
Defines functions vcflist_overlaps vcf_to_tibble vcf_to_granges merge_vcf create_vcf

Documented in create_vcf merge_vcf vcflist_overlaps vcf_to_granges vcf_to_tibble

# All functions require v1.0 of the GWAS-VCF specification available from https://github.com/MRCIEU/gwas-vcf-specification/releases/tag/1.0.0

#' Create GWAS vcf
#' @param chrom chrom vector
#' @param pos pos vector
#' @param nea nea vector
#' @param ea ea vector
#' @param snp Optional vector
#' @param ea_af Optional vector
#' @param effect Optional vector
#' @param se Optional vector
#' @param pval Optional vector
#' @param n Optional vector
#' @param ncase Optional vector
#' @param name Optional vector
#' @export
#' @return vcf object
create_vcf <- function(chrom, pos, nea, ea, snp=NULL, ea_af=NULL, effect=NULL, se=NULL, pval=NULL, n=NULL, ncase=NULL, name=NULL)
	stopifnot(length(chrom) == length(pos))
		snp <- paste0(chrom, ":", pos)
	nsnp <- length(chrom)
	gen <- list()
	if(!is.null(ea_af)) gen[["AF"]] <- matrix(ea_af, nsnp)
	if(!is.null(effect)) gen[["ES"]] <- matrix(effect, nsnp)
	if(!is.null(se)) gen[["SE"]] <- matrix(se, nsnp)
	if(!is.null(pval)) gen[["LP"]] <- matrix(-log10(pval), nsnp)
	if(!is.null(n)) gen[["SS"]] <- matrix(n, nsnp)
	if(!is.null(ncase)) gen[["NC"]] <- matrix(ncase, nsnp)
	if(!is.null(snp)) gen[["ID"]] <- matrix(snp, nsnp)
	gen <- S4Vectors::SimpleList(gen)

	gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(start=pos, end=pos + pmax(nchar(nea), nchar(ea)) - 1, names=snp))
	coldata <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(Samples = length(name), row.names=name)

	hdr <- VariantAnnotation::VCFHeader(
		header = IRanges::DataFrameList(
			fileformat = S4Vectors::DataFrame(Value="VCFv4.2", row.names="fileformat")
		sample = name
	VariantAnnotation::geno(hdr) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(
		Number = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"),
		Type = c("Float", "Float", "Float", "Float", "Float", "Float", "String"),
		Description = c(
			"Effect size estimate relative to the alternative allele",
			"Standard error of effect size estimate",
			"-log10 p-value for effect estimate",
			"Alternate allele frequency in the association study",
			"Sample size used to estimate genetic effect",
			"Number of cases used to estimate genetic effect",
			"Study variant identifier"
		row.names=c("ES", "SE", "LP", "AF", "SS", "NC", "ID")
	VariantAnnotation::geno(hdr) <- subset(VariantAnnotation::geno(hdr), rownames(VariantAnnotation::geno(hdr)) %in% names(gen))

	vcf <- VariantAnnotation::VCF(
		rowRanges = gr,
		colData = coldata,
		exptData = list(
			header = hdr
		geno = gen
	VariantAnnotation::alt(vcf) <- Biostrings::DNAStringSetList(as.list(ea))
	VariantAnnotation::ref(vcf) <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(nea)
	VariantAnnotation::fixed(vcf)$FILTER <- "PASS"

#' Merge two GWAS VCF objects
#' Returns merged intersection of two VCF objects
#' @param a VCF object
#' @param b VCF object
#' @export
#' @return SimpleList of VCF objects
#' @importFrom rlang .data
merge_vcf <- function(a, b)
	a <- VariantAnnotation::expand(a)
	b <- VariantAnnotation::expand(b)
	# o <- SummarizedExperiment::findOverlaps(a, b)
	o <- dplyr::tibble(
		from = which(names(a) %in% names(b)),
		to = match(names(a)[.data$from], names(b))
	a <- a[o[["from"]],]
	b <- b[o[["to"]],]
	allele_match <- VariantAnnotation::ref(a) == VariantAnnotation::ref(b) & VariantAnnotation::alt(a) == VariantAnnotation::alt(b)
	switch <- VariantAnnotation::ref(a) == VariantAnnotation::alt(b) & VariantAnnotation::ref(b) == VariantAnnotation::alt(a)
		for(i in 1:ncol(VariantAnnotation::geno(b)[["ES"]]))
			VariantAnnotation::geno(b)[["ES"]][,i][switch] <- lapply(VariantAnnotation::geno(b)[["ES"]][,i][switch], function(x) x * -1)
	a <- a[allele_match | switch, ]
	b <- b[allele_match | switch, ]

