
Defines functions plot_comm_div groups_panel2 groups_panel1 samples_panel1 plot.mob_stats get_mob_stats calc_beta_div calc_comm_div calc_div boot_sample_groups calc_SPIE calc_PIE calc_chao1

Documented in calc_beta_div calc_chao1 calc_comm_div calc_div calc_PIE calc_SPIE get_mob_stats plot_comm_div plot.mob_stats

#' Estimation of species richness
#' \code{calc_chao1} estimates the number of species at the asymptote
#' (\code{S_asymp}) of the species accumulation curve based on the methods
#' proposed in Chao (1984, 1987, 2005). 
#' This function is a trimmed version of \href{https://github.com/JohnsonHsieh/iNEXT}{\code{iNext::ChaoRichness}}.
#' T. C. Hsieh, K. H. Ma and Anne Chao are the original authors of the
#' \code{iNEXT} package. 
#' @param x a vector of species abundances or a site-by-species matrix
#' @returns a vector of species richness estimates
#' @examples 
#' data(inv_comm)
#' calc_chao1(inv_comm)
#' @references 
#' Chao, A. (1984) Nonparametric estimation of the number of classes in a
#' population. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 11, 265-270.
#' Chao, A. (1987) Estimating the population size for capture-recapture data with
#' unequal catchability. Biometrics, 43, 783-791.
#' Chao, A. (2005) Species estimation and applications. Pages 7907-7916 in
#' N. Balakrishnan, C. B. Read, and B. Vidakovic, editors. Encyclopedia of
#' statistical sciences. Second edition, volume 12. Wiley, New York, New York,
#' USA.
#' @export
calc_chao1 = function(x) {
    if (!is.numeric(x) & !is.matrix(x) & !is.data.frame(x))
        stop("invalid data structure")
    if (is.matrix(x) | is.data.frame(x)) {
        S_Chao1 = apply(x, 1, calc_chao1)
    } else {
        n = sum(x)
        D = sum(x > 0)
        f1 = sum(x == 1)
        f2 = sum(x == 2)
        if (f1 > 0 & f2 > 0)
            S_Chao1 = D + (n - 1) / n * f1^2 / (2 * f2)
        else if (f1 > 1 & f2 == 0) # bias corrected form
            S_Chao1 = D + (n - 1) / n * f1 * (f1 - 1) / (2 * (f2 + 1))
            S_Chao1 = D

#' Calculate probability of interspecific encounter (PIE)
#' \code{calc_PIE} returns the probability of interspecific encounter (PIE)
#'  which is also known as Simpson's evenness index and Gini-Simpson index. 
#' By default, Hurlbert's (1971) sample-size corrected formula is used:
#' \eqn{PIE = N /(N - 1) * (1 - sum(p_i^2))}
#' where N is the total number of individuals and \eqn{p_i} is the relative
#' abundance of species i. This formulation uses sampling without replacement
#' (\code{replace = F} ) For sampling with replacement (i.e., the sample-size
#' uncorrected version), set \code{replace = T}.
#' In earlier versions of \code{mobr}, there was an additional argument
#' (\code{ENS}) for the conversion into an effective number of species (i.e
#' S_PIE). Now, \code{calc_SPIE} has become its own function and the
#' (\code{ENS}) argument is no longer supported . Please, use \code{calc_SPIE}
#' instead.
#' @inheritParams rarefaction
#' @param replace if TRUE, sampling with replacement is used. Otherwise,
#'   sampling without replacement (default).
#' @returns either a single PIE value or vector of PIE values. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc_SPIE}}
#' @author Dan McGlinn, Thore Engel
#' @references 
#' Hurlbert, S. H. (1971) The nonconcept of species diversity: a critique and
#'  alternative parameters. Ecology 52, 577-586.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(inv_comm)
#' calc_PIE(inv_comm)
#' calc_PIE(inv_comm, replace = TRUE)
#' calc_PIE(c(23,21,12,5,1,2,3))
#' calc_PIE(c(23,21,12,5,1,2,3), replace = TRUE)
calc_PIE = function(x, replace = FALSE) {
    args = as.list(match.call())
    if (any(names(args) == "ENS")) 
        stop("The ENS argumet was removed from this function. Please, use calc_SPIE() for the ENS transformation of PIE. ")
    if ('mob_in' %in% class(x)) {
        x = x$comm
    x = drop(as.matrix(x))
    if (any(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) 
        stop("input data must be non-negative")
    if (any(x %% 1 != 0, na.rm = TRUE))
        stop("input data must be integers")
    if (length(dim(x)) > 1) {
        total = apply(x, 1, sum)
        S = apply(x, 1, function(x) return(sum(x > 0)))
        p_i = sweep(x, 1, total, "/")
    } else {
        total = sum(x)
        S = sum(x > 0)
        p_i = x / total
    p_i_sq = p_i * p_i
    if (length(dim(x)) > 1) {
        H = rowSums(p_i_sq, na.rm = TRUE)
    } else {
        H = sum(p_i_sq, na.rm = TRUE)
    # calculate PIE without replacement (for total >= 2)
    if (replace) {
        PIE = 1 - H
    } else {
        PIE = total / (total - 1) * (1 - H)
    # if sample had zero individuals set PIE to 0
    PIE[total == 0] = 0
    # if sample only contains 1 individual set PIE to NA
    if (!replace) 
        PIE[total == 1] = NA
    if (any(is.na(PIE))) 
        warning("NA was returned because the sample contains one or zero individuals.")

#' Calculate S_PIE
#' S_PIE is the effective number of species transformation of the probability of
#' interspecific encounter (PIE) which is equal to the number of equally common
#' species that result in that value of PIE.
#' By default the sample size corrected version is returned (\code{replace =
#' F}), which is the asymptotic estimator for the Hill number of diversity order
#' q=2 (Chao et al, 2014). If \code{replace = T} the uncorrected hill number is
#' returned. This is the same as vegan::diversity(x, index="invsimpson").
