#### Loci ####
#' \pkg{echolocatoR} output example: BST1 locus
#' An example results file after running
#' \link[echolocatoR]{finemap_loci}.
#' Data originally comes from the Parkinson's disease GWAS
#' by \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}{
#' Nalls et al. (The Lancet Neurology)}.
#' @format data.table
#' \describe{
#' \item{SNP}{SNP RSID}
#' \item{CHR}{Chromosome}
#' \item{POS}{Genomic position (in basepairs)}
#' \item{...}{Optional: extra columns}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' BST1 <- echolocatoR::BST1
#' usethis::use_data(BST1, overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("BST1")
#' \pkg{echolocatoR} output example: LRRK2 locus
#' An example results file after running
#' \link[echolocatoR]{finemap_loci}.
#' Data originally comes from the Parkinson's disease GWAS
#' by \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}{
#' Nalls et al. (The Lancet Neurology)}.
#' @format data.table
#' \describe{
#' \item{SNP}{SNP RSID}
#' \item{CHR}{Chromosome}
#' \item{POS}{Genomic position (in basepairs)}
#' \item{...}{Optional: extra columns}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(echodata)
#' data("Nalls2019_merged")
#' LRRK2 <- subset(Nalls2019_merged, Locus=="LRRK2")
#' LRRK2 <- echodata::assign_lead_snp(LRRK2)
#' usethis::use_data(LRRK2, overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("LRRK2")
#' \pkg{echolocatoR} output example: MEX3C locus
#' An example results file after running
#' \link[echolocatoR]{finemap_loci}.
#' Data originally comes from the Parkinson's disease GWAS
#' by \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}{
#' Nalls et al. (The Lancet Neurology)}.
#' @format data.table
#' \describe{
#' \item{SNP}{SNP RSID}
#' \item{CHR}{Chromosome}
#' \item{POS}{Genomic position (in basepairs)}
#' \item{...}{Optional: extra columns}
#' }
#' @source \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(echodata)
#' data("Nalls2019_merged")
#' MEX3C <- subset(Nalls2019_merged, Locus=="MEX3C")
#' MEX3C <- echodata::assign_lead_snp(MEX3C)
#' usethis::use_data(MEX3C, overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("MEX3C")
#### Top SNPs ####
#' TopSS example file: Nalls2019
#' Summary stats of the top SNP(s) per locus.
#' Used to query locus subsets.for fine-mapping.
#' Formerly \code{topSNPs_Nalls2019}.
#' Data from \href{https://doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(19)30320-5}{
#' Nalls et al. (bioRxiv)}, Table S2.
#' @source \url{https://github.com/RajLabMSSM/Fine_Mapping/raw/master/Data/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019/Nalls2019_TableS2.xlsx}
#' \code{
#' local <- file.path(tempdir(),"Nalls2019_TableS2.xlsx")
#' utils::download.file(
#' paste("https://github.com/RajLabMSSM/Fine_Mapping",
#' "raw/master/Data/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019",
#' "Nalls2019_TableS2.xlsx"),
#' local, sep="/")
#' topSNPs_Nalls2019_raw <- data.table::data.table(readxl::read_excel(local))
#' usethis::use_data(topSNPs_Nalls2019_raw, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("topSNPs_Nalls2019_raw")
#' TopSS example file (processed): Nalls2019
#' Summary stats of the top SNP(s) per locus.
#' Used to query locus subsets.for fine-mapping.
#' Formerly \code{topSNPs}.
#' @source
#' \code{
#' topSS <- echodata::topSNPs_Nalls2019_raw
#' topSNPs_Nalls2019 <- echodata::import_topSNPs(topSS=topSS,
#' CHR="CHR",
#' POS="BP",
#' SNP="SNP",
#' P="P, all studies",
#' Effect="Beta, all studies",
#' Gene="Nearest Gene",
#' Locus="Nearest Gene",
#' remove_variants="rs34637584")
#' usethis::use_data(topSNPs_Nalls2019, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("topSNPs_Nalls2019")
#' TopSS example file (processed): Kunkle2019
#' Summary stats of the top SNP(s) per locus.
#' Used to query locus subsets.for fine-mapping.
