
Defines functions TF.IDF.custom sc_mae_plot_umap sc_integrate

Documented in sc_integrate sc_mae_plot_umap TF.IDF.custom

# Integrate multi-omic scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq data

#' @name sc_integrate
#' @title Integrate multi-omic scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq data into a MultiAssayExperiment
#' @description Generates an integrated SCE object with scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq data produced by the scPipe pipelines
#' @param sce_list A list of SCE objects, named with the corresponding technologies
#' @param sce_column_to_barcode_files A list of files containing the barcodes for each tech (if not needed then give a `NULL` entry)
#' @param rev_comp A named list of technologies and logical flags specifying if reverse complements should be applyed for sequences (if not needed then provide a `NULL` entry)
#' @param cell_line_info A list of files, each of which contains 2 columns corresponding to the barcode and cell line for each tech (if not needed then provide a `NULL` entry)
#' @param barcode_match_file A .csv file with columns corresponding to the barcodes for each tech
#' @param output_folder The path to the output folder
#' @returns Returns a MultiAssayExperiment containing the scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq data produced by the scPipe pipelines
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sc_integrate(
#'    sce_list = list("RNA" = sce.rna, "ATAC" = sce.atac),
#'    barcode_match_file = bc_match_file,
#'    sce_column_to_barcode_files = list("RNA" = rna_bc_anno, "ATAC" = NULL),
#'    rev_comp = list("RNA" = FALSE, "ATAC" = TRUE),
#'    cell_line_info = list("RNA" = rna_cell_line_info, "ATAC" = atac_cell_line_info,)
#'    output_folder = output_folder
#'    )
#' }  
#' @export
sc_integrate <- function(sce_list,
                            barcode_match_file = NULL,
                            sce_column_to_barcode_files = NULL,
                            rev_comp = NULL,
                            cell_line_info = NULL,
                            output_folder = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(output_folder) && !dir.exists(output_folder)){
        message("Output directory is not provided. Created directory: ", output_folder)
    techs <- names(sce_list)
    # Apply reverse complement if specified
    if (!is.null(rev_comp)) {
        message("Applying reverse complement to columns of SCE objects where required.")
        sce_list <- lapply(seq_along(sce_list), function(i) {
            sce <- sce_list[[i]]
            if (isTRUE(rev_comp[[i]]))
                colnames(sce) <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(colnames(sce))) %>% as.character()
    names(sce_list) <- techs # add names back
    if (!is.null(sce_column_to_barcode_files)) {
        message("Updating columns of SCE objects to barcodes where required.")
        sce_list <- lapply(seq_along(sce_list), function(i) {
            tech <- names(sce_list)[[i]]
            sce <- sce_list[[i]]
            column_to_bc_file <- sce_column_to_barcode_files[tech][[1]]
            if(!is.null(column_to_bc_file)) {
                column_to_bc <- read.csv(column_to_bc_file, header = TRUE)
                colnames(column_to_bc)[seq_len(2)] <- c("cell_name", "barcode_sequence")
                if (!all(colnames(sce) %in% column_to_bc$cell_name)) 
                stop("Columns of SCE object not present in annotation file!")
                colnames(sce) <- column_to_bc$barcode_sequence[match(colnames(sce), column_to_bc$cell_name)]