#' @inheritParams calc_PIE
#' @returns either a single S_PIE value or vector of S_PIE values. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc_PIE}}
#' @export
#' @references 
#' Chao, A., Gotelli, N. J., Hsieh, T. C., Sander, E. L., Ma, K. H., Colwell, R.
#' K., & Ellison, A. M. (2014). Rarefaction and extrapolation with Hill numbers:
#' A framework for sampling and estimation in species diversity studies.
#' Ecological Monographs 84(1), 45-67.
#' @examples
#' data(inv_comm)
#' calc_SPIE(inv_comm)
#' calc_SPIE(inv_comm, replace = TRUE)
#' calc_SPIE(c(23,21,12,5,1,2,3), replace=TRUE)
calc_SPIE = function(x, replace = F) {
    PIE = calc_PIE(x, replace = replace)
    SPIE = 1 / (1 - PIE)
    SPIE[sapply(PIE, function(x)
        isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0)))] = 0
    SPIE[sapply(PIE, function(x)
        isTRUE(all.equal(x, 1)))] = NA
    if (any(sapply(PIE, function(x)
        isTRUE(all.equal(x, 1))), na.rm = T))
            "NA was returned because PIE = 1. This happens in samples where all species are singletons."


# generate a single bootstrap sample of gamma-scale biodiversity indices
boot_sample_groups = function(abund_mat, index, effort, extrapolate, return_NA,
                              rare_thres) {
    # sample rows and calculate abundance vector
    sample_dat = by(abund_mat, INDICES = abund_mat$groups, FUN = dplyr::sample_frac,
                    replace = TRUE)
    class(sample_dat) = "list"
    sample_dat = bind_rows(sample_dat)
    # abundance distribution pooled in groups
    abund_group = stats::aggregate(sample_dat[ , -1], by = list(sample_dat[ , 1]),
                            FUN = "sum")
    dat_groups = calc_div(abund_mat = abund_group[ , -1],
                          groups = abund_group[ , 1],
                          index = index, effort = effort,
                          extrapolate = extrapolate,
                          return_NA = return_NA, 
                          rare_thres = rare_thres)

#' Compute various diversity indices from a vector of species abundances (i.e.,
#' one row of a community matrix)
#' @param x is a vector of species abundances
#' @param C_target When computing coverage based richness (\code{S_C}) then 
#' this argument can be used to specify the coverage to be used for the richness
#' estimate. This defaults to \code{NA} in which case the target cover
#' is computed by \code{\link{calc_C_target}} (i.e., the largest allowable sample
#' size).
#' @param ... additional arguments that can be passed to the function
#'  \code{rarefaction} when computing \code{S_n}. 
#' @inheritParams calc_comm_div
#' @export
#' @examples  
#' data(inv_tank)
#' calc_div(tank_comm[1, ], 'S_n', effort = c(5, 10))
#' calc_div(tank_comm[1, ], 'S_C', C_target = 0.9)
calc_div = function(x, index, effort=NA, rare_thres = 0.05, replace = FALSE,
                    C_target = NULL, extrapolate = TRUE, ...) {
    if (index == 'N') out = sum(x)
    if (index == 'S') out = sum(x > 0)
    if (index == 'S_n') out = rarefaction(x, method = 'IBR', effort = effort,
                                          extrapolate = extrapolate, ...) 
    if (index == 'S_C') out = calc_S_C(x, C_target, extrapolate = extrapolate,
                                       interrupt = FALSE)
    if (index == 'PIE') out = calc_PIE(x, replace = replace)
    if (index == 'S_PIE') out = calc_SPIE(x, replace = replace)
    if (index == 'f_0') out = calc_div(x, 'S_asymp') - calc_div(x, 'S')
    if (index == 'S_asymp') {
        S_asymp = try(calc_chao1(x))
        if (methods::is(S_asymp, "try_error"))
            warning("The Chao richness estimator cannot be calculated for all samples.")
            S_asymp[!is.finite(S_asymp)] = NA
        out = S_asymp
    if (index == 'pct_rare') {
        S = calc_div(x, 'S') 
        if (S > 0) {
            N = calc_div(x, 'N')
            if (rare_thres == "N/S") {
                rare_thres = N / S
                out = 100 * (sum(x[x > 0] <= rare_thres) / S)
            } else 
                out = 100 * (sum(x[x > 0] <= (rare_thres * N)) / S)
        } else
            out = 0

#' Calculate biodiversity statistics from sites by species table.
#' @param abund_mat Abundance based site-by-species table. Species as
#' columns
#' @param index The calculated biodiversity indices. The options are
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{N} ... Number of individuals (total abundance)
#'    \item \code{S} ... Number of species
#'    \item \code{S_n} ... Rarefied or extrapolated number of species for n individuals
#'    \item \code{S_C} ... Estimate species richness of a given level of coverage by \code{C_target_gamma}
#'    \item \code{S_asymp} ... Estimated asymptotic species richness
#'    \item \code{f_0} ... Estimated number of undetected species 
#'    \item \code{pct_rare} ... The percent of rare species as defined by \code{rare_thres}
#'    \item \code{PIE} ... Hurlbert's PIE (Probability of Interspecific Encounter)
#'    \item \code{S_PIE} ... Effective number of species based on PIE
#' }
#'   See \emph{Details} for additional information on the
#'   biodiversity statistics.
#' @param effort The standardized number of individuals used for the 
#'   calculation of rarefied species richness. This can a be
#'   single integer or a vector of integers. 
#' @param extrapolate Boolean which specifies if richness should be extrapolated
#'   when effort is larger than the number of individuals using the chao1
#'   method.
#' @param return_NA Boolean in which the rarefaction function
#'   returns the observed S when \code{effort} is larger than the number of
#'   individuals. If set to TRUE then NA is returned. Note that this argument
#'   is only relevant when \code{extrapolate = FALSE}.
#' @param rare_thres The threshold that determines how pct_rare is computed.
