expression(phantom("Active and ") * "Non-empty" * phantom(" Clusters")), col.main = palette[col.G[1L]])
          graphics::title(expression(phantom("Active and Non-empty ") * "Clusters"), col.main="black")
          if(length(unique(plot.x[,1L])) > 1) {
            G.ci    <- GQ.res$G.CI
            graphics::lines(x=c(0, nrow(plot.x)), y=rep(G, 2), col=length(palette),    lty=2, lwd=1)
            if(G.ci[1L] != G) graphics::lines(x=c(0, nrow(plot.x)), y=rep(G.ci[1L], 2), lty=2, lwd=0.5, col=grey)
            if(G.ci[2L] != G) graphics::lines(x=c(0, nrow(plot.x)), y=rep(G.ci[2L], 2), lty=2, lwd=0.5, col=grey)

              plotG.ind, plotT.ind))  message(paste0("Nothing to plot", switch(EXPR=method, FA=paste0(": Q = ", Q, "\n"), "\n")))
      gq.nam <- toupper(substring(names(GQ.res), 1L, 1L))
      if(is.element(method, c("IMIFA", "OMIFA")))      {
        if(g == 1)   {
          print(GQ.res[gq.nam   == "G"])
        } else if(g == 2) {
          if(adapt)  {
            print(if(attr(x, "C.Shrink")) GQ.res[gq.nam == "Q" | gq.nam == "P"] else GQ.res[gq.nam == "Q"])
          } else print(GQ.res[gq.nam == "P"])
        } else if(g == 3 && !critx)    {
          print(GQ.res[gq.nam   == "C"])
      } else if(is.element(method, c("OMFA", "IMFA"))) {
          if(g == 1) {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam == "G"])
          } else if(!critx)      {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam != "G" & gq.nam != "S"])
      } else if(!critx)          {
        switch(EXPR=method, MFA= {
          print(GQ.res[gq.nam   != "S"])
        }, MIFA={
          if(adapt)  {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam != "S"])
          } else     {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam != "Q" & gq.nam != "S"])
        }, IFA=      {
          if(adapt)  {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam != "S"][-1L])
          } else     {
            print(GQ.res[gq.nam == "C"])
      if(all(g == max(Gs), !critx && any(dim(bicm) > 1))) {
        G.ind  <- if(any(G.supp, !is.element(method, c("MFA", "MIFA")))) 1L else n.grp == G
        Q.ind  <- if(any(Q.supp, !is.element(method, c("FA", "MFA"))))   1L else n.fac == Q
        if(!is.element(method, c("IFA", "MIFA"))) {
          cat(paste0("AIC.mcmc = ", aic.mcmc[G.ind,Q.ind], "\n"))
          cat(paste0("BIC.mcmc = ", bic.mcmc[G.ind,Q.ind], "\n"))
          cat(paste0("AICM = ", aicm[G.ind,Q.ind], "\n"))
          cat(paste0("BICM = ", bicm[G.ind,Q.ind], "\n"))
          cat(paste0("DIC = ", dic[G.ind,Q.ind], "\n\n"))
      if(!isTRUE(attr(x,  "Nowarn.G"))) {  cat("\n");  message(attr(x, "Nowarn.G"))
      if(!isTRUE(attr(x,  "Nowarn.Q"))) {
        if(isTRUE(attr(x, "Nowarn.G"))) {  cat("\n")}
        c("OMFA", "IMFA")) || plotT.ind)   message(attr(x, "Nowarn.Q"))
      if(plotQ.ind) {
        if(!adapt)                    message("No adaptation took place: consider setting adapt=TRUE in mcmc_IMIFA or get_IMIFA_results\n")
        forceQg      <- attr(x, "ForceQg")
        if(attr(GQ.res, "Q.big"))     warning(paste0("Q had to be prevented from exceeding its initial value", ifelse(forceQg, " (or exceeding the number of observations in one or more clusters)", ""), ".\nConsider re-running the model with a higher value for 'range.Q'", ifelse(forceQg, " or setting 'forceQg' to FALSE", ""), "\n"), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)

    if(m.sw["Z.sw"])  {
      if(type == "l")                 stop("'type' cannot be 'l' for clustering uncertainty plots", call.=FALSE)
      plot.x <- as.vector(clust$uncertainty)
      if(g == 1 || g == 2) {
        oneG <- 1/G
        minG <- 1   - oneG
        yax  <- unique(c(0, pretty(c(0, minG))))
        YAX  <- which.min(abs(yax - minG))
        yax[YAX]     <- minG
        yax  <- abs(yax[yax < 1])
        mind <- !is.null(prf) && !z.miss
      if(g == 1) {
        if(mispal) grDevices::palette(replace(viridis(8L, option="D", alpha=transparency), 2L, "red"))
        col.x   <- if(mind) replace(rep(5L, n.obs), prf$misclassified, 2L) else c(5L, 2L)[(plot.x >= oneG) + 1L]
        if(type != "n") col.x[plot.x == 0] <- NA
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
        base::plot(plot.x, type=type, ylim=range(yax), col=col.x, yaxt="n", main="Clustering Uncertainty", ylab="Uncertainty", xlab="Observation", pch=ifelse(type == "n", NA, 16), lend=1)
        graphics::lines(x=c(0, n.obs), y=c(oneG, oneG), lty=2, col=1)
        graphics::axis(2, at=yax,  labels=replace(yax, YAX, expression(1 - frac(1, hat(G)))), las=2, cex.axis=0.9, xpd=TRUE)
        graphics::axis(2, at=oneG, labels=expression(frac(1, hat(G))), las=2, xpd=TRUE, side=4, xpd=TRUE)
        if(type == "n")  {
          znam  <- obs.names
          znam[plot.x == 0] <- ""
          graphics::text(x=seq_along(plot.x), y=plot.x, znam, col=col.x, cex=0.5)
      } else if(g == 2)  {
        graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
        x.ord   <- order(plot.x)
        x.plot  <- plot.x[x.ord]
        if(mind)  mcO   <- which(x.ord %in% prf$misclassified)
        base::plot(x.plot, type="n", ylim=c(-max(x.plot)/32, max(yax)), main="Clustering Uncertainty Profile", ylab="Uncertainty", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="Observations in order of increasing uncertainty")
        graphics::lines(x=c(0, n.obs), y=c(0, 0), lty=3, col=grey)
        graphics::points(x.plot, pch=15, cex=if(mind) replace(rep(0.5, n.obs), mcO, 0.75) else 0.5, col=if(mind) replace(rep(1, n.obs), mcO, 3) else 1)
        graphics::lines(x=c(0, n.obs), y=c(oneG, oneG), lty=2, col=3)
        graphics::axis(2, at=yax, labels=replace(yax, YAX, expression(1 - frac(1, hat(G)))), las=2, cex.axis=0.9, xpd=TRUE)
        graphics::axis(2, at=oneG, labels=expression(frac(1, hat(G))), las=2, xpd=TRUE, side=4, xpd=TRUE)
        if(mind) {
          Nseq   <- seq_len(n.obs)
          for(i in prf$misclassified)  {
            x    <- Nseq[x.ord == i]
            graphics::lines(c(x, x), c(-max(plot.x)/32, plot.x[i]), lty=1, col=3, lend=1)
      } else if(g == 3)  {
        if(titles) {
          graphics::layout(rbind(1, 2), heights=c(1, 6))
          graphics::par(mar=c(0, 4.1, 0.5, 2.1))
          graphics::legend("center", legend=bquote({NA >= 1/hat(G)} == 1/.(G)), title="", pch=15, col=3,  bty="n", y.intersp=graphics::par()$fin[2L] * 7/5)
          graphics::legend("center", legend=c(" "," "), title=expression(bold("Clustering Uncertainty")), bty='n', y.intersp=graphics::par()$fin[2L] * 2/5, cex=graphics::par()$cex.main)
          graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 0.5, 2.1))
        x.plot  <- graphics::hist(plot.x, plot=FALSE)
        breaks  <- if(sum(plot.x   != 0)) x.plot$breaks else seq(from=0, to=max(plot.x, 1/G), by=1/G)
        cols    <- 2L    + (breaks >= 1/G)
        cols[cols == 2] <- grey
        base::plot(x.plot, main="", xlab="Uncertainties", xlim=c(0, 1 - 1/G), col=cols, xaxt="n", ylim=c(0, max(x.plot$counts)), yaxt="n")
        graphics::axis(1, at=c(breaks[round(breaks, 1) < min(0.8, 1 - 1/G)], 1 - 1/G), labels=(c(round(breaks[round(breaks, 1) < min(0.8, 1 - 1/G)], 3), expression(1 - frac(1, hat(G))))), las=2, pos=0, cex.axis=0.8)
        graphics::axis(2, at=if(sum(plot.x)  == 0) c(graphics::axTicks(2), max(x.plot$counts)) else graphics::axTicks(2), las=1, cex.axis=0.8)
      } else if(g == 4)  {
        if(titles) graphics::par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1))
        plot.x  <- clust$PCM
        i.check <- any(!mispal, (!gx && !all(Gs == 4)))
        if(brX)  {
          ilen  <- length(brXs)
          if(i.check    &&
            (length(palette) !=
             length(brXs)))           warning("'breaks' and 'palette' should be the same length if 'breaks' is supplied\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        } else     ilen <- 18L
        i.cols  <- if(i.check) palette else grDevices::heat.colors(ilen, rev=TRUE)
        PCM     <- mat2cols(plot.x, cols=i.cols, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
        plot_cols(replace(PCM, plot.x == 0, NA), na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
        if(titles) {
          graphics::title(main="Posterior Confusion Matrix")
          graphics::mtext(side=1, at=Gseq, Gseq,      line=1)
          graphics::mtext(side=2, at=Gseq, rev(Gseq), line=1, las=1)
          graphics::mtext(side=1, "Cluster",          line=2)
          graphics::mtext(side=2, "Allocation",       line=2)
          suppressWarnings(heat_legend(plot.x, cols=i.cols, cex.lab=0.8, ...))

