
Defines functions PCAdist tensorJaccard sparseJaccard computeCellHomogeneity normalizeInfluence randomWalk combineMultiLabelGraph combineGraph

Documented in combineGraph combineMultiLabelGraph computeCellHomogeneity normalizeInfluence PCAdist randomWalk sparseJaccard tensorJaccard

#' Generate combined graph
#' \code{combineGraph()} combines weighted cell-to-label edges (dimensions
#' c-by-l) with cell-to-cell edges (dimensions c-by-c) into a single large graph
#' @param labelEdges matrix with dimensions c-by-l
#' @param cellEdges matrix with dimensions c-by-c
#' @param weight numeric indicating label edge weight
#' @return combined matrix with dimensions (c+l)-by-(c+l)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' combineGraph(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges, SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges)
combineGraph = function(labelEdges, cellEdges, weight=1){
  l = dim(labelEdges)[2]

  combinedGraph = rbind(cbind(matrix(0,l,l),t(weight*labelEdges)),


#' Generate combined graph with list of label edges
#' \code{combineMultiLabelGraph()} combines list of weighted label edges with
#' cell edges into a single graph
#' @param labelEdgesList list of matrices each with dimensions c-by-l
#' @param cellEdges matrix with dimensions c-by-c
#' @param weights numeric vector indicating label edge weight for each label edge in list
#' @return combined matrix with dimensions (c+L)-by-(c+L) where L is the sum of l's
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' labelEdgesList <- list(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges)
#' combineMultiLabelGraph(labelEdgesList, SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges)
combineMultiLabelGraph = function(labelEdgesList, cellEdges, weights){
  numLabelLists = length(labelEdgesList)
    weights = rep(1, numLabelLists)

  labelEdges = weights[1]*labelEdgesList[[1]]
    for(i in 2:numLabelLists){
      labelEdges = cbind(labelEdges, weights[i]*labelEdgesList[[i]])

  combinedGraph = combineGraph(labelEdges, cellEdges)


#' Random walk with restarts
#' \code{randomWalk()} solves a random walk with restarts on an adjacency matrix A using
#' the closed form solution for the influence matrix
#' \ifelse{html}{\out{F = r(I - (1 - r)W)<sup>-1</sup>}}{\eqn{F = r(I - (1 - r)W)^{-1}}}
#' where \ifelse{html}{\out{W = D<sup>-1</sup>A}}{\eqn{W = D^{-1}A}} and D is a diagonal
#' matrix of the sums of edge weights for each node and r is the restart probability
#' @param adj adjacency matrix
#' @param r restart probability
#' @param tensorflow boolean to indicate whether to compute on GPU
#' @param steps integer indicating number of steps to take if walk should not be run to convergence
#' @return influence matrix, each column is the vector of influences on each row
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' adj <- combineGraph(SampleCellWalkRData$labelEdges, SampleCellWalkRData$cellEdges)
#' randomWalk(adj)
randomWalk = function(adj, r=0.5, tensorflow=FALSE, steps){

  len = dim(adj)[1]

      W = adj/Matrix::rowSums(adj)


        infMat = r*solve(Matrix::Diagonal(len)-(1-r)*W)


        infMat = Matrix::Diagonal(1, n = dim(W)[1])
        for(i in 1:steps){
          infMat =  (1-r)*(infMat %*% W)
          Matrix::diag(infMat) = Matrix::diag(infMat) + r




    if(!requireNamespace("tensorflow", quietly = TRUE)){
      stop("Must install tensorflow")
      stop("No GPUs available")

    with(tensorflow::tf$device("GPU:0"), {
      D = tensorflow::tf$linalg$diag(Matrix::rowSums(adj))
      W = tensorflow::tf$linalg$matmul(tensorflow::tf$linalg$inv(tensorflow::tf$constant(D)),
                                       tensorflow::tf$constant(adj, dtype = "float32"))
      infMat = r*tensorflow::tf$linalg$inv(tensorflow::tf$linalg$diag(rep(1,len))-(1-r)*W)