        names(sce_list) <- techs # add names back
    if (!is.null(barcode_match_file)) {
        barcode_match_df <- read.csv(barcode_match_file, header = TRUE)
        # Check if the barcodes match up with those in the match file, and if not, try taking the reverse complement to see if it helps
        sce_list <- lapply(seq_along(sce_list), function(i) {
            sce <- sce_list[[i]]
            tech <- names(sce_list)[[i]]
            matched <- stats::na.omit(match(colnames(sce), barcode_match_df[[tech]]))
            if (length(matched)/length(colnames(sce)) < 0.2) {
                message("Less than 20% of", tech, "barcodes match with the barcodes in the barcode match file. Trying the reverse complement.")
                rev_comp <- Biostrings::reverseComplement(Biostrings::DNAStringSet(colnames(sce))) %>% as.character()
                new_matched <- stats::na.omit(match(rev_comp, barcode_match_df[[tech]]))
                if (length(new_matched)/length(colnames(sce)) <= length(matched)/length(colnames(sce))) {
                message("Reverse complement didn't yield higher proportion of matched barcodes so using existing barcodes.")
                } else {
                message("Reverse complement yielded higher proportion of matched barcodes so using reverse complement")
                colnames(sce) <- rev_comp
        names(sce_list) <- techs # add names back
    # Left join the cell line info
    if (!is.null(cell_line_info)) {
        message("Attaching cell line information provided.")
        sce_list <- lapply(seq_along(sce_list), function(i) {
            sce <- sce_list[[i]]
            tech <- names(sce_list)[[i]]
            cell_line_file <- cell_line_info[[i]]
            if (!is.null(cell_line_file)) {
                cli <- read.csv(cell_line_file, header=FALSE)
                colnames(cli) <- c("barcode", "cell_line")
                merged_cell_line_info <- base::merge(data.frame(barcode = colnames(sce)), cli, all.x = TRUE) %>% tibble::column_to_rownames("barcode")
                reordered_cli <- merged_cell_line_info[colnames(sce), , drop=FALSE]
                colData(sce) <- cbind(colData(sce), cell_line = reordered_cli$cell_line)
        names(sce_list) <- techs # add names back
    # Outer join the column data
    if (!is.null(barcode_match_file)) { 
        message("Merging qc metrics")
        qc_dfs <- lapply(seq_along(sce_list), function(i) {
            sce <- sce_list[[i]]
            tech <- techs[[i]]
            qc <- data.frame(colData(sce)) %>% dplyr::rename_with( ~ paste0(tech, "_", .x))
            base::merge(qc, barcode_match_df, by.x = "row.names", by.y = techs[[i]], all.x = TRUE) %>% dplyr::rename(!!tech := "Row.names")
        merged_qc <- Reduce(function(x, y) base::merge(x, y, all = TRUE), qc_dfs)
    # Mark in coldata of each experiment if the barcode is shared
    shared_bc <- stats::na.omit(merged_qc)
    for (i in seq_len(length(sce_list))) {
        tech <- techs[[i]]
        colData(sce_list[[tech]])[, "shared"] <- rownames(colData(sce_list[[tech]])) %in% shared_bc[[tech]]
    # Create MultiAssayExperiment
    message("Creating MultiAssayExperiment")
    mae <- MultiAssayExperiment::MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = sce_list)
    mae@metadata$scPipe$version <- packageVersion("scPipe") 
    if (!is.null(barcode_match_file)) mae@metadata$scPipe$integrated_qc <- merged_qc
    # Save the MAE object
    if (!is.null(output_folder)) saveRDS(mae, file.path(output_folder, "scPipe_MAE_object.rds"))