      if(all(g  == 5, z.sim)) {
        plot.x  <- as.matrix(clust$Z.avgsim$z.sim)
        perm    <- order(clust$MAP)
        plot.x  <- if((p.ind <- !identical(perm, clust$MAP))) plot.x[perm,perm] else plot.x
        plot.x  <- t(plot.x[,seq(from=ncol(plot.x), to=1L, by=-1L)])
        if(titles) graphics::par(mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1))
        z.check <- any(!mispal, (!gx && !all(Gs == 5)))
        if(brX)  {
          zlen  <- length(brXs)
          if(z.check    &&
            (length(palette) !=
             length(brXs)))           warning("'breaks' and 'palette' should be the same length if 'breaks' is supplied\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        } else     zlen <- 12L
        z.col   <- if(any(!mispal, (!gx && !all(Gs == 5)))) palette else grDevices::heat.colors(zlen, rev=TRUE)
        col.mat <- mat2cols(plot.x, cols=z.col, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
        col.mat[plot.x == 0] <- NA
        plot_cols(col.mat, na.col=graphics::par()$bg, ...)
        if(titles) {
          graphics::title(main=list("Average Similarity Matrix"))
          graphics::axis(1, at=n.obs/2, labels=paste0("Observation 1:N", if(p.ind) " (Reordered)"), tick=FALSE)
          graphics::axis(2, at=n.obs/2, labels=paste0("Observation 1:N", if(p.ind) " (Reordered)"), tick=FALSE)
          suppressWarnings(heat_legend(data=plot.x, cols = z.col, cex.lab=0.8, ...))
        if(p.ind)                     message("Rows and columns of similarity matrix reordered to correspond to MAP clustering\n")

      if(g == min(Gs))      {
               z.miss))     {
          cat("clustering table :")
          print(table(clust$MAP), row.names=FALSE)
        if(g <= 3 &&
           !is.null(prf))   {
          class(prf)       <- "listof"

    if(m.sw["P.sw"]) {
      plot.x <- switch(EXPR=param,
                       means=        if(show.last) x$Means$last.mu           else x$Means$post.mu,
                       uniquenesses= if(show.last) x$Uniquenesses$last.psi   else x$Uniquenesses$post.psi,
                       loadings    = if(show.last) x$Loadings$last.load[[g]] else x$Loadings$post.load[[g]])
      plot.x <- switch(EXPR=param, loadings=plot.x[,rev(seq_len(Q)), drop=FALSE], plot.x)
      x.plot <- rowRanges(plot.x, na.rm=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)
      plot.x <- if(param == "uniquenesses" && is.element(uni.type, c("isotropic", "single"))) plot.x else apply(plot.x, 2L, function(x) (x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(max(x, na.rm=TRUE) - min(x, na.rm=TRUE)))
      varnam <- paste0(toupper(substr(param, 1L, 1L)), substr(param, 2L, nchar(param)))
      if(any(grp.ind, param == "loadings")) {
        if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(max(switch(EXPR=param, loadings=Q, G), 2L), option="D", alpha=transparency))
        graphics::layout(rbind(1, 2), heights=c(9, 1))
        graphics::par(mar=c(3.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
      jitcol <- switch(EXPR=param, loadings=Q, G)
      jit.x  <- G == 1 || (param == "uniquenesses" && uni.type == "constrained")
      type.u <- ifelse(type.x, switch(EXPR=param, uniquenesses=switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained="p", single=, isotropic="l"), "p"), type)
                     c("l", "p")))    stop("Invalid 'type' for parallel coordinates plot", call.=FALSE)