#' Normalize influence matrix
#' \code{normalizeInfluence()} normalizes the label-to-cell portions of the
#' influence matrix for cross-label comparisons
#' @param labelCellInf label-to-cell portion of influence matrix
#' @return normalized influence matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' normalizeInfluence(SampleCellWalkRData$cellWalk$infMat)
normalizeInfluence = function(labelCellInf){
  normMat = apply(labelCellInf, 2, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
  normMat = apply(normMat, 2, function(x) x/max(x))


#' Compute cell homogeneity
#' \code{computeCellHomogeneity()} computes the median influence between cells of the same
#' type compared to cells of other types. This serves as a proxy for for how well cells
#' are labeled and can be used to tune parameters such as label edge weight
#' @param cellWalk a cellWalk object
#' @param cellTypes list of names of cell types, if not provided unique labels are used
#' @return cell homogeneity
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' computeCellHomogeneity(SampleCellWalkRData$cellWalk)
computeCellHomogeneity = function(cellWalk, cellTypes){
  if(missing(cellWalk) || !is(cellWalk, "cellWalk")){
    stop("Must provide a cellWalk object")
  infMat = cellWalk[["infMat"]]
  cellLabels = cellWalk[["cellLabels"]]

    cellTypes = unique(cellLabels)

  l = length(cellTypes)
  log(median(unlist(sapply(cellTypes, function(cellType)
    median(sapply(which(cellLabels==cellType), function(x) {

#' Compute Jaccard on sprase matrix
#' \code{sparseJaccard()} computes the Jaccard similarity between the rows
#' of a sparse matrix.
#' @param m sparse matrix
#' @return Jaccard similarity matrix between rows of m
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' sparseJaccard(SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat)
sparseJaccard = function(m) {
  A = Matrix::tcrossprod(m)
  im = Matrix::which(A>0, arr.ind=TRUE)
  b = Matrix::rowSums(m!=0)

  Aim = A[im]

  J = Matrix::sparseMatrix(
    i = im[,1],
    j = im[,2],
    x = Aim / (b[im[,1]] + b[im[,2]] - Aim),
    dims = dim(A)


#' Compute Jaccard on matrix using tensorflow
#' \code{tensorJaccard()} computes the Jaccard similarity between the rows
#' of a sparse matrix using tensorflow on a GPU
#' @param m sparse matrix
#' @return Jaccard similarity matrix between rows of m
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' \dontrun{tensorJaccard(SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat)}
tensorJaccard = function(m) {
  if(!requireNamespace("tensorflow", quietly = TRUE)){
    stop("Must install tensorflow")
    stop("No GPUs available")
  with(tensorflow::tf$device("GPU:0"), {
    tfM = tensorflow::tf$constant(as.matrix(m), dtype="float16")
    A = tensorflow::tf$linalg$matmul(tfM, tfM, transpose_b=TRUE)

    b = tensorflow::tf$math$reduce_sum(tfM, as.integer(1))
    b_row = tensorflow::tf$expand_dims(b, as.integer(0))
    b_col = tensorflow::tf$expand_dims(b, as.integer(1))

    J = A / (b_row + b_col - A)

  J = as.matrix(J)

#' Compute distance in PCA space for matrix
#' \code{PCAdist()} computes Euclidian PCA distance matrix between the rows
#' of a matrix, scaled by the greatest distance and subtracted from 1.
#' @param m  matrix
#' @return Euclidian PCA distance matrix between rows of m
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("SampleCellWalkRData")
#' PCAdist(SampleCellWalkRData$ATACMat)
PCAdist = function(m){
  pca = prcomp(Matrix::t(m), rank.=10)$rotation
  distance = dist(pca)
  distance = distance/max(distance)
  as.matrix(1 - distance)
PFPrzytycki/CellWalkR documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 1:50 p.m.