#' @source
#' \code{
#' library(dplyr)
#' path <- file.path("/Volumes/bms20/projects/neurogenomics-lab/live",
#' "GWAS_sumstats/OpenGWAS/ieu-b-2.tsv.gz")
#' fullSS <- data.table::fread(path)
#' supp_remote <- file.path(
#' "https://static-content.springer.com/esm",
#' "art%3A10.1038%2Fs41588-019-0358-2",
#' "MediaObjects/41588_2019_358_MOESM3_ESM.xlsx")
#' supp_local <- file.path(tempdir(),basename(supp_remote))
#' utils::download.file(supp_remote, supp_local)
#' topSS <- readxl::read_excel(supp_local,
#' sheet = "Supplementary Table 8",
#' skip = 2) %>%
#' dplyr::rename(SNP="Top Associated SNV")
#' topSS <- merge(topSS,
#' subset(fullSS, SNP %in% topSS$SNP),
#' by="SNP")
#' paths <- googledrive::drive_download(
#' file.path("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d",
#' "1BgLQaRZd9L7JoO8IbpzhUCRFdTdLgJvD/edit#gid=236666677"),
#' overwrite = TRUE)
#' meta <- readxl::read_excel(paths$local_path, sheet = "GWAS")
#' meta <- subset(meta, dataset=="Kunkle_2019")
#' topSNPs <- echodata::import_topSNPs(
#' topSS = topSS,
#' sheet = meta$top_sheet,
#' CHR = meta$top_chrom,
#' POS = meta$top_pos,
#' SNP = meta$top_snp,
#' P = "P",
#' Effect = "BETA",
#' Locus = meta$top_locus)
#' topSNPs_Kunkle2019 <- topSNPs
#' usethis::use_data(topSNPs_Kunkle2019, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("topSNPs_Kunkle2019")
#### LD ####
#' LD with the lead SNP: BST1 locus
#' Precomputed LD within the \emph{BST1} locus
#' (defined in \code{\link[=BST1]{BST1}}.
#' LD derived white British subpopulation in the UK Biobank.
#' Only includes a subset of all the SNPs for storage purposes
#' (including the lead GWAS/QTL SNP).
#' Data originally comes from \href{https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk}{UK Biobank}.
#' LD was pre-computed and stored by the Alkes Price lab
#' (see \href{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-020-00735-5}{here}).
#' @format data.table
#' \describe{
#' \item{SNP}{SNP RSID}
#' \item{CHR}{Chromosome}
#' \item{POS}{Genomic position (in basepairs)}
#' \item{...}{Optional: extra columns}
#' }
#' @source
#' \url{https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk}
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-020-00735-5}
#' @examples
#' \code{
#' data("BST1")
#' # Only including a small subset of the full
#' # LD matrix for storage purposes.
#' lead_snp <- subset(BST1, leadSNP)$SNP
#' snp_list <- BST1[which(BST1$SNP==lead_snp)-
#' seq(100,which(BST1$SNP==lead_snp))+100,]$SNP
#' path <- portal_query(phenotypes = "parkinson",
#' loci = "BST1",
#' dataset_types = "LD",
#' LD_panels = "UKB")
#' # path <- file.path(
#' # "../Fine_Mapping/Data/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019/BST1/plink/UKB_LD.RDS")
#' BST1_LD_matrix <- readRDS(path)
#' BST1_LD_matrix <- BST1_LD_matrix[snp_list, snp_list]
#' ### shortcut
#' # BST1_LD_matrix <- echolocatoR::BST1_LD_matrix
#' usethis::use_data(BST1_LD_matrix, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("BST1_LD_matrix")
#### Paths ####
#' Example results path for \code{Nall2019} BST1 locus
#' @source
#' \code{
#' locus_dir <- "results/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019/BST1"
#' usethis::use_data(locus_dir, overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
#' @format path string
#' @usage data("locus_dir")
#' Example results path for genome-wide results
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genome_wide_dir <- "results/GWAS/Nalls23andMe_2019/_genome_wide"
#' usethis::use_data(genome_wide_dir, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("genome_wide_dir")
#### MungeSumstats ####
#' \code{sumstatsColHeaders} from \pkg{MungeSumstats}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sumstatsColHeaders <- MungeSumstats:::sumstatsColHeaders
#' usethis::use_data(sumstatsColHeaders, overwrite=TRUE)
#' }
#' @usage data("sumstatsColHeaders")
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