      graphics::matplot(seq_len(n.var) + if(!jit.x) switch(EXPR=type.u, p=matrix(stats::rnorm(jitcol * n.var, 0, min(0, max(1e-02, 1/n.var^2))), nrow=n.var, ncol=jitcol), 0) else 0,
                        plot.x, type=type.u, pch=15, col=switch(EXPR=param, loadings=rev(seq_len(Q)), seq_len(G)), xlab=switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained="Variable", ""),
                        lty=1, ylab=paste0(switch(EXPR=param, uniquenesses=switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained="Standardised ", ""), "Standardised "), varnam),
                        xaxt="n", bty="n", main=paste0("Parallel Coordinates - ", post.last, ": ", varnam, ifelse(all(grp.ind, param == "loadings"), paste0("\nCluster ", g), "")))
      graphics::axis(1, at=seq_len(n.var), labels=if(titles && n.var < 100) rownames(plot.x) else character(n.var), cex.axis=0.5, tick=FALSE, line=-0.5)
      for(i in seq_len(n.var))    {
        graphics::lines(c(i, i), c(0, 1), col=grey)
        if(titles && n.var < 100) {
          graphics::text(c(i, i), c(switch(EXPR=param, uniquenesses=switch(EXPR=uni.type, single=, isotropic=graphics::par("usr")[3L], 0), 0),
                         switch(EXPR=param, uniquenesses=switch(EXPR=uni.type, single=, isotropic=graphics::par("usr")[4L], 1), 1)),
                         labels=format(x.plot[i,], digits=3), xpd=NA, offset=0.3, pos=c(1, 3), cex=0.5)
      if(any(grp.ind, param  == "loadings")) {
        graphics::par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        Xp   <- switch(EXPR=param, loadings=Q, G)
        Xseq <- seq_len(Xp)
        tmp  <- if(Xp > 5) unlist(lapply(Xseq, function(x) c(Xseq[x], Xseq[x + ceiling(Xp/2)])))[Xseq] else Xseq
        ltxt <- paste0(switch(EXPR=param, loadings="Factor", "Cluster"), tmp)
        lcol <- Xseq[tmp]
        graphics::legend("center", pch=15, col=lcol, legend=ltxt, ncol=if(Xp > 5) ceiling(Xp/2) else Xp, bty="n", cex=max(0.7, 1 - 0.03 * Xp))

    if(m.sw["E.sw"]) {
     Pind    <-  is.element(errX, c("All", "PPRE")) && g == 1
     Hind    <-  is.element(errX, c("All", "PPRE")) && g == 2
     Cind    <- (errX == "All" && g == 3) || !any(Pind, Hind)
     error   <- x$Error
     if(Pind) {
       graphics::boxplot(error$PPRE, col=palette[length(palette)])
       if(titles)    {
         graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Posterior Predictive Reconstruction Error\n(using the ", switch(EXPR=toupper(attr(error, "Norm")), O=, "1"="One", I="Infinity", "F"="Frobenius", M="Maximum", "2"="Spectral"), " norm)")))
         graphics::mtext("PPRE", side=2, line=2)
         graphics::mtext(method, side=1, line=1)
       indp  <- switch(EXPR=errX, All=7L, PPRE=1L)
       print(c(error$CIs[indp,], Mean=unname(error$Avg[indp]), Median=unname(error$Median[indp]), "Last Valid Sample"=unname(error$Final[indp]))[c(1L, 3L:5L, 2L)])
     if(Hind) {
       if(titles) {
         graphics::layout(rbind(1, 2), heights=c(9, 1))
         graphics::par(mar=c(3.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
       ci.x  <- error$RepCounts[[ind]]
       dat.x <- error$DatCounts[[ind]]
       dat.x[dat.x == 0]   <- NA
       suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(PPRE <- graphics::barplot(dat.x, ylim=c(0L, max(ci.x[3L,], dat.x, na.rm=TRUE)), col=grey),
                        ci.x[2L,], li=ci.x[1L,], ui=ci.x[3L,], add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, slty=2, scol="red", pch=15))
       if(titles) {
        graphics::axis(1, at=c(PPRE[1L] - 0.5, PPRE[-1L] - 0.6, PPRE[length(PPRE)] + 0.5), round(error$Breaks[[ind]], 2))
        graphics::title(main=list(paste0(var.names[ind], " Variable")))
        graphics::par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        ltxt <- c("Data Bin Counts", "Median Replicate Bin Counts")
        temp <- graphics::legend("center", legend=character(2L), text.width=max(graphics::strwidth(ltxt)), ncol=1, bty="n", cex=0.75, pt.cex=1.25, fill=c(grey, "black"), xjust=0.5)
        graphics::text(temp$rect$left + temp$rect$w * 0.55, temp$text$y, ltxt)
     if(Cind && is.element(errX, c("All", "Covs"))) {
      post.x <- error$Post
      plot.x <- switch(EXPR=errX, All=error$Median[-7L], error$Median)
      last.x <- switch(EXPR=errX, All=error$Final[-7L],  error$Final)
      if(titles) {
        graphics::layout(rbind(1, 2), heights=c(9, 1))
        graphics::par(mar=c(3.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
      col.e  <- seq_along(plot.x)
      if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(length(col.e) + 2L, option="D", alpha=transparency)[-seq_len(2L)])
      ci.x   <- switch(EXPR=errX, All=error$CIs[-7L,], error$CIs)
      erange <- pretty(c(min(c(ci.x[,1L], plot.x, post.x)), max(c(ci.x[,2L], plot.x, post.x))))
      x.plot <- graphics::barplot(plot.x, col=col.e, ylim=erange[c(1L, length(erange))], main="", yaxt="n", ylab="Error")
      graphics::axis(2, at=erange, labels=erange)
      e.col  <- grDevices::adjustcolor(c("red", "darkorchid"), alpha.f=transparency)
      graphics::points(x=x.plot, post.x, pch=15, col=e.col[1L], cex=2, xpd=TRUE)
      graphics::points(x=x.plot, last.x, pch=18, col=e.col[2L], cex=2, xpd=TRUE)
      suppressWarnings(.plot_CI(x.plot, plot.x, li=ci.x[,1L], ui=ci.x[,2L], add=TRUE, gap=TRUE, slty=3, lwd=3, scol=grey, pch=19))
      if(titles) {
        graphics::title(main=list("Covariance Error Metrics"))
        graphics::par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
        ltxt <- c("Median Error Metrics", "Error Metrics Evaluated at Posterior Mean", "Error Metrics Evaluated at Last Valid Sample")
        temp <- graphics::legend("center", legend=character(3L), text.width=max(graphics::strwidth(ltxt)), ncol=1, bty="n", cex=0.75, pt.cex=1.25, pch=c(19, 15, 18), col=c("black", e.col), xjust=0.5)
        graphics::text(temp$rect$left + temp$rect$w * 0.55, temp$text$y, ltxt)
      metric <- rbind(plot.x, post.x, last.x)
      rownames(metric) <- c("Medians", "Evaluated at Posterior Mean", "Evaluated at Last Valid Sample")
     } else if(Cind)    {
      plot.x <- error$Post
      col.e  <- seq_along(plot.x)
      if(mispal) grDevices::palette(viridis(length(col.e) + 2L, option="D", alpha=transparency)[-seq_len(2L)])
      graphics::barplot(plot.x, col=col.e, main="", ylab="Error")
        print(provideDimnames(matrix(plot.x, nrow=1), base=list("Evaluated at Posterior Mean", names(plot.x))))

    if(m.sw["C.sw"]) {
      if(!all.ind)   {
       partial <- FALSE
       graphics::par(mai=c(1.25, 1, 0.75, 0.5), mfrow=c(1, 2), oma=c(0, 0, 2, 0))