#'   It can range from (0, 1] and defaults to 0.05 which specifies that any 
#'   species with less than or equal to 5% of the total abundance in a sample is
#'   considered rare. It can also be specified as "N/S" which results in using
#'   average abundance as the threshold which McGill (2011) found to have the 
#'   best small sample behavior. 
#' @param scales The scales to compute the diversity indices for: 
#' \itemize{
#'     \item \code{alpha} ... for each row of the site x species community matrix
#'     \item \code{gamma} ... for the entire site x species community matrix
#'     \item \code{beta} ... the ratio of diversity at the \code{gamma} and 
#'                            \code{alpha} scales.  
#' } Defaults to all three scales: \code{c('alpha', 'gamma', 'beta')}
#' @param replace Used for \code{PIE} and \code{SPIE}.  If TRUE, sampling with
#'   replacement is used. Otherwise, sampling without replacement (default).
#' @param C_target_gamma When computing coverage based richness (\code{S_C}) then 
#' this argument can be used to specify the coverage to be used for the gamma scale
#' richness estimate. This defaults to \code{NA} in which case the target cover
#' is computed by \code{\link{calc_C_target}} (i.e., the largest allowable sample
#' size).
#' @param ... additional arguments that can be passed to \code{\link{calc_div}}
#' @details 
#' \strong{N: total community abundance} is the total number of individuals 
#' observed across all species in the sample
#' \strong{S: species richness} is the observed number of species that occurs at
#' least once in a sample
#' \strong{S_n: Rarefied species richness} is the expected number of species, given a
#' defined number of sampled individuals (n) (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). Rarefied
#' richness at the alpha-scale is calculated for the values provided in 
#' \code{effort_samples} as long as these values are not smaller than the 
#' user-defined minimum value \code{effort_min}. In this case the minimum value 
#' is used and samples with less individuals are discarded. When no values for
#' \code{effort_samples} are provided the observed minimum number of individuals
#' of the samples is used, which is the standard in rarefaction analysis
#' (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). Because the number of individuals is expected to
#' scale linearly with sample area or effort, at the gamma-scale the number of
#' individuals for rarefaction is calculated as the minimum number of samples
#' within groups multiplied by \code{effort_samples}. For example, when there are 10
#' samples within each group, \code{effort_groups} equals \code{10 *
#' effort_samples}. If n is larger than the number of individuals in sample and
#' \code{extrapolate = TRUE} then the Chao1 (Chao 1984, Chao 1987) method is
#' used to extrapolate the rarefaction curve.
#' \strong{pct_rare: Percent of rare species} Is the ratio of the number of rare
#' species to the number of observed species x 100 (McGill 2011). Species are 
#' considered rare in a particular sample if they have fewer individuals than 
#' \code{rare_thres * N} where \code{rare_thres} can be set by the user and 
#' \code{N} is the total number of individuals in the sample. The default value 
#' of \code{rare_thres} of 0.05 is arbitrary and was chosen because McGill 
#' (2011) found this metric of rarity performed well and was generally less 
#' correlated with other common metrics of biodiversity. Essentially this metric
#' attempt to estimate what proportion of the species in the same occur in the
#' tail of the species abundance distribution and is therefore sensitive to
#' presence of rare species.
#' \strong{S_asymp: Asymptotic species richness} is the expected number of 
#' species given complete sampling and here it is calculated using the Chao1
#' estimator (Chao 1984, Chao 1987) see \code{\link{calc_chao1}}. Note: this metric
#' is typically highly correlated with S (McGill 2011).
#' \strong{f_0: Undetected species richness} is the number of undetected species
#' or the number of species observed 0 times which is an indicator of the degree
#' of rarity in the community. If there is a greater rarity then f_0 is expected
#' to increase. This metric is calculated as \code{S_asymp - S}. This metric is less 
#' correlated with S than the raw \code{S_asymp} metric. 
#' \strong{PIE: Probability of intraspecific encounter} represents the
#' probability that two randomly drawn individuals belong to the same species.
#' Here we use the definition of Hurlbert (1971), which considers sampling
#' without replacement. PIE is closely related to the well-known Simpson
#' diversity index, but the latter assumes sampling with replacement.
#' \strong{S_PIE: Effective number of species for PIE} represents the effective
#' number of species derived from the PIE. It is calculated using the asymptotic
#' estimator for Hill numbers of diversity order 2 (Chao et al, 2014). S_PIE
#' represents the species richness of a hypothetical community with
#' equally-abundant species and infinitely many individuals corresponding to the
#' same value of PIE as the real community. An intuitive interpretation of S_PIE
#' is that it corresponds to the number of dominant (highly abundant) species in
#' the species pool.
#' For species richness \code{S}, rarefied richness \code{S_n}, undetected
#' richness \code{f_0}, and the Effective Number of Species \code{S_PIE} we also
#' calculate beta-diversity using multiplicative partitioning (Whittaker 1972,
#' Jost 2007). That means for these indices we estimate beta-diversity as the
#' ratio of gamma-diversity (total diversity across all plots) divided by
#' alpha-diversity (i.e., average plot diversity).
#' @returns A \code{data.frame} with four columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{scale} ... Group label for sites
#'    \item \code{index} ... Name of the biodiversity index
#'    \item \code{sample_size} ... The number of samples used to compute the
#'     statistic, helpful for interpreting beta and gamma metrics. 
#'    \item \code{effort} ... Sampling effort for rarefied richness 
#'    (NA for the other indices)
#'    \item \code{gamma_coverage} ... The coverage value for that particular 
#'    effort value on the gamma scale rarefaction curve. Will be \code{NA} unless
#'    coverage based richness (\code{S_C}) and/or beta diversity is computed.  
#'    \item \code{value} ... Value of the biodiversity index
#' }
#' @author Felix May and Dan McGlinn
#' @references 
#' McGill, B. J. 2011. Species abundance distributions. Pages 105-122 Biological
#' Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment, eds. A.E. Magurran and
#' B.J. McGill.