	ab <- a
	temp <- lapply(names(VariantAnnotation::geno(ab)), function(x) rbind(VariantAnnotation::geno(ab)[x], VariantAnnotation::geno(b)[x])) %>% S4Vectors::SimpleList
	names(temp) <- names(VariantAnnotation::geno(ab))
	VariantAnnotation::geno(ab) <- temp

	h <- VariantAnnotation::header(a)
	out <- VCFHeader(
		reference = VariantAnnotation::reference(h),
		samples = c(VariantAnnotation::samples(h), VariantAnnotation::samples(VariantAnnotation::header(b))),
		meta = VariantAnnotation::meta(h)


#' Convert vcf format to granges format
#' @param vcf Output from readVcf
#' @param id Only accepts one ID, so specify here if there are multiple GWAS datasets in the vcf
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @return GRanges object
vcf_to_granges <- function(vcf, id=NULL)
	stopifnot(inherits(vcf, c("ExpandedVCF", "CollapsedVCF")))
	if(length(vcf) == 0)
		message("VCF has length 0")
		id <- VariantAnnotation::samples(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))
	stopifnot(length(id) == 1)
	vcf <- VariantAnnotation::expand(vcf)
	a <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(vcf)
	a$`REF` <- as.character(a$`REF`)
	a$`ALT` <- as.character(a$`ALT`)

	if(length(VariantAnnotation::geno(vcf)) == 0)
	} else {
		out <- VariantAnnotation::expand(vcf) %>% 
			VariantAnnotation::geno() %>%
			as.list() %>%
			lapply(function(x) unlist(x[,id,drop=TRUE])) %>%
		S4Vectors::values(a) <- cbind(S4Vectors::values(a), out)
		S4Vectors::values(a)[["id"]] <- id

		if("TotalCases" %in% names(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE))
			S4Vectors::values(a)[["NC"]] <- as.numeric(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE$TotalCases) %>% rep(length(a))
			S4Vectors::values(a)[["SS"]] <- as.numeric(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE$TotalCases) + as.numeric(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE$TotalControls) %>% rep(length(a))
		} else if("TotalControls" %in% names(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE)) {
			S4Vectors::values(a)[["SS"]] <- as.numeric(VariantAnnotation::meta(VariantAnnotation::header(vcf))$SAMPLE$TotalControls) %>% rep(length(a))

#' Convert vcf format to tibble (data frame)
#' @param vcf Output from readVcf
#' @param id Only accepts one ID, so specify here if there are multiple GWAS datasets in the vcf
#' @export
#' @return GRanges object
vcf_to_tibble <- function(vcf, id=NULL)
	a <- vcf_to_granges(vcf, id)
	S4Vectors::values(a)[["rsid"]] <- names(a)
	return(dplyr::as_tibble(a, .name_repair = "minimal"))

#' Reduce list of VCFs to intersecting regions
#' @param vcflist List of VCF objects, or list of VCF filenames, or mix of VCF objects and filenames
#' @param chrompos Either vector of chromosome and position ranges e.g. "1:1000" or "1:1000-2000", or data frame with columns `chrom`, `start`, `end`. 
#' @export
#' @return List of VCFs
vcflist_overlaps <- function(vcflist, chrompos)
		chrompos <- parse_chrompos(chrompos)
		vcflist <- lapply(vcflist, function(x)
			query_gwas(x, chrompos)
	} else {
		vcflist <- lapply(1:length(vcflist), function(i)
			x <- vcflist[[i]]
			if(inherits(x, c("CollapsedVCF", "ExpandedVCF")))
				} else {
					return(query_gwas(x, chrompos))
				} else {
					return(query_gwas(x, chrompos))
			stop("Item ", i, " in vcflist is neither VCF object nor path to VCF file")

	# collapse indels for sorting purposes
	vcflist <- lapply(vcflist, function(x)
		SummarizedExperiment::end(x) <- SummarizedExperiment::start(x)
		# Simple approach to avoid duplicate positions due to snps and indels
		x <- x[!duplicated(SummarizedExperiment::start(x))]

	o <- Reduce(IRanges::subsetByOverlaps, lapply(vcflist, SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges))
	vcflist <- lapply(vcflist, function(x) IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(x, o))
MRCIEU/gwasvcf documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 7:50 p.m.