
Defines functions .dataAggregate .applyDataSubset .cleanup .roundIt .ectdSasCall .splitGridVector .checkGridAvailable .log .dummy .eval .handleProbArray .expandSubjects .requiredArgs .allSameLength .strinterp .deriveFromMasterSeed .nonCumulativeFromCumulative

# Mango Solutions, Chippenham SN14 0SQ 2006
# utils.R Fri Jun 01 10:57:12 BST 2007 @456 /Internet Time/
# Author: Romain Francois
# DESCRIPTION: set of utility functions, not exported
# KEYWORDS: component:helper

.nonCumulativeFromCumulative <- function( proportion ){

  ## format it correctly
  proportion <- parseCharInput( proportion )

  ## check that the numbers are probabilities \in (0,1]
  if(max(proportion) >  1) ectdStop("Proportion greater than 1")
  if(min(proportion) <= 0) ectdStop("Proportion lower than 0")

  ## append 1 if needed
  if(max(proportion) != 1) proportion <- c(proportion, 1)

  ## generate the non-cumulative proportions
  proportion <- diff( c(0, proportion)  )
  if(any(proportion <= 0)) ectdStop("Proportion not increasing")

.deriveFromMasterSeed <- function(){
  stats::runif(n=1,min=1, max=.Machine$integer.max )

### regular expressions

.quotes <- "(\\\"|\')"

.strinterp <- function(txt){
  myrx <- "\\$(\\{(.*?)\\}|[\\.]?[a-zA-Z][\\.0-9a-zA-Z]*)"

  gx  <- gregexpr( myrx , txt, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  va  <- substring( txt,
                    gx + 1,
                    gx + attr(gx, "match.length")-1) %-~% "[\\{\\}]"

    spl <- strsplit( txt, myrx , perl = TRUE )[[1]]
  if(length(va) == 1 && va == "") return(txt)
  if(length(va) == length(spl)) spl <- c(spl, "")

  out <- spl[1]
  for( i in seq( along = va )) {
    varName <- try( get(va[i], pos = parent.frame(2) )[1] ,silent = TRUE )
    if( class(varName) == "try-error") varName <- va[i]
    out <- out %.% varName  %.% spl[i+1]

.allSameLength <- function( ... ){
  all( diff( sapply(list(...), length)) == 0 )

.requiredArgs <- function(arg, msg){
  if( missing(arg) ) {
    sc <- sys.call()
    nameArg <- as.character(sys.call()[2])
    if( missing(msg) ) msg <- "The argument `" %.% nameArg %.% "` is missing"

# changes 10 into 1:10, check that 10 is positive
# write the number of subjects in the parent environment as `nSubjects`
.expandSubjects <- function(subjects){
  if(length(subjects) == 1) {
    if(subjects < 1) ectdStop("subjects must be positive")
    subjects <- 1:subjects
  } else {
  assign("nSubjects", length(subjects), parent.frame())

.handleProbArray <- function( probArray, values, probs) {
	if( !missing(probArray) && is.matrix(probArray) ) {
		sum(probArray) == 1 || ectdStop("`probArray` does not sum up to one")
		if( missing(values) ) {
			values <- dimnames(probArray)
			if( is.null(values) ) {
				values <- sapply( dim(probArray), seq)
		if( !all(  dim(probArray)  == sapply(values, length)  )) ectdStop(
		  "Dimension problem between `probArray` and `values`"

		out <- cbind( do.call( expand.grid, values ), probs = as.vector( probArray) )
		out <- subset( out, probs > 0)

	} else {
		## make tests on the probArray or build it
    	if ( missing(probArray) ) {
			# try to build it
			if(missing(values) || missing(probs) ) ectdStop(
			  "`values` and `probs` must be supplied if probArray is missing"

			probArray <- probs[[1]]
			lp <- length(probs)
			if(lp>1) {
				for(idx in 2:lp) {
					probArray <- probArray %o% probs[[idx]]
		} else {
			# check the probArray
			if (is.data.frame(probArray)) {
				if(sum(probArray[,ncol(probArray)]) != 1) ectdStop(
				  "the probArray does not sum up to one"
				if(ncol(probArray) - 1 != length(values)) ectdStop(
				  "The `probArray` has wrong dimensions"

			if (is.array(probArray)) {
				if(sum(probArray) != 1) ectdStop(
				  "the probArray does not sum up to one"
				if(length(dim(probArray)) != length(values)) ectdStop(
				  "The `probArray` has wrong dimensions"


		## make the grid
		out <- cbind( do.call( expand.grid, values ), probs = as.vector(probArray) )
	## make sure they are all factors
	for( va in 1:length(values)) {
		out[,va] <- factor(out[,va])

.eval <- function( txt ){
  eval( parse( text = .strinterp(txt) ), parent.frame() )

.dummy <- function(...){
  cat( "\n\nFunction `"%.%
         as.character(match.call()[1]) %.%
         "` not yet implemented\n\n" )

.log <- function( ... , file = getEctdLogFile(), verbose = getEctdVerbose()){
  if( verbose ){
    msg <- paste( ..., "\n", sep = "" )
    msg <- .strinterp( msg )
    msg <- sprintf( "[%s] %s", format( Sys.time(), getEctdDateFormat() ) , msg )
    cat( msg, file = file, append = TRUE)
  invisible( NULL )