#' @examples 
#' data(tank_comm)
#' div_metrics <- calc_comm_div(tank_comm, 'S_n', effort = c(5, 10))
#' div_metrics
#' div_metrics <- calc_comm_div(tank_comm, 'S_C', C_target_gamma = 0.75)
#' div_metrics
#' @export
calc_comm_div = function(abund_mat, index, effort = NA, 
                         extrapolate = TRUE,
                         return_NA = FALSE, rare_thres = 0.05,
                         scales = c('alpha', 'gamma', 'beta'),
                         replace = FALSE, C_target_gamma = NA, ...) {
    # store each calculated index into its own data.frame in a list
    out = vector('list', length = length(index))
    names(out) = index
    if (any(index == 'S_n') && any(is.na(effort))) 
        stop('effort value is needed to compute S_n')
    if (any(index == 'S_C') & is.na(C_target_gamma))
        C_target_gamma <- calc_C_target(abund_mat)
    # compute indices ---------------------------------------------------------
    for (i in seq_along(index)) {
        if (any(c('gamma', 'beta') %in% scales))
            gamma = calc_div(colSums(abund_mat), index[i], effort, rare_thres,
                         extrapolate = extrapolate, return_NA = return_NA, 
                         quiet = TRUE, replace = replace, C_target = C_target_gamma, ...)
        if (any(c('alpha', 'beta') %in% scales)) {
            if (index[i] == 'S_C' & 'beta' %in% scales) {
                effort_eff = attributes(gamma)$N
                index_eff = 'S_n'
            else {
                index_eff = index[i]
                effort_eff = effort
            alpha = apply(abund_mat, 1, calc_div, index_eff, effort_eff, rare_thres,
                          extrapolate = extrapolate, return_NA = return_NA, 
                          quiet = TRUE, replace = replace, C_target = C_target_gamma, ...)
        if ('beta' %in% scales) {
            # compute beta
            if (index[i] == 'S_n' & length(effort) > 1) {
                beta = gamma / rowMeans(alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
                beta = gamma / mean(alpha, na.rm = TRUE)
        if (index[i] == 'S_n' | index[i] == 'S_C')
            effort_out <- effort_eff 
            effort_out <- NA
        gamma_coverage <- ifelse(index[i] == 'S_C', C_target_gamma, NA)
        # compute number of finite samples used for calculation
        sample_size = nrow(abund_mat)
        if ('alpha' %in% scales) {
            out[[i]]$alpha = data.frame(scale = 'alpha', index = index[i],
                                        sample_size = 1, effort = effort_out,
                                        gamma_coverage = gamma_coverage,
                                        value = as.numeric(alpha))
        if ('gamma' %in% scales) 
            out[[i]]$gamma = data.frame(scale = 'gamma', index = index[i], 
                                        sample_size, effort = effort_out,
                                        gamma_coverage = gamma_coverage,
                                        value = gamma)
        if ('beta' %in% scales & index[i] != 'N') 
            out[[i]]$beta = data.frame(scale = 'beta',
                                       index = paste('beta', index[i], sep = '_'),
                                       sample_size, effort = effort_out,
                                       gamma_coverage = gamma_coverage,
                                       value = beta)
        if (index[i] == 'S_n' & length(effort) > 1) {
            out[[i]] = lapply(out[[i]], dplyr::arrange, effort)
        out[[i]] = dplyr::bind_rows(out[[i]])
        row.names(out[[i]]) = 1:nrow(out[[i]])
    out = dplyr::bind_rows(out)

#' Calculate beta diversity from sites by species table.
#' A wrapper for the function \code{calc_comm_div} that only returns
#' scales = 'beta'
#' @inheritParams calc_comm_div
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to \code{calc_comm_div}
#' @seealso \code{\link{calc_comm_div}}
#' @examples 
#' data(inv_comm)
#' beta_metrics = calc_beta_div(inv_comm, 'S_n', effort = c(5, 10))
#' beta_metrics
#' @export
calc_beta_div = function(abund_mat, index, effort = NA, C_target_gamma = NA, ...) {
    out <- calc_comm_div(abund_mat, index, effort,scales = 'beta', 
                         C_target_gamma = C_target_gamma, ...)

#' A now obsolete function that used to calculate sample based and group based
#' biodiversity statistics.
#' @inheritParams get_delta_stats
#' @param group_var String that specifies which field in \code{mob_in$env} the
#'   data should be grouped by
#' @param ref_level String that defines the reference level of \code{group_var}
#'   to which all other groups are compared with, defaults to \code{NULL}.
#'   If \code{NULL} then the default contrasts of \code{group_var} are used. 
#' @param index The calculated biodiversity indices. The options are
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \code{N} ... Number of individuals (total abundance)
#'    \item \code{S} ... Number of species
#'    \item \code{S_n} ... Rarefied or extrapolated number of species for n individuals
#'    \item \code{S_asymp} ... Estimated asymptotic species richness
#'    \item \code{f_0} ... Estimated number of undetected species 
#'    \item \code{pct_rare} ... The percent of rare species as defined by \code{rare_thres}
#'    \item \code{PIE} ... Hurlbert's PIE (Probability of Interspecific Encounter)
#'    \item \code{S_PIE} ... Effective number of species based on PIE
#' }
#'   If index is not specified then N, S, S_n, pct_rare, and S_PIE are computed
#'   by default. See \emph{Details} for additional information on the
#'   biodiversity statistics.
#' @param effort_samples The standardized number of individuals used for the 
#'   calculation of rarefied species richness at the alpha-scale. This can a be
#'   single value or an integer vector. As default the minimum number of
#'   individuals found across the samples is used, when this is not smaller than
#'   \code{effort_min}.
#' @param effort_min The minimum number of individuals considered for the 
#'   calculation of rarefied richness (Default value of 5). Samples with less
#'   individuals then \code{effort_min} are excluded from the analysis with a
#'   warning. Accordingly, when \code{effort_samples} is set by the user it has
#'   to be higher than \code{effort_min}.