      if(param == "means")    {
        plot.x <- x$Means$mus[[g]]
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF", ifelse(all.ind, paste0(":\n", var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""))))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF", ifelse(partial, paste0(":\n", var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""))))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Means - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, ":\n"), ""), var.names[ind], " Variable")), outer=TRUE)

      if(param == "scores")   {
        plot.x <- x$Scores$eta
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind[1L],ind[2L],], main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF", ifelse(all.ind, paste0(":\n", "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]], ", Factor ", ind[2L]), ""))))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind[1L],ind[2L],], main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF", ifelse(partial, paste0(":\n", "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]], ", Factor ", ind[2L]), ""))))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Scores - ", "Observation ", obs.names[ind[1L]], ", Factor ", ind[2L])), outer=TRUE)

      if(param == "loadings") {
        plot.x <- x$Loadings$lmats[[g]]
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind[1L],ind[2L],], main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF", ifelse(all.ind, paste0(":\n", var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable, Factor ", ind[2L]), ""))))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind[1L],ind[2L],], main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF", ifelse(partial, paste0(":\n", var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable, Factor ", ind[2L]), ""))))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Loadings - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, ":\n"), ""), var.names[ind[1L]], " Variable, Factor ", ind[2L])), outer=TRUE)

      if(param == "uniquenesses")  {
        plot.x <- x$Uniquenesses$psis[[g]]
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF",  ifelse(all.ind, switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(":\n", var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""), ""))))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF", ifelse(partial, switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(":\n", var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""), ""))))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Uniquenesses - ", ifelse(grp.ind, paste0("Cluster ", g, ":\n"), ""), switch(EXPR=uni.type, constrained=, unconstrained=paste0(var.names[ind], " Variable"), ""))), outer=TRUE)

      if(param == "pis")  {
        plot.x <- clust$pi.prop
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF", ifelse(all(all.ind, matx), paste0(" - Cluster ", ind), ""))))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x[ind,], main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF", ifelse(all(all.ind, matx), paste0(" - Cluster ", ind), ""))))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("Mixing Proportions - Cluster ", ind)), outer=TRUE)

      if(is.element(param, c("alpha", "discount"))) {
        plot.x <- switch(EXPR=param, alpha=clust$Alpha$alpha, discount=as.vector(clust$Discount$discount))
        if(switch(EXPR=param, alpha=clust$Alpha$alpha.rate,   discount=clust$Discount$disc.rate) == 0 ||
          ((is.null(attr(x, "Discount")) || attr(x, "Discount") >= 0) && length(unique(round(plot.x, min(.ndeci(plot.x))))) == 1)) {
                                      warning(paste0(switch(EXPR=param, alpha="Acceptance", discount=ifelse(attr(x, "Kappa0"), "Acceptance", "Mutation")), " rate too low: can't plot ", ifelse(all.ind, ifelse(partial, "partial-", "auto-"), ""), "correlation function", ifelse(all.ind, "\n", "s\n")), call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
        if(!partial) {
          stats::acf(plot.x, main="", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("ACF")))
        if(any(!all.ind, partial)) {
          stats::acf(plot.x, main="", type="partial", ci.col=4, ylab="")
          if(titles) graphics::title(main=list(paste0("PACF")))
          if(all(!all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(main=list(paste0(switch(EXPR=param, alpha="Alpha", discount="Discount"))), outer=TRUE)

    if(all(all.ind, titles)) graphics::title(ifelse(param != "pis", paste0(toupper(substr(param, 1L, 1L)), substr(param, 2L, nchar(param)),
                                             ifelse(all(grp.ind, !is.element(param, c("scores", "pis", "alpha", "discount"))), paste0(" - Cluster ", g), "")),
                                             paste0("Mixing Proportions", ifelse(matx, "", paste0(" - Cluster ", ind)))), outer=TRUE)
    if(isTRUE(msgx)) .ent_exit(opts = defopt)