".checkFun" <- function(
	fun <- try( eval( match.fun(fun), parent.frame() ), silent = TRUE )
	if (class(fun) == "try-error") ectdStop("not a valid function")
	if( !missing(expectedArgs) ){
		expectedArgs <- parseCharInput( expectedArgs, convertToNumeric = FALSE )
		if( !all(expectedArgs %in% names(formals(fun))) )
			ectdStop("Problem with the arguments of the function")
".checkReplicates" <- function( replicates,
                                workingPath = getwd(),
                                method = getEctdDataMethod() )
	## Ensure the replicate files exist
	repsExist <- try(getReplicates(workingPath = workingPath,
	                               method = method),
	                 silent = TRUE)

	if (class(repsExist) == "try-error") ectdStop("No replicates found")
	if (is.character(replicates)) {
		if (length(replicates) == 1 && replicates == "*") return(repsExist)
		else ectdStop("'replicates' input in the wrong format")
	else {
		if (is.numeric(replicates)) {
			if (!all(replicates %in% repsExist)) ectdStop(
			  "Could not find all replicates specified"
			else return(replicates)
		else ectdStop(
		  "'replicates' input must be a numeric vector or a single character ('*')"

.checkGridAvailable <- function(){
  suppressWarnings(requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE))

.splitGridVector <- function(vec, nReps = 100) {
  startVec <- rep(1:ceiling(length(vec)/nReps), each=nReps)[1:length(vec)]
  if (any(startVec > 1) & sum(startVec == max(startVec)) < .1 * nReps) {
    startVec[startVec == max(startVec)] <- max(startVec)-1
  split(vec, startVec)
.ectdSasCall <- function(params,
  sasLoc = if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") getEctdExternalPath("SASPATH_WIN") else getEctdExternalPath("SASPATH_UNIX"),
  macroLoc = file.path(path.package("MSToolkit"), "sasAnalysis.sas"),
  logFile = file.path(workingPath, "sasLogfile.log"),
  printFile = file.path(workingPath, "sasOutput.lst"),
  workingPath = getwd())
	sasDir <- gsub( "\\\\[^\\]*$", "", sasLoc)
	if(!file.exists(sasDir)) ectdStop("SAS is not available on the system: \n\t$sasLoc")
	callOptions <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "-nosplash -icon -xmin -noxwait" else "-NOTERMINAL"
	sasCall <- paste("\"", sasLoc, "\" -SYSIN \"", macroLoc, "\" -SYSPARM \"", params, "\" -LOG \"", logFile, "\" -PRINT \"", printFile, "\" ", callOptions, sep="")
	.log("Calling SAS with call string: ", sasCall)

.roundIt <- function( data, digits ){
    digits <- parseCharInput( digits, convertToNumeric = TRUE )
    nCov <- ncol( data )
    if(any(digits < 0 )) ectdStop("`digits` should be a positive vector")
    len.di <- length(digits)
    if( len.di == 1 ) {
      data <- round( data, digits = digits)
    } else if( len.di == nCov ) {
      for( i in 1:nCov){
        data[,i] <- round( data[,i], digits = digits[i] )
    } else {
      ectdStop("`digits should be of length one or $nCov, not ${len.di}`")

.cleanup <- function(
  cleanUp = TRUE,       # do I do any cleanup
  grid = FALSE,         # was the grid used
  workingPath = getwd(), # where to work
  method = getEctdDataMethod()  # Method of data storage to "clean"

	if( cleanUp ){
		if (method %in% c("CSV", "RData")) {
			.log("removing micro and macro directories")
			                  workingPath = workingPath)
				allconns <- showConnections()
			sockconns <- rownames(allconns)[which(allconns[, "class"] == "sockconn")]
		    if (length(sockconns) > 0) for (i in sockconns) try(
				.log("clusters were shut down")
		else {
			ectdStop("Have not yet implemented the cleanup of 'Internal' data stored")


.applyDataSubset <- function(df, subset) {
	if (!is.data.frame(df)) ectdStop("Cannot subset a non-data-frame object")
	dataFlags <- try(eval(parse(text = subset), envir = df))
	if (is.logical(dataFlags) && length(dataFlags) == nrow(df)) {
		if (!any(dataFlags)) ectdStop("No rows left following subset")
		return(df[dataFlags,,drop = FALSE])
	else ectdStop("Could not apply subset to the data")

# A replacement for aggregate.data.frame
.dataAggregate <- function(resp, by, fun, ..., bound = 10^5) {
	if (length(by) == 1) return(stats::aggregate(resp, by, fun, ...))
	uniCols <- sapply(by, function(x) length(unique(x)))
	byProd <- prod(uniCols)
	if (byProd > bound) {
		whichSplit <- which(uniCols == max(uniCols))[1]
		allData <- data.frame(resp, by)
		splitData <- split(allData, by[[whichSplit]])
		splitAgg <- lapply(splitData, function(df, respCol, byCol, fun, ...) {
		  stats::aggregate(df[respCol], df[byCol], fun, ...)
				}, respCol = names(resp), byCol = names(by), fun = fun, ...)
		outDf <- do.call("rbind", splitAgg)
		theOrder <- do.call("order", outDf[rev(names(by))])
		outDf <- outDf[theOrder,,drop = FALSE]
		row.names(outDf) <- 1:nrow(outDf)
	else return(stats::aggregate(resp, by, fun, ...))

# # Image Comparison Function
# .compareImages <- function(result, target,
# 		exeLoc = system.file(package = "MSToolkit", "ImageCompare", "diff.exe")) {
# 	if (!file.exists(result) | !file.exists(target)) return(FALSE)
# 	buildCall <- paste(exeLoc, shortPathName(result), shortPathName(target))
# 	x <- system(buildCall, intern = TRUE, wait = TRUE)
# 	!(length(x) && length(grep(" differ", x)))
# }
MikeKSmith/MSToolkit documentation built on July 3, 2024, 1:53 a.m.