#' @param extrapolate Boolean which specifies if richness should be
#'   extrapolated when \code{effort_samples} is larger than the number of
#'   individuals using the chao1 method. Defaults to TRUE. 
#' @param return_NA Boolean defaults to FALSE in which the rarefaction function
#'   returns the observed S when \code{effort} is larger than the number of
#'   individuals. If set to TRUE then NA is returned. Note that this argument
#'   is only relevant when \code{extrapolate = FALSE}.
#' @param rare_thres The threshold that determines how pct_rare is computed.
#'   It can range from (0, 1] and defaults to 0.05 which specifies that any 
#'   species with less than or equal to 5% of the total abundance in a sample is
#'   considered rare. It can also be specified as "N/S" which results in using
#'   average abundance as the threshold which McGill (2011) found to have the 
#'   best small sample behavior. 
#' @param n_perm The number of permutations to use for testing for treatment
#'   effects. Defaults to 0 (i.e., no permutations)
#' @param boot_groups Use bootstrap resampling within groups to derive
#'   gamma-scale confidence intervals for all biodiversity indices. Default is
#'   \code{FALSE}. See \emph{Details} for information on the bootstrap approach.
#' @param conf_level Confidence level used for the calculation of gamma-scale 
#'   bootstrapped confidence intervals. Only used when \code{boot_groups =
#'   TRUE}.
#' @inheritParams pbapply::pbreplicate
#' @details 
#' \strong{S_n: Rarefied species richness} is the expected number of species, given a
#' defined number of sampled individuals (n) (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). Rarefied
#' richness at the alpha-scale is calculated for the values provided in 
#' \code{effort_samples} as long as these values are not smaller than the 
#' user-defined minimum value \code{effort_min}. In this case the minimum value 
#' is used and samples with less individuals are discarded. When no values for
#' \code{effort_samples} are provided the observed minimum number of individuals
#' of the samples is used, which is the standard in rarefaction analysis
#' (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). Because the number of individuals is expected to
#' scale linearly with sample area or effort, at the gamma-scale the number of
#' individuals for rarefaction is calculated as the minimum number of samples
#' within groups multiplied by \code{effort_samples}. For example, when there are 10
#' samples within each group, \code{effort_groups} equals \code{10 *
#' effort_samples}. If n is larger than the number of individuals in sample and
#' \code{extrapolate = TRUE} then the Chao1 (Chao 1984, Chao 1987) method is
#' used to extrapolate the rarefaction curve.
#' \strong{pct_rare: Percent of rare species} Is the ratio of the number of rare
#' species to the number of observed species x 100 (McGill 2011). Species are 
#' considered rare in a particular sample if they have fewer individuals than 
#' \code{rare_thres * N} where \code{rare_thres} can be set by the user and 
#' \code{N} is the total number of individuals in the sample. The default value 
#' of \code{rare_thres} of 0.05 is arbitrary and was chosen because McGill 
#' (2011) found this metric of rarity performed well and was generally less 
#' correlated with other common metrics of biodiversity. Essentially this metric
#' attempt to estimate what proportion of the species in the same occur in the
#' tail of the species abundance distribution and is therefore sensitive to
#' presence of rare species.
#' \strong{S_asymp: Asymptotic species richness} is the expected number of 
#' species given complete sampling and here it is calculated using the Chao1
#' estimator (Chao 1984, Chao 1987) see \code{\link{calc_chao1}}. Note: this metric
#' is typically highly correlated with S (McGill 2011).
#' \strong{f_0: Undetected species richness} is the number of undetected species
#' or the number of species observed 0 times which is an indicator of the degree
#' of rarity in the community. If there is a greater rarity then f_0 is expected
#' to increase. This metric is calculated as \code{S_asymp - S}. This metric is less 
#' correlated with S than the raw \code{S_asymp} metric. 
#' \strong{PIE: Probability of intraspecific encounter} represents the
#' probability that two randomly drawn individuals belong to the same species.
#' Here we use the definition of Hurlbert (1971), which considers sampling
#' without replacement. PIE is closely related to the well-known Simpson
#' diversity index, but the latter assumes sampling with replacement.
#' \strong{S_PIE: Effective number of species for PIE} represents the effective
#' number of species derived from the PIE. It is calculated using the asymptotic
#' estimator for Hill numbers of diversity order 2 (Chao et al, 2014). S_PIE
#' represents the species richness of a hypothetical community with
#' equally-abundant species and infinitely many individuals corresponding to the
#' same value of PIE as the real community. An intuitive interpretation of S_PIE
#' is that it corresponds to the number of dominant (highly abundant) species in
#' the species pool.
#' For species richness \code{S}, rarefied richness \code{S_n}, undetected
#' richness \code{f_0}, and the Effective Number of Species \code{S_PIE} we also
#' calculate beta-diversity using multiplicative partitioning (Whittaker 1972,
#' Jost 2007). That means for these indices we estimate beta-diversity as the
#' ratio of gamma-diversity (total diversity across all plots) divided by
#' alpha-diversity (i.e., average plot diversity).
#' For both the alpha and gamma scale analyses we summarize effect size in each
#' biodiversity index by computing \code{D_bar}: the average absolute difference
#' between the groups. At the alpha scale the indices are averaged first before
#' computing \code{D_bar}.
#' We used permutation tests for testing differences of the biodiversity
#' statistics among the groups (Legendre & Legendre 1998). At the alpha-scale,
#' one-way ANOVA (i.e. F-test) is implemented by shuffling treatment group
#' labels across samples. The test statistic for this test is the F-statistic
#' which is a pivotal statistic (Legendre & Legendre 1998). At the gamma-scale
#' we carried out the permutation test by shuffling the treatment group labels
#' and using \code{D_bar} as the test statistic. We could not use the
#' F-statistic as the test statistic at the gamma scale because at this scale
#' there are no replicates and therefore the F-statistic is undefined.
#' A bootstrap approach can be used to also test differences at the gamma-scale.