# Loadings Heatmaps
#' Convert a numeric matrix to colours
#' Converts a matrix to a hex colour code representation for plotting using \code{\link{plot_cols}}. Used internally by \code{\link{plot.Results_IMIFA}} for plotting posterior mean loadings heatmaps.
#' @param mat Either a matrix or, when \code{compare} is \code{TRUE}, a list of matrices.
#' @param cols The colour palette to be used. The default palette uses \code{\link[viridisLite]{viridis}}. Will be checked for validity by \code{\link{is.cols}}.
#' @param compare Logical switch used when desiring comparable colour representations (usually for comparable heat maps) across multiple matrices. Ensures plots will be calibrated to a common colour scale so that, for instance, the colour on the heat map of an entry valued at 0.7 in Matrix A corresponds exactly to the colour of a similar value in Matrix B. When \code{TRUE}, \code{mat} must be supplied as a list of matrices, which must have either the same number of rows, or the same number of columns.
#' @param byrank Logical indicating whether to convert the matrix itself or the sample ranks of the values therein. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param breaks Number of gradations in colour to use. Defaults to \code{length(cols)}. Alternatively, a vector of breakpoints for use with \code{\link[base]{cut}}.
#' @param na.col Colour to be used to represent missing data. Will be checked for validity by \code{\link{is.cols}}.
#' @param transparency A factor in [0, 1] modifying the opacity for overplotted lines. Defaults to 1 (i.e. no transparency). Only relevant when \code{cols} is not supplied, otherwise the supplied \code{cols} must already be adjusted for transparency.
#' @param ... Catches unused arguments.
#' @return A matrix of hex colour code representations, or a list of such matrices when \code{compare} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @keywords plotting
#' @importFrom viridisLite "viridis"
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_cols}}, \code{\link{heat_legend}}, \code{\link{is.cols}}, \code{\link[base]{cut}}
#' @usage
#' mat2cols(mat,
#'          cols = NULL,
#'          compare = FALSE,
#'          byrank = FALSE,
#'          breaks = NULL,
#'          na.col = "#808080FF",
#'          transparency = 1,
#'          ...)
#' @examples
#' # Generate a colour matrix using mat2cols()
#' mat      <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10, ncol=10)
#' mat[2,3] <- NA
#' cols     <- heat.colors(12)[12:1]
#' (matcol  <- mat2cols(mat, cols=cols))
#' # Use plot_cols() to visualise the colours matrix
#' par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
#' plot_cols(matcol)
#' # Add a legend using heat_legend()
#' heat_legend(mat, cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' # Try comparing heat maps of multiple matrices
#' mat1     <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd=c(4,2)),   nr=50, nc=2, byrow=TRUE), 0.1)
#' mat2     <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(150, sd=c(7,5,3)), nr=50, nc=3, byrow=TRUE), 0.1)
#' mat3     <- cbind(matrix(rnorm(50,  sd=1),        nr=50, nc=1, byrow=TRUE), 0.1)
#' mats     <- list(mat1, mat2, mat3)
#' colmats  <- mat2cols(mats, cols=cols, compare=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 3), mar=c(1, 2, 1, 2))
#' # Use common palettes (top row)
#' plot_cols(colmats[[1]]); heat_legend(range(mats), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' plot_cols(colmats[[2]]); heat_legend(range(mats), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' plot_cols(colmats[[3]]); heat_legend(range(mats), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' # Use uncommon palettes (bottom row)
#' plot_cols(mat2cols(mat1, cols=cols)); heat_legend(range(mat1), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' plot_cols(mat2cols(mat2, cols=cols)); heat_legend(range(mat2), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' plot_cols(mat2cols(mat3, cols=cols)); heat_legend(range(mat3), cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
  mat2cols     <- function(mat, cols = NULL, compare = FALSE, byrank = FALSE, breaks = NULL, na.col = "#808080FF", transparency = 1, ...) {
    if(isTRUE(compare)) {
      if(!inherits(mat, "list")   &&
         !all(vapply(mat, function(x)
         (is.matrix(x) ||
          is.data.frame(x)) &&
         (is.numeric(x)     ||
          logical(1L))))              stop("'mat' must be a list of numeric/logical matrices or data.frames when 'compare' is TRUE", call.=FALSE)
      nc       <- vapply(mat, ncol, numeric(1L))
      nr       <- vapply(mat, nrow, numeric(1L))
      uc       <- unique(nc)
      ur       <- unique(nr)
      if(length(ur)    == 1) {
        mat    <- do.call(cbind, mat)
        spl    <- matrix(rep(seq_along(nc), nc), nrow=ur, ncol=ncol(mat), byrow=TRUE)
      } else if(length(uc)  == 1)  {
        mat    <- do.call(rbind, mat)
        spl    <- matrix(rep(seq_along(nr), nr), nrow=nrow(mat), ncol=uc, byrow=FALSE)
      } else                          stop("Matrices must have either the same number of rows or the same number of columns", call.=FALSE)
    } else if(!is.matrix(mat)     ||
             (!is.numeric(mat)    &&
              !is.logical(mat)))      stop("'mat' must be a numeric/logical matrix when 'compare' is FALSE", call.=FALSE)
    if(missing(cols))   {
      trx      <- grDevices::dev.capabilities()$semiTransparency
      xtr      <- missing(transparency)
      if(length(transparency)     != 1 &&
             (transparency   < 0  ||
              transparency   > 1)))   stop("'transparency' must be a single number in [0, 1]", call.=FALSE)
      if(transparency  != 1 && !trx)   {
        if(!xtr)                      message("'transparency' not supported on this device\n")
        transparency        <- 1
      cols     <- viridis(30L, option="B", alpha=transparency)
    if(!all(is.cols(cols)))           stop("Invalid 'cols' colour palette  supplied",     call.=FALSE)
           length(byrank)   != 1))    stop("'byrank' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
    breaks     <- if(missing(breaks)) length(cols) else breaks
    m1         <- if(isTRUE(byrank))  rank(mat)    else mat
    facs       <- cut(as.numeric(m1), breaks, include.lowest=TRUE)
    answer     <- matrix(cols[as.numeric(facs)], nrow=nrow(mat), ncol=ncol(mat))
    if(any((NM <- is.na(mat))))    {
      if(length(na.col      != 1) &&
         !is.cols(na.col))            stop("'na.col' must be a valid colour in the presence of missing data", call.=FALSE)
      answer   <- replace(answer, NM, na.col)
    rownames(answer)        <- rownames(mat)
    colnames(answer)        <- colnames(mat)
    if(isTRUE(compare))      {
      splans   <- split(answer, spl)
      answer   <- if(length(ur)   == 1) lapply(splans, matrix, nrow=nr) else lapply(splans, matrix, ncol=nc)

# Colour Checker
#' Check for Valid Colours
#' Checks if the supplied vector contains valid colours.
#' @param cols A vector of colours, usually as a character string.
#' @return A logical vector of length \code{length(cols)} which is \code{TRUE} for entries which are valid colours and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords utility
#' @export
#' @examples
#' all(is.cols(1:5))
#' all(is.cols(heat.colors(30)))
#' any(!is.cols(c("red", "green", "aquamarine")))
  is.cols      <- function(cols) {
      vapply(cols,  function(x)    { tryCatch(is.matrix(grDevices::col2rgb(x)), error = function(e) FALSE) }, logical(1L))

# Heatmap Legends
#' Add a colour key legend to heatmap plots
#' Using only base graphics, this function appends a colour key legend for heatmaps produced by, for instance, \code{\link{plot_cols}} or \code{\link[graphics]{image}}.
#' @param data Either the data with which the heatmap was created or a vector containing its minimum and maximum values. Missing values are ignored.
#' @param cols The colour palette used when the heatmap was created. By default, the same \code{\link[viridisLite]{viridis}} default as in \code{\link{mat2cols}} is used. Will be checked for validity by \code{\link{is.cols}}.
#' @param breaks Optional argument giving the break-points for the axis labels.
#' @param cex.lab Magnification of axis annotation, indicating the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled relative to the default of 1.
#' @param ... Catches unused arguments.
#' @return Modifies an existing plot by adding a colour key legend.
#' @export
#' @keywords plotting
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{image}}, \code{\link{plot_cols}}, \code{\link{mat2cols}}, \code{\link{is.cols}}
#' @usage
#' heat_legend(data,
#'             cols = NULL,
#'             breaks = NULL,
#'             cex.lab = 1,
#'             ...)
#' @examples
#' # Generate a matrix and plot it with a legend
#' data <- matrix(rnorm(50), nrow=10, ncol=5)
#' cols <- heat.colors(12)[12:1]
#' par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
#' plot_cols(mat2cols(data, col=cols))
#' heat_legend(data, cols); box(lwd=2)
  heat_legend  <- function(data, cols = NULL, breaks = NULL, cex.lab = 1, ...) {
    if(length(cex.lab) > 1 || (!is.numeric(cex.lab) ||
       cex.lab <= 0))                 stop("Invalid 'cex.lab' supplied", call.=FALSE)
    if(!is.numeric(data))             stop("'data' must be numeric",     call.=FALSE)
    if(missing(cols))   {
      cols     <- viridis(30L, option="B", alpha=1L)
    } else if(!all(is.cols(cols)))    stop("Invalid 'cols' colour palette supplied", call.=FALSE)
    bx         <- graphics::par("usr")
    xpd        <- graphics::par()$xpd
    box.cx     <- c(bx[2L] + (bx[2L]  - bx[1L])/1000, bx[2L] + (bx[2L] - bx[1L])/1000 + (bx[2L] - bx[1L])/50)
    box.cy     <- c(bx[3L],   bx[3L])
    box.sy     <- (bx[4L]  -  bx[3L]) / length(cols)
    xx         <- rep(box.cx, each    = 2L)
    graphics::par(xpd = TRUE)

    for(i in seq_along(cols)) {
      yy   <- c(box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i - 1L)),
                box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i)),
                box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i)),
                box.cy[1L] + (box.sy * (i - 1L)))
      graphics::polygon(xx, yy, col =  cols[i], border = cols[i])

    graphics::par(new = TRUE)
    yrange <- range(data, na.rm = TRUE)
    base::plot(0, 0, type = "n",  ylim = yrange, yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", frame.plot = FALSE)
    if(is.null(breaks))   {
      graphics::axis(side = 4, las = 2, tick = FALSE, line = 0.1, cex.axis = cex.lab)
    } else  {
      if(length(breaks)  !=
         length(cols))                warning("'breaks' and 'cols' should be the same length if 'breaks' is supplied\n", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)
      graphics::axis(side = 4, las = 2, tick = FALSE, line = 0.1, cex.axis = cex.lab,
                     at=seq(min(yrange), max(yrange), length.out = length(breaks)), labels=round(breaks, 2))
    suppressWarnings(graphics::par(xpd = xpd))