#' @name sc_mae_plot_umap
#' @title Generates UMAP of multiomic data
#' @description Uses feature count data from multiple experiment objects to produce UMAPs for each assay and then overlay them on the same pair of axes
#' @param mae The MultiAssayExperiment object
#' @param by What to colour the points by. Needs to be in colData of all experiments.
#' @param output_file The path of the output file
#' @returns A ggplot2 object representing the UMAP plot
#' @export
sc_mae_plot_umap <- function(mae,
                                by = NULL,
                                output_file = NULL) {
    if (!requireNamespace("RANN", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop("Install 'RANN' to use this function")
    if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop("Install 'igraph' to use this function")
    if (!requireNamespace("umap", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop("Install 'umap' to use this function")
    umap_dfs <- lapply(seq_along(mae), function(i) {
        tech <- names(mae)[[i]]
        counts <- assays(mae)[[tech]]
        bin_mat <- as.matrix((counts>0)+0)
        binary.mat <- TF.IDF.custom(bin_mat)
        n_bcs <- max(min(50, ncol(binary.mat), nrow(binary.mat))-1,0)
        mat.lsi          <- irlba(binary.mat, n_bcs)
        d_diagtsne       <- matrix(0, n_bcs, n_bcs)
        diag(d_diagtsne) <- mat.lsi$d
        mat_pcs          <- t(d_diagtsne %*% t(mat.lsi$v))
        rownames(mat_pcs)<- colnames(binary.mat)
        # clustering in the PCA space using KNN --------------
        knn.info<- RANN::nn2(mat_pcs, k = 30)
        ## convert to adjacency matrix
        knn           <- knn.info$nn.idx
        adj           <- matrix(0, nrow(mat_pcs), nrow(mat_pcs))
        rownames(adj) <- colnames(adj) <- rownames(mat_pcs)
        for(i in seq_len(nrow(mat_pcs))) {
            adj[i,rownames(mat_pcs)[knn[i,]]] <- 1
        ## convert to graph
        g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj, mode="undirected")
        g <- purrr::simplify(g) ## remove self loops
        # identify communities, many algorithms. Use the Louvain clustering ------------
        km         <- igraph::cluster_louvain(g)
        com        <- km$membership
        names(com) <- km$names
        # running UMAP ------------------------------
        norm.data.umap    <- umap::umap(mat_pcs)
        df_umap           <- as.data.frame(norm.data.umap$layout)
        colnames(df_umap) <- c("UMAP1", "UMAP2")
        df_umap$barcode   <- rownames(mat_pcs)
        df_umap           <- dplyr::left_join(df_umap, tibble::enframe(com), by = c("barcode" = "name")) %>%
        dplyr::rename(cluster = value) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(cluster = as.factor(cluster))
        df_umap$source <- tech
        if (!is.null(by) && !is.null(colData(experiments(mae)[[tech]])[[by]])) {
            sce_coldata <- colData(experiments(mae)[[tech]])[, c(by), drop=FALSE]
            df_umap <- base::merge(df_umap, sce_coldata, by.x = "barcode", by.y = "row.names", all.x = TRUE) 
        } else if (!is.null(by)) {
            df_umap[[by]] <- NA
    names(umap_dfs) <- names(mae)
    umap_data <- do.call(rbind, umap_dfs)
    if (!is.null(by)) { 
        g <- ggplot2::ggplot(umap_data, ggplot2::aes(x = UMAP1, y = UMAP2)) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(col = .data[[by]]), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 14)
        if (is.numeric(umap_data[[by]])) {
            g <- ggplot2::ggplot(umap_data, ggplot2::aes(x = UMAP1, y = UMAP2)) +
                ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(col = .data[[by]]), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
                ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colours=c("green","black")) +
                ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 14)
    } else {
        g <- ggplot2::ggplot(umap_data, ggplot2::aes(x = UMAP1, y = UMAP2)) +
        ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(col = source), size = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
        ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 14)
    if (!is.null(output_file)) {
        if (file.exists(output_file)) {
            message("Saved plot to", output_file)
        } else {
            message("The supplied output file path was invalid.")
    # plotly::ggplotly(g)

#' @name TF.IDF.custom
#' @title Returns the TF-IDF normalised version of a binary matrix
#' @param binary.mat The binary matrix
#' @param verbose boolean flag to print status messages
#' @returns Returns the TF-IDF normalised version of a binary matrix
#' @export
TF.IDF.custom <- function(binary.mat, verbose = TRUE) {
    if (verbose) {
        message("Performing TF-IDF normalization")
    object <- binary.mat
    npeaks       <- Matrix::colSums(x = object)
    tf           <- Matrix::tcrossprod(x = as.matrix(object), y = Matrix::Diagonal(x = 1 / npeaks))
    rsums        <- Matrix::rowSums(x = object)
    idf          <- ncol(x = object) / rsums
    norm.data    <- Matrix::Diagonal(n = length(x = idf), x = idf) %*% tf
    scale.factor <- 1e4
    methods::slot(object = norm.data, name = "x") <- log1p(x = methods::slot(object = norm.data, name = "x") * scale.factor)
    norm.data[which(x = is.na(x = norm.data))] <- 0
LuyiTian/scPipe documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 8:21 p.m.