#' When \code{boot_groups = TRUE} instead of the gamma-scale permutation test,
#' there will be resampling of samples within groups to derive gamma-scale
#' confidence intervals for all biodiversity indices. The function output
#' includes lower and upper confidence bounds and the median of the bootstrap
#' samples. Please note that for the richness indices sampling with replacement
#' corresponds to rarefaction to ca. 2/3 of the individuals, because the same
#' samples occur several times in the resampled data sets.
#' @returns A list of class \code{mob_stats} that contains alpha-scale and 
#'   gamma-scale biodiversity statistics, as well as the p-values for
#'   permutation tests at both scales.
#'   When \code{boot_groups = TRUE} there are no p-values at the gamma-scale.
#'   Instead there is lower bound, median, and upper bound for each biodiversity
#'   index derived from the bootstrap within groups.
#' @author Felix May and Dan McGlinn
#' @references 
#' Chiu, C.-H., Wang, Y.-T., Walther, B.A. & Chao, A. (2014) An improved
#' nonparametric lower bound of species richness via a modified good-turing
#' frequency formula. Biometrics, 70, 671-682.
#' Gotelli, N.J. & Colwell, R.K. (2001) Quantifying biodiversity: procedures
#' and pitfalls in the measurement and comparison of species richness. Ecology
#' letters, 4, 379-391.
#' Hurlbert, S.H. (1971) The Nonconcept of Species Diversity: A Critique and
#' Alternative Parameters. Ecology, 52, 577-586.
#' Jost, L. (2006) Entropy and diversity. Oikos, 113, 363-375.
#' Jost, L. (2007) Partitioning Diversity into Independent Alpha and Beta
#' Components. Ecology, 88, 2427-2439.
#' Legendre, P. & Legendre, L.F.J. (1998) Numerical Ecology, Volume 24, 2nd
#' Edition Elsevier, Amsterdam; Boston.
#' McGill, B.J. (2011) Species abundance distributions. 105-122 in Biological 
#' Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment. eds. A.E. Magurran
#' B.J. McGill.
#' Whittaker, R.H. (1972) Evolution and Measurement of Species Diversity.
#' Taxon, 21, 213-251.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom pbapply pbreplicate
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
get_mob_stats = function(mob_in, group_var, ref_level = NULL, 
                         index = c("N", "S", "S_n", "S_PIE"),
                         effort_samples = NULL, effort_min = 5,
                         extrapolate = TRUE, return_NA = FALSE, 
                         rare_thres = 0.05, n_perm = 0, 
                         boot_groups = FALSE, conf_level = 0.95, cl=NULL, 
                         ...) {
    stop('This function is obsolete and no longer supported. Please use the function `calc_comm_div` to compute biodiveristy indices at different scales')

#' Obsolete function that used to plot alpha- and gamma-scale biodiversity
#'  statistics for a MoB analysis
#' Plots a \code{mob_stats} object which is produced by the 
#' function \code{get_mob_stats}. The p-value for each statistic
#' is displayed in the plot title if applicable.
#' The user may specify which results to plot or simply to plot 
#' all the results. 
#' @param x a \code{mob_stats} object that has the samples and 
#' treatment level statistics
#' @param index The biodiversity statistics that should be plotted.
#' See \code{\link{get_mob_stats}} for information on the indices. By default there
#' is one figure for each index, with panels for alpha- and gamma-scale results
#' as well as for beta-diversity when applicable. 
#' @param multi_panel A logical variable. If \code{multi_panel = TRUE} then a 
#' multipanel plot is produced, which shows observed, rarefied, and asymptotic 
#' species richness and S_PIE at the alpha- and gamma-scale.
#' This set of variables conveys a comprehensive picture of the underlying 
#' biodiversity changes. 
#' @param col a vector of colors for the groups, set to NA if no color is
#' preferred
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to
#' the current setting of cex. Defaults to 1.2. 
#' @param ... additional arguments to provide to \code{boxplot}, \code{points},
#'   and confidence interval functions
#' @author Felix May, Xiao Xiao, and Dan McGlinn 
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
plot.mob_stats = function(x, index = NULL, multi_panel = FALSE, 
                          col = c("#FFB3B5", "#78D3EC", "#6BDABD", "#C5C0FE",
                                  "#E2C288", "#F7B0E6", "#AAD28C"), 
                          cex.axis=1.2, ...) {
  stop('This function is obsolete and no longer supported. Now use "plot_comm_div"
       to plot the output of "calc_comm_div"')

#' Panel function for alpha-scale results
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot mtext
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
samples_panel1 = function(sample_dat, col, ylab = "",
                          main = expression(alpha * "-scale"), 
                          cex.axis=1.2, ...) {
  #label = substitute(paste(italic(bar(D)), ' = ', D_bar, ', ', italic(p), 
  #                         ' = ', p_val),
  #                   list(D_bar = round(samples_tests$D_bar, 2),
  #                        p_val = round(samples_tests$p_val, 3)))
  boxplot(value ~ group, data = sample_dat, main = main,
          ylab =  ylab, col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = 1.5,
          frame.plot = TRUE, ...)
  #groups = levels(sample_dat$group)
  #axis(side=1, at=1:length(groups), labels=groups, tick=FALSE,
  #      cex.axis=cex.axis)
  #mtext(label, side = 3, line = 0)  

#' Panel function for gamma-scale results
#' @importFrom graphics boxplot points mtext 
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
groups_panel1 = function(group_dat, col, ylab = "",
                         main = expression(gamma * "-scale"),
                         cex.axis=1.2, ...) {
  #label = substitute(paste(italic(bar(D)), ' = ', D_bar, ', ', italic(p), 
  #                         ' = ', p_val), 
  #                   list(D_bar = round(tests$D_bar, 2),
  #                        p_val = round(tests$p_val, 3)))
  boxplot(value ~ group, data = group_dat, main = main,
          ylab = ylab, boxwex = 0, 
          ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(group_dat$value, na.rm = TRUE)),
          col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = 1.5, frame.plot = TRUE,
  groups = levels(group_dat$group)
  points(value ~ group, data = group_dat, pch = 8, cex = 1.5, lwd = 2,
         col = col, ...)