# Prior No. Clusters (DP & PY)
#' Plot Pitman-Yor / Dirichlet Process Priors
#' Plots the prior distribution of the number of clusters under a Pitman-Yor / Dirichlet process prior, for a sample of size \code{N} at given values of the concentration parameter \code{alpha} and optionally also the \code{discount} parameter. Useful for soliciting sensible priors (or fixed values) for \code{alpha} or \code{discount} under the \code{"IMFA"} and \code{"IMIFA"} methods for \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}}.
#' @param N The sample size.
#' @param alpha The concentration parameter. Must be specified and must be strictly greater than \code{-discount}. The case \code{alpha=0} is accommodated. When \code{discount} is negative \code{alpha} must be a positive integer multiple of \code{abs(discount)}.
#' @param discount The discount parameter for the Pitman-Yor process. Must be less than 1, but typically lies in the interval [0, 1). Defaults to 0 (i.e. the Dirichlet process). When \code{discount} is negative \code{alpha} must be a positive integer multiple of \code{abs(discount)}.
#' @param show.plot Logical indicating whether the plot should be displayed (default = \code{TRUE}).
#' @param type The type of plot to be drawn, as per \code{\link{plot}}. Defaults to \code{"h"}: histogram-like vertical lines.
#' @details All arguments are vectorised. Users can also consult \code{\link{G_expected}}, \code{\link{G_variance}}, and \code{\link{G_calibrate}} in order to solicit sensible priors.
#' @note The actual density values are returned invisibly. Therefore, they can be visualised as desired by the user even if \code{show.plot} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A plot of the prior distribution if \code{show.plot} is \code{TRUE}. Density values are returned invisibly. Note that the density values may not strictly sum to one in certain cases, as values small enough to be represented as zero may well be returned.
#' @export
#' @keywords plotting
#' @seealso \code{\link{G_moments}}, \code{\link[Rmpfr]{Rmpfr}}
#' @note Requires use of the \code{\link[Rmpfr]{Rmpfr}} and \code{gmp} libraries; may encounter difficulty and slowness for large \code{N}, especially with non-zero \code{discount} values. Despite the high precision arithmetic used, the functions can be unstable for small values of \code{discount}.
#' @author Keefe Murphy - <\email{keefe.murphy@@mu.ie}>
#' @references De Blasi, P., Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Mena, R. H., Prunster, I., and Ruggiero, M. (2015) Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?, \emph{IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence}, 37(2): 212-229.
#' @usage
#' G_priorDensity(N,
#'                alpha,
#'                discount = 0,
#'                show.plot = TRUE,
#'                type = "h")
#' @examples
#' # Plot Dirichlet process priors for different values of alpha
#' (DP      <- G_priorDensity(N=50, alpha=c(3, 10, 25)))
#' # Verify that these alpha/discount values produce Pitman-Yor process priors with the same mean
#' alpha    <- c(19.23356, 6.47006, 1)
#' discount <- c(0, 0.47002, 0.7300045)
#' G_expected(N=50, alpha=alpha, discount=discount)
#' # Now plot them to examine tail behaviour as discount increases
#' # Non-zero discount requires loading the "Rmpfr" library
#' suppressMessages(require("Rmpfr"))
#' (PY      <- G_priorDensity(N=50, alpha=alpha, discount=discount, type="l"))
#' # Other special cases of the PYP are also facilitated
#' G_priorDensity(N=50, alpha=c(alpha, 27.1401, 0),
#'                discount=c(discount, -27.1401/100, 0.8054448), type="b")
  G_priorDensity      <- function(N, alpha, discount = 0, show.plot = TRUE, type = "h") {
    igmp       <- isNamespaceLoaded("Rmpfr")
    mpfrind    <- suppressMessages(requireNamespace("Rmpfr", quietly=TRUE)) && .version_above("gmp", "0.5-4")
    if(isFALSE(mpfrind))     {        stop("'Rmpfr' package not installed", call.=FALSE)
    } else if(isFALSE(igmp)) {
      on.exit(.detach_pkg("gmp"),                    add=TRUE)
    oldpal    <- grDevices::palette()
    on.exit(grDevices::palette(oldpal),              add=isFALSE(mpfrind))
    defpar    <- suppressWarnings(graphics::par(no.readonly=TRUE))
    defpar$new        <- FALSE
    on.exit(suppressWarnings(graphics::par(defpar)), add=TRUE)
    defopt     <- options()
    options(expressions = 500000)
    on.exit(suppressWarnings(options(defopt)),       add=TRUE)

             length(show.plot)) > 1)) stop("Arguments 'N' and 'show.plot' must be strictly of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    if(!is.logical(show.plot))        stop("'show.plot' must be a single logical indicator", call.=FALSE)
    if(isTRUE(show.plot))       {
      if(length(type) > 1  ||
         !is.character(type)   ||
         nchar(type)  > 1)            stop("'type' must be a single character", call.=FALSE)
         c("p", "l", "b", "c", "o",
           "h", "s", "S", "n")))      stop("Invalid 'type'", call.=FALSE)
    max.len    <- max(length(alpha),  length(discount))
    if(max.len  > 10)                 stop("Can't plot more than ten distributions simultaneously", call.=FALSE)
       c(1, max.len)))                stop("'alpha' must be of length 1 or length(discount)",       call.=FALSE)
       c(1, max.len)))                stop("'discount' must be of length 1 or length(alpha)",       call.=FALSE)
    if(!all(is.numeric(discount), is.numeric(alpha),
            is.numeric(N)))           stop("'N', 'alpha', and 'discount' inputs must be numeric",   call.=FALSE)
    if(any(discount     >= 1))        stop("'discount' must be less than 1", call.=FALSE)
    if(any(discount > 0  &
       alpha   <= - discount))        stop("'alpha' must be strictly greater than -discount",       call.=FALSE)
    if(any(discount < 0  &
          (alpha   <= 0  |
       !.IntMult(alpha, discount))))  stop("'alpha' must be a positive integer multiple of 'abs(discount)' when 'discount' is negative", call.=FALSE)
    if(any(alpha   == 0  &
       discount    <= 0))             stop("'discount' must be strictly positive when 'alpha'=0",   call.=FALSE)
    if(length(alpha)    != max.len) {
      alpha    <- rep(alpha,    max.len)
    if(length(discount) != max.len) {
      discount <- rep(discount, max.len)

