Man pages for RajLabMSSM/echodata
echoverse module: Fine-mapping data access and formatting

assign_lead_SNPAssign lead SNP
auto_topSNPs_subAutomatically identify top SNP per locus
biomart_geneInfoGet gene info using Biomart
BST1'echolocatoR' output example: BST1 locus
BST1_LD_matrixLD with the lead SNP: BST1 locus
calculate_tstatImpute t-stat
column_dictionaryMap column names to positions.
construct_colmapTarget column map
coords_to_rsidsGet RSIDS from SNP coordinates
createDTInteractive DT
detect_genesDetect QTL genes in full summary stats file
dt_to_grangesConvert data.table to GRanges object
example_fullSSStore 'fullSS_dat'
extract_lociExtract loci from GWAS/QTL summary statistics
fillNA_CS_PPFill NAs in PP and CS columns
filter_snpsFilter SNPs
find_consensus_snpsFind Consensus SNPs
find_consensus_snps_no_polyfunFind Consensus SNPs: without PolyFun
find_top_consensusFind the top Consensus SNP
fix_coltypesAutomatically fix column types
gene_locus_listGenerate a named list of (e)Gene-Locus pairs
gene_trimmerRemove all SNPs outside of of a given gene.
genome_wide_dirExample results path for genome-wide results
get_CS_binsGet Credible Set bins
get_CS_countsGet Credible Set SNP counts
get_dataGet data
get_headerGet file header
get_Kunkle2019Example GWAS summary statistics: Kunkle2019
get_Kunkle2019_colocGet colocalization results with Kunkle2019 GWAS
get_Nalls2019Example GWAS summary statistics: Nalls2019
get_Nalls2019_colocGet colocalization results with Nalls2019 GWAS
get_Nalls2019_loci'echolocatoR' output example: select loci
get_Nalls2019_merged'echolocatoR' output example: all loci
get_nrowsGet nrows
get_osGet OS
get_sample_sizeGet sample size
get_SNPgroup_countsGet SNP group counts
granges_to_bedConvert from GRanges to BED format
import_topSNPsImport top GWAS/QTL summary statistics
is_emptyCheck if a file is empty
is_ggbioIs an object of class ggbio
is_ggplotIs an object of class ggplot
is_grangesIs an object of class GRanges
is_localIs local
is_urlCheck if the input is url e.g. http:// or ftp://
limit_snpsLimit the number of SNPs per locus.
locus_dirExample results path for 'Nall2019' BST1 locus
LRRK2'echolocatoR' output example: LRRK2 locus
melt_finemapping_resultsMelt fine-mapping results
merge_finemapping_resultsMerge fine-mapping results from all loci
merge_finemapping_results_eachCreate full cross-locus merged files for each dataset, then...
merge_robustMerge robust
message_parallelSend messages to console even from within parallel processes
MEX3C'echolocatoR' output example: MEX3C locus
mungesumstats_check_synCheck colname synonyms
mungesumstats_to_echolocatoRConvert from 'MungeSumstats' to 'echolocatoR' format
order_lociOrder loci
portal_metadataImport metadata
portal_querySearch and download fine-mapping files
previewPreview formatted sum stats saved to disk
read_parquetRead parquet file
reassign_lead_snpsReassign lead SNPs
results_reportResults report
set_permissionsSet permissions
snp_group_colorDictAssign colors to each SNP group
snp_group_filtersGet SNP group filters
standardizeStandardize the locus subset
standardize_geneStandardize genes
standardize_gene_locus_colsStandardizse gene/locus columns
standardize_mafStandardize MAF
sumstatsColHeaders'sumstatsColHeaders' from 'MungeSumstats'
topSNPs_Kunkle2019TopSS example file (processed): Kunkle2019
topSNPs_Nalls2019TopSS example file (processed): Nalls2019
topSNPs_Nalls2019_rawTopSS example file: Nalls2019
topSNPs_readerRead in top SNPs
unlist_dtUnlist a data.table
update_colsUpdate CS cols
write_parquetWrite parquet file
RajLabMSSM/echodata documentation built on Nov. 21, 2023, 8 a.m.