  #mtext(label, side = 3, line = 0)

#' Panel function for gamma-scale results with confidence intervals
#' @importFrom plotrix plotCI
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
groups_panel2 = function(group_dat, col, ylab = "", 
                         main = expression(gamma * "-scale"),
                         cex.axis=1.2, ...) {
  boxplot(median ~ group, data = group_dat, main = main,
          ylab = ylab, boxwex = 0, ylim = c(0, 1.1 * max(group_dat$upper)),
          col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.main = 1.5, frame.plot = TRUE, 
  groups = levels(group_dat$group)
  plotCI(1:nrow(group_dat), group_dat$median, li = group_dat$lower,
         ui = group_dat$upper, add = TRUE, pch = 19, cex = 1.5,
         sfrac = 0.02, col = col, ...)

#' Plot alpha-, beta-, and gamma-scale biodiversity statistics for a MoB analysis
#' Plots the community diversity metrics from produced by the function 
#' \code{calc_comm_div}. The p-value for each statistic
#' is displayed in the plot title if applicable.
#' The user may specify which results to plot or simply to plot 
#' all the results. 
#' @param comm_div a table that is output by \code{calc_comm_div} that has the
#' sample (alpha) and group (gamma) level statistics
#' @param index The biodiversity statistics that should be plotted.
#' See \code{\link{calc_comm_div}} for information on the indices. By default there
#' is one figure for each index, with panels for alpha- and gamma-scale results
#' as well as for beta-diversity when applicable. 
#' @param multi_panel A logical variable. If \code{multi_panel = TRUE} then a 
#' multipanel plot is produced, which shows observed, rarefied, and asymptotic 
#' species richness and S_PIE at the alpha- and gamma-scale.
#' This set of variables conveys a comprehensive picture of the underlying 
#' biodiversity changes. 
#' @param col a vector of colors for the groups, set to NA if no color is
#' preferred
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to
#' the current setting of cex. Defaults to 1.2. 
#' @param ... additional arguments to provide to \code{boxplot}, \code{points},
#'   and confidence interval functions
#' @author Felix May, Xiao Xiao, and Dan McGlinn 
#' @importFrom rlang .data 
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(tank_comm)
#' data(tank_plot_attr)
#' indices <- c('N', 'S', 'S_C', 'S_n', 'S_PIE')
#' tank_div <- tibble(tank_comm) %>% 
#'   group_by(group = tank_plot_attr$group) %>% 
#'   group_modify(~ calc_comm_div(.x, index = indices, effort = 5,
#'                                extrapolate = TRUE))
#' # plot the community metrics                                 
#' plot_comm_div(tank_div, index = "S")
#' plot_comm_div(tank_div, index = "S_n")
#' # or plot all of the indices at once with
#' plot_comm_div(tank_div)
plot_comm_div = function(comm_div, index = NULL, multi_panel = FALSE, 
                          col = c("#FFB3B5", "#78D3EC", "#6BDABD", "#C5C0FE",
                                  "#E2C288", "#F7B0E6", "#AAD28C"), 
                          cex.axis=1.2, ...) {
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  # default colors derived with colorspace::rainbow_hcl(5, c=60, l=80)
  if (any(is.na(col)) & length(col) == 1) 
    col_groups = 1
    col_groups = col
  if (is.null(index))
    index = as.character(unique(comm_div$index))
  INDICES = c("N", "S", "S_C", "S_n", "S_asymp", "f_0", 
              "pct_rare", "PIE", "S_PIE")
  if (multi_panel) 
    index = c("S","S_n","pct_rare","S_PIE")
  index = match.arg(index, INDICES, several.ok = TRUE)
  var_names = unique(comm_div$index)
  var_names2 = var_names[var_names != "beta_S" & var_names != "beta_S_PIE"]
  index_match = intersect(index, var_names)
  if (length(index_match) == 0)
    stop(paste("The indices", paste(index, collapse = ", "), 
               "are missing in the input. Please choose other indices or re-run get_comm_div with the indices of interest."))
  index_missing = setdiff(index, var_names2)
  if (length(index_missing) > 0)
    warning(paste("The indices", paste(index, collapse = ", "), 
                  "are missing in the input and cannot be plotted."))
  if ("S_n" %in% index_match) {
    S_n_samples = filter(comm_div, index == "S_n" & scale == "alpha")
    S_n_groups = filter(comm_div, index == "S_n" & scale == "gamma")
    S_n_len = length(unique(S_n_samples$effort))
  } else {
    S_n_len = 0
  if (multi_panel) {
    n_rows = 3 + S_n_len
    op = par(mfrow = c(n_rows,3), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.4, 
             oma = c(0, 1, 0, 0), xpd = NA)
  for (var in index_match) {
    if (var == "N") {
      if (!multi_panel)
        op = par(mfrow = c(1, 3), cex.lab = 1.6,
                 oma = c(0, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 5, 1), xpd = NA)
      #op = par(mfrow = c(1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.3,
      #         oma = c(0, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 5, 1),
      #         xpd = NA)
      y_label = switch(var,
                       "N" = expression("Abundance (" * italic(N) * ")"),
                       "PvarIE" = "PIE")
      dat_samples = filter(comm_div, index == var & scale == 'alpha')
      #dat_tests = filter(comm_div$samples_tests, index == var)
      samples_panel1(dat_samples, ylab = y_label,
                     main = expression(alpha * "-scale"), col = col,
                     cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
      # insert blank space b/c non beta plot for these stats
      plot(1:10, 1:10, type = 'n', axes = F, xlab = '', ylab = '')
      dat_groups = filter(comm_div, index == var & scale == 'gamma')
      #if (is.null(comm_div$groups_tests)) {
        # then plot median and quantiles
      #  groups_panel2(dat_groups, col = col_groups, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...) 
      #} else {  
      #  tests = filter(comm_div$groups_tests, index == var)
        groups_panel1(dat_groups, col = col_groups, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...) 