    rx         <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=max.len)
    Nseq       <- seq_len(N)
    Nsq2       <- Rmpfr::mpfr(Nseq,        precBits=256)
    for(i in seq_len(max.len)) {
      alphi    <- Rmpfr::mpfr(alpha[i],    precBits=256)
      disci    <- Rmpfr::mpfr(discount[i], precBits=256)
      if(disci == 0)  {
        vnk    <- exp(Nsq2 * log(alphi)     - log(Rmpfr::pochMpfr(alphi, N)))
        rx[,i] <- gmp::asNumeric(abs(vnk    * Rmpfr::.bigz2mpfr(gmp::Stirling1.all(N))))
      } else    {
        if(disci > 0) {
          vnk  <- c(Rmpfr::mpfr(0,         precBits=256),  cumsum(log(alphi + Nseq[-N]  * disci)))         -
                  log(Rmpfr::pochMpfr(alphi + 1, N - 1L)) - Nsq2 * log(disci)
        } else  {
          m    <- as.integer(alphi/abs(disci))
          mn   <- min(m, N)
          seqN <- seq_len(mn - 1L)
          vnk  <- c(c(Rmpfr::mpfr(0,       precBits=256),  cumsum(log(m - seqN)) + seqN * log(abs(disci))) -
                  log(Rmpfr::pochMpfr(alphi + 1, N - 1L)) - c(seqN, mn) * log(abs(disci)),  rep(-Inf, N - mn))
        lnkd   <- Rmpfr::sapplyMpfr(Nseq, function(g) Rmpfr::sumBinomMpfr(g, f=function(k) Rmpfr::pochMpfr(-k * disci, N), n0=1))
        rx[,i] <- gmp::asNumeric(exp(vnk    - lfactorial(Nsq2))  * abs(lnkd))

    if(isTRUE(show.plot))   {
     if(max.len > 1)        {
        cols   <- seq(from=2L, to=max.len   + 1L)
        grDevices::palette(grDevices::adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f=ifelse(grDevices::dev.capabilities()$semiTransparency && max.len > 1, 0.75, 1)))
        graphics::matplot(x=seq_len(N), y=rx, type=type, col=cols - 1L, xlab="Clusters", ylim=c(0, max(rx)), ylab="Density", lend=1, xaxt="n",
                          pch=19, main=paste0("Prior Distribution of G\nN=", N), lwd=seq(3L, 1L, length.out=max.len), lty=seq_len(2L))
     } else     {
        base::plot(x=seq_len(N), y=rx, type=type, xlab="Clusters", ylim=c(0, max(rx)), ylab="Density",
                   lend=1, pch=19, main=paste0("Prior Distribution of G\nN=", N), lwd=2L, lty=1L, xaxt="n")
      ax       <- pretty(seq_len(N))
      ax       <- replace(ax, ax == 0, 1L)
      graphics::axis(1, at=ax, labels=ax)
      invisible(if(max.len == 1) drop(rx) else rx)

#' Plots a matrix of colours
#' Plots a matrix of colours as a heat map type image or as points. Intended for joint use with \code{mat2cols}.
#' @param cmat A matrix of valid colours, with missing values coded as \code{NA} allowed. Vectors should be supplied as matrices with 1 row or column, as appropriate.
#' @param na.col Colour used for missing \code{NA} entries in \code{cmat}.
#' @param ptype Switch controlling output as either a heat map \code{"image"} (the default) or as \code{"points"}.
#' @param border.col Colour of border drawn around the plot.
#' @param dlabels,rlabels,clabels Vector of labels for the diagonals, rows, and columns, respectively.
#' @param pch Point type used when \code{ptype="points"}.
#' @param cex Point cex used when \code{ptype="points"}.
#' @param label.cex Govens cex parameter used for labels.
#' @param ... Further graphical parameters.
#' @return Either an \code{"image"} or \code{"points"} type plot of the supplied colours.
#' @keywords plotting
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{mat2cols}}, \code{\link[graphics]{image}}, \code{\link{heat_legend}}, \code{\link{is.cols}}
#' @usage
#' plot_cols(cmat,
#'           na.col = "#808080FF",
#'           ptype = c("image", "points"),
#'           border.col = "#808080FF",
#'           dlabels = NULL,
#'           rlabels = FALSE,
#'           clabels = FALSE,
#'           pch = 15,
#'           cex = 3,
#'           label.cex = 0.6,
#'           ...)
#' @examples
#' # Generate a colour matrix using mat2cols()
#' mat      <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow=10, ncol=10)
#' mat[2,3] <- NA
#' cols     <- heat.colors(12)[12:1]
#' (matcol  <- mat2cols(mat, cols=cols))
#' # Use plot_cols() to visualise the colours matrix
#' par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 3.1))
#' plot_cols(matcol)
#' # Add a legend using heat_legend()
#' heat_legend(mat, cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
#' # Replace colour of exact zero entries:
#' # Often important to call mat2cols() first (to include 0 in the cuts),
#' # then replace relevant entries with NA for plot_cols(), i.e.
#' mat[2,3] <- 0
#' matcol2  <- mat2cols(mat, cols=cols)
#' plot_cols(replace(matcol2, mat == 0, NA), na.col="blue")
#' heat_legend(mat, cols=cols); box(lwd=2)
  plot_cols    <- function(cmat, na.col = "#808080FF", ptype = c("image", "points"), border.col = "#808080FF",
                           dlabels = NULL, rlabels = FALSE, clabels = FALSE, pch = 15, cex = 3, label.cex = 0.6, ...) {
            is.matrix(cmat)))         stop("'cmat' needs to be a valid colour matrix:\ntry supplying a vector as a matrix with 1 row or column, as appropriate", call.=FALSE)
            length(na.col)     == 1)) stop("'na.col' needs to a valid single colour", call.=FALSE)
            length(border.col) == 1)) stop("'border.col' needs to a valid single colour", call.=FALSE)
    if(!all(is.character(ptype)))     stop("'ptype' must be a character vector of length 1", call.=FALSE)
    ptype      <- match.arg(ptype)
    N          <- nrow(cmat)
    P          <- ncol(cmat)
    cmat       <- replace(cmat, is.na(cmat), na.col)

    if(ptype   == "image") {
      levels   <- sort(unique(as.vector(cmat)))
      z        <- matrix(unclass(factor(cmat, levels = levels, labels = seq_along(levels))), nrow=N, ncol=P)
      info     <- list(x = seq_len(P), y=seq_len(N), z=t(z), col = levels)
      graphics::image(info$x, info$y, info$z[,N:1L, drop=FALSE], col = info$col, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
    } else {
      base::plot(rep(seq_len(P), rep(N, P)), rep(N:1L, P), col = as.vector(cmat), cex = cex, pch = pch,
                 axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = c(0.5, P + 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, N + 0.5), ...)

    graphics::axis(3,  at = seq_len(P), tick = FALSE, labels = clabels, las = 2, cex.axis = label.cex)
    graphics::axis(2,  at = N:1L, tick = FALSE, labels = rlabels, las = 2, cex.axis = label.cex)
    if(is.vector(dlabels)) {
      Nd       <- length(dlabels)
      graphics::text(seq_len(Nd), Nd:1L, dlabels, cex = label.cex)
    graphics::box(col = border.col)