    if (var %in% c("S", "S_C", "S_asymp", "pct_rare", "f0", "PIE", "S_PIE")) {
      if (!multi_panel)
        op = par(mfrow = c(1, 3), cex.lab = 1.6,
                 oma = c(0, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 5, 1), xpd = NA)
      if (multi_panel) {
        if (var == "f_0") 
          par(fig = c(0, 0.33, 1 / n_rows, 2 / n_rows), new = TRUE)
        if (var == "S_PIE") 
          par(fig = c(0, 0.33, 0         , 1 / n_rows), new = TRUE)
      y_label = switch(var,
                       "S" = expression('Richness (' * italic(S) * ')'),
                       "S_C" = expression('Richness (' * italic(S)[C] *')'),
                       "S_asymp" = expression('Asympotic richness (' *
                                                italic(S[asymp]) * ')'),
                       "pct_rare" = paste("% of species in lower",
                                                 comm_div$rare_thres * 100),
                                          "% of abundance"),
                       "f_0" = expression('Undetected richness (' * italic(f)[0] * ')'),
                       "S_PIE" = expression('ENS of PIE (' * italic(S)[PIE] * ')'))
      dat_samples = filter(comm_div, index == var & scale == 'alpha')
      #dat_tests = filter(comm_div$samples_tests, index == var)
      samples_panel1(dat_samples, ylab =  y_label,
                     main = expression(alpha * "-scale"), col = col, 
                     cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
      if (multi_panel) {
        if (var == "pct_rare") 
          par(fig = c(0.33, 0.67, 1/n_rows, 2/n_rows), new = TRUE)
        if (var == "S_PIE") 
          par(fig = c(0.33, 0.67, 0       , 1/n_rows), new = TRUE)
      beta_var = paste("beta", var, sep = "_")
      dat_samples = filter(comm_div, index == beta_var & scale == 'beta')
      #dat_tests = filter(comm_div$samples_tests, index == beta_var)
      samples_panel1(dat_samples, ylab =  "",
                     main = expression(beta * "-diversity (=" *
                                         gamma / alpha * ")"),
                     col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
      if (multi_panel) {
        if (var == "pct_rare")
          par(fig = c(0.67, 1.0, 1 / n_rows, 2 / n_rows), new = TRUE)
        if (var == "S_PIE")
          par(fig = c(0.67, 1.0, 0         , 1 / n_rows), new = TRUE)
      dat_groups = filter(comm_div, index == var & scale == 'gamma')
      #if (is.null(comm_div$groups_tests)) {
      #  groups_panel2(dat_groups, col = col_groups, ...) 
      #} else {
      #  tests = filter(comm_div$groups_tests, index == var)
        groups_panel1(dat_groups, col = col_groups, cex.axis = cex.axis,
    if (var == "S_n") {
      if (!multi_panel) {
        op = par(mfrow = c(S_n_len, 3), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.6,
                 oma = c(0, 2, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 3, 5, 1), xpd = NA)
      y_label = expression('Rarefied richness (' * italic(S[n]) * ')')
      effort_samples = unique(S_n_samples$effort)
      effort_groups = unique(S_n_groups$effort)
      for (i in seq_along(effort_samples)) {
        if (multi_panel)
          par(fig = c(0, 0.33, (1 + i) / n_rows, (2 + i) / n_rows),
              new = TRUE)
        dat_samples = filter(S_n_samples, .data$effort == effort_samples[i])
        #dat_tests = filter(comm_div$samples_tests, 
        #                   index == var & .data$effort == effort_samples[i])
        fig_title = substitute(paste(alpha, "-scale, n = ", n),
                               list(n = effort_samples[i]))
                       ylab = y_label,
                       main = '', col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis,
        par(new = TRUE)
        plot(1:10, 1:10, type = 'n', axes = F, xlab = '', ylab = '',
             main = fig_title, cex.main = 1.5)
        if (multi_panel)
          par(fig = c(0.33, 0.67, (1 + i) / n_rows, (2 + i) / n_rows),
              new = TRUE)
        beta_var = paste("beta", var, sep = "_")
        dat_samples = filter(comm_div, index == beta_var & scale == 'beta')
        #dat_tests = filter(comm_div$samples_tests,
        #                   index == beta_var & .data$effort == effort_samples[i])
        n = effort_samples[i]
        fig_title = substitute(paste(beta, "-diversity (=", gamma / alpha,
                                     "), n = ", n), 
                               list(n = effort_samples[i]))
        samples_panel1(dat_samples, main = '',
                       ylab = "", col = col, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
        par(new = TRUE)
        plot(1:10, 1:10, type = 'n', axes = F, xlab = '', ylab = '',
             main = fig_title, cex.main = 1.5)
        if (multi_panel)
          par(fig = c(0.67, 1.0, (1 + i) / n_rows, (2 + i) / n_rows),
              new = TRUE)
        dat_groups = filter(S_n_groups, .data$effort == effort_groups[i])
        fig_title = substitute(paste(gamma, "-scale, n = ", n),
                               list(n = effort_groups[i]))            
        #if (is.null(comm_div$groups_test)) {
        #  groups_panel2(dat_groups, main = '', col = col_groups,
        #                ...) 
        #  par(new = TRUE)
        #  plot(1:10, 1:10, type = 'n', axes = F, xlab = '', ylab = '',
        #       main = fig_title, cex.main = 1.5)
        #} else {
        #  tests = filter(comm_div$groups_tests, 
        #                 index == var & .data$effort == effort_groups[i])
          groups_panel1(dat_groups, ylab = "", main = '',
                        col = col_groups, cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
          par(new = TRUE)
          plot(1:10, 1:10, type = 'n', axes = F, xlab = '', ylab = '',
               main = fig_title, cex.main = 1.5)
      y_coords = (S_n_len:0) / S_n_len
MoBiodiv/mobr documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 6:12 a.m.