#' Show image of grayscale grid
#' Plots an image of a grayscale grid representation of a digit.
#' @param dat A \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} with the same number of rows and columns (or a vector which can be coerced to such a format), representing a grayscale map of a single digit.
#' @param col The colour scale to be used. Defaults to \code{grey(seq(1, 0, length = ncol(dat)))}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link{mat2cols}} and/or \code{\link{plot_cols}} (e.g. \code{na.col}) when \code{dat} is a matrix or \code{\link[graphics]{image}} when \code{dat} is a vector.
#' @return The desired image representation of the digit.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{USPSdigits}}, \code{\link{show_IMIFA_digit}}, \code{\link{mat2cols}}, \code{\link{plot_cols}}
#' @keywords plotting
#' @author Keefe Murphy - <\email{keefe.murphy@@mu.ie}>
#' @usage
#' show_digit(dat,
#'            col = NULL,
#'            ...)
#' @examples
#' data(USPSdigits)
#' # Plot the first digit
#' show_digit(USPSdigits$train[1,-1])
#' # Visualise the overall mean
#' show_digit(colMeans(USPSdigits$train[,-1]))
  show_digit   <- function(dat, col = NULL, ...) {
    x          <- if(df <- !is.data.frame(dat)) dat else as.matrix(dat)
    odims      <- ifelse(is.matrix(dat), ncol(dat), length(dat))
    dims       <- sqrt(odims)
    x          <- if(is.matrix(dat) && df)      dat else matrix(unlist(dat), nrow = dims, ncol = dims, byrow=!is.vector(dat))
    col        <- if(!missing(col))             col else grDevices::grey(seq(1L, 0L, length = odims))
    if(nrow(x) != ncol(x)) {
      x        <- matrix(dat, nrow=dims, ncol=dims, byrow=FALSE)
      if(diff(dim(x))     != 0)       stop("'dat' must be coercible to a square matrix", call. = FALSE)
    if(!all(is.cols(col)))            stop("Invalid 'col'", call. = FALSE)
    if(is.vector(dat))     {
      graphics::image(matrix(x, nrow = dims)[,dims:1L], col = col, ...)
    } else      {
      plot_cols(mat2cols(x, cols = col, ...), ...)
    graphics::box(lwd = 1)

#' Plot the posterior mean image
#' Plots the posterior mean of a given cluster from an \code{"IMIFA"}-related model fit to a digit data set in the form of a square grayscale grid.
#' @param res An object of class \code{"Results_IMIFA"} generated by \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}.
#' @param G The index of the cluster for which the posterior mean digit is to be represented.
#' @param what A switch controlling whether the \code{"mean"} or \code{"last"} valid sample is to be plotted.
#' @param dat The full grayscale grid data set (prior to centering and scaling). Necessary when \code{ind} is supplied or if pixels with standard deviation of 0 exist in the data set (which will have been automatically removed by \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}}).
#' @param ind The index of columns of \code{dat} which were discarded prior to fitting the \code{"IMIFA"}-related model via \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}}. Can be a vector of column indices of \code{dat} or an equivalent vector of logicals. The discarded pixels are replaced by the column-means corresponding to \code{ind} among images assigned to the given cluster \code{G}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed, via \code{\link{show_digit}}, to \code{\link{mat2cols}} and/or \code{\link{plot_cols}}.
#' @return The desired image representation of the posterior mean digit (or the last valid sample) from the desired cluster.
#' @note Note that both centering and scaling of the original data prior to modelling is accounted for in reconstructing the means, but \code{dat}, if necessary, must be the raw data prior to pre-processing.
#' @details This function is a wrapper to \code{\link{show_digit}} which supplies the posterior mean digit of a given cluster from a \code{"IMIFA"} model.
#' @importFrom matrixStats "colMeans2"
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{USPSdigits}}, \code{\link{show_digit}}, \code{\link{get_IMIFA_results}}, \code{\link{mcmc_IMIFA}}, \code{\link{mat2cols}}, \code{\link{plot_cols}}
#' @keywords plotting
#' @author Keefe Murphy - <\email{keefe.murphy@@mu.ie}>
#' @usage
#' show_IMIFA_digit(res,
#'                  G = 1,
#'                  what = c("mean", "last"),
#'                  dat = NULL,
#'                  ind = NULL,
#'                  ...)
#' @examples
#' # Load the USPS data and discard peripheral digits
#' data(USPSdigits)
#' ylab  <- USPSdigits$train[,1]
#' train <- USPSdigits$train[,-1]
#' ind   <- apply(train, 2, sd) > 0.7
#' dat   <- train[,ind]
#' \donttest{# Fit an IMIFA model (warning: quite slow!)
#' # sim <- mcmc_IMIFA(dat, n.iters=1000, prec.mu=1e-03, z.init="kmeans",
#' #                   centering=FALSE, scaling="none")
#' # res <- get_IMIFA_results(sim, zlabels=ylab)
#' # Examine the posterior mean image of the first two clusters
#' # show_IMIFA_digit(res, dat=train, ind=ind)
#' # show_IMIFA_digit(res, dat=train, ind=ind, G=2)}
  show_IMIFA_digit <- function(res, G = 1L, what = c("mean", "last"), dat = NULL, ind = NULL, ...) {

#' @method show_IMIFA_digit Results_IMIFA
#' @importFrom matrixStats "colMeans2"
#' @export
  show_IMIFA_digit.Results_IMIFA <- function(res, G = 1L, what = c("mean", "last"), dat = NULL, ind = NULL, ...) {
                 "Results_IMIFA"))    stop("Results object of class 'Results_IMIFA' must be supplied", call. = FALSE)
    if(G > res$GQ.results$G)          stop("Invalid 'G'", call. = FALSE)
    if(!all(is.character(what)))      stop("'what' must be a character vector of length 1", call. = FALSE)
    sd0        <- if(missing(ind)) attr(res, "Sd0.drop") else if(is.logical(ind)) !ind else !(seq_len(attr(res, "Vars")) %in% ind)
    mu         <- switch(EXPR=match.arg(what), mean = res$Means$post.mu[,G], last = res$Means$last.mu[,G])
    center     <- attr(res, "Center")
    scale      <- attr(res, "Scaling") != "none"
    if(!is.null(sd0)) {
      if(missing(dat))                stop("'dat' must be supplied when pixels were discarded &/or 'ind' is supplied",  call.=FALSE)
      x        <- rep(NA, attr(res, "Vars"))
      x[sd0]   <- colMeans2(.scale2(data.matrix(dat), center=center, scale=attr(res, "Scale"))[res$Clust$MAP == G,sd0, drop=FALSE], refine=FALSE, useNames=FALSE)
      x[!sd0]  <- mu
    } else x   <- mu
    x          <- if(scale)  x * attr(res, "G.Scale") else x
    x          <- if(center) x + attr(res, "G.Mean")  else x
      show_digit(x, ...)
Keefe-Murphy/IMIFA documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 2:15 p.m.